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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 1, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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the belgorod region is constantly under attack from ukraine, enemy drones are shot down every day, unfortunately, civilians are dying , but it’s difficult for belgorod residents. on wednesday, at a meeting with the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glatkov, speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko thanked all residents of the region for their courage and heroism. the whole country is with you, we not only empathize, but are also ready to provide any support, assistance, and we, as the chamber of regions, this manifested itself in the implementation of your idea, to transfer children to this is a difficult time in other regions, and you see how...
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to restore other than human life. about how the situation is now in the belgorod region, alexander revunov. vampires fly to belgorod at night, they are launched by upiri from the armed forces of ukraine, into residential buildings, schools and clinics. in this residential area there are several arrivals in one week. and then the whole yard is like this. and on the facade, there is no glass until the fifth floor, in my opinion, for everyone. here in the area 300 m. everything is around our house, it has already been everywhere, we are the last, it turns out, charred skeletons cars point to the place where fragments of a downed ukrainian missile fell, the perimeter is cordoned off , usually the enemy rszz fires a volley of 15-20 charges, they shoot wherever they reach, from a strong roar, the house just shook, the first strikes at the beginning were not as strong as we thought , as always, and then there was a strong roar, after a while we, of course, realized that the arrival was there, because there was a point house
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that seemed to rise and fall. almost 5.00 residential premises were damaged from these ukrainian shellings in the belgorod region, most of them in the last 3 months. the number of partially or completely destroyed cars is impossible to record, the data changes every day, it comes from vampires and civilian infrastructure. one of the ukrainian missiles detonated in the courtyard of a secondary school, apparently, it was a cluster munition, and... fragments broke through the windows, entered the classrooms, now the teachers themselves have already begun to restore order here, and saved us from flying fragments and more serious destruction. armored film, in the belgorod region, it is glued to the windows of all educational institutions, repair teams begin work an hour after the air raid warning clears, they act promptly, experience shows. the regional center is divided into districts, each sector is assigned to a contractor . there is a standard: 7 days to
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restore the thermal circuit. now, of course, it’s hard for builders; work is often stopped by the danger of a missile attack. it’s scary, to be honest, it’s scary, well , we try to react immediately if something happens, run into entrances, basements, into shelters, we try to be careful. creation vs. destruction, there are houses being restored for the third and fourth time, they are still in the line of fire. during the day they are already hitting this panel with drones throughout the city.
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they stood there and there was everything, nothing , then my husband went, there was no gas, no light, nothing, the windows were broken, everything, everything, then i, most of the population left the city district, people were placed in temporary temporary detention centers, there are those who decided wait out a dangerous time with relatives or friends, we are left empty at home, animals are always running along the street, it is very scary, every day you fall asleep and wake up with tears, to return home, baby... to support people who temporarily left their homes in border villages and hamlets, food parcel distribution points were opened in the regional center. these bags contain canned food, cereals, pasta, household chemicals, and hygiene items; they are collected by volunteers, including foreign
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students. ravda abdullah is from egypt, a future doctor, and she considers belgorod her second homeland. a doctor must first of all become a human being, if i didn’t just feel like people here in these. treat, but for me it's it was to egypt, of course, i’m not going anywhere anymore normally, it’s like my homeland, if i leave, yeah, but i just see that it’s my duty. belgrod found itself on the front line, but of course, not alone with the enemy; the regional leadership receives resources for restoring destroyed infrastructure, compensation for destroyed property, and assistance to local businesses, including from the federal center. our task is to ensure safety, yes, there is a lot of damage, many residential buildings, broken roofs, broken windows, some houses are completely destroyed, but we always, after the end of the enemy’s activity, when our armed forces
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are moved away from our settlements, when we can return to our villages. city, we will quickly begin restoration. the most important thing now is to do the maximum to preserve people’s lives and health. and the first thing that was done was to send children from the border areas and the regional center to children's holiday camps. 3.00 schoolchildren travel all over russia on trains and buses. for now for 3 weeks, but if the situation does not improve, then until the end of the school year. in belgrade itself is constantly improving its warning system about the approach of ukrainian missiles and drones. controllers are being installed in the entrances of residential buildings; when there are alarms, they open the doors and you can hide inside; concrete shelters are being installed throughout the city. now this is one of the symbols of the architecture of modern belgorod, such mobile concrete shelters have appeared near
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public transport stops, shopping centers, schools, clinics, there are more and more of them, and this is very good, these are traces from fragments of detonated ammunition, people managed to take refuge inside. the recording from... surveillance cameras shows how all this happens, after hearing the alarm, drivers of regular buses slow down nearby, passengers run into the shelter, people stop their cars and rush under the protection of concrete modules, these structures really save lives, and then, how as soon as the air defense works, belgorod residents rush on about their business while emergency services rush to the places of arrival, so here they live in a dangerous neighborhood with ukraine, the nerves people, of course, are at their limit, but they don’t give up, they encourage each other and help each other.
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speaker of the lower house vyacheslav bolodin noted that there is now a huge consolidation in russian society, it is precisely this that terrorists, terrorists and those who stand behind them wanted to strike, and this is the bloody regime of ukraine, washington, brussels, they hope that through such terrorist attacks they will be able to split our society and sow discord. enmity on an interethnic basis, including. we need to do everything so that you and i become even stronger. loud corruption scandal: the fsb detained members of an organized crime group involved in the theft of natural gas in the stavropol region and the raider
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takeover of a mineral water production enterprise. among the detainees is igor khranovsky, director of the department of socio-economic development of the north caucasus federal. highly qualified specialists paint the floor instead of servicing complex robotic equipment. this is our job, at least somehow we need to feed the family with something. so, for 2 months now, employees of the company that bottles healing novoterskaya water have been working on work only twice a week, they don’t count on the same salary, many quit, they have nothing to pay off loans. on this conveyor, a one and a half liter format is bottled, first bottles are made from a mold, and then mineral water is carbonated, then it is poured into containers, and a little further on they stick a label,
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so this is a complex scheme capable of producing almost 200,000 bottles per day, but how you see, now everything is standing here, the problem began after some influential people had their eyes on the enterprise and tried to capture it, after many foreign brands have left the russian market, water is a particularly promising and profitable business. investigators say business is the initiator. academician of the russian academy of sciences vladimir kaishev. local media have repeatedly reported that kaishev tried in every way to interfere with the work of the plant, even blocking the road. to do this, he allegedly bought a plot of land, registered his wife, installed a security barrier, saying that trucks with water were breaking up the access roads; local residents, as expected, did not appreciate this. is beshtaogorskaya street and is not subject to privatization. you came here alone and said, i am the boss here. now not only the plant itself is suffering losses, but also... the regional treasury, only the budget lost, at least 50 million in direct taxes in the region in 2 months,
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together with vladimir kaishev, evgeniy kudelya, a former adviser , felt himself the owner of this land head of karachava of circassia, director of the mineral water 2 sanatorium . this week, details of the high-profile detention of accomplices became known, who, according to the investigation, may be involved in the raider takeover. department director socio-economic development of the north caucasus. of the federal district ministry of development, igor khranovsky was handcuffed by fsb officers at his workplace in the moscow city office; as reported by the ministry of internal affairs, he was in a quarrel with the entrepreneurs and contributed to the termination of the license of the plant in mineral waters. the attackers have repeatedly demanded that a 50% stake in this enterprise worth 70 million rubles be transferred to them. under threat of violence against the deputy director of the company. in residence vladimir. more like a palace, searches have been carried out, inside there is a kingdom of militant
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kitsch vulgarity, everything is mixed up, gilded stucco molding, pseudo-antiques, a formal dining room for hundreds of guests, a two-story living room with a panoramic view, in the safe there are thick wads of money in different currencies, and a fleet of bentley-shaped cars premium foreign cars, where would we be without them ? many people know vladimir kayashev as an enterprising manager, this is how he positioned himself on his own website, he says that he went from the son of a tractor driver to a scientist, first worked in the soviet three restaurants, then headed the fruit and vegetable base, in 1994 he became the general director of the distillery plant in mineral waters, and also headed the government of krachai-cherkessia, but apparently he did not have enough power and money. kaishev wanted recognition of his merits not only among businessmen; he recently became an academician in the twenty-second year after being awarded an honorary title, he was greeted at the airport with applause and a loaf of bread. here is just one of the publications about a joyful event in the life of vladimir kayashev.
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the title is not modest. local journalists call the businessman their own plato. they say a comparison with the ancient greek philosopher, then the businessman liked it. kaishev retired as a very wealthy man, he has his own agricultural holding, a dairy plant and even a hippodrome, but the most interesting asset is the mineral water sanatorium 2, which is located next to the same enterprise. where mineral water is bottled, we decided to ask why he still needed a mineral water bottling plant, i know exactly who vladimir kaishev is, so here in this hotel in esintuki, its co-owner and director, suddenly the defendant’s namesake, tamara, presumably his wife, we tried to talk to her, where is your hostess, how long has it been since she was seen here on the spot, we are not giving a comment, all three defendants in the criminal case, an official of the ministry of economic development and... khranovsky, businessman and academician raan vladimir kayashev and the director of the sanatorium evgeniy kudel, the court sent to pre-trial detention for
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2 months. i will defend my case; judging by the scope of their activities, they may new episodes will appear. votshe kiev dmitry smirnov, evgeniy radaev, news of the week, stavropol territory. an interesting fact to think about. after the americans left afghanistan 2.5 years ago and the taliban came to power from afghanistan. the islamic state terrorist group banned in russia also fled. the head of the taliban political office in qatar stated this in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku sitikholi. kayle shaheen. at the moment, we have destroyed isis in afghanistan. previously, during the occupation, they were present in the eastern and northern parts of afghanistan. but now, after independence, we have destroyed them in these areas. they are no longer there. there are no training centers, no recruitment centers, no fundraising centers in afghanistan. they are hiding and have moved their centers outside of afghanistan. it turns out that the united states
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covered, nurtured and used terrorists in afghanistan for many years. when it was needed in syria, iraq, afghanistan, and wherever the americans needed it in order to wreak havoc. our correspondent, sergei zenin, is now in afghanistan and is preparing a series of reports about life in the country under the taliban government. his new character right now. the right bank of the kabul river, clean pavement, neat shopping arcades, but the prices are steep, that’s why people come here.
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kabul and the poor, look on the left, how beautiful it is, they dressed here and bought food. those who had good income on the right, those who had practically no money, since then the right side has become worse and worse, and now it is called the dirty market. at the entrance there is a man in rags, the feeling that he is all life under this fence is begging for alms , trying to sell some old stuff. well, what
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did i think? you would think the same thing, the man sells electric razors, nothing like that, guys. this cape, i sit here and they will give me a luxurious hairstyle, this is a hairdresser, a stylist, abdullah says that there is little work now, for his open-air barber the weather is decisive, he used to be a master in a women's hairdresser, but all salons are for kabul's handsome village was closed, and abdul ended up on the street, there are many such destinies here, "i was born here 50 years, now some are in power, now others, constantly beating each other, there is always a civil war, but now there is no war, but there is no work, and there is no bread. we start our trip to the market from a restaurant, this is the best way to establish contact with the locals, i work, they will give me something extra, they will give me
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something else, it’s quite cold outside now, it’s snowing and...” i already asked for more, a very tasty dish , i can’t deny myself this pleasure, oh, the smell is amazing, they cook a very tasty afghan dish here, it’s called chuinaki, it’s fat tail, lamb, tomatoes, onions and garlic, everything is boiling on a huge stove, right in mugs and also
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... weekdays, not friday, today is a day off, there are so many people here that it is simply impossible to walk through the market, today it is half empty. now it is completely empty, you hear, the call to friday prayer sounds , this is sacred, trade stops, you need
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to devote time to your soul, and these are mandatory conditions, try, don’t close , the talip convoy will come, next time they will close the store and you will be in prison, ahmad was born in these slums and lives, about better times he... didn’t hear, he doesn’t have a store , you can’t immediately understand what this man warming himself by the fire does for a living, traders periodically approach him, stand for a minute or two and leave, but he still sits and waits for them to approach the next ones pay tribute, of course, i don’t really care who is in power, the main thing for me is that there is work in the market, in general, when you walk through this market, you will be offered not only to warm your hands, literally
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everyone except these are representatives of the sharia court, the personification of power on the street, both judges and law, they must instill fear, and they do it well, look how the crowd parts. there is no square in front of the mosque, only this little spot where you can leave your shoes. before our eyes, several hundred people entered the small hall; there was no crowd. we are still most afraid of explosions. previously, very often there were terrorist attacks every week. i even closed my shop and didn’t go to work for several months. now there are fewer explosions and things have become calmer. our guide to afghanistan, oleg ivanovich gontsov. he fought for 7 years as part of the legendary...
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can you sharpen it for me? class, perfect sharpening, wow, wow, i can shave, 9 dollars for such a chic thing, 9 dollars is 900 rubles. well, you understand, yes, what kind of steel is there? it weighs one and a half kilograms, 900 rubles. i'll take it, i'll take this wonderful
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knife and i'll take your beautiful tachilo, provided that you tell me what your name is? muhammad zaki, sergei zenin, the main street of the dirty market, the bird market, everything from parrots to chickens.' warned that we would need to go high into the mountains, to kishlag, said that in another place we we won’t see such birds, especially here at the market, specifically... this street,
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only birds are sold here, and i don’t really understand this, but i see that there are absolutely timeless specimens, it’s clear who will buy them, only their own, so they don’t end up on the foreign market, but in general you can buy absolutely everything here, at the same time you can sharpen knives perfectly and even weapons, but no one will show you this, everything is between their own. we are happy to leave the dirty market, nothing happened, but a strange feeling of danger constantly followed while we were here were there, and the huge half-empty square seemed like a saving island to all of us, well, look how far i’ll walk now, well, probably now 10 meters, 15, 20, and so on for another 500 meters ahead, all these are
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exchange offices. you can buy absolutely any currency, yens, rubles, dollars, francs, swiss francs, whatever, this has always been the case for decades, in this sense nothing changes, the ruble exchange rate, by the way, is very good, it is more profitable to exchange here than in moscow , russian, very beautiful, friendly socialist. republics, good, where did you learn russian, in afghanistan or , here, here, abul wafer learned russian while he served in the army of the democratic republic of afghanistan during the reign of president najabula, rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, now retired, works as a money changer, currency dealer.
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a barrier where most likely there would have been a not very cordial meeting, and there were probably never any pigeons there. in kabul we met another person. the owner of this dovecote lived in europe for a long time and returned to afghanistan, including for the sake of its pigeons. i don’t understand this professionally, but i understand why.
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