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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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[000:01:11;00] everyone must stay at home, you can’t go to church, you can’t hold religious services, even , like in our country on the beach, you can’t even hold services outdoors, but if you’re going to hold a black li march, this of course is more important than any identified health and safety issues, so it is possible, politically motivated decisions. which were taken in the midst of what they called the greatest epidemic of our time, i think demonstrated quite clearly to many people that it was really all about power, and also how little they cared things like freedom, civil rights and people's ability to decide for themselves, and then it continued to escalate more and more with the biden and
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harris administrations in the way they undermined. in ukraine there are biological laboratories funded by the us department of defense. and we need to make sure that there is no danger, because there is a war going on there. and the last thing we or the world needs is for what is being researched to leak out, putting people's lives at risk. you've been called in many
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news stories as a potential. not so bad, the stock market is rising, and after all, everything is not as bad as many people say, and then the next conversation was with people who do not belong to this rich class, they talked about how a loaf of bread today is three times more expensive than six months ago or a year ago. the most important things: electricity, food, medicine, everything that people need just to live and stay healthy has become... much more expensive, but wages have not increased so much, a dollar can buy, not nearly enough to cope with with such inflation. i 'm talking about this because it's still there remains this gap between the elites in washington, the reality in which they live, and the conditions in which the rest of the country lives, and president trump understands this. i would really like to be able
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to help. to save our country, to take us away from this path to world war iii to nuclear war, to which the elite... president biden's democratic policies are leading us now. tolsi gabbat, i don’t know what the future holds for you, what the future holds for all of us, but i hope you continue to talk about it. thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasure to meet you. bad vessels. angeonorm helps improve microcirculation and reduce risk. keep your blood vessels normal. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that
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a country that is difficult to understand. hello! the most unusual us presidential election campaign for donald trump is moving from the polling stations to the courts, and so far he's having some luck there. in the supreme court. on january 6, according to which trump could face up to 20 years in prison, but in new york the scythe turned to stone, on april 15 the first criminal trial in american history against the former head starts here. white house, what really happened in new york? the fact is that donald trump is a longtime fighter, a longtime litigator, and suing for him is a kind of sport in which he has long been an
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international master. trump, the son of his father, his father was one of the largest nyuk developers, in fact, trump’s entire biography, trump’s business biography also consisted of numerous courts. trump’s main strategy, which... has always led to his success and has never, in general , failed him, was the strategy of delaying and postponing court hearings, here, according to the principle
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, either the shah will die or in... the white house, will begin on april 15. trump is extremely in relation to the person who held the post , he is upset, extremely dissatisfied, he calls it interference in the elections, an attempt... to remove him from the race, but judge juan merchin was inexorable. what prevents biden and his accomplices from winning is the border crisis, inflation, energy prices, afghanistan, the conflict in ukraine, and the attack on israel. therefore, all that remains for them is to interfere in the elections with the help of trials, corrupt judges, shackle their opponents with litigation and extract as much money from them as possible. these harsh statements addressed to the judge mercina. donald trump did not address the democrats and joe biden personally and his entourage
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in a random place; in order to hold this mini-press conference, he went to the building at 40 wall street. the 40 wall street building is located opposite the office of district attorney letitia james. letitia james has recently become perhaps trump's main enemy, trump's personal enemy, a liberal prosecutor who, before... from trump to pay the fine awarded to him in the loan fraud case, speech we are talking about a gigantic astronomical sum of 454 million dollars, this building wallstreet 40, the same letitia james, mentioned that it might be expropriated or somehow seized if trump is unable to pay off this fine . the court found that trump spent years using tricks to
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illegally inflate his assets and unfairly enrich himself, his family and his company. the judgment for a fine of $464 million, plus interest , remains against donald trump and other defendants. in force. trump does not agree with the court's decision in the fraud case, he wants there to be an appeal, but in order for the appeal process to move forward. his company, he himself must pay this amount of $454 million as collateral, donald trump did not have that kind of money, his lawyers turned to 30 insurance companies for collateral, they were refused everywhere, the deadline was just monday, that is, monday became a decisive day for trump in two trials at once in the case of storm and daniels on the payment of this money, here in in the second trial, trump was much more fortunate. the appeals chamber met him
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halfway and reduced the amount to $175 million . trump now has 10 days to pay this amount. the liberal media were looking forward to this day, they hoped that trump would not collect this money, throughout the last week the broadcast, cnn, msnbc, cbs, were constantly interrupted by comments in the spirit of “the king is naked, trump has no money.” many trump voters believed in his enormous wealth, they believed that he would not be bribed, because he already had a lot of money, donald trump lied. the idea that trump was a billionaire was a big lie, but it helped him become president, it turns out he is not as rich as he claimed. letitia james has already even outlined some of the points from which she will begin, in general, to undress trump, or something, yes, financially. the first such object that could be taken away from him was this. the seven springs country estate is located in a picturesque
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location in wechester county; the second is trump's golf club, also located in new york state, which is where letitia james would begin, analyzing the trump empire, real estate into its component parts, but the liberals were of course interested in other objects, especially such famous ones, in new york there are many that are connected with the name of trump, let’s even look at this photograph, here too. young trump with his father, they are on top of a building, which is located in an area where many of our former compatriots live on brighton beach, but fred trump, father... trump built, of course, not only there, and his son built not only there , the most famous building built by trump is became the trump tower, the famous black high-rise at the corner of fifth avenue and fifty- seventh street, in probably the most expensive place in manhattan. trumptau is a symbol
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of trump's political power, at one time going down the famous golden escalator, everything inside is, of course, decorated. in such a kitschy style, characteristic of trump in general, flashy wealth, here is the golden escalator, along which in 2015 trump and his wife milania trump rode down on the day when trump went on this escalator to politics, there he announced that he was running for president of the united states, i remember this day very well, it then caused, well, laughter, trump was considered an outsider, but gradually trump himself and trump tower. turned into such a place of power, where trump made his first statements, met with supporters, in these footage , for example, he signs a book of his own composition, “crippled america,” at one time there was such a programmatic text, a kind of trump election campaign on this book was built, and there in 2015
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we recorded our first very short but important interview with him, where he talks about the prospects for relations - with russia, so let's listen to what you have to say about the future of russian-american relations? i think that our relationship with russia will be very good, maybe not, but i believe in it, and i believe that we will have a good relationship with vladimir putin. after his defeat in 2020, in 2021, after biden’s inauguration, did trump become a stranger among his own or a friend among strangers in new york? had to leave the big apple and even check out of trumptower, he is now an official resident of the state of florida, and he lives in the maralaga estate. trump offered $28 million for the estate, but he was turned down, and then real estate fell in price and he managed to buy the castle in 1985 for just
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$5 million. he bought all the antiques and furniture for another 3 million. today the estate is valued at an incredible 350 million dollars. lags are now considered his most valuable asset, they were literally weighed on scales to calculate whether trump even had enough money to implement all this, not the total amount was 454 million dollars, it did not add up even with the sale of maralag and the sale of trump tower, and this caused additional jubilation that trump had really made peace. donald trump and his cronies must sell everything. so they only need to sell 557 tickets to repay the debt to new york, let them out. but in fact, as it turned out, donald trump is doing quite well; this week bloomberg calculated his assets and it turned out that trump now
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has a net worth of $6.4 billion. which allowed him to get into the bloomberg 500 list of the richest people, the beginning of the week brought even more joyful events for donald trump, the ipo of his company, which owns the social network true social, was carried out. for trump, this is the main platform for expressing political opinion, and for trumpists too, and on the very first day the shares showed a colossal increase of 50%. it’s funny that the index under which these shares are traded is... that is, trump, with his characteristic vanity, encrypted his name in the index of these shares, well, in general trump’s financial condition is much better than his opponents estimated, so
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trump will definitely be able to raise $175 million. another case, very important, very serious for trump, is being considered in the state of georgia. what is it talking about on january 2, 2021, after the elections took place, after trump officially lost them, but before the results were confirmed, and this happened, as we know, on january 6, which actually provoked speaking of storming the capitol, so on january 2, trump personally called the secretary of state of georgia, the secretary of state at the state level is the person who deals with the election process, essentially as the head. our election commission demanded, as democrats claim, to take from the ceiling the missing 11,708 votes needed for trump to win in... the wavering georgie over biden. the liberal prosecutors there, represented by the main ringleader
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fanny willis, launched a criminal trial. this is a very serious charge and could result in up to 20 years in prison. but fanny willis herself turned out to be not a person of crystal honesty. yes, we are not talking about any crimes or corruption schemes, we are talking about simple adultery, right during this process she began to have an affair with a special prosecutor on... the criminal trial in this case should begin in august, but knowing how strong
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trump's lawyers are, one should not be surprised what they will do all attempts are being made to postpone the start of the consideration of this case, even to dates that may already be after the presidential elections, which trump has every chance of winning, including in this state of georgia, where he is now biden until... march, but the supreme court intervened in the case. trump asked the supreme court to determine, in general, as president of the united states, how constrained he was in his decisions, how limited he was. does he have full immunity , protection from charges until the supreme court decides on this, and the supreme court
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can also drag out this issue for a long time, especially since who wants to become the one who determines the outcome of the presidential race in the election year, so there the date has been set for april 22, 2024 , but this is only the beginning of consideration of this question, and this too may all move the deadline to... november 2024, maybe to 2025, although there, of course, there are very serious charges of incitement of insurrection, and there are articles under which donald trump could face up to 20 years in prison. well, another important case remains the case of secret documents, what are we talking about there? after trump left the white house, he took with him to maralaga many, many packs of secret documents from which he did not. was declassified, trump claims that he could do this as a former president the united states, but after that there was a search
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by the fbi, some of these documents were still stored in his golf club in badminster, in new jersey, there are 30 charges there, but the situation there is interesting, the interesting thing is this: firstly, this is florida, florida is a state where trump is incredibly popular, this is his home state, how popular trump is can be judged even because now... his name is already written even on car license plates, this will, of course, influence the composition of the jury because this case is being tried with a jury, but the jury is selected from among local residents, and local residents obviously sympathize with trump, they consider him one of their own, everyone from a simple orange picker to governor ron desantis, this case should begin in may 2024, but again trump's lawyers... are making efforts to in order to achieve a shift, as they say now, to the right, well, ideally, they want
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to make sure that this case also hangs up or falls apart. how do all these things affect the electoral situation in america? paradoxical: on the one hand, trump’s popularity increases among his nuclear electorate, that is, the more trump is attacked by liberals, the more ... various prosecutors close to the democratic party put pressure on him, the greater his popularity among republican voters, but the president of the united states is not elected by republicans alone and not only democrats, the president in the usa is chosen by swing voters in the so-called swing or key states, here a very interesting picture has been observed in the last couple of weeks, in particular sociologists have paid attention to this,
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which carried out... key swing states, particularly in two of them. in wisconsin, biden is ahead of trump by one point in march, although he was behind by four in february. in pennsylvania, the candidates were even, although trump held a six-point lead last month. it cannot be ruled out, of course, that this is a direct consequence of these judicial traps, judicial traps. it can be said that in this sense the strategy of the democrats, if it was not only to provide. one hundred percent victory, but rather make trump lose, in this sense this strategy works, this was america, all the best to you,
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meet the popular ones. that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to it, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope,
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there is always hope. look before everyone else, four children, ex- husband, at work, endless stress,
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vosnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, huh? large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at... the main exhibition site of the country. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in
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an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. go to the russia forum exhibition. despite the proximity to the front, residents of the frontier in the lugansk republic are returning
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to peaceful life. builders from different regions are working on the restoration of the city.


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