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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 30, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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representatives of about 130 diplomatic missions of international organizations took part today in the event in memory of the victims.
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kingdoms, which over the past 2 years, in the person of their leaders, have not said a kind word to our people, nevertheless , representatives, for example, of the usa, great britain, france and germany, in a word, of the western world, were also present here today and took part in the ceremony laying flowers, minutes of silence, many diplomatic missions arrived here in quite a wide composition, some diplomats were even with members of their families and talked about how important it is for them to show that they share the pain of the russian... people, these days i see with my own eyes that all russians are showing cohesion, unity in the fight against terrorism and i believe that such a strategy is not only for russia , such a strategy for our entire planet, for ambassadors and for diplomats, of course, this was important for us as bolivia, because we believe that this is a terrible tragedy, it should not...
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cityhall, which took many lives of civilians. the perfect crime strikes with its cynicism and cruelty. i express to you sincere condolences and my heart grieves with you. i'm deeply worried about all of you. i urge you not to lose faith, to maintain courage and fortitude and to fervently pray to the lord, who is always near the suffering and mourning. dear god. may he give peace to the souls of the dead, grant healing to the wounded, and comfort all those affected by this terrible tragedy. people come from all over the capital region and other cities and regions of the country, bringing flowers, toys here, people say that it is difficult for them to find words, but they want to express that the grief they experience during these 9 days. we are in great pain, we are grieving, we need to.
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there are tears on his face - this does not mean that he is not in pain, and what he is going through is unlikely to ever be understood by anyone, including you and me, the people's memorial continues to grow , the whole country mourns the victims of the terrorist attack . daria,
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elizaveta, thank you, elizaveta khramtsova spoke about the commemorative events at crocus cityhall, where a terrorist attack took place a little over a week ago. let's test your memory, remember in detail what you did 3 days ago, if the question seems severe, with memory problems
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in the altai territory, a state of emergency was introduced due to the flood. in several areas, garden plots, private houses and roads were flooded. rescuers are working and temporary accommodation centers are open. and now our correspondent, ekaterina kisser, joins the broadcast from the region. she is in touch with the studio by phone. ekaterina, greetings, tell us more about the consequences of flooding. do you have now information about how many people were evacuated from the affected areas? hello, daria, yes, last night more than 80 people were evacuated from flooded houses in the mikhailovsky district, temporary accommodation centers were set up in two schools and a dormitory of the local polytechnic college. first of all, they tried to remove pensioners from families with small children. employees of the district administration, law enforcement agencies, the ministry of emergency situations, social services, and a large amount of equipment were involved in the evacuation of people. for now
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in the region, more than 600 household plots and 87 houses in nine settlements were drowned by melt water; eight sections of roads were blocked as a result of melt water overflow. today a decision was made to introduce a state of emergency in the region. work to stabilize the situation is ongoing. in the mikhailovsky district, where the situation is the most serious, the main operational groups are working.
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yes, ekaterina, thank you, our correspondent, ekaterina kisser, was in direct communication from the altai territory, she talked about consequences of the flood. in the second half of the hour on our air is the program america with valentin bogdanov, right now our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. watch right after the short commercial. with modern technology, confidence in sustainable operation. flexible for use in any industry. reliability and efficiency. new quality for your success. electric drives tomzel.
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try to remember 2013. it wasn't that long ago. airplanes, electricity and air conditioning already existed - this is part of modernity. in 2013. tolsi gabbat, who was just over 30, elected from the state of hawaii. she became a democratic member of congress, she was not just a democrat, she was the most famous newcomer in congress that year, and the party trusted her. the democratic party appointed her vice chairman of its national committee. in the first term in the same year. she was on magazine covers. she personified the future of the democratic party in 2013. fast forward 11 years. in early 2024, still the same man, now headlining
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the sipg conservative committee conference political actions, she not only spoke, but also became, perhaps, the most popular speaker there. this year, 11 years later, here is part of her speech. our democracy is under attack. behind the attack on it are those who are destroying it in the name of saving our democracy. i don't say these words lightly, each of us who love our country and cherish peace and freedom should be very alarmed by those driven and insatiable by the lust for power who are actively undermining everything we stand for almost every single day if you pay attention to the headings news, they are under more and more attacks, now the democratic elite and swamp creatures in washington. are doing everything they can to deny us, the american people, a very
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simple thing: the freedom to choose who we want as the next president, and it is clear from their actions that they do not respect us and do not respect our basic rights as citizens of this democratic republic, they are so afraid of what we the people can do. wow, it's not hard to see why she was the most popular sipg speaker this year, but again, 11 years from the vice-chair of the national committee to the headliner at cyipk, some are perplexed, wait a minute, this is terribly fast, something is wrong here, she must be secretly a leftist or a cia agent, well , we don’t know for sure, but if that were so, she
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would probably have gotten something out of it, she would have been very rich, but no, gabart is probably the least rich famous person. what stood out to me is tolsi is one of the most unwavering, honorable men i 've ever met, says joe rogan, and i can attest to that, it's true, me too i think, but i also understand when people ask what’s the matter, but tolsi gabart is from hawaii, probably the most democratic and liberal state, you can argue here, but
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subjectively he is at the top of the list, if not the most, of course, and now this is, what happened, do you know? a lot has happened in those 11 years while you were talking, i kept thinking, god, has it really only been, it's only been 10-11 years, but i think it shows how crazy the democratic party has become today, yes, really crazy, and unfortunate, unfortunate, that this party has gone so far from its origins, from a party that glorified freedom , a party that fought for civil liberties, and has come to the point that now... the administration and the elite of the democrats in washington are deliberately politicizing and turning into weapons and tools of our own government and their cronies in the tech giants and social media, as well as in the mainstream media, to take away our freedoms, take away our right to free
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speech, take away our privacy and civil liberties, they have become a war party.
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but shortly after winning the primary , nancy pelosi called me and said, “hey, do you want to speak on prime time at the upcoming democratic national convention?” that's who i am, right? how old were you then? 31 year. you must have been worried? and i said that i would like to talk about veterans. i served in the hawaii national guard at the time and i am
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still in the us army reserve. i thought, hey, this is an opportunity to talk to millions of people across the country. i don't know anything about this, what do you really want from me, what are you asking me for? in i ultimately told them yes because it was an opportunity to promote positive change, but then in the summer of 2013, my first year in congress, as you know,
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one of the main reasons i ran for congress was the experience i had while serving in the middle east, where i learned first-hand the cost of war in a medical unit, i wanted to be in a position where i could influence... it would come to me so soon, but it was in august 2013 that the president, being president, obama announced that he was going to obtain congressional authorization to use military force to begin dropping bombs on syria, which ultimately served as the beginning of the wars for... regime change there, and at that time i was a member of the foreign relations committee, august, most members of congress at home on parliamentary recess, i was at home in my
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constituency and i remember like it was yesterday, i arrived at a petrol station and a woman came up to me and i had never met her, she was a local lady, she grabbed my hand and looked at me with such tension in her eyes, she said that her son had just returned home from iraq, before that she was afraid that he would not return, finally he was home with her, but now the authorities wanted, wanted to send him back to a new war in a new country, she begged me, please, please, don’t let them take my son from me. the next couple of days i met more and more of these people in the supermarket, and just walking around the city, they were terrified, i returned to
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washington, we had committee meetings, open hearings, classified briefings, and i went to them with an open mind: give me all the information, i want to make sure i do my due diligence before i take a position... make a decision on this issue. and finally, secretary of state carrie came to us and did a briefing, answering very simple questions that i had, for example, what is our goal? what goal do you set when you want to start a new war in yet another country? what do you think their reaction will be? and what will you do then, what will the effects be? second, third, fourth order, they are mandatory. will be asked, in response to my question, what is your goal, i think secretary of state carrie or someone from the state department said, “well, we
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don’t want to decapitate them, but we don’t want to just inject them.” we want this to be a punch in the gut for them and send a message. and then i said, "okay, punch in the gut, what will you do when they respond? they, they said, "well, we don't think." we don't think there will be a response, and that's your plan, don't you think, what would be the answer if someone came up and hit you in the stomach, you would n't react if they didn't respond, they have pretty well armed strong friends, you think they won't respond, what if they don't respond to us, but in retaliation they attack our allies in this region, these and other questions were asked, which we simply don’t think about. that they will do this, and what will happen next? you know, we think that this will send a strong signal, and that kind of political chatter that never
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means anything and is so divorced from reality people on the ground who have to live with the consequences of these decisions, and it really surprised me, maybe i shouldn't have been surprised, but it surprised me, after so many years, seeing a huge mistake. expressed themselves in the spirit: how dare you, how dare you go against your president, how dare you go against the president who grew up
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in yours? in my home state, not for a second in the conversation, not that it was a conversation at all, but they were not at all interested in the reason for my disagreement, which i quite clearly expressed in my article, how well thought out was my decision, i didn’t make it at random, they weren’t interested in my experience, which helped me make this decision, i had already served twice in the middle east and... told me a lot about them, what bothered them most, what kind of thing to be a good member of the team, go team obama, go team democrats, they weren't interested in the real consequences of this very serious issue that he was going to address to congress. so, you were still in the party, at what point did you
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think: i can’t represent this anymore? party? it was in the fall of 2022; many important midterm elections took place that year. over time, more and more, there was no one reason why i made this decision. over time , several things led to this. of course, these are the radical changes that the leadership of the democratic party went through, because of what it became.
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and you know, this is such a crazy, crazy accusation, obviously completely unfounded, the media never asked hillary clinton for proof of this treasonous act in which she committed me accused as a sitting member of congress and as a soldier wearing our country's uniform. you 're an officer, right? yes, that's the problem.
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it works. and that's why. these are the same people who worked for the administration of president obama for hillary clinton, because hillary clinton herself once spoke about this, she said: yes, i talk to the white house every day, so we should not be surprised by who is behind policies emanating from the current administration in the white house, which many call the most radical and
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left-liberal. history of our country, here there’s no doubt about it, i’ve changed a lot in 20 years, i just mean, we’ve all changed, so what, but how have you changed, what are your ideas now that differ from those 5 years ago? you know, the thing is that over the last 5 years it has become more and more clear to me how many people, especially in the democratic party, particularly in washington... how little they think about the constitution and you know, perhaps the last 5 years have been particularly important when looking at events around covid, for example, as a starting point for how people federal level, state level, county level, in many places, when they were given very little power, they immediately took advantage of it...


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