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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

6:30 am
when there is no accompaniment, you go, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what ’s ahead of you, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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which will be held in germany this summer, tell us more, moscow spartak equalized the score in the quarter final series of the gagarin cup against metallug. the fourth game of the series took place the day before in moscow, and spartak finished it off. scored in the middle of the third period, defenseman daniil ivanov threw it at him, who ended up on the heel alone. thus, the score in the series became 2:2, the fifth match between these rivals will be held in magnitogorsk tomorrow. while only the home team is winning in this series, in three out of four matches one of the teams left the ice without scoring.
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a lot of attention, in principle, that we , that the opponent, that not many goals were scored, well, because this is the playoffs and the cost of a mistake, you know, maybe sometimes the players do not take risks. the final yesterday, lokomotiv, was close to this twice during the match.
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now, based on the stock results , all 24 national teams participating in the final stage of the tournament have become known. for the first time in history greece made it to the final part of a major tournament and ended with a score of 0:0. the georgians won everything. they ran straight onto the field, tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the city, at the european championship the georgian team was included in the group that will be held in germany, the european championship will begin on june 14 , germany and scotland will play in the opening match. before the start of the game in marseille between the national teams of france and chile took place. along the perimeter of the central circle,
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the announcer at the stadium announced that the terrorist attack was on their families, the vice world champions won the match itself with a score of 3:2. the day before the guest of the next episode of the russian program on our channel was the former defender of the russian national team. who announced his retirement a little more than a month ago, in the winter, as uh, after all, not young anymore, i realized that probably enough was enough, plus before that i talked to my husband about this decision, so, in principle, i...
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a little more, and something breaks in me, in the plan, the day before the russian drafted in...
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nicholas jary. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. the creator, how they themselves existed on them alone the rule is that everything is allowed to them,
6:37 am
may warmth will come to moscow by the end of the week, so they say. when the storm on the russian plain stops, olga mikhailova will tell you in detail about this, the first spring curtain, which regions today will be at the epicenter of the disaster and whether it is true that after the storm may warmth will come to the russian plain. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center. i'm olga. mikhailova, hello, the southern regions have accepted themselves, a strong storm arose in the black sea region, they went to the embankment, to sochi,
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air flows accelerated to 21 m/s. in crimea until 23, in waves. the rivers were again covered with snow, and the volga region and the southern urals received more than half of the monthly norm, and one could literally fish in the streets. floods were observed in neighboring regions. on the streets, and this was only the first day of the storm, the cyclone in question originated on monday over the southeastern waters, will reach the urals and
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the middle volga, so this is where they are waiting. and zhersk the rains will turn into snow, for example, in kazan it became snow will mix in, according to model estimates , until today, so the roads will be slippery, the atmosphere in the capital of tatarstan will calm down only with the onset of thursday, by this time... in moscow on wednesday on thursday the probability of precipitation is low, during the day the air will warm up to plus another
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cyclone advancing from europe, but the temperature will continue during this period. eastern europe will find itself in a stream of very well-warmed mediterranean air, the may temperature regime will be established throughout the west of european russia, and among its neighbors in in belarus, it will generally be over +20 in june. that's all for me, goodbye.
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6:42 am
at avito work it’s easy to find your place, dad, home soon, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a hat. this job will be found not just a job, but its place, and what you need, professional coloring sios, long-lasting cream paint, there is no connection here, maybe
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nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here.
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convenient and fast, there is a search by avtovito brand. the american group garbidge expressed condolences in connection with the fact that they performed at a venue in the moscow region twice in 2012 and 15 while condolences. to the capital of fraternal russia, we express
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our condolences to the victims and families of the victims , they sent the russian ambassador , 25 people signed the paper , the world union of muslim scientists sent their condolences from qatra to moscow, they noted islam calls for... its perpetrators do not represent islam or its values, but rather, they are an absurd distortion of him, using islam in their vile, he is sure, the operation to exterminate
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civilians of russia was planned carefully, and from overseas. connections with a terrorist group, since the moment of the terrorist attack it seems that the white house was not involved in the attack, us secretary of state,
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gozy. the horrific attack near moscow just a few days ago reminded us that isis remains a potentially powerful force that we must continue to fight, we mourn the death of so many innocent people who gathered for a concert in a more legal in the eyes of the world community, after all, terror, pumping up ukraine. instructed to prepare a new package of military assistance for ukraine, about this was stated by the si and the armored personnel carrier, the same in the field of air defense with missiles,
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it costs the population too much, anti-russian sanctions are causing a huge impact. damage in europe, they threaten many eu citizens, poverty, pose a threat to industry and the entire economy, experts note, and they also began to think in brussels, where there were recently calls to limit agricultural imports from russia, while divided farmers set fire to everything that did not fall into the european commission exports agricultural products to russia approximately on...
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what would we do if vladimir putin had not fought isis in syria. alternatively, playing by double, if not triple, standards will ultimately result in manifestations of terrorism around the world, under whose flag the bloody operations invented from overseas would not have been carried out. emil mersaev. your market, tell us how brussels reacts. tatyana, goths for ukraine, despite the protests of border countries, for now on to other topics. russia is interested in the formation, which
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is taking place in china. he noted that countries in the global south are playing. in his opinion, in the context of a complex, volatile international environment, risks can be reduced through shorter supply chains. state company work in russia should become.
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years, it will also be necessary to document the knowledge of termination. for up to a year, the program to support borrowers who will need to leave the country in emergency situations has been in effect at the bank since 2019, and it has been expanded since the 22nd. the european commission has not yet submitted a decision on banning the import of ukrainian agricultural products, in which or in the men's agricultural sector of the republic,
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a restriction would protect farmers. the euro unilaterally prohibits the import of ukrainian products, because the european commission has not listened to the demands of farmers several times already. on ensuring that the issue of trade in grains and oilseeds is resolved within the framework of an autonomous trade liberalization measure, if.
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are returning, at the moment we are working on the private sector, apartment buildings, roofing, glazing, the house, the whole house, we have to work, because everything here is original, played metallurg equalized the score in the cup playoff series. gagarin. the meeting was supposed to take place on saturday, but it was postponed due to the tragedy in crocus. fans honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. reportage. and metaluga was
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scheduled for saturday march 23rd. but for obvious reasons, like all public events in moscow, after the tragedy in crocus, it was postponed. in this case, at... the national guard , even before the postponed saturday match, all tickets were sold, and spectators could use them to get to this game. didn't you have. all of us ordinary people, so of course we were worried, but i say again, well done guys
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, who died as a result of the terrorist attack in crocus, an active part of the fans, who spent the first. 10 minutes of meeting in silence, the support that we now had, the spectators, i’ll tell you, well, we are grateful, we feel that perhaps the long pause between matches had an effect, a rather infrequent occurrence for most playoff matches.
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yes, i just gave up all the work and antsel did it, thanks to him, i was in the right place at the right time. thanks to this victory , spartak moscow evened the series score 2:2. now the next match will take place in magnitogorsk and it will definitely not be the last. in this confrontation, we and spartak play differently, yes, we play approximately equally actively in the middle zone, and well, i believe that a lot is decided by how quickly one of us scores the first goal, respectively, someone opens up more , for some, for others , accordingly, more counterattacks appear, this is how the game will turn out in magnitogorsk, i
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don’t know, two according to... this and metal will be held on thursday, march 28 in magnitogorsk mashevsky news.
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and there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they pathetic, we are concentrated and angry, they are
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like... do you have any property in germany? yes, i have a dispute here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country in order to...
7:00 am
the initial inspection of the territory after the shelling has already been carried out, one civilian
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has already arrived with shrapnel wounds...


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