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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov.
2:31 am
he looks a lot like him, that’s where they went on reconnaissance. any war is about squeezing out the conquered enemy.
2:32 am
local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, this is the pace, we entered, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
2:33 am
by the way, it’s interesting, many of us say that when america, and 30 minutes after the terrorist attack , it appeared on wikipedia that it was isis, this is great. so, uh, today i saw plinkin, which came out three times.
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america, she calls him the enemy, intolerant, this sign is from isis, it only works against those.
2:35 am
no matter. therefore, when they shouted isis, they were not worried about ukraine, they were worried about themselves, because on the brink in this situation, revealing the cards in which the united states is the organizer and
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customer of terrorism, we are approaching this brink for a whole series of such acts. yakov is in direct contact with the studio from israel. sixty years of experience, experience like you do you see everything?
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the people are quite primitive, they don’t know how to behave , they don’t behave confidently enough in a combat situation, they don’t know how to act coherently, and there was no one to command there either, people with an ideological orientation. they are the least suitable for what is defined as terrorists, especially if we talk about isis, isis and islamic terror in general, that’s
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what it is. only to kill, but to die for the relationship of the performers, this was not noticeable, the terrorist islamic movement, said that he was coming, took his actions because of money, money at all... not play no role, they die for allah, islamic terrorists do not go on terror for money, any operation that you do, or
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any troops that you use, you must take into account the level, because they have a primitive level, so it is difficult. was to plan something more, it acted as an islamic terrorist group, now questions arise that the investigation must answer, it was organized by whom, that is , there are several options, one option is that it was a primitive islamist group, which... then they specially created a terrorist group under the guise of an islamic group, that is, according to islamic
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concepts, islamic terror, therefore throughout the entire operation. half-heartedly he walked and spoke. and there was an attempt by one of them to skillfully cut off the head of one wounded man, but he does not know how to do this, led him to death, but he could not do this, the operation itself was planned, that is, no matter how strange it sounds with this. only about half of the people have already died,
2:41 am
and those who planned, firstly, completely it was rightly said here, but what date was this operation planned for? to what , that is, it is quite likely that version, again the fsb during interrogations can find out this, the operation to select was planned in advance, the operation was planned specifically for this building, based on what considerations this building was chosen
2:42 am
, the date was postponed, we will see the interrogation, this small. ical organization that is located in, several more organizations popped up and said, this is us, this is us, for them this is advertising. for them it is to recruit supporters, for them, this is also to get funding,
2:43 am
so just what they said cannot , upon serious analysis, be a confirmation that yes, there was a single attack 2 years ago on the russian embassy in kabul, but this was part of the struggle. with the taliban , they never spoke to egil, who spun off from the iranians, carried out terrorist attacks in iran, maybe they received additional funding today after this terrorist attack, they said: and they left, that is
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, a professional operation always begins, no one ever plans an operation, it is with the operation itself, first to take it away, in this case it was not well planned, probably based on the circumstances that existed and the level of these terrorists themselves. in the end, it was planned from the very beginning, how why towards ukraine, this is unambiguous, this is a fact, further, what is... that patrushev is not only a person
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who is, will not allow himself to say unfounded things, and the current director of the fsb . as they say, iron facts confirming this, it is unlikely that these people, both beekeepers and patrol officers, allowed themselves, they are both quite responsible, to say what they said , these are not politicians, these are not journalists, without offending either one or the other,
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ukraine in all the sabotage acts that they carry out last, everything further will be based on their testimony, that is, they know that this is what it is. now they are eating ramadan, i don’t know, they are, when they are in prison, we know this from ours, it doesn’t matter, they are in prison, they pray five times a day, that’s all. i don’t
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know how committed they are to islam in general, they were even recorded, they were somewhere in tajikistan and in moscow, with which one. this is all something we need to look at , or are they playing islamists lately , thank you very much, have you heard the yaqons from tel aviv’s attitude towards the islamic state, yes, i think
2:48 am
it’s quite correct. based on knowledge, tactics of action and in general everything that is happening with the islamic state, there is no point in returning to this, absolutely, yes, now, it means that we really are now living in such a time , people, to carry out such an action, 5,000 people will do for any amount of money.
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is that they know very well what an islamic state is, kharasan velayat is prohibited, they know, by the way, the organization is not small, why am i saying that we need to pay attention to this,
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yes, today, conditionally, today it was under the veil, already themselves. more professionally and more, that is, harshly, of them, raises the question , accuses biden, that is, of being to blame, that... that they contributed, that a whole number of their students joined this organization, thousands, only to an islamic state.
2:51 am
when the americans left, they created a counterweight to the taliban and two more organizations that arrived, remember, we criticized some weirdos here,
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gave a system that is now very difficult to solve, when they tell me that they are against it, they are democrats, name me at least one combat episode where these figures would fight with the islamic state, the taliban, our task, now if we say, oh well, that’s it, is now included in the list of their enemies along with china.
2:53 am
one of the military commanders, he was, and most likely, here he and his people are in islam
2:54 am
, and there are lingering fragments of various money, yes, that’s why i formulated it very precisely: representatives of various islamist terrorist groups, with, well, 50,000 people moving from one organization to another for money, do you think it’s possible? well, in ukraine we detect them, well, in ukraine we detect them, you just named them, they can end up anywhere for money, it’s no problem at all, not yet. why is europe now stirred, scared, and said that we too could be
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under attack, because we have raised a monster, and it is dangerous to control it. remember how it was from albadita and so on. yes, but the monster we faced. secret services who work in full contact, execution is a question, i said this many times on sunday that many facts say that this is exactly what it was about, that it was a smoke screen, but they carried it out, they should have... done it before march 10 and it’s not women’s day on march 8, but ramadan begins on march 10, they are performed at the time when the evening meal ends,
2:56 am
the so-called begins... i didn’t go for it , the execution is so clumsy, let’s get it, let's take it that i am, yes, that all these structures that are now also under the islamic state, they take place in the post-soviet space, including on the territory of russia, they have been arrested many times. develop something counteracting together with allies china and iran and the central asian states, no one will go to fight on the territory, wait a minute, because this is not iraq, only a madman can go to afghanistan now, only one movement of the state is possible, kazakhstan and uzbekistan are establishing relations with him, yes? not themselves
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we can mine them, you can’t think of a better one, because they.
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2:59 am
some property in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, it turned out to be me.
3:00 am


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