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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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the monstrous terrorist attack must be destroyed, vyacheslav volodin also expressed deep condolences to the relatives of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the victims. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak called the terrorist attack in the city hall a terrible tragedy and said that retribution would inevitably come. patriarch of moscow all russia kirill prays for the repose of the souls of those killed and the injured people, as well as for the salvation of those
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who may be threatened by the fire in the kroku cityhall building. the head of the synodal department for relationship of the church with society and the media, vladimir ligoida. heads of the investigative committee and the ministry of internal affairs of russia, alexander bastrykin and vladimir kolokoltsev. now they are also at the site of the terrorist attack, they arrived there to manually manage, as they say , all their employees and manage the entire operation to investigate this terrorist attack, footage is now appearing on social networks, we can see how the heads of departments accompanying security forces are also now passing by. directly to the place there to
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the scene of the crime in order to conduct, including an independent inspection of the crime scene. a criminal case for a terrorist attack has been opened following a shooting in the city of sitihole, the investigative committee reported. the department also said that an investigative team from the central office of the investigative committee went to the scene of the incident. based on the fact of the incident. today in tropus city field the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case under article 205 of the criminal code code of the russian federation, this is a terrorist act. the investigative and operational group of the main investigation department, as well as criminologists and experts of the investigative committee, have already arrived at the scene of the incident and have begun their work; the work of the investigative and operational group is coordinated on the spot by the chairman of the investigative committee of the russian federation, alexander ivanovich bastrykin. yes,
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back to the urgent messages of the news agency, right now the news is writing that the minister of health murashka is the speaker golikova arrived at the disaster medicine center, coordinates the provision of medical care to victims of the terrorist attack in the moscow region, and, according to the ministry of health, at the site of the terrorist attack. ambulance teams and disaster medicine services, and another message from kroku cityhall, more than 70 ministries of emergency situations are now working, so we can see on the tablet that a hotline for psychological assistance has been opened in connection with the tragedy in krokuhall, this is really a very... component now to help both those
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affected by this terrorist attack and and relatives of those who suffered unfortunately died. also, the ministry of health of the russian federation reports that medical services are ready to provide assistance to all victims, for this purpose all means are ready and all the necessary medicines are available. big theater. in moscow cancels performances and concerts at all stage venues on march 24 and 23 and 24, this is the coming weekend, and also a message from the patriarch of moscow all russia kiril, which we quoted - above, another quote: it amazes with its cynicism and cruelty, terrorist attack in the cityhole crocus. the russian national guard at the scene of the terrorist attack. in the sitiholi circle
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is searching for criminals, the press service of the department reported this. and now on the screen. and you can see the emergency phone numbers that may now be needed both by the relatives of the dead victims, and by eyewitnesses, by anyone who may now need this same help, these are the hotlines of the ministry of health, the ministry of emergency situations, they will also appear one by one you can get information about victims in...
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serbian president aleksandar vucic will convene an urgent meeting of the national security council tomorrow morning in connection with the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. a journalist from the serbian publication informer managed to find out about this. according to the editor, the meeting is scheduled for 11
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a.m. moscow time. the head of state himself did not officially comment on this information. the european union strongly condemned the terrorist attack. united states president joe biden is informed of the terrorist attack in kroku city, united states authorities are reported to have they keep track of everything that comes in. and what is happening, this was reported by the coordinator for strategic communications at the us security council, john kirby, who also called the footage of what happened terrible and noted that the united states did not know in advance about the planned shooting, although, as
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the media recall, in early march, it was the united states embassy in moscow and warned about the threat of terrorist attacks in the russian capital. the united nations has expressed grief over the deaths of people at crocus city hall, and the office of secretary general antonio guterres is closely monitoring behind the situation, the ministry of foreign affairs and pakistan expressed their condolences in connection with the tragedy, and some coincidences raise questions. the white house, represented by john kirby, claims that it had no information about the preparation of terrorist attacks. and allies that, in what does not seem like a coincidence, earlier this month western countries, led by the united states, already issued a series of warnings, albeit to their citizens,
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not to join public meetings in russia. on march 8, the us embassy reported that is monitoring reports that extremists have... imminent plans to attack large gatherings in moscow, including concerts, and us citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings for the next 48 hours, but that time has long since expired. in touch with us is a member of the alpha anti-terror group veterans association, reserve lieutenant colonel andrei popov. andrey, greetings, of course, now there may be many questions. in your professional activity, how long do you think the search might take, neutralizing terrorists, well, in general, working at the scene of a terrorist attack? you know, it seems to me that this could even take several days, given the area and - the destruction that is
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in this building in what remains, by the way, it is necessary to examine how much, for sure, and the terrorists are those who ... did not manage to leave the cordon , perhaps there have been such attempts, maybe no one will try to hide and wait for the situation when the analysis begins. rubble already together with the workers, when the primary uncoupling is removed, try leave the scene of the terrorist attack, well, we understand that we can now fantasize, yes, we are not with you for the exact picture, not, probably, even those who may be there at that moment do not have the full picture, but how quickly they are possible, let ’s think about how quickly they can be detected if they suddenly managed to leave.
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and are handed out personally right before the start of some special special operation,
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well, of course we see what the situation is, the operational headquarters does not have such an opportunity now, probably there is no point in it be considered, because when liquidating the consequences of the cleanup, hundreds of people will be involved, that’s for sure, yes andrey, that’s what i asked.
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the guards who provided security , she was armed, i’m even more than sure, although i wasn’t there, with radios, everything she could be armed with, no gas canisters, given the large crowd of people and... excluding moments of accidental leakage or unauthorized unauthorized the use of these cans, well , how do you use them, let’s say, not of course rubber batons, well, also as practice so far is not very effective in such situations and carries more negativity than any positive aspects, that is, they have security, there is a radio station, probably a limited number of rights, probably less. even among the citizens who are nearby, that is, strictly speaking, i’m not saying that it was poorly armed, inappropriate
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for today’s situation, no, it should be like that, it’s still not some kind of object, no not an element of military infrastructure, well, yes, it does not mean that they should break into it as if armed people, here i am andrey, probably interpreted my question somewhat incorrectly. regarding preparedness and assessment of the actions of these very terrorists, well, there are simply several videos in which we see how they enter, how they move, how they open fire, here in these qualities you can see some kind of preparedness, of course the event was prepared, it’s not like someone decided they accidentally found a weapon and were moved by some incomprehensible motives, maybe mental abnormalities.
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already - hidden weapons, possibly explosives, some kind of pyrotechnic charges, perhaps even backpacks with... or they are now planning their evacuation, this could be the clothes of the staff, the clothes of the special rescue services or the police, that is, all this was planned, and i think that at the moment there was coordination going on,
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that is, i know that now... our broadcast is being written, some moments are being carefully analyzed, the workers are trying to isolate the group in order to coordinate the actions of their i don’t want to say employees - these are terrorists, definitely, but the difference between a sabotage and reconnaissance group and terrorists is that the whole intelligence group works on military infrastructures and never works on...
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blowing up a building, killing people or what? you know, it means that there are, as it were, two versions , now there was one, here is one, you know, according to data that requires confirmation, blows were struck against the leadership of the main intelligence department of ukraine, perhaps this provoked such a non-systemic response , some kind of emotional, i think that's it it is unlikely that the sanction for this, in my opinion, would be given by the intelligence services of the united states of america, or the united kingdom there , but it seems so to me, but it is clear what the goal could be, and the goal is to obtain, provoke russia to a tough
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response and such same as terrorist. a terrorist attack or some kind of attack on some kind of civilian structure, so i think that they definitely want this in order to promote all this in their taploids, consolidate the west, get additional funds to try again delay our special military operation, which by all indicators already shows that we are already... achieving our goals, but it is unknown that they are working there in different places, now our specialists are already working on terrorist attacks, yes, this is the department, the investigative committee , and the ministry of internal affairs, and the fsb, and the sobr, the fsb special forces, and how can responsibilities be distributed between them, are there
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instructions on who will do what, between these structures, well...
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are they localized or are they not in this place, then of course the priority , probably to rescuers and firefighters, because firefighters help save the soul at the same time.
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and here they are performed with full , let’s say, receipt of their return, regardless of what they mean by it, yes, or it could be some kind of series, is it necessary to strengthen security measures, in other crowded places , what do you think about this? well, i’m sure that they cannot be a series due to the fact that...
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and this terrorist attack, well, i will say, is not systemic, not the work of systemic intelligence services, i believe that the people who organized it, they and i i’m sure of this, they will be liquidated, and it won’t even necessarily be liquidated by our own forces, we may just miss it a little when they liquidate him ourselves. other players, i mean ukraine, the collective west, in order not to receive consequences against them
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, the situation will develop, they will cover their tracks, that’s right, yes, thank you very much, a member of the association of veterans of the anti-terror group alpha was in touch with us, reserve lieutenant colonel andrei popov, and... so, let's return to the news from the inform agencies slate. president of italy at cruel, called the brutal terrorist attack in moscow, and noted that this event requires strong condemnation. the fight against terrorism must be a commitment of the international community. also to condemn the terrorist attack and express condolences to relatives. the suffering dead were joined by the united arab emirates. last minute news: the social fund of the russian federation has created a working
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group to provide support measures to victims of the terrorist attack. and mass events have been canceled in federal cultural institutions due to terrorist attack. we are talking, i believe, about the territory of the entire country. indeed, yes, the ministry of culture of the russian federation a. distributed this message , the press service noted that the terrible, incomprehensible tragedy in crocus cityhole led to such decisions. and now let's return to the foreign reaction on direct communication, our own correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov. dmitry, greetings, what statements have already been made in the white house? hello, well, at the moment washington has not condemned this bloody massacre. and terrorist attack in the moscow white house reports that president biden is being informed about events in the moscow region, us authorities are monitoring what is happening. the only official reaction this hour from
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white house national security speaker john kirby, at today's white house daily briefing, he began by saying that the united states has seen these horrific videos from moscow that show brutal shootings, that these images are terrible, that they are hard to look at, and he said that these? minutes of thoughts of us citizens and the administration with the families of those killed in this attack. what's important in his statement is that, according to him, the united states did not have advance information about the preparation of a terrorist attack in moscow, or rather in the moscow region. in addition, he said that the united states sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainian citizens are involved in this terrorist attack. he also said that, of course, this will be a difficult day for loved ones and for all of moscow, the entire moscow region, and what are the thoughts of us citizens at this moment. are with them, while the white house speaker recalled that the state department advises americans in moscow to avoid large gatherings, especially he emphasized concert halls, and also
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follow further... news on the state department website, while, as we remember, on march 8, it was the united states and great britain that were the first foreign embassies to warn both their citizens and their employees to avoid crowded places, and concerts were also mentioned separately, that’s what was unknown, and we know that maria zakharova has already stated that the united states is obliged to hand over all the information that they had or have about whether they were preparing or any information that may i help. the united states, our sopkor in the usa, dmitry melnikov, the russian national guard, at the site of the terrorist attacks, the city kruku is searching for criminals, the press service of the department reported this, we plan to receive official comments from the structure in the very near future. now do we have
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the opportunity for our colleagues to contact yes yes yes now we have the opportunity to talk with our correspondent anna voronina, she is at the chazov cardiology center in moscow, where the first victims were taken. anna, what is known about the victims, in what are they in good condition? colleagues, just now, literally at these minutes, an ambulance pulled up to us. victims of the terrorist attack in crocus continue to be brought here, this is not the first car that has arrived here, it should be noted that at the moment, at least 100 victims and forty dead are known, among the victims it has already become known that there are children, according to unconfirmed according to the data, we are talking about three children, these are two boys and one girl, but we will wait for confirmation of this information.
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tomorrow from 8:30 am at the fmba blood center, and also, additional centers where you can donate blood for victims will be deployed at the donor center on begovaya, at the donor center on shabalovskaya and tsaritsina, additional addresses can also be found on the website of the moscow government, but i note that a hotline of the ministry of health of the moscow region has already been launched to clarify
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the details of the victims. 498 is code 602 03 01. if you are interested in information about the admission of sick victims in a moscow hospital over the past 24 hours, call 495 - this is moscow code 621431. contact us now another ambulance arrives, a reanimobile, in which, in all likelihood , one of the victims is located. let me remind you that, according to previously announced data , at least five people are in serious condition, the rest have moderate injuries , we are talking not only about bullet wounds, but about carbon monoxide poisoning due to fire explosions, medical services are ready to provide assistance to the victims there is help, there is medicine, this was reported a little earlier at the scene of the tragedy, let me remind you, there are more than 70 ambulance teams working. services
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disaster medicine. the ministry of health of belarus a little earlier offered russia assistance in treating those injured as a result of the terrorist attack. and at the moment, another car of the federal center for disaster medicine is leaving this very institution in order to head back to the rokus in order to pick up the victims. here , without a doubt, without a doubt, now all the cars of moscow medical institutions are working so that we do not block their path, we are working in order to provide assistance to the victims of this tragedy, which happened in crocus.


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