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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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today there are few such people left, when the date of the allied landings in normandy is celebrated this year, by the way, the eightieth anniversary will be celebrated, otherwise normandy is clearly the place and moment of american glory, to the detriment of, say, even the british allies, and today it’s even strange to remember that the leader of free france, charles dogolle, flatly refused to participate in these festivities, since he had seen the landings in normandy and which he was notified at the last moment the day before, saw in no more, no less, as an attempt occupation of france and the usa. many of today's representatives of the elite, politicians, and experts were trained in the united states at the macron american institutes, among others. at the very forge of the french elite, the institute of political sciences, more than half of the classes are given in english. the main recognition of the work of an international affairs expert is an invitation to the american one. the ecosystem
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of modern european politicians is created according to the american standard. emmanuel macron is the first french president who did not serve in the military. by the time it growing up, the draft has already been cancelled. perhaps this is related to the ease with which he talks about participating in hostilities. knowing his love for phrases, one could attribute everything to a catchphrase, but that would be too much. it’s just that, no matter what motivates the french president, the psychological defect is getting lower, the ceiling of the possible is getting further. the reaction of society is mainly negative, but getting used to the fact that military confrontation with russia is happening normally in europe has begun. so far, however, the french, especially the young, have completely different sorrows, not military-strategic nature. from paris, our author, eduard shillin.
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the covid epidemic has recently ended, there is a high level of violence in the places where i was born and live, we often take to the streets, but it leads to nothing, politicians don’t care about us, we don’t care about politicians, barricades and revolution are an integral part of history france.
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the social crisis of 1968 began to the left of radical youth protests. sarbona students demanded improved study conditions and personal political freedom. if in 1968 french youth changed time, then after for 40 years, time has changed the youth of france. yesterday's revolutionaries have become the same functionaries against whose dictate they once went to the barricades. revolutionary slogans were replaced by social apathy and uncertainty about the future. a twenty-five-year-old native french woman , a bright representative of the growing problem among the country's youth, holders of a diploma in higher education cannot find a decent job in their specialty, their destiny is to move from one short-term contract to another, low wages do not allow them to stand firmly on your feet and be independent from your parents, does politics influence the improvement of your life situation? politicians and governments are, to put it mildly, not a very clean organization. for example, i am convinced that our
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new prime minister is too young for his job. to begin with, he needs life experience, and i have a very negative attitude towards all our government institutions. thirty-four-year-old gabriel ottal, almost from school , stepped into big politics. the representative of the golden youth first became a deputy and then the minister of education, but not remembered for anything other than the ban on wearing hijabs, a textbook example of the right strategy, simply following the instructions of your elders. today, most french people believe that the era of may '68, when changes in society could be achieved with the help of barricades, is gone, and mass protests have been replaced by parodic or marginal movements, such as the yellow vests or anarchist. the marginalized are perhaps the only ones who still believe in the diplomacy of the street: sunday morning, amilo street, the anarchist library, for adults, they are filled with work
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classics from bakunin to kropotkin. comics are for young people. in a few hours the concert and debate will begin. natasha, the center attendant, followed in the footsteps of her anarchist parents.
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after the advertisement about a country that is not foreign to the french, but very terrible, haiti. home is where the family is, in the bank house of the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, at avito work it’s easy to find
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your place, dad, you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now, mom, guess who today? for a new job, grandma, what a job cap, 10 minutes for a new job, many vacancies new every day, avita work , you will find not just a job, but your place, open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months, download the financial services application, financial services from moscow exchanges, deposits of different banks in one application, magnet, price, what you need, oil good 99.99. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank, you can take time off from work to go to the bank, or you can open a reliable online deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank - real possibilities. it is important for us to be visible at any
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time of the day or night. our work is a race against time and the elements, and we need someone who is fully involved, who feels the power to help. there are sums at stake. and we accept the challenge. jetur t2. a hero by nature. there is a state on earth where horror films can be shot in documentary and real time mode. haiti, once a french colony , is hitting rock bottom again. country coverage.
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of fellow gaitan bandits, forty-seven-year-old jimmy shirizier, nicknamed barbecue, the leader the strongest metropolitan group g9, some compare him to chagiwara, others to martin luther king, and he calls himself the caribbean robinhood. according to rumors , he received the nickname barbecue because he burned people alive, but shirizier himself claims that he got the nickname because of his mother, who sold fried chicken on the street. today is cheritier. one of the key figures in organized crime in the country, but he started out as part of a unit of the haitian national police. in 2018, he was fired from the security forces, it is believed that a charge of crimes, including the lasaleen slum massacre, which killed 71
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people and burned 400 houses. after his removal , sherizya led the g9 gang, which united nine of the most dangerous groups from sita salei, lasaleen and lower delma. in 2020, on his youtube channel, he announced the creation of an alliance between the g9 family and the allies, after which the number of the group grew. insight. claims that the g-9 is waging a bloody war with the gpep group, which may be associated with opponents of former president maiz. the war between factions continues territory. following the assassination of president maize in the summer of 2021, cherezier called for an armed revolution against the corrupt political elite, adding that if necessary, he would give weapons to every child. his gang took responsibility for the attacks on the presidential palace, the seizure
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of the airport in general for what was happening in the capital porto prenz. in 2022, when the fuel and energy crisis broke out in haita, armed gangs stormed two prisons and freed more than 4,000 prisoners. the srizier gang, according to authorities, staged a haiti's fuel blockade, which paralyzed the country for almost 2 months. cherizier loves attention and apatage. in october 2021 , armed members of his gang prevented prime minister ariel henry from laying a wreath at the monument to the former head of state, so that the gang leader in a snow-white suit could do it himself. gaite, on the one hand, made the biggest breakthrough, liberating immediately after the states.
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which hit very hard, this is a huge amount of compensation money paid to france, we were talking about a completely unaffordable amount of money, and this truth really hit the economy very hard, and since haiti has few mineral resources of its own, and since haiti, in general, was not needed by anyone, it turned out that there was no economy, just like in the cartoon the planet is a shell, there is no water, there are no minerals, but there is really water there. really uh, well, just populated by robots. a rare case when
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haiti, having gained independence from france through brutal uprisings and wars, paid the former metropolis huge compensation for lost assets. when the americans took control of a significant part of the island at the beginning of the 20th century and kept it under control for a long time, even customs inspections were possible there if a person departed. from europe to new york, then they inspected it in santo domingo or haiti. this was an additional ambulance train. at some point they decided that it was necessary to eliminate the local black caste system and give more rights to the population of muladian origin, so that it would be, strictly speaking, like in the dominican republic, where everything is much better. in the dominican republic is indeed better, but in the dominican republic it still arose naturally. and here it was an intervention from exile, on the one hand, local
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clans lost some of their rights, on the other hand , organization disappeared, as a result , it was then that the process began that now seems to be reaching its climax, not only is the state a failure, but also the atomization of society is happening, today it just all continued in the nineties. at the beginning of the two thousandth, when they first led to the authorities of jean bertrand aristide against the will of the military, then overthrew him in the central african republic or in liberia now.
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the history of haiti after world war ii is an endless series of wars and coups d'etat. in 1986 , the regime of dictator fransaa, who had ruled since 1957, was overthrown in the country. the first free...
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at the beginning of 2004, as a result of a confrontation with the opposition, he resigned as president and left the country, and the un reintroduced military contingents. for some time the situation was stabilized. in february 2006 in the country held another presidential election, in which musician rene prival, popular among the poor, won. however, he was unable to provide stability. in january 2010
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there was javenel moise. the american media called him a dictator. despite calls from the white house , he did not resign and refused to hold new elections. on the night of july 7, 2021, foreigners, according to local police, shot maiz and his wife at their residence. 2 days before the assassination of the president, the government was headed by ariel henri. autumn 2022 background fuel and energy crisis members. to restore order, henri's government again asked the international community to send troops into the country. this week
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the caribbean community organized an emergency meeting to decide. what to do with haite. prime minister ariel henri, against whom the gangs were rebelling, was forced to resign, promising a transitional government, if only they knew how to create it. the president of el salvador, nai bukeli, famous for his effective terror against gangsters at home, offered his services to guide order, but this is more for self-promotion. prisoners of haiti. power in the country was seized. gang drawing by taiwanese artist stelina chain. on the aristante's robe, which was hung instead of the haitian flag, it is written: haiti is a prison. carlos latuv, on the causes of current events. one of the eagles acts as uncle sam, the second one represents him. one says to the other: we
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have done a good job of pacification, i agree, the other replies. rick mckee on the topic of migration to the united states. flow of refugees. from the island only increased after various cataclysms, footage of mounted border guard patrols driving away and grabbing migrants has caused dissatisfaction. in the drawing, a man who looks like biden says: “well, at least we got rid of this wall named after trump. dutchman tiert roggerds about the formats of assistance to haiti. the drawing is called missionary work. after all the cataclysms in haiti , he proposes to convert to christianity. the real needs of the resident.” . reflected in the right half of the picture, it should be the most severe, not menstrual. summer occupation, which will mean, among other things, at some point that everyone will shoot at everyone, there will be a lot of victims, it will be worse than samali, and at the same time
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it will require the most serious cleaning in every sense of the word, from sanitary, from cleaning the basements of landfills, to social, a real shake-up of all elites, investing huge amounts of money, actually re-education .
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he had a very complex ideology, even in his youth he dabbled in left-wing ideas until the communist ones, then the communists were
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banned, but if you read what du valier wrote of the future government, slogans from the initial period periodically flashed there gaetian communist organizations. duvalier really set the edge.
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the evil people will come to voodoo, you will no longer exist or you will become a zombie. in haiti , many people believe in this, but i think this is to a certain extent a regurgitation of african tribal traditions, strictly speaking, this is to some extent in brazil, not like that, but in colombia and cuba, among the population of afro-latin american origin you can see it’s just that it’s all in the form of quintessence.
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voodoo, and it comes from africa in haiti, brought by slaves, surrounded by a flair of gloomy mystery. today, taking advantage of the occasion, we wanted to talk about him too, and even agreed that in connection with international review, a real practical lady from burkina fasso would come out and teach a couple of, well, good rituals, but either magic or world politics intervened, big part. west and central africa were left without internet due to damage to ocean cables. the hooters did their best there, or someone else
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was skilled, or it was just annoyance.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we we often talk about money, the sums are serious , there is a clear and clear signal in russia , is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are at the top peace, got up, dusted himself off, are you ready? is
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russia changing in any structure? is evolution taking place? this will be an honest detective.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. all the most important things in life are in our hands. to fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired , build a career, realize a plan, start a family, create a life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in
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our hands, to choose our future and the future of the whole country, together, we strength, we vote for russia, russia elects the president of the country. today is the second day of voting, total turnout taking into account remote electronic voting. amounted to 38.35%. this was announced by deputy chairman of the center for electoral commission nikolay bulaev. the day before in all regions on the polling stations were crowded; in some localities, those wishing to vote lined up. in moscow, the turnout on the first day of voting was 37.3%. in the belgorod, kherson regions and dpr, more than 60% of voters voted. record 603 63.7%.
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i demonstrated it in the first 24 hours.


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