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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 11, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the opening of the studio itself in germany surprisingly coincided with the beginning of the investigation about the palace. it turns out that back in december, at the beginning of december, they called from america to this black forest studio, they reserved a place, well, it was time to shoot, so it turns out that navalny, well, he wasn’t so bad, that well, after such a poisoning, he was actively involved in filming the studio’s film . the work was carried out as secretly as possible, only the wife and... daughter came in from strangers, the doors were locked, the curtains were even drawn on the windows, so the foothills of the alps could no longer be seen. but they are clearly visible from navalny’s house, which he rented in the most prestigious area of ​​freiburg even before the order came to the german company from the united states. he moved into this villa, symbolically number 13, at the end of november. with whose money did the officially unemployed blogger rent these two floors, who paid him for the creation of a pseudo-documentary film. well, in the end , mr. navalny. on december 25, 2023
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, they were sent to a correctional colony in the village of kharp, yamalo, nenets autonomous okrug, this colony was called the polar wolf. as time goes by, both supporters and opponents gradually begin to forget about mr. navalny, well, in fact, this can be explained, because a special military operation begins for... huge amounts of money are transferred to the military needs of ukraine, part of this money disappears, and what’s more, some of the weapons that comes there, suddenly finds himself in the hands of terrorists, as we know, in africa, in the middle east, completely monstrous events occur related to the mockery of our captured, and most importantly, practically on the eve of... elections in the united states
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, the most terrible thing is happening - this is the announced, advertised, promised counter-offensive, it fails completely, thousands of people die, our troops take avdiivka and advance quite confidently, tearing apart the ukrainian front . things are no better for the russian opposition; there is squabbling over grants and accusations.
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and on february 8, 2024, an absolutely legendary interview of our president with the american journalist carlson comes out, to whom i was able to get this interview. and they in 2014, our goal, is to stop this war, and we did not start it in 2022, this is an attempt to stop it, its resonance was deafening, if you look at the circle in general, then practically it’s all together, about half a billion people heard our president, they heard the truth, they...
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heard what they would never hear from their media, and of course, this caused hysteria in the civilized world. people all over the world are watching this ridiculous interview with vladimir putin conducted by tucker carlson. and we should not fall into this web of lies, especially that putin is somehow destined to succeed in ukraine, on the contrary, he is doomed to failure. how do they develop? events further, 3 days before navalny’s death on february 12, his mother lyudmila comes to the colony, who reports that she saw him, he is alive, healthy and cheerful. on wednesday , february 14, navalny was replaced by his lawyer leonid solovyov; later he also reported that he saw his client in an absolutely normal, healthy, cheerful state. february, 15,
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connects via video link to a meeting of the kovrovsky court of the vladimir region from his colony in yamalo in the ninets district, here we see that he is... cheerful, he jokes, he is in a good mood. at the same time, 2 days before navalny’s death, live , yevgeny chichvarkin for some reason says the following: the regime will degrade further, the opposition will not do anything about it, and the opposition, i don’t think, will unite in the near future, only if from prisons or from prison will not come with... irreversible tragic news, you mean about navalny are you hinting? so i support alexei navalny, i hope that all of us who support him, everyone in the world, who
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support him, well, one way or another, with any mention of ours, they will not allow the authorities to commit a crime that they... 4 years ago i was already ready to commit . exactly 2 days after chichvarkin’s speech, that is , on february 16, 2024, the administration of the russian supreme soviet for the yamalo-neninets autonomous okrug reports the sudden death of alexei navalny in a correctional colony. this message appears on the website. uvsin at 14:19 this on february 16th itself. it was reported that after a walk on february 16, the prisoner felt unwell, lost consciousness, medical workers arrived at the institution immediately, an ambulance was called
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, resuscitation measures did not give positive results, doctors confirmed the death of the convict, its causes are being established. this will be another heinous crime of the putin regime at the same time, that is, at 14:35 on the same february 16, norwegian foreign minister bart eide writes:
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deeply saddened by the news of the death navalny, the russian government bears a heavy burden of responsibility for this. paid with his life to fight a system of oppression. 14:54 minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lepavsky. russia has turned into a cruel state that kills people who dream of a beautiful, better future, such
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as nemtsov and now navalny, who was imprisoned and tortured to death. 15:02, president of the european council charles michel. holds the russian regime solely responsible for this tragic death. 15:10 during the press conference, head the kiev regime zelensky, apparently he was killed by putin, like thousands of others who were tortured. 1520. prime minister of the netherlands, mark ruet. navalny's death illustrates the unprecedented brutality of the russian regime. 15:35. german foreign minister.
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15:50 president of moldova maia sanduk , hated by all moldovan people , writes death.
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in the yamalo-ninets district, which provoked an appeal to the nation to the american people, self-propelled joe, who literally said this, listen. alexey's death was reported navalny, he courageously resisted corruption, violence, and all the terrible things that putin’s government did. we must provide funding so ukraine can defend itself against
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putin's brutal attacks and war crimes. that is, if you objectively analyze biden’s speech, so to speak, before the people, the logic is this: navalny was killed by putin, so the war in ukraine needs to be continued, normally, in the garden. wife in kiev and uncle joe, that is , in a minimum period of time, as under carbon copy, almost all the leaders of the countries of the civilized world expressed their condolences over the death of navalny, and b) blaming vladimir putin for this, well, cool, and no one cares why putin needs it 2 months before the elections. what's the point of killing navalny, so that all this can start, what's the point? this means
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that it is not beneficial for putin, but for those who don’t want , mortally want putin to win these elections, well, look, i’m not an investigator, i’m not a prosecutor, i’m not an artist, we have such a proverb, there is a saying this is how we have it, i... if, a few minutes after what happened, god knows where, in the north
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of the country of russia , condolences and accusations of putin appear as carbon copies, i have a question, maybe they were written in advance, or maybe this death was programmed, or maybe just chichvarkin thoughtlessly ahead of time. voiced this, thereby substituting those who spoke immediately after navalny’s death on the basis of these speculations, i get the feeling that these people, all these leaders, they are not only scoundrels and murderers, yes, they are also idiots who do not have enough brains, take some kind of pause so that it looks... organic, in order to have at least some kind of alibi,
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damn, they even work, they are slackers, another there is nothing, there are no other thoughts, there are no other activities, the big cities of france have filled paris with shit, and the prime minister’s husband, a few minutes after navalny’s death, expresses condolences from this shit, what’s this? how is that? listen further, 3 hours after the news of navalno’s death, his wife, it turns out, is not there. where her husband died, 3 hours after his death, she finds herself in munich at the munich security conference with such a speech. i don’t know whether to believe or not the news, the terrible news that we
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only receive from government sources in russia. because for many years, and you know all this, you all know this, we cannot trust putin, and the putin government, they always lie, i want putin, all his entourage, putin, putin’s friends, his governments, to know that they will exchange for what they did to our country, to my family. responsibility with my husband, and this day will come very soon, and i want to call on the entire world community, everyone in this room, people all over the world, so that we unite together to defeat this evil.
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you look at how she communicates with the leaders of the civilized world, look at her smile, look at how she looks with makeup, look, look at how even the roots of her hair are dyed, why, maybe she was preparing for this speech, maybe she knew that her... husband will die soon, and was supposed to be an inconsolable widow at the munich conference, but does she look like the inconsolable widow whose husband died 3 hours ago? yulya borisovna did not study at our academy of cinematic and theater arts, otherwise we would have taught her
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how to play, at least temporarily, the role of an inconsolable widow.
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proved that those who took this vaccine among them saw an indecent increase in the number of people dying from a detached blood clot. here is the document: in england, only in the period from july 2021 to may 2023 , among vaccinated people was registered
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965,609 deaths. compared to 6,903 deaths among the unvaccinated, are you assessing the ratio? this means that during this period a total of 1,26,512 deaths were registered, with vaccinated people accounting for 94%, while unvaccinated... only 6%, and this is all in approximately the same age group, what does this prove? this proves that the use of this fizer vaccination has significantly... increased the number of deaths, despite the fact that, including from a broken blood clot, but we know that navalny was vaccinated four
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or even five times, why, why, for what? our country, our president, our choice. march 15, 16, 17, we vote for our president. researchers say such effects could occur up to 5 years after this vaccination. navalny was vaccinated.
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look, ursula fondern must resign immediately and unconditionally from her position as president of the european commission. due to the fact that her actions are currently under criminal investigation by the european prosecutor's office. the commission signed contracts from on behalf of the member states in the amount of 71 billion euros. to purchase more than 4 billion doses of covid-19 vaccine.
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for use in europe, four or five could have gone to navalny , can’t this be the case, actually this is quite symbolic and strange, look, the main oppositionist survives after our bloody government tries to poison him with a chemical warfare agent, a newcomer, but dies from western vaccines. fizer, which, so to speak, is intended to save people, there is something symbolic in this, isn’t it? let's go further, a parallel question: why
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did gonzalo liro lopez, tortured, died, in a ukrainian prison, an honest, opposition journalist, american citizen, somehow not receive the attention of the world community, and why in america itself? because somehow frivolously, easily and without any research or study, they reacted to such an unexpected death, as if it were a suicide, of the high-ranking pedophile jeffrey epstein, who exposed children, why or else, i wonder, these are those who mourn the death of navalny, they when have you heard
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at the trial, his sacrificial and conscious ascent to the scaffold, and finally his murder, i see only one parallel: with christ. it’s normal, but it so happened that christ did not have a wife, but navalny did, so now i want to talk about her, this is also interesting and very revealing. look, 3 days after navalny’s death on february 19, yulia navalnaya makes the following statement. hello, this is yulia navalnaya. today for the first time on this channel i want to address you. i shouldn't have been there this place, i shouldn't have recorded this video. there should be another person in my place, but this person was killed by vladimir
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putin. 3 days ago, vladimir putin killed my husband alexei navalny, but putin also took navalny away from you, somewhere in a colony in the far north, beyond the arctic circle, in eternal winter, putin killed not just a man, alexei navalny, he wanted to kill him too our hopes, our freedom, our future, but today i want to be with you because i know what you have lost. no less than me. alexei died in a colony after three years of torture . he didn’t just sit, he didn’t sit like others sit. he was tortured, he was kept in a punishment cell, in a concrete box. please just imagine, he was starved, 3 years of starvation. and not only did he not give up, he supported us all the time, encouraged us, laughed, joked, encouraged us, i couldn’t get enough of it.
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share with me rage, rage, anger, hatred for those who dared to kill our future, i address you with the words of alexey, in whom i really believe: it’s not a shame to do little, it’s a shame to do nothing, here i want to once we stop at this text, it is not e'.


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