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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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situation, the ministry of defense reported. enemy losses are estimated at hundreds of military personnel and dozens of pieces of equipment. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of forces, conducting active combat operations, occupied more advantageous positions along the front line, defeated the formation of the eighty-first airmobile, seventy-ninth air assault, fifth and ninety-second assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of belogorovka, lugansk people's republic , georgievka, kleshcheevka. red, kurdyumovka and novomikhailovka, donetsk people's republic. in the avdievsky direction, units of the center group of forces, as a result of combined actions, occupied more advantageous positions. in addition, the twenty-fourth, 27th, 47th, 53th mechanized and 59th motorized infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of ochertina, novoselovka first, taretsk and novogrodovka of the donetsk people's republic. in the south-donetsk direction along...
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usa. more details about the course of hostilities in report by alexander katyuba. hurricane. each missile penetrates the enemy's layered defenses. the artillery of the troop grouping center supports the advance of our infantry in the avdeevsky direction. on target, our reconnaissance drone coordinates the actions of the multiple launch rocket system crews . hurricane. a hurricane is like a sniper rifle to the enemy. the more we work, the fewer casualties the infantry suffers, the more casualties the enemy suffers. at a camouflaged artillery position, another combat vehicle is preparing for battle. calculation by place. the enemy has gathered powerful force into your fist, so you need to hit quickly and accurately. aerial reconnaissance. spotted the advance
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of an enemy armored column to the west of our forward positions. the hurricane is fully charged. the shells are high-explosive fragmentation, the weight of each missile is 280 kg. there are 16 guides here. the affected area is 10 football fields. 50-22. the missiles fell very closely together. an attempt by the enemy to stop our advance on this section of the front. worked on them, with adjustments, hit, the enemy suffered heavy losses, there were their armored vehicles, tanks and combat infantry vehicle. the combat work of artillery in the center group of troops does not stop for a minute. hurricanes are hitting militant positions in the ssu from several directions at once. the enemy continues to move backward, losing dozens of his soldiers every day. alexander cazzu.
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for travel across the ukrainian-romanian border in a crowded windowless bus, each of the thirty-four men paid 10 thousand dollars, just to be away from the military commissars, legends are already being made about their omnipresence, they came here too, with those fleeing from mobilization they are ceremonious, thrown to the ground , placed in stacks, according to personnel they are all no more than
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thirty, the age to which the tsetskashniks react immediately, their target audience is those who are 27 over, the scandalous bill on mobilization lowers this threshold to 25. this applies to those who did not pass compulsory military service, and those liable for military service are expected to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine from 18 to 60 years old, well, as they wait, they forcibly insist to join, for those who do not want to go to the front line, now the so-called ferrymen are making a good living, they, of course, also risk getting busted under the noise, if not to the front, then to prison, but the money is good, the driver of the truck could have earned 500 dollars, if not for the border guards, they found two illegal passengers in his... river, they were trying to leave for moldova. military commissars are very disliked in ukraine. the degree of hatred goes off scale, especially in small settlements, where there is almost no one to take away, but they are still on the prowl, fighting off the tetsekashniks as
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best they can, and brushing them off with axes, and crushing them with cars. the verkhovna rada has already approved the bill on mobilization in the first reading, now it is, as they say, combing their hair for the second reading. speaker. in ukrainian schools they distribute pistols and conduct instructions, in case there is no mobilized army, they train young saboteurs and partisans, they definitely won’t run away yet, they have entrance exams soon, the first higher education, now this is not for the sake of knowledge, one of the few
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those who receive a second higher education will not have a chance to get a deferment after the bill is approved. denis alekseev, lead. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm. not just profitable, alpha profitable. if it seems that the cold can no longer be stopped, anvimax against symptoms, against viruses. anvimax, when the cold is gaining momentum. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it.
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candidate for the post of president of russia from the ldpr party, leonid sludsky, met with female doctors who participated in a special military operation. the conversation included the supply of medicines to the northern military district zone and the organization of courses for accelerated training of volunteer nurses. also in the spotlight was the issue of accrual. today they need understanding, solutions to some issues that are socially
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payments and some others that are not yet fully resolved, we will decide together, we will support, we will do everything possible. new regions of russia, along with the entire country, are now preparing for the president. i would like to tell you about the upcoming presidential elections in russia, you can look at our information, ika’s information, that is, who is running for president of russia. an election information project helps residents of the zaporozhye region clarify information about polling stations,
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opportunities for early home voting voting. you can scan the qr code, subscribe to our channel, in the same way, please tell me, do you live at this address? great. early voting itself has already begun in the zaporozhye region; it will cover 94 remote settlements. residents of villages located near the line vote first.
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with whom it turns out they are quite familiar. your
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day. they sang along, asked questions about musical instruments, choice of profession and just about life, took photos together, boasted on social networks, of course. there were also gifts. they are just as affectionate, just as kind and just as attentive. yes, children always need approximately the same things.
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there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does digital help? you are incomparably original in your questions, but what about export production in general, what is our product? russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. 24. russia moves the world forward, we invent and develop, build and produce, we create
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the kind of country in which we ourselves want to live, we defend our homeland, brightly welcome guests, and we confidently move forward, we create our future together.
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on the territory of russia and russia, perhaps, there is no , therefore it emits a special energy, cool , where are you going, i’m going after my brother, now i have to find her, love is like proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, go, i'll return it. do you hear behind that? call sign passenger, scary, no, soon,
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treasures, legends and secrets of hersanes. how the city looked like during the time of the ancient greek founders, when the first christians appeared here during the era of the roman empire. why did prince vladimir keep the city under siege for 9 months, why was it here that he made the fateful decision for all of russia to be baptized, and how is the city experiencing a renaissance today? this idea. to create such a huge museum here, an educational scientific center, belongs to putin, who in 15,
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when he was here with italian prime minister berluscone, he saw here a special place absolutely necessary for us all memory. and a place of special historical sacred significance. this is the center where russia was gathered,
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here the last thing that was missing appeared, this spiritual and moral core of christianity, which came after all the horrors, sometimes paganism or atheism? the project is grandiose, but at least now everyone who was under the great impression is under the impression that this is a new point, there is an awareness of some world realities today, an understanding that this is probably a point of power , one might say, from our people.
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the strategic goal of this project , it seems to me, is to revive the historical, cultural, spiritual heritage of khersanes, to recreate such a center of power in crimea, but in general it should turn this region into such a serious scientific and educational center with ancient, interesting roots , i think this is a very important project. just imagine how many events took place within these walls during the two-thousand-year history of khersanes, each step here is like moving in time, between eras that add up to very bright and interesting historical mosaic. look, the lower floors of the masonry wall belong
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to... that’s the name of the forward wall, he found himself in this narrow, long corridor, then the enemy was shot at point-blank range from the towers. krastanez was founded during the final stage of the great greek colonization in the 6th or early 5th century bc. the first greeks went here to the northern shores of the black sea in search of new lands. in greece itself by this time there was an overabundance of population and not enough land. hersanese is the last colony that the greeks founded here in crimea. the theater was not just a place where people came to relax, it was an important element
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of social life. people's meetings took place here, theatrical performances took place here, there were competitions between musicians, between athletes, between singers, between speakers. the theater existed for a long time; its construction dates back to the century bc. yes. and i understand correctly that the uniqueness of this ancient theater for us is that it is the only ancient theater on the territory of the former soviet union. this. unique archaeological discovery, by and large , all the monuments of the ancient era that were preserved in chersonesos, bear a huge role for understanding the culture of that time, and part of this culture is our modern culture, the cultural space in which we live. i am very
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thankful. to the staff of our museum, our neighbors, for this opportunity to introduce children to the present, to what has been for many centuries, now it is available to them simply in the original source, this is a great miracle, in general, the spiritual and aesthetic education of children is our main task, for example, after returning from living history lessons, the children sat down to make masks, ancient theatrical masks, using the example of what they saw in chersonesos and so on, that is, this is instantly...
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i swear by zeus, gaia, helius, the maiden, the olympian gods and goddesses and the heroes who own the city, the region of the fortifications of the chersenesites, this is the text of the ancient oath, why do you consider this one of the most important objects of antiquity. the text of the oath states: that in the city, probably shortly before this oath took place, there was an attempt at a coup d'état, the coup was suppressed, and so that no one else would do it
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