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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next author’s program, besagon tv, which will be called “if there is no god, everything is permitted.” i think you will understand why we named our program that way, but according to tradition , i will first tell you how to watch it. or our previous program, and on channel russia 24, on channel russia 1, on youtube , in the telegram channel and so on and so on, there were almost 12 million viewers, as you yourself understand, these numbers cannot but please us, for this is a huge thank you from us, i think you remember, we ended our last program with me showing you a small episode from...
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khadochnikov and i raised a glass for the victory, for our victory, you know, there was a huge number of responses about this, and people wrote, and what’s more, even after me they repeated this toast and drank, so i thought that if we take and make such a tradition with you, while a military operation is going on, each program, we will carefully end with a toast to victory, to our victory. some with what,
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some with tea, some with water, some with something else? without any violence. now touching on what there will be today's program and how it is related to the previous one. i must tell you that there was a huge resonance after our story regarding mr. shepelev and anni loroc, we received letters, you know about this, people asked questions, we tried to answer them. moreover, we even received a definite answer from the presidential administration, we provoked quite a stir with our program, we took it so seriously that even the celeb, our vladimir rudolfovich solovyov, dedicated an entire episode in his program to an evening with solovyov and mr. shepelev and ms. loroc, it seems to me that it was precisely at this level that it was probably necessary.
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he didn’t perform, i took him by the hand , put him on the plane, brought him to rostov, from rostov he went to the land of donetsk, he didn’t tell people, he listened silently, he came to mariupol, he looked at everything, he understood everything, at least i hope a lot, right after it happened.
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still, it’s better to do this clarification before letters arrive with questions that have to be answered. touched by mr. solovyov and annie loroc, that’s what i didn’t say. here is korolina miroslavovna kuyok, she , not lorok, is a person subject, according to ukrainians, to immediate detention from april 23 , 2023, she is for me. it’s scary
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, for their propaganda it’s a colossal blow that a popular ukrainian performer came to russia, is in russia, and her family is there, she supports russia, so, of course, they are trying in every possible way to discredit her, and sometimes it’s very difficult to check. well, regarding mrs. annie loroc, we had information, as i already told you reported from the presidential administration, this is what they answered us. posted several posts in support of ukraine on her social networks. currently, anni lorak takes an active part in
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charity collections for children who suffered during the svo period, and also provides financial assistance to the state budgetary institution. shakhtyorsky orphanage boarding school for the disabled. dpr and so on. the deputy head of the presidential administration of the russian federation, press secretary of the president of the russian federation, dmitry, vouched for the loyalty of annie loroc sergeevich peskov. in this document, in particular, among the many actions of ani lorak , the miners' home boarding school in the dpr, to which she provided assistance, was also listed. and we decided to find out from the director about this. boarding school, how did anna lorak, the director of this boarding school, lyudmila yuryevna, actually help, she talked to us very kindly, listen, hello, this is a miners’ orphanage, a boarding school, yes, that’s right, they wanted to clarify,
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they write that it helps you sit up, we wanted to know who we could get this information from, someone who, annya laura, yes, annya laura.
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will prove it, this is not true. i understand the temptation to start spinning this story now, but i have absolutely no intention of doing that. there could have been a mistake; someone didn’t understand, didn’t recognize it. and here it’s not a matter of desire -
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to, uh, catch someone, treat someone. not at all. but the fact is that this is an approximation. this is one of the most terrible things, approximation, it blurs all good intentions as a result, and it seems to me that in this case it is much easier and more honest to say from the same screen in the same program in which you take part say, knowing that there are questions for you, answer these questions close the question. but it’s scary, it’s scary , because the party doesn’t forgive such things , you can get a lot of trouble for it, so it’s easier to talk quietly with the bosses and then
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carefully also float into the studio on television, i returned to this topic only because there was a speech by solovyov because ... first of all, of course, the united states, has crossed its national borders, in fact, in all spheres, in the economy, in
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politics, in the humanitarian sphere, it is being imposed other states, well, who will like it? a speech that changed the consciousness of the european man in the street and the european politician. the only difference is that back then it was possible not to listen to someone from some kind of russia, but today this is impossible.
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the usa and its satellites have firmly taken a course towards hegemony, military, political, economic, cultural, even moral and value-based. from the very beginning it was clear to us that attempts to establish a monopoly were doomed to failure; the world was too complex and diverse to be subordinated to one scheme. western influence in the world is a huge military-financial...
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why is this happening, and what can
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excite people so much that they take up arms? yuri alekseev, a day passed with the execution of muslim militants, the editors of a french humor magazine. the reaction of the civilized world is off the charts, and the saddest thing is that this is the most disgusting reaction possible. first, of these guys, now the progressive part of humanity is diligently molding martyrs for the truth, they have almost been canonized, people, turn on your brain, they have humanity has its own wild beast inside, religious intolerance, religious fanaticism, religious fascism, finally, we will not evaluate, we will simply state that it exists, has always been, and most likely always will be. this is an amazing, frivolous game
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with sacred things for millions of people, it is a liberal, frivolous game, it ends in blood, the civilized world has learned something during this time, just think about it, in sweden it is burned. the koran, and this happens under the protection of the police and the state. for what? i want to understand: sweden is one of the cleanest, calmest countries, at least. 15-20 years ago, and that a swedish policeman appears on television asking women not to go out onto the streets because they cannot protect them from migrants. we recommend that women do not go out late at night, ask someone for a ride , and move around the city in groups if possible. and teasing
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this bear to burn the koran under police protection. for what? no, well, well, seriously, in hannover, germany, they are desecrating a mosque with terrible inscriptions. repeated provocations israel against the aleksa mosque, despite the fact that it is the third mosque in the islamic world, after mecca and medina. why is this being done? but look how a group of orthodox jews simply spit, spit in the faces of christians, christian nuns.
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well, from two groups: either an idiot or a scoundrel, but if he doesn’t know that hitler and his minions fought against russia during the war, then he’s an idiot, it means he just didn’t go to school, doesn’t have basic knowledge, and if he knows that this man
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fought on hitler's side and calls him hero of ukraine and hero... before president zelensky and his wife, speaker anthony rhode. present in this room today is a ukrainian-canadian world war ii veteran who fought for ukraine's independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today, even at the age of
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98. they all greet, applaud , standing, the ss man, ninety-eight-year-old yaroslav gonki, a ninety-eight-year-old fascist who shot people, accepts honors from the state, in the presence of a foreign guest, then the question arises, which our president asks, or is he the same trudeau, an idiot who did not study. and doesn’t understand what it means, or if he understands what it means, he’s a scoundrel, but there ’s no choice, he’s a scoundrel, why? i’ll explain, but he couldn’t help but know who it was, because the day before the granddaughter of this fascist published a photograph under which she signed: grandpa
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is waiting for trudeau and zelensky in the reception room, well, if you choose between idiots and scoundrels, who could be given preference, well, it seemed you would probably still be kind of an idiot, harmless, really, rather than a scoundrel, but this is not so, this is not so, because an idiot... in the place behind which stands the power of possibility, this creature can do more than a scoundrel. just imagine, kamala haris, sweet, charming, sweet, phytical stupidity , which at some point can lead to disaster if something happens to old biden, how, say, a stupid person creates an illusion. meaningfulness, profundity and philosophical thinking, here is kamala haris in different ways in different situations that do not have
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has nothing to do with one another, says an incredibly meaningfully clever phrase that does not express anything, a phrase like this, remember, can be useful, something that may not be burdened by what was, something that may not be... burdened by what was, something that may not be burdened by what was, damn it, this phrase will make you mysterious and worthy of attention and trust, but is this horror or what? i can imagine what can be, what has been? be unburdened by what has been? what can be unburdened by what has been? what can be, unburdened by what has been? what can
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be unburdened by what has been? what can be unburdened by what has been? what can be unburdened by what has been? what can be unburdened by what has been? who we can be, unburdened by who we have been? listen, it could even be very nice, well, some lady who says some stupid things, but god bless her, but this is the vice president of a great country, what could happen next in terms of actions, decisions, and we always, we always come across people who, in principle, are not responsible at all for... their words, a well-mannered person, can he, for example, say what the minister of defense of the netherlands kaisa ollengren said,
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listen, i think that we should take part in dialogues with our american colleagues and friends, because they, like us, are interested in supporting ukraine, which is a very cheap way to ensure that russia and its regime do not pose a threat to the nato alliance. they stand, they are thrown into these meat assaults, they are about people, these are cheap people, they are nothing they kill, they fulfill the task of weakening russia so that it does not pose a threat to the alliance. that is, do you generally understand what this says about living people, they say, this is a very cheap way to weaken russia, the woman, the minister of defense,
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does not hesitate to say this nasty thing, but compared to what i will tell you now, and this also ugh, nothing, there are things that, i don’t even know how to explain, that a person should not be able to pronounce, just a person, a person, a creature of god, he should not be able to pronounce it, did you know that during the second world war, black soil, a great land, the most fertile land, was exported from ukraine in trains, the trains came with occupied ukraine, germany, black soil, ... years passed, and there was no more need to export land from ukraine, and the owners simply came to this land, it’s easier
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to come yourself than to transport the land in wagons. in ukraine there is a law that it is possible to sell arable land to foreign foreign companies, our representative vaughn, mr. nebenzya, speaks about this very clearly. today we will hear a lot about solidarity of the western community with ukraine and readiness to support it to the end. however, it is necessary to understand that this support is leading ukraine to this very end. as we understand, an american financial
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company will handle its distribution.
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and just think about this in general, ukrainians, my dear ones, you, well, you, open your eyes, you are nobody, for these people, they are crap , they are calling into question the possibility of you burying your brothers, fathers, husbands, questioning the possibility of burying them in your own land, because you need the black soil. they they invest in the ground, why the hell do they need your corpses, they clog up their ability to grow modified products and then sell them to you, it’s normal when all this comes together in parallel, like that in parallel, like, for example, satisfaction
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with the minister... defense of the netherlands, something that costs very little, the weakening of russia at the expense of the lives of ukrainians, and mr. fink complains that many people are buried in his land, which should bear fruit, it decomposes the corpses of dead soldiers, and in parallel with this, wonderful journey of the first lady mrs. zelenskaya,


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