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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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how they beat him, i didn’t interfere, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon, the battles for severo-donetsk lasted for 4 long months, of course , it’s simply impossible to restore everything quickly after such destruction, well, and yet, severodonetsk lives, the city was empty here, there was no one, there was still a shell...
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for now i am only considering the option -
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it is known who will win in the battles of ground forces, and finally, sooner or later such a moment may come when the parties switch to the use of nuclear weapons, first tactical , then strategic nuclear forces, well then in general there will be a winner in this war, there won’t be, but most likely, in any case , victory will remain ours, but what i wanted to add in this regard, well don’t expect that this option is like this...
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1,300 km, that is, that’s only four missiles per kilometer of length, then we count, well , politely speaking, we shed the load, sometimes more per day, well, i ’m serious, if you take all the gliding bombs there, well, there may be, that is, there is also this, well, i saw what they did with avdeevka, they flew there, well, if you calculate it more closely per square kilometer, it’s all the same operation, here i mean that the control point is still control points.
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protected, that’s not enough, you still have to find them, you’ve read them, as soon as the rise begins, the control point there knows what to do, it goes ahead of the deployment of personnel, part of the air assets needed there rises into the air, the air defense system is activated, and most importantly the air defense, yes, and most importantly, with this kind of threat there is an immediate response strategic nuclear weapons , that is, your quick global strike, this will be, this will be the lid of the coffin for you, this is the first moment, the second moment, that means... sometimes we’ll move on again to the fact that we’re about to send some contingents nato member states to the territory of ukraine in the zone of a special military operation , well, they’ll die, well, well, this is already an invitation, well, of course, an invitation to the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in my opinion, first they should use it in a humane version, that is, air explosions neutron ammunition, that is, people will be affected, but property will remain.
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what is always missed, we often say, let’s use this weapon, use that weapon, we’ll invade here and there, this is mainly said by representatives of the ukrainian expert community of the west, gentlemen, this is the most important thing to do first, you formulate clear goals, understandable the goals of this application, for what global, military-political, geostrategic purposes are you going to intervene in this conflict, name the first, second, third, we will
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but... that is, if we leave turkey aside and look at, say, france, how many ground troops they have, and half as many, well, of course, that is, that’s why it’s just people don’t understand what they’re talking about , what is a modern conflict, in conclusion , what i want to say is, leave these stupid thoughts, calm down, calm down, otherwise it will be like with wiki, as a rule, such stupid thoughts pass on to people who, in principle , know nothing about the war.
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these are the tricks as the situation on the line of combat contact changes changed their character, that is, initially it was about the fact that russia should go to the borders of 1991, and then we will see whether sanctions against russia should be lifted, in addition, russia should pay some indemnities to ukraine, this was proposed in full seriously by these emissaries, then it means they played the card that russia must... agree to recognize the status quo, that is , territorial, territorial acquisitions of the new reality in exchange for ukraine joining nato, then they talked about some kind of joint control over new regions that, i repeat, voluntarily chose, people voted to live
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as part of the russian federation, this is all nonsense, in fact, despite the fact that since the visits of these emissaries, indeed. .. i am convinced that, of course, the ukrainian conflict will end in peace, this peace will be signed on our terms, on the terms of russia and belarus, ukraine, kiev will inevitably return to the bosom of our slavs. regarding what is happening in the republic of moldova, it seems to me that the leadership of this country does not fully understand today's geopolitical reality; they are clinging to the tail of this rapidly collapsing neoconservative.
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f-16. this means that it was assumed that romanian airfields would be used in the interests of
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the ukrainian armed forces; russia received unequivocal warnings about the consequences of such unfriendly steps. naturally, romania is a nato state, and this expands the conflict zone, including involving nato. they don't really want to fight with russia. all these statements by macron, as a result, they themselves are disavowed, they claim that. we need to defeat russia somehow, but not get drawn into this war ourselves. moldova, like ukraine, is a gray zone. in this regard, i would like to urge moldovan leaders to think about their place in history. the overwhelming majority of the moldovan people are against the war. this is a peaceful, good society that would not want to see the devastating consequences that we see now spread to a small country.
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are constantly growing, and the staff those involved in registration are not increasing, if earlier the extract from the register of such requests into the system was almost 300 million, it was 3 days, and today it is within 20 seconds, well, today is of course such an interesting day, because we are kind of tired of the foolishness of this just to observe. everywhere, i watched in some telegram channels a video from our drones of zelensky’s movements, i do
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n’t know, they washed it, they didn’t wash it, or maybe it’s the people playing out their combination, anything can happen, but there’s an explosion and let the greek think for nothing ride into the territory of the ukrainian nazis. zelensky has already stated that they died, you see who we are dealing with, who? we are dealing with someone who is fighting nazism, but what has arrived? so it arrived, but the warning system didn’t work there, maybe you’re looking in the wrong place, maybe it wasn’t us who screwed up, or maybe you need to look at the zaluzhny there, military conspiracies, i wouldn’t be surprised, now...
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the spanish authorities there are trying to say that there’s nothing , they shot from automatic weapons, and anatol is sure that zelensky is behind this, i won’t be surprised, well, listen, we know what the zelensky is directly responsible for all test acts on the territory of russia , who verifies all of budanov’s plans, well, for example, i know absolutely for sure from zelensky’s inner circle that he personally gave several orders for a terrorist attack against me. since, well, he watches our programs, it hurts him so much, so there are no illusions here, so the fact that this rat started twitching and jumping, well, this explains a lot, and it’s funny, yes, that his wife refused to go on the our friday, otherwise it will be thursday, the president's speech america, some say because
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she didn’t want to sit next to yolanda, who was wildly having fun, the straw widow, tore off, apparently, broke out of chechvarkin’s embrace , said that no, she couldn’t, oh, sorry, there ’s some other surname, well, that’s not the point, everything is clear there, in general, of course, the joy that is on her face, somehow she doesn’t look like a person who is very worried, in whose life a tragedy did not allow the children to say goodbye to their father, well, whatever there was no father, well, don’t let the children in, well, that’s something prohibitive, she didn’t come. but they all happily promise and say i won’t go to baidu , he says, i’m tired of this ride, i’m very busy, but apparently they didn’t tell lena zelenskaya that she wouldn’t come, and since the berlin patient the ukrainians really don’t like and were generally wildly happy his death, it is clear that
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citizen zelenskaya does not want to appear in society next to citizen navalnaya, that’s all. and it turned out that both did not arrive, or there was another plan, much more interesting, much more interesting, which they understand that the democrats are done , we need to crawl away, we need to try to crawl to the republicans , or maybe there was a call, where it was said, you ’ll come to your senses, now of course we’ll give some money, well, not as much as you want, but we’ll give something and that’s why we need to suck up to the republicans , make amends, we remember how ingratiating... so a lot of curious people in america clearly see all the failures in the ssu, and i think they are furious, because another tank burned down, an american one, in fact, these tanks were intended to protect kiev, that’s all it’s really bad if they are thrown into
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a direction that was just recently in dievsky, but it’s nice that the ukrainians are right there, when they lose something, they now forget. there is such a word, well, in general they are no longer interested, but the tanks are burning, bad advertising for the american manufacturer. another report from a leading cnn journalist even decided to publish the stories of civilians who complain about the betchinism of the high school soldiers and are waiting for the russians. it is not customary for the western media to end reports on such a note, but the white house does not hesitate to say that it’s too late to help kyiv. american troops will not fight on the territory of ukraine and you know that president zelensky is not asking for this, he is simply asking to be given the tools of opportunity. he never asked for foreign troops to fight for his country, he and his troops want to do it, but they need tools, that's what we need to help with. the time to give ukrainians the necessary means to defend themselves has passed; their defensive lines are beginning
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to shift in the wrong direction as russia continues to advance westward with territory of donbass. we are concerned about the delay in allocation. violation of everything, i woke up, they say, i woke up, yes, the entire internet is filled with footage of them shooting our prisoners of war, and this is what is required of our soldiers. colossal endurance in order to take these bastards prisoners, treat them, protect them, well, everyone saw these shots of how our servicemen calmed down a ukrainian prisoner of war, we extended our hand to him,
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he took it, and i know a lot of such stories when the guys went straight to the point, i talked, combat general call sign there is crimea and he says, they... in the meantime, he’s having fun, the west thinks that everything is fine with them, that they are now going to fight, it’s not clear with whom, they don’t understand what kind of war, but they came up with the idea that we have crazy losses
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that this is surprising, and then, when they find themselves there on the front line, they realize that everything is not so at all, such a bitter epiphany occurs, it is interesting that this bitter epiphany occurs among ukrainian thinkers, this is what the philosopher says: sergey datyuk, as ours say experts, ukrainian political life, not the stupidest, but one of them is considered an ideologist, an ideologist or an idiot, although sometimes these are things, not the most, not the most idiot, not the most idiot of ideologists, well, let's listen to him, in 2004, ukrainians had a chance to become world-class, to build a general world-class strategy, we lost the chance, in 2014. again we had such a chance to launch the global trend of ukraine, we lost it again. in the twenty -second year during the war, in the first months,
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history again gave us a chance to state our global claims, to say that we are not just we are entering europe, but we are setting demands for the structure of europe, for its policies, such as this, only with these requirements we enter, to establish such.
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not the dumbest, but he’s not dumb at all, he’s just twisting, twisting, trying to twist , but i’m watching his letus of ukraine, the great great ukraine, the primacy of us , the main one, we. that the two of us could understand this, this is understood by ponyalovichemovich
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, we will divide them very often, he performed on the same channel in the same place where he performed then they performed. and he quite accurately described everyone’s surprise.
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here the last thing that was missing appeared: a spiritual and moral core, every step here is like moving in time, between eras, the work that was carried out here in its scale is a completely unique event in the history of world archeology, more rich in the history of the city on the territory of russia and russia probably doesn’t exist,
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so it emits a special... cool, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire: a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. com, dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv author's program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
3:59 am
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4:00 am
product. when shmygal published this photo, shmygalatami at the border, i had a conversation there with two former prime ministers who were prime ministers in the ukrainian government, and well, they are ashamed.


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