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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, traditions. in innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. timkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. look.
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look in the app or on the website, meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother in donbass, you must go there, you go, just so passengers can ride here, i’m not afraid. “i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, to the gray zone, beyond this line, you will become different, and then what, there was my childhood and youth, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to,
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now the footage that we received from the defense department: the head of the department checked the implementation of the state defense order by the enterprises of the diamond antey concern. means of detecting air targets 354. here an antenna rotates in an electromagnetic field without... mechanics, respectively, this
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makes it possible to work trouble-free up to 2000 hours, 800 hours a year, so 2 years before duty is not, we have all switched to a schedule where the police merge throughout the year, and you and i spoke at the last meeting, at previous enterprises just about the fact that from december-november we are moving everything, so to speak, trying to the left, in any case. for this we have everything, we have the funds that the country gave, within, not immediately 10, our finishing site does not allow us to collect, okay, you have a knocking the site doesn’t allow it, create another site, create two sites, create three sites, if before we spent up to 30 minutes searching for a target, here it takes 4 minutes to find a target, this will allow us to aim at the cross, similar things work in combination. so exactly
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that detection is a defeat, absolutely correct, if you have a detection, there is no defeat, then it is meaningless, that’s right, there is a defeat, with what means of destruction is this machine designed, means of cinnamon. now we are talking about adding drones, here painting occurs, after which there is a small protective layer that holds high temperatures, but here it’s 12-16 hours, at least this is it. the paint does not happen because we recycle the handle, because here inside the strongest metal structure is the strongest mechanically and unitarily in time for about half an hour, and why don’t you work outside? in rudi you there the engineering
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is finally handed over by hand, well, what kind of engineering, how did you put these boxes there with the way they stand there, i’ll show you the topography, the people no, the second shift is not working, the third is not working. we are here at the same pace, in the same way to build a 7.100 m modern lyceum magnesium production, in june in july we hand over the equipment, it is already ready for installation, this is an automated workshop, you all know how important it is in today's conditions, especially in the special zone military operation acquires funds. air defense, and the spectrum is expanding every day, the range of weapons against which the systems should work, the emergence of attack unmanned aircraft, long range
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, greater power, the appearance of the enemy 's haymarc missiles, everything that was produced in soviet times, naturally, against all this we need to look at how we... defend ourselves, all this is done by your enterprises, today we will listen to what additional measures need to be taken and within what time frame they will be taken. the belgian authorities refused to support the proposal of french president macron to send troops to ukraine. however, brussels does not yet intend to refuse to continue assistance to kiev. about this, as well as the militaristic rhetoric of nato member countries. let's talk to the russian ambassador to belgium. he is in direct contact with the studio. alexander avrelevich, hello, thank you for taking the time. this is the rhetoric of nato and , above all, mr. macron, which really aroused enormous fears that we were reaching some new level
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of escalation, conflict in europe, and yet the belgian authorities refused. are there any other comments from the belgian authorities on this issue? kind. alexander anatolyevich, truly the words of the president of france macron, reflect, it seems to me, a certain confusion that arose in the european elites after the illusions of success of the so-called counter-offensive of the kiev regime were destroyed, and the slogan of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia was replaced by reasoning that it was necessary to prevent ukraine from losing, it’s in this context, apparently, that these throwings are happening, which in some ways reflect macron’s ill-considered statement; in an article in the new york times it was noted that the french
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president wanted to scare russia, but he scared in mainly their own nato allies, who immediately dissociated themselves from such stuffing. and belgium was no exception, defense minister de donder said that this issue is essentially not being considered, and belgium is focusing on continuing to assist the kiev regime with the armed forces of ukraine, understanding that sending military contingents of nato countries to ukraine is fraught with a sharp escalation with its transfer to nuclear level, which no one...
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european security, not the first time the french leader does not do enough
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a well-thought-out statement, in general , they are quite accustomed to this, including in other capitals of the european union, this is basically how they perceive it, so he is trying to create some kind of strategic uncertainty, which should confuse the russian leadership, but probably , the leadership of moscow is not as easy to confuse as... it might seem to someone in paris, so once again , it seems to me that these words did not have any serious effect, other than media noise. and you know, strategic uncertainty created, of course, by nato officials. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg, against the backdrop of kiev's defeat, apparently called sweden's entry into nato a signal for moscow that the doors of the alliance are open, for whom are they open, but what do you think? who did he mean, well , ukraine, probably, or some other country? well, mr. stoltenberg is known
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for his ability to repeatedly reproduce the same theses, this time he also essentially said nothing new, this is the open door policy, this is the long-term, long-term policy of the alliance, which reproduced in all his documents, at all levels, in fact. expresses the line of the west, the line of the united states to expand the geopolitical space it controls wider and wider, further and further on the european continent , in fact, this is precisely this course , including the phrase recorded in nato documents in 2008 that ukraine will become a member of nato, undoubtedly played a very important role in...
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at this stage it is clear that the northern countries, finland, sweden sharply changed their policy, which was successfully carried out in for a long time, the policy of neutrality, in fact, thereby lowered the level of security of their states, we have already talked about this, how serious, serious the consequences of these steps will depend on how these countries act, how actively... and how they will quickly develop relations with the north atlantic allies, while it
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is difficult to say for sure, but of course, this increases security risks in northern europe, in the baltic region, which will be taken into account in russian strategic planning. well as for tensions, nato is now known to be conducting some of the largest exercises in its history, well, of course they are called beautifully.
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to counteract, to confront russia militarily, including working out methods for transferring troops from north america and equipment to europe, these are the exercises that you mentioned in the north of europe, they are part of this staunch defender, at the same time quite large
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exercises are being carried out in poland now too, this is all the return of the alliance to its so to speak firstborn. tasks of confrontation with russia, which naturally reflects a confrontational course and carries a very serious danger of a direct military clash, we must clearly understand this. yes, in the meantime, they are conducting exercises, including crossing a water barrier, hanging there, and so on. the question is, if you are going to defend yourself as a staunch defender, why do you need to practice this? well, probably, military science should do everything and a military man can do everything. but how strange it looks, these seemingly little things, yes, they talk about that they are most likely going to not defend themselves, and yet these conversations, ms. kallos, more serious people in europe, nato officials, they somehow talk so cunningly, or retired officials, but i only see the difference who -he says in 3 years
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russia will face nato, someone calls long terms, and are there any... no, while, of course, he does not say that nato will attack, it is presented in such a way that this is russia this one from moscow, saying that this is complete absurdity,
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no such plans. in russia there is no, completely, no matter how hard it is heard, again this is a reflection of that line of confrontation with russia, that is, the locals need to convince the population that they must endure.
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belgium came to kiev, there were a lot of his team there, or rather the team of just western leaders, canada, italy, this visit made practical sense, or is it after all - that’s what is being discussed here, like the allocation of money to kiev, in brussels, because there is there is some kind of fermentation on this issue in america, in europe, too , either there seems to be either there or not, but i mean in germany there and so on, how are things in brussels? prime minister? chairman of the council of europe,
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he went there in an acting capacity , that is, to demonstrate in this capacity the position of the european union together with the eu leaders.
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one cannot help but notice a significant degree of deceit in the statements of the belgian leadership, when they say that all these funds will supposedly be allocated at the expense of russia, that is, russia will pay for ukraine to fight it, we are talking about the fact that tax funds will be used income from income generated by russian assets frozen in belgium , among other things.
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lira and in general this whole story, as i understand it, belgium is not even itching to return the money to us, this is understandable, but at least there are some conversations on this topic, conversations go on the opposite topic, how to do this so that everything -so to get closer not only to taxes, but already to income, so the boldest thing is to go further, so to speak, to the main funds, so to speak , so we are talking about this, about returning speeches to at this stage. yes, well, let them practice some kind of illogical and incorrect jurisprudence for now, i think they will return it all to us with interest, but that
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will happen later, that’s for sure, but for now let them entertain themselves with hopes for their sovereignty, but and the authorities of belgium and other european countries are so worried about the safety of others, they have suddenly fallen in love with ukraine recently that they have forgotten about their farmers, what does it smell like there in belgium? is everything still as good in brussels or not so good? well farmers really spoke very powerfully on february 1, when the leaders of the countries of the european union gathered here, in brussels there were more than a thousand tractors that were blocking and food warehouses were organizing demonstrations in the city center in close proximity to... the subsidence
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of the economy of the european union, which, as we know, last year showed growth of only half a percent, and some countries, including the leading eu economy, germany, have generally entered a recession, so to speak, and are showing negative indicators, economic, against this backdrop, farmers demand specific measures that would improve their situation, they complain that... they have become victims of ill-conceived decisions of the eu bureaucracy to overly promote the so-called green course, they say that they are not against protecting the environment, but why european officials should do this precisely at their expense, at the expense of agricultural producers, who are also dissatisfied with not fully thought-out attempts to conclude a free trade agreement with partners in other regions, in
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including in south america. well, at the same time, of course, the influence of anti-russian sanctions is obvious here, which leads to a general deterioration in the economic situation and hits, including agricultural producers, well, for electricity, for example, in the european union they now pay approximately twice as much in industry and agriculture more than in the united states, which of course cannot affect the competitiveness of manufacturers, and this is increasingly understood - in business, in business circles, in particular in the center of brussels during demonstration, a tractor was seen flying the russian flag, in these last days , which indicates an understanding of this reality ; in response, promises are made to monitor pricing, monitor stricter implementation of rules in the trade of food products, but at the same time, the leaders of both belgium and other eu countries admit that here they do not have some kind of magic wand
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that... would allow them to quickly solve these problems, so it cannot be ruled out that farmers and agricultural producers will continue to demonstrate their emotions. yes, indeed, we’ll see how the event develops in europe, maybe some kind of enlightenment will actually appear in the minds of european officials. aleksandrelevich, thank you very much, i will remind you that we spoke with the russian ambassador to belgium, alexander takavinin. you, money and fire, a deadly fire in the capital's flower warehouse, the fire lasted 2,500 km , a fire at a flower warehouse in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, the flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar, i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, but everything that was inside was destroyed, seven people were trapped, burned alive,
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everything burned, well... even kostya, there was nothing to know there, another raid begins, and information also appeared that the publication a save containing 20 million rubles was stolen. i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, he now has to live with this for the rest of his life, the feeling that he killed people. what caused the fire? a small thing led to big consequences. why did people die and how does the flower plant work? business in russia. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the anatomy of betrayal or the merry widow. i look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.
3:00 pm
sergei shaigus today checked the implementation of the state defense order by the enterprises of the almaz antei concern. the minister was told. production of autonomous means for the purpose of indicating the enese, as well as systems for detecting and countering drones. to shaigu also presented a mobile guidance point for hitting air targets and the latest models of counter-battery counter stations. following the results of the work, the minister of defense held a working meeting with the participation of military personnel and enterprise managers. he emphasized that the range of weapons against which...


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