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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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vladimir putin today went on a working trip to stavropol, from there the president took part in the opening ceremony of several new production facilities in belgorod via video conference. in
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the village of solnechno-dolsk near stavropol, putin got acquainted with the work of the solnechny dar greenhouse complex. the head of state spoke with employees of the agricultural holding over lunch. i looked at your farm, well, it’s impressive, to be honest, a whole city, a whole city to build. well, it’s exciting, by car, we’re driving, we’re driving, it ends, it’s not visible end of playing.
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well, we recommend trying our tomatoes, they are the best, but try it, but you almost gave it away, thank you, asked, asked to come visit, said that the old lady’s mother would be very happy, but didn’t leave the address, we have one like this in the classics our fetova, and our classics, based on this, odessa should be taken away, because the classics come from the same place, yes.
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does this make a lot of sense? i look at the meetings, but putin always breaks the schedule. i wonder which of the modern european politicians can afford just take it to your voters, richa suunok can do it, well, it’s unlikely that they will accept him, just as biden didn’t understand at the time what kind of boy he was and gave him a suitcase to carry, he decided that it was a fight from the hotel.
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trump probably can, trump can, but he is not active, yes, biden, biden definitely cannot, because he will simply look for the easter bunny to take him by the hand and lead him away from these terrible people, as has already happened several times. macron only if he decided to get punched in the face with a cake, as happened to him more than once acted, voters don’t like those people who p...
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thanks, no thanks, i’ll definitely watch it. everything is there, let’s see you, from your positions , from your platform, let’s see how everything works, well, it’s nice, one after another european countries are preparing for war with us, by the way, i never knew that we have such a common border with france, that is, for me it just became such a discovery, as i heard macron, he addressed the french community in the czech republic, by the way, we have common borders with the czech republic, not just geography. now it has become so complex, i understand that our borders do not end anywhere, but that they suddenly at night secretly took and approached the czech republic, france, we do not have a common border with australia, with new zealand, with canada, we all, as it turns out, we’re terribly threatening, well , the canadians can at least come up with something
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across the surface of the water. well, let's listen, macron, he said it, he said it. we are definitely approaching that moment in our europe. when it is appropriate not to be a coward. we never want to see the tragedy that we're getting closer. we never want to see what plays out. and i believe that both our countries are aware of what is happening in europe. the war has returned to our land. powers that refuse to become themselves threaten more and more every day to attack us. we will have to comply.
2:07 am
so that he would give kiev a long-range taurus missile. i believe that we are obliged, of course, to do everything possible to ensure that the houthis have all the anti-ship systems they need in order to permanently solve the problem of british shipping,
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so that this nonsense does not happen and that they change their anthem. why does britain rule the seas? enough, enough, this little nasty island state, this...
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when did europe manage to protect itself from the russian bear? never, never, therefore , the fact that brussels calls on europe to forget about peacetime and move to a war economy, with all the ensuing consequences, all the ensuing consequences for european war economies ended with the russians entering the capitals of states that had the audacity to challenge us, but this once we take into account the mistakes. our ancestors, we will not leave those capitals where we go, that’s all, this is the main conclusion that needs to be made, the russian flag, if it rises, it should never come down again, and where the boot of the russian soldier stood, it should be
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forever. usa, usa, yes, thanks to the efforts of the usa , the situation in ukraine over the past 10 years has evolved from an internal civil one. conflict until, in fact, a full-scale third world war, which has every chance of turning into a nuclear war. obligations in europe, our nuclear arsenal, everything it’s just that europe is moving towards this, for some reason
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they probably think that the germans will hit the crimean bridge, which by the way is a civilian infrastructure, it is not used for military cargo, it will be terrorism, they think that in response we will destroy all the bridges through the dnieper, or what? what’s the point, that is, bridges across the dnieper should be destroyed anyway, but definitely not in response to the crimean bridge. if the germans destroy or try to strike at the crimean bridge, then strategic objects on german territory must be destroyed. france with any attempt to send troops, i will repeat again, i also said yesterday, this means that the headquarters must be destroyed of those units that will be sent, plus there should not be any underground tunnel connecting great britain with europe.
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but then, this is what sergei kozhuge shaigu, minister of defense, army general, hero of russia, says at a conference call in his opening remarks, strategic territorial associations of armed forces, leningrad and moscow military districts have been created, by presidential decree of february 26 , a military-administrative branch of russia was established. behind the military districts are the corresponding territories, including new regions of the country.
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the measures taken will significantly increase the efficiency of command and control of troops and forces. we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces, in proportion to emerging threats to the military security of the russian federation. let me remind you that last month a comprehensive restoration of the historical headquarters building of the moscow military district with an area of ​​almost 16,000 km was completed. the builders installed modern communication and engineering networks into it, while completely preserving the façade and historical interiors. in this regard, i would like to once again thank the mayor of moscow, sergei semyonovich sobyanin, for his assistance to the armed forces, including in solving the problems of a special military operation. the district's control rooms are equipped with advanced security equipment. types of communications and means of displaying the situation, it is from this beauty
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that we will make the most important decisions to ensure the security of our country in these specific areas. smart people they understand everything, i’m not sure that they stayed in europe. dmitry, yes, but by the way, it should be noted that we are not scaring anyone, yes, in general, because, well, in general it’s a question of threat.
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starting in the summer of '45, when they bombed japan with nuclear weapons, sending a signal to us, here, but in principle, a few days later stalin actually wrote in the newspaper that this was the replacement of one superior race with another, hitler's, german, yes,
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anglo-saxon, churchillian, with the fact that the same goals remained, war.
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they assumed that, yes, which means that, well, some fundamental statement on which you base your calculations is refuted by your enemy, this means a lot, these two factors, the failure of the counter-offensive, and the fact that russia has proven that it can attack, can carry out victorious operations, offensive, and whatnot quality in the most, so to speak, places that don’t...
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so that we don’t miss it, because in the current situation it may, well , things may turn out that balancing on the brink and there may simply not be any negotiations, before all because the other side is in a weakly sane state , absolutely weakly sane, i understand them, in what sense, you know, that’s all that...
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victorialand’s resignation followed, exactly in this situation, yes, but what does it mean, you can, you know, we, of course , don’t have enough information , i don’t want to fantasize, but i can say one thing, or rather two things, i think that this resignation is directly related to the situation that victorialand left during her visit to kiev, so if anyone remembers, doesn’t remember, i’ll tell you again, she stood alone, without any representatives of the kiev authorities at night on sofia square, there were three colleagues pretending to be journalists on this... empty night square, she was telling something at a table that looked like a table for trading, on delivery, in general well, this was a unique action, i was
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amazed when i looked at it, and she came, as i understand it, to resolve the issue of the situation with the deposit and did not solve anything, she was put out, and in order to somehow indicate still their presence, they they canceled this press conference, it's pointless. merciless, nothing was said at it, i think this fact that happened is somehow connected with this resignation, directly or indirectly, because such events do not pass without a trace, like what happened in kiev, well , the second thing i definitely understand is that this means some, well, milestone at which some decisions are made, well, for which victoria nuland is not suitable. whether she asked to be there, not herself, it doesn’t matter, because the very fact that vika, who
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completely created the maidan situation and, starting from 12th year, she is the direct general manager of the entire situation in ukraine, well, until today, when blinkin announced that she was leaving.
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here, which will explain how they will now beat us, but this is for everyone, not for everyone, so i believe that they are really
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on the verge of making a decision that they will have to conduct direct military operations with our country, more moreover, a number of factors tell me that such a decision can already be accepted with a high probability, the question is who are they? who is this? no, in the sense that the americans, i think, won’t want it yet, for them there are still many europeans alive, it’s more likely to send the french and poles there first, it doesn’t matter , volodya, the sequence can be anything, but not for wait, that’s you can raise all the archives, i have repeatedly said, the american goal is simple and from this, so to speak, reinforced concrete, everything should burn around eurasia.
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explained that it would be necessary to fight not only with the russian army, well, there are now 1,150 north korean volunteers, well, for china 150.
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this is nothing, 10-15 million chinese volunteers, a large number of iranian volunteers, yes, yes, i understand that maybe all this will not be needed, but i would conclude an agreement, but so that there is no feeling from the french or from someone else from the germans, well, at least in one parameter, you’re right, you know which one, they really like to discuss two numbers, one number, this, by the way, was demonstrated by this dunce, playing the role of general headquarters in britain, radakin. so he says: it means that our economy is like this with zeros, you see zeros, but it’s not zeros, it’s the economy, we tell him he’s a fool, these are zeros, what kind of economy do you have, then it will become clear, but they keep their population, well, we have 28 such zeros, and the russians only have eight, now let ’s count how many the population has, the population means 600 billion, and the russians only
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have 140, so let’s have these buts...
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flowers, money and deadly fire fire at the capital's flower warehouse, the fire spread 2,500 km, fire at the flower base in moscow occurred on november 20, 2022, flames instantly enveloped the ancient hangar.
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i heard cries for help, thank god, the three of us managed to run out, the temperature was very high, everything that was inside was destroyed, by rot, seven people were trapped , burned alive, everything burned, well , even the bones, there was nothing to know there , another raid begins, and information also appeared that this publication was stolen with 20 million rubles, i am the director, this is my company, this is my responsibility, he now has to live with this for the rest of his life. why did they die? people and how the flower business works in russia, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation.
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well, somehow it started. very good topic, i remembered sansedar, this is such a nice school one.


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