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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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the capital of russia demonstrates consistently high rates of development despite all sanctions, and at the end of last year the results were among the best in modern history. the mayor of moscow shared these assessments at a working meeting with vladimir putin today. sergei sobyanin noted that among the industries with the leading growth , pharmaceuticals, automotive manufacturing and microelectronics stand out, and not only the city itself, but also the country as a whole benefits from this. key statements in the material by polina eermalayeva. one of the most successful last year became a modern history for moscow, sergei sobyanin tells vladimir putin about this at a meeting in the kremlin. i must report to you, despite the actions of our enemies , all kinds of sanctions, we have more friends, i don’t know about others, but everything is going very well for us, there is another well-known expression, being our friend is the same as our enemy. god bless them,
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the results of the twenty-third year, i think in moscow are some of the best in all modern history, good growth in all indicators, such as pharmaceuticals, automotive industry, microelectronics grew from 25 to 40%. we continue the renovation program, microelectronics - this is primarily the mikron plant, where they make completely domestic troika cards. the pharmaceutical industry is starting to produce drugs that have not previously been produced in russia. and according to the renovation program , more than 150 thousand residents of five-story buildings are already living in new apartments or are just about to move. moscow, as we know, was not built at once, but it was never built so quickly and on such a large scale; perhaps, the dynamics of capital changes have never been clearly visible from here, from the water, from the deck of the new urban transport, industrial zones are turning into residential areas.
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the bcl account has already received more than a trillion rubles of budgetary effect since the start of work , no, since the start of construction, because when the construction itself is underway, it already receives taxes from vat, but we also introduced them in parts over several years, so here the benefits are direct, and the city budget is developing, and the lives of muscovites and guests of the capital are being transformed. it’s great that the moscow transport system is developing like this rapidly. it makes it easier to get
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to work, to relatives, to friends, convenient, good new trains, moscow, as far as i know, is not called, excellent trains, usb charging, useful after me at the university, very satisfied, first of all, clean , beautiful, convenient, i save 20 minutes, it’s just very comfortable, new trains, everything is light, everything is bright, everything is very beautiful, so in general it’s wonderful that this line has appeared, the most modern stations of the big ring are both ascetic and zyuzina . decorated with heroic bas-reliefs by davidkov, on the walls of the nagatinsky zaton station there are mosaic miracle fish. the big circle line is 70 km long, with 31 modern stations and more than a million trips daily. there is no more grandiose project in the field of metro construction in the whole world. and the largest road construction project was the moscow high-speed ​​diameter, which connected the north and east, not only the capitals of the entire country. city. very high
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dynamics thanks to your support of the government and of course muscovites who are actively working and do not lose optimism, well , we understand that the threats that are trying to create, they are still not empty and we must keep this in mind, of course at the federal level, but at the regional level, but moscow cannot be attributed to just one of the regions, it is the capital, here it’s just...
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russia’s armed forces have again occupied more advantageous position lines in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation, and also improved the tactical position along the front line on the kupinsky front. these are today's reports from the ministry of defense. in addition, the department reported the destruction of not only hundreds. militants of the ukrainian armed forces, but also dozens of units of various equipment, including another american abrams tank. denis alekseev will tell you under what circumstances he was put out of action. american tanks, the ukrainian command kept in reserve until the last, when without them it was completely impossible for magata, they were released, while everyone, like a carbon copy, has a short life, here is fresh footage, our fighters of the center group destroyed another abrams near avdiivka, the result harmonious work, first the infantry disabled the tank with a hand-held grenade launcher on the tracked mechanism, but now the american on the move, then a clear finishing move by the ghoul with an attack drone. this is the story of how russian professional fighters destroy armor worth several million dollars with a drone for
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a couple of hundred. the center group continues to push through the formation of the ukrainian armed forces, pushing them west from avdiivka and the nearest suburbs. the militants are trying to arrange. counterattacks, recapture lost positions, but whatever, in one day in this direction our military hit more than 300 targets, in the avdeevsky direction units of the group of troops - center, in as a result of coordinated actions, they continued to occupy more advantageous lines of positions, fire damage was caused to manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth 110 mechanized, seventy-first egel brigade of the 103rd territorial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of novokalinovo, mayorsk, and rozovka, the enemy lost more than 490 military personnel, two tanks, including abrams, four infantry fighting vehicles, of which three are bret for american production, three armored combat vehicles, 12 vehicles, 152 mm self-propelled artillery
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installation 2s3 akatsiya, that's what in other directions, a unit of the missile forces of the vostok group on the southern donetsk front destroyed a hangar with ammunition, the destruction was confirmed by intelligence operators. in this area , the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 300 people per day. in the krasno-liman direction, russian pilots bombarded the positions of the armed forces of ukraine with guided bombs. a couple of these are enough for the damage to be felt. kupinsky direction, the tactical position there has been improved. news comes from the rabotina area, the russian military is building up the use of afvedrons, there, attack aircraft make their way to the center of the village. the military command is obviously unable to hold a populated area with the units that are there, so they are pulling up reserves, and russian artillerymen are working with an accumulation of manpower and equipment. the ssu is betting on its unmanned aircraft, against the backdrop of problems with armored vehicles and artillery pieces, it is reasonable, but it is foolish to say that we know nothing about this, we know, and russian intelligence
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keeps such things under control, and therefore two more points were liquidated within 24 hours uav control in the donetsk people's republic, and the drones were shot down by our air defense again. about a hundred, in total for the entire time of the special operation almost 15,000. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, lead. trade turnover between russia and kazakhstan exceeded 2.5 trillion rubles, that is, it reached record levels. this was stated today by chairman of the federal cabinet mikhail mishustin at a meeting with kazakh prime minister alzhas bektenov. the heads of government mutually emphasized the successful development of bilateral relations between moscow and astana, which is important to them. reflects the nature of the special relations between
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the russian federation and kazakhstan, and these relations, i am sure, are fraternal. we give priority attention to strengthening good neighborly and allied relations with kazakhstan. they lean. on the principles of mutual respect, trust, strategic partnership on the historical friendship of our peoples. despite the turbulence of the global economy, russian-kazakh cooperation is developing successfully, russia ranks first among kazakhstan’s foreign trade partners. the relationship between our countries are developing fruitfully, you noted this across a wide spectrum. in the economic, humanitarian, and cultural spheres, so i am confident that the governments of our countries will make every effort to implement all these agreements reached by the leaders of our
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countries. well, today the speaker of the lower house of the kazakh parliament paid an official visit to moscow, and valentina matvienko held talks with him, who emphasized that kazakhstan and russia are connected not only. the competitions are high-tech,
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they were very successful, and i would especially like interesting young people, they are modern, to note the proposal of the president of kazakhstan that such games would be held in kazakhstan next year. the friendly atmosphere can already be felt from the first minutes of being on russian soil, you said correctly, we are brothers, we are a friendly country, i also want to thank you for your kind words. addressed to kazakhstan to our president, recalled with warmth, remembered how you were when colleagues were together, and conveyed very warm regards. vyacheslav volodin met with yarlan kashanov today about the state duma, they discussed the development of relations in the field of lawmaking, economic cooperation and interaction in the humanitarian sphere. and as the speaker of the lower house of the russian parliament noted, the president sets such a positive dynamic in achieving common goals. we are not only strategic partners, we are neighbors, the longest
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land border between the russian federation and kazakhstan is more than 7,500 km. we have a responsibility to develop relationships. it’s more dynamic, of course, to achieve results so that the people of our states only benefit from it. our foundation for development is strong. our presidents make a huge contribution to this, so as for the parliamentary dimension, here we need to do everything to meet this level. russia is our reliable partner, ally and good neighbor, this is always emphasized by our heads of state, and today a truly trusting political dialogue has been established between our countries, deep economic and... uh, cultural and humanitarian ties and every
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year our relations are only strengthening, our leaders have taken them, you correctly said, to a new level of development, russian military personnel took part in early voting in the presidential elections, as reported by the medical defense, polling stations have opened on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, despite field conditions and even camouflage...nets in the environment of polling stations, the electoral process is organized in accordance with all norms of federal law. about other important events margarita semenyuk will tell the presidential company. margarita, hello, so what is the schedule of the presidential candidates this week? yes, greetings, alexey, indeed, there is less and less time left before the start of voting, and the candidates and their proxies still need to hold quite a lot of meetings. the candidates traditionally began the first working day of the work week with meetings with voters; participants in the presidential race visit industrial enterprises.
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people are the only ones in the country and need government control. in scientific complexes of the moscow meson factory and the baksan neutrino observatory, now employing more than a thousand employees. the participant in the presidential race is convinced of a high-quality one.
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a person, a family is established after 2-3 years and give it to her, well, after some time, after 10-15 years, well, you can privatize it, take away the property. lyanits lutsky, a candidate for the post of president from the ldpr, presented a party card to a member of the northern military district, guard colonel, commander of a motorized rifle battalion viktor kuznetsov. the fighter took part in heavy battles for several months artyomovsk. you accomplished a feat with those same boys. to him. a real feat, you are a person who has lived a certain life, you came as a more than prepared person, like most leopards, like most berkuts, glad to meet you, and glad that you made the decision to
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join the ranks. the best political force in the country, the ldpr party. we also discussed social guarantees for participants and veterans of the special operation, sending humanitarian aid necessary at the front to carry out combat missions, and this includes mask nets for camouflaging equipment and warm clothing and uniforms, which is sewn by women in shveibati under the leadership of the liberal democratic party. open dialogue between large state corporations and young innovative companies as a tool for the rapid development of import substitution. presidential candidate from new people vladislav.
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i constantly repeat that in russia we must at least not interfere with the development of our business, and my colleagues are doing an excellent job with this, because it was on the shoulders of entrepreneurs that we overcame all the crises, until the main political... event in the country in the presidential elections in russia less left two weeks. voting will take place on march 15, 16 and 17; candidates for the post of head of state still have time during the election campaign for meetings with voters, as well as debates on radio and television, including on the russia and russia 24 tv channels. yes, thank you, margarita semenyukha, semenyuk, about the everyday life of the election campaign. in a wedge near moscow, residents
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of dilapidated houses will receive new housing this summer, the first stage of the resettlement program will be completed ahead of schedule, with future new residents, the governor of the moscow region spoke today region, who came to monitor the progress of work within the framework of the national project housing and urban environment, and andrei borobleev launched a new boiler house in the wedge, which will power almost 90 houses, as well as seven kindergartens and four schools. we are demonstrating one of the large boiler houses, which today is opening for 2000 people with potential... we are opening 10 more block-modular boiler houses during this year, in the moscow region there are small settlements , it is very important to have efficient boiler houses, so that people do not pay excess money, which is why we are implementing a comprehensive modernization program throughout
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the moscow region. the annual session of the highest advisory body of the all-china committee of the people's political consultative council has started in china, discussing the future of the country from expanding the private sector and increasing employment to attracting young professionals to the most important sectors of the economy and developing the tourism industry. and why special attention is focused on the ceremonial part of the congress, our staff correspondent in beijing alexander baletsky. the political new year in china almost always comes after the lunar lianghui or two sessions, when at one time in one place the entire political elite of the prc, generals and ministers, farmers and workers, artists and buddhists.
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in transforming itself into a modern socialist country, xi himself does not give a speech, this is the order and the main speaker of the session, chairman of the consultative political council wang huning, he is called the main ideologist of the communist party, but there is no doubt that the text has been verified with the head of the prc hieroglyph, because right before the start of the two sessions, the main party magazine had just published an analysis of sidzenping’s economic theses, which said that fast growth in china is being replaced by high-quality growth, which means we shouldn’t expect high plans for the economy. moreover, based on the results of twenty-three , five-plus percent growth is already a success. we are hopeful as the economy recovers and we are confident that it will
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only grow in china with proper regulation. i introduce myself to the indians, and life in our region it’s only getting better, and we, as people’s consultants, also contribute to this because we make our own proposals. for example, i, a medical professional, made several recommendations on how to improve the primary healthcare system. the task of the people 's consultants is precisely to make recommendations to local authorities, and then transmit them to the center and before the start of two sessions on the air of china in hospitals, in production, even during lunch with couriers, the representation of all groups of industries and professions is considered and done this specific body is authoritative, but the authority of the party, sounded from the podium, should dispel doubts about the protracted crisis in the real estate market, unemployment, and decrease in foreign investment. rapid growth in consumption, which means that the chinese are doing well with their money. according to statistics, during the 8 days of the new year holiday
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, 474 million citizens made domestic trips to china and spent 632.5 billion yuan, this is a historical record that shows an improvement in the quality of life and huge consumption potential, which is a powerful force for economic development. to stabilize the labor market and the market in general, china will continue to stimulate. grew up and did not spare expenses on high technologies, in the usa , however, this is considered protectionism, predicting the collapse of the western economy, after the world is again overwhelmed by a wave of cheap chinese goods. beijing called these attacks a pre-election horror story for the american voter. tomorrow, at a meeting of the national people's congress of china , premier li will report on the work of the government and present the new plan for the development of the country's economy, as it is seen in beijing, is being closely followed by the whole world, because it depends on where they are going.
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even under peter i, they rarely became the subject of research; thanks to the sponsor of the exhibition, pao transneft, viewers will be able to appreciate 70 paintings from the largest russian collections. cooperation between pao-transneft and the pushkin museum began last year. during this time, last year we held two joint exhibitions, these were diderot's salons and images of spain, which had enormous success and interest. this year we are opening this exhibition. the company's mission is. not only preserving the historical heritage of our country, but popularizing world art. the italian instrument is little known, practically unknown in our
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country, but in different museums there are a lot of works of this genre, so we decided to make such an exhibition to show that this genre was not only in holland, not only in the countries of northern europe, but in italy, and in italy it was... more diverse, more complex, after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue conduct the program, duty department. i came to the special military operation zone
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at the call of my heart, due to the years, of course. didn’t fit, but i, as a military specialist , considered it necessary to be here in difficult times for russia, i just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time had come for russia that i had to get back into line with my former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers during the great patriotic war they fought to the death for our homeland, many even children fled to the front to get there, take up arms and fight this nazism, now on... serve under a contract.
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