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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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french president macron is begging zelensky for a khaki t-shirt and is going to directly fight with russia, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, look now they will not retreat, they will not let you down and they will not betray, the time of heroes and the new elite of russia, a warrior. svo. what's on the front line now? our
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military officers are from the hottest spots. we walk to the position. this is just the western direction from avdeevka. how macron went to war with russia scared europe. how did trips to the east always end for france? and how will we answer this time? we'll be there soon let's demonstrate them.
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that’s how it ends up in three deaths, and what is hidden at the bottom of the ice age lake. the most important event of the week. president putin, in his address to the russian people, outlined a plan for the country's development. the plan sounds like a national idea. the national idea of ​​a strong country. where stability and security are guaranteed as a condition for progress, and life is based on mercy, justice and solidarity. but it is clear that not everyone in our global environment likes russia’s movement in this direction. colonial habits of the west for now it’s still there at the reflex level, so we’re now in the phase of active, confident defense. our armed forces have gained colossal combat strength.
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experience, this concerns the interaction of all types and branches of the military, modern tactics and operational art, a whole galaxy of talented commanders has grown and been trained who take care of people, competently carry out their tasks, use new equipment, successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say, that this is in all levels, from the platoon and the operational level to the very... top echelon of management. it's clear, that, judging by the western hysteria, the matter may not be limited to trench battles, so we should have a huge reserve of power. strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use. what we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in the message of 208, has all been done, or this work is being completed. we won’t
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list everything again now, but even our american subsoil experts admit that russia now has the world’s largest and most diverse nuclear arsenal, and even with delivery to hypersonics, no one has anything like this in the near future, nothing like this is expected in the near future, putin announced, new achievements of our weapons scientists are ahead, and yet... russia is ready for dialogue with the united states of america on issues of strategic stability, but this is what i wanted i would like to emphasize, dear colleagues, so that everyone understands me correctly, in this case we are dealing with a state whose ruling circles are taking open hostile actions against us. so what? they are seriously going to discuss issues with us strategic stability, while at the same time trying to harm russia, as they themselves say.
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issues of strategic stability, this is demagoguery. on the eve of the us presidential elections, they just want to show their citizens, and everyone else, that they still rule the world. well, on those issues where it is beneficial for america to negotiate, we will have a conversation with the russians, and where it is not profitable for them, there is nothing to discuss, as they themselves say: business as usual, there they will strive to defeat us, well, without... it certainly won’t work, our position is clear, if you want to discuss important issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then you need to do this only in a single complex, naturally, including all those aspects that affect our
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national interests that directly affect the security of our country, the security of russia, then the warning issued by in all honesty
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that we also have weapons, yes they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory, this is exactly the place of many in the west made me swallow, about the retaliatory defeat of targets on their territory, they somehow didn’t think about it, they’re still thinking about how to hurt us more, but it’s clear where everything can lead, and what are they coming up with? now why are they frightening the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, why don’t they understand this, or what
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? these are people, you know, these are people who have not gone through difficult trials, they have already forgotten what war is, here we are, even our current generation have gone through such things. there were tests during the fight against international terrorism in the caucasus, now in the context of the conflict in ukraine the same thing is happening, they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons, what can i say, really, russophobia, like another ideology of racism, national superiority exclusivity, it blinds, deprives one of reason. we will return today to how much it deprives us of reason, now to another. a fundamentally important topic for putin. in russia, finally, and to everyone’s delight, they are naturally changing elite, the selection now has a clear criterion. you know that the word elite has discredited itself in many ways, by those who do not have any
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merit to society, considering themselves some kind of caste, with special rights and privileges, especially, i mean those who have lined their pockets in previous years. due to all sorts of processes in the economy of the nineties, they are definitely not the elite, i repeat, the genuine, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, by deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people, process, however, it is not allowed to... take its course on the initiative of the president, the state takes on a special responsibility here, but more about this too, but for now we are one big family, we will do everything the way we want to do it, as we dream, but i will now emphasize
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the main thing , the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front, on the courage, courage and determination of our comrades in arms. who defend their homeland, rise to attack, move forward under fire, sacrificing themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our soldiers, who today create the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development. low bow to you guys. i thank all of you, dear colleagues,
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i thank all russian citizens for their solidarity and reliability, we are one big family, we are together, so we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream. the topic will be continued by our political observer alexander khristenko. strimglav, sometimes even starting to run lightly, guests filled the halls, took seats, politicians, ministers, governors, among the invited heads of new regions, activists who brought the russian spring closer, commanders of volunteer battalions, heroes of the dpr and lpr, in general, it was striking how many people in uniform, military personnel, heroes of russia, including those who received the highest awards from vladimir putin personally, all together, is a visible support for russia, and therefore, the president is confident, the country with... you and i have already proven that
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we are capable of solving the most complex problems, responding to any, the most complex challenges. for example, we repelled the aggression of international terrorism, preserved the unity of the country, did not allow it to be torn apart in due time, we supported our brothers and sisters, their will to be with russia, this year marks 10 years of the legendary russian spring, but... and now its energy, sincerity, courage heroes, crimeans, sevastopol residents, residents of the rebel donbass, their love for their homeland, which they carried through generations, certainly causes pride. all this inspires, strengthens the confidence that we will overcome everything, together we can do everything, namely the unity of citizens, the country and the feeling. responsibility for its fate, putin said, plays a decisive role today. these qualities
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clearly, unambiguously manifested themselves at the very beginning of the special military operation, when it was supported by the absolute majority of the russian people, despite all the trials, the bitterness of losses, people are adamant in this choice and constantly confirm it with the desire to do as much as possible for the country and for the common good. in production. for the front he works in three shifts, scientists, engineers make their contribution, entrepreneurs have transferred billions of rubles to the fund to support the soldiers of the northern military district, millions of citizens consider it their duty to help in one way or another. people send letters, parcels, warm clothes, camouflage nets to the front, transfer funds from their, sometimes quite modest savings, such help is priceless, it is everyone’s contribution to the common victory. our heroes are on the front line, in the trenches, where
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it is most difficult, they know that the whole country is with them. i ask all authorities to continue to do everything to support the families of our heroes, parents, wives, children who are worried about the people closest to them, dear to them, waiting for them home. the consolidation of all forces represented in parliament also became a symbol of unity. russia's political system is one of the foundations of the country's sovereignty. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so-called west, with its colonial habits, its habit of inciting national conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development. instead of russia, they need a dependent, fading, dying space where they can... do whatever they want, in fact, they would like to do with russia the same thing that they have done in many
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other regions of the world, including ukraine , bring discord into our home and weaken us from within, but they miscalculated, our soldiers , officers, christians and muslims, buddhists and followers of judaism, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions are worth a thousand words,
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for recently, the russian army has come a long way at the front in its internal construction, the experience of the northern military district is taken into account everywhere. we see where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand at the same time what needs to be done, and such work it is carried out continuously, at the front and in the rear, it is aimed at increasing the striking power of the naval army, their... technological effectiveness and efficiency. the combat capabilities of the armed forces have increased many times over. our units are firmly in control of the initiative. they are confidently advancing in a number of operational directions and liberating more and more territories. we did not start this war in donbass. but as i have said more than once, we will do everything to finish it, to eradicate nazism. in
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fact, the entire collective west is against it, systematically preparing a springboard for aggressive actions. against russia in all directions, and therefore back in 2018, in response to the us withdrawal from the intermediate- range nuclear forces treaty, putin during his message announced the creation of several types of the latest russian weapons with unsurpassed characteristics, and now 6 years later the hypersonic aviation complex kinjal has not only been put into service, but is also effectively used to destroy particularly important targets during the air strike. hypersonic shock has also already been used in combat. sea-based complex zircon. provided and strategic stability. avangard intercontinental-range hypersonic units are on combat duty, overcoming any pro system and peresvet laser systems. tests of the unique unlimited -range cruise missile burevestnik of the poseidon unmanned underwater vehicle are being completed.
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the first serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles were also delivered to the troops. we'll show them off soon. in areas where they are based on combat duty. work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues. and about new ones achievements of our scientists and gunsmiths, we will still find out. the day after the president’s message, the ministry of defense published footage of the combat training launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile of the yars mobile complex. the launch was carried out at the plesetsk test cosmodrome by crews. korolinsky missile formation. the yars is equipped with a multiple warhead; training warheads reportedly arrived in a given area at the kura training ground in kamchatka, which was another confirmation of the high combat capability of the strategic troops appointments. at the same time, security is not to the detriment of other priorities in the economy and social sphere, due to increasing the return on
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funds invested in defense. the west is trying to drag us into an arms race, thereby exhausting us, repeating it.
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drawing sweden and finland into the alliance. the president's speech was closely watched in the united states and europe. journalists from unfriendly countries were accredited at gostiny dvor, who, without particularly talking about the plans of the west, to transfer, for example, taurus cruise missiles with their help to strike at russian territory. according to tradition , everything was presented in such a way that it was the russian president who was making threats. putin has made his darkest concrete threats yet about using nuclear weapons against the west. they must eventually understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. for greater effect , cnbc provided the statement with disturbing music. and everything that they are coming up with now scares the whole world, that all this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization. noted
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also that russia is already using new weapons systems. putin also announced that the deployment of advanced weapons, including hypersonic missiles, provides an advantage in the offensive in ukraine. the discussion started by macron about the possible dispatch of western troops to franz 24 is noticeable. aggravated by adding arguments from moscow. putin did not mention macron's name, but it was an obvious response to his talk about the possible sending of nato troops to ukraine. putin warned of the tragic consequences of this step, and also that russia also has weapons, which reaches the territory of nato countries. knowing about the real russian defense capabilities, the west is also frightened by moscow’s ominous plans, which allegedly extend into space. a clear example can be given.
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united states. at the same time, they are blocking our proposal, which has been on their table for more than 15 years, i mean the draft agreement. placement of weapons in space, which we prepared back in 2008. and the agreements that had already been signed, ensuring strategic stability in the west, were torn apart one after another and brought everything to an end to the point that all that remains in this area is confrontation. the actions of the united states and its satellites actually led to the dismantling of the european security system. this creates risks for everyone. it is obvious that it is necessary to form a new contour, equal to... security in eurasia. we are ready for a substantive conversation on this topic with all interested countries and associations. at the same time, i will emphasize again: without a sovereign,
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strong russia, no lasting world order is possible. the country, the president made it clear, will develop based on its own strength, based on the understanding that justice is right . we are one big family. "we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream, i believe in our victories, in successes, in the future of russia. alexander khristenko, maria radimova, kirill volkov, lead the week. alfabank for business, register for free and open
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well, what is happening directly at the fronts now? our military correspondents dmitry petrov and grigory vdovin report. we carefully show the work of this mortar crew on the territory of kaksakhim, there are reasons for this. a large group of clusters has now been identified. the enemy was now covered with an accurate hit. here are shots of what is now happening with the kaksakhim trap and avdeevka itself, swallows on ours about orlovka, we are waiting for good official news. just about now, enemy positions are bombarded with artillery. our helicopters arrive at the attack line. there is smoke on the horizon, this is just the western direction from avdeevka, from avdeevsky koksakhim. now the
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fighting is shifting there. the enemy is being pushed further and further away from the city , the following settlements are being occupied: the 114th brigade, the real heroes of the assault on avdeevka, taking it as a sahikhim, we are talking with the castle brig, on its unloading there is a rather telling inscription: it was definitely impossible to be a coward here. the brigade is heroic, like a link of commanders, these are like those people, these are real heroes, as in my understanding, because the main point is all working. the entire working moment was carried out directly by the commanders battalions, the commander grew up, plant commanders and directly all their personnel. the enemy is trying to snap back, here is fresh footage of the plant being hit by high-precision nato ammunition, but this does not radically affect the situation. our people are trying to be prepared for such attacks as much as possible. we go down into one of the bunkers through the ventilation shaft. this is the former headquarters
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of the ukrainian 110th brigade, the entrance is littered, the premises are all littered too, everything is in disarray, but there is a lot of everything, they were located here, there are a lot of them here food warehouse, well, what’s left, we try not to occupy their abandoned bunkers, because we know that all these points have been targeted, hammers could fly here and our military personnel will suffer, so we are separate. their positions , now there are no ukrainian soldiers on the territory of the plant, the wounded were taken out, the dead were collected and taken away too, the enemy, when they retreated, they apparently did not burden themselves with this, so they abandoned them when our guys were evacuating the patch, well, naturally, we, we are people, it’s like, we, how do we differ from animals?


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