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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 30, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] change their point of view, and why it’s burning, they understand that there’s a lot to lose, and i’ll tell you, there are three options for development, well, from the point of view of the negotiation process, i take ukraine as a regime, not ukraine as a people, it’s ukraine at the negotiating table , ukraine is under the negotiating table and ukraine is on the negotiating table, so we went through two stages, when ukraine was still at the table, they were talking about something, and there is a third one, which without independent demands, where you ask for something, well, we’ll give some zelensky will work as a table for sushi, and yes, and this russia will no longer allow it, today we are already approaching the point that ukraine is on the negotiating table, when russia stated its goals, and midynsky said about this that we are not
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my goals. he didn’t say that, we will negotiate, he said, but the goals of the northern military district do not change , this is denazification, this is certainly true, ukraine cannot be in nato and so on, this is question number one, and the last one, as an appeal to the ukrainians, you know, that’s all they demand yes a military plan and they demand everything without a corner, but i offer the ukrainians a military plan for the people, save them. their children, as best you can, as these all the scoundrels who are in power today, save us, respect to ruvicha, but the plans are determined by the president, therefore , what we will do, how we will do it, will be decided by the supreme commanders-in-chief, our task is very simple , it is, let me remind you, 156 times, non-territorial, ensuring our security countries, i am hinting to the finns
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, the balts, the swedes, the americans, the british, the germans, the french, and separately ursula funder, because she is confused about who she is, so ursula is for
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gynecologists too, advertising. i’ve been working towards this all my life, we’re counting on to do it in 10 days, it will be a record. ruby, on the edge of possibility, we are all with him, because . he’s the only one at the maximum height, don’t go higher, you’ll just fall like a stone, at the speed of the wind, it’s a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it’s like he’s chasing you
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, what do you want, master of the wind, at the end of the 2000s, when i worked in my own correspondent of vgtrk in the office in kiev, then we were considered one of the best offices, because we did stories almost every day, well , four or five stories a week, i asked, so to speak,
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ours... we talk about some unfamiliar ukrainian politicians, at least to a wide range of russian tv viewers, why we do this every day, you don’t understand with stories from ukraine. our ratings are going up like this, i say, why? because everyone follows ukrainian politics like santa barbara , so prime minister tymoshenko was going to gas negotiations in moscow, the president took away her plane, which means she had to , so to speak, rent some kind of almost private one, in the corridor administration president, the prosecutor general of ukraine, which means he dealt a blow below the belt of kiev chernovetsky, at a meeting of the security council, the minister had a fight with the head of the odessa state administration with saakashvili, who is it, and i will remember with you, they will remember how much time has passed, yes, that
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is, like, well, 15 years , everyone remembers how it’s just like footage from some big series, now it’s not a series anymore, now it’s such a solid show, let me remind you, it was such a puppet show, a green frog, which means that it invited such western show business stars to your show, which means he was surrounded by a huge number of different dolls, such humanoid animals, such a painted piggy pig, terribly in love with a little green frog, who could do anything for him , well, bezugla - it’s just the spitting image of the type, which means he was like that na... eagle, an american patriot, a censor who , so to speak, imposed his opinion on everyone, but yarmak is also the spitting image of a character, in general , a huge number of people are vying for the role of such an american patriot in ukraine today,
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well, just listen, and there was a wonderful character there, a little fozi bear, such a stand-up comedian with a hat that was always on the back of his head, wide open eyes and a slightly slack jaw, and rahamia always seemed to act exactly in this role , well, a politician who admits that they are being led like dolls by some flown man, unkempt, disheveled in a green tie and says no peace agreements, only to fight to the end, but it’s definitely this unlucky stand-up comic with his ajar mouth, especially since everyone in parliament knows very well that arakhami has one of the main advantages - his huge collection of sneakers, 42 pairs, in my opinion, he has, so to speak, he’s generally called a huge maniac, what’s my point? , besides, ukrainian politics has degenerated terribly, it really... the real show and the puppets in this mapt show are already starting to squabble among themselves, because hollywood stars don’t fly, there’s no one in particular to watch, there’s already less and less money, as if in a small seedy show and
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less, everything was fine, let them fish and they were arguing, god bless them, but the worst thing is that fewer and fewer spectators are coming to this show in the auditorium itself in the country, yes, this is of course an image, but let’s look at the numbers, in ukraine they can’t decide on the size of the mobilization resource , there are so many of these men who can be called up, mobilized, and so on, kiri, can i just explain to you for a second why you can’t interrupt, look how differently the same fact is seen by the ukrainian military commissars? this is what actually happened in fact, mukacheva. from the military registration and enlistment office building, you know him, he’s young, handsome, he’s a resident of mukachevo, who decided today that he doesn’t want
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to go to the front, that’s how ukrainian propaganda sees it, that’s cool. after that, that this is not a show, but the most truly amazing thing, what’s amazing, or rather, what’s most not only shocked, but i chose the wrong word, what’s most terrible, in the country there are somewhere between six and 7 million men who they fall under this definition of a mobresource, so... none of them are registered with the military, not because they can’t be deployed, they don’t want to, they are hiding, and this, of course, is the most unpleasant news for the ukrainian authorities, this is the first,
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second, which is very often talked about a lot in the ukrainian, internet media, that it is not only the number of ukrainian soldiers who surrender is increasing, but so is the number of refuseniks. in some units up to 70%, and it seems that we are talking not only about simple, so to speak, military defense troops or rifle units, but we are talking about, so to speak, sort of like the elite, well, against this background, the decision of the verkhovna rada , where supposedly they are now preparing in different ways rumors are that laws are being prepared that should lower the mobilization age, now its limit is 27 , you cannot mobilize below twenty-seven, so now it seems that we are talking about the fact that 21, this is the top level, this is the top,
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this is the top top level, oh, sorry. well, it’s just clear that this huge number of people can now fall into this category of those being mobilized, and the most important thing is that these are people who are most often influenced by their parents, it’s clear that well, they will do everything, like this person who gets out from the military registration and enlistment office, just to avoid ending up in a war led by dolls from the map. and it seems to me that this is such a very, very difficult, but obvious statement for ukraine and for the ukrainian people, well, if you look at it, of course, then, well, really, yes, i think, well, several years will pass, everything ends someday, so the line remains, yes, what was the state of ukraine, who destroyed it? zelsky, and how many people did he kill, and for what? now pavlovich. well, i
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agree with a lot of what kiril said i agree, but he followed politics, as if he was observing it, and i was inside this politics, and i’m just stating a fact, as long as there was someone to quarrel with, there was no war in ukraine, it began exactly when it was already time to quarrel there was no one with us when they destroyed the opposition, destroyed television, destroyed all democratic principles , i don’t say democracy, it probably was never there in the form in which we imagined it, say in the same nineties, yes, but what ? about kuchma, why kuchma did nothing, you know, i remember this a catchphrase that he said even before the elections were over, this was during the period of 2000, when there was an action ukraine without kuchma, he once publicly stated that, just look at what ukraine without kuchma is, i think , he did everything to ensure that
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this ukraine turned out to be unsuccessful after him, you know, in the hope of what? in the hope that those whom he, one way or another, and he still had the opportunity to move the situation a little in the right direction, he did everything to ensure that ukraine was governed not unsuccessful people, so that ukraine would directly clash in this kind of struggle, in the hope that they would say, maybe let’s... bring it back, well, that’s it, that ’s all, you know, they think in these categories , it’s not about the country, it’s not about the people, when they tell us that putin wants to destroy the unity of ukraine, i’m embarrassed to ask how you can destroy something that doesn’t exist, well, it didn’t exist, it was an illusion of unity, what was it based on, control and pressure from the west, all that, like her, like she was, some were simply kicked out of the country, and others, closed their mouth.
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and they tried to show us this illusion of unity, where to say, it actually exists, there is no illusion of unity, there is no unifying idea, yes, well, i, i don’t take the idea of ​​russophobia there, war or hatred there towards a neighboring state, this is not a unifying factor from the point of view of the future, the implementation of some kind of strategy for the future, well , how to provoke a conflict, yes please, this can be done, now what is yours? i said it then, it’s just probably then, i’ll repeat it again, svo, it was a forced measure, the last step towards coercion ukraine to negotiations, in fact the beginning of its own - it was an invitation to the negotiating table, this invitation was heard, they came, signed the initial, and then the west intervened, and we witnessed what we are seeing to this day, so a measure of responsibility in any case on... i even, by the way, i don’t know who is more,
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who is more the americans, who openly stated, yes, what they want is to contain russia, they are there, that is, they publicly stated their goals , who has more responsibility, the cynical americans, who publicly openly declare their goals, or on europeans , whose position has provoked, among other things, not a single conflict in the world, simply because they do not have this position, you know, if if the europeans at that moment had their own position and rigidly would have defended, perhaps, many conflicts, including conflicts in ukraine, maybe there would not have been, but the fact of the matter is that their silence is the nature... of all these conflicts, you know, they actually provoke these themselves conflicts and are absolutely not a deterrent factor, with all their rhetoric about humanism, about values, human rights and so on , we just saw how all this collapsed before our eyes, all these european values, they turned into nothing, well, just
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nothing, starting in including on the issue of private property, now regarding stefanchuk... this is the last ukrainian left , so you know , who still claims that there is no conflict between the military and political leadership, until today, this is the same stefanchuk , who, in the conditions of a parliamentary-presidential republic, can lead the country is the same stepanchuk, who cannot be hanged , cannot be hanged, cannot be hanged, so look for some, look for some other methods, and this same stefanchuk was planning to fly the other day. the united states of america, i’ll tell you, there are probably not many chapters, well, probably someone flew, but in fact i don’t understand what the chairman of the verkhovna rada in the united states of america should do, except for one situation, here i am i remember burns he arrived, yes, the bers came to ukraine, yes, he resolved some issues there, such complex,
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yes, complex issues, and now stefanchuk is flying to the united states of america, i increasingly adhere to this point of view. the one that i expressed that i think that zelensky will not take part in the elections, i think that zelensky will not take part in the elections, but what is more interesting about zelensky, and what is interesting about zelensky as a delinquent, or as a myth? the fact of the matter is that zelensky is no longer interested in anyone, no, but i’m not at all i’m sure, i think that for western audiences, it is much more important as a myth, well, as a myth, if zelensky is on the flag in the ground, as a myth , well, well then, yes, in this regard, yes, but then it’s important, right there it is important to go through this transitional stage, when they say that ukraine is gradually returning to some kind of normal state , the normal state that kiril spoke about has not yet returned, with zelensky, it
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cannot return there, it cannot with anyone, nowhere already won’t come back, annushka has already spilled oil, it’s tragic, it’s a fact, there won’t be any ukraine, you know, simply because there is no request from the population of ukraine for the existence of an independent state, in the fourteenth year ukraine signed a death warrant for itself with this maidan, and as soon as the only promise of the maidan came true without vi, it was the politicians who signed it, how many people, and not politicians, politicians already they wrote to the mortuary, but it’s not a fact that she has died yet, so there’s an autopsy, as they say, for now. history no, people no, statehood yes, but there is nothing, if you look, there is a conspiracy of stealing officials, there is no own economy, there is no healthcare system, but there is no institution of government, that is , it would be
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difficult to list all the signs of statehood, that is, this is a territory that exists solely thanks to the pouring out of money and a certain amount. as soon as this stops, the territory goes home, officials stop receiving money, the police stop receiving money, doctors stop receiving money, that’s it, this territory begins to look for new sources of funding, it’s difficult to understand, but i think that’s what it’s like tragic, kind russian, she is like that, such a kind russian soul, at some point she looks and says: enough is enough, well , for some reason this always surprises, and the bear attacks without preliminary facial expressions, it’s the same here, and people just can’t understand, it seems to them that everything is possible, but that’s it, the topic is over , a couple of years ago, well, before covid, i read an article, a group of american senators, well, members of congress came to russia, then they returned they
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were in shock, the main shock was that that in russia people don’t die of hunger, here they are for me they said, they knew what russia was like, how russia stood, there was hunger, cold, collapse, when obama said that russia is a gas tank masquerading as a country, well, they believed it, he believed it himself, it’s such a stereotype that make i think it was makin who said this, obama said that the russian economy is in tatters, well, obama also said this in my opinion, okay, the meaning is the same, because the same faith, and now in the west, when now there is such a topic raging, that we need to force everyone to negotiate, well, don’t force us, we need bring ukraine to negotiations, the russians will already go, why, because in russia there are half a million dead, they burn 2-300 tanks
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a day, fairy tales are like that, well... revolutions, here against the state army, well, where am i going, first , that’s it now, boris johnson, well, johnson first came from biden, these were also articles that came out, then they were removed, biden sent him, boros came and said no. why did he do this? the guilt, the guilt for this whole war is entirely on our shoulders, completely, because as white people, we do not behave like white people, this is the beginning and end of the whole problem, because white people, well, like europeans, like americans understand this, these are dragons, they dictate from a position of strength, we will devour you, and you will do what we say , you know, we’ll just kill your whole country, we’ll crush everything in everyone. from the first two days, vladimir vladimirovich begins to talk about peace, but what kind of peace? the west has already fled, all the embassies there left
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kiev, suddenly stopped, well, the cities are not burning, but we have already burned these cities, a bunch there are no corpses, they somehow carefully go around, the weak and want peace, talk about peace, let’s sit down, peace is all, they don’t look forced, they look weak, the weak can be taken, they can be taken, but must be taken, this is the mentality of the west , here we come, the same thing, just, if we look, in the fourteenth year, when nicholas ii was running around trying to force everyone there to peace, russia , the last one that actually went to war, had already prepared, then we were late, that’s it began to mobilize, but we were the last ones who didn’t want everyone provoke, and the west also looked at russia this way, because the mentality cannot understand, they are white, they should be like us, and a white man, like a european... understands, this is a man who comes with a sword, chops one, then another one chops him down, that’s it, all these rats are in one big cage
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, and there’s some kind of russian bear, he wants peace, he wants some completely different view of the world, we want peace, and preferably everything, yes, let's go to this, now the russian empire is growing back, thanks to our people the world, preferably the whole world, so this cycle begins, although i have big disagreements with my friends, some of them... give everything away, somehow they all say, why do you need lisbon, so andrey and i argue all the time about this topic, so for some reason lisbon is not needed, but i think it should be taken away, but hawaii, once it was ours, well, for 2 years, hawaii, yes, but i’m more worried about access to just natural water boundaries, yes, that’s it our enemies are provoking this for us now, so we are the ones moving back, the baltic states will be next, because what is already being prepared for... a war with russia they openly say, 15 minutes, how long is enough?
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well, the balts, how many will be enough for a war with russia, so that’s how i always told everyone when i worked in oil and gas there, with the americans, this is the curse of the russians - we are white, and you don’t understand that we think differently , so far, now they will try to force russia, or rather, force ukraine, but russia is already ready and they don’t understand how it is possible, in their head, russia is already ready, anything, just to move away from this war, no, they have head, they don’t understand russians at all, because it’s clear, yes , they’ve been getting our ass kicked for so many centuries, and they still can’t figure out how many agents to have here, so many people to have here, so many stupid people who can’t just explain in a basic way what it is modern russia, well, just, well, to be honest, i’m surprised, why should i be surprised , no, i haven’t seen them, no, i’ve seen them, but look at the faces of those people who
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are trying to talk about russia, who? venediktov, chechvarkin, whoever it is, i don’t know, some kind of nonsense, but what are they talking about russia? they know, they know about the party, they don’t know russia, yes, they don’t feel the country, they don’t know the people, they despise the people who live here. this is the big problem, there are the same gutkovs and so on, they don’t know people, they don’t know countries, very often they say this, western politicians love to talk, it is the american british who love to talk to anglophiles, because they talk in english, which they understand, these anglophiles don’t, they don’t understand their people, they are
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separate from them, well, what did you show today, this hoverlo is a high mountain, hoverlo is high, by the way, according to hoverlo, okay, yak is fixing today, i say this, because he is a rusyn, apparently, a sports kid, everything is correctly oriented, he found a hole, ran away in tears, that’s all he says, go yourself, oh, go, fight yourself, whoever wants, and i, the most important thing is that he found a hole, he somehow made it, as i understand it, look, volodya, i’m just here, i’m laughing, here why, because rusinsky, the ukrainians, they believe that he got in on the contrary, as you showed the second story on this is purely ukrainian, this is purely ukrainian, got in there, and so on , the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times, a national meeting of residents made decisions on all
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significant issues, played a key role in the formation... a new institution appeared in the century class representation: cathedrals all over the earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii. included elements of election to solve a number of government tasks. first the foundations of suffrage were laid for cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii in russia. body of the country. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four kuryans. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and were held by secret ballot. the adopted
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law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. not only men, but also women. in 1936 , universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the ussr constitution. in december 1993 it was adopted the current constitution of russia. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are being formed, and gas elections are being laid as the basis. digitalization is actively underway. electoral procedures. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives.
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elections in russia are important, fair, convenient. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there, discover the achievements of our country,
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come to the exhibition. smart prosthetics and neuroimplants, underwater drones for pipeline inspection and robotic tour guides, everything... and often several times cheaper than their foreign counterparts. the best russian developments by their authors from different regions of the country were brought together by the third congress young scientists, the president met with its participants, they talked, of course, about reducing dependence on western technologies , about who suffers from this more than they are proud of, what they dream about, and most importantly, what kind of support do young russian specialists need today, alexandra


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