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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 29, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] further financing of ukraine is beyond nato’s strength, that is, they understand that the potential that they have now and the weapons that they are starting to go in the other direction, this process is very difficult to stop, today we talked about blocking everything else, because there are a lot of points there, for which the european industry is not yet in a hurry to transfer anything to ukraine, i will remind you that the next rammstein passed, in addition to 100 million dollars in the form of real deliveries at inflated prices... there is one installation, a certain number of small projectiles, more ukraine received nothing, an obligation to receive next year, and maybe even in the twenty-fifth, the same germans understand that perhaps ukraine will no longer exist, they don’t understand, they know, yes, but the performance, maybe there will be no germany, the performance the ex-us ambassador , however, means yves dallaire on the newspaper articles for politics, it went further, he generally says, we now have the only window
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of opportunity in the west. force the russians to negotiate, give them these territories and somehow promise guarantees for ukraine. it is clear that they are unilaterally fantasizing about how they can get out of this situation, because it is a stalemate, this , by the way, the word stalemate sounds from many other covers, magazines, because the situation at the front is very difficult, i let me remind you that the beautifully announced d-day crossing of the dnieper was specially created for nato, which means a sample group made up of marines... which the british prepared, also showed it very beautifully, the katran group was supposed to land, cut this means our defense and reach crimea, these are simply suicidal attacks, when the battalions simply burn out, pointing in one direction, the military are insanely, of course , annoying, because there is a division of the real headquarters of zelsky’s office, which does this for the needs, as it was in
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work, where we have paratroopers, that means about five airborne brigades too... but how can it be made, the military probably wants to plan based on the resources that they will be given, it is physically impossible to make it, it is clear that this is a political game, but zelensky has no arms supplies on they don’t understand the near future either until the end of the year, or next year, that ’s what they’re coming now, old fifty-year-old tanks, a leopard, something else, this is equipment... which was contracted at the beginning of the year, but what about in the twenty-fourth? today they have already said that the budget is 50 billion billion euros, this is wages, this is money, these are the lines of defense that they talked about, as they say, the lines of defense of zaluzhny, which they want to establish, attempts are now being made between nikolaev and odessa to establish this line of defense , and this money, these are construction companies that will say, you need to buy concrete and something else there , so there are huge problems, but uh,
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the problem is that ukraine , as part of its mobilization, which it is currently conducting, they have not been able to achieve any results , in reality, they have more than 40% less needs, let’s say, collection, they don’t call it anything else, mobilized for the front, that is, if at the beginning of summer this quick conscription campaign, which was carried out forcibly, covers, covered losses at the front, now the gap has increased to 40%, that is, many more are dying than manage to get there... to import, this is despite the training, despite the equipment, which is also really lacking, it is clear that the line of combat contact itself from the side ours doesn’t feel that way, that the enemy flinched and ran, it is clear that the headquarters are preserved, it is clear that the officers, this core, which is located at a distance, is constantly present, but those units that they raise to hold the position, sometimes our soldiers are brought into a state of shock, because groups appear
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100% consisting of women who... are driven to the front, not to mention students, we understand that for future generations, this will of course be a disaster, just a disaster for ukraine, moreover, the west’s shocking story is connected with our , well, probably unprecedented military budget , we have reached peak positions in, let’s say, the soviet union, almost 30% of our budget for... the near future, these are military expenditures, and the cost of our expenses from it’s impossible to compare with the american ones, but the cost of equipment is completely different, completely different capabilities, different numerical indicators and the military-industrial complex, which, like a new separate front, works 24/7, it updates at such a speed that the drones that are now at the front, well, probably , in terms of technology, we have overtaken everyone we can, because every day something new is being introduced, this is
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impossible, the main thing is not to forget to collect the vapes. this is this, that is, since we have already run out of chips in microwaves in the cold in washing machines, now westerners say that we collect vapes from them too. by the way, it pulls out of vapes more efficiently, easier, we clearly select by smell, well, so that everything is normal , we collect it from students, earbuds, they are the most optimal, they are really idiots, i spoke with lary jones today, and he says , that the main problem is that americans are sincerely convinced that in russia at 5 am the kgb comes to everyone’s house, that there is no democracy of freedom, that we have just such a tough one. stalinism is industry nothing, the army is stupid, they drive by force, that is, they live in some kind of hollywood idea of ​​the army, well, i listened to your interview with him today, it was very informative and i remember when you asked him
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the question of how this even happens, he says, why be surprised, the memory is 2 weeks, like the population , after 2 weeks the news is so overwhelming that he no longer remembers what happened, like coconut fish, they have a memory of four or 2 seconds, well, here it’s a little more how... there is clip thinking, as if people are completely different they perceive the information, but a very important point, today we had a big event held by the president, and you said the phrase that the west planned to reformat our society. the americans, introducing this soft power, they call it soft power, as it was, then they switched to smart power, they conducted research in countries - that is, in the balkans, when they pumped a huge amount of money there, these are... independent organizations , reformatting to western standards, we saw that the russian minimal budgets have a greater effect. it turned out that the memory of a generation is much more important, this is the people's memory, which comes when the perception of their war was together, they beat faith,
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including these generational things, they are key, and the only conclusion is, they called it cleopau, like a goddess, it means that history must be cut, it must be completely cut off, here in ukraine they... this experiment completely intersects with church issues, issues of faith, issues of general history, monuments are demolished, language issues, that is, they are trying to in ukraine carry out reformatting, but as the president said today that russia is in the vanguard of creating a just world, and without us it is impossible to create a multipolar, which means a world order, i am sure that ukraine will also fall into this new multipolar world order, we will restore the historical memory of peoples. kolomoisky, sitting in prison, is faithfully waiting for zelsky with victory, and it will be a shame if kolomoisky comes out of prison, but zelensky did not wait for him, this is me about the interview that
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we are discussing now, because in in all difficult situations, when zelensky finds himself in a difficult situation, who always comes to the rescue? journalist of kolomoisky, interview with zelensky, now she is interviewing arakhami, i will ask the question why now she is taking this interview, why is she raising the topic of negotiations, mistakes, failures in negotiations, they are actually trying to , on the one hand, actualize the topic of negotiations, and most importantly, zelsky has not only a military, but also a political impasse, which he has driven himself into, he has so much said something about russia to putin and so on, that all... in principle , geopolitical players have a firm conviction that zelensky is incapable of agreement, what does he want to say with this interview, but we actually wanted
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to sign, we even signed, but johnson forced us, vladimir vladimirovich, if you influence the west, we will sign with pleasure, well, don’t write us off, we are ready to play some more, we are capable, we are talented, hear us, we are here, this is the boss message. i think so, you know, everything they wanted was everything they wanted to say, in my opinion, because i can hardly imagine that such a disadvantageous topic of negotiations after february 24, well, it could have raised completely different questions, if it was necessary to conduct an interview like that, besides i i’ll just remind you that arahami hasn’t been in the information field for months, well, he hasn’t appeared anywhere at all, then suddenly he pops up, but probably for a reason, it’s... everything happens, probably not by chance, probably, or beni decided to drown, no, no, that’s exactly what i believe, i just don’t believe it, and i’m firmly convinced that
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that they have maintained a relationship, moreover, zelensky is not pursuing, zelensky is not pursuing, zelensky is not pursuing kolomoisky, zelensky is hiding kolomoisky in prison, hiding from the americans in prison, you know, perhaps kolomoisky will be in prison until the american elections, maybe even until. .. the presidential inauguration, but it’s better to sit in comfortable conditions here without confiscation of property than to end up in the united states of america with all the ensuing consequences, so he hides kolomoisky, provided for him in a pre-trial detention center a worthy stay in this institution, i am absolutely convinced of this, i don’t even have it, our coat of arms is already embroidered there, you don’t understand how it will all end, i, i don’t have any - doubts about this, now about this - this fake negotiations with the oligarchs, this is for you and me, vladimir doschik, people who are immersed, so to speak, in this story , yes, well, we can look at it like this with one glance, say, this is a fake, take it away, because this is a fake. the average person, in
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fact, he has completely different criteria assessments, in principle, this concern that is expressed during this dialogue is certainly present, and when they make this kind of fakes, they take into account this factor that in order for it to work, there must be at least, well some grain of truth, yes, what is really happening , otherwise people simply won’t believe it, but on the other hand, i think if the president’s office did this in order to... bet on zaluzhny, of course i , i apologize, but after the anti-olchic, anti-corruption maidan, poroshenko was elected, then what kind of discrediting are we talking about, well, i don’t understand how this can conditionally discredit someone there, now regarding there, zaluzhny, zelsky, and so on, i’ve already said a thousand times, ukraine is a country
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that is completely under the americans , you understand, there is a stable in which there are horses that participate in races, election races, yes, relatively speaking, for them, as the owners of this entire stable , it doesn’t matter who runs there first, the only thing they want to do for themselves is so that they have opportunity, the widest possible corridor of possibilities for decision-making, without unnecessary words, without unnecessary words. without any requirements and there are a lot of such candidates in ukraine in this regard, zelensky is a very inconvenient candidate , i want to tell you, well, because he has not only that, having passed all these olympus, so to speak, but he imagines that he actually represents something like a politician, yes , here he is, he has this inner conviction, but besides everything else, he has interests, he has, well, something for which he can have fun.
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they absolutely don’t need this, and if the question of writing off zelsky arises, no one will leak anything to anyone. vladimir , this doesn’t need to be done, because the american system is designed in such a way, they work and conduct every second financial monitoring, financial monitoring of a certain circle of people who from a political point of view, they are of interest, not in order to stop them before committing a crime, just in order to... control them, they don’t need to leak anything, they just need to determine what they need time, the right place in order to make the most effective use of the information that they already have, with your permission i would like to return to the poisoning of several employees of gur and budanov’s wife, remember, some time ago, budanov made a quiet trip to washington, i made inquiries. and how this all happened
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, so i’m telling you, it means that the employees of the 6, who also look after mr. budanov , contacted the cia representatives from washington and the mi-6 employees, who notified in kiev the office of president zelsky that mr. budanov, accompanied by him, is flying to washington, well , firstly, this caused quite a negative reaction. since zelensky would like the employees from washington to notify that we would like budanov, well, zelsky , he’s used to being a big man, yes, that is , to ask for permission, and not to confront a fact, yes, yes, this did not happen, then the most interesting thing is that budanov flew there, well , it is unknown what they were talking about there, but upon his return, budanov asked for the same a quiet meeting, the head from ukraine, an honorary
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veterinarian, danilov, that means danilov, directly asked the question, what was the conversation about? and budanov simply answered him in a harsh manner that no matter how well it was not yours and said, like, if you don’t like something, he’s funny, solve the issues with them. i don’t want to make any parallels, but then after a conversation between budanov and danilov, it turns out that budanov’s wife was poisoned. and a number of intelligence officers, well , then again, you can think about it, if everyone there survives, this is one option, if there is someone there really there, well, he will die, that’s like another option there. but the fact that budanov, he is essentially being considered for a certain position in the new format of the ukrainian authorities, is a fact, especially in mi6, again according to my information, they are extremely pleased with the work of the terrorist budanov, who carries out terrorist attacks and sabotage on
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the territory of the russian federation, against civilians of the russian federation, this is what concerns budanov, then further, that ’s just... colleague igor spoke about transitions, well, in continuation of this story with the poles, by the way, a representative of the regional branch of the confederation, this russophian polish party, was named as a peacemaker, well, in general, well, the confederation , they in general, well, they are all russophobes, they have their own interests there, well, he was brought in and pointed out as a peacemaker, what he does here this blockade along with carriers on the instructions of the kremlin, well, this is just some kind of nonsense in general. so everything in this world is on the orders of the kremlin, namely, the elections in holland are everything, everything is included in this, the slovak prime minister fit contains the word, since friday, the only transition,
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cherry-german uzhgorod, which provides for the passage of freight trains of road transport, freight , it will be blocked, for now temporarily, there until the end of december, that is , slovakia is joining, here is some more interesting information, you can look greek media, there appeared a number of statements from the greek government that there is no faith in the ukrainian authorities, and zelensky cannot be trusted. what's the point? it turns out that before the eleventh package of sanctions, it means that zelsky introduced greek shipping companies are blacklisted because they are used as transshipment transport for russian energy resources, but the greeks said, well then we will not support one package of eu sanctions. what zelensky does is he removes
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the greek shipping industry from sanctions, the greeks vote for the eleventh package, and as soon as the greeks vote, zelensky again brings greek shipping companies under sanctions. now there will be a twelfth package, now the greeks are talking, and now we will definitely not support this package, since faith in zelensky, that is, how can you bring it back after the vote? zelsky, as they say, had already managed to quarrel with the greeks , who sent weapons and money in every possible way, the greeks were actively working for the armed forces of ukraine, it turns out that zelsky seemed so ungrateful, the greeks and the bulgarians will find a way to betray us. yes, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, you can’t outrun the greeks, the bulgarians too, everyone looked at the greek spiredon palycha, at the bulgarian igor, how hard it is for me as a jew to get confused, that is , the bulgarians are not a fact, yes, that is, move on to
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to us, regarding the same thing, you said in the program itself, the most important thing that is missing, now, i understand, that means you are with us. i just wanted to say, okay, i’ll keep silent, the international is full, connecting, what is called historical memory, yes, that’s what was really missing and is missing in ukraine, in ukraine, as a state, which , for example, joseph stalin played a decisive role in the formation ukraine as a state, especially in the 20th century, yes, it is precisely in ukraine that people hate him most of all, because he is a kat, he is a scoundrel, he is a criminal and so on.
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they used to love lenin, although, i apologize, even though they erected monuments to him, although lenin did not create them, why did they ask, our order is like this, our order is like this, yes, yes, yes, absolutely correct, yes, he is my friend, therefore, so, uh, look, volodya, look, you got the point , you got the main thing, that now, especially, you should grab onto that historical memory, talk, pronounce it, now, if the political process has begun in ukraine, and it started, talk, at least try to talk, listen, let's think about it, what is the cementing thing, what was the main thing we had? let's take from history, no, on the contrary, on the contrary, the event that happened, in the ukrainian verkhovna rada , the head of the finnish parliament, hala, akha, spoke . spoke in ukrainian and his speech broke through, well, at the very beginning there was thunderous applause, and then
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throughout the speaker’s speech , deputies stood up, applauded, applauded dozens of times, and not only because he spoke in ukrainian, he spoke about the main thing, he said that we, finland, once suffered from the russian empire, from the russian imperial habits, yes, but we forgot our history, here you are, ukrainians today ... and you aroused, awakened that memory in us, you are great, you understand , that is, he said such phrases, he said such theses that, well, i say it again, which in the ukrainian parliament, read today’s ukrainian elite simply applauded and said: “hurray, hurray, hurray, how nice that you are finns, and now we ukrainians are freeing ourselves from this imperial yoke,” i listened to this sabbath, volodya, i listened to this sabbath with tears in my eyes, because i understand that there is not a single person who was represented in parliament or outside parliament in current ukraine who would turn on their brains and begin to think from the point
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of view of the state, as you said in the very the beginning, that is, the construction of the state, its statehood, on the basis of what? if we deny stalin, if we deny the soviet union, if we deny everything that was 300 years of friendship between ukraine and russia, then we will say, yes, if we now we deny everything that we had even in 30 years of independence, but put bandera on the flag, who did nothing to create a ukrainian state, was never on the territory of ukraine, absolutely correct, he was not a citizen, what do i mean, this is where the tragedy lies for now, but unfortunately, for me i don’t see a single chance, because i don’t yet see a single person who would try to at least speak common sense ideas, that’s what is happening today in present-day ukraine, in fact yes... since the mosaic is already
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that’s it, the experts said, i’ll just add the last thing, yes, we understand that it’s without a corner, it was launched like a torpedo, it’s tearing and rushing, because it’s clear, it’s protecting zelsky, yes, it’s protecting zelsky, he’s for everything, he’s right, and everywhere are to blame, named the generals who failed the operation in mariupol, in bakhmut and now, well, of course, she’s just killing everyone, it’s a torpedo, they launched it, and moreover, the bbc in an interview, she says: do you understand? yes, but she says, of course, i coordinate my thoughts, i, but i myself and i’m generating, that is, i’m listening, i’m thinking, where, yes, where is the man from, he’s a real torpedo, he’s just tormenting and tormenting, and wet, what they’re saying about zaluzhny, and how poroshenko stood up to defend zaluzhny, he says , if you criticize the army, then you criticize ukraine , you criticize the state, i’m listening, wait, guys, it ’s just that the election campaign has just started, and you are already such trump cards, at this
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moment, a kind of deputy minister is quietly speaking justice of ukraine irina mudra, a person who is 48 years old, last year she became deputy minister of justice, this is the first entry in her work book, she says a phrase, she says, listen, we cannot make peace with the russian federation if there is no reparation clause . from russia in favor of ukraine. bih-bih fell, i hear such a sound, i think, stop, stop, stop, why is she talking about peace, if zelensky signed a decree, if the verkhovna rada adopted an order that there should be no negotiations with russia, and here is a little man, for the minister of justice says such things about peace with russia, but on the terms of reparations. then i see that she was never an official, she worked in banking structures, she developed mechanisms for sanctions against russia, just a bank. european mechanisms, not just banking ones, that is, she is a specialist in sanctions, monetary sanctions, financial sanctions against russia, she coordinates her
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actions with brussels, with the eu, with britain and , naturally, under the leadership of the united states of america, that is, a person, a specialist this is understandable, now why does she she says this to spite zelsky, because she does not obey him, but she speaks to volodya not on behalf of ukraine, she speaks on behalf of the west, she was given a power of attorney, which... a little man who says: russian federation, respected, disrespected, you must pay the money, because there is no one else to pay except you. volodya, this is bargaining, this is bargaining, this is a continuation of the west of the russian federation, let's bargain, yes, it looks like this, in this mosaic, well, yes, these are the known stages, you are threatening us, no, no, no, after the bargaining, what goes on there, despair, acceptance, acceptance, yes, acceptance, why am i talking about this, because listen, the spirit pa... started this note, what zelsky says, yes we are here, we are here, and arahamia speaks about this,
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this is mudra, her last name is mudra, yes, well, in russian it is wise, but she is wise. she also says: we are ready, give us the money, by the way, in arakhs, wisely, everyone gathered together from the tree, we don’t need you, but bear with it, the question is , yesterday i listened to the speech of the minister of foreign affairs lavov, yes, at the readings, and i understand, maybe i used to ask myself a question, lavrova, and he says: guys, what are you telling us about, you are telling us about minsk one, you are telling us about minsk 2, you are offering us, and here i agree with you, vladimirovich, they were coming, but , but they entered this where, they will go, they will go, they will go, but what will happen to ukraine, after all, you are not a russian person,
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a russian person knows exactly where, that’s all, see you tomorrow, history democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. the national meeting of residents, the veche, made decisions on all significant issue played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 14th century, a new institution of class representation had emerged: the councils of the whole earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii,
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zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four districts. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution was adopted russia. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, systems of election commissions are being formed, and gas elections are being laid as the basis.
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the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. by organization. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives, elections in russia are important, honest, and convenient. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country.
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come to the forum russia exhibition. the renovated clinics and hospitals , which were opened in five regions at once on tuesday, will help support the health of children, young and future parents. everyone, without exception, should have access to the most modern types of treatment in russia, the president noted, about equipping new buildings about , how many patients they could receive to the head of state were reported via video link, where there were more doctors and shorter queues, natalya solovyova found out. the geography is wide from the sailors' city of sevastopol to a small


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