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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 23, 2023 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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[000:00:23;00] what convention says that it is permissible to hit this hospital when they knock out all the transport that was in this city hospital? i think israel has now removed the question of whether it is possible to hit hospitals, schools, mosques , - i think no one else has this question, you know, when you look, suffice it to say, we feel it there underneath, there we feel it, there’s a tunnel there, we feel it’s underground there, there’s something or someone there everything went well, so when i look at
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the situation in the middle east, i’m fine. i feel like what happened, what happened 2 years ago, if now russia would agree to this 100%, you and i, if you remember, just asked this question a few months ago, then we just gave it to people and then we addressed please note that at that time, it was there about nine months ago, the number of shellings in donetsk was less than the number of shellings in donetsk, there on the 22nd, 23rd, before the start of a special military operation, but the westerners... don’t see, you know, westerners see now, here i am specifically before going here to the studio, vladimirovich is more integrated into the international press, i thought that maybe i don’t read everything, but here’s the general mood, that is, there is an open howl, howl, what and how ukraine suddenly cannot win, how is it, listen, here i came to the realization that suddenly ukraine would not win, against this background, that is, people’s illusion is being destroyed, that is, i think, what was this illusion based on, that is, when we gave a certain amount
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of weapons, that is, in response russia... they couldn’t stand, because how else, how in another way you could count on this, that is, when this is western technology , it’s probably, what years have not passed, when you remember, the first british tanks went, they just started running from them because
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they were scared, that’s what they were counting on , but if it didn’t work out, they launched it, the victims, that is, it has just become commonplace, they hit in the same place, well, absolutely, yes, well, you see, not a single bastard there in the west, of course, will even make a peep, which is really, here i am i agree, i note in various western media, of course, firstly queue after the interview and article by zaluzhny. then suddenly all the western media fell into such, well, kind of horror, all the time there, suddenly they noticed disappointment, including among the ukrainians, despite the fact that you know, western correspondents were forbidden to work on the front line from the ukrainian side, only there special permission for the chosen ones, that is, for those who are well-tested, their comrades, yes,
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the ministry of defense of ukraine, therefore, decides to come closer there as an exception, today in the times newspaper, it seems difficult to imagine a more anti-russian newspaper in britain, published a report from somewhere under the red estuary and again they say: everyone is terrified there on the front line on the ukrainian side, we have been forgotten, abandoned, when israel has finished its work, so that about us they remembered, there is not enough ammunition, there are not enough artillery shells, they say, let’s remember about us, but you know, the most interesting thing is that everyone again notes that desertion in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine has sharply increased, they write this directly, with a link, and on ukrainian officers, one of them there, under the red estuary, he admitted that out of 114 people under his jurisdiction, more than twenty ran away, deserted, well , some were caught, some were caught, but the fact here is that, you know, the call sign volga works, so i
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think it’s necessary, of course support these... when we begin to read further about how conscripts, or rather people of military age , are fleeing to europe to the west, where austria is today. this standard cited approximate statistics of about 650,000 ukrainian men of military age are in europe, according to official data, that is, how many there are not all registered there yet, can you imagine how many could be formed there, if they were armed, they will fight to the end, just so as not to return to ukraine, just so that yes, under no circumstances return there, but this is significant, the fall almost everyone notes morale, they also opened pandora’s box with grenades, well, no, when they supplied cluster munitions, they thought it was one way, but they don’t understand that one of the largest producers of cluster munitions is russia, no, right here
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now we have started working with cluster bombs, that is, there have already been several such premieres , this caused panic in ukraine, but you hear how, well, you see how they immediately shouted, but what are we for? that is, we don’t, of course, that’s good, they directly warned zelensky, shaigu, right away, he said, we will answer, and putin then said, we have too, he says, we have much more of these, but you yourself forcing us to use them, by the way, tucker carlson referred to the video, i noticed that i don’t know what kind of video it is, i’ll tell you honestly, i see that it’s spreading among all american bloggers on social networks, well, i saw it about a month and a half ago on our social networks there, it was during some concert at the ukrainian language arts. the singer is singing, and there are very people sitting there, well, people older than you and me in ukrainian uniforms, yes, and what about the faces, what mustache faces, not a single smile, and they are singing a very cheerful song there, singing, that means it’s a girl, and
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they are all they sit sad, so sad, a cheerful song comes up, but if we are in a sob speech, here you are, now i’m watching, here launched on american social networks and, indeed, i read the comments of the americans, they say, well, listen , look at their faces, they see that they have already lost, even before they got to the front, this is real, this is what tucker carlson is referring to , well, you read zelsky or watch his interview, so you should give us weapons, we are dying for you, for your interests, and here it’s like this norwegian gang, which is headed, yes, which is headed by nato, no, russia there is no threat to us at all, there is no threat, well, yes, no, so you think about it, that is, zelsky says he’s lying, he’s lying, zelensky lies all the time , but why do you think about it, yes, he convinces them, yes, that jobs are being created for you, it’s
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so great that with the ukrainians, he i don’t even remember, we’re dying, but jobs, let’s show zelsky how to speak so that you can see how right vladimir vladimirovich is. yes, you are right, yes, this does not have a good effect on ukraine, it does not help us, but we understand that this is also a challenge for the world. middle east - situation in the middle east, and on our part, we are trying to help as best we can. i know what it was. russia will do this, what was done in the middle east, with the help of iran and iranian partners. a growing number of americans think
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there is too much money going to ukraine that should have been spent in america, what would be your message to them to tell them that this war really matters? firstly, to the americans who were with us in this war, for their support. but of course, if we're talking about congress, oh unity on the issue of assistance to ukraine, then of course, this month is the most difficult, in many cases we are ready for joint production, we are ready for this, it would be beneficial for both sides, we need licenses and we can produce air defense, we will protect ukraine, and also, when you defend with great success, with great results, we are not your production, united, for example , patriots, then the price will be very high, this is a business, what is important, secondly, if you produce for ukraine with ukraine, then you
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do this also with the americans, that is part, most of the production will be in your countries, different countries, and yes, also in ukraine, and these are jobs for both americans and ukrainians, this is very important, i hope that congress will help us, and i hope that us assistance will be around the ukrainian people, and i hope that the united states will be with us against russian terrorism, not that is, he was there but. no, he just can’t, you have jobs, we have graves, you have jobs, great, and lastly, if i may, yes, but he’s already very much in, it’s clear that he right under this, you and i discussed the other day that they are built by this speaker of parliament stefanchuk, who declared, yes, that russians do not exist, yes, so we need to defeat them in their rights, uh, since they do not exist, now here they are, sprechen fuhrer
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flint states, yes... there is no such thing as a russian-speaking concept, russian-speaking, so they should be prohibited from speaking russian , you say, i’m told from the front line, if i hear the russian language, the first thing you want to do is shoot, listen to them video comments from the front line, so that’s the lion’s share speaks russian, you hear, stefanchuks, krimni and other sprehans there, fuhrers, then since these people don’t exist, just free them from military service. so that you have purely ideological, ukrainian-movie people serve there, but don’t touch russian-speaking people, then there, deal with them in the rear, defeat their rights, imagine offering this to a ukrainian peasant, yes, you speak russian, don’t serve in the army, you’re not worthy, well and just for this farion, well, yes, on here, now sprechen fuhrr decided to go there, i look, when he looks at zelensky, he more and more reminiscent of such a caricature of hitler in recent days, well
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, quite a caricature, regarding the long will, but now the american army is complaining about a shortage. in america people don’t want to go serve, they have a huge shortage, in ukraine they complain that there are no volunteers, like the people there were salting here, but with us it’s completely different, with us it’s completely different, with us the people are coming, the people are coming strong, the people are coming fighting, victorious people, kiril, you know, i caught myself thinking that for the last few days i’ve been living, well,
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what is called yesterday... most likely in yesterday, colleagues record an interview, ask me to remember some details, and i understand that it is easier for me to remember some sensations, some really tactile things, than names, surnames, dates and so on, for example, i remember very well this rainy evening, when one and a half colleagues went out to the maidan with thermoses and walked around... as they say, nothing foreshadowed trouble, then i remember how i had difficulty washing my shoes, having spent just one day on maidan, somewhere already in january, because it’s just that for me, every the day on the soles was like this, well, there was probably a half-centimeter layer of soot from the tires, which were constantly burning, i remember how they simply stopped classes in schools in the nearest two or three blocks, because the children
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were suffocating, it was impossible to open... the windows, i i remember the eighteenth, when the protesters on february 18th, it was still the day before the shootings on the maidan, when the protesters went to the verkhovna rada, the first clashes began, i then remember that i learned about the first killed fighter of amon, because before my eyes in such in complete silence with european square, an ambulance took away the wounded mayor, the commander of his unit loaded him into it and and so he, literally, so to speak, put a soldier there with a walkie-talkie, they drove 300 m, and the soldier reported on the radio that that’s it, the man was killed, these are some... then such details, i remember there, are amazing, of course, all these stories about how air conditioners explode in lugansk, and i was just on the spot, i saw monuments near the lugansk regional administration, after missiles from ukrainian
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fighters hit there, and i now... i don’t remember now only those events there are quite distant, but today, today, the events are the last, but i just understand that then in the fourteenth year the whole country simply collapsed, most of my life collapsed, and then it continued to collapse, because in my native in dnepropetrovsk they removed monuments, near which my friends made a date there. monument to the tank of general pushkin, studenchesky, in the center of the studenchesky district, they removed the monument to pushkin , for which money was collected at the end of the 19th century and on the hundredth anniversary of his birth pushkin, my father played near this monument, he told me about it, and the worst thing that happened to people, absolutely amazing things, was a huge wave of hatred that was already forming on
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the maidan then, and today’s this military commissar who talks about that they are genetic slaves there, bad genetic material, i remember, uh, this same vice-speaker from freedom - with a fiction defect, who said that his grandmother told him that there is no ukrainian blood beyond the dnieper, that is, there is no ukrainian dna , there in general, it is not clear who lives, what kind of people they are. parubiy, parubiy, absolutely right, uh, here they really are, this is a large part of ukraine, a certain part, not the largest, certainly not at all, yes, but the majority of ukraine’s inhabitants. western ukraine, who considered other people living in the same territory to be genetic garbage. this is scary, and the worst thing that has happened in recent years, in the last 10 years, has happened in the heads of the people who lived next to me. yaa on the dneprovsky, dnepropetrovsk tv channel, which means i saw the story on the internet, which means
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language courses, ukrainian language, a woman appears in the frame, well, over 40, which means she’s in bad shape. language, it means that she says that i am happy, that in the forty-fifth year of my life i finally spoke in my native language, i sit, listen to this, i understand that she is now saying a simple thing, for 45 years i spoke an incomprehensible language, then she is with her parents, from the moment she was born at school, in kindergarten she spoke a language other than her native language, at forty-fifth she became enlightened, i just understand that this is all made by politicians for whom money was more important, their ambitions and, of course, some part of the country that was filled with this national hatred, which considered other people to be genetic freaks, only because they were calm about monuments bandera, who bet on western ukraine , they were calm about the fact that they spoke ukrainian there , well, they simply said we want to speak
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russian, we should have our monuments, and there you live in western ukraine like you want, yes, but we understand that we are in one big country, on a visit, we maintain good relations, your political convictions, your political convictions, but our political convictions are our convictions, and we will not give them up, that’s what i forced, that’s what these words, frankly thrown in the face, then in 1414 forced these people of western ukraine to become politicians who speculated on this, because listen, well, i remember very well how tymoshenko was the leader of western ukraine, it’s generally like a man whose office in dnepropetrovsk was four blocks from my house. who in her life did not speak russian, in her life, oh, excuse me, in ukrainian, until she became a politician, i’m already emotional, sorry, but in general, what i understand, i understand that the phrase that i don’t remember now the author of this phrase , what politicians think about the upcoming elections, about state children,
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leaders, about future generations, i understand that no one thinks about future generations in ukraine, and did not think then in the fourteenth, today my colleagues from donetsk asked me to say that this is what ukraine has achieved, what it has received after the fourteenth year, i say, look, these are funny things, i have enough fingers on one hand, two things that seem so say, we can consider the achievements of the maidan, well, firstly, it took place because everyone demanded association, well, all those who were there on the maidan demanded association with the european community, economic, that is, they did not want to go to customs union, calling it pejoratively taiga , here in europe, we begin economic prosperity and so on, after 5 years, deputy prime minister prystaika, who came along with zelsky, said: “everything, guys, must be cancelled.” 5 years have shown that this not only does not give us anything, but we have a complete minus, the second thing that we really really got, we got without visas, then 5 million
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people from the country made noise like a cow crawling with its tongue, that’s all, this is for a country with second contribution to gdp, the soviet union in soviet times, i mean for the ukrainian ussr, yes, with huge potential, intellectual, human, cultural, this is all , two fingers on my hand, this is the achievement of the maidan , these are the anti-achievement, i now have to wake up in order to bend all this fingers, bend and tell, and most importantly - this a huge number of victims, broken destinies and people who left this country , i just don’t even understand now, so i think that they are in the same position as me, they understand that this is the country in which they were once -they lived, she ’s gone, which means there’s nowhere to return. you know, if i were osin, of course, i would not rush to conclusions about the fact that putin will not outlast us and will not defeat us, as
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they say, an autopsy will show, i think it won’t be long , the main thing here is to dress well for next fall so that he doesn’t catch a cold at the funeral of austin and biden, but i think that their prospects, of course, are absolutely , absolutely zero, regarding slavery, to be honest, this whole story is so touching, you know, slaves are heroes, yes, well a slave who died for the interests of his master will never be for that master, hero, well, it’s just his duty, he is my slave, he died for me, can i say this about ukraine, of course i can, can a person who supposedly lives in a democratic country be considered freedom if he is forbidden to speak his native language, more moreover, conditions are put forward for him in order to feel complete.
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we now consider english to be the language of interethnic communication, and this is a mandatory condition for you to be able to fully realize yourself in this country, i simply represent these commissions, yes, which will accept the decision whether you meet these standards or not, yes, i can imagine what the level of corruption will be there and so on, just whether you can consider yourself a free citizen. can you consider yourself a free person if your life does not directly depend on you , it depends on those who decide whether you will live or not, against your will, they decide whether you should die for this country or not should die when this representative of the shopping center speaks, well, you can see right away a simple guy, but not
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immersed in these... but he says sincerely what is happening before his eyes, you see, he is not, he is like a child, he, he is not tempted by all these movements, he does not evaluate the consequences of his words, he simply tells eyewitnesses what he has become, he says 99% of draft dodgers, that is, what does this tell us, that the overwhelming majority of ukrainians are extremely negative, but i have a question: how then does such an amazing science as sociology show that almost 70% of ukrainians want ukraine fought to the last, because 100% sociologists want to eat bread and butter and cikarka, or maybe they are simply manipulating ukrainians, yes, trying to convince them that in fact, yes, any alternative to the military path is unacceptable, and maybe it is unacceptable only because it is unacceptable for the regime itself. between the interests of the vast majority of ukrainians and the zelensky regime, they just can’t tell us about it,
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for example, they can’t say that there are contradictions, and i am sure that the conflict between zelensky and the west, the zelensky regime the west, it is inevitable, i see what happens before my eyes when western politicians come, yes, even if they bring modest financial resources, but they publicly declare their readiness to support... ukraine, in the same way i see how zelsky, despite for all defeats and so on, he glorifies his army, yes, trying to win, we are fighting here, we are ready here, and so on, what we are talking about is that against the backdrop of this defeat everyone wants to shift responsibility onto each other, you understand , it’s just that someone should bear responsibility for all this, but i i want to tell you the following, zelsky really won’t succeed, because when we argue there will be a maidan, there will be no maidan, i ’m sure that the west can afford
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another maidan, that’s okay. are not able to make effective decisions, they talk about this within the opposition, well , inside the country the opposition speaks, that is , zelensky’s attempt to shift responsibility to the west, what will it lead to, this is his desire, because this is eternal european integration. about which we are told, yes, which did not take place either yesterday or the day before yesterday, and will not take place in the future, this is a very good, effective tool for manipulating an entire country, when they ask the question, well, how did this happen, the association agreement was signed, 10 years have passed, we are not accepted into europe, i will ask the question, why, i i’ll ask the question, why? listen to what integration into europe means for ukrainians, or what... they say: into a single european family, they want to kind of be involved in this golden billion, but including the composition of this
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golden billion, it’s a good dream, it’s a dream, i... remains a dream when it is not realized, oh, you see, it ceases to be a dream when this goal is achieved, and now i will ask another question, why in europe, so that ukrainians have a new dream, but it is also this dream it works fine, everything europe needs from ukraine, it gets everything, you want round timber, please, you want the death of hundreds of thousands of people, please, you want to go to war, please, you want, we advance, you want, we retreat, we are ready to do everything, the west does not even hide that this country is completely they are not even embarrassed to talk about it, this country is entirely dependent on us. and after that we talk about slavery, about freedom, what, what are we talking about in general, the maidan is a great tragedy for ukraine, just until it is recognized by the ukrainians themselves, that it was a mistake and a great tragedy, until they they will run around with the idea that it was
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good and it was good for ukraine; nothing will change in this country. you know, it won’t change, nothing will change there, it just won’t exist, well, well, because that’s what everything is going well, yeah, and this is not the decision of russia and not the desire of russia, the country from which its own population is fleeing, and at the same time they began to flee before february 24, long ago, they began to flee long before, this means that they were disappointed in something in the structure this state, you know, why a person should die, i have experience, i lived in ukraine, i now live in russia, i have something to compare with, you know, the level of social protection here, and there is a complete lack of this social protection, i already i’m not talking about veterans, these chernobyl survivors in general, they just drove him behind the mozhaisk traffic light, they were simply forgotten, it’s just these, those whom they derogate today, one fine day this war will end, this man, whom the authorities sent to
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war without arms, without legs, will roll out into the middle of the maidan. and people will pass by, you know, life will go on, they will live, here it is absolutely, they are trying not to take it, there is a fun nightlife,
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parties, shmulki, everything, they are already doing well, i’ve been in this all my life left, we expect ... to settle in 10 days, this will be a record, cut, on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you will just fall like a stone, with the speed of the wind, this is a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it’s like he’s chasing
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