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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 22, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] i don’t mind, let them gnaw at each other like each other, of course, but take the dubies and attack in earnest, zelensky can, you know, like in that caucasian captivity, say: “i said, she asked for it herself?” yes, she asked that you do it, so there will be people who will be invited, i’m talking about maidan, yes, but if there’s another 330 each, there will definitely be such people, so i don’t rule it out at all, we’re talking about ukraine, where nothing is impossible, you see, at one time it was difficult to imagine that the country was ready to sever economic ties with main trading partner, but this was impossible, by the way, many people in russia got burned because of this, no, no , this is absurd, this cannot be, this cannot be, because this cannot be,
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but well once and you know, somehow it happened. i’ve been working towards this all my life, we expect to do it in 10 days, it will be a record, cut , on the verge of possibilities, we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you’ll just fall like a stone , with the speed of the wind, this is a supercyclone, killer cyclone, it’s like it’s chasing you.
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what do you want? lord of the wind. everyone who says that the maidan in ukraine is impossible, i maintain that it is possible, and i even believe that it is inevitable, because the maidan is not itself... a terrible way, actually speaking, the elimination of zelsky, i will not talk about ice picks of everything else, although i absolutely agree, zelsky , unlike all previous presidents, there is not a single social group left that zelensky would not affect, not one, before there were wars between oligarchs, between politicians, everything was sorted out with all different methods, but what zelsky did, he affected all
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social groups without exception, starting from the oligarchs, right there as a simple person who lives in a village, from whose hands his son was torn out and sent to war, you know, they came to the family , they snatched his son out and sent him to war, and for him in this war, if his son dies, it will no longer be russia’s fault, it was not russia that came for his son, but as a warrior he came on behalf of zelensky for his son, it’s one thing when the son of his own free will he died in this war, that’s one story, but when they came into the family, they took their son, this of course will be the fault of zelensky, so i don’t know where the ice ax will come from, but the fact that zelsky’s fate is absolutely unenviable, it seems to me, this thing is absolutely obvious, what zelsky was doing before, that he did for people, he sold people laughter, he packed auditoriums, sold laughter, people bought tickets, laughed, applauded and went out, what zelsky is doing now, he sells
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people fear. everything he said in the last months, especially in the last 2 day, he, uh, positions himself, he publicly, both to people who live inside ukraine, and on the perimeter or outside the perimeter, he shows with his entire place that he is afraid, and he expresses his fear, his fears, even yes, this feeling , is trying to sell, well, first of all, of course, the ukrainians, because he needs, if he waits for military conflicts, he needs to put 500, 700 thousand new military personnel under arms, where to get them from, and secondly, he scares the west that if you don’t help, don’t give, then russia won’t will stop at ukraine, then there will be the baltic states and so on, that is, he is trying to continue to sell this mantra, moreover , volodya, when zelensky says that maidan three is being prepared and they want to sweep him away, he is afraid, he says that
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i can be removed, the second, who, of course, is russia, the second , when he shows that he is afraid of zaluzhny, and by the way, he canceled the elections for the second time in recent years, publicly, he said that elections cannot be held, i can argue. and is this really within the competence, definitely not, definitely not, vladimir, but i’m talking about that he is again trying to sell this fear, and the third, the very last thing he does, when he talks about the possible elimination of the leader of the russian federation, he is trying to move these fears further, you know, how to convey this fear further, like, i myself am afraid, i’m afraid twice, but you should be afraid too, but the other thing is that it’s real. on a stamp, since in russia, de facto, the presidential campaign will soon begin, he just followed the manual, as they came down from
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the regional committee, he says it like this, volodya, why am i i affirm that the fear, the fears of zelensky, which he has been showing lately, firstly, characterizes him as an inadequate person, the word is zelensky adequate began to be used this month, and several times in the foreign press, yes, it was at first, remember , but... someone around zelsky says that he is inadequate, they can’t reach him with truthful objective information, and so on it went, so he comes out and says, yes, i’m inadequate, yes, i’m afraid, but i’m the commander in chief for today day, and my orders will be carried out, this is the worst thing, and this is a tragedy for the ukrainian people, look further at what happened today, today pistorius came to ukraine, one of those who came, he brought billions of euros. he brought weapons, he said that air defense would be strengthened in ukraine, and then at the briefing after a meeting with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umarov, not pristorius, but umerov, said, umerov, i apologize, he says, he was asked a question, what about
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the commanders whether there will be a change of commanders or not, i quote, the decision to change commanders has not yet been made, but we are doing everything possible to increase efficiency, this is what the minister of defense of ukraine says. he doesn’t care, zaluzhny and so on, he gives a signature and says: i recommend dismissing, so there is no zaluzhny , there is no syrsky, there is uterov, who makes the decision, i mean, actually makes the decision, and zelensky will sign it, so there is a conflict between not only zelsky and zaluzhny, but zelensky and the military in general, he, he became public, he is gaining what is called, it heats it up to the peak, and i don’t know whether they will fire everyone or everyone in turn, what the reaction will be. and lastly, i am listening carefully to the minister of defense of the russian federation, well done, and i want to say that what shaigu said today, usually on the twentieth of the month, the minister
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of defense of the russian federation voices the losses of the armed forces of ukraine. i’ll just quote: in june, sheigu announced that the loss of all forces amounted to 13,000. in july. 20.824. in august 32,000, in september 17,000, in october 7,500 november 13,700, summing up, of course, i’m quoting, but this is necessary, because the minister, the minister, as it were, yes, he said, and so, 104.24 people have been lost in the armed forces of ukraine, this is since june, more than 100,000 people, this is in words... so this is not
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yes, but so far this is so, why did 104 die or losses, yes these are dead, wounded and so on, this is what 1040 people are, why did they die, why are they dying, as igor olegovich says now there are several boats each, yes i i don’t know there are dozens of paratroopers who... we’re only in one to show the picture, that we are attacking, that we are fighting, that we have forces, as zelsky said, we will definitely attack, because he needs to beg and the last thing, vladimirovich, i want to say this idea that we are in our studio, talking when we talk the west, for example , germany, in terms of money, in terms of investing money in the war, in terms of arms supplies on the territory of ukraine, number one is germany, number one is germany. it ’s the germans who are now saying: we must, but what do you
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think, at the front they call those with whom the warrior is, germans, yes, ukropovets, even if we we are talking with the germans, you see, it turns out that even if the americans can be cunning about the situation and negotiate, i see that we have a simple genetic memory, at the head of the germans and the eu, in general, the most, most interested in the armed conflict in ukraine, that's all, see you tomorrow. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth throughout the world, we look forward with pride, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there. discover the achievements of our
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country. come to the russia forum exhibition. the russian army in the donetsk direction, with the support of artillery and heavy flamethrower systems, repelled several attacks by kiev assault groups. at krasnolimansky they repulsed two special forces attacks. in zaporozhye , thirty, 65 and 117 brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were attacked. zelsky's formation lost about 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. four armored vehicles and six were destroyed. situations on the front line sergey samokh. weapon. the geots gun fires from positions near the coal dam. in this direction, the enemy has slowed down and is not going beyond artillery exchanges. the task of our guns is to suppress vosu’s firing points and prevent them from being aimed clearly. we worked on the timber assembly of the building. well, as i understand it, the enemy was sitting there, yeah, they worked it out, everything is fine
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, no complaints, after each shot, the entire crew peers intently into the sky, however, in low clouds, like the enemy drone today, it’s easier to hear at first, the gun is carefully camouflaged, this was done so that naturally it would not be noticed from the air, and here ukrainian copters are constantly circling over this landing; only today there have already been two flights to the position, there, a little to the left, 100 and 200 m, somewhere , we haven’t gotten here yet, lately artillerymen are increasingly turning into shooters , they’ve worked out the anti-drone gun in their hands, which is now in every unit, we keep looking at the sky, whoever is closer will seem to be drowned out, a couple of times it’s just who closer, that one closer, the drone striker, as this weapon was called at the front, is modified by each unit to suit itself; the day before, the artillerymen of the vostok group repelled a massive attack by
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komikaze drones. commander. i’ll brew the first one, and then the second one flies, i look, it flies, well, in general, probably 50 meters, on a runway, not high above the grass, there’s such a charge hanging there, well, you can see right away that he’s not just throwing gifts there, that’s all he had to do his chuk ate ate, the tanks that cultivate forest belts in the ugledar direction are also hung with anti-drone protection, at present at the moment, the armed forces of ukraine rely on drones, they come out of the trenches... now periodically, well, we leave, but there are fewer of them, as you say, counter-offensives, they have been overwhelmed, in case of a possible breakthrough attempt , an anti-tank division of sturms installations, equipped with guided missiles, is working in the direction, to the left 20, below five, target 55, aim, the ammunition load contains 12 missiles with a cumulative
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high-explosive fragmentation part, none, because the enemy does not have enough in this direction either. being in active defense in the south donetsk direction, our artillery is methodically destroying positions in the esu. sergey samokh, alek sakolsch, elizaveta berezkina, news. the situation in... ukraine was discussed by the un security council. russian permanent representative vasily nebenze emphasized that the west , primarily the united states, bears full responsibility for what happened in ukraine. because they were the ones who arranged it. coup, and then supported the anti-russian hysteria and literally pushed kiev into war. we also remember another, pre-maidan ukraine, a country with which we are united by close historical, cultural and family connections. we know a people who share a common religion and tradition with us; 10 years ago,
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maidan became an event that divided the history of ukraine into before and after, and split the entire ukrainian society. and it was not a choice between. archaic russia and the progressive west, as they are now trying to present it in western capitals in kiev, about the choice between civilizational identity, based on the historically established community of slavic peoples on the one hand, and the complete loss of national identity, transformation into deprived of the right to her own opinion, a puppet of the west, thoroughly riddled with corruption and monstrous manifestations of nationalism. today, more and more ukrainians are realizing this, no matter how hard they try to keep them from this western ukrainian propaganda. we see that the ukrainian people are gradually moving away from datura and are realizing the harmfulness of the choice made for them, starting to ask the authorities the right questions. unfortunately, a full , meaningful discussion on these and other issues is unlikely to begin within ukraine,
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while the kiev regime feels the unconditional support of the west, which is still clinging to its ukrainian project as the best opportunity to weaken it. and for now , zelsky, who has become a dictator, will arrest and send to prison anyone who dares to not only ask these questions, but even try to read alternative news. numerous victims of the conflict between palestine and israel are a consequence of the us policy of crushing the region under itself and becoming the only mediator. the brix countries can help correct washington's mistakes middle east. vladimir putin pointed this out during the first ever union of this union. emergency online meeting of leaders. alexey konopko has not yet had the opportunity to collect all the details of emergency online brix summits, but now is precisely the case when peacekeeping efforts are needed on all possible platforms. the total number of deaths in the next middle east conflict exceeded 15,000, almost one and a half hundred israelis were killed
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by hamas militants, ten more were victims of retaliatory gas strikes, half of them women and children. everyone to israel rockets fly every day, disasters cause deep concern in the sector, a colleague just spoke about the death of a large number of children, this is terrible, but when you look at how operations are performed on children without anesthesia, it certainly evokes special feelings. which almost the entire world community is trying to do is not only a humanitarian catastrophe, the president continues, it is also a crisis of global governance. these events are, in fact, a direct consequence of the united states' desire to monopolize mediation functions in palestinian-israeli settlement and their blocking of the activities
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of the middle east quartet of international mediators. thus, history has clearly demonstrated its lack of viability. the productivity of individual attempts to cut the palestinian knot, due to the sabotage of un decisions, which clearly provide for the creation and peaceful coexistence of two independent and sovereign states, israel and palestine, not a single generation of palestinians has been brought up in an atmosphere of injustice shown to their people, and the israelis cannot fully guarantee the security of their state. the role of the un in resolving palestinian-israeli relations would seem to be key, and back in 1967 they unanimously, that is , together with the voice of washington, called for the creation of two full-fledged mutually recognized states in the region, but tel aviv still ignores the decision. now genasam votes for a humanitarian truce, and safbes , for the first time in 7 years, adopts a resolution to
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resolve the crisis. although this resolution contains only a call for the establishment of humanitarian pauses, and not... valuable ceasefire, we consider the very fact of its approval a step in the right direction. let me emphasize that such humanitarian pauses, or better , of course, a full ceasefire , are necessary to continue efforts to free the hostages and evacuate the foreign civilian population from the gaza strip. i cannot help but express once again my deep gratitude to president sissi and all his egyptian colleagues. for assistance in resolving many difficult issues related to ensuring the reception and sending home of russians who have escaped from the conflict zone, and of course, by and large, the most... urgent task seems to be achieving a truly long-term sustainable truce. china is greatly concerned about the huge
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number of victims of the conflict and believes it is necessary to make every possible effort to stop it immediately. the fundamental reason why the palestinian-israeli situation continues to this day is that the rights of the palestinian people to statehood, survival and return have been ignored for a long time. coming into the blocked gas from all over the world... humanitarian assistance, the russian ministry of emergency situations sent several planes, china spent 15 million yuan, but the idf misses only a small part compared to the needs of the sector, the harshest methods of tel aviv, which hit hospitals and schools, if they see hamas there, are interpreted in iran, ibrahim raisi called them terrorism, the brazilian leader lula condemned their inselectivity, adding that new parties should not be drawn into the conflict, putin agrees with him on this, and the saudi arabian authorities called on the world to encourage arms exports. iran wants brix members to stand up defending security, justice and fighting racial discrimination in the world.
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the united states, by providing resources to israel, is actually facilitating the crime of tel aviv, which is why washington has lost the trust of other countries around the world. israel's actions are a clear violation of international law. hamas also violated international law by taking hostages and must be punished. south africa calls for a un rapid deployment force in palestine with a mandate to monitor the cessation of hostilities and protect civilian population. such a wide range of opinions is also new for brix. the six new members of the association will officially take office in january. however, this is a formality. the role of the global south in the world is becoming more significant, and its voice is becoming louder. the brix state and the countries of the region could play a key role in this work. therefore, participation is especially important. in our today's meeting of colleagues from the middle east states, which this year received an invitation to become full-fledged
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members of brix. taking this opportunity, i would like to we would like to note with respect their efforts to normalize the situation. it is significant that all brix countries have similar positions regarding the need to collectively achieve a long-term sustainable settlement of the long-standing palestine-israeli problem. of course, the long-term conflict cannot be quickly resolved, and therefore such meetings will still have to be convened, and vladimir putin has already promised to do this next year, when russia becomes the chairman of brix. alexey gnovkoy, maria radimova, finland is discussing the possibility completely close all checkpoints on the border with russia, although the vice-chancellor of justice admitted that there are no grounds for such a decision. the issue is now expected to be considered by parliament. now.
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st. petersburg is 200 km from here. it was here that santa claus and yoki met every year, but this year the meeting will not take place. finnish authorities have decided to ruin the new year and christmas for hundreds of families who live on both sides of the border. of course, no one closed the russian border. but now there is absolute emptiness here, because the finnish border on that side is closed for both entry and exit, but at the same time our border guards continue to work and even the roads here are also being cleaned, right now you can see a cleaner working, it’s empty not only at the checkpoint, for dozens kilometers, almost no one, well, 6 km from the border - this is a roadside motel , travelers used to stay here before... now there is absolutely no one and there’s even snow in the parking lot, so i’m the first one
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to trample here today, well, yes, there’s no one in the hotel , and the doors are closed, only the guests are standing there, greeted by a wooden bear, the finns have not only closed the borders, they are stringing barbed wire and building fences, although they have no right to do this, our border guards found an agreement dating back to the sixties, according to which the border should only be marked with posts, that’s all its changes only by mutual consent. vybsk is the closest large city to the border with finland, and of course, people here in the country, suomi have always lived in close connection, for example, finns came here to get a manicure or repair automobile. now at the local market, traders are selling the last of the finnish candies and even feel sorry for their neighbors, without russian products it will be difficult for them to barely survive one winter, that they just rode here to the city, sampling,
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also for a reason, cheap alcohol, cheap cigarettes. and the fuel, however, the fuel is very good, they had fuel, apparently, very soon finns will not be able to go to karelia for cheap gasoline, at the lyutta checkpoint, it’s crowded today, native places, native dachas, friends, relatives, i want to travel while the finnish authorities are deciding whether to close or not, all the checkpoints, people are in a hurry, perhaps for the last time this year i’ll leave... i’m leaving petrozavodsk, and when you go home to finland, i end up in helsinki, i had plans to stay in a day with my mother, it’s possible that i’ll even go back to russia, and why, and how do you imagine being in a confined space all the time, not going anywhere at all, the lyttya checkpoint is located 30 km from the city of kostamuksha,
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now local residents remember with bitterness, a once had close... ties with the neighboring country. we have always planned any events or anything else, taking into account from the point of view of our finnish colleagues, those who live here, who have originally lived here, in general, we have a lot in common with the citizens of finland who live in that country, this finland promises to keep its border with the leningrad region closed, as well as family ties, social as well as cultural ties, at least until february. the fate of the remaining four border points still in question. dmitry akimov, andrey kupaev and tatyana leontyeva, presenter: leningrad region, republic of karelia. the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. the national meeting
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of residents of the veche made decisions on everything significant. issue played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 14th century, a new institution of class representation, the council of the whole earth, had emerged. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements election to solve a number of government problems. for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii, zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four chickens. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and were held by
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secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary. for russia, voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal , direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current russian constitution was adopted. modern electoral legislation is being formed, legislation on political parties, and systems of election commissions are laying the foundation for the gas. elections. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections. today every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives.
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elections in russia. important, honest, convenient. russian army in the donetsk direction. the support of artillery and heavy flamethrower systems repelled several attacks by kiev assault groups. at krasnolimansky they repulsed two special forces attacks. in zaporozhye, the attack was carried out on the 33rd, 65th and 117th brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. zelsky's formation lost about 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. four armored vehicles and six howitzers were destroyed. about


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