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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 9, 2023 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] tank, you just feel this power, when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy, seventeenth, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called , well, ready, not ready, how is it not ready, as if always ready, as in the great patriotic war, women made a great contribution, so now women are doing a lot. here , where i am a doctor, let’s say a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer when she just comes up to you and even he’ll just hug you and say the word that we believe in you, it gives a lot, but i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land, i
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will protect it, i won’t give it to anyone, dear ones. friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the gospel of louis véton. i hope you understand why we called her that, i’m looking forward to seeing you, we’re watching before everyone else, where is vasnetsova? let vasnetsov go, i’m in fact, you know, it’s not very convenient for me, someone was killed again, but what well, that’s it, you have neither sleep nor rest,
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let’s sign up and look. i wanted to understand what unites all the presidents of ukraine, and came to the conclusion, two things: idiocy, the second, no, no, i’m not talking about that, no, i’m not talking about that, they all wanted to become dictators and these are endlessly curious people, because each of them wanted to know how his maidan would end, they did everything for this, i just... remember kuchma ruled the country for two terms, yes, the election time came, he comes out like this, says: wait, well, one term plus one term, it turns out one term, because we contributed changes to the constitution, and if we made changes to the constitution, then this is no longer considered a period of time, how did it end, hello , yushchenko came, who, while still a deputy , voted to amend the constitution, the president came,
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illegally dissolved parliament, and decided to take it back , what do you think, kuchma’s dictatorial powers, yanukovych came, so let’s skip it, without comment, then there was poroshenko, who really wanted to be an eternal president, like zelsky, he even tried to introduce martial law, but it really didn’t work out for him, so zelsky came, who introduced martial law, believes that he can remain a dictator for a very long time, but something tells me that on the thirty-first... of march another article will appear in time, which will be written: no one believes that i am the president, no one , except for him, one, this president himself, because the level of legitimacy, here volodya correctly noted, without holding elections, of course, is much lower than when holding elections during the war, and what
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the constitution of ukraine says and what it says, i’m just wanted about this to say, when volodya quotes there, conditionally, the constitution, yes, as she assumes, neither i, nor anyone else, nor any other ukrainian can interpret the norms of the constitution, there is the only body that can do this, it was, constitutional court, but what zelsky did with the constitutional court and with its chairman, and now who should interpret this is that zelsky, he is a king, this is his domain, he can make decisions such as, yes, i want to hold elections, i want no, here there is an element of torch, i think so it’s not clear what, i’ll hold elections, i seemed to agree, then i said, yes, probably , it needs to be improved, changes made, stefanchuk even said what changes need to be made, it seems like the process has begun, now he says, no, no, no, no, no, right now, holding elections is not right now, but what happened, and it seems to me that the only thing that zelsky really cares about is not the situation at the front, it’s not how the war will end,
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he’s worried about... guarantees of personal security, he is concerned about personal guarantees, he imagines that he can bargain with the americans on guarantees of personal safety, i just want , sir... and to whom did they give guarantees of personal safety, i just want to say to mr. zelsky, the silence of the americans is not a sign of consent, and the fact that they are not going to enter into a public debate with you is does not mean at all that they will not implement their strategy, and if their strategy towards ukraine involves reformatting the ukrainian government and replacing zelsky, they will do it, by what methods, i think they have a wild imagination, they are on this count... whether zelsky likes it or not, march 31st will simply come and this carriage on which he is rushing all over the place, he
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says that he is rushing somewhere to europe, it will turn into a pumpkin, in fact, it’s even worse there , he is also the supreme commander-in-chief, of course, but how can he give orders to the troops, we received an order, and the court will tell them, but you knew that this was not an order, this was filka’s letter, you were not obliged to carry it out, yes, there is such an expression in politics, the legitimacy of violence, yes, or the right to violence, it is possible, with provided that if you are a strong leader, b, but he has none of this and any failure that happens at the front, in the rear, in the economy
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, whatever happens, all this will come to him, all european tyrannies have always tried maintain the appearance of the law, which is nazi. this will just lead to the fact that people will be told , why should i do something, if they later ask me for it , of course they will ask me, it’s just why i’m talking about trading, as i understand it, when johnson was prime minister, when zelensky i was traveling in mi-6, it was one situation, i gave him personal guarantees apparently johnson. he probably secured some kind of guarantees from the british intelligence services, the situation has now changed roots, neither johnson nor richard moore are able to give any guarantees, because they are temporary characters, and as soon as they
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disappear in their positions, it’s when johnson turned into a stray dog, you know, and mi-6, and mi-6, the two power in ukraine has already ended, there is no longer two to two power between the british and the americans, they have already completely decided to take control of ukraine. and the last thing i want let me tell you, i gave you the numbers yesterday, look, moreover, the american administration, the american administration, not the ukrainian people, not zelensky, the us assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs, james o-brien, responding to the calls of american senator randy paul, look for ways to end the ukrainian conflict, but senator, i am not defending the view that this is good, i am defending the view that in this case the war is necessary, the war in ukraine is being waged by america, not the ukrainian people, not zelensky, a bastard, assistant secretary
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of state james o-brien, this is one of those who is personally responsible for the deaths and injuries of a million ukrainians, james o-brien personally, but he is still responsible for the actions of the americans. there will be zelsky, because he is the guarantor of the constitution, he is the president of ukraine and this is his responsibility, the ukrainians hear, the americans say , it’s not us, let zelensky decide, there is no zelsky, and james o-brien and his masters who order the nonentity zelsky, lead ukrainian men to slaughter, and then women, and the last thing i wanted to say, remember the person who is the us special representative for the restoration of ukraine, today the verkhovna rada, servants of the people, at least, they have decided on candidates for the head of the property fund, the state property fund, they decided to appoint there,
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there is such vitaly koval, he led the rovinsk region for 4 years, well, so you understand, he was also appointed under prime minister goncharyuk, here who rode a scooter, why this particular person. started, well, first of all, devotee, secondly, clannish, to whom, to whom, zelsky, he is an executive person, he is a very executive person, for what i am leading to, to the fact that she... came to look for money in ukraine, but there is no money in ukraine, but there is something , there are assets in ukraine that, through the state property fund, can be nationalized, reprivatized, arrested, seized, resold, and then, when money appears, where to redirect it, control it, return it to creditors, who are our creditors, penalties, americans, always act very consistently , they have certain goals that they will try to realize in any case.
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so that it doesn’t cost them, if they need to bury 10 zelenskys , they will do it, peni didn’t come for money, she heads the liquidation commission, they understand that there is no money, so it’s absolutely correct, she came to sell off assets, and find out what for in order to guarantee the creditor, the asset is not really left, but let’s be honest, in the end, until the fourteenth year, one odessa port... plant according to the nominal the assessment of this state property fund was estimated at 1 billion dollars in the eighteenth and nineteenth year, everything that was owned by the state property fund in the amount of 1 billion, that is, there, in essence, as if it would have never been involved in the liquidation of the company , this is not so, absolutely not so well, at least the estimated value has become a penny, this is just the time to buy when you charge 10 cents on the dollar. why, why, why buy
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the odessa plant, which is engaged in transshipment of ammonia, if ammonia is not supplied, who is he? said that they were going to take it, they said in unison that it was said clearly , stop burying men with black soil, it was said , well, here is the answer, that is, it’s real, real, well, for western companies including black rack, the most interesting assets in ukraine are black soil , these are all sorts of infrastructure ports, airports, perhaps some kind of logistics routes, perhaps also ferroalloys and ore, and so it is possible, as if there is nothing else to take there, well, the main one, the main one and nuclear power plants, but they have, but they have the properties seem to be coming out, well, they need to be modernized, but this requires investing a lot of money, again.
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how can i invest a lot of money on modernization if they are built using soviet technologies, that is, this is also a very interesting question, well, yes, theoretically they can be converted to hydrogen, as is now a fashionable idea in the world, okay , enough illiterate, about elections, any tyranny, as vladimirovich lenin wrote about, it is based either on the support of the masses or on the support of the elites, but i would add, that in our time it can still... on external legitimacy, so the zelsky regime , let’s say, does not have the support of the elites, yes, because he is trying to absolutely disperse the oligarchy there, there is big capital there, and destroy political competition, external legitimacy, it’s like it’s already like this every day, it’s subsiding, yes , because we see how from morning to evening every day the western press writes these articles about that, about that, about that, about what’s going on there in kiev, that everything there is sad everything is bad, that is,
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in theory he should rely on support mass, in this case, the paradox of the situation with the elections in ukraine is that all the ratings, polls, they show that the level of support for zelsky there is 70-80, it’s simply prohibitive, accordingly, it’s a question of logic, why is he afraid to go to the polls, which zluzhny is more, well, what is more zaluzhny, and zluzhny doesn’t have any rating at all, in fact, there is a rating about they measured the ratings now, that’s the problem, they measured the ratings, they didn’t like that the zluzhnys are higher, accordingly, then we we come to the conclusion that probably everything seems to be ratings that are officially published in the press, they are all fictional, that is, non-existent reality, in ukraine, of course, that is, the king is naked, walking, and for him the question is: not holding elections is a question of his
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political, in fact, political survival , yes, that is, but elections are debates, at debates you can ask questions, you will have to answer something publicly, one moment, when he asked poroshenko’s questions, there was nothing behind him, on the other hand, when anyone will start asking him, so in this and he will crumble at the moment, just after the first question, why was fortettia bakhmud, if everyone said that this was a gigantic mistake, what will he answer that he personally? no, and then it will go on about purchasing his wife, about cocaine, there will be questions about everything, and what he will answer, the main question that they will ask him, in case this happens, what he is most afraid of, this is the question of, and actually , but what was all this for, well, of course, that is, really, for what millions of ukrainians lost relatives, yes, for what were there sacrifices, for what, in fact, did they sit without light , without water, yes, that is, inflation, waste, impossible, well, this list is so huge, but here, here,
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here, here, that’s all and what, and what in fact, well, i’ll tell you more, if he , as you say, loses the elections, it doesn’t even matter to whom, it doesn’t matter at all, he loses power, well, he can absolutely easily be tried for military crimes, he did not commit so many of them, starting from the fact that he did not organize humanitarian corridors from mariupol, ending shelling of donetsk and some incomprehensible staging in bucha, well, in general, this is also well, well, well, that is, that is, that is, in essence, this is what in general... for the leadership of the current leadership of ukraine, zelsky, danilo there , ermak, podalyak, all this clique, for them the war is needed like air, but if you stop it, then here it is, here it is , like a house of cards, everything will collapse, so it cannot be stopped, it must be dragged on indefinitely, they will drag it on,
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unfortunately, i already see tartarism, so try, that’s how much possible, that is, they will to strengthen mobilization, with what and by whom, who is mobilized. i already told you this example, but i was a little mistaken, i just wanted to clarify , uh, there is, now it’s fashionable to write on the internet, here is an example of the war in paraguay in the 19th century, that ’s where paraguay lost the war against the coalition there of argentina and brazil, because, because it has run out of male population, so that’s what we’re talking about, well, that’s what they ’re doing, so now it’s time to mobilize someone, well, no , not yet, there’s still someone, no, that’s the point problem, but in a couple of years they will end too, what couple of years now? there the guys at the front say, well, it’s all foreign speech, it’s not a coincidence , where can you find men if they take the orphaned, the poor , the old, the disabled, with illnesses, anyone, moreover, these people are absolutely unmotivated, not capable of conducting combat, of course, that’s why now there are so many of them to surrender, well, to move on, so unfortunately, i’m telling you, i, as
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a citizen of ukraine, am not wildly offended that president zelensky, who has really completely exploded... is leading for the sake of his political benefits leads everything to som, so that, and i told you, don’t choose this critic , you all didn’t believe me, i said, destroy the ukrainian nation, i spoke and they argued with me, they proved to me, they explained to me what was being said, i said, that this will be so, you will still remember poroshenko, i warned you all, because you do not understand who you elected, this is a psychotype of a neuron, or so. no, sorry, colligulae are about something completely different, this is a psychotype of a neuron, this must be understood, i want to share a little information leak from the investigation team kiev, vladimirovich was just talking about chastyakovo, it’s as if nothing has been heard of him , and so on, which means that the fact that he is a mayor is
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a nominal unit, they were friends with the zaluzhny families, what’s most interesting, there was a case when on one from closed events... where timchenko was, the very same one who brought alcohol along with grenades, timchenko and chastyakov even had some kind of conflict and zaluzhny reconciled them, because zaluzhny had a good relationship with chastyakov and a good relationship now with timchenko, that’s it further, it means, well, it’s already clear that everyone has already agreed that it wasn’t a grenade at all, it was a directed-action explosive device, like the way max fomin was killed, that’s because no one... set the task so that there the family suffered, which means chastyakov, although the son who was sitting next to him had his face cut up, and he is in serious condition , well, he will survive, that means, further, what else is interesting, it means, uh, what was he doing, chastyakov, this information is from i’m not here, but
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i can say that they deserve happiness very often, well, let’s say, we sat with families at some kind of joint events, that is, they really were. very close, that is, the blow was directed, well, according to the kiev representatives , the british did it, they need to show the watershed, there is the ukrainian army led by zaluzhny, and there is zelsky, who is there, there is a grave there and the tdp, he has no regrets ukrainian soldiers and so on, that is , everything worked out quite well for them, that means, and uh, what else do i want to say about this means that chastyakov timchenko had a kind of jealous attitude towards the fact that both he and chastyakov seemed to have been known to the zaluzhnys for a long time, but nevertheless, the zaluzhny was more inclined towards chestyakov, they had a relationship there, that is, like something like this plan, so the blow was really delivered, precisely as a signal to zaluzhny, as if everything had worked out in principle for but it looks very
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stupid, because it was immediately established that the gift was given to timchenko, yes, yes, well, probably the calculation was on here it is again but, please note, all of zelsky’s media immediately reported that it was not sloppy handling, although again, my source says, chestyakov, he is a family man, he has never been seen to be there, well, he’s very drunk , even on a birthday, like four children, a father with many children, then the father comes right in and in front of the child starts spinning this grenade on his fingers, but this is just nonsense, that is, they talked about him as a balanced, calm person, like a professional your business, but no one asked the question is, how can you give away six unaccounted for grenades? this is a really good question, a really good question, but that’s why the situation seemed to have developed in such a way that well... they decided that it probably should have been done correctly, in the case of zaluzhny there and so on , if we are talking
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about ukraine, today you showed an interview with pawel yablonsky, and an official of the polish foreign ministry, who very simply said that we have no conditions for ukraine, our reality is simply this, this is the reality now happened, it took shape and many ukrainians agree with us, i already... am adding it about the need to carry out exhumation, it is necessary to identify who, how many people were killed, and actually carry out, well, all the procedural actions, and what is on the surface , on the surface it will be that who killed it, it was bandera’s people who killed it, can you imagine what the poles are doing now, and what kind of path to the european union can we talk about, and which one, where are you going, where do you bandera people want to go, stop. moreover, we, like him, like poland periodically debate this topic, this
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theme, she, she is simply a historical memory for the poles, without this theme they cannot continue to exist, to develop further, so it’s not for nothing that the poles say stop, remember, vladimirovich, 2 months ago we talked here about how polish farmers they are blocking roads, yes, now truck drivers are blocking customs, here the polish foreign ministry is saying that humation needs to be carried out, and in general, when was the last time a friend, zelsky’s friend, the president of poland, they hugged, when was the last time they talked to each other, when they met when they were celebrating something, for a couple of months, it’s not like the cat has run away, and poland is simply dictating its terms, and without this, without these conditions, the poles simply impudently say, you will not go anywhere, slovakia, slovakia is the prime minister today -the minister of slovakia said: we had a government decision there to give aid to ukraine, i think 20 million euros. so, we will cancel all this , there will be no help, yes, because we
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decided this way, hungary, hungary does not just say that, come on, what’s wrong with your language? minorities, yes, there the venice commission long ago concluded that we want hungarians and other national minorities to be able to develop their culture, speak a language somewhere, sing songs, read books, and so on and so on. zelensky knows this very well, but no one in ukraine even wants to make a move on solving this problem, he talks, he even met somewhere, along the way with orban, but there are no conversations, what am i talking about, if you take it, these are already three countries, this is poland , slovakia and hungary, yes, this is this is the front, this is the front in the west ukraine, which says: no , no, no, one problem, second problem, third problem, there will be more, and on top of this petro poroshenko today: in a white cloak speaks in the verkhovna rada and says: here we begin our journey to
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europe, well how it begins, i started it, says petro poroshenko, it was i who created the visa-free regime, it was i who signed the association , it’s all with me, and now the path continues, and then petr poroshenko, but this, you know, this is petya, this is not some - there, the pot-bellied greenery, petya says, look, dear, what is happening now, now there is a big, just a big trick, we have commander-in-chief zaluzhny, who wrote an article, he honestly laid out the whole truth, wrote what we have and how we have it, we took this article to the flag, the flag of whom, european solidarity, the party of petro poroshenko, yes, we naturally support what is said there and will follow this path, moreover, we propose... blame, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, blame around someone, like this around someone , and
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he says, around zaluzhny, around the army, and you say that i’m showing you a fake, wait, wait, wait, what’s more , he went, he says: we need to open a discussion in society, because this is only one channel, this one, what a brave man, listen, vladimirovich, you turned out to be right, hats off, petro poroshenko has not gone anywhere and no one is like him anywhere, moreover , he said, he also gives money on behalf of the party , listen, in general, this is what it looks like, if it looks so cynical, yes, well somewhere out there there are deceivers. yeah, here he is somewhere somewhere somehow, and here on a white horse, you know, but what am i doing when this , thank you very much, i couldn’t utter a word for a very long time, even for several years,
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i don’t know, i couldn’t do it , well, now it turns out, they said, only one thing, vladimirovich, please tell me, what about the first one - gaf or gof? well, if you take the canons of the russian language, you write gov, gov, but you read shit, for sure, well, that’s it, that’s all, see you
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tomorrow. take a closer look at me, princess, princess, she doesn’t know what she wants, go see emelyan
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the light will disappear, according to the pike’s command. in russia, they are effectively fighting cancer , the mortality rate from serious diseases is decreasing, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with starting the meeting, the president recalled that he had previously visited the dima rogachev center. more details about everything, natalya solovyova. we specifically focused on the treatment of pediatric oncology, here the center named after dima rogachev certainly plays the most important role; in a year alone,


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