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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 8, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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[000:00:28;00] you are absolutely right, when they sit and talk so freely, the west will agree to a truce, everything is great, except for one nuance, they forgot to ask us, you are absolutely right, do we need this, the second thing about zelsky’s speech, you said it is important that he says i’ll repay the debt, after the war, it’s even no less important, he says, i’ll kiss you later if you want, no less important is that he’s doing this publicly, this is already, this is already a desperate step, we all understand
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these things . which are not public, financing there types of weapons that are supplied, so to speak, and the volumes of financing - this is not so to speak, these are those things that never, under any combat conditions, so to speak, should not be the subject of publicity, but he, so to speak, he is already crying out, i understand that he does, he tries, already in his despair in his paranoia, to apply pressure, so to speak, on the citizens of those countries that, so that they put pressure on their government, so that they oh but that’s all, this is the edge, that’s about it, so to speak, these ones over there, who blew up whom, didn’t blow up, took it off, didn’t take it off, i’ll tell you, so to speak, excellent, wonderful, the more they have, the more they at least let them kill, of course, the more this mouse fuss will be there with the elements, when they yes,
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when they throw themselves at each other there, so much the better. it’s interesting, even at the beginning, as they usually did before, they didn’t even try to even hint at blaming russia, well , wait, they already did that, that’s already interesting, well, maybe be, you know, the last, the last few days have been quite a lot, so to speak, it was discussed there, simon schuster’s article, article, zaluzhny’s article, zelsky’s statement, now igor, wait, it’s just this soft nuance that you know is slipping away, right? they also took another assistant, yes, who sent this gift, yes, well, what’s the nuance, he sent as a gift six new type grenades received from nato, that is, how he stole it is unclear, that is, this, that is, this is the level of circulation with gifts from nato, that is, this is not to be overcome, this is no reporting, in
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which they ride mistresses, well, armored cars armored cars, but here it’s just... that is, the level of control, turnover over weapons, how much did he sell then, if he only gave six, and to whom and where did he sell it, okay, i’ll come back, if you allow, yes, i think that than in in the near future, the worse things get for them at the front, the more we will collide, so to speak, new ones will appear , here aristovich declares, almost about the russian one, we need to negotiate with russia, tomorrow we will still emerge there with our to and so on and so forth, what am i all about, i understand that these factors need to be taken into account, but not pay any attention to it, we need to do our job, we just need to do our job, we need to fulfill the task that the president set for complete denocification, demilitarization, and in fact, so to speak, complete liberate the de-occupation of ukraine, because everything , everything, everything is all this verbiage that will happen, this is all a trick
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, we are with this... zelensky also went, what hopes were placed, what hopes were placed on zelsky, that, so to speak, he will bring peace, what is it all about? it’s over, nothing in ukraine, there, you know, this system is there for everything , it just needs to be broken, it’s impossible, so to speak, to reconstruct it, it can’t be corrected, it can’t be repaired, it can’t be negotiated with somehow, it’s impossible , everything just needs to be broken there, you see, i am deeply convinced that the key to the development and well-being of russia, well, ukraine , so to speak, has chosen its own path, it should, so to speak, just cease to exist, like a nazi project, it was originally , you see, like me, i’m a small historian there, yes, but how do i i understand how i evaluate this, it was originally created this way hundreds more than 100 years ago, the bolsheviks simply committed a huge stupidity, in my opinion, they also wanted to destroy the russian empire, you know, and so to speak, they decided to use this ukraine
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as an instrument. .. to use in all these same processes, one of our leaders , i don’t remember, either the president or someone from the political leadership said absolutely the right things, there was no ukraine in the russian empire and they lived perfectly well, someone... and it was not the bolsheviks who created ukraine, i say, not used, i say, and not by the bolsheviks, this is a provisional government, i say, the bolsheviks made a mistake in my opinion, it started after the february revolution, but listen, everything that was done with just russian people, they just simply broke them their psyche, they distorted their language, you know, they did, so to speak, everything so that they would break away from their identity, this is this project... you know, we just need to finish it once and for all if we want our children, grandchildren , our great-grandchildren lived okay, igor, this is now going to be a long conversation, i’m not going to argue, we just need to take into account that ukraine, in the form that it is, is a very composite territory, that is, what you say is absolutely
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fair when it comes to novorusia, the central in ukraine, besides western ukraine, when we talk about the state, there is a completely different story, a different identity, as i understand the internal ones, well, vasyl is a vivid example, he was talking about the history of his family, which, without changing its place of residence, changed several, i’ll tell you , then what has it come to present-day ukraine, the germans and romanians did not reach odessa, the germans and romanians did not forbid speaking russian , they did not close churches, you know, what has it come to today, during the great patriotic war this did not happen, so the demons are right, right, what else, you see, this is why we don’t have any other options except, so to speak, the maximum... well, i’m just like a jew to put the fact that against the backdrop of everything that’s happening, they’ll throw off zelsky, anti-semitism will be at an end, i tell you, i by the way
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, i wanted to talk about this, of course, there are none doubts, when they talk about the terrible word pogrom, let him look at the map of the pogroms, see that this obviously coincides with the pale of settlement, where the majority were ukraine, i wanted to end with this, but i will say now, regarding, regarding the fact that lukashenko- then he will keep the situation there, no, no, vadka, he’s great, but here, regarding what you’re talking about, zelsky has recently started talking very strongly about anti-semitism in russia, about these problems, you know, when we finish our operation in ukraine, we will complete it unconditionally with ours victory, and when the scales fall from the eyes of the citizens of ukraine, and the ordinary russian man in ukraine sits down and sees these kilometer -long cemeteries, the well-known russian question will become, who is to blame, you understand, and the answer is because the sherochka and the masherochka are two devils zelsky and kolomoisky poroshenko is more for
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anti-semitism in ukraine than zelensky, poroshenko, kolomoisky, shmygal, no one did all this comrade, no one did , you are absolutely right, you are a wise person and you understand what all this will come to, when a simple russian man sits down and says, as soon as the difficult right sector comes to him, because that’s it. we are talking about, so to speak, the failure of their counter-offensive, i apologize that for us jews they use the word that in poland they call us jews, regarding, so to speak, the results of the counter-offensive. you know, we often say that nothing worked out for them, because they have such equipment, such leopards, so i categorically agree with this, soldier, i categorically disagree with this, saying that they have crappy technology, we belittle the feat of our guys,
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you see, everything is in order with their equipment, the failure of their counterattack occurred solely due to two things, this is the courage and heroism of our guys on the front line, and i will not be afraid of this word, feat of the rear, feat of the rear. we don’t pay attention, we always say so, well, i caught myself thinking about this, you know, look where you are , you pay attention to where there are still problems, there are enough problems, there are enough problems, but we are like -you know, we already perceive as we should, where there are no problems anymore, and where we, so to speak, taking into account the mistakes, which were allowed at the very beginning, today we have caught up and surpassed them, in the same drones, in the same ones, the guys, my comrades are just telling me what they are getting today and how it all works, you know, so it seems to me that there is no need so to speak, here we talk about low-quality western technology, we need to talk more about the courage and heroism of our guys, thanks to them, so to speak, and i would like to wish, you know, good luck, courage, patience, so to speak, and
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to us, our our common victory as as soon as possible at the same time, the guys are very different, but i visited a lot of people, and our pilots were there, i was with my friends, barca has a tiger, these are the far easterners, they are fighting with 155, yeah. they are led by the legendary cuban, well, the guys have reconnaissance at a fantastic level, and now we went to them, well, there i was in the sniper position. well, it was very close, the weather was such that you could get a little under your breath, and wagner is coming, yes, yes, that is , well, those who are from the primorye region, natives themselves, so they chatted, chatted, and are returning, well, that is, they have now rested there , sighed they come back, you know better than me , there are different people, but there are many times more worthy, many times more, well, i can say this,
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from the cubans, not about these. on one wall is our pride, we are proud, it’s right there, and the other is our shame, moreover, it says coward, scumbag, crawled, described what he did, there are, well , a maximum of five people, yes, well, sometimes, but on the other hand there are hundreds, you know, and here there are five, but that, and there everyone knows each other, it’s straight, it’s not, what’s it called, well, the far east, it’s far away, everything is at war. they understand that they behaved wrongly, at home they will look at you, so well, it’s good that a unified base has now been created for these people who know everything, cowards, i’ll say it mildly, yes, yes, everyone knows everything, there’s no escape, vladimir, thank you, yes , well, uh, i would like to start then about all these people there, i like your jackets, thank you, i also have one, i think that you also have one, yes, that is, i bought it. it’s an honor for me, well, i think it’s unlikely that they bought it, you can’t
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seriously buy it with sockets, but i bought it, only a whole box, well, i don’t know where, a box and a whole box, probably in melitopol, in melitopol everything is stolen, he says, no, it can’t be , the thing is, well, maybe yes, this is the edition, i also have a dada, so here it is what a moment about production, well done, about what is happening in the territories still controlled by the zelsky regime, you know, such a classic sda, devour each other, yes, that’s what, the worse things are, the closer to the end, the more active they begin just tear each other apart, and this applies everywhere, it applies to everyone levels, it’s just that the death of this chastyakov, and i have no doubt that it was not accidental , but not because you know, he simply would not have lived to see 39 years old in the process of natural selection if he had been juggling grenades, snatching a ring from a thirty-year-old to let him go, that this fragment is accidental, but the fact that such control over weapons already shows that it is not accidental, especially
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since there is no discipline, there is no control , remember the story, we also discussed it in your studio a year ago, when gave rpgs, yes, as if with a charge, they worked directly, no, no one will do this in poland, yes, yes, in the ministry of internal affairs of poland, in the ministry of internal affairs of poland, he shied away, yes, to him in kiev, yes, as if not even a deputy minister somewhere- then, let’s take it, and the man was just sitting at his workplace, the ground just disappeared under his feet, that is, after the explosion, that is, therefore , the more the better, yes, they carry out tasks, work, by the way, symbolically , it seems to me that there is, near kiev, on the day of the liberation of kiev on the sixth, this is exactly what happened, you know, by the way, this is one example, now look in vinnytsia, what happened, yes, they gathered, the vsueshniks and the sbushniks, walked, because only they walk in the kapak, they just catch everyone else there, of course, everyone was walking normally, with young ladies of low social responsibility, the celebration is over
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, it became quieter, suddenly they are in the next room, where the sbu officers are walking, the russian chanson vladimir central is playing, well, you understand how it sounds alarming from any side, yes, because firstly in russian, and secondly central after all, a prison, if for zelensky, yes, and if everything is clear, let’s go look at the camera, and it’s very revealing , i recommend everyone to watch this video, it’s, it’s just revealing, vinnitsa, this is not my native russian-speaking russian city, zaporozhye, not kharkov, no, odessa , not dnepropetrovsk and not even kiev. moreover, yes, this is vinnitsa, it’s further west and what we see there, she’s trying to blur the ukrainian language, she says: right away , today is november 4th, you know, it’s november for her, yes, although it’s a fall, for some reason i’m like the russian language, like russian people, russian-speaking people always remember that this is leaf fall, but it’s not november, so a fight started and then the fight was between people, and december - snowfall, i just want to understand the logic, well , we don’t have logic, the words seem to be from
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directly ancient slavic roots, and plus polished, that is, that’s why it turned out like this kind of a mixed version, so this is a showdown here further in zaporozhye, a gang of the sbu is trying to drive in a gang of the ministry of internal affairs for protection of drugs, well, that is , there are hundreds of such fault lines in their country, yes, it’s just hundreds where the weapons are, where the power is and where opportunities, so this makes me happy, let it be... dd is only getting stronger, the more they strangle each other, the less it will reach ordinary people, yes, further regarding the situation on the zaporozhye front, the sixth month has begun, quietly, naturally. we didn’t celebrate, yes, after all, after all, it’s already an anniversary, the boys are bored with me, they write to me there, round , i say, trudovich, a nightmare, everything is on schedule, we know when they will start, we know when they will finish, the bastards have become lazy, well, not only that, they even poke around a little bit, yes, that’s how
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now the group is 5, to push back, there will be nothing to show , there won’t be any of these fifteen invented kilometers, well, an indicative story that happened on mednya, where there are four people who just went on reconnaissance. they realized that they could turn this reconnaissance into a small offensive, plus a kilometer, you know, when they realized that the four of them had covered a group of more than 20 people, but there, of course , our drane drivers helped, but imagine, four people and kilometer, that is, just a comparison of forces, despite the fact that the enemy was more than five times larger, this is also an indicative moment, but not something in the direction of giving up, well, going over to the peaceful side, let’s call them that, so that those people who have russian identity, but on the side of good. a terrible video, when detachments of foreign mercenaries simply shoot ukrainians who are leaving their own, well, they just really stupidly shoot, but now, by the way, a lot of this appears on their social networks, they are now leaking it themselves, uploading it, by the way, here now remember, at first they had such a popular theme, showing a cemetery, it’s just that now it’s a popular theme when he drags his dying brother, but this is some
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kind of cult of death, also some kind of fetish of some kind, when there is only one salaskah, that is there is no evacuation group, there he tells him something, tells him, right there on the air, is this broadcast or recorded, this one dies for nothing, yes, that’s the question, what are you dying for, well, turn on your brains, but it’s instinct self-preservation at least there must be someone before death, i’ll tell you honestly, i’m not happy about these deaths , because these are the russian people who could be saved and who could drive out these bastard nazis, and this is the plan, but this is only when war crimes, if not, then when it comes to the nazis, there are no those, those are the ticket to bandera, but somehow... they don’t come across, it doesn’t work, yes, it’s impossible to take them alive, there’s no way to take them alive, mercenaries too, mercenaries , regarding the nazis and the zaporozhye direction, now it’s from the temporary direction, vsueshniks they are transferring the most combat-ready units to avdeevskoye, this is no longer a secret, to orekhovskoye,
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well, there are leopards there, yes, they are moving as many as possible to orekhovskoye, in addition to the mobilized ones, they have now transferred the third battalion of the eightieth. this - odshbr, i want to remind you, these are the devils who shot our guys in the spring of last year, remember, when the video was filmed, they are not captured, yes, they die even before they are taken prisoner, by the way, i want more to note an important point, which appeared in the american newspaper the new york times, which noted the moment - regarding the resignation of the commander of the ssso, yes , viktor kharenko, and there, it is indicated there that the americans simply do not indicate anything, but vladimir vladimirovich will not let you lie, that is, he knows this press better than anyone, constantly everything monitors and gives an expert assessment, so about the fact that in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there is a specific dissatisfaction with insane orders, there is a crossing of the dnieper, where, where people are guaranteed to go to slaughter and other
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things, but this is what i’m saying, that it is impossible to brush aside, given that they have already forced their way into the kherson region , one cannot brush aside the risks that there will be the same crazy order to send them there, of course , to slaughter, but the risks from the point of view of man-made slaughter are related only to its political career, for the sake of preserving his political career , he will easily sacrifice the whole of ukraine, but that’s absolutely true, well, regarding the missile attack on the temporary deployment point of 1288 fellow countrymen and vasil , there’s nothing to say there, that’s understandable, these are the ones in the building with awards, but the only thing that is not 18 not 19. which is from the batschina, even he, well, was closer to the truth, at least he said 28 over 50 wounded, well, in general, the situation on the zaporozhye front, thank god, the only thing is, i don’t know whether i have another minute or not to develop the topic there, if it’s a minute, that is, if it’s more, then it’s better that there’s no
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order in the new regions, well then, literally a couple of words, a simple moment, we recently had a meeting with vladimir vladimirovich, yes, he asked us as a civil society, as about for helping to voice this and draw attention to business problems, a new problem, i can’t help but say, a simple resident of the zaporozhye region goes, buys a bus ticket from berdyansk to rostov, it’s 260 km, you know how much the ticket costs, 3,500 rubles . for understanding, if a resident of donetsk goes buys at 1.3. monopoly is probably happy with it, fuel has already become cheaper, fuel has become cheaper , but why, in my opinion, is the time of the magical journey of 1 km in the zaparovskaya region five times more expensive
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than the dorodnoy approaches, for now, that is we are not transplanting anything yet, well, on the issue of your speech they announced, yes, thank you very much, on the issue of grenades, how everything is controlled there, you know, when they talk, no, well, of course, hamas couldn’t regarding ukrainian weapons, the question arises, how do you know, yes, well, if you just received it like that, gave it as a gift, yes, can you imagine, yes, such a gift, grenades here, grenades there, well, yes, and supposedly the newest ones, german and so on further, but in general me, you know, i don’t know how he died, why did he die, how is it even possible that the mayor, and supposedly an experienced one, could not distinguish a grenade from glasses, but, he writes such nonsense, but at the same time i draw your attention to how immediately he died,
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no one knows yet really, what happened, but two options are born at once, and in parallel, everything that all the teams that work for zelenskoye, including the police, immediately say, no, no, careless handling of ammunition, zaluzhny, personally, yes, everyone who they serve zaluzhny, they are more inclined to the version that it’s like this - yes, yes, a gift, from some services, well, we remember how vladilin tatarsky was also given a gift, yes, that is, accordingly, this version, and a logical, well, conclusion arises and arises that in fact no one cares how he died, who is to blame, because everyone will stick to their line, this war between zelsky and zaluzhny, which just last week was waged on the pages of western publications mainly, yes, well, on the screens of ukrainian channels. now it has spilled out into a more open form on social networks, in the ukrainian media
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and so on, in the ukrainian, well, we know that ukrainian law enforcement officers have the peculiarity of not investigating a single case, not a single one, you just can’t remember a single sign to make so that it gets through, in fact, here i want to stand up for the ukrainian special services, remember, they had mgre in the ministry of internal affairs, anton gerashchenko, yes , he solved the case within 5 minutes, this. nkvd school, this is putin’s agent, no one yet knows what happened, he already clearly knew that russia was to blame and so on, here, in fact, we understand perfectly well that everything will be so wasted, but pay attention to how everything is already pay attention to this conflict, zaluzhny and zelensky, arestovich, he even called urgently, we need to take pictures, together , we will solve everything, we will solve all the problems, that we will not repeat 1918, the mistakes of 1918, by the way, again. on the question of history, i, as a historian of that period, don’t even know what mistakes he means, given that the germans then put the central rada in power, then they didn’t
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like it, they ruined it, put the hetman of skoropatsky in prison, then they themselves dropped, well, getman is with them, what mistakes are there, who are they? committed, taking into account that aristoevich himself had already dropped, without waiting for the germans to drop, yes, that is - now everyone is from america or america, now he says urgently take pictures of the advice yes. the colonel is hiding from execution, he is now behind the front line, he will later say that he carried out missions here too for the forty-eighth airborne force, i took a living language there. at this time , zelsky’s statement is heard that he is canceling the elections, so, and, you know, no one in ukraine
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i didn’t really notice, that’s all, they’re discussing zaluzhny, zelsky and so on, and then he canceled the elections, just the leader of democratic ukraine, yes, he said, not right now, that’s what i think, not by time, yes, and he also blamed russia for one thing, it’s russia that is trying to ensure that elections are held in ukraine , the question arises, wait, so this is... totalitarian russia is fighting against democratic ukraine and is trying to hold elections in their country, but democratic totalitarian russia, where they are openly afraid of the border with democratic ukraine, from where it is impossible for a peasant to leave, he also mentioned there, by the way, the people asks, says: no we need to invest money on asphalts and repair streets, because he says everyone is asking for money for defense, not for asphalts, i immediately remember, remember, that classic new year's address of 2020, the first, new year's address of zelsky, remember, there are also russians , russian liberals just piss with boiling water, which means that russian
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liberals always piss with boiling water, well, when it’s not about russia, oh, what an appeal. remember then there was an appeal, when zelensky said that it doesn’t matter what it’s called a street, if it is paved, and now it turns out that russia is also trying to get it from them, but the main thing is me, and since he can’t get it, he builds the liberated territories himself, an amazing road, but something else amazes me, he is a lawyer by training, an iron way, at least somehow i wondered who i, zelsky, will be after that? my term of office will expire in the spring, right? well, it would seem like a logical question, and his lawyers, this vyanislavsky, who is his representative to the verkhovna rada, says so this is the same thing, the doubtfulness of the president elected during the war will be under, well, that means the election of the president in wartime will be doubtful, the legitimacy will be questionable, listen, but when his term
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expires and he simply becomes a perpetual dictator, then that means... normal , after all, in fact, what he says, i didn’t declare war, it seems like there was no official announcement, and yet the elections are not, that’s what zelsky decided, not right away, yes, so forgive me, but if it happens on 5, 10, 20 , 30 years, theoretically, hypothetically, now public opinion polls in ukraine show that people no longer believe in the end of the war, someday, that he is going to sit out without elections, this is a simple approach. this is absolutely normal, you know, such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time, you just feel this power, when i
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decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy, please go down to the intensive care unit, they asked, called, well ready, not ready, as if not ready, as if always ready, as in the great patriotic war women made a big contribution, and now women do a lot, here , where i am as a medic, for example, as a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit than i will sit in the office at the computer when... she will just come up to you and even just hugging and saying that we believe in you, it gives a lot. i won’t sit at home, idle, this is my land, i will defend it, i won’t give it to anyone. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to
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our new release of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called, the gospel of louis viton, i hope you understand why you called it that, i’m looking forward to seeing you, we’re watching before everyone else, where is vasnetsova, let go of the confusion, vasnetsova, i’m actually not very comfortable right now, you know, they killed someone again, but what’s wrong, you have neither sleep nor rest, and you? and
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look. it's me, alexander osachiev. i discovered two ocean currents, and global climate forecasts became more accurate. and this is the moment when i realized that there is a whole sea of ​​seas in the world. and i wanted to know everything about them. develops interest in science with childhood. enter science majors. rff. last weekend, they were marked by a number of world events. we had a day of national unity. these are actually not just words, right now. it is clear that russia has united very seriously, all regions as one, that is, relatively speaking, we were just now talking about ukraine, where there is no book, everywhere there is collapse, decay, that is, everything is falling apart, the russian language is constantly in conflict, there is already this pharaoh is there, which means he was stuck with the azovs, as they say, if she hadn’t been there, they it was necessary to come up with it, just to discredit the idea itself, which means that zelensky’s conflict with zaluzhny is generally a very
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revealing story, because zelensky


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