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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  November 2, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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[000:00:42;00] i won’t say, i’ll give you the opportunity to listen, lindsay graham, is there any limit on civilian casualties for you or the us government, a limit for civilian casualties at which the united states would say, well, let’s take a pause, a limit, when
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you question the attacks. no , of course not, it’s like if we were asked after the second world war: shouldn’t you have taken a break while japan and germany were taking over the world? should israel set limits in the fight against those who are trying to exterminate jews? the answer is no, there is none limit. another thing is that you need to be smarter. john kirby. we certainly recognize that civilians have suffered. many thousands of civilians were killed. the infrastructure was damaged as a result of these air strikes. we recognize it, we observe it, and we do not accept a single civilian death in gaza. this is all a tragedy. and we continue to work and will continue to work with the israelis on the need to respect human life to try to limit civilian casualties . however, what i said yesterday, needs to be repeated. unlike russia and ukraine, unlike what hamas did
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on october 7th. killing civilians is not an israeli military goal. i don't deny that this happens. of course it is, and it's tragic. but this is not the goal of israeli forces to deliberately take the lives of innocent civilians. and they tried to make an effort to minimize this. but would you go so far as to say that israel is failing to minimize civilian casualties in gas. i would say that. who told you earlier, it is obvious to us that they are trying to minimize. israeli defense forces spokesman richard hecht. even if this hamas commander was really there, in the jabaliya palestinian refugee camp. israel, it turns out, dropped the bomb in an attempt to kill this hamas commander, knowing that it would kill many innocent men,
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women and children. did i understand you correctly? no, that's not true, wolf. let me explain once again, our goal is this commander. again, later you will find out who he was, he killed many israelites. we are doing everything we can. the terrain there is very difficult, there may be infrastructure, tunnels. we are still studying the situation, i will be able to provide more information later as we are still making progress. but you know what. there are many refugees in this camp, many innocent civilians, men, women and children, right? this is the tragedy of the wolf war. german government conference on the palestinian-israeli conflict. according to the organization save the children, by now more palestinian children have now died in the gaza strip than in all military conflicts since 2019. the german government is still against a ceasefire given the horrific death toll we
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hear about every day. undoubtedly committed by hamas, whose members hide behind civilians, using civilians and children as human counting. this means that you hold hamas responsible for the deaths of children. if residential areas are now being shelled and bombed, then you hold the responsibility for this on hamas, for every child that israel kills, hamas initiated a cycle of violence with its cruelty. gaza strip, while hamas's vile strategy is to pet dead palestinian civilians in order to achieve success with its propaganda of israel's victory over this
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terrorist organization. can coexist peacefully in this region. blinken, to the senate hearing. you will forgive me, because again these stories are becoming a thing of the past so quickly. this was in one family from the kibbutz at breakfast. by the way, the deep irony of the attack to the kibbutz from the very people who most fervently believe and want a future peace between israelis and palestinians, a future of two states. in one family, right at breakfast, the father's eyes were gouged out right in front of a little boy and girl, six and eight years old, the mother's breast was cut off, the girls ' leg was amputated, the boy's fingers were cut off
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before execution, then they were all executed, and then they sat down at the table crying and they started having dinner, that 's what we're dealing with, that's what this society is dealing with, and no one... can come to terms with it, and as we've said many times, as president biden has made clear time after time, israel not only has the right, but the obligation to defend itself and try to take all possible steps to ensure that this does not happen again. we have also made it clear that how israel does this is vitally important, and we firmly believe that everything possible must be done to protect civilians, as well as care for those endangered by the conflict. you are, of course, right that this is a special burden for israel, because hamas is monstrously cynical deliberately endangers the civilian population by hiding behind them, using them as human shields, placing his people , placing his equipment, placing
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his ammunition, his weapons, his command posts under hospitals, under schools in residential complexes, but for each of us, especially for democratic countries like israel and the united states, we must bear the burden , whatever we can, to ensure that civilians are not harmed, to take care of those who need our help. when it comes to stopping fire, then in this case you are absolutely right, it would simply consolidate what hamas managed to do, it would allow it to stop where it is, potentially repeat what it did another day, and this is intolerable, no nation would tolerate this. deputy prime minister of great britain olive dowd. this is the reality of conflicts with organizations like hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization that has murdered over 1,000 innocent israeli men, women and children in cold blood. and now
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they are hiding behind the backs of civilians. this very complex conflict. we continue to call on the israeli government to adhere to international law, but i believe that the israeli government will continue to adhere to it. just an enemy researcher at the national institute hiding behind civilians, such is the terrible nature of this monstrous conflict. security of mizgafiyan. that is, you need to attack civilians. there are no innocents in gaza, there are 2.5 million terrorists. therefore, it is useless to shoot at the roofs. shooting on rooftops is necessary so that innocent people evacuate publications but there are no innocents in gas. so there is no need for this, they are all terrorists, are you saying that they should all be killed? in warriors there are so-called hours of forgiveness, these
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are the first 10 hours of the war, and what happens during these hours, after the first attack in the war, we had to kill 5,000 inhabitants of gazan. i didn't just talk about this. here, but on channels 11 and 13, on all the platforms that i could use, not only here, how could we kill 5000, beat them with warplanes, this is russian, iranian, turkish style, because we are in the middle east, we do not have to follow the western style, the next day we bring international media ambassadors, show. therefore, we incorrectly assess the state of identifying the enemy. we didn’t do this at the first stage because we didn’t take into account that hamas is not an enemy, but
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everyone in gas is an enemy. a woman in a euronews report. i think we can do a lot more inside the gases. this is a battle between good and evil. the only innocent people who... is now in gas, these are 229 hostages, like as soon as they return to israel, we will bomb the hospital, all the hospitals, all the tunnels and kill them all. the time has come, the world knows it, there is no arguing about it, now we are the center of the world. and here is what the norwegian, mats gilbert, says about hospitals and the use of underground communications, he is a doctor who worked in the hospital, evidence that the hospital is the palestinian control center. we have been hearing these
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statements since 2009, we were threatened twice to leave shifa hospital in 2009 and 2014 because the israelis were going to bomb it because it was a command center. i have now been working at shifa hospital for 16 years, 16 years on and off during very turbulent periods. i took a lot of pictures, i shot videos, i slept in the hospital during the bombing, i went everywhere, i was never limited, i was never controlled, no one ever controlled my photographs, documentary materials. so, okay, if there is a command center here, show us that you have photographs, x-rays of all the gas, all the tunnels, everything, so why in these 16 years of threats that shifi is a command center, no evidence has been provided at all , well, if it was a military
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command center, i would not work there, because i obey the geneva convention number one , secondly, if the israelis claim that this is a mixed military-civilian facility, because obviously it is a civilian facility where tens of thousands of people gather and 2.000 patients are being treated, if it is a mixed military-civilian facility, civilian measures precautions take precedence over military ones. so, according to the geneva convention, you cannot bomb hospitals unless they have a very clear military function, so in my opinion this is all part of a massive intimidation of the palestinian people in gaza, they are being threatened with leaflets from planes and helicopters, they are they threaten with phone calls, they are threatened, if you stay in the north of gaza now, we will define you as a terrorist, what is this? 2023
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? 2.2 million people, civilian deaths, unarmed people, killed every 10 minutes child. to date, the number of palestinian children killed is 3,324, and 2,062 palestinian children are reported missing in gaza. that's 5,300 palestinian children killed in 3 weeks. and i ask president biden, what kind of president are you anyway? vice president, you have children, do you recognize that this is war? do you admit that the israeli army you support is killing children by the thousands? for god's sake, let's make a truce, let's lift the siege of gases, let's get the department to work supplies to the international team, my colleagues are overworked, they have been working day and night for 3 weeks, this must stop,
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i don’t need to use the word genocide, mass demonstrations are taking place in different train stations, they have started blocking train traffic, european countries, also in the usa. the daily mail publishes a screenshot of pregnant women undergoing caesarean section in gazem. the first page of the iranian newspaper came out with the names of the dead gazem children, calling it the gazem angels. americans in their repertoire, they continue what was
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once said the secretary of state, when during. the program asked, well, as a result of the imposition of sanctions, half a million children died, do you think this is true, she said yes, it’s worth it, i would like to understand the logic, hamas is not a state, hamas is, well, in my opinion, an organization that has committed an absolutely obvious , the worst act of terrorism, i don't question the story that... blinken said, i just don't know if he has evidence or not, there are just too many strange details for me there with amputation, well, maybe this is not an accurate translation. i just saw much more terrible stories in the same donbass that the ukronazis did, both with civilians and with our captives, and there is a video of this, that’s not what we’re talking about, i’m not going to justify terrorists, what they do is completely disgusting, i about civilians, because in
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the west everyone understands that de facto the civilian population of gaza is being held captive by hamas terrorists who are not releasing them. this whole situation reminded me of the july 1938 conference in ivian. then overwhelming most participating countries stated that they had already done everything possible to alleviate the fate of jewish refugees from germany, austria and czechoslovakia who were trying to escape certain death. these countries are the usa, great britain, france, belgium, the netherlands, latin american countries, australia and new zealand. 32 countries, the soviet union did not participate, agreed to accept the unfortunate jews, only the dominicans, and they asked for money for it, the fate of 6,000 jews was being decided, only 150,000 were accepted, of which 100,000 were accepted by the dominican republic, it was it is said that, well, this is generally a problem for germany,
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they are all german citizens, they didn’t care, the vast majority of these jews died. then there were 6000, and here there are more than 2 million palestinians, about the same list of countries, but this time without latin america, suddenly he says, but this is not our problem, this is the problem of hamas, he is holding them back, how then is this not our problem , this is the problem of the german chancellor, hitler, he is the one who is holding them back, well, the jews were unlucky, but these are not our problems, what have we... we have done, and the morality of the western world is completely is off the charts, i am not taking now and am not going to consider the emotions of israelis, cameras and journalists can pull anyone out to show anything, especially if this woman had loved ones or relatives killed during a terrorist attack, she
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will say anything and demand death everyone, this is not what we are talking about, this is about cold politicians who sit in european offices. which are in rich countries, because when the germans explain through their lips, well, what do you want, it’s hamas ’s fault, hamas is to blame, but you don’t kill hamas, you are de facto killing palestinians who are being held hostage by hamas, but why then are you carrying out anti-terrorist operations when someone is taken hostage, well then just bomb everyone, but everyone will die and say, well, it’s not their fault, that is why the world is now so split, because it suddenly became clear that the world does not even have a general idea of ​​morality, because now the most important thing is manifested,
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the attitude towards victims, the brilliant question that maria vladimirovna zakharova asked, such a test of humanity. if you care the nationality of the child who is suffering, then something is definitely wrong with you. hamass, nazi germany, al-qaeda , isis, whoever, if they have taken hostages and are torturing them, then they should probably do everything possible to free those who were not taken hostage, like the 200-odd israelis. and representatives of other countries and people with dual citizenship, as well as more than 2 million people, because it was thanks to the policies of america, europe, and personally, as i understand it, mr. netanyahu,
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that hamas was absolutely satisfactory for a long time all the players who were allowed to seize power in the gaza strip, who were allowed to gain a foothold there, who were supported with money: turkey and qatar, because hamas weakened the palestinian resistance, that’s why they supported it, hamas, which destroyed several thousand representatives of the palestinian liberation organization, and this everyone was happy with it, and until the last moment, if i remember correctly, the german government paid money to the families of hamas terrorists, who at that moment were in israeli prisons, through funds, through funds, of course, through funds, it would be quite difficult to carry out a transaction directly, and america welcomed this, and now they suddenly behave like what happened? it turns out that it is the palestinians, russia and iran who are to blame. they are nato countries, primarily turkey, the political circles of israel, who thought
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that in this way they were solving their internal problems. and the most important question is, does anyone care about the fate of children? you were so indignant at the tragedies that are happening in ukraine, what happened? or did you all go the way of leonid gosman, i sympathized so much. at i have no more emotions, this is a phrase from a scumbag, not from a person. general well, you absolutely rightly said that more than 20 million residents of gaza are being held hostage by hamas. this idea can and should be continued. 20 plus. millions of people in ukraine are being held hostage by the fascist zelsky clique, and here the west is also
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happy with everything, you see, in our modern world, morality and western democracy in quotes are absolutely incompatible concepts, they do not correlate in any way, i will explain why, some time back... the united states declassified the documents of the committee of chiefs, where there were plans for war with cuba, in the sixties, and so several options were considered as reasons for war.
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first: the blowing up of an american, our own american ship and its sinking along with its crew in the economic waters of cuba, the second shooting down of a foreign, i emphasize a foreign aircraft with children or students, by an american combat aircraft, blaming cuba for this, executions, murders, explosions on the territory of the united states, american citizens, i emphasize, in order to blame... cuba for this, well, somehow it didn’t work out for them then, thanks to the caribbean crisis, by the way, it didn’t work out, but understanding all this cynicism, i wouldn’t be at all surprised if in general, this whole crisis, hamas and israel, was a little provoked by the united states, because they needed another powerful source of tension, a bloody center, so
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they got what they wanted, because listen, well, you can stigmatize israeli intelligence as much as you want that they are all there the security services overslept, but they had information, they sent information to the top, maybe not right, maybe not all of it, but they had information that a serious action was being prepared. so maybe their american friends told them something like, don’t use nonsense, it may well be, that’s why when i listen to these american politicians, i hear nothing but this, you know, their words don’t make me numb, multiplied by you know, that’s their complete professionalism unfitness and lack of education are off the charts. if america allowed germany and japan
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to take over countries, so it did. it was america that calmly watched as hitler's germany joyfully captured one, two, three, fifth countries in europe, america did something, america did not even declare war on germany, did not declare it, moreover, they continued trade with hitler's germany, supplying engines there , technologies, materials, and what not they supplied. the same thing with japan, if it weren’t for pearl harbor, comrades, dear ones, and in general it’s not a fact then who would be on the side, the united states in the end in the end they fought, but i personally am far from convinced that they would have been part of the antique coalition, so you know, the second figure there , hamas war crimes, listen, well , well, well, hamas cannot commit... war crimes, because hamas -terrorists, they are not combatants, they are not military personnel,
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well, that is, they are terrorists, but they commit crimes, terrorist, non-military. they can’t even get into any gates anymore, because they won’t take on anything, they’ll definitely ruin everything, where they get in, there’s devastation everywhere, death and their own shame, what is incompetence again? modern politicians of the united states, listen, if in the previous elections, mr. biden was supported by about 53, from memory i speak , percent of the arab population of the united states, but now, in my opinion,
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17% support him. and this is a considerable percentage. from voters, so what do the democrats want to achieve, what do they want to get in the upcoming elections, then they need to either disrupt the elections somehow, how to disrupt, drag the world into war, then there is no need for elections carry out, then everything will be fine for them, i say, today’s united states, today’s ukraine, oddly enough, today’s israel, well, it has become very close. approach each other, this is a deep reflection on the tragedy of war, some kind of excessive damage, listen , well, at least you, well, be ashamed if this israeli military man is sitting here telling
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you that they don’t have accurate data, because there is a difficult terrain there, then if you don’t have data, there is a difficult terrain there, well, figure it out then, is there someone there, no, there is someone there, just for one the unfortunate battalion commander must be destroyed, at the same time destroying more than 400 people, listen, these 8,700 that we are officially called today are actually, well , at best, a tenth of what has actually died there. time spent with family is priceless, you can do sports or creativity together, or you can all take part in a competition together, this is a family affair for us and win great prizes, details on etosem.rf. mali,
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burkina fasso, and now niger after the recent military coup. refilled like this the so-called rebellious belt of west african countries. we must not only fight, but also take responsibility for the battle; we ourselves must begin to fight. what can we blame france for? they are imperialists, it's time to call for help. mali, difficult times. this is the time russia is with us. how france was losing its position in africa, why russian flags are increasingly visible here. hooray! hooray. the french are exporting uranium ore, the cost there is 230-250 dollars per kilogram, how much do they leave for the niger government, 7:12, we are closing the door is for all imperialists, we give you complete freedom of action, the door is open, don’t stop, there is a spy in your military registration and enlistment office, they said that the heads of
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the military registration and enlistment office, they secretly send, support ukraine. if earlier it was simply a matter of classic fraud, now a political-sabotage task is added. the capital of telephone fraud, the city of dnepr. how many offices like yours exist in dnipro? well, i think more than half a thousand. gypsy hypnosis, then you can call it paradoxical suggestion, you can use accounts from virtual sim cards, broadcast images of pyrodic symbols of law enforcement. a call came to the phone, it said the ministry of internal affairs for moscow. they took off my shoes for 16.2 million. i have to fly around the entire globe at once and never land. oscar, uruguay do not give permission to fly. they won't


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