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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 27, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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others are not here yevgeny
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in different countries, they may have different attitudes towards cooperation between russia and china, but journalistic
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solemn meeting ceremony and what tricks you have to go for the best shot, what constructions you can’t build behind many, of course, visits watched our programs, but such huge flags. i personally have never seen in the kremlin. over the past years, you have always treated china positively and supported us. and, of course , we feel it, we are grateful to you for big politics , there are no accidental details, mutual respect and synchronicity in everything shots from the cloirs , the leader will have to enter the hall where many cameramen are waiting for them. the chinese delegation is looking with interest at the huge
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picture in the big kremlin creator. who will come to us with a ball from the sword and die in in the current political situation, everything has its own meanings and symbols, the bloody role of the united states in the most acute global crisis and russia’s attempts to stabilize the situation are even discussed by tourists on the street and we are well aware that at the moment our fate is being decided, and who better than them to evaluate the position and influence of the united states on the ukrainian crisis i need peace, because while the whole world is fighting in america everything is calm, what they need here. let them go home from death from destruction. it's very hard to bear when every day is your fellow countrymen are dying news that the british minister himself is already declaring that they will supply uranium weapons to ukraine. i have not heard this, but i will not
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be surprised at anything, because they have already lost their bearings. as for their actions, in terms of how these actions undermine strategic stability around the world, these are people who, first of all, ogly saks, by the way, are dragging the rest of the collective west who imagined themselves hegemons for a long time want this hegemony. save with all your might, moreover, how to be that's often just said, if that's true, then they're ready to go. not just for risks. it is a violation of international humanitarian law. as it was in 1999 in yugoslavia well, and much more that they allowed themselves, including war crimes , crimes and against humanity, they crushed under themselves this organization called the international criminal court, where there is also another one like mr. clover or anglo-saxon leads. well, actually. leave information to her, which is then used to undermine everyone
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conceivable norms of international law. i wouldn't be surprised by this turn of events if it actually happens, but there's no doubt that it won't end well for them. i was just informed at a time when the chairman and i were discussing the possibility of implementing, uh, the chinese peace plan has come to an end. it is known that great britain, through the deputy head of the ministry of defense of this country, announced not only the supply of tanks to ukraine, but also shells with combined uranium. it seems that the west really decided to fight with russia to the last ukrainian, not in words , but in deeds, but in this regard i would like to note that if all this happens, then russia will be forced to respond in an appropriate way, i mean that the team. the west is already beginning to use weapons with a nuclear
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component. then another head of belarus spoke, he said that in response, russia could supply tactical nuclear weapons in belarus, but the british say that these ammunition are with combined damage. they are almost completely, almost harmless. and allegedly no radioactive rendezvous is left, as this, of course, is not the case. uh, the fact is that they certainly do not belong to the category of weapons of mass destruction. it's true, well, projectile cores, uh, combined damage. there may be different materials used, but it is used for purposes, it still generates the so-called radius dust in one way or another, and in this sense. it, of course, refers to weapons of the most dangerous nature, while experts confirm that after being used in the former south of slava after use multiply repeat multiple growth of oncology in local citizens. if we
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are talking about ukraine, then those who will apply. we must understand that they consider those people who live in this territory to be their own. how are they going to use it against people, bearing in mind that these residues will be dusty, including polluting the sown areas in the regions where they will be used. and, of course, in this sense it can be attributed. this is for weapons the most harmful and dangerous for humans, and not just for combatants for combatants for the environment for people living in this territory, he must say that in russia, of course, there is something to answer. we have, without exaggeration, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of these, probably, are not used yet. let's see, they already used such ammunition when there were events in coconut serbia when they were massed without any san permission bombed peaceful cities allowed
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bridges, and then they had serious consequences for those who used these ammunition. they studied it all but, as always, they were of little interest in this way, these ammunition influenced those who were used in them. and somehow it all calmed down so quietly and died out. well, this moves us to be serious about the further entry of events. and what, how can we answer, by the way, speaking about our negotiations with lukashenka, this is very. well, the reason was, probably, a statement for the british defense administrator that they were not going to deliver, but a shell to ukraine with combined damage. well, i repeat. it is related to nuclear technology in one way or another. these are obvious things. well, even out of uh, the context of these events of this statement. alexander grigoryevich lukashenko has long raised
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the question of deploying russian tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus. not here either. nothing out of the ordinary . the united states has been doing this for decades. they have long deployed their tactical nuclear weapons in six states on the territory of their allies of the nato countries in europe. this is the federal republic of germany turkey netherlands belgium hmm italy and greece well greece now. well, there is storage and we agreed. they themselves are very right. he says, well, listen. you are your closest allies. why do the americans do this with their ally on their territory , they teach, by the way, telling their crews of their pilots to use these weapons if necessary. we agreed that we did the same without violating our obligations. i would like to emphasize this without violating my international obligations and not proliferation of nuclear weapons. we have already helped our belarusian colleagues
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to re-equip their aircraft 10 aircraft, ready for the use of this type of weapon. first, we have already transferred to belarus our well-known very effective iscounter complex, and it can also be a carrier s. on april 3, we start training the crew and on july 1 we are finishing the construction of a special storage facility for tactical nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus so that everything that the president of belarus asked is implemented and all our agreements are in a state of arms. and we do not transmit, not the united states , the allies themselves transmit we, in principle, do everything the same that they do decades have certain countries. and they are being prepared by the crew. we are going
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to do the same thing. alexander grigorievich asked for his ear in the ukrainian settlement about this. we are steadily guided by the principles of the un and adhere to an objective and impartial position. our position is based on the very essence of the issue and the truth. we are always firmly for the world of ideals. we stand on the right side of history the west continues its most powerful pumping of weapons in ukraine. as they say to repel russian aggression, and more and more often they do signals that counteroffensives are being prepared, for example, there is a message that no hero drones. it may strike some unexpected blow, but this is not an official message. but we hear and a lot of different official messages. at a high level, high-ranking statements are heard almost every day that there will be new deliveries of tanks of various modifications. the european union is going to. deliver as much as a million additional
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artillery ammunition to ukraine , deliveries of fighters begin, and they are planned and then what kind of threats does it pose for russia, well, threats. of course, there are, when weapons are supplied to the country with which we have a conflict, that is , threats . uh, about the stand of tanks. see a million. it's a lot or a little. so a very decent amount. uh, that's a lot, but then there's a lot that follows. it is very important. uh, firstly, uh in the leading countries, uh, nato, let's say in the united states of america, based on these sources, which we have, and about 14-15 thousand are produced monthly. the armed forces of ukraine use
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up to five thousand, probably 15 months, 255,000 per day of hostilities. well, what will happen in the twentieth, we do not know. right now this year, 14:15. despite the fact that it spends up to five thousand heights per day of hostilities, now, as far as we are concerned , the russian armed forces have spent much more, and now i don’t want to assess the rationality of decision-making at different levels of military command. but now, uh, as you know, the ministry of defense and the general staff are forced to introduce even certain limits together, the military -industrial complex of russia is very fast cops, such as many did not expect to develop, and we, over the same period
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of time, this million instigators of this conflict. it is they who will supply, as they plan to ukraine, these ammunition. over the same period of time, russian industry itself will produce three times more ammunition, and then you say, even more than three times more. well. uh, let's tell the homie this is what the arsonists are planning. during this time we will produce new and we are also modernizing over 1,600 existing tanks, and the total number of tanks of the russian army will exceed three times the number of tanks. even more than three times. i'm not talking about aviation. there is a difference of several times just
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10 orders of magnitude in terms of the logic of those who provoked this conflict and are trying to save it at all costs. well, this is probably the correct mode of view. in my opinion. it will only lead to uh more tragedy, nothing else is going to ramp up production. i think the united states is going to be 49 years old with 15,000 this year. next time, it will be even more difficult for others, and then there are still their own rules in each country, their own development plans for both the armed forces and the so-called national economy, so to speak, healthcare education infrastructure, and so on , we will need it anyway , but in individual nato countries this is a question. well , of course, it's their choice. we are building our
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economy in such a way that excessive militarization is not allowed. we have all our plans for civil health construction. education is there. infrastructure development. we're not cutting anything, you're coming to cut the question, which i'm sure a lot of russians want me to ask, after all , this whole war, multiple rocket launcher equipment , the same tanks. after all, they somehow reach the line of combat contact. why are they coming? why is it impossible. and what is called on long-range pickups somehow to deal with them, something is given to do by our military, but no, well, they transport, uh, covertly at night. well, something manages to get what you can then get it, but such a goal, of course there should be no doubt to anyone that someone is referring to this hmm indifferently after a hand. no, of course, the chinese initiatives for a peaceful settlement in ukraine in russia were received with respect and
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can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for it in the west and in kiev, such readiness on their part. by the way, we do not observe, by the way, saying hmm , on the same day, when he told me and showed me, showed, uh, the positive aspects of the chinese plan for the settlement in ukraine by peaceful means. in the same day. we learned about the supply of a million shells to ukraine from western countries from the instigators of this conflict, and the next day straight. before meeting with the press, we learned about this story. e that the uk is going to supply shells with combined uranium, as if the westerners did it on purpose in order to somehow interrupt our negotiations with them or somehow influence them. i don't even know why, but i get the impression that it's been done. it was deliberate, by the way, here are, uh,
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different approaches to the collective smell. more precisely nato on the one hand with their aggressive rita and arms shipments and china's proposal for a peace settlement on the other is all the question that i'm sure people want me to ask all these fighter tank deliveries. and now, here is also ammunition with combined uranium, it seems to many that these are no longer only red lines. these are already burgundy lines, and they cross them. yes, this is how they do it. they did it from the very beginning in 2014, when they contributed to the coup d'état in ukraine, yes. i a lot. i spoke about this, there you can reproach the former leadership for some mistakes. well, this is an internal affair of ukraine itself, but to carry out a coup. and bloody is a completely different thing. story. it is necessary to support the arson. this is an obvious thing. anti as an auction armed coup from this it all began. we were forced to protect
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the population of crimea, one way or another, in the end, they supported the donbass, they pretend that they have nothing to do with it. they are the instigators of this conflict and instigators. and today , millions more ammunition is being transferred to equipment, and so further on, russian chinese approaches to international affairs coincide or have very close similar views on the development of the economy, and where, no matter how in the ancient walls of the kremlin, remember the important experience of the past, which is useful in the present. i know that those times of the great ancient are very good and medical lord you, where you lived gave and through mongolia and already older will be in siberia russia, many director cox when they arrived to take through this meeting in our case, let's go. see now journalists enters the so-called expansion. look,
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how fast this is happening and with what excitement it is clear that now it is very important to get to the best point, we took it and saw the head of the rosneft company a few years ago, also here on a visit, also a chinese one. i asked what chinese words. maybe we know him, then we joked. yu, ah, not yuan, something else , maybe they learned, but how many yuan will there be, but now in now even in accordance with the contract, i really liked the joke, because in a few minutes. and the yuan can really become much more the proposal to use them not only for trade between russia and china, i am sure these forms of settlements will be developed between russian partners and their counterparts
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in third countries in june, of course, the united states immediately considered this an attack on the world reserve currency against the dollar. well no, that's not true. we would use the dollar. they don't give us. and how can we implement it in the currency that is acceptable to our trading partners. they themselves saw, on which they sit, limiting the use of the dollar, based on seven minute opportunistic considerations of a political nature. they shoot their own foot with news the very fact that we allow. our gold and foreign exchange reserves are all countries of the world. i assure you, in any case, those that have. yes, they all thought about how reliable the american partner is, and everyone made it unreliable. therefore
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, our partners are happy to agree to pay in yuan, the oil-producing countries of the middle east said that they also want to make payments in yan. well, uh, we're so gradually we will expand. it's true. we understand that there are certain advantages of the dollar today , there are certain restrictions for those currencies that were used not only by them, but also by other currencies, but each country is interested in strengthening its national currency. and all countries will strive for this, so without any doubt. this is a huge mistake on the part of the american authorities. well, by the way, if we sell energy resources in some way to meet the country's place, we will use it. it will be very serious. very seriously. eh, well since we don’t really need dollars, imports are closed, so for us to cling to the dollar for our company, in principle, it makes no special sense, but we will not rush anywhere, our
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trade turnover has only doubled in recent years. this is clearly not the limit. russia-china are once again signing a new large-scale agreement and the mood at the summit is understandable from such shots too. on the chinese delegation they brought with them a mobile printer so many important documents with the wheel fast it is easier and faster print everything on the spot. the entrance to the crowned chamber is where the state reception will be held in honor of the visit, sidimpina. look here we are now in clares, let's say the heads of all the largest russian companies of chinese companies have gathered here, they are all actively talking to each other, it is here that big politics and big state business are being done in these seconds. right here they can agree on new agreements, and then
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they will result in new contracts. here estimate yourself is the administration of foreign affairs, china very successful very productive two main state. we managed to conclude many agreements and discussed important issues concerning our bilateral relations of peace and stability in the region and on the whole planet. but journalists, we viewers are always interested in other details. the rest of the program actively discussed the menu, and we will show some dishes of pavlov's dessert in his article on russian chinese relations vladimir putin wrote that relations with friends of such a magnitude as our chinese friends is an attitude brothers, and therefore, of course, today , a particularly warm welcome, during which the russian chinese concert of katyushas, ​​of course, katyusha is very much loved in china
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. thank you very much. well, i still don’t remember when, on my birthday, er, i was in it to work and there is also the preparation of an important visit ahead. the invitation is already in front of automatically russia is becoming increasingly stronger economy-related breakthrough, which in recent years has been undeniable in all over the world. this causes genuine interest. and we even envy you a little. you are a little envious. well, listen, firstly, the president spoke about you without the unprecedented high rates of development of the country's infrastructural logistical social and indeed the decisions that have been made over the past few decades by the chinese leadership, they
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formed the basis of this development and of course they are more worthy to study the points of view possible implementation of their experience in various other countries.
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evgeny tkachuk i want to marry this or she agrees with a book only if it is
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according to jewish law. you have everything for this. let's already have the shadow of the chuppah and the ring, but the fact that the jews have a jewish father 100% jew is considered by his mother to be the locomotive of the time. oh, china, as a reliable partner of russia, will receive gas steadily, what can not be said about europe, you told us in ulan-ude about an important find near the nord stream gas pipeline, and the day before, denmark announced that we had invited the nord stream operator to be present when this
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suspicious object was lifted . a gazprom invited to this topic. there are some contacts and in your opinion. uh, in general, we will find out the truth from the west sometime about what happened, there is, uh, the hope that this will be a real investigation. i think this will be difficult to achieve. well, someday, probably, it will finally be revealed what and how was done, although an american journalist. he conducted such an investigation and came, as is well known, to the conclusion that this explosion of the leg of the factories was organized by the special services of the united states of america, i completely agree with such conclusions, what happened here recently found that at the junction of pipes. and this, i repeat, is the most vulnerable point , there is some kind of object possible. an antenna for receiving a signal either from the air or art to trigger an explosive device and just recently received a response from the danish authorities that they examined this item.


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