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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it is strange that such a villain is committed after 35 years, the holy abode again suffers a great misfortune and there will be an inventory of the relics that are in the caves of the kiev-pechersk lavra, blasphemy is considered, the believer, according to experts, the remains of the saints, the ukrainian authorities may later put up for sale. these are the relics of saints, and we know how the deepening of the e-fascist over the relics of e-e in kiev ended when they entered kiev in the forty-second year. they opened a laurel. after attempts, they opened a deepening on the relics. that is, when they invade this sphere and come to the line of war with god, then we must expect that the response will arrive faster than from our troops. the political church of ukraine, in the same place, the atheists gathered
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alone solely for the purpose of capturing the shrines. for them, these icons have no value. they are well aware that they came for a short time. and while they were interrupted and i must at least have time to impose something. here they are how much can then be sold by virtue of their low culture and low education, because they are educated and cultured people. there is very little persecution of clergymen, upc, has acquired commercial overtones on international marketplaces, as they say in telegram channels, kiev schismatics are actively selling church utensils, there are antique icons for 60-150 dollars, the most expensive ones cost 800 nothing sacred. whether it is business maria valieva olga litvinenko and anna nikolayevich to lead, but started talking with the aim of ukrainizing the country , the prime minister said today. georgia irakli and galibashvili according to him, the authorities. kiev, in coordination with the georgian opposition, they want to make
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the republic is the second front in the conflict against russia, while gabashvili considers security guarantees for his country to join the eu and nato, and just now the head of the german foreign ministry is visiting tbilisi , who has already promised support for georgia on the path of euro integration, the topic will continue stanislavland. the whole world today is facing the threat of a third world war, and against this background , the main concern and the authorities of georgia is the salvation of our country, prime minister of georgia irakli gariposhvili said in parliament the initiators of the protests were the opposition deputies who asked the prime minister. what the authorities are doing to ensure security in georgia once again. i would like to remind the public that today the world is in the most difficult situation before such challenges europe and the whole world did not stand after the second world war. we can say that the whole world is facing the threat of a third world war, and this threat is not exaggerated, the rhetoric about nuclear war is getting sharper every day in such conditions, dear deputies, the main
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concern of our government is to save our country, in addition to this garibashvili spoke, in fact, about a plot to ukrainize the country and make it the second front in the conflict against russia , the main challenge for georgia at the moment. it is to maintain stability and peace to prevent confrontation and war as a real threat. for our country, the plan is the conspiracy that really exists. this is the so-called ukrainization plan, the plan for opening the second range, the plan for opening the second front. i want to remind everyone that our country is not yet a member of the european union or a member. i want nato again. remind k unfortunately, the goal voiced by the ukrainian authorities is in direct coordination , and i am not afraid of these words with the plans of the fifth column from this speech of the prime minister to the deputies of parliament, led by distrust and direct accusations towards europe and ukraine, georgia is forcibly trying to draw into
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someone else's conflict. the example also stated that the return from ukraine of the former president of georgia, mikheil saakashvili, was aimed at bringing him back to power through a revolution and a coup d'état and bringing the country into conflict. in this case, e prime minister e gave the correct assessment. uh, correct analysis , of course, there was no other purpose for saakashvili's visit to georgia and could not be, in principle, this is an operation. she prepared was carefully worked out. now, as to the essence of the speech. uh, garibashvili. yes, he accuses, uh, ukraine of trying to drag georgia into the conflict. and what, of course, this government is detrimental to georgia, despite all its shortcomings. it is still
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not a suicidal government, already at the exit from parliament with a verbal skirmish between the prime minister of georgia and a supporter of saakashvili lips deputy. sanya kidze. it escalated into a fight with the use of obscene language as a result of the obscene behavior of the representatives of the majority. exhibited with nikidze and parliament building full support for georgia in the european family and join. georgia can be proud of a strong civil society - this is the eu, we were convinced of this not over the past week, but over the past year, so i came to georgia with a specific message. we want to see georgia in the eu we want the georgians to enrich the eu, we will support you on this path. you have friends in brussels and berlin that you can hope for. i think that joining the game in
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one way or another, uh, it will become an indispensable condition for rapprochement with europe, when these foreign diplomats. uh, the europeans say that here they are for the fact that you georgia became closer to europe, became a member of the european union, and others and so on, they certainly do. at this stage, they mean precisely this participation in georgia, uh, armed confrontation with russia, uh, it seems to me that there are no secrets. no, according to experts. european politicians to georgia just starting to get really annoying. the west is the fact that tbilisi is so stubbornly refusing direct support for ukraine, which means that the boat must be rocked harder starislav is true alter pavlov anna pogonina yevgeny zemtsova to be attentive to the purchase of tickets, with such a call in the ministry of culture
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appealed to everyone who wants to visit the theater of the museum, exhibitions and concerts as an occasion there was a case for you even named after gorky . a whole group of spectators could not get to the performance; the evening turned out to be spoiled due to the fault of scammers who they are pulling frauds with the pushkin card, varvara nevskaya figured out how not to end up in a similar situation. on the hands of those who did not get to the long-awaited production. why don't you let us in? explain why. refusals to attend the performance of yesenin's woman in the gorky moscow khati theater tickets were illegally purchased by third parties using the pushkin card and only then resold to people who came to the theater verification processes it turned out that the age of the visitors excluded the possibility of buying a ticket using
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the pushkin card, the world suggested that these viewers became victims of scammers and informed law enforcement agencies, and in what happened, viewers claimed that they did not buy tickets for the pushkin card, but at the same time they could not provide receipts confirming purchases on the official websites or partner websites, as the tickets were bought third years despite the fact that they argue with the guards without losing hope of seeing the production. many people assured the purchase was made from official aggregators, later it turned out that tickets cost from 5 to 10,000 rubles. were purchased from the hands. yesterday we must were to walk to the gorky moscow art theater at the performance. yesenin's women, having in their hands tickets bought from an agent from a theater not on the theater's website, and from a theater agent through which we have been buying tickets for three years already, maybe even more, when we bought tickets in our tickets nowhere indicates that if it was written that people would not have any questions on the pushkin map if there were any questions. after all, the tickets contained information with the name and surname of buyers who did not get to the performance and were called
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to the theater. to the police line. wrote a collective statement obviously people became victims of dealers to calm the indignant crowd. i had to personally the general director of the theater at the moment. it is known that almost 600 tickets were bought for the upcoming performance. the gorky huts were also illegally acquired with the help of the pushkin card to exclude the wrath of nothing from unsuspecting theater ticket holders. after consultation with the ministry of culture. found a temporary solution to the problem. spectators who are victims of scammers will be able to directly theater write a statement to the police. in which he will set out all the circumstances of buying a ticket, he e e an online resource phone and pass it to a law enforcement officer . in this case, they will be able to attend the performance at the ministry of culture , in turn, they urged the audience to be vigilant when buying tickets and not to use the services of dubious companies , we recommend that you use trusted information resources sites. well, either turned to major
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ticket operators, respectively, if you and when purchasing tickets for any cultural event, use suspicious social networks, chat sites, then, accordingly, you risk subsequently becoming victims of fraudulent activities. in the case, alas, not the first in the country , several major criminal cases related to fraud are already being investigated. with the pushkin map, with the help of criminal machinations, the attackers managed to steal more than 200 million rubles. the ministry of culture recognized the victim varvara nevskaya anna pogonina nadezhda nefyodova mikhail artyukhin and oleg shavyrin we'll always have time to pay off the sbiri.
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a monthly felt bag is obviously profitable. the visit followed by the whole world this week at the invitation of vladimir putin to moscow visited by chinese president xi. jinping. how relations between moscow and beijing are developing, without exaggeration, we will fix this historical moment and here in the politics program, as always, we are talking about the most important topics of the week from two positions from the point of view of the economy, my colleague alexander suvorova but georgy podgorny will talk about the political side of the issue, as always facts professionally assessed by experts. alexei mukhin from the center of political information and a vysokovets from the tower answered my questions. andrew roots helped me figure out the numbers alexander lukin from the institute of china and modern asia iran and doctor of economics . stanislav tkachenko seat pin arrived
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in russia from 20 to 22 march. and it is important that this is not an official visit, a non-working trip, but a state visit. this is a signal to the whole planet the level of political relations between our countries is at a high level and to understand the importance. in a number of documents that describe protocol procedures , it is written that such a visit can be carried out only once for the entire period of continuous exercising their powers. this also underlines the single path that russia and china and the people's republic of china have chosen. at this stage, forming their own vision of how they should develop. uh, the global geopolitical economic system. uh, coincided with interests coincided with uh, the same vision that uh, the russian leadership demonstrates. this resulted in a very close communication, which over the past few years has literally experienced such an explosive. uh, explosive evolution and another detail for the chinese
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leader - this is the first foreign trip after being re-elected. and 10 years ago. the president of the people's republic of china also visited russia after his appointment to the post of friendly relations and the prospects for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries are supported by figures. this is an important part of the negotiations between vladimir putin and senn. china remains russia's largest trading partner at the end of last year , the volume of trade exceeded $185 billion, and over the previous two years it added about 30%. the bar of 200 billion can be taken actively this year settlements in national currencies are also developing and at the talks in moscow, vladimir putin said that russia is in favor of using the yuan in trade with the countries of asia, africa and latin america, such interaction , according to experts, is becoming more and more relevant in the face of western sanctions pressure on both states, experts are doing forecast. what will the exchange rate be like in the near
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future? the rate around 6 1/2 is interesting , uh yuan for 1 dollar is the corridor in which the chinese currency. likely to be develop or stay in the coming year. well, a few words about the pressure that the west tried to exert, but obviously all efforts to somehow put pressure were simply ignored, for example, right during a visit to congress, the united states proposed to stop normal trade relations with china, directly declared china the greatest adversary. states, further rhetoric should be clearly the same tone came out with the publications of the american press, where among the usual attacks there were insights for you and me, obvious friendly relations, the leaders of the two powers are being challenged. is the us in danger of losing its primacy in international diplomacy?
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while we see that in the capitals of europe and america they are irritated by the efforts of china, but in the end , behind the efforts, china stands, a significant part of humanity is not only the population of china itself, but also many other developing countries that do not see for themselves there is no point in continuing the conflict, which has already led to serious negative consequences for the world economy , the attention of all world politics. during these days was focused on the events in moscow , no matter how other countries tried to interrupt the agenda, this did not work. well, although they tried, for example, britain promised to transfer shells with combined uranium to ukraine on the second day of the state visit. negotiations took place. at the highest level, the chinese leader also met with prime minister mikhail mishustin, then vladimir putin and sitting ping held conversations in a narrow format and then expanded. there , further press statements were made, which one of the affected topics that were widely discussed during
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the visit. this, of course, the conflict in ukraine, i ignored the situation around ukraine. we believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan outlined by china are consonant with russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for it in the west and in kiev. however , such an approach is still we do not observe such readiness on their part. let us briefly recall the peace plan for ukraine proposed by the chinese country, it contains 12 points among them and termination. fire start peace talks and the lifting of unilateral sanctions rejection of the cold war mentality respect for the sovereignty of all countries the plan is indeed comprehensive in washington it was brushed aside, saying that it is pro-russian and this is not the time to stop shooting, while the kremlin has a definition, how to treat this kind of statements they believe that first of all
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, washington is filled with desire does not allow , under any pretext, to enter into peace negotiations. they simply do not allow kiev to even think about it. let's get back to the agreements reached. vladimir putin signed a number of joint documents, two of which are framework ones, one concerns the deepening of the strategic partnership between russia and china , the other deals with key strategic significant areas. there are eight of them in total, the main area of ​​cooperation is promising vectors of the economy that will develop. here we are, president putin and i agreed to intensify comprehensive planning at the highest level to increase trade in energy resources, resources and electrical products to increase the stress resistance of production chains and supplies of the two countries to expand cooperation in the field of information technology of the digital economy of agriculture and trade in services, we will continue to talk about numbers, and there are many interesting facts here. perhaps there is no sector of the economy where moscow and beijing would not
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cooperate energy transport. high- tech industry and agriculture for russia e. china is important as uh, a technology machine equipment supplier noticed that recently uh in russia there are many more chinese cars. let's say than before. yes, they are crowding out other brands to the third sale now of all chinese cars one of the largest projects pipelines the forces of siberia through it gas is transported by a consumer in china with a capacity of 38 billion cubic meters per year on the eve of the chinese leader's state appointment, the heads of the two states published their articles vladimir putin called the power of siberia i quote a deal century, and following the meeting in moscow, the russian leader noted that all agreements with mongolia on the strength of siberia-2 were reached in
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january. our country has become the largest bypassing turkmenistan and qatar as a gas supplier in china, as vladimir putin said, the volume of supplies of russian blue fuel to china by the thirtieth year will reach at least 98 billion cubic meters and plus 100 million tons of lng the exporter of this energy carrier in china has a volume of almost 10.5 million barrels per day. this is especially important. now, when uh, well, the european markets have shrunk significantly, some have closed to russia and therefore russia redirects its products east to asia. uh, first of all, not drawn into india and china. this thought also came from the lips of the president. vladimir putin clearly described the position of russia, we are a strategic supplier of natural resources to china, such cooperation is long-term in nature, russian-chinese relations have been growing
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for many years, thanks in part to the friendship of the two leaders. with this spirit, the two powers are entering a new era. different eras are very fond of cd. uh, such an expression that he last for several years often applies that the world is in a stage of rapid change. eh , no one, including the sit pins themselves, can say with certainty what changes and what they will lead to, but it is in this situation that this visit really acquires such a special significance. transport and logistics infrastructure is being actively built ; cross-border road and rail bridges between russia and china have been opened blagoveshchensk aihei and nizhne-leninskaya tuyan, but
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this is not all developing and bilateral industrial cooperation continues work on the construction of new units of two nuclear power plants. also, according to the plan, the implementation of programs for the creation of a wide-body long-haul aircraft and a heavy civilian helicopter has been launched and the production of cars , in particular the great wall in the tula region , the volume of russian exports of the agro-industrial complex to china in the twenty-second year increased by 41%. china has become the largest buyer of our agricultural products. as vladimir putin noted at the end of the talks , there are opportunities to increase exports to china's meat, grains and other categories and by the way, russia and china are implementing a roadmap in science and technology innovation until 2025 . in which among the areas of digital and nanotechnologies are artificial intelligence, unmanned transport systems, energy and new energy sources, energy-saving technologies and environmental protection, telecommunications informatics and much more. china is now actively recovering after the removal of covid restrictions at the end
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of last year, the country's gdp exceeded 18 trillion dollars, and china's share of the world economy more than 18.5% for the chinese economy in the current twenty-third year , about 5%, e russian economy is enough to ensure that the chinese government has the chinese economy the fucking resources to ensure sustained stable growth. it is time to take stock of how russian-chinese relations are developing are sure. you noticed those main thoughts of our speakers. so behind them, in the strongest whirlwind of news, the main historical remains. the meeting in moscow accumulated the development potential of the two countries and truly friendly relations the beginning of a new world order, where countries build their policies based on cooperation and mutual prosperity. this is confirmed by a statement made at the highest level and, of course, documents have been signed that give impetus to further development, but so far we are only listening and emphasizing.
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some like it, some don't , but it's there, it's a memory, we need victory hello events week chronicles facts comments xi jinping's first state visit came to moscow reportage from beijing the formation of russia's new ties to china


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