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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the line for support measures in electronic form, well, either through the portal of public services, or regional services, all this is a significant part of our work on the implementation of the principles of the social treasury, which we carry out on behalf of the president people will need to submit fewer documents, eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy and go to authorities interaction with the state when processing the payment of services should be as easy and comfortable as possible. now, on to another important issue, in his message to the federal assembly, the president noted the need for the speedy implementation of a large-scale program of socio-economic recovery and development of new regions. and for this , additional effective solutions are needed to help restart their economy. yesterday, during a report in the state duma, i already said that the government had prepared a bill on
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the creation of a free economic zone in the territories of the donetsk and lugansk people 's republics of the zaporozhye and kherson regions, its participants would be exempted from paying the federal part of income tax for 10 years also regional by decision of subjects and property. this is a very important regional, according to the decision of the subjects for 3 years from the land , reduced rates of insurance premiums of only 7.6% are provided for them . the procedures of the free customs zone will also operate here. all these measures will help to attract, and private investment in the creation of new industries , upgrade infrastructure, give a new impetus to the construction industry, ensure growth in agriculture, which can become one of the main drivers for the development of new regions. another question is about creating infrastructure for tourism and recreation in russia
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, there are many places known for their unique natural views, monuments, history, and our citizens. more and more travel across the country. incidentally, i spoke about this in detail yesterday as part of my report to the state duma. and, of course, when traveling, tourists want to stay in comfortable, good quality and safe hotels, and at affordable reasonable prices. to do this, we will help businesses build and reconstruct 27.5 thousand rooms in hotels below three stars on such goals in the current year will send more than 5 billion rubles. within the framework of the national project, tourism and hospitality industry. to keep a low rate for almost 90 projects under the soft lending program for the construction of hotels in 33 regions of our country. and this means that more people will be able to relax in various parts of russia in
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comfortable conditions. the next question, but the agenda today we will discuss how things are going with spring field work in a number of subjects. they have already begun, but somewhere farmers are just going to start, and last year. we had a really fruitful harvest in terms of grain , vegetables and shrovetide, the task of ensuring non-food security, which the president set for us, was fully implemented. well, including due to systemic, but state support, which we provided during the preparation of the sowing campaign last year. all this we repeatedly discussed in detail with you dear colleagues, we discussed the government will continue to help the agro-industrial complex, all subsidies necessary for field work have been preserved, we understand how it is important that agricultural producers are provided with seeds, fuel and fertilizer for machinery. then we can count on
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an increase in the sowing of cereals, potatoes, other vegetables, and fodder crops as well. there is another topic that i need to pay attention to. this is an opportunity to take out a loan at a preferential rate for such purposes in the budget, which provided for subsidies in the amount of almost 160 billion rubles. the funds should be delivered to the farmers as soon as possible in order to purchase everything that is required for the sowing campaign in time. on the progress of preparation for any work
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will report today, and the head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry nikolayevich patrushev mikhailovich, has the floor, please. we can give a more accurate estimate after the start of active vegetation. winter crops were fed on an area of ​​six and eight tenths of a million hectares. further , 55.2 million are provided for spring crops this year. hectares. at the moment, more than
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600.000 dynamics have been sown above last year, dear colleagues with special attention. we control the availability of all types of resources for farmers. constantly discussing the situation including meetings within the poker headquarters of the ministry of agriculture with each federal district and for specific regions. as for the financial support of the passive, back in december last year, funds were sent to the subjects for state support of agriculture in the twenty- third year. this is about 170 billion rubles. i want to remind you that we have provided for the possibility of advancing the cost of engravers - this is primarily done so that by the time of spring field work people can receive the necessary funds for today is 18%. this is significantly more than in previous years. i also note that all support tools are relevant for
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the sowing campaign. they are preserved, in particular , subsidies are provided for the purchase of fertilizer seeds, fuels and lubricants , plant protection equipment, as well as for sowing insurance. in addition, we continue to provide targeted support to grain producers, 10 billion rubles have been allocated for this this year. there are also new directions from the age of 23. we are implementing a federal project to stimulate the production of vegetables and potatoes. for this, about 5 billion rubles were allocated to the regions. the support extends to the organized sector, as well as to household plots, in addition to subsidies to farmers , they continue to actively use preferential loans. in particular, short ones, which are always in demand during the sowing period at the moment for crop production, have been approved, the issuance of
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more than 130 billion rubles. this is 10% more than in the same period last year, the main volume of preferential short-term loans falls on the rosselkhozbank no major problems today. no, we do not see any failures in the supply of fuels and lubricants according to our data, uh, everything is in order and the farmers receive everything on time by the time they go to the fields, in each region, the full readiness of agricultural machinery is ensured. special measures continue to be in place to renew the park. state support, through the ministry of industry and trade, is resolution 14.32 , the key instrument of the ministry of agriculture , rosagroleasing programs remain, including preferential ones last year thanks to additional funding from the government, rosagroleasing company delivered 12, and 70,000 units, machinery and equipment
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in the twenty-third year, we have a plan of 13,000 units. with seeds, sowing is also provided . i want to note that since the twentieth year we have revised the procedure for preparing seed material for spring field work. procurement is carried out in advance, which allows you to provide the required volume on time. in particular. now the grain supply exceeds 102%, which is more than last year, in addition, we have stepped up work to increase the share domestic selection. in general, the sowing volume, together with the subjects, approved a plan for sowing russian seeds in the regions increased. the area of ​​seed plots, in addition , we form special seed growing zones in order to improve the quality of domestic seed material. i will add that the temporary cancellation of the requirements for the use of zoned seeds has been extended. this measure was taken in the twenty-second year to facilitate the access
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of the agrarian in the lord and confirm. the strength of its effectiveness in the context of this issue will also say that to increase imports independence of the agro-industrial complex is planned from the age of 24 to introduce a quantitative restriction on the import of foreign seeds. a relevant draft resolution is currently being prepared for submission to the government. colleagues will briefly note that farmers have enough means of plant protection and, finally, about the situation on the mineral fertilizer market. now thanks to the availability of 2.2 million, which is 212.000 more than a year earlier, we continue the work of the incident headquarters to implement the world to maintain the availability of fertilizers on the domestic market. first of all. this is the plan to buy it execution at the moment is about 90% . in addition, he thinks for 23 years there has been a restriction on the export of certain types of fertilizers, as well as
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fixing the price of all this. to keep the situation under control in this regard, mikhail vladimirovich, in accordance with your instruction, together with the ministry of industry and trade and the federal agency , we are working to extend the existing set of measures on fertilizers for another six months, that is, until november inclusive . all this should ensure the purchase of more than 5 million tons of fertilizers, which will create a basis for obtaining the planned harvest and will allow to continue increasing the indicators of fertilizer application per hectare in this way, dear colleagues, the sowing campaign as a whole. we have a regular season with favorable weather, we are counting on a decent harvest. and most importantly, we hope that it will be balanced thank you for your attention. thank you nikolaevich here. i ask you to keep the situation under constant control. and what is very important here is that the agricultural sector, together with the regions, make sure that the money
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reaches the brink in time. now. this is also very important, and you know all this. therefore, a i hope that we will work effectively this year as well. thank you for the government meetings, and then on our air , the police program, the economy, the main state events, the president of the people's republic of china hangs moscow , what statements were made? how this will affect not only the relationship between moscow and beijing, but also the global situation, see after the advertisement. open a business account in uralsib and get half a year of free service at a favorable uralsib perspective tariff where you are. lenta
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the visit, followed by the whole world this week, at the invitation of vladimir putin , president of the people's republic of china xi visited moscow. jinping like relations between moscow and beijing are developing, without exaggeration, we will fix this historical moment and here in the boy’s program, as always, we are talking about the most important topics of the week from two positions from the point of view of the economy, my colleague alexander suvorova but georgy podgorny will tell about the political side of the issue, as always our facts are professionally assessed by experts. alexei mukhin from the center of political information and a vysokovets from the tower answered my questions. andrey korneev helped to figure out the numbers alexander lukin from the institute of china and modern asia iran and doctor of economics stanislav tkachenko in russia from 20 to 22 march. and it is important that this is an unofficial visit , a non-working trip, namely a state visit. this is a signal to the whole planet the level of political relations between our countries is at a high level and to understand the importance. in a number of documents that describe
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the protocol procedures it is written that such a visit can be carried out only once for the entire period of continuous execution of one’s powers, this also underlines the common path that russia and china have chosen and the people's republic of china at this stage, forming their own vision of how it should develop. uh, the global geopolitical economic system. uh, coincided with interests coincided with uh, the same vision that they demonstrate. ah, the russian leadership. this resulted in a very close communication, which over the past few years has literally experienced such an explosive. uh, explosive evolution and another detail for the chinese leader. this is the first foreign trip after re-election. and 10 years ago. the president of the people's republic of china also visited russia after his appointment to the post of friendly relations and figures confirm the prospects for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries
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, this is an important part of the negotiations between vladimir putin and denping. china remains russia's largest trading partner at the end of last year, the volume of trade exceeded $185 billion, and over the previous two years it added about 30%. the bar of 200 billion can be taken actively this year settlements in national currencies are also developing and at the talks in moscow, vladimir putin said that russia is in favor of using the yuan in trade with the countries of asia, africa and latin america, such interaction , according to experts, is becoming more and more relevant in the face of western sanctions pressure on both states, experts are doing forecast. what will the exchange rate be like in the near future? the exchange rate in the region of 6.5 dash 7 u yuan for 1 dollar is the corridor in which the chinese currency. more likely will develop or remain in the coming
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year. well, a few words about the pressure that the west tried to exert, but obviously all efforts to somehow put pressure were simply ignored, for example, right during a visit to congress, the united states proposed to stop normal trade relations with china, directly declared china the greatest adversary. states, further rhetoric should be clearly the same tone came out with the publications of the american press, where among the usual attacks there were insights for you and me, obvious friendly relations, the leaders of the two powers are being challenged. is the us in danger of losing its primacy in international diplomacy? while we see that in the capitals of europe and america they are irritated by the efforts of china, but in the end , behind the efforts of china, there is a significant part of humanity - this is not only the population of china itself, but also many other developing countries that do not see any
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sense in continuing the conflict, which has already led to serious negative consequences for the global economy attention all world politics. these days it was concentrated on the events in moscow, no matter how other countries tried to interrupt the agenda , this did not work. well, although they tried, for example, britain promised to transfer shells with combined uranium to ukraine on the second day of the state visit. negotiations took place. at the highest level, the chinese leader also met with prime minister mikhail mishustin, then vladimir putin and sitting ping held conversations in a narrow format and then expanded. there were further statements for the press, which have been waiting for a very long time, one of the topics that were widely discussed during the visit. this, of course, the conflict in ukraine, i have ignored the situation around ukraine, we believe. what the provisions of the peace plan outlined by china are consonant with russian approaches and can be taken as
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the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for it in the west and in kiev. however , such an approach, while such a readiness on their part. we are not observing, let us briefly recall the plan for a peaceful settlement in ukraine that the chinese country proposes. contains 12 items among them and termination. fire, the beginning of peace negotiations and the lifting of unilateral sanctions , the rejection of the cold war mentality, respect for the sovereignty of all countries , the plan, indeed, is comprehensive. that, first of all, washington is filled with the desire not to allow, under any pretext, to enter into peace negotiations. they just don't allow kiev even to think about it, let's go back to the agreements reached.
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vladimir putin and season pin signed a number of joint documents, two of them are framework documents, one concerns the deepening of the strategic partnership between russia and china, the other deals with key strategic significant areas in total, eight of them, the main areas of cooperation are promising vectors of the economy that will develop. president putin and i agreed to step up comprehensive planning at the highest level to increase trade in energy resources and electrical products to increase the stress resistance of the production and supply chains of the two countries to expand cooperation in the field of information technology of the digital economy of agriculture and trade in services. let's continue talking about numbers and there are many interesting facts here. perhaps there is no sector of the economy where moscow and beijing would not cooperate - the energy of transport. high- tech industry and agriculture for russia is important for china as a supplier of machine equipment technologies. have you
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noticed that lately e in russia many more chinese cars. let's say before. yes, they are crowding out other brands, it is up to the third sale of all chinese cars now. one of the largest projects is the siberian power pipeline, it transports gas to a consumer in china with a capacity of 38 billion cubic meters per year . vladimir putin called the power of siberia, i quote the deal of the century, and therefore the meeting in moscow, russian leaders noted that all agreements with mongolia on the power of siberia were reached in two years. in january, our country became the largest supplier of gas to china, surpassing turkmenistan and qatar, as vladimir putin said, the volume of deliveries of russian blue fuel to china by the thirtieth year will reach at least ninety-eight billion cubic meters and plus 100 million tons
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of st. petersburg. 2 months of the year, russia became the main exporter of this energy carrier in china with a volume of almost 10.5 million barrels per day. this is especially important. now that, uh, well, the markets have been gathering significantly in european some have closed to russia and therefore russia redirects its products east to asia. uh, first of all, i didn’t drag him into india and in china, this thought also came from the mouth of the president. vladimir putin clearly described the position of russia in our stratum. as a supplier of natural resources in china, such cooperation is of a long-term nature, russian-chinese relations have been growing for many years, thanks in part to the friendship of the two leaders. with such a mood, the two powers enter the new era. we are really at the turn of different
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eras, we are very fond of sitimpin. uh, it's an expression he's used frequently over the last few years, that the world is in a state of rapid change. eh, no one, probably, including the sitting pin himself, can say with certainty about any changes, but it is in this situation that this visit really acquires such a special significance. transport and logistics infrastructure is being actively built ; cross-border road and rail bridges between russia and china have been opened blagoveshchensk hi-hei and nizhne-leninska-tun, but even this is not all developing and bilateral industrial cooperation continues work on the construction of new units of two nuclear power plants. also, according to the plan, the implementation of programs to create a wide-body long-haul aircraft and a heavy civilian helicopter has been launched and the production of cars in in particular the great wall in the tula region
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, the volume of russian exports of the agro-industrial complex. in china in the twenty-second year grew by 41%. china has become the largest buyer of our agricultural products. how according to the results of the talks, vladimir putin has the opportunity to increase exports to china of meat, grain and other categories. and by the way, russia and china are implementing a roadmap in the field of science and technology innovation until 2025 . in which among the areas of digital and nanotechnologies are artificial intelligence, unmanned transport systems, energy and new energy sources, energy-saving technologies and environmental protection, telecommunications informatics and much more. china is now actively recovering from removal of covid restrictions at the end of last year, the country's gdp exceeded 18 trillion dollars, and china's share of the world economy is more than 18.5% for the chinese economy for the current twenty-third year,
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about 5%, the russian economy is enough for the chinese government to chinese economy fucking resources to ensure sustained steady growth. it is time to take stock of how russian-chinese relations are developing are sure. you noticed those main thoughts of our speakers. so behind them in the strongest whirlwind of news and remains the main historical. the meeting in moscow accumulated the development potential of the two countries and truly friendly relations is the beginning of a new world order, where countries build their policies based on cooperation and mutual prosperity. this confirms their statement made at the highest level and, of course, signed documents that give impetus to further development, but so far we are only listening and
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