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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 24, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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[000:00:47;00] the government of russia today has a busy agenda, 16 issues have been announced, a quarter of them are devoted to new regions that are waiting for deep integration into the russian economy
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. in particular , prime minister mikhail mishustin paid a lot of attention to this the day before, speaking in the state duma in his annual report. about the work of the cabinet. what prospects will maria grigoryeva tell here? bill and today for the consideration of the government. they determine how such zones themselves will function and how the activities of their residents will be built. in particular, tax incentives are expected, including on income taxes on property in relation to land plots, speaking the day before in the state duma with a report on the work of the cabinet, the prime minister called on deputies to support this initiative, experts believe that it will be extremely useful. a certain incentive for russian business to enter and support new production. and uh invest nowhere.
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well, it may even be possible to transfer production from the old russian territory to new locations exactly in order to save on taxes, that is, this tax cut will compensate for the losses that the business will incur, while restoring these enterprises, including all of them and production processes. well, the effort to restore the economy of new regions will be considerable, he admits that in the government the president set the goal for the cabinet of ministers to withdraw new regions in 8 years on the all-russian level in all respects , mikhail mishustin assured that the preparation of the corresponding program of socio-economic development will be completed in the near future specialists. they say that the investments to be made in the new regions in the future will return to a multiple, and then on this account the new russian territories, but they really have a very powerful kind of base , uh, and uh, in general, their stay in the russian federation well, i think it will be of mutual interest, on the one hand
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, russia, of course, should to some extent investing in them, restoring modernization , of course, investment from russia is required, but on the other hand , the potential is huge and i think that the investment will pay off handsomely. the donetsk luhansk people's republic of zaporizhia kherson region became an integral part of russia only in october last year, but already in this short period, significant steps have been taken to integrate them into the country's single social economic space, an expanded system of pension and social security with more than one and a half million residents began to receive pensions with regular payments and benefits, more than a million citizens were provided with social payments and monetary compensation. support was provided to people whose housing was lost and damaged infrastructure began to be restored. almost 8,500 objects built in the restored , including houses, roads, utility networks , hospital polyclinics, a school repaired more than 800 km, roads, including a highway connecting new regions with crimea, as well as
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main gas pipelines and another 3,500 power grid facilities, technologically all such communications are already integrated into the unified gas supply systems of the energy sector. now the task is to restart the economy of new regions. the key sectors of donbass are metallurgy, mechanical engineering , coal mining, chemical industry. the donetsk coal basin is a colossal deposit of hard coal, with anthracite making up a significant part, which is very important for russia, even despite green energy projects. the same europe is now returning to the traditional way of generation. yes and directly green project. donbass have something to offer? the donbass is the same, for example, it is rich in some data of lithium and the stock, you see here, is estimated and was not given at a trillion dollars. yes, therefore alite. now very much in demand. uh, a rare earth metal in the international level and in its own
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old russia there was a certain shortage of it. here, too, it can be very interesting hmm option with this. well, the agricultural sector of new regions in the future is capable of becoming one of the main drivers of development and provision employment, especially in the kherson and zaporozhye regions , they have a huge agricultural potential due to the climate and fertile chernozem. the kherson region within its current borders is an exclusively agrarian religion. e made up ukraine in the kherson region, which produced a huge amount of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and in fact, in many respects, provides these products and the territory of ukraine in the zaporozhye region. in addition, at the moment, about one and a half thousand objects abandoned by the previous managers of this building construction and integral property objects 700 of them are transferred to investors ready
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to develop the economic potential of the regions and restore the infrastructure of the region. many industrial and agricultural enterprises of donbass in the kherson and zaporozhye regions were stopped , some of them fell into disrepair in 30 years , the main production facilities will have to be restored. well, where it is possible to carry out a deep modernization. although local enterprises can, for their part , offer something. there are, of course, very interesting factories, but, for example, tunneling machines are produced there in yasinovats. eh, there is, in principle, something to work with in the field of a-a mining engineering, that is, the production of various components and machines for mines. socio-economic integration of new regions experts are sure will give a multiplier effect to the tasks. they say they are very complex, but the authorities are determined today. do you have a plan on how
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to integrate all these territories, how to develop them? there is an understanding. uh, that this will not be an easy process at all, but the government ready for this putin ready to invest. well, what is all this confidence that this difficult process, which will drag on there for several years, will eventually be crowned with success. and there it will be possible to recreate the industry, these enterprises will start working and will benefit the entire russian economy, there is no doubt about that. the creation of special tax incentives is an addition to the basic mechanisms that operate in our country in combination with their help and will be resolved issues of integration of new regions into a single socio-economic space. novosibirsk scientists have developed a charging station for electric vehicles, now in laboratory conditions the hardware is being configured , the software and the application are already available when auto sockets will be installed in novosibirsk at
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recharging points. we will tell in our next article. this is how the finished station looks very similar to the usual gas station. before they were tested on real electric vehicles, but now there is a laboratory. here is an imitation insert the gun. we start, yes, we start and you can manage the process from the phone from the application and the client can manage the process remoteness of the phone, suppose or from the site, view the charge parameters , time, charge level, temperature, and so on . the weather in russia is planning to install more than 100,000 charging stations, all components must be domestic in novosibirsk. developers are solving this problem step by step. today all efforts are concentrated to develop domestic specialized controller. this is the brain. and if i may say so, the head of the station,
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that is, which manages all the processes of charging electric vehicles, already has a removable software solution that has been tested. it remains to create a case and bring it to an industrial design. in addition, together with the novosibirsk capacitor plant, the technical university is developing a station with an energy storage device; imagine that in this case we have no system, no matter how some kind of shutdown occurs, and in this case here is the drive. uh charged up, yeah charge up your independence car. from that there is. uh, at this point, yes. or in this case, we're charging the hoarder, the second task. yes, it’s also no less important, we all want to recharge as quickly as possible and here the drive will help add power, then what the engineers are working on is first of all useful for themselves, the novosibirsk region is in the top ten regions of the leaders in the use of electric vehicles olga bad stanislav dukhovnikov vesti novosibirsk ukraine spends artillery shells, significantly ahead of
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the pace of their production in the west, this was stated by nato secretary general in an interview with the newspaper. the guardian before that, he urged the country of the alliance to increase spending on the military-industrial complex and actively prepare to support the kiev regime in a protracted conflict. what amounts are we talking about will tell eugene nepodt. somehow they sent a heap of statements by the leaders, not only strange whole blocs that the west should support ukraine in the west. everything is harder. read, harder sounds like a confession of weakness, but in fact another trick. after all, all these revelations in the media are like an attempt to make money nato secretary general in an interview with the british press complains about the deaths of ukrainians that from 4 to 7,000 shells are spent on the day of the artillery sura, and that the alliance does not yet have the ability to produce so much ammunition for a new batch of large-caliber ammunition, according to stoltenberg, you have to wait from a year to 2.5 years, they seem to have signed impotence, but in
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fact, no, industrial production in europe in the united states has not yet been reorganized to replenish those resources. this rather lengthy process will take about one and a half and a plan - there are such. after few years. this machine will start working, so now it is possible to plan operations. on the part of ukraine, on the available resources in this context, the words of the czech president petr pavel play with different colors, of course, scarlet tones , said that his country had almost nothing left that could be sent to help ukraine, they say almost all the reserves were raked out. itself would have been enough further, as if, by chance, it is possible to enlarge the production of ammunition ammunition. we just don’t have enough hands, and the ukrainians are quite capable of coping with this task, such spruces noticeable motives for stealing citizens of a foreign country to work, and that's all. this is against the backdrop of statements by eu leaders who plan to spend up to half a billion additional euros to support
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ammunition manufacturers through the european peace fund, with the money from which it purchases military equipment and ammunition, according to the precepts of our la, the amount of funding for this structure may swell. yes, three and a half billion euros, for example, polish kites cannot get enough of such news. vika has already received about pln 200 million from this fund in poland refinancing the acquisition of weapons for the fighting ukraine we not only receive weapons from abroad, which are much more modern than those that we transfer to strengthen our army, but we also receive large financial resources today money can be used to expand military production in bulgaria, which are left over from the time of the warsaw block and on the basis of which ammunition is made suitable, for example , for soviet artillery, the authorities of the republic , by the way, stated that they were ready to supply partners with shells for the allies, but only some of it, however, bulgarian weapons.
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through third countries. all the same, of course, some of the funds end up in ukraine with such deliveries being stolen, but still significant amounts are at the disposal of the all-union forces, they are required to attack under the threat that if there is no offensive, then we will stop altogether, we are always talking about the last attempt offensive deliveries of military aid to ukraine, its curators do not think it is turning off slovakia handed over the first four mig-29 fighters, by the way, the transfer fighter jets ukrainian pilots carried out with the help of the slovak air force in a hurry. on the part of the united states and its allies, there are great fears that if this help leads, nevertheless, does not allow ukraine to prevail over russia, uh, it will be very difficult to justify, uh, the supply of weapons to ukraine, and for the americans,
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where is the election campaign on the nose - this is especially important, which is why i think that there is a concentration of supplies. that is, no matter what statements from the leaders of the western state and blocs were previously heard, their countries will move in the wake of support for ukraine at the risk of running aground or breaking rocks. what they announced, for example, at their own meeting and i hope for success all the way and fearing most of all that the vaunted counteroffensive will choke. this means that not shells, not planes and tanks will not be able to play the role of a lifeline for the kiev regime. the main event of the week is the state visit of chinese president xi jinping to moscow the chinese leader spent three days in the russian capital. what statements were made and how they will affect not only relations between moscow and beijing but also for the analysis of the global situation, see the
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no one was hurt. and now on the air the program is burning the economy. a visit followed by the whole world this week , chinese president xi visited moscow at the invitation of vladimir putin. jinping. how relations between moscow and beijing are developing , without exaggeration , we will fix this historical moment and here in the politics program, as always, we talk about the most important topics of the week from two positions from the point of view of the economy, my colleague alexander suvorova but about georgy podgorny will tell the political side of the issue, as experts always supplement our facts with a professional assessment. alexey mukhin from the center of political information and an orientalist from the tower answered my questions. andrey roots was helped to figure out the numbers by alexander lukin from the institute of china and modern asia iran and a doctor of economic sciences. stanislav tkachenko seat pin arrived in russia from 20 to 22 march. and it is important that this is not an official visit, a non-working trip, but
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a state visit. this is the signal for all planet, the level of political relations between our countries is at a high level and to understand the importance. in a number of documents that describe the protocol procedures , it is written that such a visit can be carried out only once for the entire period of continuous execution of one's powers. this also underlines the single path that russia and china have chosen. the people's republic of china at this stage, forming its own vision of how the world's geopolitical economic system should develop. uh, matched interests coincided with uh, the same vision that uh, the russian leadership is demonstrating. this resulted in a very close communication, which over the past few years has literally experienced such an explosive. uh, explosive evolution and another detail for the chinese leader - this is the first
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overseas trip since being re-elected. and 10 years ago. the president of the people's republic of china also visited russia after his appointment to the post of friendly relations and figures reinforce the prospects for trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, this is an important part of the negotiations. vladimir putin and selpin. china remains russia's largest trading partner at the end of last year, the volume of trade exceeded $185 billion over the previous two years as well. added about 30%. the bar of 200 billion can be taken as early as this year, and settlements in national currencies are actively developing and at negotiations in moscow, vladimir putin said that russia is in favor of using the yuan in trade with the countries of asia, africa and latin america , such interaction, according to experts, is becoming increasingly more relevant in in the conditions of western sanctions pressure on both states, experts make a forecast. what will be the exchange rate in the near
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future? the exchange rate in the region of six and a half dashes of 7 e yuan per 1 dollar is the corridor in which the chinese currency. most likely will develop or remain in the coming year. well, a few words about the pressure that the west tried to exert, but obviously all efforts to somehow put pressure were simply ignored, for example, right during a visit to congress, the united states proposed to stop normal trade relations with china directly declared the prc's greatest adversary. states, further rhetoric should be clearly the same tone came out with the publications of the american press, where among the usual attacks there were insights for you and me, obvious friendly relations, the leaders of the two powers prompt questions. is the us at risk of losing its primacy in international diplomacy? so far, we see that in the capitals of europe and america they are irritated by the efforts of china, but in the end
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, a significant part of china is behind the efforts of china. humanity is not only the population of china itself, but also many other developing countries that do not see any point in continuing the conflict, which has already led to serious negative consequences for the world economy, the attention of all world politics. these days it was concentrated on the events in moscow, no matter how other countries tried to interrupt the agenda , this did not work. well, although they tried, for example, britain promised to transfer shells with combined uranium to ukraine on the second day of the state visit. took place negotiation. at the highest level, the chinese leader also met with prime minister mikhail mishustin, then vladimir putin and sitting ping held conversations in a narrow format, and then further press statements were made in russia. one of the topics discussed for a very long time, which was widely discussed during the visit. this, of course, is the conflict in ukraine, we ignored the situation around
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ukraine, we believe that many of the provisions of this china peace plan are in tune with russian approaches and can be taken as a basis for a peaceful settlement, when they are ready for it in the west and in kiev . however, we do not observe such an approach, so far such a readiness on their part. let us briefly recall the peace plan for ukraine proposed by the chinese country, it contains 12 points among them and termination. fire, the beginning of peace negotiations and the lifting of unilateral sanctions, the rejection of the cold war mentality, respect for the sovereignty of all countries, the plan, indeed, is comprehensive in washington, it was brushed aside, they say, pro-russian and this is not the time to stop shooting, and in the kremlin there is a definition, how to treat such statements; they believe that , first of all, washington is filled with the desire not to allow, under any pretext, to enter
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into peace negotiations. they simply do not allow kiev to even think about it. let's get back to the agreements reached. vladimir putin and seen signed a number of joint documents, two of them are framework documents, one concerns the deepening of the strategic partnership between russia and china, the other is a key strategic significant area. there are eight in total the main area of ​​cooperation is promising vectors of the economy that will develop. here we are, president putin and i agreed to intensify comprehensive planning at the highest level to increase trade in energy resources, resources and electrical products to increase the stress resistance of production and supply chains of the two countries to expand cooperation in the field of information technology of the digital economy of agriculture and trade in services we will continue to talk about numbers, and here there are many interesting facts, perhaps not, sectors of the economy where the moscow operin would not cooperate energy transport. high-
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tech industry and agriculture for russia e. china is important as uh, the supplier of technology-machine equipment noticed that recently uh in russia there are much more chinese cars. let's say before. yes, they are replacing other brands until the third sale of all chinese cars now the two heads of state published their articles on the chinese leader’s state site vladimir putin called the power of siberia, and i quote the deal of the century, and following the meeting in moscow, the russian leader noted that all agreements with mongolia on the power of siberia were reached in january. our country has become the largest supplier of gas to china, surpassing turkmenistan and qatar, as vladimir putin said, the volume
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of supplies of russian blue fuel to china by the thirtieth year will reach at least 98 billion cubic meters and plus 100 million tons of lng. data for the first 2 months of the year, russia became the main exporter of this energy carrier in china with a volume of almost 10.5 million barrels per day. this is especially important. now, when, uh, markets have shrunk significantly, some of europe have closed to russia, and therefore russia is redirecting its products east to asia. uh, first of all, i won’t get involved in india and china. this thought also came from the lips of the president. vladimir putin clearly described the position of russia, we are a strategic supplier of natural resources to china, such cooperation is long-term the nature of russian-chinese relations has been growing for many years,
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thanks in part to the friendship of the two leaders. with this attitude, the two powers are entering the new era. different eras are located cdp but very fond of. uh, it's an expression he 's used frequently over the last few years, that the world is in a state of rapid change. eh, what kind of changes they will lead to , no one, including themselves, can say with sovereignty, but it is in this situation that this visit really acquires such a special significance. actively transport and logistics infrastructure is being built cross-border road and rail bridges between russia and china have been opened blagoveshchensk high and nizhne-leninskaya tuyang, but even this is not all developing and bilateral industrial cooperation continues work on the construction of new units of two
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nuclear power plants. long-range long-haul aircraft and a heavy civilian helicopter launched and the production of cars, in particular great wall in the tula region, the volume of russian exports of the agro-industrial complex. in china in the twenty-second year grew by 41%. china has become the largest buyer of our agricultural products. as vladimir putin noted following the results of the talks, there is an opportunity to increase exports of meat, grain and other categories to china. and by the way, russia and china are implementing a roadmap in the field of science and technology innovation until 2025. in which , among the areas of digital and nanotechnologies , artificial intelligence, unmanned transport systems, energy and new energy sources, energy-saving technology and environmental protection, telecommunications informatics and much more. china is now actively recovering after the removal of covid restrictions at the end of last year, the country's gdp exceeded
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18 trillion dollars, and china's share of the world economy is more than 18.5% for the chinese economy for the current twenty-year year, about 5%, the russian economy is enough to the chinese government has the chinese economy the fucking resources to ensure sustained stable growth. it is time to take stock of how the russian chinese relations are assured. you noticed those main thoughts of our speakers. so behind them in the strongest news remains the main historical. the meeting in moscow, the accumulated development potential of the two countries and truly friendly relations, the beginning of a new world order, where countries build their policies based on cooperation and mutual prosperity, this is confirmed by this statement, made at the highest level and, of course, documents were signed that give impetus to further development, but for now we just listen and emphasize. see you most importantly. see you.
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the fire has engulfed 4,000 square meters of the sverdlovsk region, the building of the scientific production complex is burning. there is a risk of flames spreading to a storage area with combustible materials. what situation? assault groups are cut off on the approaches, ukrainian units are trying to force the left bank, the kherson region is not right, how are these attacks repelled? a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 10 centimeters invited the nord stream-2 operator to take part in the lifting of an unknown object found near


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