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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 23, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, correspondents and the vesti program will tell about the main legal events of the day. the duty department and i aleksey tselishchev and let's start with hot news from nizhny novgorod high-ranking police officers were detained there. according to official sources , the commander of a separate battalion of the traffic police of the regional traffic police and his deputy fell under suspicion. we will tell you more about this immediately
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, bought up plots of forest land through nominees and sawed down hundreds of plots trees to accusations. the family, blazing , rushed somehow frivolously. olga zhirenkova will continue the topic. deputy of the irbey district council of deputies anzhela polykhan, accompanied by a lawyer, is in a hurry to the district court, together with her son, she is also accused of illegal logging , a group of forests was made on your instructions. i generally myself do not deal with anything have not dealt with so far. we can live the candy, the initiative is picked up by the lawyer, thereby giving the client time to finish things with the candy. we are not we know why we came here, well, let's sit and listen. deep speech, however, it is not clear what amuses the lawyers so much before the start of the meeting, the investigation believes that for a long time the family of deputies cut down the forest, according to the prosecutor's office. they harvested 329 cubic meters of timber, and
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the forest fund suffered damage in the amount of more than three million rubles in the period from june to december 2021, the defendant purchased from nine residents of the irbey district, paying each 5,000 rubles. concluded citizens with the forestry of the contract for the sale of forest plantations. now this is the most common scheme. business under the guise of legal commercial activity, entrepreneurs use other people's documents for fraud, they are bought out. those citizens. who claims to receive forest plantations on benefits for construction, home or firewood. ah. six months ago, our film crew visited a forest clearing, where, according to the investigation , a family of deputies from the polykhany introduced logging . however, in all likelihood, someone warned the workers, and we did not leave the territory before the arrival of journalists and policemen went to them at the point of reception of wood after a while, the lady drove up, swim, you have no right to film us lost. we have the right and so the public
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area. she then assured that there was no criminal case. no forest. she doesn't work out. i haven't been woodworking for many years. why, then, as a hostess, you were invited here now, later it turned out that the car in which the family of deputies moves was arrested by a court decision, but the servants of the people of a village scale. it probably didn't bother me. you deputy. you don’t protect people, protect nature, i protect nature, if you are television , i watch russia, you should only yes , only now angela’s husband wormwood actively advised what and how to say you so directly help prompts. also a deputy. well, what of this you have right, i see a family in a row, a family of deputies. here in the eyes said, and you are not the case will be confirmed. i people to him, the family of deputies then demonstrated a deep knowledge of the russian language of laws and ethics, and then loaded into the car and left the forest is stolen all over russia from karelia to primorye. but the main
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area of ​​the taiga forests of siberia, instead of dense massifs of hemp and an open field, such a sad picture is typical for many forest regions of the country, the barbarian villain cut down a huge territory, and then brought the prey abroad. this is khakassia or news. this is the krasnoyarsk territory. this is the khabarovsk territory. this is primorsky krai. this is the top five of those, uh, who today, according to statistics, the violation is in the top five, let's say it's unfavorable. thursday preliminary meeting on the case of illegal logging with a family of deputies passed behind closed doors the press was not allowed to the trial lawyer leaves the courthouse, mrs. we do not know the next meeting, at the end of may, i do not know, i feel like moving on to profanity. for some reason, we were given time to prepare. we are ready while the lawyer voiced his thoughts to journalists. angela herself
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blazed, went to her car and went out more to the mold, if during the trial the investigation of the guilt of the families of the deputies will prove them facing up to 2 years. imprisonment olga zhirenkova. alexander cherkashin alexander usatenko victor nosov sergey klinkov vesti duty department as a result of a joint operation of security officers of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the nizhny novgorod region and operatives of the regional directorate of the fsb , high-ranking police officers were detained, we are talking about the commander of the traffic police battalion of the regional traffic police and his deputy, they are suspected of bribery according to the version investigation lieutenant colonel andrey since 2018, bespalov, his deputy, has been receiving money from a local entrepreneur in return , the traffic police allegedly guaranteed that drivers working for a businessman would be able to move freely around the region. and even if they commit an offense they will not be brought to administrative responsibility, the official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs, irina volk, has already commented on
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the detention by posting information on the website of the department. by decision of the leadership of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the nizhny novgorod region, employees were suspended from execution official duties, an internal audit was appointed, as a result of which, if guilt is confirmed, both will be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies on negative grounds and will be punished in accordance with the law against bespalov, his deputy opened a criminal case under the article of taking a bribe for illegal actions. even now, investigators have information that the suspect illegally received at least 240,000 rubles. a criminal case has also been initiated against an individual entrepreneur under part three. article 291 of the criminal code of the russian federation, investigators are now establishing all the circumstances of what happened in the near future, the detainees will choose a measure of restraint.
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for this case it will be an honest detective. backstage retirement of clumsy artists in the novosibirsk region five circus bears, who have served the art for many years , die in horrific conditions, they are not fed and do not release their natural cells. why , after hard work at the arena, people forgot about animals, and not human cruelty to talented animals mikhail shirin no windows, no span, no door, only
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black dead night in it, forgetting about the future tired animals are sleeping from everywhere, gone away these lines with the song of a russian rock band, as if written specifically for this picture, but rather for a terrible fairy tale in a dark house on the outskirts of novosibirsk once upon a time there were five bears , because the time for a taxi to make his eyes flow or what, these are half-dead emaciated and hungry bears, the local defenders found the animals were sitting in cages a meter by a meter without water. and the light of the room was not heated so that in cold temperatures. here it dropped to -50°. it turned out that the circus bears are already of respectable age. under 30 years old. they belong to their former trainers , artist sergey and marina gerasimov , for non-payment. that is, well, they asked to go, but they didn’t go to which one. it was useless, according to the volunteers, a couple were fired because of the luxury of the circus for 8 years. back animals with which they performed they simply abandoned to live out their lives on such a well-deserved pension. but bears went to her almost all their lives. in order to
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to teach the animal to listen to commands to perform the most complex movements not to be afraid, the audience of circus animals begin to train with the youngest. the age of their life is a strict diet of hard training full psychological contact with their trainer betrayal on his part. they endure painfully normal conditions. well, what a normal trip for a long time. i say, once again, the bears will not go anywhere, by the way, whiled away the dreary days behind bars, along with clubfoot artists of other brothers, there are five cats and several fluffy dogs managed to attach. but they didn’t manage to save the dogs; with the bears, the situation is much more difficult to remove them from the owners’ property and transfer them to a rehabilitation center, it is possible only after long procedures, at first even the local police were in no hurry to help for the defender under article 245. no matter how many times they wrote a statement
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, it turned out such a situation that he constantly received refusals, that is, they did not see the corpus delicti of cruelty to animals, such as there is no epic bullying of bears by the gerasimov family, stretching for a long years, has long acquired a resonance between their brothers in the shop and attracted attention. the entire circus community of the country. his help to ensure that the animals were in good conditions gerasimov from everything. this was abandoned for many, many years, and i realized that the bears are simply a hostage to life provision. here are these two uh, really. excuse me, the trainers are talking to me. we are all, of course, discredits the very concept of the circus - it discredits the very concept. e addressor thanks to the efforts of volunteers and journalists, raised this story is interested in the local prosecutor's office. after that , checks began and the police said, where they had previously refused to initiate a criminal case under
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the article cruelty to animals, now the competent authorities are checking this fact. we inquiries based on the results of the audit will be decided in accordance with applicable law. now the regional rosprirodnadzor has joined the cause for us and is preparing appeals to the court. there is hope that the animals have been pleasing the audience for many years. on the arena will be able to adequately live out their bear age, despite the fact that their owners, as if they have forgotten the old saying , circus people do not leave their own . these are spectacular shots and special operations. the capture group came to the spa at the height of the working day. judging by the surroundings, it’s not difficult to guess. what procedures were popular here, and how they filmed here.
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beds, a jacuzzi, lights on the floor , lingerie is scattered on the floor, and two friends of his friends helped the former police officer in business. the investigating authorities of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the chelyabinsk region initiated a criminal case against two local residents and a former detective of the criminal investigation department of one of the district police departments of the regional center. now investigators are working as detainees, in the near future the defendant will be elected as a measure of restraint. in samara, researchers completed an investigation the criminal case of the probable leader, the so -called legal organized criminal group vladimir izumrudov. he is charged with two articles at once - the organization of a criminal community and the illegal production of cigarettes, emerald. according to investigators, the fsb fighter was detained together with his son last may. they established a supply chain for tobacco and delivered it to the criminal community. in addition, cigarettes were made and
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marketed unlabeled. now the possible leader of the grouping. vladimir izumrudov gets acquainted with the materials of the criminal case, i note that the legal ones were considered one of the most brutal organized crime groups in the region. they controlled the markets , collected tribute, and dealt with objectionable ones. this is just one of the criminal groups in russia that was involved in the illegal tobacco market . is it possible to dispel the tobacco fog for a special report on this topic, see tomorrow in our program. smoke and ashes without excises man, you left cigarettes and anthony is not needed. tell me why you sell counterfeit cigarettes cigarettes in russia are growing at an alarming pace, illegal tobacco feels comfortable both on showcases in retail outlets and on the internet with home delivery. why are you selling racist
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cigarettes in an unmarked flow, how smuggling gets into the country here is a package that is so not neatly left on the street by the seller. let's see the content that merchants offer to the consumer and why the attack of cigarettes is invisible. so hard to stop. this is a fairly long section of the border and there are more than 50 roads on it that need to be controlled by special reportage. daniil sukhoruchko on this topic. look, the duty part is friday at 18:30 and 21:30 russia and thailand will extradite each other suspected of crimes without undue delay. the agreement on this was approved in bangkok during a meeting between the attorney generals of the two states igor krasnov and naritantos-atten. this visit is connected with the desire of russia and thailand to conclude
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a formal extradition agreement. since thailand is one of the favorite points of attraction for our compatriots, these agreements, especially important for russian law enforcement agencies according to local media in the kingdom. now more than 220,000 russians live. some linger there for months running their businesses out of control and evading legal demands. bilateral relations between our countries are developing in a positive way and the interaction of law enforcement agencies. this is no exception today, russia thailand is facing, uh, similar criminal threats, and many of which , as you rightly said, have acquired a cross-border character among such criminal threats. igor krasnov called illegal circulation, cryptocurrencies, terrorism, extremism, cybercrimes, issues of cooperation. the russian prosecutor general also discussed with the chairman of the senate of thailand and the head of the national anti-corruption commission of the kingdom.
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candidates for the jury did not appear in moscow at the meeting in the case, probably in killer , the so-called gangs of the forest, who consider igor kuzmenko the most bloodthirsty group of the 2000s, should have started trying for contract killings, but the process has been postponed, now people's judges will be assembled again reportage. oleg help the boxing of the moscow city court. many consider one of the most brutal assassins of the zero years,
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the more absurd the behavior of igor kuzmenko seems to be when he sees the cameras. immediately he began to hide his face. first, covering it with his hand, and then rather ridiculously, pulling on the mask all the same. show the so-called prison ethics of the nineties and such manners are not surprising according to the investigation for his criminal career. kuzmenko replaced several groups, the last of which was the so-called gang of the forest. it is known that kuzmenko, hiding from law enforcement agencies for 17 years, did several plastic surgeries, almost completely removed the unique pattern of the relief of his fingers so that he could not be identified by fingerprints in 2020 kuzmenko allegedly tried to leave russia with a fake passport because of which he was detained. and who said that well, believe the investigation. you know, there is a lot of information in the materials of the criminal case. and that's where all
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the answers end. believe the investigation kuzmenko was a secret killer of the gang of lesnikov and zavyalov on account, which are almost fifty victims wrote that the criminal community allegedly took orders for the murder, the so-called thieves in law, according to operational data , officials also turned to the services of the soul of lips. for example, the former mayor of miass, viktor ordabevsky, using non-standard methods, the criminals were ready for absolutely anything for the sake of the result when committing crimes . the accomplices often put on make-up , put on the uniform of laborers. attack, or as a result of a road conflict of eight of the participants in the criminal community. condemned in 2021, this is how the reinforced convoy looked then.
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during the verdict, the fighters, the russian guards kept ready the leaders of the organized criminal group were in black and looked completely ominous , the foresters of zavyalovo, after a very difficult process, appointed a life sentence to the rest of the group members gave from 12 to 23 years in the colony, it seemed in the history of bandits who kept entrepreneurs and capitals at bay moscow region rostov-on-don, krasnodar and other cities, you can put a dot. now, for the first time , the probable killer of the gang has entered the dock. according to the investigation, he brutally dealt with a developer from sochi and, for a plot of 60 acres in the city center, he died in my arms for 40 minutes, and with rubbish in his head, and then for an economically long time they persecuted me, hung all sorts of things on me, and illegal court decisions still one defendant, so i will make the rostov businessman valery chibanov at the moment, he is under state protection and judging by this video. very afraid of the tv camera , the man literally flew out of the building from the state. after it became known about the postponement of the meeting, the investigation suspected him
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of organizing attacks on entrepreneurs. it is characteristic that the likely members of the criminal gang insisted on a trial by jury because of this court. it can at least be seriously delayed, the already completed trial of the gang of the forest with the participation of assessors, in general , the current meeting turned into a scandal. the moscow city court was postponed for a rather unusual reason one of the candidates for the jury did not appear at the selection. and during the previous processes, in general there was an attempt. the bribery of the assessor is obvious that the current trial of incredible participants. one of the bloodiest groups of the 2000s will be very difficult kuzmenko first appeared in operational reports. at the beginning of the 2000s, as a member of a criminal group in the rostov region. he was detained for extortion . he was tried, but right before the verdict was passed, the cunning defendant managed to escape, it remains to be hoped that this trick.
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now he is unlikely to be able to repeat oleg is capable of vladimir myasnikov valery glushakov. according to investigators , 20 years ago , an official and kommersant pulled off a major ferro handed over state land to their people. along the federal highway don and opened. there are several markets, which represented itself as an organized criminal market community. do not miss this weekend the premiere on tv channel russia 24 of eduard petrov's new investigation into the collapse of the aksai cherkizon. aksai markets, larger than the infamous stolichnaya chertezone, worked like clockwork, representatives of the fsb suspected co-owners of the market. here. we vani million. i am not a new
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russian and an old soviet engineer of a friendly businessman karim babaev and the former head of the aksai district of rostov region, vitaliy barsenko. accused of creating an organized criminal community. the leninsky district court arrested the loboksai district. vitaliy borzenko, only land. he had 1.2 million. you do not see any violation in this. law i'm not looking for anything, examples are the point of an elevated market. 60-70 million left in an unknown direction. who covered the dark dealings of financial tycoons. never believed anyone will not fight to the last to quickly justify. we took on the case and conducted our own investigation. attempt
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admire the cherry blossoms in southwest china, a sightseeing balloon with seven tourists on board almost turned into an air disaster, did not have time to gain altitude due to a gust of strong wind and from a height of 20 m, fell into the lake gusts of wind drag the gondola through the water, not allowing people to get out, the situation was saved by the saw of the ball, which was able to keep it afloat with the help of a gas burner by an aeronaut, the rescuers who came to the rescue helped none of them were injured. more legal news telegram-channel vesti on duty we keep it around the clock. in addition, the unique results of journalistic investigations are regularly published by the telegram-channel honest detective subscribe and our issue on this was completed in the studio by alexei tsarev before meeting on the russia 24 tv channel
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. this is a great informational evening. we continue to acquaint you with today's agenda. we produce few shells , the secretary general declares. nato czech president says his country has almost no options left to help ukraine some kind of parade revelations. is it really strange that the west has weakened, or maybe they are hypocrites and just want to bargain for more money for their military productions, a drawn-out song by carolina quick to support ukraine with a chorus about how you want to make money in russia , a tour of the cities of our country has even been announced, but will people go to concerts, either jokingly or seriously, ukraine is gaining momentum flash mob. drive your pet out of the house, if he does not dilute the ukrainian language with the khan , the russian language is like a bone in the throat of ukrainians. nationalists, russian-speaking ukrainians on a pencil in the organs. they are also considered.


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