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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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[000:00:26;00] vladimir putin will consider the issue of allocating additional funds for the fight against cardiovascular diseases, this was discussed at a meeting with the head of the united russia faction vladimir vasilyev, if such a decision is made, an additional 10 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. speaking annually about the results of united russia's work, the president made a special mention of the political position it takes. i know how much work united russia is doing in
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parliament. well, not only a parameter, of course, in general, he actively participates in political life, uh, a lot of initiatives. uh formulates on the most important direction in socio-economic development to protect the rights of citizens to develop the social sphere. in general, in this regard. eh, on international issues, it takes an absolutely patriotic position, of course, and i want to say that i am very grateful to the e faction for the position it takes. the participants in the special operation included civilians with the status of combat veterans, actions, what did they listen to, right? pinned for participation the right to a credit holiday was exempted from singing due to late payments and contributions and a major overhaul guarantee a comparison of the workplace, it works and separately. i would like to say that the bills we provided for the protection of citizens of new regions in
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february adopted in the execution of your premise a package of laws to distribute from march 1 to twenty years all support themselves, pension social insurance on health education standards new videos. vladimir putin expressed condolences to his family and friends the former head of the center of the electoral committee, vladimir churov, became aware of his death today. vladimir churov. he died at the seventy -first year of his life a week ago, he suffered a massive heart attack. in 2003, churov became a state duma deputy on the federal list of the ldpr. and from march 2007 to march 16, he headed the center of the russian election commission, therefore, the direction. he continued to work and later already within the framework. mida , where he was appointed ambassador-at-large and oversaw issues of monitoring elections abroad. the russian foreign ministry believes that the use of munitions with
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united uranium in ukraine will become genocide. in relation to the population of the territory where they will be used, this was stated by the official representative of the foreign ministry. maria zakharova, let me remind you about the supply of projectiles with combined uranium, the british authorities previously reported. vladimir putin responded by saying that russia would be forced to respond accordingly, and the foreign ministry noted that the use of such weapons would have long-term consequences. this is another british provocation, which is aimed at bringing out the situation around ukraine, but a new round of aggression, conflict and confrontation, to give a qualitatively different dimension to this. the president of russia already spoke yesterday. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that this statement was made at the right time. well, it happened. and i think that this was done intentionally by the british side
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, this statement was made against the backdrop of russian chinese talks in moscow at the highest level. great britain to supply, probably, to the nazis ammunition from a nuclear component commented the president of belarus and alexander lukashenko, he expressed doubt that the words of official london would become deeds and shared his hope that in the near future it would be possible to discuss the issue with responsible people in the united kingdom. in general, such an intention, according to the head of the republic, is simply insanity , such steps. the west open the way to a sharp and escalation with real uranium, if they are madmen, then they will give an impetus to this process, this is the worst and most dangerous, so you need to get a little away from madness side and then these ammunition will explode on the positions of the russian troops, you will see
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the answer will be terrible for the whole planet, the lesson will be for russia, not only the poor urals, you know this very well, therefore, i think that this hmm this trend in this e war in terms of escalation and you don't have to start. we must move. so here putin is sitting with a pin talking about a peaceful settlement and the russian russian leadership and china, one of the world's largest powers, and many, many others. e agree with this. fresh boiled small cappuccino for only 35 rubles. only in the application
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apparently a ceremony took place in the kremlin the presentation of the annual award of the president of russia in the field of literature and art for works for children of youth, as well as the award for young artists , the laureates who received awards from the hands of vladimir putin decrees were published on the eve of the award according to tradition. on the eve of the day of the cultural worker, it is celebrated in russia on march 25. and each of today's laureates can be told for a long time, but no words will say more about you than your work, your contribution to russian culture to the development of russian society, the restoration of young generations, a disinterested contribution of exceptional artistic and educational value.
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true talent, great diligence and boundless love for the native country and for our people that unites all generations of masters and cinema of the fine musical art of russia. i congratulate everyone on the award of well-deserved and residential great creative success in new achievements and all the best. chinese president's state visit to russia completed this morning , a chinese aircraft number flew from moscow to beijing one on the occasion of the departure of cdnp at vnukovo airport a solemn ceremony was held , the chinese and russian national flags were raised. anthems of the two countries performed the chinese leader, proceeded to the board along the red carpet accompanied by the musical accompaniment of a military band. russian deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko and a number of
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other officials saw off the jinping chairman at the plane's airstairs. the western press called the rapprochement between russia and china a real threat to the us and allies augusti foreign ministry and nato criticize the plan to resolve the conflict in ukraine represented by the prc and how the moscow meeting was covered in china , our own correspondent in beijing , alexander balitsky, will tell about this. this is the cutting edge of great power diplomacy, and we in the kremlin's st. george's hall are exactly the cutting edge of diplomacy, chinese journalists call this meeting in moscow. but the final statement of the leaders of russia in china only demonstrates the historical and global significance of the visit of the president of the prc, which, respectively? i
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would like to sum up the results of this speech in in three words, namely deeper mutual trust more cooperation and more responsibility. this trust has become the exact basis that determines the relationship between the two countries. what the leaders talked about in moscow more than once setting an example to the whole world. how to conduct business, chinese russian relations adhere to the principles of non-alignment, non- confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties. at the same time, the international situation does not affect the chinese russian relations in the same way as noted by chairman c and not stable mature and not subject to the influence of any third parties, having their own internal motivation china and russia trust each other politically to complete each other economically and learn from each other culturally. and this makes a huge contribution to global stability, chinese reporters also note the unprecedented respect with which the head of the prc was received by putin, who and how met the guard of honor, the composition of the negotiators in the middle kingdom, where ceremony and protocol are treated with a large pet
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paid attention to every detail. well of course, to put pressure on an impressive package of agreements first of all, those interested in their own development, and cooperation with moscow brings tangible dividends and the new agreements confirmed by the leaders in the economic news are presented as a breakthrough and putin putin noted that almost all indicators of the siberian 2 gas pipeline project to china are agreed and russian companies are able to meet growing needs. china in energy. whether it is in accordance with the terms of the contract. or even more putin also said that russia is ready to support chinese companies to replace those that are leaving russia, and the parties will continue to encourage the practice of mutual settlements in their own currencies. but this is what the west calls chinese support for russia, which helps to circumvent sanctions, and in general, according to the opinion of the united states and europe , xi flew to moscow to show that he is on her side, including in the ukrainian conflict, therefore, in the statement of the leaders, all
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waited for what putin and citro would say is treated impartially, and most importantly with an understanding of the background, but western reporters do not let up and at a briefing at the foreign ministry again pull out. so why is xi not calling zelensky then? china's position boils down to one phrase to advise on reconciliation and encourage negotiations, regarding your question, our position is consistent and clear, and china is in communication with all parties. so, in the statement following the results of the negotiations in moscow, there was so much about the inadmissibility of deaf thinking when the need for a ceasefire and about the fact that moscow and the kins continue to oppose the expansion of military alliances , well, moscow does not refuse the negotiation process , and it’s the west that slows it down in china. in a situation where the chinese themselves are facing enormous external pressure, it is more important than ever to stand together. this is not only support for each other, but also global stability in general, which beijing
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calls the main result. negotiations in moscow alexander ballsky for nikolai's partner petrov vesti, china sberbank presents a profitable loan with the lowest rate over the past 10 years from 4% per annum apply for a loan at sberbank and get a monthly cashback, obviously profitable. on my feet all day and my back gets tired from work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle controversial on a daily basis, but how to protect the joints thanks to the special collagen form of the artneo triple helix, contributes to support. joint health. artem just one capsule a day to protect the joints and spine market everything you can buy more and get a good discount, for example, olives, he is topping for only 9 rubles. with
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, your springs dissolved. how are you tired of the sofa, treat things easier with a loan from sberbank with a rate of 4% per annum and a monthly felt bag, obviously. russia is ready to switch to settlements in chinese currency from other countries, vladimir putin said this when this could happen and what are the overall prospects for the yuan as a reserve currency, we will ask anna lazareva. she good afternoon, what they say about this expert alexander hello after a couple of years in international settlements. the yuan may overtake the yen and the pound instead of the dollars and the euro , the yuan in the chinese currency is already a significant part of russia's foreign trade transactions. increased more than 30 times from half a percent to
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sixteen percent. and the share of the ruble from 12:00 to 34 was reported by the central bank, that is, two currencies - this is 50%. judging from the latest statements by the president of the proportion, the yuan will rise. already the third trade turnover between our countries is carried out in rubles and yuan. we are in favor of using chinese yuan in settlements between the russian federation and strange asian african latin americans, i am sure these forms of settlements will be developed between russian partners and their, uh, colleagues in the third, as i have already said. yuan, introduced in 1949 the year when the people's republic of china was formed until 2005, its rate was rigidly pegged to the us dollar from the 2000s , the prc authorities launched a program to
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turn the national currency into an international main role. in this program , hong kong was assigned, on the stock exchanges of which new financial products denominated in yuan and available to foreign investors, according to experts, appeared. china is interested in the internationalization of its currency and is taking slow but consistent steps for this. there are chinese accordingly, uh, a developed payment system. and if i'm not mistaken at the moment, there are about twenty-five, uh countries . hmm has direct access, respectively, to the uh of the chinese national payment system si and , accordingly, to the payment system to this overseas interbank payment system. 2011, the yuan ranked seventeenth in world trade in the thirteenth for the first time entered the top
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ten as of january 23. it accounted for 2% of world settlements , the chinese currency was in fifth place in world, but the next couple of years can change a lot, experts say. i think that this year in the twenty-third year there will be a doubling of the turnover of the yuan. that is, it will reach another 4% of world turnover. and it will be such an interesting breakthrough. uh, and it probably won't stop there. and i think in 20 uh fourth. well, so to speak, following the results of the twenty-fifth year. we will see what i did not overtake uh, the japanese yen the british pound 2015 the russian central bank included the yuan in its basket of reserve currencies in addition to the us canadian and australian dollars euro pound yen and swiss franc the share of chinese currency in gold and foreign exchange reserves at the beginning of the twenty-second was 17% the imf added the yuan to the world basket of reserve currencies in 2015. there it
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is adjacent to the us dollar euro franc yen, and 16 to 22 years its share has increased since the eighties up 2.8%, 22nd, however, in order for the yuan to become full. as a valuable reserve currency, it should be freely convertible with a floating rate, while the chinese authorities prefer to ensure its stability. thank you she prospects yuan, as the world's reserve currency said anna lazareva all the details were announced by minister sergei shoigu and now we bring to your attention a recording from this event, good afternoon dear colleagues, we will discuss the progress of implementation. plans for the activities of the aerospace forces and the eastern
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military district, the importance of the air forces in modern warfare can hardly be overestimated. confirms the armed conflicts of recent decades. at last year's enlarged meeting of a colleague of the ministry of defense , the supreme commander-in-chief noted the important role of this branch of the armed forces - special war. the operation set the task of further improving the capabilities and training level of personnel. during the special operation, up to 90% of the crew, 60% of operational-tactical and army aviation received strategic aviation data, 85% of the personnel with complexes. during the operation , more than 140,000 sorties were made in total. the aerospace forces have destroyed more
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than 20,000 enemy targets and a less important task military transport aviation pilots are performing in the special operation zone, delivering cargo and personnel around the clock. one of the priorities in the direction of the development of the aerospace forces is to equip the troops with a promising air defense and missile defense system this year completed the modernization of the missile defense system of the city of moscow by the end of the year, it is planned to carry out 33 major organizational events. in including the formation of a division and an air defense brigade, a special-purpose missile brigade, an air defense regiment with a complex from the 350th regiment, permanent
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combat duty , an outer space control station, and with this, we will complete the construction of 621 facilities, military infrastructure for many aerospace forces. according to the state armament program this year , the aerospace forces will receive 507 pieces of equipment, thus the share of modern air force weapons by the end of the year will reach 85%, which corresponds to the set pace of development and ensuring the solution of priority tasks in all areas, with regard to the eastern military district , the military-political situation within the boundaries of its responsibility remains difficult to contain russia china the united states is significantly increasing its military presence in the asian pacific region to strengthen the political and military connections. with its
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allies continuing to create a new american security architecture in this region, the troops of the eastern war are maintaining stability within the boundaries of its responsibility and is actively involved in the development of military cooperation with friendly countries, only last year. and the intensity of combat training of the troops is decreasing, last year more than 8,000 events took place, operational combat training. the key one, of which the strategic team became the headquarters exercise, the east pacific fleet completed, 22 campaigns of the pacific indian and atlantic, the ocean region, both as single
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ships and as part of a detachment, performed between the theater and maneuvers of the north pacific flag across the arctic ocean nuclear submarine cruisers prince oleg and novosibirsk as well as a diesel submarine, magadan conducted the second joint patrol of the ships of the pacific fleet and the naval forces of the people's liberation army. china's northwestern pacific ocean, the combat capabilities of the eastern military district have significantly increased. last year. he received about 400 units of modern and modernized equipment. among them nuclear submarine cruiser aircraft su-57 zenith missile systems tor m2 dt and negotiations missile system score to create a continuous zone of control of the surface situation along the islands of the kuril ridge december 2022 on the island of the shire ferry on
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combat duty entered the division while its bastion missile system continues to recruit formations of the military units of the district with officer cadres last year for officer positions more than two and a half thousand people have been appointed, the reconstruction of the baikal amur mainline will have to take place during the flood period in three regions. federal districts population in three crossings in the republic of buryatia, the primorsky territory of the amur region, will provide the passage of over 15,000 local residents and 10,000 pieces of equipment in the current year, the deployment of the construction of military infrastructure facilities of all governments should be
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primarily aimed at ensuring the units involved in the special military operation and neutralization. military security in the eastern strategic direction, we will begin consideration of the issue of preparations for the military parade on red square dedicated to the seventy-eighth anniversary victory in the great patriotic war. participation of more than 10,000 people, as well as 125 units of weapons of military equipment in total this year , military parades will be held from 28 cities of russia . they will involve more than 55,000 people . 1,200 units of weapons of military equipment our people remember the lessons of the past well, knowing that only by uniting can we defeat the enemy. unfortunately, we are now seeing a resurgence of the disastrous ideologies of nazism as attempts
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to rewrite history to justify the perpetrators. like which blood and russian military personnel, like the red army during great patriotic war commit feats to act courageously and decisively. this testifies to the continuity of generations . loyalty to our heroic traditions and the desire to protect civilians from neo-nazis. today, from 4 am to 56 minutes , an attempt was made to hit our objects in the crimea in sevastopol with unmanned aerial vehicles. all devices, all three devices , were destroyed. i would like to draw your attention to two devices that were also destroyed by a sailor of the field contract service, marina


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