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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 22, 2023 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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capital 10 we continue the morning broadcast. and what have you learned so far? the visit of the chinese leader to russia has become the central theme of the international press in the united states, the publication notes moscow and beijing are getting closer; this was provoked by washington itself and its allies in germany. the alliance of russia and china is called a threat to the west. the kiev regime will receive from the uk shells for tanks with a nuclear component , officially announced this, such ammunition is distinguished by a special
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armor-piercing power. at the same time, they infect the area for decades and lead to oncological diseases. over 850 people were detained in france during a rally against pension reform on a huge city street every night, protesters burn garbage cans. russian alexander ovechkin broke the record of the legendary dream warrior, we are talking about the number of seasons in the nhl with forty or more goals at night, our hockey player clogged up again. now he has 13 such seasons for the canadian, 12. the state visit of chinese leaders xi jinping to russia ended this morning, the plane with the chinese president took off from vnukovo-2 airport. our correspondent varvara nevskaya works there now she is live varvara greetings, we are waiting for the details. alexandra, i again greet you and our viewers before dawn
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, dozens of journalists gathered here in vnukovo-2 near moscow. now we can see the runway behind me absolutely freely, but just an hour and a half ago there was a huge number of representatives of the press, photographers , video cameras writing journalists, and this is understandable. after all, the occasion corresponding to the ninth official state visit of chinese president xi jinping to moscow the dear chinese guest has come to the end of the air harbor. guards of honor awaited. and the military band at the end of the state visit was in no way inferior in solemnity to the way the capital met last monday.
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to see off the head of the prc from the russian side , the government will freeze dmitry chernyshenko, deputy foreign minister andrey rudenko and russian ambassador to the people's republic of china igor margulov, a lively conversation between the russian ban and the chinese the chairman continued and the loss of the aircraft was a firm handshake and the chinese delegation boarded. exactly at 8:30 moscow time, the chinese aircraft number one soared into the sky, let me remind you. it was the first foreign trip of the head of china after re-election. let me remind you that the board of the chairman si landed at the airport, vnukovo on
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monday. around one o'clock in the afternoon, the distinguished guest was also solemnly greeted at the gangway by a military band, which performed the anthem of china and russia already from the vnukovo cortege. i went straight to the kremlin where an informal conversation took place about xi jinping with vladimir putin, it is known that the head of state addressed the distinguished guest. otherwise, as a dear friend, the leaders of the countries talked face to face for almost four and a half hours, but the focus of the conversation was the most sensitive and most important topics, and the presidents discussed the whole range of issues on topical international and regional problems, including issues of economic interaction between the two powers , as well as a plan for a peaceful settlement in ukraine proposed by beijing, the main negotiations were held on the eve of march 21 from the beginning in a narrow, and then in a wide and expanded format, but on his second day of stay in the russian capital, xi jinping
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began meetings with prime minister mikhail mishustin , the chinese president told the russian prime minister that he had invited president vladimir putin to visit china this year. he recalled that in 2023 china will host the third international high-level forum one train one way, the previous two forms. i remember putin. participated from government house at the end of the meeting with mishustin, xi went, and in the kremlin in the st. george hall in a solemn atmosphere. met him personally. vladimir putin, after which they moved to the hall of the order of st. catherine, where just the same official negotiations began at the meeting. almost all high-ranking officials from the russian government of this deputy chairman of the security council dmitry medvedev, head of the ministry of foreign affairs sergey lavrov, head of the ministry defense sergei shoigu also aides to president maxim oreshkin yuri
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ushakov is again russian ambassador to china igor margulov. uh, the head of the central bank, elvira nabiullina, and by the number of those present, and the politicians and the departments they head , you can understand what the topics are. how many of them were and were at the center of this lively rich dialogue, which lasted about 6 hours. according to the russian president , a very informative and frank admins was quoted with opinions about the prospects for further vision of russian chinese ties and strengthening coordination on the world stage. the chairman of the style, in turn, noted that thanks to the common efforts, bilateral relations are demonstrating. and the stable dynamics of the development of the talks between moscow and beijing at the highest level ended with the signing of a number of documents on cooperation in a wide range of areas. this is the economy, energy , finance, and much more, but the main documents signed by the leaders
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of our states were a joint statement on deepening russian-chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interactions entering the new era and a joint statement on the development plan for key areas of russian-chinese economic cooperation until 2030. it is known that at the end of this large-scale very detailed conversation. a solemn dinner was given in the faceted chamber of the kremlin and at the end of it, and the leaders very warmly said goodbye to each other. vladimir putin personally escorted xi jinping to his cars and wished him a happy journey, while the state fixed the already existing course. to a comprehensive strategic partnership in a bilateral format and in the international arena, and it is obvious that this dialogue will continue and russia china has reached a new level of relations, the highest in the history of partnership between the states
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alexandra varvara nevskaya said at the end of the state visit of chinese president xi jinping to russia following the talks in moscow, vladimir putin and the chairman of the knrpion signed a number of important documents, one of them is a joint statement on a plan for the development of key areas of the russian chinese economic cooperation up to 30 years. maria grigorieva will tell what priorities have been identified russia china has identified priorities for the development of bilateral economic cooperation by the end of this decade . goals to maintain the trend of dynamic growth, trade in goods and services between the two countries and the desire to ensure a significant increase in its volume in 2030 .
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the task was set to multiply the volume of trade in goods and services, to deepen ties in eight strategic areas , primarily financial , industrial and technological and transport and logistics areas, the government of russia and china, the business circles of our two countries should proceed without hesitation to the practical elaboration of the provisions of the statement and agree on a set of measures to implementation, saturated with specific mutually beneficial initiatives and projects. so what are these eight strategic directions? the first is scaling up and optimizing the structure of trade, including electronic development of investment cooperation, deepening interaction in the areas of the digital economy , and the formation of a favorable business environment. the next point in the development of an interconnected logistics system, which includes all types of communications, both freight and passenger, it concerns any type of transport
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, rail, road, air, river and sea, it is proposed to focus on the mutually beneficial implementation of transit the potential of the two countries, primarily through the elimination of bottlenecks and improvement of infrastructure on the russian-chinese border, increasing the efficiency of customs clearance and inspection procedures. the topic of the northern sea route, touched upon at the talks in an expanded format, also belongs to the sphere of logistics. vladimir putin recalled that russia proposes to create a joint group with china to develop this corridor. moreover, i will add to enter into working relations, many have previously tried on this issue, but moscow gave preference to beijing, as vladimir putin noted, it is with the chinese partners that russia considers cooperation promising. in terms of mastering the transit potential of the northern sea, putin, russia and china as a whole intend to actively develop international transport and logistics corridors, the idea is to more intensively use the potential of the trans-siberian and
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baikal-amur railways of the northern sea route of the multi-lane trans-euro-trans asian highways to jointly guarantee their stable functioning increase increasing the efficiency of cargo for the transportation of goods and passengers, putin also said that a serious incentive for the development of trade and investment cooperation is the expansion of the practice of settlements in national currencies in the first three quarters of last year, the share of the ruble and yuan in mutual commercial transactions reached 65% and continues to grow, the president noted that added the head of state allows to secure mutual trade from the influence of third countries and negative trends in world currencies. national currencies are another key areas of russian-chinese economic cooperation. and here it is worth noting that russia's transition to international settlements in yuan is not done with
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the aim of undermining the position of the dollar, as the world's reserve currency in our country was put in such conditions by well-known manipulations. the next priority is to strengthen the comprehensive partnership. in the sphere. the energy industry implementing strategic projects will not only meet the interests of both countries, but also promote the global energy transition, as well as large-scale plans for shijin told the results of the talks in moscow. we will strengthen cooperation within multilateral structures, including the sco brix g20, promote true multilateralism and contribute to the recovery of the world economy in the post -pandemic period, build up constructive force in the formation of a multipolar world and improve the global governance system, make a great contribution to global food security , energy security and security supply chains
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long-term cooperation in the field of mutual supply of basic commodities and mineral resources, including metals and chemical fertilizers of chemical industry products , deep processing of resources will be established in russia and china from here, the next key moment is to promote exchanges and expand cooperation in the fields of technology and innovation. the goal of this is to provide technological leadership by circling the following list of key areas of achievement. were of high quality industrial cooperation the formation of new production chains harmonization of industry standards and technical requirements increase the value added of manufactured products. well, the final point is a significant increase in the level of cooperation. in agriculture , the expansion of mutual doses of the admission of agricultural products with a guarantee of safety , building up investment cooperation in the field of the agro-industrial complex. everything to ensure the food security of the two countries. head of the ministry of economic development of russia in in this regard, he noted that negotiations are now underway on the supply of pork. in china , industrial cooperation is also developing
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, and joint ventures are emerging. more and more skner companies are investing in projects in our country. the joint package of investment projects of the russian chinese has reached 165 billion us dollars, these are about 80 of the most serious projects from gas chemical complexes, large transport projects , large projects related to woodworking with the chinese side , we are discussing issues of building an independent payment financial infrastructure infrastructure is also in the focus of events. well, definitely. we are interested in the supply of agricultural products to the chinese market of agricultural products between russia and china is growing at a faster pace than last year. its volume increased by almost 41.5% in monetary terms, the indicators reached $ 7 billion, and the growth was uniform on both sides of our countries ' good cooperation in the field of civil aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding
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and automotive production. and as noted vladimir putin is ready to support chinese business in the issue of replacing the production of western enterprises that left russia the western press calls the rapprochement between russia and china a real threat to the united states and allies china will be told by our correspondent in beijing, alexander valevsky, the region of diplomacy of the great powers, and we are in the st. george hall of the kremlin, just like that , the cutting edge of diplomacy chinese journalists and call this meeting in moscow but the final statement of the leaders of russia china only demonstrates the historical and global significance of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china. i would like to sum up the results of this speech in three words, namely, deeper mutual trust, more cooperation and more responsibility. this trust has become exactly the basis for determining the relationship between the two
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countries. what the leaders talked about in moscow more than once setting an example to the whole world. how to do business, china russian relations adhere to the principles of non-alignment, non-alignment confrontation and not targeting a third party, at the same time, the international situation does not affect the sino-russian relations in the same way as the chairman noted, they are stable, mature and not influenced by any third parties, having their own internal motivation. china russia trust each other, politically complement each other economically and learn from each other culturally. and this makes a huge contribution to global stability, chinese reporters note here the unprecedented respect with which the head of china putin received who and how met the guard of honor, the composition of the negotiators in the middle kingdom, where the ceremonial protocol is treated with great reverence and paid attention to every detail.
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and of course, to put pressure on an impressive package of agreements first of all, those interested in their own development, and cooperation with moscow brings tangible dividends and the new agreements confirmed by the leaders in the economic news are presented as a breakthrough and putin putin noted that almost all indicators of the gas pipeline project are the strength of siberia 2 in china aligned and russian companies are able to meet growing needs. china in energy. whether it is in accordance with the terms of the contract. or even more , putin also said that russia is ready to support chinese companies to replace those that are leaving russia and the parties will continue to encourage the practice of mutual settlements in their own currencies. but the west also calls this chinese support for russia, which helps to circumvent sanctions? and in general , in the opinion of both the usa and europe, xi flew to moscow, to show that he is on her side, including including in the ukrainian conflict, therefore, in the statement of the leaders. everyone was waiting for what putin and xi would say about ukraine. it had to be without surprises. china once again confirmed that it is not a party to the conflict with an impartial attitude, and most importantly, with an understanding of the background, but western reporters do not
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let up and at a briefing at the foreign ministry again pull out. so why is xi not calling zelensky then? china’s position boils down to one phrase ; is clear and china is in communication with all parties. here is the statement following the talks. there was so much in moscow about the inadmissibility of deaf thinking and about the need for a ceasefire and about the fact that moscow and beijing continue to oppose the expansion of military alliances. well , moscow does not refuse the negotiation process, and it’s just the west that slows it down in china, they don’t just see it , but also strongly emphasize. how is it that in such conditions, when the chinese themselves are facing enormous external pressure, it is more important than ever to stand together. this is not only support for each other, but also global stability in general, which beijing calls the main result. in moscow alexander balitsky gleb on steam nikolai petrov lead, china the russian military in the south-donetsk direction successfully repulsed the attacks of the armed forces,
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causing them significant damage in the zaporozhye direction, our gunners destroyed the enemy’s guns, all the details were told in the press service of the vostok group in the south-donetsk direction the enemy forces of the seventy-second mechanized brigade. vsu made two unsuccessful attempts counterattack units of the grouping, east marines of the pacific fleet. supported by artillery. all attacks were repelled, more than 20 nationalists were destroyed with the calculation of the anti-aircraft missile system. osa km. an unmanned aerial vehicle leka was shot down in the zaporozhye direction as part of a counter-battery fight. with the help of the complex , penicillin was also discovered by the calculation of the self-propelled artillery installation named after. stas destroyed an enemy howitzer in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of nuts by the calculation of the anti-aircraft missile system. bug downed unmanned aerial vehicle.
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mileage pledges in the autoteke on avito can you get 180 days without interest on a gazprombank credit card in six months? now, to the situation on the moscow exchange this morning, the dollar is worth about 77 rubles, slightly exceeding this mark, the euro is trading in the region of 82 rubles. and 90 kopecks. yuan. it costs more than 11 rubles. moscow exchange index at the opening of trading. e 2.383
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points a rts - 977 points. in the nhl, washington held a beautiful ceremony in honor of the release of its captain alexander ovechkin to second place in the history of the league in the mountains there were all memorable gifts and video congratulations support for the fans alexandra abramov will tell all the details for washington it was a special evening before the home game against columbus, the captain was honored capital alexander ovechkin in second place in the list of the best nhl snipers in the history of the league ovechkin came out 23 more december, but the ceremony passed. only now after almost 3 months on the list of the greatest in front of ovechkin now only wayne walnuts he is organic my entire nhl career i play in the same team a lot of things were we won the stanley cup rewrote a lot of records from the very first day in the league i can not leave the feeling that i'm dreaming . and it's just a dream come true around the fairy
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arena stadium. and what is most important on the ice this evening. everything was done in the style of ovechkin's number eight and that ovechkin's 802th goal in manhail 's career, after which the attacker took second place in the historical list, the team arrived at the match in special t-shirts for the pre-match roll-out of all hockey players. washington came out in a sweater with eight. on the back, later they will be sold at a charity auction, every fan who was at the stadium that evening received a figurine of ovechkin with a counter of his goals scored bian asks. it was a special evening. such ceremonies are something that is remembered for a lifetime. i'm very happy for alex always nice see his family. in general, he is an amazing hockey player and a good person. the stadium's faest built a symbolic sheep's throne for us, consisting of 82 pucks in an on-ice ceremony attended by washington and nhl officials and family. ovechkin's wife anastasia with two children, brother mikhail and mother olympic
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basketball champion tatyana ovechkina captain washington received memorable gifts. the holiday continued on the ice. especially at the beginning of the first period. at the fifth minute. ovechkin has already scored in the scoring episode. ovechkin gave the transfer to a partner, but after the puck ricocheted into the goal before the game celebrated 802 career goals. and that puck is already 820. today was a really big moment for me and for the entire washington capitals organization. it's a pity that this ceremony did not help us win the celebratory match in washington. as a result, he lost 66 in regulation time and lost in overtime capital captain alexandra ovechkin became the eighth hockey player this season, who crossed the line of 40 goals, all the rest of whom this year. it also succeeded at 10-12 years younger ovechkin on how washington's eight turns out to maintain its level after the game. the head coach of washington lake argued.
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ovechkin has been playing at the highest level since he came to this league and there is no such thing that over the years ovechkin has at least become worse in some way, he still plays quickly aggressively and has enough strength even for overtime, he himself understands that his presence on the ice makes the difference in the nhl's regular season in washington, d.c. has 10 games left before the team gets into the playoff zone and risks not even competing this year. for the cup stanley alexander abramov and the martuet are ready to lead. i am a programmer hairdresser bricklayer poet welder. i made a decision to volunteer for my own. i'm going to protect my loved ones. well, in fact, the interests of their country quickly. we are preparing fighters for saving the blood of the district military registration and enlistment office passed before your eyes. i
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’ll wring out 7 immediately on my fists, now i believe everything. go, make out , step over yourself and stay on the sidelines. i just can't. representatives of the market worked like clockwork.
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it was 1.2 billion rubles. you don't see it i do not look for any violation of the law, in the example of the tuns of the wire market 60-70 million. they went to an unknown direction, who covered the dark affairs of financial tycoons, never trust anyone and will fight to the last to justify them. we took this case and conducted our own investigation.
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dear minister, last week we finished all the meetings with the factions of the state duma , which traditionally take place on the eve of the report of the prime minister in the state duma, and i want to say that the dialogues were very rich, throughout the development agenda of the country concerned. they are the development of our small-medium enterprise agriculture industry of the digital economy. naturally. we talked a lot about the social sphere about support measures for families with children.


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