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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 21, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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[000:01:20;00] and again, the first topic of the issue of interaction between russia and china is an example of a new type of relationship, the chinese state-owned newspaper global times writes about this . answering that cooperation between moscow and beijing is based on mutual respect and such relations emphasize the publication, it is especially valued against the backdrop of a new surge in the cold war, which is being pumped up by the united states also, according to other chinese media, the state visit of the president of china to russia suggests that attempts to isolate moscow and beijing have failed. what assessments are given by western media anna voronina will tell global
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confrontation and the new world order, this is exactly what xi jingping's visit to moscow demonstrates , according to journalists the washington post in the publication indicates that things are moving at least to a new cold war and china has shown. whose side did the visit to russia create the conditions for a global confrontation. at the same time , beijing is ready to use its partnership with moscow to counter washington, and russia is a partner in this struggle. it's not clear yet. will this confrontation escalate, pushing the three nuclear powers to the brink of third world war. or it will only be the beginning of cold war 2.0, but this visit shows which side china is on russia iran is against the usa great britain and other allies of the fan in the struggle for global influence due to the alliance with countries such as south africa and saudi arabia and unbreakable relations between russia and china write in the new york times. the publication notes the anxiety of the western bloc in the first place, and possibly military support. you are from beijing in the ukrainian
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conflict the image of the union, if not in the official treaty, then in gestures and expressions it caused alarm in the west that china, in its support for russia, could go beyond diplomacy and economics, perhaps with the help of weapons for war, thereby strengthening a powerful bloc against nato and the united states, the publication quotes the statement of the american secretary of state. he criticized the visit of the chinese leader to moscow, calling it a diplomatic cover for russia, but the white house representatives demanded from xi, jinping. now to meet with zelensky, we call on the president to play a constructive role by talking to the president zelensky, which he has not done since the scattering started this invasion, because frankly we believe that china should hear directly from the ukrainians, not just the russians, and we call on president xi to press president putin directly on the need to respect the sovereignty of the territorial the integrity of ukraine, which will certainly be closely
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monitored by the world and china's neighbors , but threats are already being heard in the senate if the chinese yes need to deprive beijing of trade preferences , it also justifies this by necessity protect american workers as we face a new age of competition from china we need an agenda in washington that makes our working class strong and independent we can start by canceling the love deal the washington elites made with china 23 years ago to put end normal trade relations by imposing high tariffs and defending american workers that washington is suspicious of china as a middleman. writes french lemon. it is celebrated by western countries. beijing tensions have developed and if china intends to fix it then should put pressure on moscow on the reaction of the united states focused their attention. italian carriage journalists writes that the meeting in moscow
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and washington and brussels considers only a cover, and the very idea of ​​peace talks on the plan. the west intends to crush beijing. a media counteroffensive is underway to nip in the bud any hopes or illusions americans believe that this summit could open a window for negotiations the us has spoken out on two fronts provided a report on war crimes committed by the russians and announced the dispatch of the thirty-fourth package of armament equipment to the ukrainian army. the european union is also following in the footsteps of the americans, foreign ministers, the eu gave the go-ahead for the supply of ammunition to zelensky for 2 billion euros, the german press paid more attention to the friendly communication between the two leaders. and in particular, the fact that xi jinping called vladimir putin a dear friend, but spiegel completely decided to move away from geopolitical alignments and concentrated while studying the dishes that were treated to the head of china in moscow, however, journalists nevertheless noted that, despite numerous sanctions
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, this visit clearly demonstrates that there is no talk of isolating russia, but of voronin . elizaveta likhacheva new director of the pushkin museum the order on her appointment was signed today by the minister of culture elizaveta likhacheva of art critics for almost 17 years. she worked at the shchusev museum of architecture, and in recent years she successfully managed it for 6 years . she managed to increase attendance four times museums became one of the most popular cultural institutions in the country and was rightfully recognized as a leader in the field of architectural history on a new one built zavet likhacheva replaced marina loshak her predecessor managed the pushkin state museum for the last 10 years she wrote a resignation of her own free will. this is my decision, i was preparing for it, consciously, realizing that everything should happen on time and
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this case was on purpose. elizaveta likhacheva was born in moscow and graduated with honors from the faculty of history of moscow state university in 2006 year came to work at the shchusev museum of architecture. in 2017, she was appointed to the position of director for almost 6 years, her leadership held more than 80 exhibitions , among them such significant ones as the architecture of stadiums matvey kazakov and before the fire moscow the era of modernity shukhov the formula of architecture, as well as temporary exposition the melnikov museum expanded its permanent position by presenting unique frescoes from the flooded trinity makariev monastery in kalyazin reconstructed turned into a modern exhibition space outbuilding ruin on the territory museum one of the main merits of likhachev's work with the legacy of the russian avant-garde architect konstantin melnikov and the beginning of the study and restoration of his house in krivorbatsky lane over the past 6 years , museum attendance has quadrupled. russian strategic missile carriers tu-95ms
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flew over the neutral waters of the sea of ​​​​japan , it took more than 7 hours for this house by a long-range aviation aircraft, they were accompanied by su-30 and su-35 multifunctional fighters of the ministry of defense emphasize the planned flight traditionally was held in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. in crimean dzhankoy, the investigative committee is investigating the circumstances of the drone attack the raid took place at night air defense worked clearly, but shot down all the drones, but their fragments damaged a private house and a shop where a local resident was injured in the city there is an emergency mode reporting by our correspondent in crimea yan with a dash of dzhan klochesov in the evening ukrainian drones attacked the city, he thrashed right next to it. ah-ah-ah, i didn’t even get into the house, but
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there were several drones and they were aiming. there are no military or even infrastructure facilities on civilian buildings on one of the central streets of the city, but the drone hit a residential building, another fell very close to the school. this is how the place where the ukrainian drones hit looks like, a grocery store on perekopsky street, dzhankoy, it can be seen that the roof was destroyed, the glass was broken and the fragments of the ukrainian drone were damaged when cars parked nearby inside the destroyed store. and here is the wing . the explosion damaged power lines. now experts are restoring them at the time of the impact in the store, there were people injured , a man was wounded, so to speak, of moderate severity, delivered on time. uh, all the help needed in this direction is noteworthy is the inscription on the blades of one of the us-made drones launched by kiev
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, its fragments found on the territory of the dzhankoy technical school a drone stuffed with shrapnel ; there were civilians, the drone fell between the dormitory and the educational building in a blast wave the windows were shattered, but no one was hurt. drones were shot down over civilian children who were in dormitories were evacuated, we will restore the dormitory as soon as possible. restoration work has been going on all night and they continue today . fsb officers of the investigative committee and the ministry of defense are working on the spot . that the situation is under control lead, crimea in the suburbs of volnovakha, at an abandoned stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, they found ammunition and
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weapons and equipment from nato countries, the national guard removed grenade launchers and shots for them from a cache of anti-tank missile systems, as well as a large number of hand grenades, anti-personnel mines and a remote control for a large-caliber machine gun. at the same time, the soldiers cleared the approaches to the fortifications , ensuring the safety of civilians euro under the program of macro-financial assistance this was announced on tuesday, the head of the european commission. ursula fonderlei. next comes the quote. today we have another one and a half billion euros for ukraine, she wrote on twitter and now it’s time for news of the economy vtb expects the growth of the deposit in yuan, the deposits of individuals will double by the end of the year in the first quarter will grow by a billion yuan to 7-7 billion. growth. at the beginning of the year
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, more than 15%, the bank's press service reported, the portfolio of ruble deposits also continues to grow in january-february, it added 6% and reached three trillion rubles in total retail savings. at the beginning of the year, it grew by more than 50 billion rubles. and reached five and a quarter trillion. the payment systems of iran and russia have fully united soon it will be possible to open company accounts, we make payments without using swift, we only need a legislative framework, the iranian minister of economy and finance said in an interview with the agency. ria novosti the elimination of currency barriers will expand trade relations. in addition, iran looks forward to the launch of the north-south corridor until 2025, it will connect russia with iran and further with india , the section on iranian territory remains unfinished, an agreement on its construction should be concluded this year. kamaz will deliver a thousand electric buses to moscow within 2 years
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, the company said in a statement, the amount of the deal with the carrier mosgortrans is more than 63 billion rubles. this is the largest contract in europe for this type of transport every month , 50 new cars will be released on the route of the capital. kamaz noted that they were able to quickly carry out import substitution event and find new component suppliers. analysts at the american bank goldman sachs lowered their oil price forecasts for the next 12 months from $100 to $94 per barrel. prices collapsed despite rising demand in china and this is due to the difficult situation in the banking sector and growing investor fears about a global recession. according to goldman sachs' latest forecast, oil may rise to $97 no earlier than the second half of 2024. this was the news
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buy new tires more profitable on avito the names of the new winners of the russian president's prize for young children of culture have become known according to the results of last year, vladimir putin is named he is published on the official portal of legal information sergei polunin, sculptor ekaterina pilnikova and director aidar zabarov, by another decree, the head of state, awarded prizes in the field of literature and art for a work for children and youth also for 2022. there are better places here, directors alexander galibin. and inessa kovalevskaya, as well as the head of the folk art team, joy viktor galenko. after avdiivka, russian troops entrenched themselves in several settlements, thus they can control
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the supply lines of the all-union advisor temporarily, acting head of the dpr yangagen. i told about it on the air of the fifth studio on our channel. if we talk about avdiivka , then mainly our artillery is working there, on the very fortified areas of the enemy , attacks are also being made on the fortified areas that are located near the city over the past week. e, one and a half e, occupied several settlements. e, to hug avdiivka and use our troops use the experience gained earlier in other assaults. it’s like on a solidarity on artyomovsky , including e, in order to cut off, first of all , e, the garrisons of the cities of fortresses from their lines supplies, uh, so that later uh , in fact, in the environment, the environment is not to talk about it now, ahead of time, but everything is going to the fact that we are leading uh to what we will control. in fact, these supply lines. it is very important. the ukrainian authorities
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closed access to the matches of saints in the kiev-pechersk lavra, the official reason was the work of a special commission. she allegedly has to check the safety of museum exhibits. at the same time, the terms of the commission's work are not called, therefore, for an indefinite period will be closed, as the caves of the lavra, and the exaltation of the cross. and on the conception and e, warm temples . the kiev regime demanded that the clergy of the monks in the canonical church leave the lavra before march 29. in connection with the termination of the lease on the eve of the hierarchy, the uoc tried to talk, so they came to his office about vladimir zelensky, but they waited in vain, the president refused to meet with them. the fifth studio commented on the situation on the air deputy chairman of the synodal department of the moscow patriarchate for
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church relations with society and the media vakhtang kipshidze. many political scientists will qualify this attempt. this action, no matter how useless it is necessary and doomed in advance to failure due to the fact that, as we all can clearly see, the ukrainian authorities have set a very obvious goal of destroying the ukrainian orthodox church and are doing everything to achieve this goal, uh, ignoring basic ideas about the right about conscience about respect for believers. just, accordingly categorically destroying the church, but, nevertheless, for christians. eh, typical. mm, feel the hope of believing that tom or well there, this or that person, can think about what he
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is doing and change his mind. uh, realize the scale of the horror do them lawlessness to them and take a step back, but in the case of zelensky, as you can see, this expression of complete contempt for millions of believing ukrainians did not happen. footage of the special operation from the apartment in grodno where the terrorist was liquidated was published by the kgb of the republic of belarus in the country aleksey lomakin was on a fake russian passport, but he entered from the side and it was established that the man was planning a series of terrorist attacks. in grodno, he found out the possibility of committing sabotage in administrative buildings at the railway station and industrial facilities . on march 19, a special operation to detain an attacker
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took place. the terrorist was mortally wounded in the apartment found 5 kg, explosives and weapons caches. police the capitol is preparing for protests related to the possible indictment of donald trump around the building , a fence is being heavily patrolled. at the same time, the police department believes that more riots should be expected at the estate of the former president in florida or in new york near the trump towers in manhattan , concrete fences and metal fences have already appeared with a call for support, the former president addressed supporters last week, saying that the prosecutor's office was preparing his arrest, allegedly for concealing materials during the investigation of trump's connection with the actress side. the united states in the united states is at a loss as to when the political intrigue will be resolved, fox news sources suggest that donald
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trump is unlikely to appear in court this week, even if he is charged, the police will have to block the streets and provide security at the courthouse, and on it needs time. if the west does not comply with russia's demands, moscow will withdraw from the grain deal in 60 days, this was stated by the ministry of foreign affairs, and vladimir putin called send goods under this initiative not to well-fed countries. vaughn also stated that it is important to understand the progress that can be achieved in the requirements of russia, whether the document, concluded almost a year ago in istanbul, will survive until the summer, emily mersaev understood. the grain deal signed back in july last year between moscow ankara kiev and the un was supposed to save the world from a large-scale food crisis on paper. this is an effective mechanism by which the poorest countries would receive ukrainian grain and fertilizer, but the intermediate milestone of 8 months shows everything
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some. otherwise, we will focus on the package nature of these deals, primarily in the interests of african and other developing countries, bearing in mind that they need large amounts of food and insist on full compliance with key russian requirements in the first place, as i said, showing concern for so that grain fertilizers reach the needy states of africa without going to well-fed european markets to well-fed european countries, according to unoc data, from three ukrainian ports in early march. odessa black sea and southern 7080 ships left in total. they moved. more than half of 3 million tons of grain went to europe and central asia , about a quarter to the asia-pacific region, a little less than 15% to the middle east and north america, and only 3% to african countries , the president of russia has repeatedly called this alignment cynicism. moscow fulfills all
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obligations. in full, our country conscientiously fulfills all its obligations and for the supply of food, fertilizers, fuel and other critically important for the state product continent. by vilifying, thus contributing to their food and energy security. you probably know that part of the resources in the e-e european countries, including fertilizers. we are ready to transfer the first batches to needy countries free of charge, but unfortunately not. fuck you, despite all the restrictions and restrictions on the export of russian grain from russia to africa , almost 12 million tons were sent to the ministry of foreign affairs, they say that the problem is not only with the implementation of the first part of the agreement on the unhindered export of ukrainian grain to the poorest countries, the key issues are related to
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the neglect of the second part of the black sea initiative. it implies action in the export of russian agricultural products and fertilizers to world markets until july 2025, the agreement that spread on november 18 implied an automatic extension, if not one of the countries has objections, then moscow agreed to the prolan hera deal for 120 days until march 18. but this time the claim has accumulated too much, and therefore the term is doubled, in short, 60 days, our diplomats stressed russia has a number of essential requirements that must satisfy the smell. first of all, before connecting the russian agricultural bank. by swift, we are talking about the resumption of supplies of agricultural machinery. in terms of spare parts and services, we are talking about the abolition of restrictions on insurance without insurance and the removal of the ban on access to ports for our ships. after all, something is restoring the work of the ammonia wire, togliatti odessa, and we are talking about unlocking foreign assets and accounts of russian
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companies related to the production and transportation of food and fertilizers. once again, i repeat the requirements of the neva, we talked about this, and we talked about the fact that there is real progress in terms of fulfilling these requirements so far. no, it was noted on smolenskaya square that if the west does not hear moscow, russia will stop participating in the black sea initiative on may 18 and has already been notified about this, turkey, ukraine, and in this case, our country will supply africa with grain free of charge. but the rest of the countries , primarily western ones, will have to it is more difficult without a food deal , grain prices will rise again because russia and ukraine account for it. a third of the world's supply of wheat corn and barley emile mercedes in paris nearly 30 people were detained during a demonstration against pension reform.
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the rally brought together several thousand people . the demonstrators set fire to garbage cans, threw bottles and firecrackers at the police, and the security service responded with tear gas. residents of france are dissatisfied with the increase in the retirement age and demand the resignation of the current authorities the night before. necessary the meeting passed a vote on this lack of confidence in the government, the document was rejected , while the opposition lacked only nine votes. in russia, a criminal case was opened against the well-known blogger alexander mitroshina on suspicion of non-payment of taxes on more than 120 million rubles. according to some reports , she left the country last year , details of the scheme she used to hide income were told to the investigative committee. according to the investigation by mitrushina, being an individual entrepreneur and applying a simplified taxation system
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the lifeless switch to a common system using affiliated individual entrepreneurs controlled by her , thereby alexandra mitroshina evaded paying taxes in the amount of more than 120 million rubles. as part of the investigation of a criminal case by investigators of the moscow investigative committee. together with the employees of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, searches were carried out at the place of registration of the metro bus and other persons, possibly the involvement in the crime committed continues. a single system of a rigid system of control over the world of another person. someone likes this memory
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, someone does not, but it is a memory. and you and i have one winner, we need any victory today. in the kremlin, everything is ready for official negotiations between the delegations of russia and china, the meeting ceremony will begin after 15:00 moscow time , the press secretary of the russian president said. anastasia efimova will tell more about the program of the second day of xi jinping's state visit to russia, dmitry peskov, our colleague expects to appear honored guests of the malachite hall of the grand kremlin palace anastasia hello again. how many russian foreign journalists are waiting to start negotiations with you, how will the official

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