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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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vladimir putin made a working trip to mariupol, according to the kremlin press service , the president went to donbass by helicopter. in mariupol itself, the head of state traveled around several districts while driving a car , inspected the coastline of the theater building . he talked with residents of the nevsky microdistrict to one family by invitation. even came to visit on a trip to mariupol, vladimir putin was accompanied by the deputy prime minister. marat khusnulin, he reported in detail on the progress and restoration of the region, told how the construction of housing for social and educational facilities of the medical institution, as
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well as communal infrastructure. and the course of the special military operation of vladimir putin was reported in rostov-on-don. the president held a meeting at the command post for the treasures were made by the initial general staff of the russian armed forces valery gerasimovnikov.
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and before that, vladimir putin was met in the crimea on the peninsula celebrating 9 years the return of the region to russia, the president came behind the wheel of a car from watching new complexes kherson khersones tauride branch of artek and children's center during a trip to the crimea , vladimir putin was accompanied by the governor of sevastopol mikhail razvozzhaev and the metropolitan. pskov porkhovsky tikhon, he heads the patriarchal council for culture, all the details of the trip from yana are chipped. vladimir putin, whom the governor of sevastopol meets with such an informal remark , came to the peninsula suddenly, as mikhail razvozzhaev wrote in his social networks, the president
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surprised everyone, it was supposed that putin would take part in the opening of educational facilities in chersonese via video link, but he himself arrived. moreover, at the wheel of the art school , which is shown to the president, the grandiose building of the future home for young artists, the sevastopolion of the annexation of crimea to the peninsula, is already striking, sevastopol is visited by russian president vladimir putin, he inspects the new branch of artek and the art school, art school and children's center courses. the first objects of the history of the archaeological park in tauric chersonese were erected on the initiative of the patriarchal council for culture by military builders, the most sacred were interested in this, too. important it support his support yes, the future cultural center of sevastopol yes, and of the entire crimea, a place that in itself inspires the project, military specialists brought to life in record
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time. i don’t understand the builder, the military construction president arrived in crimea on the most important day for the inhabitants of the peninsula, however. not only for them of course, but also for all russian citizens on march 18, 2014 , the president, the leadership of crimea and sevastopol , signed an agreement on the regions joining russia after the referendum 96% of the population voted for it. they have been waiting for this for more than 20 years, keeping the language, culture and real attachment to the motherland, which for a while and due to a misunderstanding turned out to be separated from them by the border, it is good to consider the constitutional law on the adoption of the composition of russia by two new subjects of the federation of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol wow russia from our snake there are our friends
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to tear in any way ahead, they already knew, then there would be many changes to the ruble instead of the hryvnia of a passport with a double-headed eagle. russian numbers - this is at the very beginning and these are symbolic changes, then large-scale construction projects followed one after another, infrastructure projects that gradually changed the appearance of the peninsula, and the president personally participated in these processes and was in crimea many times. conducted a meeting on the development of the peninsula. the last one was literally yesterday and putin came to chersonese more than once, despite the greek byzantine roots - this is the most important place from the point of view of russian history here, in fact, the origins of russian orthodoxy. the tale of bygone years mentions the cathedral church. in the middle of the city, the course is not exactly chersonese. in her, according to historians , prince vladimir was baptized because the most important task of the builders was to preserve the cultural heritage. the largest in the history of the peninsula. the excavations took longer. two years, a total of 3 million finds of ancient tombs
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of ancient heroes, underground rivers and defensive walls. this is the river dug underground river geranium. yes, in antiquity it was then buried underground. and now here is a transparent ball, very beautiful and russian archaeologists have done the work of the foundation of ancient chersonesos. here the excavations eighty-one thousand square meters did not have such a volume of archaeological excavations, more than three million artifacts of unique people were found, of course, yes , it is necessary to sixth gazpromneft and to maintain the objects will form the basis of the new byzantine museum of antiquity, but talented children. here already stink their works. this is the first culture created by the students of the school already in the new building. every
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cabinet. here it is a large and bright space where there is absolutely everything for creative work, including the most modern and professional equipment high-level technical equipment modeling machines ovens computer classes photography room the first classes are planned to be held at the end of spring, and pre- professional training will begin in september art school, which means art schools. eh, korsun, these are the dormitory building of artek who come and we will choose children who are inclined and capable of art and specially press here. that is, it will be an expanded such a huge museum of christianity with a dome the same as the holy sofia 33 m, and in total more than 44,000 m² of museum space for the preservation and resurrection of history, an amphitheater for a thousand spectators and a quarter with the reconstruction of the ancient appearance. chersonese temple park, where prayers will be
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offered in the open air sevastopol crimea continues to change in the last 9 years, only for the better i'm in the attic eugene reshetne. in andrey terentyev vesti , crimea destroyed a group of nationalists, and did not move in pickup trucks towards russian positions. in the red liman direction at night, uav operators, thanks to a thermal imager , detected the movement of pickups with nationalist personnel. the coordinates of the target were transferred to the reconnaissance group of the motorized rifle formation of the grouping of troops of the center operating in the area, organizing an ambush, the enemy was destroyed. and in the donetsk direction, russian troops destroyed a group of the armed forces of ukraine, which tried to conduct reconnaissance in battle about this said
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ivan bigman, head of the press center of the south group. in the donetsk direction, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement of pervomayskoye, an attempt was crossed to conduct reconnaissance in combat of an armored group of the armed forces of the armed forces, consisting of two infantry fighting vehicles, operators of anti-tank missile systems of a separate battalion, specially assigned to the first donetsk army corps, destroyed both combat vehicles along with the crews. combat work of rocket launchers grad in the zone of a special military operation, the artillerymen of the southern military district struck at the positions of the armed forces, defeating the fortified area of ​​​​manpower the enemy and enemy armor and equipment are edited with the help of fire. for us, the task is all equally difficult, no, as it were, when you are already a professional in your field. there was nothing difficult in this day, well, at least 10-15. tasks per day, well, no less
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we also work at night, and work during the day. we periodically change the central military district from the kemerovo region, which perform tasks in the special military operation zone, talked with relatives via video link during the tv bridge, thanked their families for patience and support, and mother and wives, in turn, assured that they love and wait, and also told how they live and shared news from home, such video meetings are regularly organized by the district command, the main goal of such events, maintaining the morale of personnel communicated with relatives close ones. or, of course, the participants. well, here are other parents, these are grandiose events, as it were for me. at least well, it's very nice that they called invited. that's right , right in lizonka. we are waiting. we believe in them that victory will be ours anyway.
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due to floods, almost 100 residential buildings and more than 1000 private territories remain flooded in russia, the water drains slowly, igor plekhanov will tell how the problem is being solved in the volgograd region the water level in the boom river continues to fall the night before the highway to the crossing to the village of troyostrovskaya was freed from water. now residents of the settlement can freely get on a boat that will take them home for almost a week, the fields and the highway were flooded. residents of the villages the right bank of the river was cut off from the mainland, causing the flood to become icy. but at the new gerasimovsky farm the day before. it was liquidated during carried away a huge mass of ice and wood debris, which fettered the river water level. in the river, still a large pier is sunk, however, the water continues to descend until recently. here the water was on the train. now you can walk in ordinary rubber boots, the river is completely
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cleared of icy sludge, which is dangerous for boats, on which residents of hard-to-reach villages get to the opposite bank to to get to work also goes boat road service ship transported people mail delivered pensions and allowances if the water will leave at the same speed. it is possible that traffic will be restored today . now specialists are preparing for the launch of the ferry to repair the berth during the flood, the loading area was washed away ; the ferry is ready to start at a low start. fully ready for operation. now everything depends only on nature and on the decrease in the level in the don river so that the water leaves the piers. currently a threat. no population no transportation foodstuffs, the catch of bread, the crossing of people across the river. don is carried out in the regular mode. i think that literally next week, life in the three-town settlement will return to its previous rhythm , the ferry crossing will be fully restored. there were small puddles on the road. they are not dangerous for transport. today, the road service
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is to completely clear the route. in some areas, garbage remains on the asphalt and the administration of the lavlinsky district is knocked down. in the coming weeks , repeated increases in the water level in the don river are expected. but, at the same time, they say that there is no threat to the population. small rise in water, but they are not critical. uh, in order to have water this year, oh, there was very little snow this year, so the water is also glass in the fields. here they are. here it is going up a little. i think that such employees m. carry out round-the-clock monitoring of the situation on the rivers of the region, the level of the don upstream in the voronezh region began to rise in the territories of the settlement, exercises of operational services are being conducted. there was also a technical review igor pikhanov sergei soldiers lead the volgograd region. all three times during the night they fired, donetsk, according to the information of the joint
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control center under fire, kirovsky district, as reported by the mayor's office, one civilian was killed on the spot, our special correspondent boris maksudov is working. hello boris, tell us what the situation is at these moments. greetings colleagues, kirovsky district, one of the affected houses literally at midnight the day before, when people were already sleeping. uh, at least a dozen hailstones of shells landed here. let's see what it looks like standard morning. unfortunately, the whole facade is standard here in donetsk. you see, not a single living glass was left. the hail landed almost 2 meters away. here it is a characteristic funnel at night here and the fire was liquidated and the gas had to be turned off. and, of course, the residents of hmm spent the whole night trying to somehow cope with the consequences. now they are working here. here are the investigators. i understand that there were cities. how serious is the resolution yes, presumably by the scale of destruction and which square was hit by e
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, it can be assumed that it was inflicted a strike using nitrogen was also found on the spot, fragments that hit civilian infrastructure directly. this is a residential building, so, well, and as a result of a dead person. one, unfortunately, is dead. e even at this moment. she was inside the car and that over the last year, uh, almost 4. half a thousand civilians in donetsk died from the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces , real terror was staged here and ukraine by the ukrainian army and, of course, residents. the hardest thing, despite all the difficulties, still remain here, as i understand it, just your apartments were damaged, where were they, how was it? we were at home sleeping, then just an explosion, a flash of screams and just checking if the relatives are alive and immediately call everyone on the phone, whoever was in the apartments immediately call alive, they didn’t suffer, it’s scary to live, but you still stay. why and where should we
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go? it is necessary. i don't want to go anywhere. i was born here in donetsk, still standing. where will i go the rain called? yes, from moscow, my mother walked you here and went to give me. hello. say hello, hello okay baby. well, several houses as a result of night shelling within a radius of three kilometers, a direct hit, including , uh, an apartment. now that's just the consequences will count another damage here. what is already in the account? the shelling of the city of donetsk , almost all areas are already here and suffered. here, the kirovsky district. it is located a little more water from the center, and the city is practically shelled every day and where shells land again, and hailstones fly and slavuta american hammers are shelled donetsk in general, another turbulent sunday, and calm days here, most likely, have already been forgotten by colleagues. thanks boris. boris maksudov spoke about ukrainian attacks
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on donetsk, rocket artillery is used. the ukrainian military use psychotropic drugs before the battles. this is confirmed by prisoners of one, such doping is given out by military doctors and commanders, others buy it themselves all the details in a special rarer alexander lukyanova by a person in the family hands prisoner of war vyacheslav sibirsky served in the 23rd battalion the fifty-sixth brigade of the apu grenade launcher in october last year near pervomaisk left his dugout at night and surrendered reasons explain briefly he didn’t want to be meat anymore, and so that
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civilians would be killed with my hands with my hands, he confessed to war crimes against civilians on march 2 last year in the village novo-patrikeevka killed 9 local residents. he says that he acted on the instructions of the commanders in chaos began to retreat back, so to speak. while i was walking back , i watched our people shoot at houses. civil yards. here, well, that is, people got scared, some kind of mess began , they were rebuffed, therefore, in a panic, they began to retreat and shoot in all directions. no, but they were there, there was a movement of people, they were ill, some where on the road to us, two civilians ran out. i was also frightened, it turns out i fired a burst at them, but they fell, i just ran past, but they did not show
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any signs of life, then vyacheslav, on the orders of the commander, put them in a residential building without even checking whether civilians were there or not, he decided not to waste time and check so say well a couple of shots on this house with an rpg gave me a loaded rpg-7. yes, he said more than one shot. and now a new footage from the press service of the president. park what i reported to you things made a good projector design. and remember, i also said that after all, the main places of worship also help. this means that several temples have already been working on this. so, one mosque to download. today i was at the temple and the presence of the service is already going well. this is where we
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have a temple and a mosque right in front of the sea in the park. fully restored lighting lighting was not at all. now i am working, which means that every industrial enterprise has been assigned to create jobs. how much someone invests which source, then responsibly. how many jobs should be created, because the number one question, of course, is the workers. the people began to return when they saw what was coming. it means that today the recovery on growth there is actively returning, we see it is clear on the phone
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there is a quantity. roads we are already more or less consumed. on the left side now drive through have done very good results have already done a square. we lowered the movement of public transport, 110 buses are working and the military unit will succeed by the summer. we want to launch the first tram route already tram lines. we are repairing the first route, which means there are trams. uh, we hope that the client will already go. yes, the network was quite large here in total. uh, it turned out several kilometers. because it was on the summer degrees on the left side absolutely this one here we will have the device finished we see flashlights. and that's all
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hard to see. and it's actually pretty well done. there are now instructed to do was not in the city before nothing fit space resistance. you see , they have already done normal and completely. the center is heavily damaged , part of the buildings are monuments in the central part, which means that for a long time they thought about demolishing not demolishing. still, they decided to keep the documentation for the reconstruction of the center. everything was done correctly. we want it by the end of the year. at least from here to start to finish the center, it's very beautiful. now it will pass the height. this is to repair the clinic. see completely new facades. yes, yes, yes, completely renovated, st. petersburg. see there the task is to make 900 while we still
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get it in parts, how it works systematically. well, the weekly staff necessarily with the participation of the staged region is not necessary. i myself died twice a month for sure was not firing myself. allow and probably now. to attract, i want to come somewhere to live right a week every week in the mode, so that this is all right , i want to live here, then in the region. we are now preparing to the first there seriously, yes, it turns out a lot of work, we want to organize all these issues to launch. now we are already approaching, which means that on the right side , on the right side, this whole block is the university's priny, what i told you, generally until 6:00, and up to 6,000 students we can accept it completely. this is where
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it all starts. here is the entire block at the azov university, because i am reporting to you 3,000. first of all, he went out to start the wagon. night sparrow, turned around and their hostel do not want a sports complex. that's exactly what we want to do fully. yes, here in front, so you look at us there wedged the philharmonic. directions means very beautiful very harmony arrived, just in paradise head. you know such a very active person.
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restored in just 3 months stopped it completely. here is the historical building of the university, there is a red brick and all the buildings around it. here it is right in front of us and there are already two hostels . firstly, it means that you saw all this completely in the picture in such a state let's go. now it's completely normal, right?
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for stringed instruments here all the storage of instruments is fully handled directly heard, you see put.
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by the way, there is a sports complex from the university right there, we will also repair it from the outside, that we had only
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made a decision to help residents with the repair of apartments before, that the first floors were entrepreneurs who would show up today. we will also help. now we just closed the typical contours. but if the entrepreneur shop owners first floors claims and confirms that it runs jobs. we give him a loan. this mechanism will also be considered more actively withdraw. the first floors are in residential buildings, because they were mostly non-residential. now they also need to be put in order. a good prospect of a seaport in good condition, the port has now launched it into operation and is starting
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to work as a construction transshipment base. we are starting to build materials here to load. here is an advantage nearby, here was a very badly destroyed house. now it completely demolished of course, thank you so much for the solution there. yes, if people who want to buy, that is, i think that this decision will definitely help us. we have 300 such sites and we will put them up right before the start price. so, plus there may be cheaper solutions for the house, because while the people are in the house of components. with a set
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of handicrafts, the situation is getting worse, but i think that here a good long one should go well? and here the climate is good here. probably create jobs good transportation. see what you want a tagan, something 130 km. but we have a little sea on the left side here. the sea went to go along the avenue to find. exactly 5 minutes of president vladimir putin visited mariupol on a working trip, and then the continuation of a special report by alexander lukyanov


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