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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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colleagues, the meeting that we traditionally hold before the government's report in the state duma is coming to an end . today we have to focus on, uh, issues that the new people pay close attention to. first of all, these are issues related to russian business with its undertakings, as well as the promotion of private initiatives in our country, the president , speaking with a message from the federal assembly , noted the importance of supporting entrepreneurs who invest in the development of their business, and therefore in the development of their
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countries, given the difficult conditions of external restrictions in which the business operates. of course, we are required to have maximum flexibility and operational tactics in making decisions. it is very important to have feedback here. here e business community from the experts and especially want to emphasize the constructive position. the faction , when approving the federal budget, while also preparing initiatives for the integration of new regions, the composition of russia the productive interaction that the faction has built with the ministry of economic development on on a wide range of issues, including on improving the control and supervisory activities of the development of small and medium-sized businesses on a whole range of issues related to investment policy, i will separately note the cooperation of the party. e, new people, when preparing proposals for industrial mortgage, we are talking about providing preferential loans to enterprises at a rate of up to 5%
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per annum for up to 7 years for the purchase of real estate that is necessary to create new production facilities, and for technology companies the rate is even lower up to three percent. and uh, such an instruction was given by the president following the results of the st. petersburg economic forum. last year, this program gives. opportunity for our entrepreneurs to quickly deploy production in russia well, even with a fairly modest budget, we are now working on expanding it , we expect that your deputies will monitor. how is the implementation in the regions to help with feedback from e-business, which one way or another will work there ? the faction has a number of other initiatives, dear alexei gennadievich, please have the floor. thank you very much, dear colleagues. we met here a year ago. this year was,
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of course, not easy and a lot has been done. hmm, everyone in the country has done it. the main thing russia put forward was that we kept the enterprise working for the income of people and the government was very active in this and the society - it’s clear that we are doing this and we are the faction new people in the state duma and thank you very much and the government as a whole for supporting our initiatives a-a and for what is most the main thing is that all the forecasts of pessimists regarding our economy of social life in russia did not materialize. it is important that during this time russia has embarked on the path of building economic and technological independence, this does not mean that we are going to close ourselves off from the world. but at the same time, one should not be afraid to take other people's ready-made solutions now and at the same time make their own strategic ones for the future.
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we must do everything the main thing ourselves and not depend on anyone, so that western companies, if they leave russia, lose the competition to our companies, and do not clap doors, if they did not like the position of russia on some issue. this requires a new industrial policy. and i remember the times when in russia the word was generally so to say. unpopular, but now we are actually implementing it, and the government first of all. the first is the creation of advantages for our national producer over foreign protectionism, which will not go over to rising prices, as president vladimir putin said on our family. i meet you need to act carefully, but decisively. thank you that the government supported our joint proposal with the ministry of industry and trade to mirror import duties on some goods of six
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unfriendly countries, someone was afraid that we would have a shortage in these several categories. no according to the results of january under the data of the customs service. it can be seen that imports from these countries did not fall, but budget revenues for the month. january grow four times. go further today, our manufacturers are successful in all sectors, including thanks to the systematic work of the industrial development fund. this highly appreciated by entrepreneurs. uh, everyone involved in production, because production, of course, is the engine of the russian economy. and wherever there are good russian goods, where it is already possible to provide the market with our national products. we must boldly raise duties on foreign goods if foreign companies want to trade with us. let them pay our market is not a passage yard. they are now paying for themselves they profits leave their countries to pay. there they have
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income taxes, they leave us a penny here under duties, there are five or six percent. let's let them pay above us in the country of imports absolutely understand. second, our manufacturers have long learned to make high-quality modern goods, but still. they compete with imported goods, mainly on price, so additional budget revenues from increasing our goods, for example, in the form of 50% advertising subsidies. this is that the added value of russian brands and, in general, the brand itself in russia and the country will receive a triple effect. first, the toll budget. and now it seems to me for sure come in handy. secondly, we will support the industry by increasing demand through increasing sales. and thirdly, we will reduce
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government spending on supporting television, because, of course, many companies have also cut their advertising budgets for advertising. and that's it. this is to ensure that all these measures together give an increase in wages, to create new jobs, so that russia has quality goods and people can be proud of. for our country , the third part of the new industrial policy should be the technological sovereignty and leadership of our companies in the world market, russia is one of the few countries that has its own technological platforms of this large ecosystem. sberbank yandex vkontakte and wildberries zone, they can be growth points for small and medium-sized businesses. fourth, in order for all this to work out, it is necessary to untie the hands of entrepreneurs last week thundered. another story in sobolsk with the participation of armed riot police
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from one family of blogger entrepreneurs, we believe that with such practices forever. not only entrepreneurs bloggers, but they still produce goods today scientists and engineers entrepreneurs it people are in the same row as soldiers and officers of russia, we have set a course for an independent economy and the country needs those who will build this economy. such people are also trained by our educational program. i'm in business this year with the technology university entrepreneurship platform. we plan to cover 330,000 students and schoolchildren. last year. it was 85,000 people, and by the end of the twenty-sixth year more than two and a half million people, cumulative many thanks to the ministry of science and higher education of education, the ministry of education and youth growth for supporting this program
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, of course, we would not have achieved such a scale without them , and we also plan to expand cooperation in changing economic development, in terms of our sme project and grant support for young people under 25 years old. i invite you to the final of the third season of the program in may. i'm in. i have been preparing an entrepreneur for more than 10 years for many years, and uh, i saw that such a high-quality thing happened, uh, well, is it possible to drink such a transition into a high-quality shift, we welded falkov so surprised. at the final of last season , we saw that more than half of the students' projects are projects from the field of high technologies and it. i'm sure it will be interesting. well, of course, for students , young people, the attention of the highest people in the country. this is a sign that they are on the right track, they are engaged in something so peripheral, and our
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faction is grateful to the government for constructive work, and with the faction for supporting our ideas of bills. thank you for listening to us and the business community. thank you dear alexey gennadyevich, i will literally briefly respond to smart protectionism . now there is a support mechanism. absolutely right, the increase in customs duties and, uh, the government commission for the economic development of integration. she 's doing just that, what's important here? this of course in every possible way to analyze from all sides. what does such an increase lead to from the point of view of russian interests from the point of view. uh, specifically russian business, but i’ll say right away that we have a whole system for making decisions that commissions, including resilience to the economy. in this difficult time, you know how many proposals were received from the place of 36.000, and there were several filters.
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well, it’s natural that there is and you repeat and there can be, let’s say, but a proposal that cannot be implemented, but of these, 315 proposals were implemented through the commission on the stability of the russian economy and ah, this became the basis of e actions that helped, in fact to achieve a result related to the sustainability of the economy. and you yourself know these parameters, as far as advertising of russian goods, here, uh, indeed, that year a system was implemented to support 50% co-financing, and for small and medium-sized businesses 70% and here we need to see what can be done, and absolutely, we need to stimulate the sectors of the most important priority sectors. uh, it's development and take your suggestion there. we will listen to you on ecosystems, i absolutely agree with you, dear alexey gennadievich, the system that is being developed today in the russian
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federation about saving from ozone or yandex is the most important ecosystems that special attention to us. eh, here i still wanted. to say it about the company vkontakte, which is also developing its ecosystem of the mts company and, let's say, such a joint e, the development of these areas together with the guestech platform is now under the control of the government. dmitry nikolayevich chernyshenko is doing this because of the situation you mentioned with the bloggers. naturally , first of all, you need to look at the essence. what was presented. well, in particular, representatives of the federal tax service are especially present here. we will ask figure it out specifically. uh, and of course it is necessary to hold a meeting. and what happened there, no measures will be taken to ensure that everything is sorted out along this line, but c. a. i'm in, the platform
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is great - it's a platform. so, uh, which primarily allows uh, to support startups, universities. i saw the guys graduates. we had about a thousand in the twentieth year. points under this program, which they say have been selected, and they received grants of one million rubles in 23, if i'm not mistaken, one and a half billion for this reserved. and that means 1,500 students. but we are also quite active, uh, the initiative is yours. in fact, i am supplementing such events with the federal platform for the youth entrepreneurship program this year, we will allocate about 200 million rubles. if i am not mistaken , the possibility of additional funding for this year and for the next three years is also being considered. this will be slightly more. we have someone ministry of economic development. say that good afternoon well 204, indeed, fb is now provided and with
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the total cost of the program is about 700 million. this year, colleagues want to significantly expand coverage, so there really is a need for additional needs. three sources now. well, choice. well, it's just that the youth is growing and, as alexei already, i told them there is still a reserve. here is the receipt of grant support for young people under 25 years old. this is on line above the sme development support project. and here we absolutely support these burning eyes of the students who start their life with this startup, and i myself saw them at the university, how much it popular and will, of course, continue to move forward. finally, i would like to thank you for the invitation. let's see how it turns out, but trust me. we are always in this sense, and i or my deputy ministers. we will support participation in all areas related, including education in science , and even more so with our youth, i held
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a meeting with deputies and a faction of the new people party, i will note that, according to state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, the government’s report in the state duma will be held on 23 martha. well now, in addition to the president’s instructions , starting next year, they will additionally increase the minimum wage by 10%, which vladimir putin gave such an instruction list following the president’s message to the federal assembly , another instruction was published today on the kremlin’s website regarding participants in a special military operation, they must be provided with at least 14 days holidays every six months, the government and the state council commission for the direction of the economy of finance are instructed to provide the region with treasury loans. financing of infrastructure projects. also, the government, together with the regions , will prepare a list of illegal landfills that need to be eliminated after 24 years. and one more instruction concerns the decriminalization
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of crimes. in the field of entrepreneurship, appropriate amendments should also be made to russian legislation vladimir putin instructed the cabinet of ministers and the central bank to ensure the launch of a long-term savings program , including the maximum amount of insurance coverage for voluntary pension savings of citizens in the amount of 2 million 800.000 rub. vladimir putin spoke today at the congress of the russian union, industrialists and entrepreneurs. according to the president, the country's economy is acquiring a fundamentally different quality, they are beginning to develop according to a new model, and at the same time , the active position of the rspp and the business community is in particular demand. putin noted that there is a constant dialogue between the state and business. it only helps to develop the economy. in addition, the head of state said that russia was able to compensate for the closure of western markets for it and expanded trade contacts. with the states of the fastest growing regions of the world. and started this process. in fact, even before
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the current crisis and before the start of the special operation in ukraine, we all know this to the family. and who gives advice to our ill-wishers, how to get more of us and where to infringe, but those who stayed here and really work turned out to be smarter. energetic are more efficient than those who left and give us, i advise our ill-wishers and obvious success is expected that by the end of march , inflation will be less than four percent, but different experts have different opinions, including including those present here, but it is clear that this will be a target inflation for comparison, of course. this will be lower than in the countries of the eurozone, which are endlessly waiting for the collapse of the russian economy and everyone is trying to convince themselves of this, and their and our partners are trying to convince of this, but
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remember again the famous american writer, uh, who once said that rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated. the same is true for our economy. in addition , the president said that the growth of retail trade in russia in april will reach 5%, uh, it is based on the stability of the labor market , lower inflation and higher wages. speaking of inflation, according to vladimir putin, the eurozone countries are trying in vain to convince everyone of the collapse of the russian economy. although, in fact, inflation in these same countries is much higher than in russia in march. it may be less than four percent per annum and it is clear that this will be targeted inflation a year ago, the western authorities twisted the arms of their e-companies and forced hmm some of them many to leave the russian market, then foreign analysts they prophesied us a depression and under
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the consumer sector they promised empty shelves of shops, a massive shortage of goods, the failure of the service sector, but life decided otherwise. western countries are faced with the same problems, it has come to the point that their leaders offer their citizens instead of lettuce and tomato to switch to turnips , turnips are a good product. after all, we have, uh, significantly exceeds those indicators that we have, but in our uh, in our neighbors in europe truth. this is not allowed. it's not their fault, uh, the weather conditions are so drought, there and so on, but nevertheless it will be difficult to do without our fertilizers. in any case , i recall the russian proverb do not dig a hole for another, otherwise you yourself will fall into it, it seems, this is what is happening. one of the questions
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raised at this meeting, who will be affected by the voluntary contribution to the budget and in what amount, we will ask it to mariy kudryavtseva , she joins the facts on the air maria greetings what is known about this contribution? good afternoon, a lot of important statements were made today that concerned both economic forecasts and signals for business, the russian economy is starting to develop according to a new model. today president vladimir putin spoke at the annual congress of the rpp , but he noted that there is a constant dialogue between the state and business and closing of the western markets. already managed to compensate for business. there are even more new features. well, as for economic forecasts, negative economic forecasts. they weren't justified. here's what president vladimir putin has said since july, though. our economy has come to growth, behind these achievements, the hard
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work of thousands of companies and the work of many millions of specialists, their responsible professional attitude to the cause, the desire for development, for protection, for the development of their own country. we see how positive trends in the russian economy are gaining momentum and in the second quarter of this year we also expect a significant increase in gdp compared to last year. according to the results of march, in early april, it will reach the target four percent, with regard to domestic demand, it has already reached a steady growth. and one more important indicator, and this is the external trade turnover. here we see that at the end of last year it grew by more than 8%. here is what president vladimir putin said . the trade balance of 332 billion dollars is
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70% more than in 2,000 in the twenty-first year. we are, as i understand it, in the house of music. this is such good music. an important signal for business, the president stressed that the state will support responsible business, which relies on a long-term strategy, already during the meeting today , the president noted that it is necessary to think about on the capitalization of the industrial development fund. in the future, another important announcement. it concerned the already suitable lending under the industrial mortgage. uh, the president instructed the cabin to work out the idea, and increase the terms of preferential mortgages. in this sector, seven to 15 years at the 40th congress. participants also spoke today about measures to support business. let's listen to this subsidy in order to there was a desire to motivate businesses to invest
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their own funds. eh, first of all. this is an industrial mortgage. everything that is today. they give you the opportunity to work. another topic that was discussed today on the sidelines of the congress of the rspp. this is a one-time payment. budget, minister of finance, anton siluanov noted that this is a measure? it may affect only a tenth of russian companies, and we are talking only about large profitable businesses, which in the twenty-first and twenty-second years before tax profits were at least 1 billion rubles. here's to according to the estimates of the minister of finance anton siluanov, and the budget can be replenished due to this measure by about 300 billion rubles. and today. he told what rate is being discussed now. we now roughly predict a rate of about five percent.
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we will consider it so that, well, approximately uh, it means meeting, as it were, the parameters that we have determined, uh, something uh, to replenish the budgets, we will lay down mechanisms that would encourage entrepreneurs to pay this year, although there will be opportunities next year less financial. another important topic is the technological sovereignty of the development of the domestic industry. in particular, the head of the kamaz company said that at the end of the year two new models of the moskvich well car would bypass the meeting. he noted that it is important to protect the e-market when players from other countries come to it, so he gave an example that if we take the heavy truck market in russia, it is about 75-80,000 vehicles per year in china, it is about
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one and a half million. here is what sergey kolgodin said about this. market even with such strong differences, he is still the sixth or fifth in the world. that is, the type of exchange is enough to sell it for cooperation in the world in europe in europe we are the first there are not so many. yes, of course. in the russian economy a lot to buy up in the future, the banking system now, according to the participants, feel stable and ready. all necessary financial infrastructure will not be required. and not today are returning to the country and businessmen are ready to
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invest. we need to properly manage this money. today the banking system feels good. well, that's it, most of the leading banks are working today with stability and profits. banks, of course, are ready to lend, and to invest in our own together with our business. therefore, we will work actively. presidential statement vladimir putin noted that russia will overcome the threat of the medium-term negative impact of sanctions and all external challenges only encourage effective work. kudryavtseva spoke about the meeting between the president and business representatives. who in these minutes rather come on tape news agencies, so in france a law has been adopted that increases the retirement age, from 62 to 604 years, the prime minister announced this, i remind you that it is precisely because of this law that increases
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the retirement age, and there are demonstrations of riots in france for many times billionaire valery zyukov loved women very much, he had several mistresses and many children had a significant amount of real estate. moreover
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, on venus, however, the wedding did not save from evil fate. why did the investigation blame venera aginina for organizing the crime? we are used to watching videos, stop working , install, open, watch russian channels, and watch all the movie series and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries for free without registration, in
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the application or on the fedor website, you're right. an exposition dedicated to the most revered saints in russian art has opened in the moscow kremlin. the large-scale exhibition brings together an exhibit from the collection of the largest museums in the country, all works created at different times from the pre-mongolian period to the great patriotic war, completely unique, especially exquisite monuments of ancient russian and byzantine and sometimes
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western european art, which we showed here and which are told represent images, and heavenly patrons of the great princes and talk about the piety of the great princes of warriors. donetsk makiivka and gorlovka under artillery fire from the apu also ukrainian troops drop ammunition with the help of drones aiming at people alone, the victim of the new tactics of the apu is already in donetsk there earlier a man details, we will learn about our special correspondent. boris maksudov. he is live in the facts from donetsk boris welcome. what is the situation now? greetings colleagues, artyomovsk is increasingly in the closer embrace of russian


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