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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 15, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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lena greetings, what is your current situation and what forecasts do meteorologists make? good morning alexandra, we are located in the city of buzuluk, orenburg region, and geographically, this settlement is surrounded by agricultural fields from time to time and the water from them floods the city this year, the flood turned out to be significant because until the middle of winter there was practically no snow, and the frosts were serious, and the soil is frozen. well, around a meter, and when it snowed. uh, so he covered her and today for a sharp melting he began, uh, to descend in the form of water, but since there is nowhere for it to sink. we repeat once again other things froze all the water poured into the city. and now, on monday evening , six dymov properties were flooded with water, the garage came quickly and unexpectedly, and the administration was actually not quite ready. flooded people's houses, began to evacuate six people were taken out,
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so the owners today, the water is still in people's homes with the help of city services. goes back there to pick up some personal items because, well, just there was nothing to go to work from the school to the kindergarten, they jumped out, in which there were forecasts such that until the snow melts, water will continue to flow into the city. and besides malygina street, which i just told , it was flooded and, uh, a new microdistrict under construction, which is called nikolsky there, like multi-apartment it and uh, private residences were flooded by multi-apartment water. i went into the entrances of one of the five-story buildings. i even had to erase it, because it was de-energized due to the threat of a power outage. uh, except this in this one, and we in the village and microdistrict of the city of buzuluk , they were forced to close the staff for 300 places , and today the children were distributed to other even
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school institutions. and this one garden. it is simply impossible not to approach and drive up, so the city continues to fight with water and the territory of the region as a whole, because once again i repeat the secret impetuous, and the soil is penetrated and the water enters the settlement . thanks opa , elena perova told about such a situation in the orenburg region , and to other topics, us drones are being collected data that kiev uses for strikes against russia, the ambassador of our country to the united states said any actions with the use of american weapons, and the russian side perceives as hostile anatorian antonov emphasized and recalled that washington has already supplied ukraine with weapons worth 33 billion dollars, all the details at aliki komarova. russian ambassador anatoly antonov was summoned to the us state department there, according to the diplomat. he was protested about the incident with the american drones that fell into the black sea antonov previously argued that the situation with
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the american drone near the borders of russia is a quote from a real provocation. i want to emphasize that the russian pilots acted very professionally. there was no contact, there was no use of any weapons by our fighters. and that here is this unmanned aerial vehicle, making a sharp. uh, the u-turn crashed, uh, into space. i think it would be better to meet at the state department, in order to discuss, uh, the problems of bilateral cooperation, let me remind you. the drone violated the borders of the temporary regime flights in the crimean region with the transponder turned off. the drone headed towards our borders, in response to this, russian planes raised the air. after that, the uav operators made a sharp maneuver. the drone went into an uncontrolled flight, lost altitude and crashed into the water the ministry of defense of the russian federation has already informed our fighters
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that they did not come into contact with the drone , let alone use any weapons against it, and the pentagon has actually admitted that the drone was used for espionage. however, when asked whether armament refused to answer, as for the tasks of mq9, he was engaged in intelligence. this device has been flying on the black sea for some time. this is an important international water route, so we will regularly introduce surveillance of this area. if it 's a drone weapon, i won't go into the specifics of that particular aircraft, since you know the mq9 is capable of carrying a weapon, i'll repeat. he was engaged in reconnaissance. the specifics of this drone is that it is capable of carrying about ten air-to-surface missiles and launching them at speeds up to 400 km/h. the wingspan of such drones reaches 20 m, and in total the united states has 276 of them, each of these drones cost the pentagon $ 56 million
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, it was these uavs that the american army used for espionage during hostilities in afghanistan and iraq, and i remind the american media more than once . the reports about the facts of the transfer and intelligence information from the pentagon to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and in the states themselves , representatives of the republican party have already stated that this drone should remind the white house of the aryans who are associated with the active support of kiev by the american side of alik komarov to lead. by the end of 2025, by the end of the year, 25 cities in the far east will receive detailed development programs, one of them for petropavlovsk-kamchatsky is already ready, five more were discussed at a meeting that vladimir putin held the day before, alexander nazarova will tell about the most interesting projects and the intricacies of financing she is also joining me greetings a. how much do you plan to allocate for these purposes from the budget? sasha i welcome 100 billion budget loans this year. the key task is to
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the far east is truly modern and attractive for investors and residents as a powerful stimulus for development can be the expansion of transport corridors and increasing transport accessibility to the countries of the asia-pacific region. such goals were outlined by vladimir putin at a meeting on the development of far eastern cities. according to the president, it is important to make serious efforts to radically improve the quality of life of people, create a comfortable and safe urban environment, and also solve infrastructure and environmental problems. i would like to remind you of this topic, the most important issue of financial support, about the decision that was adopted in december last year at the council for national projects. in the current year. we are allocating an additional 250 billion rubles of infrastructure budget loans to the region, and 100 billion of them will be earmarked for projects in the cities of the far east. it has already
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been decided that almost 150 billion rubles will be allocated for the development of petropavlovsk-kamchatsky until the thirtieth year. for 11 objects, specific land plots and investors have been identified. and vladimir putin announced the preparation of five more master plans for the far eastern cities. they will combine urban planning solutions. with the development of the economy. generally. these are projects for chita, south sakhalin and ulan-uden, the glomeration of tynda and severobaikalsk. the last two, for example, are the anchor points of the bam, so there you need to create a modern logistics site to replace engineering networks. upgrade airport infrastructure. in addition to budget loans , other sources will be used for financing, including 100 billion through bonds of the house of the russian federation. there are funds of the far east program, including the mechanism of the far east concession , resources of national projects of state programs
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, opportunities for development institutions. however , until 2030, additional funding from the federal budget may be required. all this potential should be maximally consolidated to work for the development of the economy and improving the quality of life of the far east. the master plan for ulan-ude will require more than 300 billion rubles. moreover , half will come from extrabudgetary sources , the volume of proposals for chita is estimated at 200 billion. in particular, the transfer project will be considered. aircraft repair plant to a new location with the renewal of the technical base in sakhalin need more than 500 billion investments for 20.5 want to reconstruct the korsakov port. including the creation of fish processing capacities up to a million tons per year, this will simplify export logistics. there is also construction going on. air hubs. last year , the region spent 6 1/2 billion on this, the state budget will add a little more than 14
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more. building materials remote areas complex logistics high seismic activity in this regard. in order to speed up the implementation of the tasks set, i ask you to support the following proposal to introduce coefficients for the far east that take into account regional features, including the transport accessibility of the seisnik when distributing federal budget funds. we are building and reconstructing social, cultural, transport , energy, and communal infrastructure facilities. must be accepted before september, while before by the end of the year, 25 far eastern cities will receive such programs before the meeting . vladimir putin also spoke with the workers of the aviation plant in ulan-ude, the president called the enterprise the flagship of the russian helicopter building. in addition, he noted that the sanctions not only did not break the financial
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system of russia, but also allowed it to become stronger and more independent in the west. it was expected that the enterprise would stop, but this did not happen and unemployment is declining. if before the pandemic it was not approaching five percent, now it is historically at least 3.6, and incomes are growing. i must admit and tell him frankly, we have experienced a slight decrease in both the level of real wages and real incomes of the population by one percent of the first in the second case, but the trend is still going on. goes. what are the consequences of growing sales in the domestic market, which means that products are in demand, which our enterprises produce and increase turnover. this is a very good indicator. russia is sure to develop on its own economic base and master plans for the far east will improve the connectivity of our regions and give impetus to
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the opening of new industries. and setting up a system of additional education. thank you sasha, it was alexandra azarova who told me about the plans for the development of the far east. well , we discussed other issues the day before. including gasification of this region. what statements were made. now i will tell you in detail, so, according to vladimir putin , it will be possible to work out the expansion of gasification in the far east only after russia has reached an agreement with china on gas network routes. as soon as the e agreements with our chinese friends are finalized, we will understand, uh, understand where the final routes will pass, then the question will be raised of developing e more widely, developing e- gasification of these regions, among other things. this, of course, will push the development of mechanical engineering. this is a pallet development of uh, the economy as a whole, the steel
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industry, the pipe industry, jobs. uh, additional taxes will go to all levels of the tax system, because this very good projects. well, of course, we must first of all think about making the people who live on the side of us feel comfortable. well, this will definitely not happen. let me remind you that the president instructed to implement a social gasification program throughout the country, thanks to it, the russians have the opportunity to carry fuel to the borders of their plots for free if they live in a gasified settlement, as we were told in the government, as of march 14, citizens received 1 million and 178,000 applications, let me remind you in the twenty-fifth year, the level gasification should actually reach 75%, and in the thirtieth year already almost 83%. the total investment is 788 billion and 66 million rubles. vladimir putin also spoke about gazprom's plans to unite the far eastern and european
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gas pipeline systems, and also the power of siberia pipeline being designed, the two heads of state noted the project will increase the attractiveness of the gas transportation system in the far east, gazprom has an idea to generally connect the european gas pipeline system and then the far eastern systems with taking into account the fact that the power of siberia 2 was brewing with us, and it does all this. it's all about the attractive development of the gas transportation system here , because, well, it means export prices, well , much higher than, uh, domestic prices, what makes it possible for gazprom to provide a significant part of the population? now let's take a short break for advertising, and then we'll talk about the situation around the gas pipeline to nord stream. strength
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we continue to broadcast europeans have lost the independence gene only this can explain their position on the issue of terrorist attacks on nord stream, vladimir putin spoke about this in an interview with my colleague, the author of the program moscow kremlin putin pavel zarubin who
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, according to the president, could have committed the crime and that our experts found explosions on the spot the most important points of the conversation in the material of maria valeeva? vladimir putin thinks it's complete nonsense the version that the attack on the nord streams was organized by some ukrainian activists not connected with official kiev was published by several leading western newspapers at once. they claim that a group of six people organized explosions with the money of a ukrainian oligarch, i am sure that this is complete nonsense, and only specialists can carry out an explosion of this kind of such a power at such a depth, and at that, supported by all the power of the state, which has certain technologies. well, it is most likely. that's exactly the western state, then there is. of course, we must always look for them. uh , those who are interested?
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well, this is how someone is interested, well, theoretically, the states, of course, are interested in stopping the supply of russian energy carriers to european countries and e, supplying, e, volumes of their own, including from the regime of natural gas, even if it is much more than 25x30% more expensive than russian moscow is not allowed to the official investigation of the terrorist attack, despite the fact that these are russian gas pipelines. nevertheless, gazprom experts were able to obtain permission to inspect the crime scene and even discovered the clues are not limited to research. e of his place under along the gas pipeline. uh, the ship rented by gazprom went further and at a distance of about 30 km from the explosion site. uh, a pole was found that stood in the same place where
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the explosion occurred. and what kind of place is this the most vulnerable places of the steam pipeline the most vulnerable places. now he is doing this joint. uh, pipe joint. and there was found a column in this place and experts believe that it could be an antenna for receiving a signal to cast. into action anyway, his device, which may be claimed it may be laid under the pipeline system russia insists on an international investigation into the terrorist attack. it is possible that other explosive devices have been planted under the gas pipelines, which have not yet had time to work, the president noted, apparently. uh, there were several explosive devices. something is not included. for what reasons is not clear. vladimir putin believes that such a strange reaction of germany to the blowing up of gas pipelines, which have a very important importance for
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the country's economy and energy security is due to the fact that germany still does not have sovereignty. publicly already repeatedly publicly spoke. the fact that after the second world war, germany has never been in the full sense of the word a sovereign state. these are not my words to this words of well-known uh, at least one well-known very respected. uh, according to germany , politicians can only agree with this, russia the soviet union once revealed its troops from germany stopped the actual occupation. uh, countries, and americans like known. no, they continue to occupy germany. but it's not even only in germany. the thing is, uh, actually europeans. in my opinion, they hmm they have lost the independence gene of their sovereignty and national interest, the more
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they hit, bonuses or on the crown, the lower they bend and the northern streams smile wide. it can be repaired after an explosion, but it will take time, funds and new technologies . examples of repairing such systems are world practice, however, and vladimir putin has not yet emphasized and noted the corner wires. there is a prospect if the european states remember their national interests, but so far they are only doing what they are told from across the ocean maria valeeva together. europe itself suffers from anti-russian restrictions, admitted the head of the european central bank, christine lagarde, according to her, moscow suffered sanctions successfully and was able to reorient from trade to the east. who forced lagarde to make such revelations will tell emil mersaev. the fact that the ukrainian crisis is costing a lot, the astronomer of europe has to admit, even the most ardent sponsor of the kiev regime, the chairman of the european central bank, christian lagarde. being confident that he is talking with
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vladimir zelensky, but in fact with russian pranksters vladimir kuznetsov and alexei stolyarov, he crumbles into revelations, they say. we did not expect that the rise in prices would become so long and so ubiquitous. we have problems with inflation due to problem areas that we have not been able to improve. after the end of the pandemic. prices first rose only because of the cost of energy, and then gradually due to rise in price of fertilizer inflation. everywhere. we thought that it would be temporary, but in the end , prices rise much longer and much more strongly, and inflation throughout the eurozone is absolutely right in this. a little more than ten percent most of all from anti-russian sanctions, paradoxically, it was those who lobbied the baltic countries most of all who suffered and the prices rose more there by almost a quarter of the baltic countries suffered from a huge economic shock because they were trading partners, because with them
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political risk is connected, so these are the countries where the indicators are the worst , the economic situation in russia is much better, and this is again the thesis that the head of the ecb. never be able to speak publicly. unless in such a private conversation it is too unpopular today in europe to speak the truth openly. e humanov, i think that the russian central bank adopted an absolutely correct policy by increasing interest rates, and thus, by curbing inflation, the regulator was able to accumulate capital within the country and prevent it from leaving abroad. as a result, prices in russia grew, but not very much and then again. let's go downstairs, we have to admit not only our helplessness in the face of the economic consequences of the sanctions, but also the ineffectiveness of these sanctions against russia already. moscow has managed to reorient the supply of raw materials to friendly countries. and this, apparently. brussels did not exactly count on moscow still managing to sell a lot of energy. as if oil or gas to other countries, to india, to
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china, to the far east, due to this, the russians manage to ensure the flow of foreign currencies. i don’t know what kind of yuan, rupees or other money, but they definitely manage to earn on the export of energy resources, and among the ways to solve the ukrainian conf. this head of the egg does not see diplomacy. and this, perhaps, is the main revelation of a european official who risks being quoted in the world press in his own words. she actually confirmed that brussels is only a vassal of washington, which hides behind high-flown phrases about diplomacy and human rights. i am of the very simple view that in the end those with the biggest guns win. so this is the basic cowboy principle of the wild west at the moment, the biggest military power in the world. this is the united states and this is the reality that we are dealing with, and this is what experts say is the essence of the hypocritical western policy, the purpose of which, as recently revealed since
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2014, was to splurge on the eyes of russian diplomats. no matter what happens there, forget about the economy in general. the main thing is to follow the usa, that is, it is ours, but the main practically the owner. so, accordingly , he now has the largest army, the largest weapons, which means they have the largest gun. here they are right. they are always right. but this, of course, is very strange , to put it mildly, to hear from uh, as if professionals, as if an expert in economics , there is no desire for peace among europeans, only the principles of the wild are on their minds. the west has forgotten one thing europe in a cowboy duel with russia runs the risk of losing to emil mersaev to lead.
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billionaire valery zyukov was very fond of women, he had several mistresses and many children owned a significant amount of real estate. why did the investigation blame venus for organizing the crime? alginina venus, the steps committed the crime, the more people, the less the legacy. we took on the case and conducted our own investigation.
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alexandra gitsenko now could save only soviet people fish others are not here yevgeny tkachuk
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righteous in moscow 9:29 more briefly about the main thing. in the black sea fell, an american unmanned aerial vehicle dron took off with transponders turned off and violated the boundaries. in the area of ​​the crimean peninsula, the pentagon. in fact, they admitted that they used it for espionage. at the same time, you insist that the drone was not equipped with weapons from the western military district , the camouflaged positions were destroyed, attacks on military targets, meanwhile, the routes along which the russian equipment of the kiev
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regime should pass mines on the road during the retreat of the special operation were published. the number of houses that were flooded by spring leashes in russia doubled at the beginning of the week, the most difficult situation in saratov and samara regions in one of the districts. there, a state of emergency has been declared in the orenburg region . the price ceiling on the russian version gives risks to international markets, said saudi energy minister and there was one that catches washington about the claims of guardianship members and their partner and completely violates the basic principles of a market economy. and if western countries follow the lead of the us a number of completely stop exporting the country's version.


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