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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 9, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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[000:00:30;00] and let's start with the latest reports of the ministry of defense in response to the terrorist actions organized by kiev on march 2 in the bryansk region, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive retaliation strike with high-precision weapons, including a hypersonic dagger , key elements of the military infrastructure of the defense industry and energy of ukraine were hit, all
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targets were destroyed, an attempt on the leader was prevented republic of vadim krasnoselsky and a number of officials of the suspect were detained and give confessions, as reported by the ministry of state security transnistria assassination attempt on the president. and pridnestrovie was preparing according to the instructions of the sbu , the detainee was supposed to commit a terrorist attack in the center of tiraspol . dozens of people could have been injured as a result of the explosion. according to our information, it was not a united tourism asset. uh, the main one was supposed to be a terrorist attack and the assassination of the president, respectively, of those people who were nearby, and the established suspects, directly the perpetrators, were detained. there is not one person, unfortunately, and the scale of this tract suggests that the preparation was quite serious as, as you already know, uh, the investigating authorities established that the traces of the security services of ukraine were leading a terrorist attack. uh, it could be very, well
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, cruel bloody, since it was a car bomb explosion, stuffed with explosives, striking elements. e on one of the busy central streets at the intersection in the immediate vicinity of which the school is located. the ruling georgian dream party and the parliamentary majority decided to withdraw the bill on foreign influence, which caused unrest in the country, however, today the opposition is preparing new protests about the causes of the unrest, let's talk. now the lecturer of the belinsky state university is in touch with us . hello well, it seems like the bill was withdrawn, and these were formally the main reasons for the riots. as you can see the further development of events, it seems that the opposition is not going to disperse. hello, thank you for the invitation, but i
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don't think i really expected it. so so fast. i thought it was still georgian the dream will try to bargain with the west, then there are two options. in fact, the first and this generally characterizes the georgian dream. uh no, instability, perhaps something was afraid that they could continue these rallies, so they called it off. and, perhaps, a dream behind the scenes managed to somehow negotiate with western players. and since i can see it all, in fact, well, of course, the opponents of the georgian dream called it the law. e pro-russian. oddly enough, he said that they had not even read it, in fact deed. uh, i see a political struggle here, and between the georgian dream and the opposition , the opposition and, on the one hand, the same players who are funded from different countries. why from different countries and also want to influence the means processes that's how i perceive it on something positions. and if you watched the situation, then you know that the second day the opposition generally stepped aside. and this was purposefully done,
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because in georgia there is an agreement that it is impossible to wear tons of methods to change something in the country of the opposition. if she was ahead, she would take responsibility, so she stepped aside and moreover, it seems to me, believe yourself , she understands that in fact there are even less or 17 than the ukrainian dream, so i honestly do not expect that the position that's exactly the position will be able to achieve something, but being on the street. well, nevertheless. how do you see the end of this conflict, everything will calm down. it seems to me that now at what stage, well, firstly, it seems to me that already yesterday everything began to subside a little, because the hope that the georgian society in the majority supports aggressive steps. they failed yesterday. uh, many georgians have stated that they probably support the passage, so that without violence, and therefore already yesterday there was an attempt to move away from all this. and now it is already clear that
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there will be no rich methods for dozens of georgian society, so today i expect quite if it will be less numerous, it will be calm. i think that all this will resolve itself, because there is really no other way out. these drip deeper. you can understand that someone likes brid's dream, i like it, but they are their voters, these voters have not gone anywhere. uh, and yet, nevertheless, there are many comments and western ones. uh participants in this process. the us ambassador to georgia called this bill a black day for georgian democracy, but would he like to think, uh, for revoking and, uh, changing the same law of the united states means, there it also means, black night of democracy, it turns out according to his logic. well, this is such a replica. probably those not less here is this foreign interference, which is visible to the naked eye. somehow they discuss it. georgia generally understands that there is pressure, an attempt to actually seize power by force. or it doesn't
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count for you. i think that here , again, more of these close populations. i think there is. ah. the realization that different players from different countries are actively trying to put pressure on the country. it seems to me that the issue of transparency and that georgia needs to have a law in our difficult region, according to which we can we know who is rooting for whom and who is receiving? what orders from where? sooner or later he will get up again, it is inevitable. it's just that the question here is very simple, will this law apply only to russia and belarus, or will this law be for everyone. i personally think that the law, if it is the law, it should be an exception for everyone, maybe about kelly degman's remark from the american ambassador to georgia. well, first of all, it will be replaced soon. and secondly, it seems to me that such remarks even more push those people who have doubts about how neutral america is in this fight. yes, and this is even more shown from the consciousness to the fact that , unfortunately, not all of our european and
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american colleagues, but are on the side of the georgian people, as they say, but is on the table, there are no definite ideas of definite interests. that is why these laws were initiated. moreover, it's just as they say, lawyers are a tracing paper from american law, and in its simplified version, the lightweight version. and it turns out that america can have such a law to have this is not a night of democracy, but for georgia or for any other country, this is a night of democracy, how do you understand it? i think that we are all fine, we know the latin proverb that what an epiter needs is impossible for others, but this explains everything. yes , archie is talking a lot about jupiter now - this is to entertain him , and yet. uh, how much these protest moods that we saw in such an extreme form. let's put it mildly, but they have a basis for the uh situation in georgia. but i
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will say, let's be very specific. and there were some compare with euromaidan. it seems to me that our european colleagues. well, the people who were appointed liberals, although they are also liberals, to be honest, and i think they don’t fully understand that ukrainian society is not a ukrainian society georgians will not go to the barricades for the sake of europe georgians will go to the barricades for the sake of their children, for the sake of social justice economy, so expect in georgia should not be, and moreover, we have seen that there is no support for aggressive rallies, as for. now about these undoubtedly. georgia has protest potential, as always, your breed society. it is so spoiled, but it is not connected with what we have, that tomorrow we will approach the european with everything that people, unfortunately, have been stronger for many years, a serious socio-economic crisis. and this issue is not resolved. these are all political parties, they basically say the same thing that we need to build an economy, we need to build a country, but only this way, we will go to the european union, and
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before that, we people sit and suffer from the wrong socio-economic steps from this point of view, the people have certainly become from the fact that the same government. but nothing fundamentally changes so far and is looking for an alternative , but even here i will summarize, however, the problem is, on the one hand, we have frequencies that are tired, and on the other hand, there is a single national movement. admittedly, the main opposition force, but the people who do not like. uh, more opposition than those who do not like the ruling power. well, yes, the situation difficult it is clear that there are always different political currents. this is fine. and , probably, even peaceful rallies, if they take place within the framework of the law, this is also normal, but the picture that we see, which we saw at least the day before. eh, it reminds me of other things. well, although you said that euromaidan is impossible in georgia tbilisi well, the picture looks very, very, very similar to you. well, firstly, uh, the picture my colleagues also write to me about what is there in georgia. and there is nothing
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outside the parliament building in georgia. happening. that is, if someone thinks that there, but there was someone there, something seriously beyond the maximum parameters was not there. i was. uh, colleagues at many rallies, where there were 100,000 200,000 people, when there were only 200, well , even then everyone was within the law. how does this moment differ from the fact that , unfortunately, some political players of the deck and ordinary citizens decided to lead an aggressive political life in georgia. aggressive methods of expressing one's opinion, that is, pogroms, by the way, have never happened in georgia, even you, it seems to me, eduard shevardnadze's purses, people stood peacefully and did not smash anything, because they were loaded with a very sad story of civil confrontation and the disorder that was in the nineties. that's what now, unfortunately, some people think that it is possible to smash something new, so the picture seems to be really serious, but then again, if you visited the third, you saw what was beyond. uh, the people of georgia live as always, that's why i always
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say when the faces of the people speak. unfortunately, the people themselves ask if if you want to know the opinion of people close to you, let's go through it. and, if you think a journalistic dream is not a representative of the georgian people, and that he is a right-wing russian, then let's do it. uh, early elections, in which, speaking of position, disagree, because the legal one is likely to win again. that is, while the political alignment is such that the georgian dream has the support of most of the electorate. i understand correctly, this is statistical so proven that is, this is not my statement. all even western studies show that if close dreams have 20% of the support of the electorate, he actually has 11 other parties at a ratio of 2: 1, if the ukrainian dream has 20% of the support of the population, then georgian ngos have 17, not, then the georgian president has 11, which is very critical. in general, there is no support, because, in principle, the president was elected or the electorate is like the georgian dream. i want to emphasize and even more so during
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the election campaign. she took a million larin then dollars on credit convinced him not to make noise, that is, she was elected by the electorate georgian dream, so you need to dig deeper, see the statistics. and yet, it's still not clear. why does the president have such a sharp, different position. i understand that how important it is for the political landscape of georgia, it really doesn’t matter, again, well, this is not the first time before that , giorgi margalashoy, who was also elected with the support of the georgian dream, at some point our presidents, as i understand it, they break away from their mother's dreams. and it turns out to be half -influenced often, well, what's in the chest are called liberal elites, that is, these are people who fanatical believe that the only way in our country. this is only europe and without europe breasts will not exist. they are under the influence. uh, these are the forces and, but in fact
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, what kind of political future they don’t have, and it was invented only yesterday, the opposition was considered a traitor, and now she announced that e georgian dream is an agent of the kremlin anaha, good in the future, when it ends she will too. wow they imagined how georgy morgulashvili was a man who came to power, thanks to loved ones dream, as soon as it is so much, but it will end was gone, as a politician, that is, no influence. he didn't have. yes, this, by the way, should be taken into account that the georgian presidents. this is just a public figure, but, unfortunately, to do is that the president is so far, that after the transition, the strangeness of the presidential format to the parliamentary so far, that does not have any real power, firstly, and secondly , unfortunately, prestige artyom many thanks . we hope that your predictions about the impossibility of euromaidan in georgia get rid of. we are still monitoring the situation and will remind you. we spoke with the lecturer of the state university, the eagle
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rulits them. the situation in georgia is being monitored in the kremlin , and this is what presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said about this, nevertheless, to our neighboring states and despite the fact that we have no relations with georgia as such, nevertheless, of course, the situation cases there can not cause, of course. it is important for us that peace be on the perimeter of our edge here now, of course, the situation leaves a wish. now short advertisement after continue stay with us. lending potential for business find out the available loan amount without opening an account and documents and get a loan at a 3% reduced rate. we are trusted by millions of entrepreneurs that behind this
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inner strength of character and at the same time, lightness, as if you are familiar. eternity of severity, wisdom of energy over the edge tenderness and inspiration. when do you want to confess your love? in russia, it was possible to liquidate six
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-tiered financial platforms, thanks to which, as yury chekhonchin, the head of the rosfin, monitoring, said at a meeting with vladimir putin, the state returned 4.5 billion in chopped fact , more than 100 criminal cases were initiated. in addition, the use of bills of exchange by the shadow sector has decreased; in total, all the steps taken have made it possible to prevent about 110 billion rubles from being put into illegal circulation. chikanchin also reported other results department work. wanted to say, i am a shadow financial sector. unfortunately, he was present and managed to liquidate six shady large platforms of 4.5 billion. already returned to the state , fraud from criminal gangs in the financial market has remained to date. these are active blockers of financial pyramid problems. yes, the main problem is that they are on the internet for more than 90%. the first second is that, as a rule, the beneficiaries of the owners are offshore and as persons involved in this particular
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citizen of ukraine in latvia in great britain bulgaria and others. that's right, but 11 financial pyramids are closed today for more than 60 dollars. now he understands relations, it must be said that where a budget appears, a crime necessarily appears. in particular , such a project was launched, the pushkin map. this is a map that has given the youth the opportunity to visit. theaters , museums and everything else. well , a criminal group appeared, which made front people and embezzled 100 million rubles. now it has been revealed. how does she just made imaginary lists of people who supposedly , uh, should receive these benefits, but there were none. now it is all revealed, money, practically arrested. these people are arrested assets work is being carried out jointly with the fsb , a similar situation was about and
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you can’t do it with tourists, shuriks appear everywhere. well, as soon as an opportunity arises, it immediately appears, therefore , management, with regard to countering terrorism. here means thus, and is included. the official list of terrorists is about one and a half thousand people, including legal entities, including tourist groups in this mosque relationship with nationalists in ukraine, russia, saudi arabia, agreed to continue coordinating actions when working in guardianship, plus the head of the ministry of foreign affairs , sergey lavrov, announced this today after negotiations with a colleague from the kingdom. what else was discussed at the press conference, we will find out from our correspondent natalya solovyova , now she is on direct line, natalya hello. what other statements were made? hello alexander. first, a tete-a-tete meeting, then in an extended format in in total, the delegation of saudi arabia spent
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more than 2 hours here in the mansion of us spiridonovka. this suggests that there are indeed many issues that require detailed discussion, as this is the second meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries. this is not counting meetings in multilateral formats, which also take place quite often and such regular contacts are explained very simply saudi arabia one of the most influential states in the middle east in recent years, relations with russia have been developing very dynamically, in the past 2022 alone, the trade turnover between our states amounted to more than 1 billion 700 million dollars . in addition, moscow and a number of countries are the two largest countries in the world in terms of oil production, not counting, of course, the united states and have recently shown very good coordinates . qiyu, within the framework of guardianship plus back in the west, which is now rapidly plunging into an energy crisis, of course, they are very zealously watching all the external contacts
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of a number, but as the minister of foreign affairs noted today, sergey lavrov is our relations are not subject to fluctuations. we reaffirmed our commitment to the agreements that we have, primarily within the framework of custody plus, uh, which will remain in full force until the end of this year. after that, the members of the opec plus group. e, will consider the situation, a and make new decisions. saudi arabia was on a visit to kiev, met with vladimir zelensky there, but earlier this month in new delhi held a bilateral meeting with the us secretary of state , trying to mobilize under his banner, and against russia, all the supporters he can only find, whom he can influence, but
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the son is nearby. this does not pass the state by consistently demonstrating its position and upholding the peaceful diplomatic and regulation. in this conflict. we are ready to work with all countries to find a peaceful solution, and we have already put forward certain initiatives. in particular, with regard to the exchange of prisoners under personal supervision, this operation of the hereditary princely theme took place, there have already been several prisoners of war, including one very recently. literally the day before yesterday, and to a large extent , the agreement that allowed, uh, to implement this, was reached with the assistance of saudi arabia, another issue that was discussed at the meeting. this is the export of russian food. arab countries traditionally treat our customers. and now it was, of course, about the extension
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of the grain deal, which kiev and the collective west insist on, so, as sergey lavrov noted, the complexity of the extension lies in half, and the execution of the undertaken agreements. we have such an expression as peas against the wall. if we are talking about deals, then it is possible to renew in batches only what is already in progress. and if the package is half-fulfilled, then the issues of extension become quite complicated. another topic that i could not comment on today. sergey lavrov is the new data that has emerged regarding the investigation of the terrorist attacks on the northern streams. let's hear what he said. explain with reference to some western intelligence services that this is the work of a certain ukrainian oligarch. well, i think this is just
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embarrassing for those who push such a version through controlled western media. only an international trip, but of course, issues of regional cooperation were also discussed aside, the discussion continued over the so-called business breakfast and moscow and a number of once again confirmed the intention to strengthen bilateral cooperation alexander natalia thank you for the connection was our correspondent natalia solovyova what's undermining northern flows are to blame for russia was absurd from the very beginning , presidential press secretary dmitry peskov stressed for moscow to arrange such a diversion. it's
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like cutting off your own leg. synchronous release of material in different countries, the anglo-saxons, about whom we spoke from the very beginning , are clearly fussing over this act of terrorism in relations with the germans, as for the pro-ukrainian, you know, divisions that this organized with difficulty. it is too hard to believe it was a difficult task, which was probably only good trained in the special service of the state of which there are not many in our world, so we still continue to demand fast. here we demand a transparent investigation, so that we are admitted to this investigation. we believe that run on the brakes. this is impossible. here it is necessary to establish who ordered this text, because this is too dangerous a precedent for committing a terrorist attack against an international critical energy infrastructure. the air raid alert sounded this night throughout
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the territory of ukraine, massive missile the blow was inflicted on military targets and critical infrastructure of the country that you use yours to conduct hostilities powerful explosions thundered in kiev dnepropetrovsk krivoy rog lutsk exactly and odessa in kharkov counted 10 missile strikes nationwide power outage. uh, there are reports of serious problems. on the railway, some sections are de-energized, trains follow with a delay are operating, reserve diesel locomotives are being used. and as stated in the russian ministry of defense, this was a response to the terrorist actions organized by kiev on march 2 in the bryansk region of the armed forces. they delivered a massive retaliation strike with high-precision weapons, including a hypersonic dagger , hitting key military
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infrastructure facilities of the defense industry and energy of ukraine, all targets were destroyed. let's take a break for a couple of minutes and then we'll continue. dear friends, i invite you to our new edition of the besogon tv author's program, which will be called what's 2 2? i hope you understand.
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why is it called so? looking forward to seeing you? ukrainian troops are shelling donetsk under nato artillery fire, the kiev kirov districts of the city first of all attacked the volnovakha , one civilian was killed, another was seriously wounded, the dpr situation is being monitored by our correspondent boris maksudov. the site of another crime of the armed formations of ukraine another senseless cynical shelling behind my back the building
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of a transport enterprise all that remains


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