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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 6, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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we'll take care of this. it will be the honest detective. always wondering where it all starts? now everyone will see the producers of good things they want and most importantly, but it is best to check.
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what was done, that's as far as it was possible to have a dialogue with those people who were in these organizations, er, and in the secretaries and member countries. we did so much when it became counterproductive, when there was no added value from our participation. eh, in this structure there was not, and once again i emphasize this fat destructively. we came out. i think it's a similar story. here, the first is the formation of a consolidated , and interdepartmental, position, which is the position of the state, and the second is each time the ratio of how profitable it is for us or how much it ceases to be beneficial for us. that's it, so here it is. i think that maria vladimirovna also knows this very well before and the completion of the short question of the five-year salisbury. you
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spoke very harshly very clearly, with great interest i learned that you, it turns out, even used it. obscene language, that's how many years i've known you, i didn't notice something like that behind you. that is, this is the western press, as always, the russian language cannot be learned. you have known me for many years, not only on the air, but also off the air and, probably, mm. they could have caught my hand, so to speak. ah, they talk about what's new behind the air. eh, beyond the scope you do not use. well, of course, because our language is so rich that you can always find synonyms, which, in general, i always use. but really, you can imagine they threw a fake exactly on the day, but five years. but this one here is salisbury's dramaturgy, but about the fact that somewhere on the air with your colleagues it is no longer semi-skobeev, but hmm something like that. i said that it was supposedly obscenely absolutely fake, but it
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was amazing that they pulled it out and they referred to the broadcast, just dedicated to the violinists of a five-year-old, well, about a five-year-old, yes. long time ago, but another such fraud. and as for salisbury, then, well for all those, it is of the utmost importance. for all those who are now saying, where is the truth, where is the truth, who is deceiving, where is globally, where are those landmarks, uh, where are those compasses by which you can go ahead. i will give an example of that story five years ago, the west created and implemented a global fake global disinformation company, when it was invented from beginning to end. the story was invented, the participants were immediately accused and sentenced against our country for 5 years. no, not violins. no, no evidence. no, not a single document that we could get from them for all our requests. here is
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a five-year story for you, which developed very actively on our part, as mei, who constantly demanded explanations, presented their evidence and fought for this truth. here is the answer for you today, how and what to focus on the skripal, who is a russian citizen who was kidnapped, and we have not known her as a judge for five years. we talked about this, demanding access to consular officers to russian citizens who were so ill that they had to just say that he was alive or not. at least we know it. no, this information , the british side carefully hides their locations of states, in general, what happened, the whole story was needed in order to create a systematic information ground for the former, and against russia for the latter, in order to get rid of russian diplomats
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who worked and did their job well within the framework of all international obligations and further just to form public opinion endlessly, but keeping afloat or vice versa, can be on the other hand, i’ll come in and say, but by warming up or fanning this fire with russophobia. that's what they went to systematically, because in one day, and russophobia was impossible. we didn’t swing for a very long time and it was one of those system blocks was another. as you remember, the story with navalny was sewn together. the same threads on the same patterns. and according to the same principles of dramaturgy, it developed further, however, for some reason this principle failed, not all of these cases were investigated in 40 seconds . because this excuse me is no longer possible.
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so brush it aside, and turn this story from yourself in such a way as it was done before the violins and with navalny because there were the fate of specific people specifically citizens. but these were the fates of those, uh, whom they are just, well, it was possible, um, how to mystify this whole story with violins. and that's excuse me. a pipeline that goes along the bottom. and the baltic sea in the zone of their direct responsibility in the zone stuffed with their own equipment, including military equipment, tracking, and so on, and here it’s just like that, given that yes, of course, in our e, paradigm in our philosophy, the life of one particular citizen, when it is under threat requires careful attention and their investigations are different, but forgive me in this situation in the northern streams, just in their philosophy of attracting attention,
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when it comes to millions and billions of investments invested there. this is the most important thing for them, that’s why they stalled, that’s why they didn’t manage to falsify this story so quickly, because these are companies, because these are insurances, because this is money, this is infrastructure. this commitment and much, much more. they are the figures of some russian citizens who do not care about them and who simply imagine with yourself such a fascinating series, and presented by the british tabloids, and then by the german ones thank you very much mary vladimirovna andrey, well, maria vladimirovna helped. patience is here when she said that the position of our international organizations. this is a very consolidated position of the state of not a single agency, but i would like to say, but if we leave the wto, it is easy to make an application, we leave. we won't help mr. blinkin
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carry out his program to isolate russia. why don't we get out of there? why don't we get out of, uh, the united nations. yes , all organizations in general. this will be the isolation of russia. this is what they are trying to achieve, and she remembers that they were translating just now. stalin was remembered, uh, the fulton speech there were mistakes with soviet diplomacy were we could destabilize we could destroy the marshall plan if there it was a story, famous from a telegram that the french and the british had already agreed and so our delegation was on the second of july. new year's eve slammed and left the paris meeting, and the americans would they buried the marshall plan because before that they buried the administration for the restoration of europe only because the soviet union participated there; the second example is when our un representative, the soviet representative, was allowed, uh, as, so to speak, a diplomatic demarche not
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to participate in those meetings, there , where taiwan is involved, that the korean war necessarily came out not the korean war, but the un war in korea came out, what was it called? here is the operation, the title is the un war in korea, and the main thing there, the role was played by the american contingent with an american commander. but this is war, he said, it was good now what the wto is, unlike the imf, it is not distributed according to quotas in the imf, the number of votes in the leadership is distributed according to the demolished quota, therefore the americans. accordingly, they are the main thing for which they are fighting, china china is fighting for the redistribution of quotas within the moscow state university within the imf agreed. you are my friend intravf, by the way, he is also fighting for our quotas in order to send us students. okay, in the wto does not. yes, husky round the first round,
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when the bastard turned into this, that is , the gad system has been included in the wto system since the ninety-fifth year. since 2001, when it ended, in fact it never ended. why because the americans could not make these decisions, which are developing countries there, china there and india. here we need to unite and remake the rules of world trade. here is our diplomatic front of our struggle , pushing out from there those rules that were installed before our very eyes, they were installed by the anglo-saxons. this is another 402. by the forty-eighth year, there were consultations between the british and uh americans, the americans, then they failed the international trade organization of the famous charter of havana, when it was created by the american congress, it was neurofied ratified in the process there, which the agreement was adopted, issuing it the truman administration squeezed it out, as
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a typical trade agreement remained on this bastard bastard, in fact, with being a trade agreement, it became, yes, to an organization in asia. you have to fight for it. that's right for it. she said maria maria vladimirovna spoke about european organizations. this is what we are doing in the osce, if the parliamentary assembly also ended a few days ago after this parliamentary assembly , the american delegation declares we need to hold these sessions next time, the parliamentary assembly of all states that have imposed sanctions against russia, i mean personal sanctions to the russians there. do not let. excuse me. what is the system in european security without russia? here there is a system here and there. can this system take shape without russia, that is, in fact, they devalue themselves. it is from these organizations that we need to leave, and two fathers for twenty zimf, for the wto we must fight, we must fight in order to
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rebuild the system there. we have a mass of allies who could help us in this life, there is a struggle against the 12th revolutionary. this is a very very important important point, the second problem, red trooper hmm well, if you take this song. red i think that's what the phrase yes means because the reds don't doubted. i think about the cavalryman. no, well, there are slippery sheets. we listened in other parts, so the second problem that has now been raised is this problem related to objectivity with the objectivity of coverage. so, i just looked at the western media as they interpret the terrorist act, it is unlikely. for the first few days, it was that an uprising was starting against putin. this is also the preparation of such an informational background against putin , there are various forces. and now these
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forces have come out on the territory of russia, but i think that's the main thing - it was a task. that's exactly what it was to jump on, but as vladimirovich lenin wrote, and the intelligentsia, the performers turned out to be shit, yes, the performer of the performer here, in this case, in this case, let down, but the very idea that is now expressed in the western media this is the idea when you need to change e, objectivity should be replaced by the concepts of such a strengthening of confidence against the wall , in other words, at one time, when i was a student, we were told that it was necessary to approach the assessment of phenomena from the point of view marxist ideology. this is a question that any event must be interpreted from the point of view from the standpoint, so to speak, of the interests of your state, the socialist state, and the like, you know, but if, for example, an
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elephant in a zoo has diarrhea. here marxism will not help, if you are a dialogic, if you are real martin yes, if you are a dialogic faculty, you graduated from an assistant, but bourgeois objectivity does not come anywhere. now one of the patriarchs of american journalism at one time, the head of harm was the former washington post. he says objectivity. we don't need it now. we need to strengthen the trust the trust of those people who read us and from this point of view. here seymour hurge absolutely does not fit. he's also objective. he objectively sets out the events of which , as he knows and understands them from those. the sources that he receives, but he does not strengthen trust among society , therefore, in fact, here i am still looking for how someone will answer him as the end of the end, something in the west to note with these terrorists they don’t
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it happened, because even the western media told what alexander viktorovich said on our program. they completely repeated the entire analysis of salsa through they said that they weren’t nazis with german malaise with ukrainian passports. so it’s hard to tie them to the realities of russia, yes, i would say that they were unable to strengthen trust here with objectivity, again this position with confidence building was suppressed. and, probably, the last thing is that alexander will tell me better how i liked the visitors in uh hmm united states here is the question. why did he come there so by and large, but they didn’t note, of course, ukraine that they would support it to the end, whatever they used to make ukraine win. well, somehow i'm already lost, she won. well, you do understand, yes, i understand why it is. you just understand the thing? how
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would the journalists talk then left. yes biden, again looking for rabbits. well, look, here it is, i'll just show it again. mr. president the question of the origin of covid you you will hold china accountable , it was also a scholz, but he left. he just forgot. why did the nurse call him? no, just more, just against the backdrop of a conference of conservative political actions that was practically taking place at the same time, which, in fact, is going not only on it, not only, but i don’t think bring me the angel merkel i don’t think it’s who, he says, the angel tells them more well then , take it back and that's it. that is, that he remembers who angela merkel is, for example, his older brother has returned. it's good to have joe biden, angela merkel is like this now. why, you see what angela merkel macron with
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angela merkel no landu. he was resurrected without traps with angela merkel, so it turned out. well, i forgot where and why i called him. well , it happens, well, what do you want not to forget? i think there is not only grandfather. he worked there, of course, but he forgot those who worked on it. well, this is a problem, grandfather forgot where the leaves from the children were supposed to remind grandfather that he forgot. i believe that in this case there was a demonstration, what is called the calling of the scholz about the fact that he should take on more responsibility and more more obligations, and scholz tried to convince , as far as i understand, to convince about the fact that everything he could have already done, the more you can’t do when. well , remember, the king foolishly calls from where to himself, yes, to some one, but, well, it pulls here, well, one flies in, but the king has already rejected and forgot. why did he call the same thing in the ninety-first year, when they tried
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to crush kolya about the war in the persian gulf, but only on wheelchairs at school already. you americans who have dealt with the post-concern, he is already his grated. well, you're alexander better in fact, i understand why you did? yes? it’s clear i was me and i’m saying a counterbalance to trump, because when trump gave out to speak, he never said that they didn’t give you anything and show how trump couldn’t suppress europe and biden could and therefore said that it was jumping. and why didn't you ask. why did he ask how high, so he jumped up and came. he had to show that he completely controls everyone, that is, this is opposing himself to the future election campaigns trump i all shot. that's it, here they are, where all trump is now at the conservative conference of the political people of action. basically, it's not the republican party. these are all conservative organizations.
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america 74 years old said. there is received support, well landing party, with wisely did not come. yes , because he has 20%. got 60% support. and by the way, there, uh, the concept of ukraine was not honored, therefore it was not kelly and mike pompeo who decided not to mention it, but sergei yes, well, today orthodox christians have a holiday a great day of celebration, orthodoxy , on which we congratulate all orthodox who are associated with the fact that the last major heresy, and the heresy of iconoclasm, was defeated. but yesterday was the day of remembrance, including patriarch hermogenes, the man who played during the troubles in 1612. e, in my opinion, a key role, yes, in mobilizing the country and mobilizing people to fight against foreign invaders at a time when the elite of the country has actually already done up and
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agreed that the grove will rule polish king sigismund. on certain conditions at that moment. three germanines gathered a key role in ensuring that this betrayal did not take place even then. uh, when our elite, an imitation of sovereignty was offered. uh, yes, indeed, at the cost of quite a serious effort. but then there was a really fatal moment when our country could disappear from the world map forever. it didn't happen. although really. i was offered some imitation of sovereignty. in my opinion. that is, when you seem to be, but in fact you are not. something in my mind similar. we were offered in the ninety-first year the imitation of sovereignty is very deep, very systemic, very well thought out, but absolutely grown woman at all levels imitation of sovereignty, and we accepted it for various reasons, so to speak, yes , indeed, i, uh, i think that including we offered the world some chances to change for the better, but at a cost. so to say,
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a donation is a donation, so to speak with myself, which in my opinion was not justified, however. we have accepted this imitation yes , quite a lot has been done in order to and indeed with the advent of president putin , uh, in order to still fill our sovereignty with real meaning, but nevertheless , in my personal opinion. this imitation has penetrated the plumbing imitation so deeply that it still has a very serious influence on everything we do. yes, i believe that we should finally get rid of this once and for all. if the current situation does not allow us to do this, then, perhaps, nothing will allow us to do this, and here, in particular, it has never been asked quite quite, as it were, yes, er logical questions about what happens on the battlefield? what's going on with the fighting? e, absolutely not questioning the heroism of our soldiers and officers, as it were, who , including in this program, was shown yes , absolutely not questioning, so to speak
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, these dedication, after all. let's be honest. the rules of the game and the rules of this war were imposed on us. until we take our problems for our rivals outside the theater of war. we are success we won't get it. there are a large number of questions, very serious questions that have no answers, there is silence. silence is not the best answer in this situation, because more and more questions are more and more obvious, so to speak. and in particular the question. and why, after all, we do not take actions that will radically weaken our rivals strikes on transport infrastructure strikes on the decision-making center strikes on those points that will not allow, for example, the kiev regime to regularly bring delegations there all sorts of destruction, yes, europeans will not allow european american politicians to be dragged there, because in fact these shows are not suitable. this is serious political and informational support. it is very serious. this is system support. it's not just come and go.
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thus, we show that we are fighting in the east of ukraine, where city after city, so to speak. turns into ruins yes we're making progress but the question is yes uh here's the chronology. all the same, these actions. she what's cause if we're in the same logic to act at the same pace, then you know in our life with you there will not be enough to see at least some success. let's all be honest about ten years. if at this rate or there will be some kind of solution, which is actually difficult to imagine, how success is obviously perfect. why isn't this happening? there is a question. there is no answer. it seems to me that, yes, these things should be looked for , among other things, in this deep political problem, because it seems to me that certain rules are open or unspoken are maintained, and these rules are for us. why do we need these rules? why are they for those who are fighting there now, why are they close relatives of those who, so to speak, who sent their sons, so to speak, and the peasant there on this front, these rules are not for what, and what does it all consist of? yes, but here it is important to understand, i
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think it is extremely important to understand, because even here are the simplest things that we could do without any problems at all. so to speak, solve it to block the possibility of coming to western politicians, which i mean, so to speak, to us more than once spoke here including, yes, and these questions on logistics right here right here in your studio in march. they also raised these trips there , they actually provide very serious support to the ukrainian army and ukrainian society and president zelensky and this whole situation. we could accept it, but we don't. or, for example. let's say. the same situation with bryansk with the bryansk region. here again, well here, you will not give value here exactly. here on this bedside table standing in the month of march after one of his first trips. e means in those edges, i said, let's introduce martial law and build a line of defense in these places. yes, then here, though others were state duma deputies, some of them, so to speak. yes, they grinned somehow, grinned, like so to speak, well, broke, broke your week. and how often so among the crayons of six of them. yes, the situation has changed. this is the first, second,
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what was discussed here regarding the economy. listen, a hostile state shouldn't. they should not be able to use the resources of the russian federation, because they are hostile. alexander gitsenko save only soviet people fish others are not here yevgeny tkachuk
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and we should not make any economic deals that prolong this war. we should not agree to those conditions that do not allow our economy to develop. we must change the internal situation in such a way that it is subordinated to only one historical success ; this does not happen, because this is a deep imitation of sovereignty. she let it go so to speak. yes, these roots are so deep that they can be torn out extremely difficult extremely difficult. and it needs to be done otherwise. why i already said, because maybe.

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