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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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volfy zhirinovsky who it would seem in such an exotic manner, but as it turns out , said the absolutely right thing. everything he said about england. well, absolutely the right thing. you just want to revise and revise his performance. people , including you, isn't it? why are you digging there? we are going to give him the title of the righteous of the world does not want to talk about it. :00
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these are not replacements. moshe is bail shot. i will return on my own. this is the most expensive ursulyak pipe in the world. i want to know this kiselev on alive.
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so first the war economy, then that, i also think that this is a symbolic person. it is necessary for them to tell him, as far as the economy is concerned, of course, it will not be today, in my opinion, or yesterday the ministry of defense of the german defense story said that, uh, germany
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cannot defend itself. uh, german general. kayus also gave an interview. he generator were at the highest, smoother in natu. and he also said that it was thanks, and i told you that germany cannot defend itself. uh, more premieres 10 days ago by ours in france, uh, the gentleman said that he had a conflict in ukraine it seemed. for 2 years we will produce a black threshold in france and this gives us the opportunity to produce 95.000 ammunition per year, which is 3 days. uh. this is for your self-propelled rigs. but if we still have yes, do not
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underestimate the crown does everything right macron. today, the macron acknowledged the colossal defeats in africa, the macron said that france is de facto ending the era of its african tour, the russians kicked france out of africa and therefore the macron is trying to take revenge on the ukrainian front on the offended pride of a man who, uh, as the biden called him six months. yes, of course, greatly reduced. he could not have been a five-corporal. he is not captivated at all, he is miserable, insignificant and owes it to himself. you know, it's not china or russia that removed france from africa, it's a macron. himself how, because how is he, uh, kofren, how does he treat africans without any respect to read them like children? it is he who helps russia a lot, he helped a lot. china now even he
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says that uh you have to be very careful there when we perform uh with africans, but he himself says no, how are the children? secondly, what is this about? you are talking about very important, because yes he is a character. this is, uh , a global guitar case, which is now the leader of the west and uh, of course, you are in charge, and france has special media that will support its program. how is it that he himself is not a jew, so he is ready to support ukraine to the nazis, there is immediately in odessa smorshchenko , who himself, uh, the former head of the battalion, gaidar, in my opinion, and but he believes that russia is now the main enemy is not a ukrainian nazi, but russia why because he helmet is hyper class and it is also important that this year they started talking about libya, but he, too, uh, supported the war with the chistists. e, against e. big
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race against syria and then he starts the rozenga. assad. assad must leave on the spot. he, who also used it, left . obama left. they all left. and that's why ukraine should play with him now. well , it seems to me that the result will be the same. well , also one question. why he hates russia why he hates russians and he say why cuz he hates france the french and he before what he published this stupid book there, well, which, in principle, he wrote himself. um hmm so i think he published a book called the french road where he explains what we have in tigers as a people and why he wants it and why he doesn't like russia because russia show a different model for europe what russia has how nicer to say vladimir putin , uh, on the 21st of february, he
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doesn’t need a model now, there were somehow copying 90 on the first one, and even until 2006, uh, russia had its own model. if the russians here it works, maybe it will give ideas u the germans u the french no longer hears it to say that represent in france of course. uh. unfortunately, now i don't see anyone in france who can uh it because all our parties. well, on the contrary, mr. germany has a delica has, uh, alternatives. we don’t even have such a foam for marina, which will roll down with someone there. uh, vladimir putin in the seventeenth year. oh yes, in the seventeenth year, when no one wanted to meet her, she already says that she supported the delivery of weapons. and his deputy said that yes , the sovereignty of ukraine is important, it’s like sovereignty in france. therefore, while in france i don’t see nadezhda. well, if
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he is afraid, if he is afraid, that means that there are opportunities and therefore eating russia will already be a victory for the european peoples. against all this are terrible gabaric elites who see perfectly well that they will not play now, but in russia how they lost, they lost now not long ago with this egypt he is now a year ago he was uh, in my opinion, therefore uh, they have already lost all the series thanks to russia now they will play europe thanks to russia is now advertising. more precisely, we will continue, but he actually.
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what can i say, yes, we don’t believe these your podlyak liars, when segnich tried to grind ukrainian here for us propaganda is how it happens, but a person is under sanctions, she doesn’t care. what did you take, what is it? well, what did you decide that the price of ours? yes, you are not ours, we do not have only dsrohi. and this is someone like dmitry sergeevich peskov who said that we don’t believe. we don’t believe who said that these were not ukrainian drones, we don’t believe, because that’s what is most surprising about these political ukrainians. they think they are smart. so, when they carry all this, it seems to them that right now they
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are being cunning, you look at them and you understand that it is stupidity . to my mind, general swan, before that, this phrase belongs to you and when you look at these half-dolls. e, yermaku. that's all the rest, then you think about the arrest, because they are really stupid, like a cork gordon zelensky what distinguishes danilov from these people phenomenal low iq let the lari look what is it, well, the stupidest people, there are all kulebs, this is all a variety. here are these e klimkin cast-iron. by the way, where is klinkin, he does not act with a machine gun. by the way, we really did not see the answer to a simple question with you. and why would something arrest a deer at the front, especially since he boasted that he had a rank? why, how did he turn out, how did he cross the border to the rear, do you do it, right? take not only the language, but it is also
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a little witel, something must be burata, then then return. yes, that is, it will not be limited to the language, or i was looking for shit closer. here you are cunning, the squint of ukrainian politicians. it doesn't work. here they have the whole cunning squint , a terrible number of people dying every day. artyomovsky here, the price of all the cunning squint, when they are already tired of lying about the fact that they are ready to fight to the last ukrainian, and here, of course, i will tell you straight. zelensky spoke brilliantly, that is, this clown suddenly realized that the ukrainians were running out and decided to say that you weren’t it. hello, wait a minute. wait a minute you now and fight your own too send. look how it sounded russia will come to nato countries and it will happen. they will come to the baltics, they will go in and capture the baltics so it will happen. and then you
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will send your daughters to the united states of america, just as we send ours today , and they will fight to fight, because it will be necessary. we must also remember that this moron tried to draw conflicts. his task is there from the very beginning, of course, that is, what the americans suddenly understood and began to write to him, cretin, not only is it on our grandmother lives. now you want us to fight for you, you idiot who unleashed the war by not fulfilling his election promise of peace. well, let's see what people write there. we should send americans to fight in ukraine writes zelensky and here it is all about what he is without a clue what it is about being gay. the us will have to send its sons and daughters.
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i am on the side of ukraine, you will send your sons and daughters to fight for ukraine, and a man will lament to saw off his hand. yes, let's say so polite, jokes not really, but only americans know what kind of people? what kind of people are used to humor here from this humor and suffer at the same time, what is curious. ste, it's over the top. well, of course, the americans allow it, but the ukrainians are already so tired. i wonder which of the ukrainians is usually capable. this is stupidity to live and swallow. and there difficult prospects do you think the ukrainian troops can leave this decision to bang, how the command will be.
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i don't see the particular tragedy of exhibiting, even if it's there because it's not abandonment, these are not broken abandoned ukrainian units. they got surrounded or were unable to defend, or so on and so on, to know the ukrainian active defense. they have done their job. and it changed to the lines in which it performs. i also have a task, namely the weakening of the attacking enemy, as if attacking, which leads the advancing uh to a more advantageous position. now, if it is expensive, at least for 5 minutes, but it seems that there among the ukrainians, whom they are fighting, they will simply shoot him, that he is not in ukraine. he afraid in your life. he understands that he will immediately get on the scoreboard from one of the ukrainian soldiers and met everyone on the street. here i was bang. i understand what it was. well, i just saw it with my own eyes. what kind of
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grinder is this? god forbid that an ordinary person see this. here are these torn corpses of people unprepared. which the ukrainians cannot even collect, because these ukrainian soldiers whom zelensky threw a meat grinder, here is the applause of the arrests. collected by musicians and sent back. because ukraine doesn't even care about its own the fallen. by the way, zelensky loved so much, he was from artyomovsk, he was there, yes he was, where it was quiet, quiet. quiet. and where was he? yes , it will tell the guys tales to america , then it was necessary to go. ah. well, judging by the atmosphere. he was very far from that place, even close there, well, i'm telling you, that is , there was no sound that always accompanies
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walkers. here i am every weekend there was gordon from the other side. well, communka, he was going to pull out the decks. here goncharenko kept wanting to meet me, there is something and something i didn’t i have never seen lyosha goncharenko at least somewhere on the front line. what happened guys? slow down a little. well, what are such people to do ? vladimir vladimirovich, he
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considers every day as victory day, he believed that on march 1, the end of winter, this is the victory of ukraine , that is, for him. now the end of each month or season, maybe, well, victory day is convenient. listen, so that ukraine does not happen and it does not matter. what cities will be surrendered there? how many victims will there be? how many people will die? uh, the main thing here is to continue noodles on the ears people hang up lying endlessly and notice how they deal with those. who's trying somehow here, well, not that it's not for biased reporting to lead. yes, just, uh, at least they are trying to complete their task. well, the correspondent cannot come, kersimo. yes, uh , to the crimea, and the man, after all, well, diligently carried out the task. he really went and looked for someone with a ukrainian look with an anti-russian look. he did not limit himself to sevastopol where, of course, uh,
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all his life people were talking about the russian he went in bakhchisarai well, i didn’t listen to that, well, in bakhchisarai there are entirely crimean tatars. of course, they are against russia. yes, well, no , he listened to us. i'm telling you, yes, that's where i tried to find the crimean tatars for russia, you understand? well, well, even though you cracked, now it doesn’t know that you are crimean tatars, who call themselves majilis, banned in russia, they live in kiev. for a long time they do not know how crimea lives there. well, well, i had to admit. yes, that's all. uh, ready to fight to fight and no ukraine here, of course, and the number of the creators cannot be close at once. that's instantly. that is, right there and then, i liked the wording. uh, participate in propaganda. e in the promotional event of russia, you understand the story with nbc. this, it turns out, is a russian propaganda event, probably ordered and paid for there, i don’t know that with nbc it’s already a branch, and tv channels
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russia 1. i’m already saying soloviev live doesn’t include the victory of the son. yes, i understand. this is my london son, whom and you know, yes, and the anecdote of this story, so they launched fake that my son is a model in london about tommy solovyov, they found a boy in furs with long claws. you really are the surname solovyov, by the way, one of the most common surnames. yeah, it turned out that he was ukrainian. well, it turned out that this guy from ukraine left with his mother, once with him to ireland. it's just sucked there now. this is an american who wrote in the kiev gazelka, that is, this is a deceitful american cattle. now it has led to the fact that this dishonest ukrainian gay is almost all head there, everyone is trying to know that the war is against ukraine worked. so, well, as you say,
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soviet ukraine does not fall in any way over the years, but it disappears as dill and even soak your gay. you look at how immediately the russian liberals are all and in fact it is obvious that it was, it is understandable. since vladimir solovyov, i also head an automobile magazine. i am also a number of russian cosmonauts and journalists. yes, that is, in general , vladimir solovyov yes, i am also a philosopher and a chapel. you, too, chapels, too, i destroyed this known to all for a long time. here. what about? yes, uh, here's a kelinkaru. well listen go. find it soon, here, and as for that , they mentioned it to our grandmother. here are interesting hearings, yes, which are all sorts of advisers to the pentagon, deputy minister's assistants. uh , they gave reports, so they pretended to be fools
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, we didn’t know whether they supplied weapons or not, as if it didn’t exist. it’s just beauty, they say it was read here . yes, we play here we don’t play, yes, does the azov battalion get access to american weapons, as far as i know, no, but if you have information, i ask file an investigative report for the global times that talks about training. it comes from the atlantic council's digital forensics lab and says the battalion received material as early as 2018. there are reasons to disagree with this assessment. excuse me, this is the chinese global times. no, this is what you are reading. yes, maybe. yes, it matters in general. i do not recognize propagandukin. no just tell me the accusations are true or not, i don't have any proof, no one else side as a whole. i don't take beijing propaganda at face value. what got out?
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yes, no, well, just a living beast of the one who quotes the global times, you are someone’s for what it is while the global times which quotes from an article in the atlantic, which, in my opinion, are chinese-american reports such in america, azov himself boasted of the weapons that the west presented to him when they were in mariupol. well, what's the difference, the main thing is to dump zaton dota people, well, deceitful american stupid propaganda, cattle not in this regard. yes, they are well done it, when they talk about china, they are now in general, of course, in hysterics coincide peter who are there, then, ah. now the pentagon speaker is about to start talking. well, what if china starts supplying weapons to russia that russia uses in ukraine, this will prolong the conflict and lead to the destruction of ukraine , wait. so maybe this will just speed up the resolution of the conflict. yes, if it will lead to the destruction of ukraine, then all the problems,
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including american ones, will already be. by the way, i have a question. but this marina oatmeal american television has already been offered a job. german liberal garbage heaps show the girl turned off the girl. let us not lie. there is no pam there, parararam-pam couples have changed the camera to be a girl, that's all the liberal press. and screaming for freedom. this is our heroine. she said, brother today, by the way, this ovsyannikova was mentioned by the colonist in the times newspaper, kaloev's article, uh, in the times is very interesting. the article says, the main problem to begin with is our problem, the british problem is the passivity of russian society. he mentioned that this is the only oatmeal there. this one came out, yes, and that, but before that she worked for propaganda to me ukrainian friends. they explained that she is not like that, but she says that the main trouble is that a passive society does not
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arrange terrorist attacks and does not derail trains . that is, he directly calls for sabotage of a terrorist attack on the territory of russia, he is terribly worried that this is nobody our patriotism. he gives out for oblomovism hmm the term is such i was what is this times? british? i hope the people of britain are ready to start the fight against the evil imperialist corrupt government the people of britain are already letting in. they can’t find it, and if we put questions like that, they round their eyes there, like they are, who are calling for terrorism. yes, but in russia you can, in russia you need it. you see, william cake, the former minister, is sitting. it's just that it would be great - he says, if a coup happens in russia, it will be overthrown. now that would be ideal, says the best option, says the former is not difficult for foreign affairs. yes, i’m telling the uk how they organized
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the first world war so that sveta would completely russia and here, please, the date, they calmly discuss. as needed, they support terrorist attacks. they encourage, they call for terrorist attacks in russia, they tell how they overthrew the government absolutely, and they call for this, but therefore, of course, we also need to start together. like an answer. era, we must call on the active population of great britain that we regularly stated from high tribunes that we do not interfere in the internal politics of the country for everything, the only thing in the world. everyone else in the world is intervening. we must follow this rules agree white gloves act against uh, guns. uh, artillery, and most importantly, against blows in the back, of course, you can’t. everyone needs to be active. i liked it in ruden. so, they turned on the fools, well, yes, on february 23 , the ukrainian community was held; they don’t like that
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there is a vice-rector or someone like that. well, he turned on such a moron, who gives an idiot here , more precisely, well, in ancient greek there was a person who lives there is no agenda of the city, so to speak, if i remember correctly, well, he speaks greek better than us, really. i not sure what you lines there. that is, that ancient greek language, but which one says such a thing? yes, and what's wrong with that, but it's just just a fellow countryman, not a forbidden sim card, we don't understand that. and what is it? so listen, and you explain to me well, let's go to hell. i am another invitation. let him take the russian flag and go to kiev and try to perform with him somewhere in some university, nothing like that. so what? yes, let it be simple, that 's all and let's see what is further, well,
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please, from vladimir's speech vladimirovich at the fsb board that it ’s not good here, that’s the network of hatred. so here it is, a person who does not understand, they simply do not understand anything at all. russian society does not live in war. because this cretin is not a single close one at the front. i am everything for him the blood of russian soldiers is water. he will probably sue me for insulting his honor and dignity. let them find honor and dignity in him. in court , let's look together, one must have phenomenal political moral and spiritual deafness in order to be satisfied with february 23 such demonstrations.
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used to watching videos and cartoons
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. if a person holds such a position, he should simply leave with it, if you don’t see anything like that, he studied at the academy of russian special services woke up on february 23. you know , vladimir vladimirovich quoted characters who said it's okay about artemovsky, yes.


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