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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 right now the main facts of this day in moscow launched the big circle line, the world's longest metro ring 71 km, 31 stations 3 depots. this is the largest project in the field of building meters in our country . anastasia efimova will tell about how trains were launched along the now longest branches of the metropolitan subway. there are only nine of them, and each one can be talked about for a very long time,
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because each is, without any exaggeration, a miracle of engineering ideas, but the most important thing, of course, is that these nine stations open today, in fact, close the big ring line. and this is a new transport frame of the capital, which improves the lives of 3 million muscovites and more than 30 metropolitan areas. but these are only those who, it will affect directly in the same total complexity. we can say that due to its influence on traffic and, of course, on the possible time savings when using the pc, this is an event that concerns absolutely every muscovite without exception. this is actually a grandiose project, that's what the russian president called it. the head of state took part in the opening ceremony, and bcs today via video link and, of course, congratulated every resident of the capital of today's event , in terms of its length, the seventy-kilometer block became the world's largest underground metro station, overtaking our friends
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in china and the current leader . er, chairman of the people's republic of china, if the program allows , we will be happy to show our guests, in any case, the delegation. it seems to me that it will be possible to show, but the main thing is that the quality will change the entire transport system of the capital. she e, it will unload many highways, it will become a good incentive for development and improvement, the surrounding urban areas will make the life of the megapolis and its residents and guests more convenient and dynamic , i think that passengers who use the existing sections of the new ring have already been able to appreciate. all its advantages have received tangible savings in travel time. generally. i want to note the tremendous work that the moscow authorities have done in recent years for the development of transport infrastructure
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, is there really something to see here? more than three dozen stations, three electric depots, and this is really the longest metro line in the world that allows you to get from point a to point b to a significant extent, saving time, which means we are making this historic event even more convenient for its residents. for the metro only, but for the entire transport system for the city of moscow, this is the largest and most difficult project in the history of metro construction, the new heart of the moscow transport system, which combines the moscow central circle and metro lines into a single transport system and allows you to connect new lines, metro creating the future of the transport system. we are now in sokolniki and this is a very good example of how difficult it was to build a large
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ring line around here dense urban development, but this is not the biggest difficulty. the fact is that the historic metro station sokolniki was built in 1935 in the immediate vicinity and, accordingly, work. here it was necessary literally with a jeweler's accuracy in millimeters, assuring. each step in order to have stations connect without historically not, causing them damage. that is why the introduction of a large circle line. this is such a big celebration for all those who are related or building and following tradition. i'm asking for your permission to launch the big metro ring. with god let's go guys. thank you very much all over the big
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circle line. i hope our viewers have the opportunity to see the map right now , and here on the map the bcl scheme somewhat resembles the outline of a heart, and i am another symbol of today's project. it is, of course, such the transport heart of the capital, which beats in unison with the other heart of another transport artery, the old ring line of the metro, which, of course, is much smaller, but it is obvious that these two rings will allow the city to breathe even more freely in terms of traffic flows continues to speak about the station is another historical unique unconditional and open. today. this, of course, is marina roshcha , a deep station 70 m deep, escalators almost 130 m deep. and this means that, in general, quite seriously underground, i had to to go down not only, but to the residents who today along and through the marina grove, but first of all, of course, to the builders who created
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this station, as well as all the others, each of which is unique in its own way, including due to the technologies that were used for their erection for the first time during construction. e of the big ring line, ten-meter giant shields were indeed used. the so-called tunnel tunneling complexes, but which made it possible to build distillation tunnels. uh, double-track, and in which the trains are different directions move towards each other, that is. the first use of these accounts made it possible to build tunnels without additional e structures, and drainage shafts and ventilation shafts, e, and use. uh, the tunnel is practically a cheat. e, accordingly, reduced the construction time, but it remains for me to add that the first passengers are already traveling along the large circle line. practically everyone who goes down? toru is holding a mobile phone in his hands, filming everything that happens, apparently,
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he also agrees with the mayor of moscow, who believes the present moment is historical, well, historically. well, of course, they prefer not only to hear about this project, but also to see it. and the best thing, of course, is to drive anastasia efimova and yakovladina konstantin veselonov together. how the launch of the large circular metro line will affect the transport situation in moscow , mayor of the capital sergey sobyanin sergey semyonovich spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel well , first of all, i congratulate you on the full launch of the black line, the already existing urban development. you have included the most underground ring in the world, in addition to construction work. this is the laying of the most complex engineering communications. this is infrastructure. well, it seemed that the task was generally impossible, how was it possible to implement this mega-project in a record 10 years 10 years ago, the task really seemed impossible, the project had no construction capacity , there was no funding, there were no land plots for the construction of the station, there was no
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clean slate to start such a project. it looked like some kind of adventure and many. they just didn't believe it, well, on the other hand. we understood that without the implementation of this project of the future, the metro would not have a transport system. in general, the future is also so gloomy, because you can’t solve the city’s transport problem alone, the city’s transport problem needs to be developed by public transport, which is already used by 2/3 of muscovites, and then there will be even more. and understanding this task, we concentrated all resources and financial, economic , industrial, organized construction, all complexes worked for this task. in what all 10 years worked, tirelessly and it was possible to see even from the dynamics, what happened for the first 5 years. we dug dug, in fact, for 5 years.
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one bkl station was just put into operation, and over the next 5 years 30 we came out of the ground and went, and already to implement it on a large scale. this project has already become confident that this will be something will be implemented and today bkl are only real and the best transportation system. sometimes with the possibility of a new future transportation system. which neighborhoods will benefit the most from the arrival of the bakael , and how much do you predict the big ring man will use? regularly bkl passes through the middle of moscow throughout the middle of moscow through 34 districts? naturally, they can probably be considered their uh, residents of these areas. and that they will be more than others using e-bcl, but in fact, bcl will improve the situation for all muscovites and those who travel by metro and even
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by land transport. even for cars there is, because the bcl improves the operation of all metro lines unloads. makes travel more comfortable. this means that more people will use the public transport. it’s one thing when there is a crush on the ring, well, if you don’t want to get there , you will take a car or take a bus, when you ride in a modern train in good conditions, why not ride some part will go with metro cars from metro buses. this will mean that land transport will also be unloaded. the same applies to the moscow central circle, which is already overloaded today , or to the suburban rail transport of the moscow central circle, which also works with great stress. they will also unload and will be more comfortable for everyone for everyone without exception. muscovites residents of the moscow region, the project will improve the transport situation and make life
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more comfortable. and how, according to your estimates, will the territories near the station develop , will new points of attraction appear, there may be new jobs, of course, amazingly, but during the construction period. this project has already bought itself in fact. that is, to take a one and a half kilometer corridor to the circle of the big circle line during this time, and the investments made there about five trillion rubles have created new jobs, new microdistricts. we counted the year before the federal budget received as much for the meadows as we would have invested, and the city budget next year, in fact, is better as much as it invested? not at the expense of passengers, but at the expense of investments that came to near the bcl due to the fact that the bcl came to the district in territories that were previously considered generally
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depressed. we saw this figs to us of the central committee how it all began to develop bkl, we believed it before, otherwise previously, even investing in the development of the city is a huge effect, in general around the bkl until the thirtieth year. we considered about 400,000 new jobs will appear the new metro city is, of course, the real life of the city. the most bkl and the investments around it do not create some kind of boring crush, on the contrary, it does not make the entire space of the city more comfortable. this, of course, is an amazing effect of the external appearance of the station, we were here at sokolniki just that they are so different, each unique, as they chose. we had a crossroads at the beginning of the journey to do it the soviet way. how was it done? for the last decade, you know that the economy class has a gray, nondescript, well, it goes and thank god there was no money, there weren’t
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much resources, you know, that’s what you decide to do. eh, so such projects are unique, but it was difficult to make such a decision, nevertheless, given our stories. the metro in general, as if such a brand of metro, that in the moscow metro, the most beautiful in the world, they thought that it was possible to develop the metro on such a scale only in the best traditions. ziyah started metro construction, and therefore began to create unique stations with unique architecture unique finishes unique design good quality materials attracted better russian architects and even international voted design. muscovites pressed a button on an active citizen. yes, like it. i don't like it. they chose themselves. well, we didn't regret it at all. imagine
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now some kind of wretchedness of the service at these stations would have been terrible fish on their feet, not zaton had already fallen in love. it seems to me that i saw all of my own people only in photographs. there were discussions, of course. well, of course, in the end we can have our own opinion. everyone, but with this we should be guided by the opinion of the majority, muscovites voted moskvich yes, but it's original, of course, well, we like the composition to be used on pkl, in general. uh, the construction of new metro lines and renewal of metro rolling stock, it gave a huge impetus to the development of domestic engineering. just a huge push during this time, 2/3, in general, metro trains have been updated and we have learned how to make trains that are no worse than the best world models. and much cheaper in terms of money.
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when talking about import substitution. we have nothing to import here. these are our projects. many in the world want to receive. we can already be proud of our own metro trains, the actual engineering of new cars, modern , comfortable, clean, comfortable, silent , great. well done machine builders, but this would not have happened if there had not been such a constant clear long-term order from the city thank you very much once again i congratulate you on a grandiose project. thanks, congratulations. indeed this is a great historical event. thank you for all of us. will offer solution open a deposit with a maximum yield of up to nine and a half percent in a bank branch right now. cookies 156-99
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stepanovna and will play on the site. vtb has sparkled with new colors, when you can please your loved ones even from afar. the russian military shot down a ukrainian su-24 aircraft in the dpr, our air defense systems destroyed 15 apu drones over the past day. also in crimea, an attempt was prevented by massive attacks by ukrainian drones
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, the ministry of defense reports the latest data during a special operation, we learn from our correspondent denis alekseev, he is live denis i welcome the situation on the fronts, indeed the russian pilots tried to shoot down the su-24 of the ukrainian air force and the intercepted 15 ukrainian drones were destroyed by air defense means , this is only on the territory of donbass and another six are the result of preventing an attack on crimean facilities an attempt was prevented by the kiev regime of a massive drone attack on the objects of the crimean peninsula, six ukrainian attack drones were shot down by air defense systems, four more ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were put out of action by means of electronic warfare and destruction on the ground was not allowed. artillery continues to work hard against the militants in the area of ​​​​ugledar, where russian marines have made good progress from the eastern side of the city. around the apu group in artyomovsk
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, pincers continue to shrink on the highway towards the clock. yar there was another clash, all the supply lines of the ukrainian formations are still under fire control, and no matter how much they would like to allow situation in their favor, nothing comes out. and here is how the russian troops worked out in the kherson direction, they destroyed the ammunition depot of the 123 kiroboron brigade, like a tank, two self-propelled guns and a hundred military personnel. this is footage of the work of the western group of forces art installation named after stas 152 caliber shoots at closed positions of the armed forces, their targets and tanks and mortars and the same howitzers. in the limansk direction, the active actions of the artillery units of the grouping of troops of the center defeated the manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements from the telmahovka chervona popovka of the lugansk people's republic, its breakdown of the donetsk people's republic
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, over 150 ukrainian military personnel, four armored combat vehicles, as well as stubs and t30 howitzers, were destroyed in this direction in a day. and here is also a representative of our artillery, the hurricane complex, caliber 220 mm, the range is enough not to immediately give yourself away and have time to change the point of 35 km. the projectile reaches the target in a few seconds and it is almost impossible to intercept it in fight against the enemy. all means are good. here is footage of paratroopers using sport drones to hit insurgent positions for better orientation. in space, the operator puts on vr glasses. the result depends on the equipment of the drone due to the four propellers. a speed of 170 km / h is achieved. therefore, it is enough for drones not only to detect, but also the main elements of this container filled with striking elements. we use actively, but boomerang, that is, this komikaze drone uses a monitor
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so that we can see pictures there are helpers operator who sends corrects gifts operators use or points. he becomes one and sees everything is beautiful, that is, the direction. losses in kiev still prefer not to notice, but for the personnel on the front line they look frightening lost equipment thousands and thousands of units from such data. it is unlikely that morale will rise from the battlefield, ukrainian servicemen are fleeing to surrender, but they also reveal quite interesting details. we have a lot of people who do not want to fight, but whoever wants to write on the lasso, you write with us. immediately a prison from 5 to 10 years guys, somehow i don’t know, well, they try to get around somehow. we
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had comrades who wrote and left. well , we don't know. even zelensky’s adviser rodnyansky said that the strategic army of ukraine could retreat from artyomovsk, quote to sacrifice people, it’s just that they’re not going to do it, but the fact continues to do it, even stating the obvious advances of russian forces in this direction. work has begun on the creation of a special fund to help participants in the special operation, mikhail mishustin announced this is being done. let me remind you of this on behalf of the president. the fund will provide targeted personal assistance to veterans and families of fallen soldiers. this topic has become the main topic today at a meeting of the coordinating council under the government to meet the needs of the armed forces. and now, about what other support measures the prime minister spoke about.
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the government has already made it easier for our defenders to apply for the benefits and deferrals due to them, while a number of regions have offered their assistance for their families as well. among them is the law. skip the line to arrange a child in kindergarten and many other benefits another resolution specifies the procedure for electronic interaction between departments. in this domain. now the constituent entities of the russian federation will be able to receive information about the mobilized people who live in their territories and provide them and their loved ones with additional support measures, including through the public services portal, it is important that due to the automation of all processes , the time for their treatment for targeted personal assistance will be reduced. the president set the task for the families of the dead soldiers and veterans create a state fund. works on the formation of such a structure began
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colleagues. in her message, the head of state also spoke about the need to provide a two-week vacation every six months to all participants in the special military operation. it is necessary to work out in detail the procedural aspects that will allow planning logistics; it is important to promptly resolve all issues for the implementation of this instruction. mutually beneficial partnership regardless of the opinion of the west was discussed today by the leaders of china and belarus alexander lukashenko arrived in china with beijing and minsk have their own views on the settlement of the conflict in ukraine with a state invitation from alexander balitsky's visits. this one among the money changers is always spelled out thoroughly and does not differ from the business cards of the visit of the belarusian president to china, everyone tried to find something like that. he was annoying from the very beginning. the west there understood
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to speak in china lukashenko will be about ukraine and common positions in the international arena. today's meeting is taking place at a very difficult time. requiring new non-standard approaches of responsible political decisions the belarusian actively comes up with proposals for peace; he wholeheartedly supports the initiative put forward by you on international security. but the western camp is for these peace proposals. china criticized and even the very fact that the xi accept your ally of russia in washington was regarded as beijing's unconditional support for moscow in the ukrainian conflict , the chinese press has already pointed out these western theses. what is the approach is only clearly demonstrated by the quotation, limitations, views and hypocrisy of western people who are not at all interested not in the fact that minsk has repeatedly played the role of an intermediary between russia and ukraine, not in the fact that beijing is also actively promoting the position of the negotiations. well, as chinese analysts emphasize, being geographically between russia and europe , belarus is now starting from a very
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difficult situation. as the risks to her safety also grow this concern. beijing understands minsk, he himself is under pressure and lukashenko today once again spoke of tensions in asia, including around taiwan, which the states are forcing, minsk condemns, and at the same time counts on strengthening bilateral ties and inviting chinese business to participate more actively in the belarusian economy . judicial reform promoted by the country's prime minister, benjamin, netanyahu, demonstrators carry israeli flags and posters with slogans against the bill in tel aviv, protesters blocked the central highways on the roads. militiamen tried to disperse multi-kilometer traffic jams, the protesters used stun grenades.
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as a result of the demonstration turned into a clash with the police , by this hour dozens of people have been detained and there are victims norwegian law enforcement agencies today detained the well-known swedish activist gretta thumberg, this happened during a protest that the girl staged in oslo now thunberg opposes the construction operation of wind farms in the territory inhabited by indigenous peoples , the activist and her supporters block the building of the norwegian ministries in the government quarter of the capital. today we are signing agreements on the admission of the donetsk people's republic of the luhansk people's republic to russia. and what also began with the description of ukraine of the association agreement. this is a country with which we have developed special relations over the centuries, but we should have
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thought about it no, ukraine concerns historical novorossia, then we will never we perceived our own. we perfectly understood that troops could also be thrown against us. well, we didn’t even think about the fact that it would be aviation, so the people of donbass became a stranger in ukraine, that russia, we are here, we don’t go anywhere, we keep our crow our cause, the right victory will be ours.
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today, the law
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on pensions for citizens in the new russian regions of the residents of the luhansk donetsk people 's republics, zaporozhye and the kherson region came into force from march 1, begins to receive social benefits, according to the general rules for the whole country, recalculation is also possible benefits that are already being paid, but only upwards, report by pavel prokopenko an architect with 40 years of experience , vasily alekseevich, is on the threshold of the pension fund at exactly 8:00 a.m. at the opening minute. it is necessary and i will tell others something very simple, such girls are sitting there , the procedure takes only a few minutes . you need to fill out an application with new forms. just from the printing house, it is important at the initial stage that they have the force of a russian passport. so is the lpr document. you must also provide employment information. there is no work experience and payments received to date, work
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book. and if something was not credited for a person, and he wants to be recalculated for these years now, then it is necessary to provide some other documents, these are certificates of today. residents of the new russian regions will receive all social benefits provided in our country only in the lpr, more than a million pensioners, the minimum amount of their benefits in the republic used to be lower than in the russian regions, now it will be equated to the neighboring in the rostov region and crimea, recalculation for residents of new territories is possible only upwards today, according to our legislation, more than 60% of pension recipients receive a pension in the amount of 10,000. based on this, there will definitely be a recalculation of pensions and an increase in pensions. for our citizens. reducing the size of the pension will not be unambiguously maternity capital in the lc. released first of this year. during this time , more than 2,000 people have already received it since march 1. residents of new regions will be able to receive payments for


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