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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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i promise we'll figure it out. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. urgent footage from odessa at the fire station of the arrival at the warehouses of ammunition kits for the vso, at least four explosions, and this is a night battle in the black sea, patrol boats and...
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russia is ready for negotiations, but since there will no longer be anyone in istanbul to count legitimate government in ukraine, is an olympic truce possible and what is the plan of the russian armed forces in the kharkov region, we will be forced to create a safe zone.
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russia has never refused negotiations in ukraine, but the basis should be the istanbul agreements, and not ultimatums based on some unknown formulas. there are no plans to capture kharkov today, and those who demand that moscow respect the olympic truce must first stop violating the olympic charter and politicizing sports. all these are vladimir putin’s answers to journalists’ questions following his state visit to china. the president spent this day in... where the deputy chairman of the people's republic of china met, opened a joint trade and industrial exhibition, and also communicated with students and even visited an orthodox church. about the results of the meeting, the main topics of negotiations from china, my colleagues alexander baletsky and alexander khristenko. it was clear that putin would be asked not only about china; the ukrainian conflict is a hot topic here, especially since the western press insists on everything, the russians are preparing for the assault on kharkov and putin is asked to tell. as for what is happening
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in the kharkov direction, it is their fault, because they fired and continue, unfortunately. shell residential areas border territories, including belgorod, well , civilians are dying there, it’s still obvious that they are shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so this is what we are doing, but as for kharkov, there are no such plans... for today. putin does not hide, they talked about ukraine, he and the head of the people's republic of china were at the residence of jun naanhai, where xi invites guests extremely rarely, and certainly not all of them. i shizen pin openly shared with the russian president
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some details of his trip to europe, where they tried, if not to win him over to the side of the west, then at least to influence moscow to agree to the so-called swiss conference, where kiev, together with... its patrons, is promoting a certain formula, we are not going to discuss any formulas that we don’t know, of course, we are not going to discuss, but we have never refused negotiations, unlike the ukrainian side, they withdrew from the negotiation process, they said that they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us, they said that we would fight to the end, actually not to the end, to the last ukrainian, to the last it may be possible, but it will not be possible to inflict it.
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the political system of ukraine itself would even say so, but for us this of course matters, because if it comes to signing some documents, of course we must sign documents in such fateful areas with legitimate authorities,
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this is an obvious fact, but for now the credit of trust has been exhausted , but putin was still asked what thinks about macron’s initiative to declare an olympic truce for the duration of the paris games and isn’t this a trap for... including in this case in relation to russia, not allowing our athletes to perform at the olympic games with their banner, with their flag and anthem, in they violate us in their relations, but they want us, in turn, to follow the rules that are dictated to us, this. it doesn’t occur to anyone whether this corresponds to some elementary norms of justice, there is nothing like that, they violate it themselves, but from us demand fulfillment, well, dear friends, we won’t be leaving for a long time, in order to
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demand or expect something from others, we ourselves need to follow these rules, they also talk about sports without politics in china all the time, and also about the economy, the usa and europe at least declares from the stands that they want to work with china. on chips, semiconductors, metal, solar panels, and most importantly on chinese electric cars , the duty was increased fourfold, in my opinion, to 100%. can this be considered sanctions against china? does cooperation between russia and china help to resist such attacks? politics, the nature of relations between russia and china, the situation in ukraine, i assure you, have nothing to do with this, these are simply elements of dishonesty. competition, we made ms-21 aircraft, so they were certain
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components that we agreed on and which had nothing to do with military production, well , certain components had to be inserted into the wings, which means they simply refused us everything, including sanctions list, and one that is related to military production, but nothing to do with the military there was no production there and no, but we lost time, this production shifted. for about six months, but we ourselves made these components, these harnesses there for - for the wings, we made them well, and even better than american production in terms of quality and durability of their use, the same result will be here, russian experience countering sanctions against china may be useful; by the way, such sanctions are applied by the same americans or europeans against even their own allies mutually, well... not only in relation to russia, but in relation to other situations and to other countries, and this
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is a practice, and the europeans, therefore, swallow all this, well, once again confirming their vassal dependence on the sovereign overseas , well, god be with them, they are weakening their main, main, most important instrument of their power, the dollar itself, causing themselves irreparable damage in general... that is, to put it trivially in our, so to speak, well-known sayings, they are simply sawing the branch on which they themselves are sitting, terrible stupidity, already 90% settlements in moscow and beijing in national currencies, and this greatly simplifies the work. putin had not yet left china when the pages of local newspapers began to analyze his conversation with the chairman of the people's republic of china. according to chinese experts, moscow and beijing are providing each other with unprecedented mutual support in conditions of global turbulence and
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the conditions for the development of our countries are improving the well-being of the peoples of china and russia. federation. this is what our countries will continue to achieve as the main outcome of the big negotiations. alexander baalsky, natalya lundovskaya, anna kolk, nikolai petrov, news from harbin, china. stands of russian companies in one pavilion in the form of a moscow-beijing train. the unusual design of the exhibition, like a vivid image, shows how many things connect both countries. vladimir putin launched the russian-chinese expo, a large-scale trade and industrial event. business exhibitions, and a forum on interregional cooperation was organized here in harbin. since
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its founding at the end of the 19th century, harbin has personified the closest ties and intertwined destinies of the peoples of russia and china. mutual enrichment of cultures and traditions. by the way, so we drove through the center of the city, its historical part preserves and... this is good, you can immediately feel it, it also preserves the russian trace, because our specialists from russia, engineers, scientists made a noticeable contribution to the economy in their time. city ​​development. these days, business cooperation is on the rise. 16 russian regions are represented on the site, from primorye, which is geographically close to china, to moscow and chelyabinsk. iit technologies, agribusiness enterprises, metallurgy, mechanical engineering and global logistics. the head of rusatom reported to the president, that a special subcommittee of russia and china on the northern sea route has now been created. we
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see the potential to increase to 50 million tons of chinese transit by the thirtieth year along the northern sea route. the chinese part of the exposition showed putin the pride of the prc and electric cars; there are also promising joint projects in this area, but of course, such a rich economic life would not have existed without political mutual understanding at the highest level. after yesterday's detailed conversation between tetatet and the chinese leader xidinping, vladimir putin today in harbin met with the deputy chairman. yesterday in beijing you held talks with chairman xijinping and reached important agreements; we will definitely carry out all
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your instructions. in harbin, the history of russia and china seemed to merge into one. the city was founded by russians on chinese territory, first as a railway station. after the revolution , thousands of people flocked to harbin from russia, settling here and building hospitals, schools, colleges, and, of course, churches. putin visited the only orthodox church operating in china, intercession of the holy mother of god. the abbot, chinese father yushi, serves here, and father alexander at the baptism. the president presented the icon “the savior not made by hands,” painted in sofrin. and in august 45.
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vtb bank. today, a corresponding agreement was signed between the graduate school of management of spbu, the school of export of the russian export center and the school of management of harbin polytechnic university. the main building of this chinese university even looks like moscow state university; it was built in 1965 based on the architecture of moscow university, and the polytechnic university was founded in harbin, our compatriots back in the twenty-second year, as a russian-chinese technical school. russian engineers brought equipment. conducted classes, already in the twenty-second year they switched to a five-year education, a new stage began in the post-war period, soviet specialists generously shared knowledge, experience and technologies that were unavailable to the prc at that time. today, harbin polytechnic institute, the intellectual basis of chinese high technologies, chips, robots, technology, aviation, including combat aviation, space, all this comes out of
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these walls, and this same space for cooperation, russia and china have plans for joint exploration of the moon. our country has already begun the development of a nuclear installation for the russian-chinese lunar station. the president was shown the latest developments, including a robotic arm designed to work in space together with a person. putin shook hands with the chinese robot. you can try shaking hands. yours. but the main thing is still live communication in connection with the arrival of the russian president at harbin university. excitement. questions pour in one after another about putin’s hobbies, sports, music and even his favorite chinese dishes. everyone knows peking duck, in russia it’s absolutely 100%, for example, yesterday my friend and the chairman of the people’s republic of china treated me to this peking duck, i’ll tell you honestly, there
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are two pieces of it there, i think i’ll only eat one piece, well you see, that's it. but i couldn’t resist, i ate the second one, you see, it was already painfully delicious, both the russian people and the chinese are very hospitable, we love guests, we love friends, we enjoy them we always meet in the hall, including students from russia studying in harbin, who admit that the president of the country is an example for them in everything, your perseverance and foresight has always inspired me to grow. don't know. it happened, but in general it seems to me that i, like many people, like all people,
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lack a lot, i still have to work on myself, when a person is critical of himself, believes that he still needs to do a lot and work a lot over himself, then, probably, he achieves success. russians and chinese are among the most reading nations in the world. the generation was brought up on the russian classics, tolstoy, chekhov and dostoevsky. after each answer, applause is heard; the audience was also struck by how the president reacted to
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the blockade in the city, because there were police officers at almost every intersection. i just want to apologize to the residents of the city for the fact that with our arrival, as i saw, such rather stringent security measures were taken. i am not guilty. but local comrades work professionally, toughly, i i understand everything, this is probably how it should be, but in any case it causes certain inconvenience for citizens, the press works here, excuse me, please, it means that we will be leaving soon, your life will return to normal, vladimir putin was seen off with a standing ovation, just those who will soon build. russia
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highly values ​​the personal contribution of the president of kazakhstan in the development of strategic partnership and alliance between the two countries, as well as interaction within the framework of the european union, csto, cis and sco. this is stated in the congratulatory telegram that vladimir putin sent kasym to zhamart takaev, on occasion. relations with the leader of kazakhstan and intends to continue working together for the benefit of the two fraternal peoples. russian troops liberated 12 settlements in the kharkov region. this is stated in the weekly report of the ministry of defense. borisovka, bugrovatka, gatishche, ogurtsova, oleynikovo, pletnyovka, dusty and streleschya came under the control of our fighters. a subdivision of the north group continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense.
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nine brigades of the ukrainian armed forces and the defense forces were defeated in areas of vesely, volchansk, dergachi and leptsov. 21 counterattacks of ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled near the villages of tikhoy and staritsa. fierce fighting took place all week near artyomovsk in the vicinity of chasovo yar. our troops are here. they are also pushing through the defenses of the kiev regime. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 3,700 troops, eight tanks were shot down, including five german leopards. a unit of the group of forces center liberated the village of keramik near donetsk, in zaporozhye the enemy was completely driven out of rabotin. four were destroyed by missiles, artillery and drones. mi-24 helicopter in the parking lot. patriot division, aviation equipment and ammunition depots at five military airfields. from may 11 to may 17 , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 28 group strikes with high-precision weapons from unmanned aerial vehicles,
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as a result of which command posts, military airfield infrastructure facilities, air defense facilities, arsenals, a fuel base of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as production workshops and sites were hit. storage of unmanned attack boats and unmanned aerial vehicles. also points of temporary deployment of units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were hit. new attacks on the military infrastructure of ukraine were inflicted this day. in the suburbs of odessa, after the arrival , a strong fire started. local media reported that the target of the attack was hangars where nato ammunition was stored. powerful explosions were heard in kharkov. eyewitnesses publish videos showing a giant column of smoke. in the kharkov region, a unit of the sever gur group from a position on the southern outskirts of the city. destroyed in zaporozhye a truck that was transporting an american
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howitzer. m 777. footage of the russian army using aircraft-type drones also appeared online. with their help , a pickup truck and the sau-gvozdika temporary deployment point of the enemy were hit. losses in the ssu over the past 7 days along the entire line of contact exceeded 9,500 military personnel. aviation and air defense forces shot down six mig-29 and su-27 fighters. on the administrative border of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, fighting broke out in areas.
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large enemy drones, the crew of this the car was shot down during a recent exit by a dangerous jupiter h3 drone. the target was moving in the direction of artyomovsk popasnoe, the target was detected at a distance of 75 km from the starting position at an altitude of approximately 4 dash 5 km. the buk complex is an important element of air defense, together with other systems it allows us to ensure our air supremacy, therefore for the enemy the buk is a priority target, our fighters
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provide it. maximum camouflage protection of their positions both from the air and from the ground. two machine guns are connected, a video camera with a thermal imager, that is, at night the rotating mechanism can also work, this is a remote machine gun turret, which seriously affects seemingly simple technical solutions, but seriously affects the nature of combat operations, the fighter who controls it is hundreds of meters from here, the turret is controlled, without risking the life of a fighter. firing, protection from... hunting rifles are effectively used to protect against enemy drones, but in order to provide each fighter in the missile division with new types of weapons, they are produced directly at front, here is an under-barrel shotgun, a 12 mm caliber hunting cartridge and a shotgun of the same caliber, created literally from scrap materials. the cost of this product is 1.00 rub. a battery, a safety
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button, and a start button are installed here. everything is useful. which helps defend the position and cause damage to the enemy. the intensity of our air defense systems is growing, although the enemy is using more and more drones and missiles, they are being destroyed effectively, while our units are operating to increase the level of security as mobile and covert as possible. the enemy is trying to open the positions of command posts, our headquarters, our unit has formed just such a command post on the basis of our beloved loaf's vuaz. beech m1.2 again received the task of destroying the target. the 52nd separate missile division guards the sky day and night. nikolai dlagachev, kirill genser, alexander plakhov, maria bulgakova. news lugansk. today , a soyuz 2.1b rocket was launched from the plesetsk cosmodrome, which launched military satellites into orbit. as the ministry of defense reported, everything went smoothly. specialists of the russian aerospace forces have established and maintain stable
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telemetry communications with satellites. the launch of the union could be observed not only in the arkhangelsk region, where the cosmodrome is located, but also in karelia, vologda and leningrad regions. residents of these regions saw a space jellyfish, which is the name given to the phenomenon when a gas trail from a rocket is illuminated by the moon or sun. users share footage of this stunning spectacle on social networks; the russian ministry of defense also posted impressive photographs. and today a detachment of ships of the northern fleet. led by the frigate, admiral gorshkov set out on a long voyage. the ships left the roadstead of the city of severomorsk in the arctic and headed through the barintsevo sea to the atlantic. over the next few months, sailors will perform various tasks in operationally important areas of the far ocean zone. fregad admiral gorshkov is one of the most modern ships of the northern fleet. on board
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is the caliber missile system, as well as the newest one. become an alternative to the vanity channel, ambitious joint projects of russia and islamic countries peace is being discussed today at the economic forum in kazan. cooperation is mutually beneficial; during implementation , hundreds of billions of dollars will flow into the budgets of the participating states. russia shares its latest technologies, and partners open new markets for our country. a report from stanislav nazarov about which project has already started from kazan. on the square in front of the exhibition center. expo, delegation members get acquainted with the achievements of the automotive aviation industry of tatarstan, mobile electrical substations at kamaz base and air ambulance helicopters. not only business meetings and negotiations are held at the kazan economic forum, but at the exhibition of agricultural
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machinery, the latest models of tractors and combines are presented; agreements on the supply of these machines to a number of oic countries have already been concluded. the topic of new transport corridors is one of the key topics at the forum today. we work closely together. with azerbaijan and kazakhstan, uzbekistan, development of both railway transportation and development of road transportation. we have already concluded an agreement with azerbaijan, with iran on extending the railway to, therefore, the ports of the persian gulf.
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acquires special values ​​and relevance. in the process of large-scale reorientation of markets , the united arab emirates, where several thousand russian companies already operate, has a special role. we have already signed some agreements and treaties with a number of regions of russia and with some cis countries. there are several areas of cooperation, such as logistics, production and food security. the forum also discusses scientific and interuniversity interaction. head of the federal territory council. schoolchildren at international olympiads are consistently high, this is a legacy of the soviet era, but with
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the creation of sirius and the regular visits of expanded national teams, these successes confirm the effectiveness of our educational system and the high level of training of our graduates, and of course, in the last year alone, trade turnover between russia and the countries of the organization of islamic cooperation increased by almost a third. business program of the kazan islamic forum is completed. 20,000 participants from 85 countries. dozens of agreements were concluded at the forum these days. stanislav nazarov, alexey urazakin, al khazipov, lead kazan. only a few will reach the finish line. tests were carried out at the special purpose center vitya. to the right wearing a maroon beret, the most difficult exam for special forces soldiers, selecting the best of the best, it is not enough to be just professionals, the applicant for a maroon beret must go beyond human capabilities, about the will to win, report by dmitry petrov. on the training ground
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the center of the dzerzhinsky division 58 fighters , officers of the russian guard, among the candidates there are many officers, including eight senior ones, majors and lieutenant colonels, after the grenade command. don’t go the distance, the first loser couldn’t even run out of the division’s position, this happens, he didn’t calculate his strength, burned out, five more people got off after a couple of kilometers in the forest, the first stage of testing is behind, a five-kilometer cross- country race, from the unit’s location through the forest , here we go to the pikhorka river, but now we need to ford the river - this is another difficult a test, although for some this opportunity is at least a little bit. there are many spectators on the shore, local boys, guys, they could do it themselves, yes, it’s very difficult, the wives of soldiers, russian guards, ours already surrendered at one time, we now decided to show the children how our dads were given maroon berets. at this stage
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it is necessary to climb a sandy hill under enemy fire, then a real assault on a real mountain, a fox mountain, another one leaves the distance, did not save his equipment. what does it mean? is the machine clogged? no, loss of equipment. guests watch the tests, special forces officers.
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battle, fresh instructors, combat samba masters continuously attack, replacing each other, but you have to hold out for 12 minutes without a break, in the end all seven pass this exam, this is the moment for which the guards go through these tests again twice a year, the treasured maroon takes, and a simple, but such a heartfelt oath from the very heart, i serve russia’s special forces. dmitry petrov, ivan lavrikov, alexander shestopalov and alexey
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mashchikov. news from balashikha. in the european part of russia the weather returns to climatic norm, and the regions of siberia, the arctic and the south of the country withstand the impacts of the elements. a thunderstorm front with large hail and rain passed through several areas. in kuban, fields and vegetable gardens were destroyed, fruit trees were damaged. local residents already. they are reading the damage, the harvest is under threat, a similar picture is in the rostov region, there is slippery ice everywhere on the roads, frosts are ahead, drivers are advised to postpone their trips. in yakutia, the fight against ice jams on rivers. since the beginning of the ice drift, rescuers have already used more than 8 tons of explosives. the main thing is now remove obstacles and clear river beds. in the alyakma region, the water level in the river
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continues to rise. within a few hours, water flooded houses in low-lying areas. nine settlements fall into the possible flood zone . residents are being helped to leave dangerous areas. in the omsk region, the irtysh river is approaching the ten-meter mark. more than 600 houses and about a thousand plots were damaged. today , a federal-level emergency regime began to operate in the region due to the flood. in the ustishimsky district , residents affected by the flood. to pay compensation, winter returned to dagestan, regardless of the calendar and the approach of summer, our correspondent sarkar magomedov drove through the snowy high mountain regions. today, may 17, it is snowing in full swing, and the cows are eating. this snow became sudden not only for the cows of the village of karabachimakhi at a height of 2.0 m, but for several areas in the neighborhood at once. the livestock and their owners were taken by surprise, and also
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the gardens and vegetable gardens, for which they are especially afraid here, which means that from today’s weather, my raspberries are crying, horror, horror, horror, they turned white for night dokhadaevsky, agulsky and kulinsky districts, in kumukhin they recognized their main park, it became unsafe on the kutru mountain passes, guys, this is the weather on the livash rise, so be careful, there are breathtaking views of the lush meadows. it was after the arrival of the film crew that the truly capricious snow of may began to open up. after the night's minus, the weather becomes warm again, as evidenced by this fog, because of which the surrounding mountains are not even visible. just a few hours ago everything here was covered in snow, the remnants of which now continue to melt on eyes. for shepherds. who will have to lead their athars from here - this is good news.
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livestock tracks, according to them, are already being actively taken over by private owners, so snow can become an additional obstacle, although it does not frighten these seasoned people. we are not afraid of snow, we have been through this before. our main snow, if it falls even here, we will have time to drive the main snow away from here. whether they will make it again depends on the weather, but the mountaineers are ready for the clubs. according to alikhanov, the former governor’s team managed to achieve success in the most
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different areas, and now the task of the new leadership is to continue the progressive development of the area. the new leader began work in the kursk region, where alexey smirnov, who before the new appointment was the first deputy
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head of the region, became the acting governor. today he was introduced by the presidential envoy to the central district igor shchogolev. the former governor and now minister of transport, roman starovod, recalled that.
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the exhibition is divided into two conceptual parts: around me there is a forge, metal, coal, fire, colors red, black, orange, here visitors will see weapons and industrial items. and the second part of the exhibition is landscape, here the tones change to more natural ones, we see a stormy sky, turquoise, brown earth, various areas of painting, music and theater are presented here. here is a portrait of tolstoy performed by repin, and turgenev by vasily petrov. his russian hussar davidov, by the way, is from tula by origin, left the russian museum for the first time. these are gilding, bluing, notching, engraving and etching techniques. well what kind of exhibition about tula would be without the works of tula masters. the central place of the exhibition is given to objects
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of decorative and applied art of folk arts and crafts: samovars, weapons, traditional clothing, hats, jewelry, icons in frames made of famous tula diamonds, the gym, the hermitage, the russian museum, the tretyakov gallery - this is not a complete list of exhibitors , authentic items are presented by the leading museums of the country, we gave some of the most famous items, these are boxes, these are small items, these bakers, which were made by very unique craftsmen, the exhibition of tula masterpieces of the russian museum is a key event of the museum project. in 2024, it is being implemented with the support of the ministry of culture, the exhibition will last until mid-september, polina iermalaeva, oleg antonov, tulo. this is big news. what will happen next in our program? mrs. fondelein, you should be in prison, no
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freedom. where is the president of the european commission doing with regard to vaccines for the european union for 35 billion euros? why didn’t anyone come to the court in this case? european tv channel. a massive raid of enemy drones on russian regions, as they repelled an attack in crimea in sevastopol. they destroyed it in kyiv.
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what's wrong, alexander grigorievich, hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, bash hello, hello, after your
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interview many new questions have arisen, it's good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person , volodya, well done, thank you at 3:30 am, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we’ll show you more than the rest, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr. they say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coast, where everything is included, except for your head, we know everything about vacation. relax! anex! immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. vixas golf
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villas and seüds sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the contemporary design of rooms and luxury villas, ideally suited for couples and families. relax in rixos comfort and style. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixus radomis sharmelshih titanic golf hotel beelk, where every moment
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is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf beel. the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. indulge in a first-class slio resorts holiday. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lizards, we're here for you. can you explain to me why
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we are? we’re leaving st. petersburg, dragging ourselves to this sample, i’m having problems in business, and you do you remember tanka, vasil, and she was still in love with you, but she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, really you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love? this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let me take it off together, pas, stop it, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, there, where we are not, today on rtr. big news
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live, we continue broadcasting. about an hour ago, air defense forces destroyed a ukrainian missile over the belgorod region and a drone over the bryansk region. this was reported to the ministry of defense. at night , the krasnodar region was subjected to a massive attack. explosions thundered over novorossiysk and tuabse for almost 2 hours, and air defense worked. according to the ministry of defense, 44 drones were shot down in the skies over the regions. of the black sea, six unmanned boats were destroyed, which were heading to side of crimea. footage of a naval battle in a report by yana shcherbata. this is how ukrainian unmanned boats are destroyed off the coast of crimea. kiev does not stop trying to attack the western coast of the peninsula and sevastopol. this footage was published today by the ministry of defense. patrol boats of the black sea
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fleet. they surround and fire at a ukrainian drone sailing across the sea, the target is hit, here ’s another one, heading towards the coast of sevastopol at full speed, the speed is more than 100 km/h, the black sea troops also destroyed it, and this is footage the work of naval aviation, a mi-8 helicopter flies up to a ukrainian drone, several shots are fired and the naval drone first catches fire and then explodes; in just one day, the black sea fleet destroyed 25 bezekips. enemy boats. one of these washed up on the coast, a modernized device with a presumably air-to-air missile installed on its body. one of the most massive attacks occurred tonight. over the peninsula, 51 drones were shot down and suppressed at sea in the air. ukraine is trying to attack the peninsula with heavier weapons. for the second night in a row, american tactical missiles attacked. according to the ministry of defense, five of
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them were shot down by air defense forces over the republic of crimea the day before. ukraine is deliberately targeting civilian targets so that there are as many human casualties as possible; they are firing missiles, submunitions, and metal balls with explosives. the same ones were found on the northern side of sevastopol, not far from the belbek military airfield, which is kiev the regime also tried to attack. the head of the republic, sergei aksyonov, warns crimeans to be vigilant and report to the operational services about the ammunition found. the air defense is great, and in general sevastopol is not giving up, we are like a rock, there is no panic. absolutely, i’m calm, our guys are great, we’re super. tonight, fragments of a downed drone fell into an electrical substation in sevastopol, because of this, part of the city was left without electricity for a while. the exact shutdown will end by 8:00, that is, by this evening there will be a residential area of ​​the city and all the critical the infrastructure will fully receive the necessary power. the water supply, which was also turned off due to power outages, has already been restored.
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air defense forces are on duty off the coast of the peninsula around the clock . russian troops managed to blind the armed forces of ukraine at the time of the start of the offensive in the kharkov direction, as the washington post writes, all starlink communication terminals stopped working at the same time, this happened for the first time, the authors of the article note the success of russian systems rep criticize kiev for too slow mobilization, shortage soldiers on the front line, about how... having opened camouflage nets, ukrainian artillerymen hide in a self-propelled gun with the nazi cross painted balkin kreuz, journalists remain outside to film how ukrainian artillery fires, for the first time since twenty -two the ukrainian armed forces have no
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shells for 2 months hunger, vladimir zelensky admitted, as if it was not he who had been demanding all this time. urgently resume the supply of weapons, which he wants to use for strikes deep into russian territory. i don't think there should be any prohibitions because this is not about the offensive of the ukrainian army using western weapons on russian territory. this is protection. kiev has requested instructors to train 150 thousand soldiers inside ukraine. america is still against it. we have trained thousands and thousands of soldiers as part of our long-term commitment to ukraine, but i have no information that we are sending trainers to ukraine at this time. but according to the new york times, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has already said. quote: we'll get there soon. in the meantime, ukraine is waiting occurrence under the amounts. commander-in-chief syrsky. to capture volchansk with further access to the white well and the deployment of assaults in the rear
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of our troops. ukraine is trying to answer two questions: who is to blame and what to do? the spanish elpaiz points out: kiev has transferred two brigades to kharkov, this is from six to 10 thousand soldiers, but where should they hold the defense if there are no fortifications? the president was taken there, then he told us that there was the best hiding place, he either no longer understands what he is saying, or they are lying to him, he to breach, the credit of trust in the kiev regime is almost exhausted, the inflated expectations of quick victories created by the authorities disappointed the ukrainians, the country's publication points out, why the fortifications were not ready, who stole the money for their construction, why they did not prepare for the offensive, although they had been talking about it for a long time, all this overlaps to other problems, fear of total mobilization, shutdown...
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the armies seem to have made a decision, ukraine will have to negotiate an end to the war, risking worst-case scenarios, e.g. the russians undertake to open another front. but instead of negotiations , zelensky is pushing through his so-called peace formula. today the council of europe was supposed to recognize that there was no alternative, but hungary vetoed the resolution. this is unacceptable for us, and other countries have also developed peace plans that are no worse than the plan of the ukrainian president. after all, if we finally take into account two new variables in zelensky’s formula, desire.
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where he lived for investigative purposes. we managed to visit the house of the criminal to our special correspondent daria grigorova. her exclusive report is about what the neighbors of tsintula told her, and how events are now unfolding in slovakia, shocked by the assassination attempt. accompanied by machine gunners, yuriy tsintula leaves his house and returns to prison. following a search conducted in the presence of the suspect, operatives confiscate a computer and some documents.
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it is already known that tsintula owned the pistol legally. in slovakia, it is allowed to carry military small-barreled weapons under license for personal safety reasons. the attacker has already been charged with attempted premeditated murder. tsintula faces 25 years in prison to life. the wounded man's condition remains serious. robert fitza is in the intensive care unit.
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it is known that today he underwent another operation: surgeons removed dead tissue remaining after a gunshot wound, the director of the hospital in banská bystrica spoke about this today. the prime minister is now conscious, but he is still remains in intensive care. his condition is really serious. one of those who closely monitors the health of the victim is the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban. today he expressed regret that the slovak prime minister will not be able to.
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head of the european commission ursula fondern. she is accused of purchasing a clinically untested coronavirus vaccine from the american pharmaceutical giant pfizer. fonderline agreed on the contract personally with the ceo of fizer via sms. as a result, dozens of dead, hundreds of crippled, the european treasury accounted for 35 billion euros how much did ursula herself earn from this, and is there a chance to bring her to justice? from belgium our special correspondent, denis davidov. it’s a loud process;
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there are few people willing to stand outside the court in the pouring rain, but the drivers passing by are with them with all their hearts. the protesters came with posters of those who did not live to see this trial, as they believe, all these people died from.


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