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tv   Taini sledstviya-10  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 2:05am-3:46am MSK

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everything is clear, but the british are empty, like a shaman’s tambourine, we give you the money, so you will either carry out all our decisions, or there will be a second option, which volodya spoke about, and i said the same thing before, they will suddenly remember the parliamentary presidential the republic is all of him on this, all of him, by the way, i didn’t understand why when blinkin played the guitar on the piano , zelensky didn’t assist him, what kind of cynicism can you imagine, or erased? now about, about kharkov and the two patriot systems, here’s zelensky stated that we need two systems, then we will not surrender kharkov, but it seems to me that if they had at least one mind between them, then there would be no need to think about the fate of kharkov, in fact, nothing can be changed there now , well, it’s simply impossible by definition, and kharkov, what is now happening in the kharkov direction is, let’s say , not even the middle of that path, yes. i think
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that we are talking about a big one, not about some kind of cauldron, but about a big one, kharkov-sumy, kharkov there, i don’t know, chernigov, i don’t know what, but this whole story will end very badly for ukraine, well, very badly, so in the west they probably also understand this, despite all their rhetoric there and so on, they continue to tell, they will continue to support ukraine, but the real they also understand perfectly well the state of affairs on earth; one should not think that there are no specialists there who cannot assess it.
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at this summit, in general, they will not be able to make anything breakthrough, any decisions, much less any ultimatum to the russian federation, therefore they, based on the situation that is developing on earth, i think, will try to somehow incline towards any format of negotiations or the beginning of these negotiations right now, right now, i was literally seven or eight months ago at in your... program he said that the west has quite a lot of options here, they hold the white flag for negotiations here under their arm, and if the situation does not develop the way they want, they will throw out this white flag and say: let's sit down the negotiating table and we'll talk about something agree, many issues are being resolved here, both regarding the elections in the united states of america, and regarding the choice of legitimizing mr. zelensky after the 20th, many issues they want to resolve again.
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once they tried to deceive russia, well, that is , it’s obvious to me, they have such a plan , it will work, it won’t work, i don’t know, about mobilization, you know that today i watched three or four more videos about how tskashniks behave with people, with ordinary people, yes, well, it’s just creepy, i get the impression vladimirovich, i don’t know how the fate of the ukrainian soldier will end, i don’t know, it’s tskashikov. then as for the workers or employees of the shopping center, people will lynch them for a very, very long time, you understand, the hatred for these people is already so high, yes, that it seems to me that soon things will simply come to lynching, not only of them, but it is necessary, the sooner the better, but it keeps going, it keeps going towards this, you see, they have absolutely no restrictions, there are no boundaries, there is no responsibility, so in i’m generally honest about these people.
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that they don’t exist, of course, you can easily justify the money stolen there, relatively speaking, by russian propaganda, by saying, well, you know, this is russian propaganda, a billion 100 million dollars were stolen, they were simply stolen, right? and they say, well, you know, it’s russian, don’t believe them, well, show me where they are, well, you have satellites, really, maybe they mean that russian propaganda stole it, no, they stole it, no , russian propaganda stole it, so we all came together, since they have they stole it, i don’t know, vladimirovich, maybe they paid russian propaganda with fortification structures, maybe you stole them, these fortification structures, i don’t know, they played the law on their lips, they fucking said that’s all.
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7% received 12 already in the process and somewhere around 40% are considering this issue, only 34% according to this question, which has been carried out. among the people who are there, well, they declare that they want to return to the country, that is, this crisis, these numbers indicate that i will never, not i’m making it absolute, i’m saying that this is a kind of illustration, so i can say on such a counter-movement that this crisis is gaining momentum, on the one hand there seems to be a request for this, well, you want to mobilize people, but you have nowhere, then there is a human resource that is not infinite, we move on to the other part, that is, in which we say that after the twentieth, i think that somewhere, well, i... am not so categorical in this position, because i think blinkin, who came, he eventually confirmed it indirectly somewhere, wait, i’ll express my position, no, no, i understand that blinkin came to logic for this, but it doesn’t work when it comes to international documents on orders, no court will simply accept this, the fact is that
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there is a concept internally, it is lost due to this increase in tension in society from these tskashniks and people who do not want to serve in the army, the next moment is still an earlier date, the eighteenth, when a new reality arises, when... do not resist , here just from the country you can’t escape from the country, and this causes, listen, a person who is in a critical situation, well, in any case, he will resist, you know, this crisis they don’t fully, maybe fully understand these risks of the internal country, because that the key resource that they say, again, referring only to ukrainian
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publics, to their point of view, to their position, so you look at the logic of people, he says: we have a big crisis, we have weapons, i’m just quoting ukrainian specialists, who represent the ukrainian... that there might be a way to mislead the enemy, well, they really lack physical strength. people, and these people who want to serve or who can serve, that is, again, everything that i chose from ukrainian sources, i emphasize, i am placing this emphasis on the western ones so that they don’t say that this is propaganda, but this is what that i caught this information, but somewhere only a quarter full, that is, they do not have enough people physically, and how will this issue be resolved only by increasing repression, what repression gives, we understand that in any case, no matter what the country is, no matter what the political regime is, it always causes a backlash, first of all from...
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which is generally strange, the side claims to be democracy she has a colony, unevenly, yes, on the other hand we
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say that like southeast asia, asean, there are the studies that there are that there is a global struggle, where china and the united states are there, well, as long as it wins , the same story looked at fros, and the same story in africa, and the same story in africa, because there is a position, there is also an interesting country there, we said there, well , 33 million people live there, it was an interesting country there, a former british colony, a frenchman there. the germans were at one time interested in this story, but now there is a growing influence of china, investments, but it’s true there . the united states is fighting for this cause, and there are more countries where china is gaining momentum over the year, and another important point, like russia returns its phenomenon, because after '22 there was a drawdown, now the number of people who believe that russia is strengthening its position has again returned, maybe to the level of twenty-one, maybe the year, i want to say that this indicates that
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it is a platform for an attack on russia, but what happens is an amazing thing:
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the platform is expanding, and while it is impossible to expand to the east, we see how it is rapidly expanding to the west, and nothing else, strictly speaking, is possible explain the rapid ukrainization of europe, because... all these events in slovakia, they probably paid attention to the statement of the minister of internal affairs of slovakia that the country, the country is on the verge of a civil war, such a story is almost ukrainian, and it is not surprising , that the same ukrainian trace is now being actively discussed, but whether it was an attempt on the life of the fitz, it was not, obviously it was, even if in the case we...
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in principle, these are two different scenarios, they absolutely do not contradict each other, since obviously, anglo-saxons are betting on this very seriously. take on this conflict, and if it doesn’t work out on the territory of ukraine, then of course europe will be sacrificed, and for this it is necessary to identify clear red flags that cannot be crossed, including for those politicians who have the audacity to adhere to from another point of view,
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it was absolutely rightly said, well, what are they like, they are of course not pro-russian politicians and fice and... in ukraine, on the unfortunate ukrainians, the technology of a complete change in consciousness, lip service, now that there is actually an informational war going on for ukraine and
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europe, then of course this propaganda, it absolutely controls.
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so here i would be too, but why take it? no, i don’t have an answer, that is, for me we need to take everything, including lisabun, of course, well , just when such questions arise, yes, for example, take kharkov, as, that is, as the americans take, turning it all into a scorched earth desert, well, here i was, i said that
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that’s why we are kharkov, of course, a russian city, everything is very good for us... once, but we’re talking about something else, take how? and the siege, well, probably, giving people the opportunity to go out today is a lot for this, probably, but we must also understand that we will later be faced with such a serious issue, this will be a country of widows, because what zelensky has done is a repetition of paraguay, that is, at some point in time it will be a land where widows and children will live, stories. he kills old people, he will throw them all to the front, that is , this is also an important point, we will have to prepare, talk to these people, explain who is guilty of this, what it is zelensky, who is simply devouring the ukrainian people, we need to understand what to tell people, this is very important, but we also need to look, now the guys are coming, which means
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that there are a lot of caches and preparations left behind, he wrote articles, first of all, because he just a russian person, but the goal of a special military operation is much more global than to free, there are innocent people who
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are in prison, this is a by-product, we are actually going to save the russian people, absolutely, and the russian people can be saved only if the russian state survives, and it was not by chance that we were forced to start, this is about the fact that russians were killed in the donbass, in ukraine, but... russia itself is threatened by one of the most terrible catastrophes that is possible, the west, of course plans the complete destruction of our country for our survival, then this is a war that is already being waged very harshly, very harshly, because we must win, and this is a war not with the ukrainian people, this is a war with nato, but the ukrainian people must...
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will remain , i’ll explain why, well, they’re women too they began to call, last week and i wrote everything, here in transcarpathia they imprisoned a sixty-four-year-old woman for 5 years, who did what, liked posts in her classmates, the first, yes, an event, let’s say, posts that supported the svo, the holding of the svo, then, wrote that gagarin is our hero, two things, for this she was sentenced to 5 years in prison, this was last week, today. a young medical woman from the transcarpathian region was fined for evading mobilization, this is one of the first court decisions, and
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an administrative one, she will be fined, if for rubles rub 11,730 i translated, yes, they fined her for not showing up for mobilization, you know, women are already being fined, so i would , i would, you know, say it carefully, the second thing, if you continue further. mobilization is a very serious fact, i found it today in kiev, when i checked it, it means that publicly, officially in kiev on may 1 there were 500 people who were hilyants, yes, who gave summonses, they didn’t fail to show up, that means for this period in 2 weeks 1200 have already been found and sent to the front for training, that is, they are starting to take kievites, catch and take and are sent to the front in the capital, but with all the business in kiev it was always calm, well, except for the arrival, but... well, the life of the disco, weddings and so on and so on, more or less traffic jams were being built, the people of kiev began to take everything, and what means? this means that the rest have already ended, yes
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, yes, and the people, you know, the young boys who are still there, well, there are different kievans, they should think about the fact that they will be the next to go, no one, no one will leave, because this is still before the eighteenth, in a few days the eighteenth will come, yes already. such inspector general robert storch, he is the inspector general of the pentagon, but he wrote a report and presented it to the public congress of the united states of america on the state
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of corruption in ukraine, he wrote a lot, in particular, he writes such a thing, it’s like that for me, you know, it’s like that for me, but he writes that corruption in ukraine, unfortunately, is one of the highest in europe, the level of corruption, yes, and further he writes, bribes and kickbacks are practiced, and the ministry of defense inflates food prices. and the last ones, well, that’s it he writes, the reason, naturally, the main thing is that russia attacked ukraine. i’m sitting and reading again, in ukraine, he writes that there are, you know, bribes and kickbacks are practiced, comrade storch, so here we have always lived on this in the nineties and the 2000s and so on, what does the svo have to do with it, little moreover, on the contrary, during the svo it increased, this is the amount. the number of bribes, and most importantly, the price tag has increased, now regarding the price tag, specifically, here in kiev, it means that law enforcement agencies are bragging about what to seize.
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there is corruption, there is graveyard, and now i want to finish, spedon pavlovich said a couple of words to leshchenko, you understand, leshchenko is sergei leshchenko - this is one of those who called for the maidan, but here is naem, who is naem’s booths, leshchenko during the war they hid him in the ukrainian railway, ukrzheleznitsa, yes , and he was such a big adviser there, he had a salary, vladimirich, he had a salary of more than 2 million rubles, if for rubles a month,
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the man was confused in... so they looked for him for a long time and gave him the position of adviser to ermak he just remember alexey aristovich as you say my friend yes not i say you said your friend he is a good friend he at one time yes i know him like that he worked at one time. then lyosha left, now you see how he speaks correctly, yes, they put leshchenko in his place, this leshchenko comes out, i just laugh, you know, because sometimes i listen to him, he is in everything, well , it doesn’t matter to ukraine , it all ends, russia is to blame for everything, and that’s what i’m saying, the first thing he said was that this information about corruption drives a wedge
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between the kharkov governor and zelensky, and of course, the minomat of russia. that's all, see you on sunday. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the novoste studio, briefly about the main thing. government services were hacked, the police liquidated a group that helped migrants get work illegally. new restrictions for kick sharing, which awaits those who like to break rental and traffic rules. the main holiday for those who like to read is the annual book fair on the palace square. thunder, stone, a unique multimedia art object will be installed on the street
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shastakovich. the police eliminated a group of cybercriminals who hacked the accounts of st. petersburg residents in the public services system. search detentions with the verbal support of the russian guard took place today. the group consists of 18 russians and residents of neighboring countries, they even opened an office where they receive foreigners or operators. the following is known about illegal activities. having gained control of the account, the attackers helped migrants obtain a labor patent, while law-abiding citizens were not even aware of what actions they were performing on their behalf. the police have already identified 10 hacked accounts; according to preliminary data, five attackers are now outside the country; they will be put on the international wanted list; investigators have come to the rest. according to
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preliminary data, just last year , criminals legalized more than 7 thousand foreigners; in reality there could be much more. two criminal cases have been opened under articles of unlawful access to computer information and organization of illegal migration. runaway parking lot shooter caught. officers found a suspect in the suburbs petersburg. the man was captured the night before in roshchino. he hid there for more than a day. according to the police, the detainee is a thirty-four-year-old citizen. in one of the neighboring countries, a traumatic pistol was confiscated from him. let us remind you that the shooting occurred last tuesday in the parking lot of a shopping center on kolomyazhsky avenue. a conflict arose between two car owners. as a result, the driver of a foreign car with moscow license plates shot several times at his opponent, who threatened him with a gas canister. a thirty-year-old man was injured was hospitalized. the shooter himself managed to escape. a criminal case has been opened under the article hooliganism. more than 2.0 scooters were taken from
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the city streets by traffic police, all because of improper parking. the state traffic safety inspectorate announced the start of a large-scale kicksharing special operation. vladimir orekhov for more details. a taxi hits a scooter driver as he enters a courtyard on a fertile street. police are now carefully studying cctv footage. a fifteen-year-old teenager was driving the two-wheeled vehicle. it turned out that this minor i registered without any problems on this website to rent scooters, i set myself the age of 18 years. unfortunately, a minor was injured, but an administrative investigation is now underway. no. scooter accident statistics are growing every day. since the beginning of the year, traffic police have already recorded 41 accidents. each one has victims, including 11 children. several criminal cases were initiated. what to do
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if a scooter hits or knocks someone down. the main thing is to remember the color of the scooter, the location and time of the incident, so it will be more convenient for the offender find. there is harm to health. traffic police advise calling an ambulance and... be sure to inform doctors that the accident occurred with a personal mobility device. this week the traffic police kicksharing operation started. at night, throughout the city, employees were looking for illegally parked scooters, measuring whether there were 15 meters from metro stops and entrances. during the raid , more than 2,000 scooters of violators were identified, the devices whined pitifully as they were loaded into special vehicles. now the police are checking to what extent the detained transport corresponds given the stated technical characteristics, can smart modules really limit the speed of movement or block the scooter if it suddenly ends up in the center? since the beginning of the year, traffic police
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have issued almost 1,200 fines to scooter riders, including for driving while drunk for slowness when crossing the road. the state traffic safety inspectorate believes that the place is a means of individual mobility at the side of the road. there will be scooters. should not be on the sidewalks, but we are working on this issue with the city administration, what form it will look like, bicycle paths we are there, they can also easily move along them, the marininsky palace is concerned about the problem of inadequate scooter riders, deputies have hundreds of complaints from residents about violations of traffic rules, at a meeting of the relevant commission of the parliamentary committee, the transport committee announced new restrictions, so from may 20 it will be prohibited to park scooters from the side... of water on the embankments of the fontanka, moika and griboyedov canal, and it will also not be possible to leave them on the spit of vasilyevsky island on 25 streets in st. petersburg, pavlovsk and pushkin limiting speed to 15 km/h.
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a new set of restrictions will come into effect from may 22. the speed will drop to 15 km/h during rush hour periods, this has not happened before, that is, in the morning from 7 am to 10:00 am, in the evening from 5 pm to 8 pm, on sections of streets leading to twelve stations. metro, that is, when there are a lot of people, the speed there will be limited, at other times it will be necessary to return, it will be necessary, we will limit it further, we will look at the statistics on incidents, the deputies also wanted to figure out why fines for violating the user agreement with kicksharing accounts go to business structures, and not to the city budget, for example, for landscaping, according to entrepreneurs , there is simply no necessary mechanism for this, legally, just take 1,000 rubles there, which we charge for...
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the device, the electric bus can even charge batteries from a simple outlet, thanks to this it is able to work in any urban environment. the developers updated the interior,
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improved the ergonomics of the cabin, and most importantly, increased the battery capacity. the general calmly walks 100 km in the summer, winter runs too increased. in winter, accordingly, as we said at the briefing, due to the operation of heaters in traffic during traffic jams, the charge will naturally be additionally taken at the lowest operating speed with a fully loaded cabin at... the gate on sidogo street to the engineering castle, the electric bus will become one of the exhibits of transportfest , which opens downtown over the weekend. a traditional book salon has opened on palace square in st. petersburg; this year’s assortment will satisfy the most discerning readers. you can find on the shelves not only fiction, but, for example, highly specialized literature. topography of the country's largest universities; in addition, books in
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foreign languages ​​are presented, in particular in belarusian vietnamese; together with the first visitors, the governor of st. petersburg alexander biglov and the president of the book union sergei stepashin walked through the rows. today's book salon is important, let's say, for two reasons. well, first, on june 6, we will all celebrate with you the 225th anniversary of the birth of alexander sergeevich pushkin. well, the second circumstance, you know, now by decree of our fellow countryman vladimir putin, it was declared the year of the family. we have invited about 250 writers and poets to our book salon, they will all communicate with you here, the exhibition will take place, the most significant thing is that it has been expanded for children, i recommend going and having a look, and i am sure that none of you will leave without some some books. the official program started with a conversation about how
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family reading shapes civic identity. in the next 3 days , presentations of new books will be held at the salon venues, meetings with writers, discussions, lectures and open lessons. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, leonid petrov studio. st. petersburg and the region will be flooded with sunlight, as well. may in the leningrad region is dry and clear, 19°c during the day is expected in the estate field, the air can warm up to +21 in tikhina and baksitogorsk, about +18 in volkhov, 20° plus, weather forecasters promise in kirishi, gatchini and vyborg. in st. petersburg it is moderate during the day.
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noted in the committee for the protection of monuments, for the last 20 years, visitors to the city have been unknowingly destroying it.
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by the way, almost all cultural heritage sites of st. petersburg suffer from such actions of tourists, but unfortunately, it is possible to install a fence in isolated cases. a unique multimedia art object, the thunder stone, will be installed on shostakovich street in the vybsk district of st. petersburg. this is a technological experiment at the intersection of art.
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the thunder stone is read by four sensors and a geophone while the devices are on top, but then they will be installed inside so that it is not visible; they are needed so that the neural network understands where and how exactly... the head touches the stone, without these sensors all this would not work, simply because it is impossible to isolate normally and cleanly these light touches from the stone, they are important to us, because this is exactly the kind of magic, which... artificial intelligence, together with a person who touches the stone, creates a piece of music from the sounds of nature. limited
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to what is needed, but in fact the dataset should also contain what is not necessary, because... in other words, a passing tram will make the thunder stone sing, but it won’t be so this is why the programmers want to add to the database of exceptions: an unusual art object will become the center of a new public space. we will create, well , a kind of gift to the city, firstly, this is a public garden for the country. where the unique art object thunder stone will be located, the second square, which will be located a little further and which will be accessible to all garage residents. in the city park with an area of ​​almost one and a half acre, they promise to plant more than a thousand trees and shrubs, lay out pedestrian paths, build a soaring bridge and install the art object thunder stone at the entrance.
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a new public space will appear in 2 years. alexey komarov, sergey skribkin, nikita morozov and sergey larich. lead st. petersburg. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best.
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welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmelsheikh rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is the perfect place. for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's a town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixas radomis sharmel-sheikh. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for
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you. i was born into a family and... my dad was a priest, so my whole childhood day began with my dad getting up and starting to work, like in the old masters’ workshop, i was rubbing paints, and my dad started working, painting icons. i painted my first icon when i was 12 years old, i painted it with minerals on egg yolk, and it was very interesting. of course, the biggest impression for me was when i sat on my dad’s knee, and he said, oleg, now you need to make a text, for example, angel of the lord, i wrote an icon of an angel, but i didn’t understand how to do it, he says: well, it’s okay,
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let me take your hand in mine now, and we’ll dip it in belivo, this is of course that... feeling when i come to my studio and look at, for example, the icon of ambrosius of optina, who wrote that at 13 years old, and this is of course worth a lot to me.
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of course, dad probably wanted me to repeat his fate, so that i would be a priest, kana. but at some point, when i entered the krasnodar school, of course, new teachers appeared who fascinated me with technology, with some new world of their own, and i already realized that i would be an artist, and after college i decided to enroll to moscow, to the surikov institute, the first teacher at the surikov institute was drawing evgeniy nikolaevich troshev, this is... an artist of the academic way, one might even say socialist realist, powerful, after the second year i decided to go to a monumental workshop, i
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came to evgeniy nikolaevich maksimov, and he looked at my paintings, educational works, drawings, paintings, and said, yes, of course, come, we will work with you, study. i had a drawing teacher, sergei aleksandrovich gavrilyachenko. leonidovich lubeinikov, taught painting and composition, i remember him. not even as a teacher, but as a great master, a philosopher who may not teach, but simply show with his life, with his example, at some point he told me he said that yes, the composition is good, the color is correct, but you know, buddy, you still lack life experience, because life experience gives us new ideas, implementation can be done. with minimal means, this is probably the complex of all experiences, suffering, for me personally, they come out in some kind of plastic idea
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on canvas, for an artist there are a lot of temptations in the form of galleries, in the form of people who have - finances and can buy, i am sure of this, that when a person, an artist, begins to think about giving someone like him, he probably stops being an artist and starts being an ordinary craftsman. some of my first orders were related to church painting, this is the new jerusalem, the lower cathedral of christ the savior under the leadership of nikolaevich maximov. in addition, i...
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but it always brings me more joy, real joy, as an artist, when i come to my studio and work on paintings, on painting, on drawings, on graphics, i really feel myself in these torments and joys of a happy person. to me i liked dionysius, and i also like
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him as someone like an internal gene, yes, because i like dionysius’ tonality, i like calmness, i like the breadth of perception, how he perceives the wall, how his blue color is so complex, combined with ocher , with white, with its scale, with its, probably, lyrics. in contrast to dionysius, i certainly like the bloody caravaggia, a completely different planet, lately i was interested in copying the caravaggia, i took ordinary black cardboard, took chalk and i worked on the drawing and started copying it in parts when i assemble, for example, a painting. st. andrew on the sheet in parts, and i understand how it is formed, how complex it is arranged both technically and compositionally, how complex it
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really was for him to compose it. of course, this communication, it is very important for me, leaves some kind of its mark. karavat, of course, is an absolute magician , a wizard, from the point of view of how, how he created a great work that sings, and thunders, and somehow whispers, all this is just such a powerful in chorus. i copy michelangelo too.
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and after i traveled through italy, i of course came to moscow, and within a year or two i wrote rome. at some point i understood. that i had somehow played enough with landscapes, and i wanted something different, something next, and it so happened that i was offered to fly to china with these roman paintings, and for me, china, of course, came here with something so not immense, and of course, upon arrival in moscow, i began to write china, i decided to build the entire series through this red color
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associated with china. the red light for me is probably like passion, loss, love, and sin, it’s probably such an all-encompassing emotion, this is my daughter, who, i think, she’s always running, because we... well, it happened that way , they divorced her mother when ksyusha was 2 years old, this feeling when my daughter runs from something to me, and then she runs from me, she runs further back home, this dynamic, this is such an untouched figure, but also with a red dress that
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makes her rise because she is running. the meaning of this red, it can change, here is red, in one picture, it can be like some kind of goal, some kind of aspiration of a person, in this picture, it can be like a fall, symbols of temptation, a symbol of sin, a symbol of passion, a few years ago my workshop was different. and there was a neighbor of the artist, who at some point was left alone and lived in the studio, one might say, when i entered the studio, he was sitting in a red t-shirt against the backdrop of everything black, and this contrast between life, which is always in full swing, and black background behind him, hissing tv, which
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no longer shows any picture at all, the entire interior, all the contents and... of his life said that he was already a half-dead man, because in his soul there was little left in his soul, and he probably didn’t really want live. a picture called a game, it has a certain backstory, we had a birthday party for our son fyodor, and there was, there was a game, a tug of war, each character in this... in this picture, he has his own character, just like we have, our society, because the first boy who pulls, he clearly understands who he plays with, who he fights with, maybe i rewrote this figure many times, it didn’t work out for me, i needed this look that works in depth to find, a child’s game is always like a model of life, and
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it doesn’t matter , whether it is modern or in the last century. outstanding sculptor of the 18th century jean-baptiste-pigal. it is no coincidence that he enjoyed the patronage of his majesty louis. the king of france was famous for his love of the arts and sciences. he invested a lot of money in decorating the palace interiors and
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spared no expense in purchasing luxurious furniture, decorative items, paintings and sculptures, among which were excellent works by jean baptiste pigal. born in paris on january 26 , 1714. he, the son of the famous cabinetmaker pegal, was lucky to have teachers during his childhood. he studied with excellent masters, raberand, then jean baptiste lemoine, and was greatly influenced by the famous painter and sculptor edmé bouchardon. at first, the young sculptor’s career was unsuccessful. he was not accepted into the paris school of fine arts, and then he could not win the competition for receiving the rome prize, which gives the right to an internship in italy. however, twenty-year-old
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jeanne baptiste still managed to go to the homeland of the renaissance. he received financial support from the court sculptor of louis x. guillaume coustu the elder. working in italy for 5 years brought its own rewards. his mercury reminded his contemporaries not of the god of trade, but rather of an ordinary young man, eager to resume his journey. upon arrival in paris, pigalle repeated the sculpture made from tarakot in marble. mercury, as well as venus, created a few years later, acquired louis x. his majesty presented these
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works as a gift to the prussian king frederick the great. the statue of mercury was captured by jean-baptiste pegal's contemporary and close companion, jean-baptiste chardin, in a still life painting with attributes of art. mercury allowed pegal not only to become a member of the royal academy of arts, but also attracted the attention of high patrons to him. the king's favorite madame pampadour wanted to have her own sculptural portraits of his work. in addition, pegal performed an allegorical composition entitled “love turns into
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friendship," which transparently hinted at a change in the favorite's relationship with the monarch. by order of madame pampadour, he... mastered several children's portraits, the highest patronage helped pigalle receive large orders, he could execute with equal brilliance, like a revived statue of the madonna and child for the church saints stage. and the monument of louis for the city square in reims. at the feet of the monarch, pegal placed himself. he became the prototype of one of the allegorical
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figures. the statue of louis was destroyed, which turned out to be a victim of the french revolution. a quarter of a century later it took its place. by order of his majesty. pigalle made the tombstone of marshal moritz of saxony. the woman personifying france clearly begs death not to take away the famous commander, who remains equanimous.
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the ancient hero hercules mourns him, and the heraldic animals symbolize the defeated countries. in notre dame cathedral , the tombstone of count henri claude darcourt, commissioned by his widow, was installed. the composition of the monument, called the reunion of the spouses, represented the deceased and his inconsolable wife. waiting for the hour when death calls her to follow her husband. in the middle of the 16th century in france, the era of enlightenment, the masters of minds were outstanding thinkers and encyclopedists. pigali is the author of a sculptural portrait of his friend denis diderot, as well as the great voltaire. as if, following ancient traditions, pegal. decided to depict
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the eighty-year-old philosopher naked. his model was an old, thin soldier, whose figure was similar to that of voltaire. the sculpture was exhibited in the salon caused a hail of ridicule. the parisian public did not accept the pioneering work of the respected master. over time, this did not prevent pigalle’s masterpiece from finding a place in the louvre collection.
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paris square, where his workshop was located, as well as the street leading to the square, was named after the sculptor. subsequently, the pégalle quarter became one of the most famous areas of the french capital. in wartime '41, the young leningrad artist yuri neprintsev, one of the favorite students of academician isaac brodsky, volunteered to go to the front. within a year he commanded the marine corps battle guard.
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personal tragedies unfolded for the residents of besieged leningrad. one of the non- prince’s comrades, having received a leave of absence, arrived home and found his wife who had died of hunger; their small child was sitting next to her body.
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once, on a field of mars, the artist saw a young woman lying in the snow, death overtook her right on the snow-covered road, her dead look was like a desperate cry, which seemed to cut through the silence and filled everything around, he recalled. to go next, it was necessary to step over this corpse. until now, when i visit the champ de mars... this sad meeting again appears in my memory in all its excruciating pain. yuri neprintsev retained the memory of the dramatic events of the war years for many years. sketches made in besieged leningrad became the basis for a series of his afforts. they were published two decades after the end of
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the war, were circulated in hundreds of copies and became available to many soviet people. over the past years , so little has been done on this epic that i... as a witness i wanted to truthfully convey these events to people who, perhaps, after us will be interested in this, the artist said, it seemed to me that this was my civic duty. in peacetime, the picture of a tram came to the front was painted and circulated in aforts. the tram, the only form of transport in besieged leningrad, carried the city’s defenders almost to the very front line. the artist recalled: on a cloudy, cold morning, our company went to its destination, to one of the artillery battalions on the neva.
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the girl conductor came out of the carriage to see him off and looked after us for a long time. a small energetic figure, standing alone by the tram, etched itself into... into the memory as the last impression of leningrad in those days. and yet, despite the hardships of wartime, life went on, in besieged leningrad and on the front line, the heroic defenders of the homeland found the strength to be optimistic and did not lose their sense of humor. september 4, 1942 in the newspaper krasnoarmeyskaya pravda.
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in action to show an example of true courage, resourcefulness and heroism. several years passed after the victory and yuri neprintsev conceived a new a picture that would depict heroes not at the moment of performing feats, not in the fire of fierce battles, or in moments of short rest. i vividly imagined this scene depicted many times, the artist recalled, and i immediately remembered ours. and again captivated by this wonderful, deeply truthful image, i did not part with it until the end of work on the painting. work on a large-scale canvas
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3 wide and about two high took several years, striving for maximum psychological authenticity, the non-princes many times i... the composition, looking for the necessary images. for each of the characters listening to the cheerful stories of the soldier balagur, so similar to tyorkin, at a rest stop, it was not the principle who composed a biography. one of them, a former worker, komsomolets, the girls' favorite, the first guy.
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everything is as simple as in life, at the same time, it is just as complex in terms of the diversity of the psychological state of people, the artist explained, i wanted the viewer to fall in love with my heroes, so that he would recognize his own front-line friends in the picture. viewers saw the picture of rest after the battle for the first time at an exhibition in leningrad in 1951. yuri's work... was liked very much not only by ordinary people, but also by the country's leadership, the artist received the stalin prize of the first degree for it, in addition, this painting played an important role in...
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the great patriotic war, the canvas of rest after the battle remained the main one. in the post-war era, it glorified the invincible will to win and faith in a happy and long peaceful life.
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i like a person’s life, how he works in society, how he works in space, what kind of things? his experiences, that's all that is connected well, with the inner world, for me now this is in the foreground, i made a man, a homeless person, who is lying here opposite the workshop on a bench, but at first he terribly annoyed me, because i think, well, how is it possible, i come to workshop, i open the window, and here lies this homeless man, then i - i think, let me draw you. buddy, somehow the idea arose that he is on this bench like someone, like
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a semi-boy, he can move from one city to another city, the degree of freedom that he has is, of course, much higher, yes, than freedom, for example, for me, yes, for a person who has a certain and a number of obligations, i went out on friday, took a sheet, a sheet of paper, i draw, there, i started drawing his legs, i started drawing his jeans, i started drawing a belt, and i understand that it’s like... some kind of homeless person, he’s not, no, complicated, yes, he has his own style, he happened to have some new beautiful socks there, i noticed that , a week later i quickly ordered a canvas and began to paint on a large two-meter canvas, with a landscape, a light background and then i realized that the landscape is a separate theme, bright with all the details, with all the city buildings there, and it is a separate theme, but a theme, but they just didn’t fit with me. i realized that i needed to make a black firmament, a heavenly one, and this man just flying on
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a bench, and i realized that this was more convincing in terms of imagery, i began to need him not only as some kind of classical image, even as a person , i noticed him with another friend, i... had the following picture: he’s back, that is, here i am these guys provide the basis for some thoughts, for images, one might say, there is a prodigal son, one might say a man has returned from the front, i deliberately left a white, bright, ringing white of the eye almost in the middle, and thereby wanted to show such human tension , tension through... thoughts, maybe through sins, through some kind of secret, a father who
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accepts his son, he is calm, he has his eyes closed, he accepts anyone, the main thing is that you have returned, it so happened that a tragedy occurred , my father crashed in car accident, and of course it was hard for me, i... was even afraid to go down to the subway, to ride there, to fly on planes, to ride in cars, yes, to have another person drive, when i went down a few years later to the subway, which i had not ridden , i saw people, at first i saw a mass, and such a tense, complex, heavy, terrible mass for myself, from this emotion i began to work on sketches, found different images that are occupied primarily with themselves... the train he
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takes people into another world, the metro - this is also under the sky, but the sky creates us, the sky creates us takes away, probably, this is how i primed a two-meter canvas, i realized that after this painting i need to do some kind of minimalism, every person always has, is always given the choice of where to go either... left, or right, or straight, or even stop and think , to speculate a little, that’s why on this canvas, yes, i made two sliding directions with bright, one might say, chalk lines, which i erased and remade several times, and then, when i already realized that
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these lines should be in this place they are not at all what kind of friend should not be, i erased everything and went. gain strength, because i remembered the techniques that icon painters use in the spaces on the faces, when on the exhale, one space, the second space, but on the faces, on the hands, there yes, folds, this is all an icon painter, like a master, like samurai, must perform, that's why i went to rest the next day, i was literally there in 2 seconds... i outlined these lines and after a few days i varnished the canvas, i paint portraits, i draw sketches, i draw constantly, because i teach at the institute drawing on seniors courses, i set myself the usual tasks, the simplest, the most elementary, character,
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tonality, line, location on the sheet, yes, that the sheet should not be perceived easily. like a leaf, but like a space, and i like it. many people ask the question, how do you draw from such unexpected angles, they can be complex, not every nature can master this - this is such a situation, i do this from life with quick sketches, in two, in one and a half minutes you need to capture the general state, general emotions, general movement, plasticity, and then, when i i remain myself... myself on elina, i can take a large sheet of paper and work it out in all the details, and it was interesting for me to work out some things carefully and skip some things, this negligence, it resulted in a line, some kind of understatement , the artistic technique that i use, i arrived
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several years ago, we came to my hometown, krasnodar, to my mother’s dacha. there’s a river at the dacha, and my boys ran to swim, of course i looked, admired, took some photographs, and having already arrived in moscow, a few years later i open the material and i i understand that there is already a picture here, the meaning of this picture is also a continuation of my dad, because when my first son was born, i named him george, because i dreamed about my dad in a dream and... she said that you will have a son, when my wife was driving to work, she said: i feel that i will have a child, i replied that i know, i named my son george in honor of my father, i feel human immortality, i felt very well when my son was born, and i
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feel that he is talented, that he has a lot of what i saw from my father, a small drop... falls into the water, goes first small circles, then larger circles, then huge ones, a person can move mountains , anything, if he inside feels like an individual and a continuation some idea, but for me the image of water is, first of all , a way of life, an image of salvation, and an image of eternity. you can, of course, go into commissioned portraits
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, make still lifes and paint some beautiful landscapes there, probably all this will be bought. i'm wondering, this is how i live my life i’m building that there is one order, you can immerse yourself in it for some time, yes, but the most interesting thing, of course, is what it brings - such mental and heartfelt pleasure, this is the development of some of your own plastic ideas on canvas, or on paper, here is painting or graphics.
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hotel for an unforgettable experience rixsas sharma is only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharma alshekh is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and a wonderful atmosphere. relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort,
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the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. hello, it’s time for news on our channel, in the lada starkhova studio, briefly about some release topics. centuries-old friendship. in beijing , the leaders of the two countries opened the cross cultural years of russia and china. social fairy tale. where there is evil and good that must win. natagan theater. the film script of pavel lumyan's film the wedding transferred the scene. transformed color. this is a feeling, these are emotions, these are observations. a retrospective
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exhibition of olga rosenova's works opened in the russian museum. intuitive cinema. something comes to me during the filming process. traveler's needs. the winner of the grand prix of the last berlinale came out on screens. russian president vladimir putin and chinese leader xijen ping launched the cross years of culture between the two countries. over the course of two years, more than 200 events will take place. the chairman of the people's republic of china called them an impetus for the further development of the centuries-old friendship between the peoples of russia and china. the musical culture of russia has an ancient history, and today's performance of russian musicians will leave a deep mark in the hearts of like-minded people. in china, the well-known names of pushkin,
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the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, in the state great the central orchestra of folk instruments of the people's republic of china and the national academic orchestra of folk instruments of russia named after osipov performed at the chinese theater. sergei andriyaka, people's artist of russia, founder and director of the watercolor school, rector of the academy of watercolor fine arts, died. painting and
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teaching were the two main affairs of his life, which he treated not as a profession, for him it became a ministry. anton nikolaev will continue. i’m 10 years old here, 9 years old here, i just picked up a brush. sergei andriyaka said that every day he creates one work, as many days in a year, so many works, he was one of those who are called the guardians of russian culture, an artist, a teacher, and for many... cultural figures, friend, ally, like-minded person. he left the kingdom of heaven, to sergei nikolaevich, for himself, a memory in his works, in his large family, in his students, in his business, in his academy. we have lost a fighter, a vanguard fighter on the lines of the main
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battles of culture. how he defended his academy, how he nurtured it. academy sergei andriyaki is a unique educational institution. students here are taught not just one, but all types of art at once: painting, watercolors, icon painting, mosaics. his students carried out the most important orders, including stained glass windows for the main temple of the russian armed forces. today, students held a symbolic action in memory of sergei andriyaka, drawing his favorite lilac. fine art has always been considered a very professional, very kind of mysterious act, and sergei nikolaevich, without fear of anything, shared with us. it always feels like this it happened, then he appears at some of our common events, an exhibition, a viewing, and immediately some kind of energy begins to be present in everything. sergei andriyaka has received wide recognition throughout the world. his exhibitions took place in many countries and, of course, in
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russia. on the culture tv channel, he hosted an author’s program, drawing lessons with sergei andriyaka, and tried to achieve perfection in each of his watercolors, and to remove this genre itself from the category of applied ones. even my teachers recognized watercolor as, as i say, a person. watercolor works by sergei andriyaki and his students decorate the first building of the kremlin, where the president of russia works. in 2018 for his great contribution to the development of the domestic industry.
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he could definitely be called a happy man, six children, three of whom had already become professional artists, hundreds, along with a television audience of thousands of students, and his favorite work to which he devoted his life, drawing was for him a way to express a rare, very valuable gift for our time , see beauty in the world around us and share it with others, try, here this feeling, this... the smell, this feeling of these here, this charm, convey, anton nikolaev, cultural news of various to other topics, the chief architect of moscow sergei kuznetsov opened a crystal installation in the courtyard of the shchusev museum of architecture, the art object consists of more than three hundred glass bricks, they are installed on
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a frame made of... stainless steel, each has its own lighting, the brightness and shades are selected by a computer algorithm, which is also responsible for sound effects, they change depending on the behavior of the spectators who are next to the installation, their movement is read by special sensors, glass bricks invented by the swiss architect gustave falconier, which gained particular popularity in the first half of the last century. not new bricks were used, but the bricks that were once in the windows. state archive of the russian federation and during the reconstruction of the building, they were simply knocked out and transferred by enthusiasts, parents for preserving the heritage to the museum, so this is a historical brick, each brick is simply a work of art, that’s each one, yes, then we are just bricks - this is some kind of mass thing that can be piled up in a heap, each has no intrinsic value, but something needs to be built from them in order to have intrinsic value, and here there is a certain depth of immersion, because yes, this thing is valuable in itself , because
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some works of art, but each brick in itself... also plays a role, that is, you understand, it’s like a society is valuable, because it is a society, but every person in it is also valuable, maybe even more. premiere shows at the taganka theater the play by alexander karpushin is a wedding, it is based on the film script of the same name by pavel lungin and alexander galin. the authors of the production claim that they have created a social fairy tale about love. report by yana music. always looking for material. reads four plays a day, at least, explains, very little that can really interest. taganka wedding was created based on the film script by pavel lungin and alexander galin. the film was released in 2000 and took part in the main competition program of the cannes film festival, now there is a stage version this incredible story. the creator of the play is younger than this text; he did not experience the reality of the late nineties, but he assures that he made
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the play about himself. the young director is confident that only external circumstances are updated, but human nature is unchanged. the director interpreted the crazy day, containing an endless number of events, in his own way. such an influx of events, it’s kind of... actually possible, but people’s reaction to these events is exaggerated, the way they talk, they really don’t talk like that in real life, and from this we came up with this name, the genre and this performance, this is a social fairy tale, a social fairy tale, where there is ivan the fool, where there is a beautiful princess, where there is evil and good that must win, everything is true, like in a fairy tale, from moscow a beautiful girl returns to her hometown; she has decided to give up her career. model to marry a classmate, a simple guy who loves her since childhood, she trusts the decision of her fate to a coin, look, speckles, eagle, get married, eagle, well, take me, actress
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evgenia mugaiskikh about her heroine tanya, she says this, she is a little bit of an alien, like myself, there are some moments - in the play itself. in this character, which i understand internally, well, that is, i cannot formulate them in any specific way, but this is a person in an eternal search who is lost. her chosen one, misha, undergoes initiation in front of the audience, the boy becomes a man. a boy without any special interests or merits turns out to be the one who is able to forgive, accept and take responsibility. according to the creators of the play, misha is the embodiment of the russian character. that russian soul, broad, big, which is... roomy, which can accommodate so much, but it’s difficult to cope with, and this is certainly such a big job and that’s what misha does throughout the entire performance. fainting at
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the school christmas tree, armed robbery, an influential rival, arrest, someone else's child, an orphanage and an act of chivalry. the director clarifies that for him this is a story about the fact that a hero lives in every person. revolutionary of art, olga rosenova's personal exhibition was opened in the marble palace of the russian museum, the exhibition includes about 50 paintings and more than 100 graphic works, representing all periods of the artist’s work, from the cube of futurism to non-objectivity. the last year of her life, rozanova took up color painting, trying to free herself from the canons of suprematism. her most famous work in this style is the green stripe. also presented at the exhibition. innovative experiments, unappreciated by her contemporaries, were interrupted by the early death of the artist from deuteria and she was only 32. some will say that yes, it is something like a black square, but not at all. these are the feelings
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these are emotions, this is observation, this is the use of color, spot line, as elements of expressiveness of an artistic image. this film is like an easy walk on a warm day that is comforting and calming. this is how critics responded to the new work of south korean director hong-sangsu, the needs of a traveler. the film starring isabelle ypert was released. details from stanislav anisimov. juan sansu's intuitive cinematography has become one of the main discoveries of recent years. it has everything that one can associate with.
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how the heroine ended up in korea is unclear, yes and it’s not very important, she came up with the method of teaching the language herself, asking questions about the feelings that her students experience when they play music. she translates standard, same-type answers into french, using the most poetic epithets. i will teach you. so that you understand how a foreign language can express something important to you, or something very personal, the main character. she simply goes with the flow, enjoys life
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and the moment, and together with her we ironically look at things that defy everyday logic; in hong-sangsu’s films they look ordinary and realistic. sometimes he would give us lines the day before the motor, for example, in the morning before filming. i like this approach, it develops my imagination. this may sound like something out of control, but in reality it is the exact opposite of chaos, because every day is like a miracle. restraint and lightness of long plans lull the attention of the components, the most erroneous way, the viewer, to interpret the plot, analyze it into the cinema of hong sansu, oriental, contemplative, you can understand it only by turning off rational perception. stanislav anisimov, culture news. this concludes our episode, all the best and see you soon.
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