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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 16, 2024 4:35am-5:00am MSK

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well, don’t be upset, first of all, you know for sure that nicheparenko was protected by the fsb, right? well, not just the fsb, but individual employees, most likely corrupt, high-ranking employees, judging by fillon’s reaction, yes, that’s it, yes, what, what, when? i see, were you at the factory? okay, i 'll call you back. it looks like nicheparenka has disappeared. both! come on, okay. just don’t say that you
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’re an investigator, i understand who i am, you do wholesale, what it is, you trade, you have a store, but you have to understand, he’s been in the caviar business for 15 years, he’s only been locked up in pre-trial detention five times, once, once he was sentenced to 2 years, but i’m not even talking about these arrests with the police, he doesn’t have any special love for the investigator, i thought he was a businessman, but he’s a repeat offender, mashenka, he’s a businessman, he sells caviar successfully ? said, i told him that you had problems with one of the eco- traders, and he promised to sort it out, because everyone in this business knows him, masha, you have a store, because boar doesn’t like it when you know, you smoke like that, he so he’ll run out and start you right away, and just like that, you ’re in one place because of this, and you’re from home i didn’t take the transcript, no, boss, but i needed to check the call they were talking about, and they only had mobile phones with them? family, do you have his number?
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so, here you go, here you go, what did you need to prove? they’re not at home, or they just don’t pick up the phone, so boss, wait a minute, let me call you now, hello, yes, hello, this is kurochkin, listen, give me one phone number, 408414, i need a transcript for the last 2 months, there is a sanction, there is, there is. listen, you can’t
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display the outside of their apartment, but no, why? there is already an outdoor sign there, but not ours, but the fbi's. well, maybe, no, we can’t go there. yeah, got it, thanks. yeah, he'll find out in an hour. fine. you know what's weird? andryukha, i broke through all this through my base. oh well. says that nicheparenko is not registered in this apartment, wait, i saw his passport with registration, and shvetsova entered his passport data into the protocol, andryukha has everything exactly, the databases are reliable, but no, listen, what nonsense, who is registered, here, and a certain khristenka lyubov nikiferovna, born in the thirty-second year, is registered. christmas trees, for sure
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such an old lady doesn’t even have a cell phone, how can i contact her? well, we’ll run through the database, we need to look for relatives, but i’ve already checked, in fact, in the passport database, this lady is the only person registered in this apartment, she is the only owner of the apartment, the apartment is privatized, yes, well, then, wait. there is something else, sachs’s base, khristenka lyubov nikifarovna, died in 2005, this is interesting, so, well, what’s the problem, what is he?
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spoiled bets? yes, no, he delivered everything on time, yes, yes, just documents for the game and the quality certificates there are fake. yeah, yes, i see, but where were you looking? well, i checked and checked, you know, they arrested the whole party and imposed a huge fine, but the person who organized all this, we can’t find him, uh-huh, well, he smuggled a lot to you under cover, yes, 15 kg, i don’t understand, one and a half tons there. okay, so what's his name? nicheparenko, alexey andreevich, if not cheparenko, but alexey andreevich, no, guys, this man does not sell caviar. why
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are you so sure? but i don't know him. do you know all the people who sell caviar? yes. in short, no, this is not cheporenko in nature, as it turned out, his wife too, with whom we talked, it’s not clear, well, i ’ll go there now, well, i also think that they are somehow connected, yeah, okay, let’s go, then, so, you remain older. and i'll go to the factory. chief, pay attention, the transcript is from a landline phone. do you remember that necheparenko told how many of them were gone, well, since the twenty-first, it seems, and 2 days ago they
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returned. everything is correct, that is , on the fourth, which means they were gone for 13 days. 27, by evidence, burglars. the door, well, on the twenty-fifth, there was a call from the apartment, and to moscow, and they called from the apartment while the owners were not there, perhaps on that day a corpse appeared in the apartment, perhaps on the same day the owners appeared in the apartment , develop a very promising observation, and i’ll go. no way!
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where is the dispatcher? hello, uh huh, what? invoice, why? for shipment? to download?
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major dinokhorov, criminal investigation department. hello, are these your doors? yes, i ’m interested in when and most importantly, who took these doors, well, i can’t say that anymore, there ’s a girl here, we’re talking about murder, now, i can only say the car, i’m writing, gazelle a024, yeah, st, 78 region, how many doors did they take when? in this batch there are five doors of the twenty-third, yeah, in this one, yes, this is the second car, they took seven doors, the sixteenth individual entrepreneur, probably some kind, all the contracts are with the manager, i only have shipping, and where is the manager? he is not there, i can see when he
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will be, but he does not obey me, he should be in this office today before 6:00 pm, with all the contracts, if not it turns out that he will have problems, which means , as i understand it, goodbye, goodbye. as it is not registered, never at all, excuse me, but i’m talking to khabarovsky. well, yes, goodbye
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, well, hello, how are you, but no way, everything that the guy is an absolute lie, he has never been to khabarovsk, he did not sell caviar, his wife had a similar situation, if it weren’t for the witness, i would have thought that there was no such person , that’s it, i’ve gone crazy, yeah, with vinokurov , together with all the fashion people unknown to us, marya sergeevna, or maybe concerge for you he’ll tell you something, well, i’ll cut my head. yes, i’m waiting, i should come, i seem to be sober, but what about you? but everything is very interesting for me, a business trip is required to moscow, why to moscow, because they called moscow from nicheparenko’s apartment, when, this is the most interesting thing, then, when no one should have been there, by the way, the experts didn’t say anything they said about the pipes when they wrapped him up, 24 -27, i can’t say more precisely, but they called moscow on the twenty-fifth, well then on the twenty-
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fifth there was someone in the apartment, and the concierge about he didn’t say anything about this, and maybe they didn’t talk to him, or maybe they were financially interested in him, okay, they called from a landline phone, yes, but to whom? they called a certain orenkova, born 74 years old, why her? she’s the only one registered, right? okay, okay, i’ll give you money, go, buy a ticket, i ’ll sort out the accounting, they won’t charge you for it, well, for example, the case isn’t open after all, listen, you need to find a girl, yes, that’s it, go get tickets, buy them, call back, but you can fly, right? "hello, hello, you are an investigator shveytsova, we are on the phone, but come in,
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come in, uh-huh, yes, actually, for a short while they told me not to tell you anything, who said it, but i guess i’ll go, all the best, i wanted to say. so wait, who told you all this? and you guys don’t know, with the crusts, it’s specifically possible, these guys have surnames, of course there are surnames, of course they should be, but i don’t know them, goodbye, i can detain you right now, for what i can why, i will detain you for refusing to testify, article 308, what a refusal, i was banned from being with you communicate, but i can’t communicate with you, okay, answer. not just one question and you can leave, who was in nicheparenko’s apartment on the 25th, there was a call from there, call me, i have the phone number
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of my lawyer, not cheparenko, goodbye, not cheparenko, that’s him, he’s also no one, yes, very, very muddy, very, well, i think i'm very sorry, how much will you give me, premiere?
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welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness. and the comfort of their children parents, escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas rodomis charmel sheikh. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is
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exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon. and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. writing. zyablev. yeah. zenoida, yana. yeah, i got it. andrey arkadyevich, yeah. yeah, 1987, registered, just a second, yes, good day, i need a major of distillers, i’m listening, hello, i’m from branid, where i’m from the enterprise, you visited us today about the doors,
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come on in, i’m writing, uh-huh, marat , 15, yeah. apartment eight, that's it, i have it, i wrote it down, thank you, yeah, that means you're the manager, yes , here you go, yeah, igor, igor, i need contracts with the people who removed the doors by car, yes, of course, oksana told me everything , now just a second, so here it is. please, yeah, this is people on the gazelle, and posentsov, in those papers , what oksana gave you, there is a contract number, 1794, yeah, ipestsov, and you talked with this sentsov, no, only with his representative, if you look, just
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below, there is his last name is, hmm, zyablev, yes, he’s a young guy, but what’s wrong with the doors? oksana said that they killed someone? well it is. eh, so they bought doors from you twice? eh, no, we concluded an agreement once, but they removed the doors twice. eh, we agreed with him, they left us an advance payment, and after that they didn’t or didn’t want to take it out. do they still have anything left? what? well, are there still doors that they should take? oh, let me take a look. so, it’s you, no, according to the agreement, we assigned everyone, describe this zemblev, zemblev, zemlev, young man, blond hair, such
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a simple face, broad-faced, we still have to meet with him, wait, you said that. .. we can send our courier, and he will meet with him, the main thing is that this chilly guy leaves us his signature, although if he killed someone, then he’s unlikely killed someone, and you can call from here, there’s a phone, let’s see, yes, of course, his phone number, so, wait, wait,
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wait, wait, so, um, uh, hi, this is vinoku. semyonov is far away there, when will he be there? bye, call, call, yes, yes, out of zone, maybe turned off, yeah, we'll count. that he’s still downstairs, well, yes, the train is tonight, and tomorrow morning i’ll be in moscow, well, about 8 o’clock, and do you know how much they cost, well, here’s the phone? it works? i see, but did you want to close it today? i wanted to go home get ready, okay, that's it, well, i'll try, i'll try to call him, yeah, in an hour the end of the working
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day, maybe we'll call already, wait, no need to clean, you want to give him the money, in such cases they don't insist, one call, and that's strange . well, we can’t do anything without kurochkin, i got through to semyonov, of course, who else will get through to him if not me, but if you want, i ’ll take you to the station, of course i want to meet you, okay, semyonov connected you to the server, give me the number, here, here.
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wow, look, it's working, calling someone, it's you call, he calls, but without enthusiasm, he needs it, not you. yes, i’m listening to you, you called me, this is zyablev, i ordered doors from you, zyablev, doors, ip sentsov, yeah, sentsov, just a minute, i’ll take a look, yes, hello, hello, i called you, i wanted to tell you that your overpayment was accrued, well, that you overpaid for the doors, yes, and how much it turned out to be, one second, i’ll look now, 9,374 rubles. 7 kopecks, our price for steel has changed, so this is the cost, yeah, well, it doesn’t matter, so i need to drive up to you, yes, you’re coming,
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but unfortunately, we won’t be able to transfer the money to the account, because you paid in cash for the delivery of goods, okay, i ’ll come, and until what time do you work today? today, well, i think it will be possible to drive up within half an hour. i won’t have time in half an hour, just a second, mish, mish, please tell me which direction you are going, to the black river, and you know, our courier will now move towards the black river, he could cross paths with you, if it’s not difficult for you, then you need to sign one agreement, where are you now, tell me, i’m on fire, let's meet at the embankment, yeah, just a second, mishan, let's go on the okta, yeah. okay, let's do the following: i will give your phone number to our courier, when he arrives, he will call you, and you can meet. yeah, okay, but will it be soon?
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i think it will be within one hour. yeah, that's it, see you later. yes, all the best, goodbye. well, you're a bug, professional. i'm working on doors. do you know how many offices there are in this city that do this? it’s scary to think, that’s exactly what these doors are for differ from each other, but nothing, that ’s it, which, hello, yes, hello, well, i’m already on the embankment, toyota 375, huh? i see, hello, good afternoon, are you a courier?
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quietly, well, in a sense, hands forward, who are you? homicide department, we detained you on suspicion of murder, it’s great who i killed, but you’ll tell us that. i can call, of course, my accomplice, volodya, i’d like to go home, well, let’s go, that’s it, we’ll pick up the car in the evening, urik,


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