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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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the fight against misuse of funds promised to adhere to the principle of openness, the speaker of the upper house of parliament called on auditors to tighten control over the expenditure of funds on national projects and defense. all government bodies, including the accounts chamber, must reboot, they must highlight the main priorities, use new tools.
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a great sports festival on the black sea coast, more than 70 participants, experienced officers from all districts. the grenade can be blown up away from you, but the soldiers are ready for this. rise after how you fell, a skill that helps not only in boxing, honed in the ring, it allows you to win in a real fight. this is a search for the destruction of the contents of various criminals. for many, everything is a moral, psychological preparation when a person overcomes himself, that is, if he was able to overcome here, he will overcome himself in the future, and so on. as part of the victory cup
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, an agreement was reached with the russian boxing federation to work together. it is in such a place, sochi, for the first time and in such a perspective, in such a unification, the unity of our thoughts, we held a big, big sports and patriotic event. the personnel of the russian guard today are a reliable support for the northern military district. regular training, because sport is the key to health, good physical preparation is the key to successfully completing tasks. the keen eyes of special forces - drones for any task, fpv drones, where you need to deploy quickly, or serious radio-controlled aircraft, with these they observe at long distances. all the most interesting things are ahead of the four days of competition, at the end of which will determine the best of the best. in the finals , olympic champions will come to support our defenders. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. all news can always be found on... the media platform, look in
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the application or on the website, and we continue to monitor developments, be with the news, thirty-year-old stanislav maksimenko with the call sign mars. with three children, in the northern military district he joined the volunteers, in one of the battles stanislav came under mortar fire and was seriously wounded, an explosion occurred, his eyes grew dark, he opened his eyes, his eyes darkened, i at first i think that something has landed in my eyes, i lower my head down to look at my legs, and my bones are sticking out there, in short, stanislav spent more than a year on a hospital bed, underwent six complex operations and, contrary to the disappointing forecasts of doctors, got out of the invalid chairs and even started to oh, good, my only
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means of transportation are already tired, now stanislav is preparing for prosthetics, but first he wants to meet with... and also wants to thank his colleagues who carried him wounded from the battlefield. we found these guys. meetings today in our program. stanislav maksimenko today in our studio. good afternoon. hello. how are you feeling now, tell me? yes, in principle. not bad, i already feel fine, much better after a while, but i still need endoprosthetics, especially since they told me that you have 130 fragments left in your body, but in your left leg there are 72, in your right leg 30, in your chest
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28, one of them in the heart, you can’t get them out, you can, but imagine, here let’s say there are 72 fragments - that’s 72 cuts from the leg it will work out, as if they... does not interfere with life yet, thank god, that is , there is no pain, yes there is, as if you had three children, yes, for good measure they don’t call up large families, how did you end up behind the ribbon, i i went to the volunteers, signed a contract, but earlier i had already served in the army of the donetsk people’s republic as volunteers in 2015-16, well, that is, as if i already had experience and... i had to return to duty, because well, as it were necessary finish what was started, that is, as if people needed help, needed help our army didn’t have enough people, so we went, and as i understand it, there you met your comrades in arms, who became
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like brothers to you? yes, there are quite a lot of such guys, but contact with many was lost, well, i especially remember the witcher’s wife. lyokha is a cook, he cooked well because he has a cook, yes, he was nicknamed a cook because he took it upon himself to feed our entire unit, army food is of course good, but you want more homemade food, he has it very strongly it worked out well, he cooked it over the fire, we bought a cauldron for him, that is, he cooked everything on a cauldron, that is, well, instead of going to the dining room , we went to him. and zhenya is a witcher, why a witcher? why witcher? it’s probably better to ask him, to be honest, i don’t even know, but zhenya, well, we came into contact very often in our service, because we came from
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the same battalion, but we already became more closely acquainted in the hospital, we they were in several hospitals together, well, as i understand it, neither zhenya nor lesha that day when... they dragged you, but there was such a funny little moment, it turned out that in general it was like the situation happened, and there was a battle going on, there was mortar shelling, i set up a machine gun, it turns out in the dugout, when i heard artillery
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shots coming out, i had literally two or three seconds to hide in the dugout, so i ran back and forth, at the last moment, when i ran in, i heard that a mine was already flying... either very close, or towards me, that is , in that split second i managed to group myself around the corner, that is, damn it, i even removed my hands and head, the rest was all in fragments, at first i lost my vision altogether, as the doctors told me, this happens, that is, my eyes i opened it, it was dark, i thought, god forbid, my eyes went out, that is, i began to feel my face, thank god, everything is in place, everything is fine, at first i didn’t understand, then literally a little. even though i’m not small and i’m heavy, plus there’s still an unloading of weapons and
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just two little ones came running, well , you understand, it works like adrenaline, all this goes into shelling, all this needs to be done quickly, that is, they pulled it out. everyone, well, including me , these two little ones ran up, they just pulled me out of the dugout with two hands, in short, they put it, well, i say, it’s adrenaline - it’s like a person with adrenaline can do the impossible, it seems to me. they began, that is, to cover the wound, bandage it, tighten my legs, well, my leg, so that there would be no blood loss, they began to evacuate, first together, because well, as if there was no one else around, and that is, they began to pull me out together without violence, that is by the jacket, legs, that is, dragging, well, they did everything they could on their part, then - i remember, two of them were carrying them, they already realized that i wasn’t the heavy ones are already tired, one of them says, let’s take off his boots, maybe it will be easier? well, they actually took the ankle boots off me, and i’m lying there, as if my blood pressure had already dropped,
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blood loss has started, but i’m laughing, i don’t have the strength to laugh, and i think, well, yes, the ankle boots will generally help, my 90 kg versus the bersa are lighter, each 500 g of it will generally be of no use there, well, then they brought it in and other guys got involved there, i say they pulled everyone out and thank god i can be proud of the fact that in our battalion there is not a single mess that... got caught, that is, in in any condition, they pulled everyone out, and when i told my wife i was wounded, they took me by helicopter to voluyki, so i woke up in voluyki, after the first operations, i woke up, well, i understand that that’s it, i say, where are you in voluyki, like, i was like, well, you can call, well, the nurse, yes of course, that is, she took out the phone, she gave it to me, but i just can’t remember my wife’s number, my fingers, well, on their own, that is, they began to gain muscle memory or what, i don’t know, but ... so at that moment i was standing - since
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the wound was in the chest, including the intestines stomach and there were tubes, one tube went through the nose into the lung, because the lung was also damaged, and the other into the stomach, well , it was also hard to talk, i just called my wife, managed to say that i was alive, a little damaged of course, but intact , then it was hard, i already asked the nurse to , that is... explain what and where, well , antonida is here today, your wife, let's invite her to talk with us, tony, well, do you remember that call, yes, of course , i remember, and it was before the new year, he didn’t get in touch 3 day, but i couldn’t find a place for myself. well , i hoped that everything would be fine, then it was
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the new year and this was the first holiday without stas, which we celebrated with the children, and at 5:00 in the morning they called me, i didn’t understand who there was at 5:00 in the morning can tell me call, and the voice is so hoarse and masculine, and tonya. it’s me, and at first i didn’t understand who it was, well, i just fell into a stupor for the first seconds, and then he says: it’s me, stas, everything is fine with me, i’m alive, then the nurse picked up the phone and said that stas was wounded, that’s it ok, and he will get in touch. later,
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for the next 2 days there was no news from him, he didn’t call, and you are alone with three children, you have three daughters, but it’s probably also difficult, well, not to give free rein to your feelings, yes, so that the girls don’t get upset, yes, of course , i was distracted with them, as if, well, i was studying with them. of course, i played with my feelings, didn’t show my feelings, then he called back 2 days later and said, i’m already in moscow, and everything is fine with me, on the same day i bought tickets to moscow, flew to him, this was my first plane flight, in moscow no one met me, my relatives were not there, that is, you go straight from the airport to the hospital, and i went straight. i went to see him, didn’t you recognize him in the ward either? no, i didn’t recognize him at all, he
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had lost a lot of weight, and he was covered in screws, tubes were standing, when he saw me, he kept smiling, as if, well, nothing had happened, like, and i cried, but i believed that everything it will be good, i have him strong, and he will recover, but how much will he cost you? he said that he was coming to sfo, how did he notify you? when the special operation began, i knew that sooner or later he will go there, but there were many. conversations on this topic, but i told him that we have small children, three, but how will i cope without you? well, that was where the conversation ended, but 3 months later he came and said that i was going to the front. i was upset, i burst into tears, but i
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understood that there was no way to stop him, there was no way to persuade him, and he had such a... stubborn character, after 2 weeks he passed a medical examination and left, before that i gave him a belt, a talisman from the church, with a prayer for protection of soldiers, i remember how he and i stood on the platform in an embrace, and he reassured me that i... he says, i'll be back, take care of the girls, i said, i'll be back, you know, i'll be back, well, you said that stanislav is strong, and
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indeed, as soon as he started walking, he returned to playing sports, let's see. up the steps slowly, but little by little, little by little it turns out, before, when elizarov’s specific vehicle was standing, it was really hard for me to get behind the wheel, because because there wasn’t enough space, the guys helped me remove the plastic from - there is an extra one under the steering wheel, the cushion is under the foot, it supports so that... there is a ride, let's go training, before i was engaged in army hand-to-hand combat, universal combat, lately i’ve been trying to return to physical activity, mainly arms, shoulders, chest, on the legs it’s not worth doing yet, until i’ve recovered, it’s inconvenient, of course,
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to change clothes and especially for... training , i put it on a cover so that they don’t see the wound, so that the human psyche doesn’t injure, that’s it, i ’m ready, make up the defense, everything, how are you brother, okay, this is my brother, double breasted, valera, let’s go, get dressed, that means , you work it out, you work it out from the body, here you go such, the last one, the only one. my means of transportation are already tired, okay, got it, let's go, one, two, three, that's enough, well, that's it, let's move on, shortcut, hitch to work for the trainers, well, that's enough,
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thank you for the tinting, from the bottom of my heart. and see you tomorrow, sasha, come on, come on, sleepyhead, and my husband told you about his comrades in arms, yes, he told you, well, live, no matter how we met, well, let’s now show one report that we shot in chelyabinsk, for your attention, hello , please come in, this is my house, we moved here... to my mother’s north military district, in order to make it easier for both the family and my mother, so that we can help each other there, while i am behind the ribbon, hello family, hello, this is my wife irina, we have been together for 15 years, we recently celebrated a glass wedding, and with students already,
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here are our three children, maxim, nastya. valeria, our mother, our mother, tatyana andreevna, now we are having a cleanup day, we are preparing for planting, we are clearing away old branches, everyone is doing their own thing, we are helping each other, we have started making a bathhouse, this is our wife’s long-time dream, of course there is still a lot of work, in i'm planning a cage when we finish, we’ll take a steam bath in our cool sauna, which means... i was a cook, the guys really liked the way i cooked, so they didn’t want to let me become a sniper, i remember stas with the call sign mars. he liked my pilaf so much that there were moments when he walked around, asked, asked when the pilaf would be, when would the pilaf be, then asked me to write down the recipe for my
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pilaf, i never gave him the recipe, so mars, if you’re watching this now, look , learn in the process, your son is still a friend, a real helper. at home, of course, it’s great, everything’s good, well i would like to see my brothers, friendship like ours is never forgotten, come, i’ll feed you pilaf, no one will leave hungry, you haven’t met alexey sityaev with the call sign cook, i hope he brought the recipe for pilaf, let’s invite him to us, welcome,
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hello hello! did you get the recipe? well, has it changed? well, yes, yes, of course, i know that you met in the barracks, in training, met, yes, before being sent to svo, you were trained together, is it true that stas once even saved your life? yes, he was like that moment, the group and i set off. reconnaissance of the territory before the assault and it was already quite late in the evening, stas was walking nearby, i did not notice
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the tripwire, which, well, the enemy had left, stas noticed it in time, pushed me away, that is, if i had stepped on, we could have suffered, then eating together from... well, after that i understand what friendship is, that you can rely on this person, he will take on any difficult task at any time, and they told me that you found out about his injury already at home, right? yes, i was already at home when i found out about that he was wounded, he tried to contact him for a long time, he was looking for something, he called, well, the phone... he had no connection, you and your wife irina are here today, i think that stas and tony will also be interested in meet her, pirochka, come out to us,
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you were at that moment when but... the bell rang, yes, yes, lyosha was already at home at that time, when lyosha was told that stas was wounded, it was night, we were sleeping, i went into the kitchen and saw that my husband’s face had changed very much, tears appeared in his eyes, i realized that something happened, he tried to call his comrades to find out some information, but no one knew anything, well, i tried to support my husband with... verbally, because he was very upset, he said a lot of very good things about stas, that this is just such a fighting comrade, you also have three
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children, i understood from the report, yes, we also have three children, but it seems to me that you should invite them to visit, do you plant strawberries there or whatever it is you and i i’m very glad that we met today, i didn’t believe it then, i thought it was a joke some kind, but he said, it’s my duty, i have to go, well then, although in fact there was no agenda, i have three children, what kind
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of agenda, right? we spent it, i was worried, i cried a lot, the children supported me, well , our dad turned out to be such a hero, so let’s now get into a little advertising, after it in our studio there will be new surprises for the heroes, which of the front-line comrades came to meet us and what for the girl wants to see them, we’ll find out in a few minutes. your husband filed a complaint for attempted murder that he suspects, we will figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the drug, how could you, little joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you are going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it out, spring is late.
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premiere on saturday on rtr. old barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely groggy and stressed. it's over now. introducing the "dremalina" pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that hugs everything your body. aligns it as much as possible so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremaliina svon pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck at an optimal height. your shoulders and arms will be
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you. we will reduce the price and the dremalina svon pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995, and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited and is valid for a short period of time. snop gin, product of stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. veta vodka, a product of the stellar group. a woman, secretly from her family , married a criminal; the happy wife has already spent millions on her husband behind bars. relatives and friends call him a real swindler who siphons money from the family. live on friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, 130 fragments in the body, the fighter
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is looking for his comrades. earlier today. thirty-year-old stanislav maksimenko, the father of three children, went to the front as a volunteer. in one of the battles he came under mortar fire. and was seriously wounded. stanislav spent more than a year in a hospital bed and underwent six complex operations. now he has returned home, contrary to doctors' predictions, got out of his wheelchair and even started training. for several months now , stanislav has been looking for his comrades in arms with whom he has lost contact. with one of them, alexey sityaev, call sign. cook, he met before leaving for advertising in our studio, this is how their meeting went,
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did you want to see the guys who? via internal radio communication, organized evacuation, the injury was severe, immediately during the evacuation they were very worried about his life, they were waiting for the box to arrive, they loaded him and sent him, and then, as if later, we learned that stas had survived, they reported in the evening that he had already been sent to the hospital, he blew out his knee, his knee is completely gone, well , i’m glad you’re alive, we miss you very much, we’ll definitely see each other later on vacation, yes, we’ll go on a mission, then we’ll get in touch, i’d like to see you earlier, but myself you know, such is life here that, well, we
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we hope so, that we’ll see each other when we come on vacation, we’ll definitely see him, let’s get better, back, we’ll definitely win, definitely, hurray, yes, this is styopa, then badger, in my opinion, this is popuas, these are my guys who directly participated in the evacuation, my fellow countrymen, also from the irkutsk region, well, thank them very much, as if, remove our connection. to be honest, it’s as if they are on the line of combat contact, and there are various reasons, the phone will break, or something else, here is the information that there are a huge number of legionnaires on the other side, foreigners, that’s true, yes, we met, there were both
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poles and germans, the guys say, they say, they met, yes, there are a lot, well, let’s look at another story, pay attention to the screen. i live in this village, i spent my entire childhood here, the boys and i always swam in this river, played, skated on ice floes in winter, i always imagined how i would return home to my native village, walk through old places, i really like it here, people people here are wonderful, good-natured... everyone is sociable, sympathetic, always helping each other, this is my teacher, awesome head, nadezhda ivanovna, here he is from
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television, they came to me, oh, you are so wonderful, i am so glad to see you, hello, zhenya, he was a wonderful child, i taught him for 7 years, then... we separated, zhenya went to study , i wasn’t surprised when my wife went to eslo, i’m very proud, this is our house, my grandfather built it, welcome, hello, grandmother, oh, hello, great, this is my grandmother, bullshit imuzafvana, she raised me, gave me an image. .. this is grandfather, a labor veteran, goleevich, a master all hands, we are of course proud of zhenya, that we raised a real person, so as not
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to jinx him, let’s go eat, otherwise enough of this talk, i’ve had soup for a long time, it’s ready, bon appetit, let’s eat, well zhenya, your aunt asked faith is like fedania, aunt alya, everyone there says hello to you, saying hello to everyone too, yes, when zhenya left, as they say, you have to do a ritual, like the muslim way, you buy a lamb, then he slaughters a mule’s lamb, everything is like that, then you gather people for this, as they say, to eat meat, soup, like that, but i i did it to him twice. in our faith, men have to do it twice, i went to the mosque, these are the alms, as long as i come back alive, i still have my uniform, this is when
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i went for the second time, my first uniform was taken off me when i was wounded, that is, it was completely cut off in belgorod, i already got there in only one hat, the fragments flew across my... not my vest, they pierced my lung, broke a rib, this fragment remained in me, it is next to my heart, size 10 by 14 mm, a centimeter from the heart . well, it doesn’t seem to move, there are several over the course of a year they took pictures, it looks like he’s standing in the same place, this is our cat vaska, vasya comes and lies on my back, where the wounds are, well, it’s like he’s healing, it’s getting easier, well, he also came today to meet you, you
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haven’t seen each other for more than a year, how do you feel, hello, hello, great, why do you have such a call sign, tell us, well... when we were given the task of choosing our call signs, i thought for a long time, i wanted to take the call sign hammer from my military service , well, i changed my mind, i think it’s better to give me my favorite computer game i’ll choose, of course, that’s how i chose a posybnoy for myself, but we understood you in the plot, we saw you off in a muslim way, are you a muslim? yes, my grandparents are not muslims, so they saw me off as usual, that is, a farewell, on the day i was wounded, they performed a ritual. just muslim, kurmandyk, that’s what it’s called, they told me that
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your grandparents replaced you as parents, and yes, they raised me from the age of 10, that’s how it happened, so my grandmother gave me an education, that is, they raised me, my grandfather raised me , taught him to work, and stas here i told you so briefly that you became friends in the hospital, you were in the same battalion, but in different companies, yes, we were in different ones... he gave me goodies, treated me, but they told me
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that you were wounded while saving your commander , yes, yes, on january 8 we planned to make a simulated attack on the enemy in order to identify his firing points, it turns out that within half an hour somewhere the enemy began firing mortars and... we sat in different trenches next to each other, it turns out that the commander yelled, i said, what happened? he says: zhenya, here is the leg it was torn off, it turns out, i crawled into his trench, started to tourniquet him, then a medic ran up, we basically started providing first aid and evacuation, that’s all, well , they dragged me probably 20-30 meters, the medic said we need to go for help, he ran away, it turns out that i stayed with the commander, that is , he is lying, i am lying on him like this,
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holding his hand, as if supporting him, that everything is fine, commander, hold on, it turns out that there was an explosion behind me, there was an arrival, it flew under the armor , one fragment flew over here and hit the commander in the cheek, that is, well, in my head, it turns out i was blind, i couldn’t feel my legs, i thought they were torn off from me, i can’t turn back, my hand doesn’t move, because there’s a fragment here, this hand just kept moving. i say, goodbye commander, and he says: goodbye, zhenya, well, that is, we thought that we would all die there, so the evacuation group came running, pulled us out, it turns out that the enemy continued the mortar shelling, i told the guys, leave us , save yourself, no, the guys said, we won’t leave you, they’re somewhere a kilometer away from us so they dragged you under this shelling, well , you spent 6 months in the hospital, five operations, in the first hospital three... months i spent later in the second hospital in
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the third, or rather another 3 months, and again i had an operation, in general, they removed the spleen appendicitis, one and a half meters of the small intestine, one fragment stuck in me, well , it stopped next to my heart, a centimeter away, a rib was broken in the back, well, somehow they gave you a disability, but you look lively, well, yes. but despite the fact that you said goodbye to your commander we already thought that you wouldn’t survive, he had to fly, but here he is in touch with us from yekaterinburg, yuri, hello, hello, i say hello, great, guys , great, commander, we found out, zhenya, this is my witcher, yes, evgeniy pulled me out, covered me
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with himself, but he had already completed his rehabilitation, but he didn’t receive any, like... rewards, awards, i’m still in rehabilitation, as if they gave me a medal for courage, but it’s a shame that evgeniy filippov mikhailovich, as it were, was not awarded for saving his commander, and they told me that the first shell to you my leg was torn off, the blow was so strong that even my teeth fell down, yes, even my teeth, as if like a second shell, when they were already pulling us out, there was something else flying nearby. evgey fell under the armor, and my right cheek immediately seemed to have been cut right through with teeth, but you see what an optimist zhenya is, and despite all his wounds, he smiles, so you also told our editors that
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what he did zhenya is more than friendship, it’s a fighting brotherhood, if you don’t mind, we’ll give you your coordinates and phone numbers. zhenya, i i don’t mind, of course, if they call, they phoned, so that he comes to visit, our family is waiting for him, so that he comes to visit, that’s it, he’ll take his cat and come, thank you, good health to you, and we just have one more surprise for stasa and zhenya, a girl came to meet them. who remembers them and has something to tell, let's invite our heroine, hello, sorry, i can't for a long time, did the boys find out?
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yes, yes, a nurse from ours, anna serdyuk, really a nurse from the hospital where you were treated, anechka, how many times have you i saw the guys, i want to interrupt, the civilian guys don’t recognize me without a medical suit, yes, that’s why i haven’t seen them for about a year, they changed, they certainly changed, they got better, a fresh complexion appeared. from the very beginning of meeting stas, i was amazed at his willpower, the doctors immediately
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said that there was practically no chance that he would get up and walk, but he then confidently said that he would walk in the near future. no matter what, it happened, after a couple of weeks, contrary to all forecasts, stasis began, for us it was a surprise, because we were lying patients with a lesser degree of injury, in a very depressed mood, stas distinguished himself here, he encouraged them with his optimism, found words of support, he is very bright, such a good person, so we always had fun with him, even. but zhenya was not in your department, but nevertheless you saw him often, very often, well, how can you not notice such a handsome man, and he was in another department, he often came to visit us, so i remember him well, especially since you said that they misbehaved often after one, of course,
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all the friends will gather in the ward, mischief, songs they sing that the walls move like a herd, and sometimes you shout, scold them somewhere, but it’s impossible to be offended by them, because they turn everything into a positive, a joke, you hunt with them and that’s it. i remember one case when i came to the ward to put an iv on stas, but he was not there, we were all so scared, because the patient in the wheelchair disappeared, we lost the patient, where he was, in the end he ended up on another floor, everything is fine. everything was wrong with him, yes, that is , he moved quickly, quickly, we didn’t have time to follow, now we have to take a break for a short advertisement, in a few minutes in our studio, new surprises and new meetings for our hero, another battle friend and another girl who came to meet
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made of pvc film, plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose yours the size of a mini-greenhouse and get a high-quality harvest. call to order the zhitnitsa mini greenhouse at an amazing price from only 29.95. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season; these are light, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a shape that is comfortable for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, they are very easy to put on, for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or working in the garden, garden shoes - the best decision. garden shoes are made of a special ultra-light eva material, which makes the shoes feel completely weightless on your feet. the shock-absorbing sole saves your feet from getting wet when you get into a puddle, and the anatomically shaped breathable insole ensures a comfortable fit. garden shoes are suitable for rainy
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and slushy weather. thanks to their modern design, garden shoes will fit perfectly into any wardrobe. with it you will remain stylish even in the garden. provide yourself with comfort and convenience right now. call order durable, versatile and lightweight garden shoes for just 24.95. monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellor group, can you explain to me why we are rushing from st. petersburg to this sample, i have problems in business, and do you remember tanka vasilna, and she is in love with you, also everything was there, but she was not married. “it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years
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ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, this is stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let me be there with everyone, pasha, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you’re even in my direction “you’re not looking, but i, i’m a woman.” where we are not, on friday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr, once again, good afternoon, 130
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fragments in the body, a soldier is looking for his comrades, the main character of the broadcast is 30-year-old stanislav maksimenko, a father of three children, who volunteered for the front. in one of the battles, he came under mortar fire and was seriously injured. staz spent more than a year in a hospital bed, enduring six difficult things. there are now 130 fragments in his body, but contrary to doctors’ predictions, he got back on his feet. he is looking for his comrades with whom he has lost contact, and today in our studio he met with alexey tetyaev with the call sign povor with evgeniy filippov with the body witcher. evgeniy filippov’s commander, yuri anikin , told how zhenya, risking his life, saved his life and asked to reward the soldier. yuri is not yet allowed to travel long distances, and he got in touch. and from the studio via skype, anna sterdyuk, a nurse from the hospital where they were treated, came to meet the guys. stas,
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zhenya, another of your comrades has come to meet you, andrei somov with the call sign som, meet him, i forgot, for yourself. amputation, we met the guys there in the hospital, and how i got wounded when i was evacuated to a moscow hospital, well
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krasnogorsk vishnevsky, there i was already transferred from intensive care to the wards. where stas was already lying, well, somehow we immediately found contact, got into contact, helped each other as much as we could in that state, well, tanya says that stas infected everyone with his optimism, positivity, yes, he was always tipsy, that is, how i was at first, well, that is, despite , that is, despite the whole situation that happened, i was still in a serious condition, he still encouraged me, he said: andryukha, everything will be fine, we will all get up, we will run, well now it seems to me the next meeting should be at stas’s house, he should invite you all, but i’m not against it, on the contrary, i’m for it, preferably in the summer on baikal, but there is one more participant, probably a future
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trip to baikal, another girl. hello, how did you meet stas, tell us? our meeting was very interesting, i am a volunteer, and i help our wounded children in hospitals, on one of my visits to the sergius posad hospital, where staz was lying, i looked into the room, with the treats that we were preparing, i looked in and asked,
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guys, would you mind some homemade jellied meat? well, of course, stas, we won’t refuse. and so the first acquaintance with treats took place. moreover, jellied meat is good for bones and joints. yes, of course, here too stas gladly accepted treats for himself and for all his comrades in the ward and treated all his neighbors. tell me, what attracted you to stas, arny. stas was very lively. very caring about his comrades, in addition to the fact that he himself was, well, let’s say, in our first meeting in a supine position, but already a week later i receive a video from him, then i meet him in the corridor that he is already moving on crutches. the true spirit of a fighter,
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what kind of words or motivational speeches do you remember? well, stas, he immediately showed me photographs of his girls, three daughters, and of course the main motivation was that i would definitely get back on my feet for my girls, for my family. everyone has already gathered here, let's show how you live, where you invite everyone, attention on the screen, this is my house, this is where i live, here we have a staircase, not like that easy, but thank god i live on the first floor, i’m in the minority here, at home we have a feminine kingdom, but i’m constantly surrounded by beauty, this is my wife tonya, this is my eldest
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linochka. oh-oh-oh, how much, you’re about to choke, girls, of course, i’m very pleased with my princesses, athletes, gymnasts, dad, today we have competitions in gymnastics, and what kind of exercises will you have, well done, girls, i’m proud of you , you are smart, there are a lot of girls, but there are no boys, i am in the minority, we need three more, or even four, so that there is an equal number. yes, donechka, no, no necessary, bye, necessary, i say, necessary, there is such a word, necessary, he loves his children very much, does his homework, and draws with them and reads,
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let's find fairy tales, listen, guys, i want to tell you, they were born here kittens, there are exactly five of them. mother cat came to busilda, busya’s maternal instinct is still working, so she hears a squeak and immediately runs on all four paws to see what ’s going on there, who’s hurting my kittens, are you drawing, and who drew this, this, well, me, this who, alina, you, me, look like a young man handsome, thin, stasik. after the svo i still had my uniform, or rather part of it, i would say, after the injury my pants were torn, the guys separately reported
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what was left after me, i prayed for him every night, i went to church, lit candles, it was hard. well, for the sake of the children, of course, i held on, so that they would not see that i was going through and would not understand anything, well, this cross went through everything with me, and when i was wounded, i was wearing it, exactly the same cross. mine was from my father, who died in 2019, and the second thing for me is more the memory of my father, and that he always protects me with me, already
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the soul now, but not so much, well, all your comrades in arms have gathered here, and to whom else might you want to say hello or some- those warm feelings from the tv screen? well, i would like to say a big thank you, especially to those guys who were directly involved - in the evacuation in mine, in general, of all the guys, in our battalion there is not a single missing person, all 100% were evacuated, i especially want to say hello to badger. denis, then from the tepi, and in general there are a lot of guys, i need it.


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