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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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the visit was unexpected for security reasons, and he was there to reiterate us support for ukraine, but also to discuss the use of money allocated to kiev. two statements were made that calmed the ukrainians a little about the release of a $60 billion aid package, which had been blocked for more than 7 months. and the ukrainians on the front line clearly felt the lack of equipment, especially military equipment. also a few days ago. unexpectedly announced the allocation of another aid package for $400 million, no one planned to allocate this money, it was also greeted with joy, since ukraine really needs air defense systems, ammunition, and artillery systems. according to anthony blinken, all this will come quickly, since the situation along the entire line is extremely difficult and tense. the decision on the package was crucial for us, it is very important to get it as quickly as possible and the second point is air defense.
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the biggest deficit for us, i think that's the biggest problem, yes, we really need two petriots today for kharkov, for the kharkov region, because there are people under attack, civilians and warriors, everyone, everyone there under russian missiles. good to see you, i also extend warm greetings from president biden, we all admire your extraordinary resilience, your endurance, your strength, your leadership, and we know this is difficult.
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attacks from russia blinken's visit comes less than a month after congress approved a long-awaited military aid package worth more than $60 billion. you can be sure that blinkina will provide detailed information on the ongoing russian offensive in northeastern ukraine, which is only gaining momentum. it is reported that the area will be attacked by about 35,000 troops, who are seeking to occupy more and more territories on the new sector of the front. it's interesting, he has visited the middle east seven times since october 7th, and his last visit to ukraine was in september. this will be his fourth visit, and this, as he noted on social media x, is an expression of the united states' unwavering support for ukraine. and the main reason he's here, of course, is that ukraine is in a difficult situation right now. the point is the russian offensive in the kharkov area. the russians apparently captured several villages there. and we see how people are evacuating to
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the city of kharkov. first of all, this is about trying to convince the ukrainians of their leaders that the commitment that the united states has made will remain unchanged, that it is not something that will waver, that the us administration is not distracted by events in the middle east, and that this will allow ukraine, at least for now, to stop the russian advance. i think that we will talk mainly about negotiations behind closed doors, perhaps to a lesser extent about loud ones.
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ukrainian air defense is literally suffocating from russian missiles, the wall street journal reports something crazy in this regard, germany is discussing the possibility of creating a 70 km wide flight zone over the west of ukraine, and it will be created by air defense systems on the territory of poland and romania. the proposal was enthusiastically supported by members of the bundestag from several parties at once, who are not embarrassed. that soldiers of western countries will
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actually fight with russia, sending their military to the west of ukraine, just don’t laugh, it sounds really strange. but even estonia is considering it, presidential security adviser roll said. according to him, there is no talk of direct participation in hostilities; estonian soldiers will take on the function of logistics support for the vzz. and the estonians are already being trained. an exercise called northern frog is currently taking place on the territory of the former soviet military airport. another one trains estonians.
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if a war breaks out, it is precisely in this case that they believe that between russia and poland they might want to have a place where they could escape and that this refuge would be as far away as possible.
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the sea and the beach begin almost at her doorstep, but the sun shines here very rarely. agata, a real estate agent , is well versed in her field of activity, and in order to invest reliably, a year and a half ago she also bought herself an apartment in the costa blanca, because in spain the economic consequences of the war in ukraine are not so strong.
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with his business partner camilla, they have no end to solvent clients in poland, poles owning real estate in spain really became much more numerous after the start of the war in ukraine, and this is confirmed by the local federal state registration service. the number of polish citizens who own real estate in spain has tripled, this is striking, their number continues to grow. spaniards. especially a lot of poles acquires real estate on the beaches of the province of alicante, in benedorm, in particular , the office of camilla, agatha’s business partner, is located. this week alone, the poland native sold four apartment buildings. for the last 2 years we have had a lot of work, primarily due to the influx
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of clients from poland. all the documents in these boxes are all our polish clients. and those ones over there on the table. the same story on... but for some reason this doesn’t hit trump’s ratings.
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firstly, this is due to the fact that adult film star stormy daniels began get confused in testimony and contradict your past words. previously, she claimed that everything between her and donald was, if not out of love, then certainly not out of coercion, that she never considered herself victims of tua, now the talk in court is almost about rape. and even with subsequent threats. the prosecution's second star witness is even worse: trump's former lawyer , mike cohen, who was officially disbarred for fraud and was imprisoned for it. he dreamed of one day becoming the mayor of new york, swore that he was ready to take a bullet caught up with his employer trump and has repeatedly donated money to st. jude hospital. as a result, he himself became judas. he introduced. to the jury of recordings of negotiations with donald trump, in which he allegedly orders him
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to pay a talkative prostitute in cash so that the porn actress will keep her mouth shut, this is the key argument of the prosecution, although the name stormy daniels is not heard on the recording, well, that is, the case is stitched up by whites on all sides threads, and what prostitute are we talking about? trump is being tried financially, directly now they want to punish him for another 100 million dollars with the help of a tax audit, but the real thing is unknown; in parallel, it can be obtained not in new york, but in chicago, the publication about the public claims that trump used, as they say, a dubious accounting maneuver and received extra tax breaks for your skyscraper in chicago, add here a payment of 83 million. dollars in a libel case and another 454 million dollars in
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a civil fraud case, an insane amount of 650 million. however, trump will already appeal further appeal all financial decisions. at the same time, donald, despite the scandals, continues to outperform biden. five of the six key states in the elections, which means that the white house will do anything to prevent donald from participating in the elections; pornography, one might assume, is just the beginning. do you have anything to say to donald trump today? he once said he would take a bullet for donald trump, but today michael cohen heads to court to testify against his former boss as the prosecution's star witness. they have there is no evidence and i am not guilty. two people who had been involved with each other for a decade didn't even look
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at each other. cohen told jurors that trump warned him during the 2016 campaign: be prepared, there would be a lot of women coming forward. the first is former playboy model, karen mcdougal. when cohen told trump that mcdougal was selling his story about their alleged affair, trump replied that she was. agreed with him. trump claims that he had for the company told the jury that trump with i've never had sex with a porn star, but cohen insists. trump gave him direct instructions to get daniels to sign. but not disclosure, just do it, according to cohen, he took saying, there is no reason to keep these things in sight,
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a loan to cover a payment of $130,000, on the very day he transferred the money to daniels 12 days before the election, today the indictment tried to portray cohen as a good family man who became a lawyer to please his grandmother, but the packed courtroom rolled its eyes because that everyone knows the real cohen, the man who would lie to that...grandmother in order to succeed, cohen was disbarred from practicing law, he was in prison for perjury, tax evasion, he lied to the banks, he lied to congress, he lied to his wife. even secretly recorded conversations with trump, when you talk to your lawyer and he secretly records your conversations violates the lawyer's client privilege, he is not your lawyer, a rat, the case rests on a lying rat. the prosecutor wants you to believe a convicted liar. a porn star who sees ghosts because another star witnesses stormy daniel having sex with men for money on
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camera, this is a woman who will do anything for money, and i mean anything, her resume can be found. i want to know from you what the former president was doing when michael cohen walked into the room, what he demonstrated with his body language. michael cohen has been speaking in court, one might say, since the very morning, and his behavior was very measured, very restrained, mainly he looked at the prosecutor when answered these questions, he looked at donald trump only when he asked to identify him, otherwise. was very focused on the prosecutor. donald trump spent most of his testimony sitting back in his chair with his eyes closed. sometimes, when text messages appeared on the phone screen, we saw donald trump leaning over to read some of them. and when michael coan, because one of the questions he was asked was that he paid to
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record the story about stormy daniels so that she became public and cohen allegedly said trump did n't care what it meant for milania, he was focused on the campaign, and trump made a face as if reacting to it. these are things that we saw him think about more, react to during this trial, but for the most part he would sometimes pass notes to his lawyer, but in reality he would sit with his eyes closed. the question everyone jokes about is he meditates, how does he manage to control himself so much while testifying? throughout the entire trial, but with cohen and...
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the prosecutors, who have one thing in common, they are all funded by soros, every single one of them, they have one damn mission - to go after donald trump, because he is winning in all the polls. high relationships. but russia today has become the official supplier of snow to turkey. a cyclone came from our territory to the turetsk coast, giving first us, and now them, abnormal weather for may with frosts and snowfalls. turkey's general department of meteorology announced. in six provinces at once, the yellow threat level was expecting heavy rain, but in some areas it began to snow. well, the sudden onset of winter has no plans to retreat from russia. snow, you won’t believe, remains on 60% of the territory of our absolutely vast country. in the northwestern federal district, the snowdrift is higher than half a meter. in the nenets autonomous
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okrug it reaches 87 cm. snowdrifts in may. on the kola peninsula 55 cm, in chelyabinsk, a completely anomalous snowstorm turned the federal highway into impassable paths, and this is filming from the taganay national park, where there’s also a blizzard, what they call 2 weeks until summer, a nightmare. in the european part of russia , the first ten days of may have already become official. the coldest on record, warmth will return to moscow only by the end of the week. in sochi, however, weather anomalies gave the city a double rainbow of extraordinary beauty. in the mountains. due to the changeable weather and the threat of avalanches, there are significantly fewer skiers, and the local bears liked it, look,
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the mother bear took two cubs for a walk, they enjoy skiing down the hill, much more weather-dependent people and weather-sensitive electronics were less fortunate; our planet was covered by a magnetic storm, as you say... level. american entrepreneur elon musk said that even the starling satellites are under enormous load and are having difficulty coping with the consequences of a geomagnetic storm. according to the reiders agency, there is a deterioration in communication in the system. due to a powerful magnetic storm, so-called tectonic activity along fault lines has increased. tectonic stress accumulates. so if your head is cracking and jumping pressure, then this is normal, scientists report. the earth's magnetic field
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will return to normal not earlier than wednesday, so we continue to endure. it's a photographer's dream: in the early morning hours , northern lights lovers could see a sky of red, pink, green and purple. from hobart to margaret river, the solar storm could be seen across australia. this was the strongest such phenomenon in the last 20 years. the sun has periods when it is quite active, when it is quite calm, now the active phase is just passing through. geomagnetic storms.
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skoda issued a warning due to a geomagnetic storm class g4, which is considered a serious storm. the cause was at least five large coronal mass ejections. such an emission is an explosion of plasma from the sun, flashes of electromagnetic radiation from its side, which affects our magnetic field and can cause a number of problems, mainly in that part of the earth that is on the sunny side at the time of the storm. this storm could cause hours of outages. with high frequencies. gps and other satellite navigation may also not work. also, power grids in northern latitudes may experience voltage problems. defense systems may fail.
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astrophysicist noura walhi says this is the most powerful geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years. this is a pretty powerful storm, it's a pretty extreme situation. the storm is so large that it could temporarily disrupt the satellites we use for communication and navigation, like those that transmit gps signals. data transmission satellites elon musk starlink reported a deterioration in the quality of service. most of us have gps receivers on our phones. could a storm affect their work? yes, it can, since most of our phones use single-frequency gps. the northern lights can also affect our power grid and cause power outages, but power companies have taken precautions. it looks like some measures have been taken this time. another thing that poses a threat. for our technologically advanced society - this is how much we depend on electricity, on electronics and so on, when there were blackouts in texas in february
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of twenty-one, it created many problems, a huge number of people suffered. most likely, we have systems that can reduce the influence of these charged solar particles on the earth's magnetic field, but things can go wrong, as happened in 2003 in south africa, and this is a separate problem, we must think about protection. our power grids, since the sun does not warns about its emissions. the northern lights are radiation that would kill us all, wipe out the face of the earth, if the earth did not have a magnetic field. the same forces that make your compass point north stop all those terrible phenomena that can tear us apart and kill us on the spot. scientists fear that a magnetic storm will affect communications on earth, power grids, navigation, flight schedules and satellites. well, urgent news is coming right now, president putin’s assistant, yuri ushakov, he is the member of the presidential administration who
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today was also official. reassigned, you see on the screen the faces and surnames of the positions of those who remain to work in the russian presidential administration, and yuri ushakov has just revealed the details of president putin’s first visit after taking office, after the inauguration the visit will take place in china, the visit will take place on thursday, friday on may 16-17 from... putin will go there with representatives of the new cabinet of ministers, since it is a long way to fly to china, we need to fly out tomorrow, but we have already discussed, that is, he will sign decrees on the appointment of ministers, deputy prime ministers, putin is already highly likely today, so we are waiting in the very near future, today is the fourteenth, tomorrow is the fifteenth,
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many will have to leave. already tomorrow, so ushakov announced that putin will go for 2 days, not only to beijing, but to harbin, president putin, together with the president of the people's republic of china sidin ping, plans to discuss the situation in ukraine in the special operation zone. also important, ushakov said that china does not plan to participate in so-called peaceful negotiations that will soon take place in switzerland. they are organized by a certain zelensky, so neither russia nor china are taking part in these negotiations, blinken said today that biden probably won’t go either, apparently only zelensky will go, well, that is, empty meaningless negotiations, and of course the speech is not about the fact that joe biden won’t go, but about talking about peace with russia without russia, but this is some kind of completely desperate, crazy stupidity.
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connected such a high speed, can we what’s happening can already be called an offensive, i’ll immediately make a reservation, our ministry of defense does not call it an offensive, their intelligence services, the american ones report that we haven’t even brought in our reserves yet, well, that is, we’re just going and it’s working out well, tell me, olga, good evening, yes indeed progress
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we have it in kharkov. on the front, today another settlement was liberated , bugrovadka, this is the flank of volchansk, in which activities are now also taking place to clean up and liberate this settlement point, in parallel with this - in the leptsov area today we occupied several dominant heights, which now allow us to keep under fire control the main route that comes from kharkov and these are the supply roads towards leptsov, towards volchanka.
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about the fortifications that zelensky constantly talked about, which the ukrainian side constantly talked about, that we are spending billions there, strengthening the defense line, indeed there is a fortification, yes, but the bulk of them are located directly near kharkov, but on the border, no matter how much money is allocated there, no matter what pictures are shown, they are there in reality...


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