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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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in places where insects gather, the noise level can reach the volume of a jet engine. in south carolina, the newbury county sheriff's office asked residents to stop calling about loud noises. these aren't just complaints about the party nearby being too noisy. these sounds are made by male cats. but south carolina police still have to respond to such calls and calm them down. frightened citizens. people think they hear a siren, as if an alarm or fire alarm has gone off, or maybe a fire warning system. emergency situations. however, the life of the insects themselves, as scientists predict this month, will be more reminiscent of a horror movie. cicadas can be turned into real zombies by the pathogenic fungus massospora cicadin, which will probably infect some of the individuals afterwards.
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when light appears, it is believed that this parasite makes the insects aggressive, and then begins to completely control the behavior of the cycatas, forcing them to move long distances, carrying along with them the spores of the fungus. the spores enter the insect's body , from this moment the cicadas are in power fungal parasite , fungal spores accumulate in the abdomen of each infected cicada, eventually the back part of the cicada's body, including the genitals, falls off, and a white fungal plug appears in its place. the invasion of tsikat on america is eagerly awaited, except perhaps by supporters of unconventional food preferences. this new orleans restaurant has updated its menu for the season. we cook a variety of foods, savory, sweet, and i like to tell people that if it's new orleans food, even if it seems fancy, it will still be delicious. insects instead of meat is a new trend that has been actively promoted in the west for several years. this year promises to be. harvest,
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the number of cicadas will increase to tens of millions in the coming weeks, and i hope that we will be able to get some of these insects so that we can serve them as a specialty. compared to the trendy, oil-fried cikata larvae, the simple insect t-shirts that have already begun selling in some states now seem downright conservative. a relic. it is especially noted here that this is the last time there has been such an invasion of cicatas. the united states suffered during the time of president thomas jefferson; no analogies are made with the current president, although then jefferson managed to be re-elected to a second term. what the insect invasion means for biden is unknown, given his falling rating, the only thing he now lacks is cikat. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches are preparing in these seconds go on air with the main news of your regions. we have the opportunity to find out what
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news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company voinakh is in touch with us, where leila murtazova is broadcasting today. today we met the pearl-caucasus tourist train in grozny. good evening, leila, what route is he taking? hello, tatyana, travel for 7 days goes through the caucasian republics. today in grozny its passengers were greeted with national flavor. the cruise train is equipped with everything necessary. grozny, in in the chechen capital, the pearl of the caucasus will stay until midnight, during which time tourists will have time to get to know the subject and enjoy the beautiful mountain landscapes of the region. leila, thank you, but we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect the state television and radio broadcasting company. kuban, anna ovchinnikova is already in the studio in the krasnodar region at the height of the harvest.
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great strawberries. anna, good evening, what technologies make it so fragrantly sweet? good evening, tatyana, bumblebees are responsible for the ideal shape of the taste of strawberries. without these hardworking insects, the berries will be uneven, and the harvest will be 30% less. in addition, bright berries are covered with agrofibre; this technology gives an early harvest; the variety matters. the italian variety cleriri, an early ripening variety, has taken root on kuban soil. productive and easy to care for, supplies strawberries mainly to moscow. last year , 80 tons of berries were collected in greenhouses in the korenovsky district, and this year they expect to double the result. thank you, anna, have a good broadcast, and we continue to have great news with the viewers of moscow and the region. see you in a few seconds. the investigation into
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the fatal accident in new moscow has been transferred to the investigative committee. a terrible accident on kaluga highway occurred the night before. mercedes driver. rammed a vaz car. two people died, two children are in hospital. the culprit of the accident has already been questioned from the scene of the accident. olga mishcheryakova. the first images from the scene of the tragedy. one of the vaz cars, a pile of twisted metal. the car is torn in half. the roof looks like it was cut off with a knife. here she is. so it remained lying behind the fence. the second participant in the accident. here is this mercedes, turned around in the middle of the road, with the front end completely destroyed. the driver of the mercedes in the hospital, when they put him on a stretcher, was in...
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this is about five minutes. children's bicycles, a car, an empty yard. magomed and potimat midzhidov did not make it 10 km to their home. they have five children left, the youngest girl is only one and a half years old. they are now in the care of their grandmother. neighbors are collecting money and trying to organize help. he was responsive,
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calm, so to speak, the children studied at our shishkinskaya school. yes. that is, they lived here on an ongoing basis. yes, permanently. whatever is needed from me, i will do. social protection authorities are also ready to provide support. all possible assistance will be provided, primarily in establishing temporary temporary guardianship over these children. the culprit of the accident, this young man with his mercedes, is known to the neighbors. i can hear it when he’s drunk, we just heard it from above, but he’s not very adequate when he’s drunk . according to the prosecutor's office, he was intoxicated. driver detained on suspicion of violating traffic rules by a person driving a car. in the near future, the court, with the participation of the prosecutor, will consider the issue of choosing a preventive measure for him. the culprit of a fatal accident faces a sentence of 8 to 15 years. olga meshtryakova, pavel
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letnikov, artyom kuznetsov, boris salnikov, anatoly ignatov, news. a cold front is rapidly approaching the capital. it brought with it a stormy wind with gusts of up to 17 m/s. muscovites are advised not to park under trees and avoid advertising signs. this at night there will be rain in places, the thermometers will drop to 10°. on the first day of may it will be cloudy, with daytime temperatures reaching +20. on this long, warm weekend, there is a barbecue pilgrimage in the capital's parks. there are more than a thousand official sites in the city and region; you can even book a gazebo or barbecue in advance, but there are still lovers of the spontaneous. denis voskovsky saw the fire as they were called to account. the smell of smoke and meat aroma in the spring wind spreads throughout the city, there is a stir in the parks, these are stills from ostankina. we have opened the barbecue season, now we are waiting for friends and relatives,
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we will eat everything strictly according to the rules, unconditionally. fire inspectors, of course, trust what has been said, but they check; the clear, precise movements immediately show an experienced barbecue maker. sergei has been preparing meat on the outskirts of izmailovsk for 35 years. administrative responsibility, protocols, fine - 4,000 rubles. now i undertake not to break the rules anymore. borisov ponds is one of seven picnic areas where the barbecue reservation service is already operating. order a gazebo for 4 hours is available for only 500 rubles. all addresses and numbered gazebos with barbecues
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are on the moscow city park website. after payment, each visitor receives a qr code by email, which is checked by a park employee on site. we showed one qr code from 10 to 2 pm. and then we... the second qr code from 2 to 6 pm, and he said that’s great, that’s it, we ’ll put a stop list on your gazebo until 6:00 pm, it’s quite cheap and democratic, especially for students like we, and then... on the website of the ministry of public improvement of the moscow region regions published a map of official picnic areas; 1,300 points were allocated for preparing the most popular spring dish in the moscow region. in addition to tables, benches and barbecues, there is a new item for the season, free cardboards for fanning the fire. this method of ignition is much safer than the popular combustible mixture. in inept or not completely sober hands, excess liquid can... set everything on fire, barbecue at the dacha, what could
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be better, conscious barbecue makers, they are also summer residents, are familiar with the basics of safety firsthand, it is necessary to secure this territory from a possible fire, at least 3 m away. you can spin skewers no closer than a five-meter distance from planting structures; there should be no dry grass, leaves, or flammable liquids near the barbecue; in the event of a fire... damage to other people's property , the amount of the fine can be 50 or even 60,000 rubles. will be responsible for that person, the house next door will burn down, who allowed such a problem, such a disaster? to avoid such situations, you must follow basic rules: remember, a good kebab is safe shashlik. denis voskovsky, timofeev, lileev, lika zhivkhishvili, vadim cherstvyatkov, news. now about other events briefly. a powerful fire was extinguished today in the moscow region, it was burning. a warehouse with plastic pipes in the village of ramenskaya agricultural chemical station. its area
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was more than 2.0 km. 30 people managed to evacuate and no one was injured. the cause of the fire is now being determined by the prosecutor's office. today there was a long line at the moscow zoo. probably from those who want to see the panda katyusha, who was given access to the outdoor enclosure yesterday. to to speed up access to the territory; in addition to the main one, six more entrances were opened. get your bearings. in the historical district of the capital cherkizov, one of the five unique cyclical bakeries built in the thirties of the last century stands abandoned. mechanized ring technology was a breakthrough in industrial baking at the time, as were architectural forms that are still impressive today. about the possibility of their preservation, anastasia makhina. we resorted to this tent.
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such a plant was built in moscow at on khodynskaya street in 1932,
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about 250 tons of baked goods were baked daily. by the way, this is where luda worked in the film “moscow doesn’t believe in tears.” now the bakery looks completely different: it is surrounded by high-rise buildings, instead of production there is a cultural space inside. the tiles are real metlakh ones from the thirties, on which workers walked, and, well, our happiness is separate in general.
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on novodmitrovskaya street, just like 90 years ago, today it smells of baked goods, but from the caffeine of the city space bread factory, very it was a great upgrade and it turned out, well, it’s a cool place, we bought an apartment here next to the bakery, because we really like this area, well, i think the atmosphere of those years is felt here. and i am generally in favor of preserving everything that can be preserved, but not all factories have received a new life, just as the cherkizovsky abandoned bakery outside moskvarechye is rapidly collapsing, all that remains is the ring mechanism in the heart of the building. this is a very good object for reconstruction or restoration under a modern public function, and a residential building can only be reconstructed into a residential building, there are thick walls, small apartment spaces, but here there is a large space, only one of the five moscow circular bakeries is an object of cultural heritage, although each with its own special architecture, three have found application:


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