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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and a lot of interesting information, but there is even more information in the telegram channel, subscribe to the telegram channel of our program, i wish you a good day, let it please them with great news, we will see you tomorrow, but in a different composition, andrey, let us go to rest, but with a mood, everything is a good morning, bye-bye, see you, we started, come on, come on with a smile, the morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, hello on the rossiyavesti tv channel, in the lunchroom studio and... ukrainian militants
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hit donetsk at about ten shells nato caliber there are dead; in the zaporozhye takmak, the removal of rubble in high-rise buildings is still ongoing. the united states has begun transferring weapons to the zelensky regime. washington may increase the number of its military advisers in ukraine. in the northern military district zone, a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry was eliminated by tula paratroopers. reports from the front lines: accomplices of telephone scammers who operated from abroad were detained in kuban. a unique ship has been launched in russia to train deck helicopter crews for the navy. iconic event for pyatigorsk. a new high-speed tram has entered the route. and the italian final program, the embodiment of impeccable style, celebrates its anniversary.
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the skirovsky district suffered the most, kiev formations fired about 10 nato-caliber shells at it, two civilians were killed, a terrorist attack in the ssu was carried out on takmak, this is already zaporozhye. debris clearing in high-rise buildings is still ongoing there, dozens of rescuers are working on the site, heavy machinery and special equipment are being used. number of wounded increased to four people, two of them are in serious condition, there are dead, but the exact number of victims is now being clarified: in total, after the strikes on the ukrainian armed forces, five residential buildings and a kindergarten were damaged. over the past 24 hours, fighters from the center group have killed up to 350 ukrainian militants.
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the anti-aircraft missile system destroyed a ukrainian armed forces drone that wanted to attack our motorized rifles. the wasp allows you to detect and eliminate even small enemy drones at a distance of more than 10 km. and in the northern sector, a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry was eliminated by turkish paratroopers. at first an airborne reconnaissance group from a drone discovered an enemy stronghold in which ukrainian militants were hiding, and then our armored group reliably worked. in the south-donetsk direction.
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the first salvoes are usually sighting shots; with the help of a reconnaissance drone, the gunner corrects the coordinates of the target, and after a few minutes there is another series of shots. so the artillery of the eastern military district supports with fire the infantry that is storming the forward positions. aerial reconnaissance confirmed that enemy equipment was hit. mechanic at top speed returns the equipment to the shelter. in this mode , artillerymen. no, not even four. there
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are a lot of mortars. msta can fire both from closed positions and direct fire. during breaks between combat work, the installations are hidden in so -called garages, which are carefully camouflaged in the forest belt. in no case can you stay in one place for a long time, so the crews are constantly maneuvering and changing their location. howitzers keep the enemy in constant tension, do not allow the transfer of equipment and manpower, and open the most important defense units. my first goal when i became a gunner was to crew a uav. this... repeatedly came under return fire, the soldiers installed additional protection along the perimeter of the hull, this is from fi drones, they get entangled here and may not detonate, the conveyor belt at the top is from baba yaga discharges, so as not to destroy it, well, this is also from fragments , from arrivals, if nearby
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and from fpu drones, but exactly the same birds are flying towards the enemy, the uav crews of the 155th marine brigade launch and... vi drones in the immediate vicinity of the line of combat contact, delivering targeted strikes on dugouts and trenches. we use it in some way, a battery is attached to it, and its control equipment is fpv goggles, that is, you see the view from the camera, which is the control panel during flight. this bird carries different types of ammunition. it is almost impossible to dodge such a bird. the drone flies at a speed of over 100 km/h. the house that is there. at a distance from an attack aircraft there is 50 there at least 15 m you can’t hit varieties, no matter how there is a high risk of hitting our own personnel, and this type of weapon gives us the opportunity to hit a target with an accuracy of half a meter. in the south of the donetsk people's republic, artillery and uav crews play
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a key role; their task is to cut off supply nodes and block the arms supply channels of the ugledar group of the armed forces of ukraine. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead yuzhny! direction, now the situation with floods, a secondary rise of water in the ishim river is expected in the tyumen city of the same name, it may continue until may 3. now the most the situation is difficult in the obat district, where the water rose by more than half a meter in one day. as a result, its level hit a historical high. the number of evacuees from flood zones is also growing; over 500 residents have already left their homes in the region. and in the orenburg region, where the peak of the flood is already behind, a detachment. the russian missile formation is helping residents of the affected areas, the military is clearing living quarters from rubble that formed after the flood, pumping out water from basements so that residents can quickly return to their homes from points temporary accommodation. it took rescuers several hours to
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defuse an aerial bomb from the great patriotic war in murmansk; its weight was about 620 kg. we found a bomb in the commercial port during excavation work, the rescuers were very careful. they approached the shell, tied it with cables , loaded it onto a truck using a crane, and then took it to a special training ground and destroyed it. and in the kaliningrad region , search engines discovered a unique aircraft from the great patriotic war, this is a rare yak-9l, one of nine missing in these region in april on the eve of victory. in addition, they found a pistol with a serial number on it, which can be used to accurately determine who was flying the plane. marina naumova. details, here is the landing gear, fragments of the plane's skin and cockpit are being removed from a deep excavation, the remains of the pilot are found among the twisted iron, here is the engine shaft, this is what is sticking out, probably the twenty-millimeter cannon of its armament, according to the search engines, in front of them
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is the yak fighter-bomber that crashed in april 1945 -9,909 fighter aviation regiment, at the helm of which was lieutenant mikhail maksimovich senin, a native of the oryol region. among other things, a pistol was found in the pilot, on which the serial number was preserved in good condition, and appropriate inquiries will be sent to this number, year of manufacture 1945, in addition to the service weapon , it was possible to find a flare gun, which was part of the pilot’s standard weapons, fragments of his headset, a ruler, the remains of the tablet, the exhaust ring from the parachute, the parachute itself, even we managed to find the control stick of the plane. this is where the fire control buttons were, with the help of a winch the yak-9 engine is now being lifted from a five-meter depth, this is the most important part of the aircraft, on which the identification number is located, now it will be possible to accurately determine the name of the pilot. the yak-9b is
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a fighter-bomber, apparently, during the combat flight the pilot was not able to drop all the bombs, sappers had to be called to the excavation site, and search engines found an unexploded one in the ground. kilogram bomb, no ammunition from the aircraft gun was found, the pilot shot them completely. his flight carried out bombing attacks, and as stated in the documents, he was shot down by anti-aircraft artillery fire against him. according to the pilots' report, the plane turned over and crashed 200 m. the downed plane was part of the small theater squadron of the front. in 1944, the creative team of the theater purchased 12 yag-9 fighters at their own expense and handed them over to the soviet army. experienced pilots fought in these combat vehicles. they flew almost 3,000 combat missions four dozen enemy aircraft were destroyed. half of the squadrons died during the east prussian offensive. close to.
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today, the annual patriotic event dictation of victory starts across the country , organized by the united russia historical military historical society and the victory volunteers movement. the test on knowledge of the events of the great patriotic war will be taken by thousands of people in russia abroad. also this year, during the event you can write letters to the soldiers taking part in the special operation. they were the first to do this in primorye. launched into the water unique ship. the ceremony took place in the nizhny novgorod region. the vessel is intended for training crews
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of deck-based helicopters of the navy. it is named after the famous aircraft designer nikolai kamov, one of the creators of the domestic helicopter. the broadest horizons, the gift of oratory, a critical look at events and times. today , the author of the flagship program accepts congratulations on his seventieth birthday. trk, head of the russia today media group, dmitry kiselev. among those who have already sent telegrams, alexander lukashenko and sergei lavrov. as colleagues and relatives note, the famous tv presenter has enough energy not only for journalistic projects; dmitry kiselyov, the creator of the jazz festival, is a passionate lover of motorcycles and horse riding. alexander khristenko will continue, and we join in the congratulations. this is the news of the week and i'. good evening, look now, the defining voice in russian journalism,
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the one that is always above the information noise and the one that reveals the essence of the events taking place, is the same kiselyov. on tuesday night vladimir putin gave a long interview for the russia tv channel of the rionovosti agency. we talked in the kremlin, joked, here in the studio, the director of photography, he says, my grandmother thinks that you live in the kremlin star. this is the feeling, it’s as if he turned this effect of television to the maximum for himself, while revealing to his young colleagues the nature of the phenomenon, screen fame quickly comes, but also disappears instantly if the scale of the personality does not correspond to it. kiselev has been in the picture and at the top of the ratings for more than 30 years, i am the most an over-aged presenter on russian air, well, an active one, no older than me, here is the latest news from... in the nineties, dima came to us as a presenter at
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the tsn news service, young journalists, a different language, this is new television, work in a fateful moment, we don’t give a fuck, in a real information abyss, alluring, but just as unpredictable and dangerous, esenhower, degol, penochet, which image is closer to you, the image of a swan, we will live, so i invite everyone to life. and whoever disagrees with this, then excuse your way to kiselyov always chose his life himself, and when he graduated from a french special school, he went to work in a printing house of news, as a printer's assistant, when he then just as unexpectedly entered a medical school, but the desire to work with words still prevailed, excellent command of norwegian after graduating from the leningrad philological department opened the way to foreign broadcasting , work at the microphone for western listeners, and then a window to europe for home audiences. there was a period when i drove around europe, driving 100,000 km a year, filming, and i really loved
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europe for european values, now we have swapped places, now we in russia are for freedom of movement, but they are not, we are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, they cut themselves off completely, in times of general euro-romanticism, moving to kiev, work as head of information for a ukrainian tv channel. into which, as always , i plunged headlong, i felt more ukrainian, i felt like i belonged, an attempt to understand, bring closer, build, and not burn bridges. i saw this orange revolution.
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great patriotic war, two orders of the red stars, a medal for courage, living family traditions, when it all just started, i went up to my dad there and said: come on, listen, i want to go, he said yes, great, come on, i ’m proud of you, i started going once a month to carry humanitarian aid, my father has a fundamental influence in the upbringing of me and my, my brother and sister, in general i don’t really like to say that my dad is some kind of famous, of course i’m proud of my dad. the winner in the category of informational and analytical final program is to conduct the week. reference the author's final program is the embodiment of impeccable style, from appearance and presentation to precision and richness of formulation. it’s bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers, we’ll screw it up, and then we’ll regret it. stop
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mumbling, it's time to tell it like it is. news of the week program, it really is. unique, i am sure that not a single program on russian television has had such an impact on our country, on its politics, it is truly everyday, every sunday, very, very hard work, this program of the week is a real vampire, because it requires i have more and more energy, it’s somehow insatiable, but there’s enough energy for everything, the auto of the flagship program of vgtrk, also the head of one of the largest media companies in the country, while kiselyov, the author of documentaries, went, i must say, let’s also create a jazz festival , a passionate lover of motorcycles and horse riding, this is flight, water is also his element, a person, one might say, inexhaustible,
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who surprises every time, this is the lead of the week, further in the program, alexander khristenko, kirill malikov, lead. the same kiselev documentary film, created for dmitry kiselev’s seventieth birthday, watch today on the russia tv channel at 19:00. we will now take a break for a short advertisement and will definitely continue. stay with us. steersman bourbon is a product of stellor group. kalinan beli. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into
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a fairy tale. vodka. veta, a product of the stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas. the vacation you 've been dreaming about. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment,
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a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. montechoca cognac, product stellar group. there are two wonderful teams in the studio, presenting a fantastic film based on the story by kir balychev, 100 years ago. they travel through a century. this is , of course, a russian folk kayak. to find the right answers, i would really like to answer soup of the day, but we’ll probably answer okroshka, mm. it should be simpler, who is guaranteed cosmic success? i take responsibility for this answer. our intrigue is powerful, 100 to one, 100 years in
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the future, on sunday on rtr. i think i'll take you away. let's go travel. and when we let's discover some new land, i'll name it after you. elsa's land. earth. elsa today on rtr, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70. we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said: my grandmother thinks that you live in the samlevskaya star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsk, from the pushkin tradition he has this elegance, this aristocratism, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion. go! bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers, diluting it with water, adding sugar and putting it on the pools to poison people, we’ll screw it up, then we’ll regret it,
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life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima will say anything in vain, believe his phrases, they are verified, let’s do it one more time, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i’m russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now we are in russia with... for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia, vladimirovich says, i wish you success , you are now my employee, the same kiselyov, the premiere, today on rtr, you are watching the news, we are continuing the release, our fighters are confidently developing an offensive in... in the southern donetsk direction. russian units are getting closer and closer to the supply center of the ugledar garrison of the armed forces of ukraine in konstantinovka, and there they are already close to the operational
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encirclement of the ugledar itself. and our cities are successfully operating in the kherson region. over the past 24 hours, artillery units of the dnepr group of troops destroyed three observation posts and two control posts for drones of the ukrainian armed forces. the us has started transfer of weapons to the zelensky regime as part of an approved bill on military assistance to kiev worth almost $61 billion. this was stated at a briefing at the pentagon. in addition, they reported that washington could increase the number of its military advisers in ukraine. the final decision has not yet been made. according to department spokesman patrick ryder, american advisers will be kept.
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ski abrams tanks, as reported by acs, this press, was caused by the activity of russian drones. according to journalists, the abrams have been withdrawn from the front line; now the united states is working with the ukrainians to change the tactics of their use. western media admit that at least five abram's tanks have been disabled in ukraine over the past two months. in addition, russian soldiers have already knocked out dozens of german leopard tanks, several british challenger and french ones. amx wheeled tanks. for the third year in a row, american authorities did not allow our diplomats to lay wreaths at the spirit of elbe monument at arlington
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cemetery in washington. told about this ambassador anatoly antonov. the memorial was opened half a century after soviet and american troops met on the banks of the elbe river on april 25, 1945. this event then crowned the defeat of nazi germany. according to the russian ambassador today. in some countries, fascism is again gaining strength. we must not allow past mistakes to be repeated. our duty is to eradicate the fascist infection, which has given deep, powerful shoots in ukraine and in many european countries. we must fight against any attempts to justify the nazis criminals and their accomplices. it is more important than ever to convey the truth about our war. children, to cement the historical memory of the heroes who gave us the opportunity to live. immanuel macron and irisunak entered into
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an absentee debate over. clans to deport illegal immigrants, the french president condemned the british prime minister’s intention to send asylum seekers to rwanda. in paris they called this a policy of cynicism and a betrayal of european values. sunak's cabinet in turn called criticism of the idea lazy and repulsive. home secretary james cleverley however, he stated that these definitions do not apply to macron’s words. the british parliament passed a bill to deport migrants to rwanda a few days ago. for this rwanda.
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then called a miracle, the producer of pulp fiction, in love with shakespeare, seemed untouchable, rich and famous, with great influence and connections, was allowed into the white house. thanks to harvey weinstein for this amazing organization. harvey is a wonderful person. according to the lawyer , ten-two-year-old vaenshtein cried with joy when he learned about the reversal of the sentence in prison. but despite the decision, he will remain behind bars. according to the decision of another los angeles court in 2000 , a review of the case means that weinstein will face a new trial, and his victims will again have to remember everything. denis davidov and polina
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fedorova. in other news in kuban , accomplices of telephone scammers who operated from abroad were detained; during a search, in the apartments they rented, operatives found more than 500 sim cards, as well as several sim boxes, this is a special device that when making calls from others countries replace the number with a russian one. employees of the ministry of internal affairs warn that telephone scammers are especially active now on the eve of victory day; resources have been identified that were created... especially for victory day, where veterans are promised one-time payments in the amount of 50 to 300,000 rubles. at the same time, the decision must be made very quickly, so as not to give you time to come to your senses; the websites indicate the final date, before which it is supposedly possible to receive funds. a necessary condition is payment of the commission and introduction bank card details. this is yet another
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fraudulent scheme. please be careful. and by this time we have everything, denis polanchukov was with you, see you.


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