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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 24, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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the wind is gusty, although warm, at night + 7:9, during the day 17:19, on friday it is even warmer, and we are with gifts, where is all this coming from, you are retired, in vtb pension the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% years at btb, everything will work out. today on our channel there is a continuation of the comedy melodrama angel of the district. the head of the management company, alena shotalova, is unraveling a whole tangle of personal problems. well, at this time, residents of the area are going to remove shatalova from her position. the meeting has already been scheduled; we’ll find out today what they decide. new episodes immediately after evening news. vesti follows the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit, we naturally start with the footage of the day: nato equipment captured in the special operation zone was delivered to moscow on poklonnaya gora, there is a german leopard and an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle, btrm 1113, exhibition captured equipment. will be valid throughout may, in total more than thirty samples of military equipment, produced by nine countries of the north atlantic alliance, including great britain, france, sweden, the czech republic, turkey and finland. there are trophies obtained in battles in the ssu, and from south africa, and even australia. there are much fewer ukrainian exhibits, but this can be explained very simply, almost all ukrainian equipment is already... the guys are fighting on
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the nato side, the process of destroying ukrainian arsenals in the deep rear continued this morning, powerful explosions thundered in odessa, local publics write that three ballistic missiles hit a repair base and a military unit of the ukrainian armed forces near gorbaty bridge. there are strong fires in the verenitsa ambulances area, that is, our airborne forces were definitely hit.
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lang cover for the advancing russian units in berduchi, the russian military also entered the village of georgievka in the marinsky direction, and in the kharkov direction there are fierce battles near kupinsk. lancets continue to ruthlessly destroy ukrainian tanks. today , a ukrainian t-64 was burned in a direct hit on board. the brazh resource deep state reports that there has not been such a level of bombing in the northern direction for several weeks. the goal of the russian the army, the ukrainians write, liberate kupinsko and prepare an attack on kharkov, while the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces, of course, does not know what it will look like from the north or from belgorod.
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now the war is about technology, these are drones and so on, everything is carried out by technology, and the younger generation perceives this very quickly, it is easier to perceive, of course, an old person comes, for example, they give him a tablet, he looks at it and doesn’t know what’s wrong do with him, i don’t know what to do with him, petrovich sit in a chair, oppose, age is not a hindrance, we more experienced ones, you need someone to be at home, and if you take everyone who will be at home, only the girls will be left. and it’s difficult for them to settle on
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just one girl, yeah, but they care how old you are, 36, 28, 52, working hours.
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this is one of the last places before the border with the lugansk region. ukrainian armed forces fighters want to prevent russian troops from encircling them from the north and south. the american think tank, the institute for the study of war, confirms that there were fierce positional battles on this section of the front. and in this area between
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kupinsk and kremina, russian troops have achieved significant success. ukrainian armed forces fighters said that the russians are preparing massive attacks on their positions and the swarm of drones in the air also speaks of this. let's look at ocheretina, this settlement is located north of avdiivka, this is the donetsk direction, and this place is part of an important railway connection, and there is also an equally important highway in the direction of large cities that still remain under the control of ukraine. south of ocheretin in the last few months there were heavy battles, a defense line of the ukrainian armed forces was erected there, but it was broken through by the russians. then they simply entered the village and met some resistance there, but obviously weak, because the ukrainians were obviously there. did not create a second line of defense there, so now the russian army controls the city center and appears to be meeting little resistance there. let's take a look at the map and see once again that the donetsk region is in the spotlight. we are talking about ocheretina first, but there are records from novomikhailovka, we just saw it here, which means that these are the places where
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the russians are moving further, and we see that there are only two really big cities left, namely slavinsk and kramatorsk and prokovsk is another city, there are also some small cities in donetsk, are still located. under the control of ukraine, the rest are now occupied by the russians; unfortunately, we have to say that the russians are successfully moving forward here too. the expected 61 billion aid package for ukraine was approved by an overwhelming majority in the us senate. 79 senators voted for the bill, against - 18. this evening the document will land on biden’s desk, and biden, of course, will sign it. judging by the voting, there were less than twenty people to oppose ukraine. republican senator mike lee from utah was appointed today as the kremlin's chief agent. they say 5 years ago he went to moscow and discussed lifting sanctions, which means he was recruited. however, lee
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was not even allowed to introduce his own, as stated, harmful amendments, which means that the senate is not a place for discussion. leader. 39 years since 1985, just to think about it, however, for the elderly and decrepit hawk, this is definitely the last bloody show; this year, mitch, fortunately, retires. mcconul almost immediately shamed his fellow party members, even remembered pearl harbu, his father, who, it turns out, during world war ii, met with soviet troops in the czech republic and even then wrote letters home that the russians would be a big problem, well, that is, russophobia literally in
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the blood, well, then mitch began to trash everyone in general, both his own and the democrats, including tucker carlson, they say, precisely... from tucker the demonization of ukraine began and, in general , tucker’s place is not in the usa, his place is in the moscow kremlin next to putin, from whom carloson interviewed and... to say only one thing: go retire already, old devil. 79 for, 18 against, accepted.
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just moments ago, the senate passed a package of four bills to provide billions of dollars in aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. these bills will now go to president joe biden's desk for his signature. they received bipartisan support. sends a message of unity to everything to the world: america will always defend democracy in its hour of need, and we tell our allies: we will stand with you, we tell our adversaries: don't mess with us, we tell the world, we will do anything to protect democracy, our way of life. that we did this is one of the greatest accomplishments the senate has seen in years, if not decades. our friends in ukraine, america will supply you with more air defense ammunition that you need to stand up to putin on the battlefield. i appeal to the whole world, don’t doubt it. what america will do his promise to act as a leader on the world stage to fight back against autocrats
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and bullies like vladimir putin. a few months ago, putin was willing to bet that american aid would soon run out, but we always show putin that he should always bet against america. will always be a big mistake. this is not a perfect bill, but almost 60% of the bill we are voting on will go directly to our defense industrial complex. so that we can. build submarines, there are 6 billion dollars allocated to build submarines under the accus agreement 5 billion for 155mm artillery shells, half a billion for patriot systems, javelins, harpoons, tomahawks, anti-tank missiles, the americans make them for our own defense, that's what's in this bill, it's an investment in our industrial base for a generation, peace through power. we haven't lost a single american soldier, but if we don't help ukraine now, it's a waste.
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while inflation continues to ruin the lives of american citizens. not a dollar out of it
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the bill will not return to us, not a single one. we will have to print more money or borrow it from china. all to fund wars abroad while we lose on our own southern border. our leaders want to push this bill through the senate with minimal discussion and without amendments, because they know that its aspects, namely the $60 billion for ukraine, are very ambivalently perceived by the americans, those. we need to have already come up with other analogies, we need to be able to understand history, and not just losing world war ii over and over again. vladimir putin, not adolf hitler. i think that the demonization of ukraine began because of tatar carlson, who ended up doing what should have happened to him, namely, conducting an interview with vladimir putin. talk show or are we having
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a serious conversation. he has a huge audience, and the interview convinced a large number of republicans that aid to ukraine was a mistake. this evening i sent president zelensky a message, a few days ago he called me and said: “okay, we they did it, now all that remains is to win the war. well, aid to ukraine from the united states is at what is called a low start. according to cnn reports, most of the us weapons for ukraine were placed in storage in advance. in germany in poland. scarce artillery shells will be among the first to be delivered, followed by long-range atacoms missiles . the party's mouthpiece also claims that until now washington has sent missiles with a range of 160 km, and now it will begin sending analogues with a range of 300 km. true, there is
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one thing is that it is now very difficult to organize the delivery of missiles to the front, they say the russians tell us everything. kuleba deciphered his order, we have - says the turning point, before the existence of ukraine means all 650,000 draft dodgers from europe are obliged to return and fight. however, to kuleba’s request,
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ukrainians abroad responded by storming the consulates of the ukrainian embassies in warsaw,
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emphasizing that those who fled the country abroad, instead of defending it, cannot receive services from the state, as it looks now, a conscript man age went abroad, showed his state that the question of the survival of ukraine does not concern him, and then he comes and wants to receive services from this state, it doesn’t work like that, we are at war in our country. dmitry kuleba also emphasized that the obligation to update your documents at the territorial acquisition center existed even before the adoption of the new one.
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why should my husband serve for someone like you, give your documents, go to... to ukraine, serve yourself, just take a bite, no documents, no money, nothing, we remained homeless, and we are for you
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they owe nothing, they say, everything, the politico publication wrote that at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, about 650 men of military age could have left ukraine, most of them fled illegally, the publication literally stated that the surge of patriotism that was at the beginning of the war evaporated, now ukrainians are evading en masse.
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well, we won’t do this, then we can lose this whole thing, what we started, the war must be won, we have very few people, there are very
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few people who are already practically disabled, because that we cannot recruit healthy people for them, and it turns out that there is no one, no one, who detained deputy minister of defense of russia timur ivanov on suspicion of taking a bribe, operation. for his arrest was prepared by the fsb investigative committee. this morning, the basmanny court of moscow sent ivanov to a pre-trial detention center, according to information from the tas agency , a speech about lefortov. the first frames from the court on your screens: by a court decision, ivanov was given a punishment in the form of detention for up to 2 months until june 23. sergei borodin was arrested along with the deputy minister, who, according to investigators, conspired with third parties to receive a bribe together with the deputy minister of defense. ivanov has held the post of deputy head of the ministry of defense since he was sixteen. before
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that, for 3 years he was the general director of defense construction, and also worked as deputy chairman of the government of the moscow region at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. president putin was informed about the detention of the deputy minister. the shaigu was also informed in advance, the press secretary said. the investigation believes that ivanov entered into
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criminal conspiracy with third parties, previously teamed up with them to commit a crime by an organized group, receiving on an especially large scale in the form of provision of property services, while carrying out contract subcontracting work for the needs of the ministry of defense. together with ivanov , his close friend sergei borodin was taken into custody. take the accused borodin sergei vladimirovich into custody in the form of detention, set the period of his detention for 2 months 0-0, that is, until june 23 of the twenty-fourth year. borodin, being in friendly relations with the deputy defense of the russian federation ivanov, who oversaw the construction of major repairs of facilities of the ministry of defense, entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties, teaming up with them in advance to commit a crime by an organized group. information about the arrest of defense minister timur ivanov appears late the evening before at 21:22 moscow time. the man detained at work did not admit guilt. on suspicion of committing a crime
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. part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation - this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation, timur vadimovich ivanov, was detained, and appropriate investigative actions are being carried out. ivanov took the post of minister of defense in 2016, was actually the main military builder, was responsible for managing the department’s property, housing and medical support for the armed forces and military mortgages. today it became known that for five of the almost eight years in office, ivanov was in the development of military counterintelligence for the fsb. how they report that along with ivanov , operatives detained several more people. ivanov got into operational development not yesterday, not the day before, or even a month ago. materials based, among other things, on testimony on the results of operational activities, said the agency’s interlocutor in law enforcement agencies, without
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giving... their details, he clarified that the operational support of the criminal case is being carried out by the military counterintelligence of the fsb. now ivanov himself is conducting investigative actions. in ninety-seven, ivanov graduated faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics of moscow state university, from 1999 to 2012 he worked at enterprises of the fuel and energy complex of russia, after which he became deputy chairman of the government of the moscow region. in 2013, ivanov headed the oboronstroy company, which was engaged in.
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scholz, to the question of whom the germans would entrust the chancellor’s chair if elections were held directly tomorrow, the answer is even worse for chancellor scholz himself, no one, that is, the germans do not want to see in power not only scholz, berbock against habikov, but also an alleged oppositionist, in particular merkel's replacement friedrich, the dissatisfaction of the germans is probably easy to explain. usa and nato. however, this money, as they say, still needs to be found. the budget is already deficit. incomes are falling rapidly. germany is officially in recession right now. and that's not all the problems. at the moment,
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the headquarters is in the bureaucratic depths of brussels. nato is developing new amendments to the charter, which they plan to bring up for discussion during the june summit in washington in the amendments , increasing military spending to 4% of gdp, that is, doubling. that kind of money really there is nowhere to take it except to increase taxes under the weight, which the recession will only accelerate, and the germans, hopefully, will someday overthrow scholz. right from. now german trade unions and entrepreneurs are warning the authorities to stop the catastrophic deindustrialization of germany and urgently reduce electricity prices. otherwise, the competitiveness of german companies will be undermined: the us will, of course, benefit from this. at the same time , it seems to be known how to reduce electricity prices; you just need to launch the nord stream. one branch
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even after. i like being in germany, so i think it's nice to be here. i know that there are problems here, there are costs, but we are ready to confront them, invest here and try to move forward, now it is more like the political authorities are putting a spoke in our wheels to stop us, they are hindering us by trying make the race more difficult. elsewhere, in another militersloh company, a family business
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that has been around for 125 years. news that household washing machines will soon will be assembled in poland, made headlines . according to company representatives, this decision was a wake-up call. we are talking about an increasing process during which. 900 million for a battery plant in the north of the country, billions for green steel in the ruhr region, but structural problems in addition to expensive energy, high taxes and paralyzing bureaucracy remain, in the index of countries compiled by the family business foundation , germany has fallen to ... a shameful eighteenth place out of twenty one. all they talk about wanting to cut red tape, but in reality the coalition is constantly creating new requirements, which means that reporting obligations, especially for
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small medium-sized enterprises, should be removed, because some of them are really completely unnecessary. however, olaf scholz, who recently visited china, does not accept such criticism. in his opinion, german industry is accelerating every day. we have already achieved a lot, the rest will come in the coming weeks and months, then this will be the biggest acceleration for approval procedures, this is the basis of our country's temporary turnaround. partners in the metal and electrical industries, so important to germany, are now also alarmed. in a joint statement from igetal, the trade union of metal and electrical workers, the chairmen warn that germany's industrial base is...
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we really need bold investments in germany, we need better planning for the company and above all we need safety for our employees. now the critical moment has come, we currently have framework conditions that put germany in a difficult competitive situation, and this applies not only to large companies, but also to representatives.
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authorities and the complete collapse of the state, but it is apparently difficult to learn from someone else’s example, so the baltic countries decided to see this for themselves, and are rapidly approaching the unenviable ukrainian fate. the latvian government has adopted another crazy bill and banned the study of russian language in schools, even as a second foreign language, that is, it was forbidden to study russian in general, as a matter of principle. the country's prime minister evika selina rashly noted that it is better for children to learn the languages ​​spoken in the european union. and here’s what’s surprising: just a couple of months ago, the german military published a plan for an alleged russian attack on
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nato, where they wrote that putin would launch an attack due to the oppression of the russian-speaking population in the states of the former ussr. the plan was discussed throughout europe and people were afraid. declared to everyone the obvious: a direct military clash between russia and nato cannot be allowed, but they quickly changed their shoes, and now, putting increasing pressure on ethnic russians in the baltics, it’s as if they were deliberately teasing the bear, they nevertheless have not stopped being afraid, the estonians are frantically training the military and preparing to war with russia, now in the company of nato friends of the french. group. the nato battalion will have to respond immediately in the event of an attack on estonian territory and is currently undergoing additional training in border forests, studies the terrain, practices combat.
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soldiers from both countries take the prospect of a war with moscow seriously; they say they will fight any enemy. such militaristic rhetoric, of course, does nothing to promote de-escalation. this suggests some kind of crazy , terrible conclusion: do ordinary citizens of the european union really want to fight? french soldiers are training in the heart of the estonian forest. imitation.
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the european union is not a military alliance, the place of the united states as a leading military power in the world is certainly the main contribution to nato, defining it, of course they are important. estonia invests 3%
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of its gdp in defense, as does the united states. when we remember that france allocates 2% for this, estonians react like this. it is clear that france must spend much more on its defense. we should not depend on others. the best security is the one we establish ourselves. estonia will soon build almost 600 bunkers on the border with russia, without waiting. authorities due to the ban on spending the night on the street, in
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improvised shelters, on cardboard near the trash can. in this regard, the us supreme court is going to solve the problem with homelessness once and for all. no, don’t allocate houses, no one is planning this, everything is much more cynical. the court will consider the high-profile case of the small town of grand spas, with a population of only 35,000 people, against homeless people who were prohibited from placing tents and boxes. spanish affiliation within the city. previously, the appeal court had already blocked this ban due to the lack of temporary housing for the homeless, well, the authorities appealed to the supreme court. which will either leave it in force or cancel it. the problem is truly extraordinary and affects absolutely all segments of the population. there is an unprecedented excitement around isk. and the united states is traditionally divided into two camps, some quite fairly. they say that homeless people spread drugs and diseases. others,
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but also with good reason, say that it is impossible to punish a person who has already lost everything. but the general decision has been made: you can’t defeat poverty, pretend there’s no poverty, you can’t fight the homeless, just don’t look at them, let them live outside the perimeter, so as not to irritate well-fed and satisfied fellow citizens, let them also die, preferably outside the perimeter, there is no money, while the us authorities continue to send financial assistance to ukraine from the last 61, you know, billion. well, that is, the international ambitions of the hegemon are more important than any social problems, which is called exemplary democracy. spontaneous homeless encampments have taken over cities from coast to coast, but today the supreme court began hearing arguments from both sides of the issue.
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cities are concerned about public health and safety, and homeless people say they have a right to be homeless. across the country, city administrations are trying to decide what to do next with spontaneous camps like this one. and now the supreme court has taken up the issue in a case that could decide how homeless people are treated here across the country. tent encampments have become a hot topic across the united states, pitting the rights of the homeless against concerns about drug use, drag and unsanitary conditions in some of these makeshift communities. director in general. oregon has been aggressive in eliminating encampments, and this has brought the policies of such cities before the us supreme court. three
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homeless people have sued grand pass, saying its ban on camping in the city criminalizes homelessness and violates the eighth amendment. prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment. right now, the number of homeless people in the united states is reaching record highs. i i came here in january. and you slept here on the sidewalk? yes, i am 60 years old, i worked for 35 years. i graduated from college, i don't have a record, i've never been arrested, and i sleep on the sidewalk. a growing number of americans do not see homeless people as people. they're drug addicts, they're just bums. homeless people, addicts and criminals have taken over seattle. honestly, these are not the homeless people i'm used to, these are people who hear voices and do drugs. the key issue here is punishing people for being homeless. the homeless advocates who filed the class action say they're not challenging the city's ability to
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enforce routine public health orders and things like that, but they can't penalize people who have nowhere to go. honestly, i don't have high hopes for what the supreme court will decide, i think they will probably make a decision that will harm homeless people. i think the sad part about this is that we create the illusion that we are solving problems, but in reality, if we don't have enough affordable housing, we'll just see more homeless people on the streets. the number of homeless people in america has increased by 12% since last year.
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eliminated this riverside camp due to filthy drug use became stricter about not allowing camps to be set up in the same places. after the tents were removed from there, the authorities put up these large signs warning that tents were prohibited. pittsburgh, like other cities, hopes that the supreme the court will explain exactly what his rights are when demolishing tent cities. well, one more thing about...
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the united states included the ukrainian telethon in the report on human rights violations in ukraine. it happens , doesn’t it? the constitution - reports the state debt, the law, reports the state debt - provide for freedom of expression, but the ukrainian government... respects these rights, for example, the telethon adheres to the government line in covering the military situation, says the official american document. the report also claims that the ukrainian government, under the leadership of zelensky, wretched, banned, blocked, imposed sanctions against the media, individual journalists who were considered a threat to national security, or, importantly, expressing...
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germany, marie agnes strack zimmermann is the head of the defense budget of the bundestag, she just called for the immediate supply of cruise missiles to ukraine taurus. she called, of course, chancellor scholz, the chancellor always assured us that, focusing on the united states, the united states will now supply ukraine with long-range missiles, but of course we are talking about atacoms, but what about us, this is also enough for germany to make a positive decision on the issue of taurus missiles, well, in general, everything that the americans did was undertaken precisely in order to... but this is exactly what supplies from the european union will provoke, exactly
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the same the situation with tanks was developing, how many of these abrams were there, who saw them, these abrams, well, i don’t know, maybe three or five, and how many leopards have since burned in ukraine, only god knows, we are transferred to the front through direct military communication.
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47th mechanized fought brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, but in any case, it was already bleeding, it was exhausted, the fighters were demoralized, and the armed forces of ukraine tried
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to rotate, they wanted to give them the opportunity to rest for a while, take them to the western part of the village, the 115th mikhaz brigade of the armed forces of ukraine was supposed to take their place , but something went wrong and the 115th brigade did not reach the line of combat contact, there is a high probability that they saw what was really happening on the line of combat contact, saw the power of russian weapons, saw the work. our aviation, our artillery and simply turned around and fled , as a result of which the forty-seventh mechanized brigade had to return back to the battle, now it can still hold back part of the village, but judging by what is happening there now, this will not be for long, despite the fact that it will be dispatched in the near future , new aid will be transferred to ukraine from the united states, it is unlikely that this will somehow change the situation here, because no matter how many new weapons are transferred, these weapons still need to be used. it needs to be serviced, i'm in in principle, i say this every time, at the moment the ukrainian army is not fully capable of doing this, yeah, as they say,
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there are no bad people in ukraine, special. bearing in mind the figures that shaigu announced the day before: half a million irretrievable losses, killed and wounded who will never return to the front. also the day before, a message appeared about a hundred thousand army of deserters in ukraine. well , today even forbes writes about the famous flight because of cheretin, that is, they became famous, as they say. according to the hour, which one? information is ready for urban battles? our guys are now preparing for urban battles, ukraine, naturally, is defending the city, while it is still holding out for hours, our guys are on the outskirts of the city, also today there were active preparatory actions for the assault on the canal microdistrict, our aviation and artillery are very active, and the enemy is in in turn, responds to the maximum use of unmanned aircraft, also
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the approaches to the city are very densely mined, which also complicates... our advance today has made serious advances in hours in yari there wasn’t, but - from the bogdanovka side, our guys have improved their positions and this is also a good harbinger, i think from there too today, tomorrow we will wait for good news, there will be progress in any case, because the enemy here is also very much lost his motivation, very much demoralized, well , again, one can also understand, the city is now very much destroyed, serious criminal authorities as... they cannot create there now, because almost all high-rise buildings have already been destroyed, and at the same time our aviation continues to hit him deliver very accurate strikes, so i think we can expect good news from there in the near future. front zones where the enemy attacks or counterattacks remain on the line of combat contact? yes, undoubtedly, these
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two hottest spots can even be attributed to these zones - these are ocheredina and chasovyar, the enemy is constantly trying to counterattack, while... he seems to have no strength, reserves are constantly being transferred from all other areas , but in any case, they are trying in this way to at least somehow restrain our progress, but these counterattacks sometimes end with us advancing to those positions from which the enemy tried to approach us, because there is nowhere for them to return after such a counterattack, well, the so-called one, and i also did not add that the situation in the chasvyar will be for our military personnel right now , probably a little easier, because precisely because of the flight, one of the brigades... the ukrainian armed forces, the main reserves, the main combat-ready brigades are being transferred directly to the ocheretin area, and the forty-seventh brigade that is defending it is currently in fact, this is probably one of the most capable brigades in ukraine, because it was armed according to nato standards, trained according to nato standards, and is fighting western weapons. another question, against the backdrop of endless speculation about our upcoming offensive, we know nothing about it,
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every time i make a reservation, what if... zelensky’s statement that we are talking a lot about this before may 9, i should have already seen in any case, we will advance in several more sectors of the front, and there is also a lot of talk from ukraine about that our troops will advance on the sumy region to the kharkov region, but again , i don’t consider this an offensive, even if there is some kind of advance, it will be
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the liberation of russian lands, and those people who are now there are
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not american-made and trained equipment by nato standards, it fights like the best nato brigades fight, fast, brutal and often at night. the forty -seventh mechanized brigade has been fighting without a break for almost a year, her. the soldiers are tired. its battalions are running out of the best fighting vehicles m2 bradley and m1 abrams tanks. the crew needs a break. and this week it almost happened. as the 47th mechanized brigade retreated from the front line east of the village of ocheretina this weekend, the russian attack nearly broke through the ukrainian positions. the place of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade on the front line was supposed to be taken by the 115th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian army, but something went wrong. finally, the retreating 47th mechanized brigade turned around and entered the battle again. bad news. is that everything that what went wrong with the 115th mechanized brigade appears to be somewhat systemic, the second ukrainian unit to crash on the eastern front in just the last few weeks. kiev can't afford to lose
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two whole brigades right now and can't afford to overextend its best brigades, billions of dollars of fresh weapons are on the way, but those weapons are useless unless there are enough deployed , organized and well-rested units to use them. the war has already begun a long time ago, it is between russia and the european union, it, of course, does not look like what everyone imagines, but it has begun, nothing terrible is happening, and
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we must win the third world war, said mikhailo, who are we are not very clear if the war between russia and the european union, where are the ukrainians here, well somewhere, apparently, well, in general, a war against the russian world, against our state, in fact, when we are discussing a new package of military assistance or
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this is the law , which was accepted at ukraine about the mobilization of the suspension, which means consular services, well, indeed, from the point of view of logic, it is of course an illegal decision, but for the nazi... the west is around the continuation of aggression actually against our country. america forced the military budgets of europe to increase as much as possible, due , among other things, to the deterioration of the situation of european citizens, in general due to the weakening of economic potential, but more money for the war against russia, then they... tell the ukrainians: listen, we are ready to supply weapons through our defense-industrial complex, but you must provide manpower, in fact, with the blood of ukrainian soldiers to defend western interests, they pass this law,
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now they are suspending all consular services, they provide this manpower for aggression against our country, that is, the system is completely obvious. then the next step of the united states is pressure, including on those countries that... are our allies, and this trip that blinkin will take to china, and his, well, i would say, very harsh, unacceptable statements addressed to the chinese leadership, the state in general, it is unprecedented in recent times, that is, it actually begins to teach china what to do within the country, and they are actually now accusing the chinese leadership of genocide, including of its own population, infringement of rights, which means the use of arab labor and so on, when you read this statement by blinkin and the commentary of the western press, you are simply amazed at the cynicism and general disgrace, but this is an increase in rates, that is, before the trip to china, this is an increase
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rates, and then, of course, one of the main topics is an attempt to persuade china from the point of view of refusing cooperation, economic cooperation with the russian federation, the united states will be able to do this, i am sure, it will not succeed for several reasons, well, first, today.. . the chinese mit gave a rather harsh response to blinken of the american so -called diplomacy regarding attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of china, an attempt to create a conflict with... with the asean countries in terms of economic cooperation with. the russian federation actually said: guys, you are warmongers of the war that is now going on, but most importantly, china has a rich history, just a few days ago, and such tragic events began 35 years ago in china, the events in tianyan square, that what kind of events were these? this is actually a maidan, the same maidan that happened in ukraine, this is an attempt in 1989 to destroy... china, including part of
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the chinese leadership, turned out to be oriented to the west, just like gorbachev in his time our country, and succumbed to this pressure, but the chinese leadership of the communist party strictly rejected the attempts of the maidan, which happened in china 35 years ago; if it had happened, in fact it would have been the destruction of the state, the destruction of the economy, the creation on the territory of china of several states that would have been under the influence of the united states, it did not work out, the economy of socialist china... has increased 17 times during this time, so china, i am sure, has historical lessons from the events of a hostile position towards china as well as our country will definitely take it into account. well , the last point, you showed footage, unfortunately, russophobia, anti-semitism, in a number of countries, former countries of the soviet union, like the baltic states, it continues, well, under the influence, of course, of western intelligence services, so in these conditions, of course, it is very important for us pursue a confident, firm policy, we must fight. with various manifestations
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of russophobia and anti-sovietism, to have a tough position here, i would like to draw attention to the statement of gennady andreyvich zyuganov, our people’s patriotic forces regarding necessity is clearly fundamental, on the other hand it is very powerfully unifying to celebrate the anniversary, the date of the great victory of the soviet union over the german fascist invaders, and to abandon the disgraced practice of draping the mausoleum. regarding blinkin's trip. to the territory of the people's republic of china to exert pressure, the visit begins today, it is official, a number of high-ranking meetings are ahead, but the key thing is not chinese-american relations, this is also officially stated publicly, the key thing is putting pressure on china is an attempt to ensure that china turns away from our country, as blinken himself says, and the state department press service is for... china to refuse military
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supplies to russia. china harshly replies here every time that there are no military supplies, but nevertheless, the hegemon, apparently, is angry. look. us secretary of state anthony pancake will warn china that the us will impose punitive measures if it does not stop sending weapons-related technology to russia. washington is considering the possibility imposing sanctions against chinese financial institutions. during his visit to china, blinken will tell his colleagues that us allies are losing patience with beijing's refusal to stop providing moscow with everything from chips to cruise missile engines. blinken does not plan to reveal what measures the united states will take. but several people familiar with the matter said washington was considering sanctions on chinese financial institutions and other entities. one man said blinken's message will be the clearest warning that the us has ever conveyed personally to chinese officials. deputy secretary of state kurt campbell said china was undermining european security by supplying russia. dual
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-use technologies. kamble said the us has been very vocal about its concerns and will hold china accountable for its actions. ask. you know, i certainly really like the thesis that everyone should repay their debt to their homeland. but i just don’t understand how the ukrainians have accumulated such debts that they owe not only their souls to the devil sell, yes, supporting the zelensky regime, but allow this zelensky regime to continue to forge specie from human flesh. for example, this is not... clear to me, because when we discuss guest workers, whom kuleba and zelensky’s entourage call all sorts of bad words, i just want to remind you that throughout the entire period of independence, guest workers were the guarantors of the stability of the financial system of ukraine and the exchange rate dollar, so just a minute, labor migrants, well, yes, labor migrants and these people, who travel around these europes, and there, they work there and just pick strawberries.
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ukraine's dollars and euros amounted to about 14 billion dollars a year, at a time when officials inside ukraine stole these dollars and took them out of the country, they didn't take out the hryvnia, all these corrupt officials and so on, you know, the most amazing thing is, people who left, these are the most active people who were in no way tied to the state, have you seen that some prosecutor or the head of the police department there, or the head of the tax police, or some customs officer, or one of the government officials.
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who need to be pulled out of europe in order to be sent to this war, a very honest scheme, people think, they don’t understand all this, of course, they understand it all perfectly, that’s why such a reaction, in general, if we talk about this, let’s remember who was the initiator of returning these migrant workers to the territory of ukraine, the ukrainian authorities, kuleby about this... spoke many times, podalyak about this spoke, zelensky spoke about this, everyone said, we need to return to the territory of ukraine, but there was a problem, and we discussed it here, whether the european union would make a decision against deporting these people, everyone referred to the fact that, well, no, of course , the european union will not make such a decision,
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it contradicts their principles, it violates, so to speak, their ideology, yes, these european values ​​that they talked about, there is no such decision, what happened now happened with... a banal conspiracy between the zelensky regime and the political elites of the european unions that once again demonstrate, not even double, triple standards. tell me why on the territory of the european union, so to speak, the beacon of democracy, freedom, human rights, there was not a single human rights activist or a single leader of, say, the european union who would tell ukraine, what are you doing in general, how do you take this, depriving people of basic rights? your constitution and principles in general, well, around which all this really revolves, what are you doing? and no one said, why? but because it is necessary, because that it is necessary to create conditions under which the european union will remain clean, they will deport ukrainians, but under the pretext
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of violating european legislation, they say: no, well, we have nothing to do with it, yes, well, you know, your passport has run out, please, please, we do not violate the principles, we do not... for military missiles they give heavy equipment weapons, they give shells and all that stuff, of course, this will seriously aggravate the situation, of course, but it is unlikely to change it radically, this is also obvious to me , i i think the americans understand this too, by and large they just need to somehow
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prolong this conflict in time so that elections in the united states of america are not held against the backdrop of another shame, and the americans, as was the case in afghanistan, well, not can they allow it. the period before the elections in the united states, so this funding is allocated to ukraine so that it can survive, at least in the position in which it is now, give or take them, in principle, this suits them in principle, but when we we’re talking about the amount of 61 billion, i’m just giving an example, we evaluate all this from the point of view of what can be done for 61 billion, but well, that’s how we usually think, do you really understand the story? what, let’s assume, to refuel the same equipment, relatively speaking, a russian tank is a ukrainian tank, but financially it turns out that refueling a ukrainian tank will be 2 and a half times more expensive than a russian one, because the price of fuel in ukraine is almost 2.3 times higher than in russia,
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it is close to the amount, if translated into rubles, about 142 rubles per liter of gasoline, well, you must admit, this is still the case... expenses , yes, and in terms of shells, you remember pyotr pavel here who shouted: we are here scraping the bottom of the barrel everywhere in all countries, we look behind barns, we look for them, we collect 152 two-millimeter shells there, but you know the problem, here the cheap hand of the market intervened, and these shells, due to the fact that they are in short supply, so to speak, they rose in price by 2 and a half times, that is, by the amount that the same european union will collect, the shells they will buy... it was said that there was nothing on the battlefield will change, the situation there is actually quite complicated for ukraine. and it is unlikely that they will be able to change anything radically, despite the funding
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that is currently allocated to them. the kremlin reports and proceeds from the fact that the new batch of american weapons to ukraine will not change the dynamics at the front, the situation on the battlefield is too eloquent, it is now unambiguous. peskov said that all the new shipments of weapons for kiev are not even capable of changing the dynamics of this war, not that much. interfere in the fighting in ukraine, if not, then why does great britain
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need military rails? well, peskov answers this question in an obvious way: the hole in the economy is too big, it needs to be covered with problems from the outside, as they say, well, parisien talks about what about 61 billion, especially keeping in mind that a lot of it will not be used for weapons. there won’t be enough until the end of the year, the end of the year, this does not mean the end of the year itself, yes, but november 5th, elections in the united states of america, there are still 7 months before them, we need to hold out, they think it won’t work, vital, decisive, life-saving , adjectives used by military experts and the vote in the us house of representatives for kiev's $61 billion bailout reflect the ... relief felt by the ukrainians, but, as french geopolitical analyst ulrich buna notes, if some
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u.s. weapons and equipment that are already in europe can be delivered to ukraine in a month, then most of the weapons are not even at the production stage yet. in this regard, the situation at the front will obviously continue to deteriorate, while, according to forecasts of the american institute for the study of war, american assistance will not lead to a change in the balance of forces in hostilities, but will only allow the ukrainians to take a more reliable defensive position. we are at that stage of the war when the ukrainians are in a defensive position, their goal is to hold out for at least a few more months so as not to lose ground, so an offensive contour is not possible until 2025, buna explains. we'll be back in a minute.
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that there is so much beauty, soul, reverence, words of love are understandable to everyone without translation, this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian country, hello andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr, we wish you this year. meet your handsome man, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone there, please give me, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you , my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not
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everyone who is on horseback is a prince. your chukhonian owes us 15,000 dollars to our casino, you and mikael, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes. i 'll never see him. punishment without crime, on saturday on rtr. “we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, my name is leonid viktorovich,
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what’s your name? elsa genrikhovna. but you have an unusual name, come visit me, and this is inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that on a heel, i’m completely out of my mind, veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from, mom, what have you done, he’s discussing the whole village, how you kiss around the polysai, and go on a visit. i think so, i didn’t have time to save my husband at the party, why at the party, let’s get married, how do we get married, elsa’s land, on friday on rtr, every time i
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cry, it’s very... hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down a passerby on the floor said: i'll stay here, the military should have been stationed i know that animals are simply dying there, donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to attend the wedding, the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours do not abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr. in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you killed me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you in the most dangerous place for you, survive the predator, what else , it will hurt, they say that you people
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know how to look straight into the head, this metaphor, look. in his head, look in the application or on the website. in the west, they are speculating about the fate of the leopard 25 main battle tank captured by the russian army. the latest modification, without hiding their disappointment. military watch magazine reports that in moscow the captured leo will definitely be dismantled and thus become. important intelligence information for russia about the german military industry, although only the lazy have not already written about all the seemingly weak points of the colossus weighing 62 tons. on the eve, at the same time, advanced samples the captured military vehicles were transported to our capital. trawls
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and repair units loaded damaged armored cars onto a special trailer using cranes. and this night the train. the car was driven along with trophies; now all the cars are installed right on the paving stones of the victory park memorial complex on poklonnaya hill. exhibition of captured nato military equipment. will open on may 1, the stands will present more than thirty samples produced by twelve nato countries, and will also demonstrate military documents, maps, ideological literature, equipment in ssu, in general, it’s interesting, look. more than
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thirty samples of military equipment produced by twelve countries, including the usa, great britain, germany, france, turkey, sweden, czechoslovakia, europe, finland, australia, austria and ukraine will be presented to visitors. guests of the event will be able to get acquainted with the leopard-2 tank and the german-american marder infantry fighting vehicle. bratley and the swedish bmp cv90, the french armored fighting vehicle amx10 rc and many other exhibits. in addition to this, on the exhibition will feature samples of small arms, foreign armies , military documents, maps, ideological literature, and equipment of ukrainian neo-nazis. the exhibition will open on may 1, 2024 and will last for a month. ask. during the great patriotic war in moscow, in the park. greater germany was deployed, it received great attention from the exhibition of captured equipment of nazi muscovites, for example, downed german
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bombers were exhibited, including on manezhnaya square in moscow. i think so the current exhibition of captured equipment, damaged equipment of nato countries, this will be very important, i would say, both patriotically and ideologically. aspect, because what we are really facing today is the combined western power, the latest models of modern nato equipment, and we are showing that this equipment is vulnerable, it can be destroyed, and these models will be shown, a really wide range, far from all, of course, some of the samples were sent to closed scientific research institutes of military defense, where they are studied, but what can be shown, it will be shown to muscovites. guests of the capital to the entire civilized world, in addition to purely political educational significance, of course, it is necessary to demonstrate the means with
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which we destroyed all this nato equipment, because in a real war, russian means of fighting tanks, enemy aircraft, the enemy's manpower demonstrates very good.
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security councils from absolutely all countries, well, except for north america, canada and the usa, of course, we don’t see here, everyone else are present, and here is a large exhibition of russian equipment for the fight against terrorism, these are our means of combating drones, these are anti-terrorism means, and, of course, a large exhibition of our loitering ammunition, so this is where the issue is also being resolved. that we don’t just talk about security, hold such forums, but also propose specific solutions, of course, we will implement them after the northern military district, because now all our volume goes to
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the zone of a special military operation by the russian armed forces, but the fact itself is very indicative, by the way, let our western opponents look, who are shouting about isolation, here it is isolation, intelligence, counterintelligence, security agencies, the fight against terrorism, everyone arrived today, listening to patrushev, and, by the way, speaking , today russian president vladimir putin addressed the participants via videoconference. let us listen to his address; there were really important words spoken, including some terrible ones.
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inciting interethnic and interreligious hostility, while the methods of the criminals become more and more sophisticated and barbaric. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that occurred on march 22 in the moscow region. the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of russia continue to find out, study all the details of this vile crime, identify its participants, including... well , as for these french trainings, regular troops in estonia, well, you know, this is reminiscent of games of idiots, such a military -technical paintball, are these fools who are used to eating frogs there ? on the champs-elysees, they think it’s so
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comfortable. macron, what is happening on the front line itself, look, there is one noteworthy circumstance here: kirbe, the american said that events are not developing in favor of ukraine, if previously we considered this kind of maxim as a propaganda trick designed to convince republicans, democrats, congress, senate , vote for 61 billion, now the situation seems to
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have changed, because... soldiers take positions near the village of terny, this is one of the last places before the border with lugansk region. the ukrainian armed forces fighters want to prevent russian troops from encircling them from the north and south. the american think tank, the institute for the study of war, confirms that there were fierce positional battles on this section of the front and that russian troops achieved significant successes in this area between kupinsk and kryumina. the fighting in
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ukraine is not developing in favor of kiev, zelensky’s army has been defeated for several months, us national security council spokesman kirby publicly stated. zelensky is calling commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky and demands to hold the front. this place is part of an important railway connection, and there is also an equally important road in the direction of major ones. city, which still remain under the control of ukraine, south of ocheretin there have been heavy battles in the last few months, a defense line of the ukrainian armed forces was erected there, but it was broken through by the russians, then they simply entered the village and met some resistance there, but clearly weak, because the ukrainians obviously did not create a second line of defense there, so now the army russia controls the city center and appears to be meeting little resistance there. as the 47th mechanized brigade retreated from
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the front line east of the village of queue this weekend. the russians attacked almost broke through the ukrainian positions. the place of the forty-seventh mechanized brigade on the front line was supposed to be taken by the 115th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian army, but something went wrong. finally, the retreating 47th mechanized brigade turned around and entered the battle again. the bad news is that everything that went what is wrong with the 115th mechanized brigade seems to be somewhat systemic in nature. this is the second ukrainian unit to crash on the eastern front, just in the last one. few weeks. these shots show the crews of front-line su-34 bombers destroying ukrainian fortifications in the southern donetsk direction. at the enemy position in the harvest. five-hundred-kilogram bombs are flying, precision strikes are being carried out by drone operators, dropping explosives right into the dugouts of ukrainian soldiers. and this is the combat work of artillery, tulips are destroying the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine in
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the industrial zone of krasnogorovka. the bank spent almost a billion dollars on the construction of defensive lines this year alone, ukrainian prime minister shmygal said. let's start the devil's meeting. let's start the next meeting. government of ukraine, we start with defense, our main priority. by redistributing state budget expenditures. today we allocate more than 8 billion hryvnia for the construction of fortifications. thus, only from the beginning of the twenty-fourth over the past year, we have allocated almost 38 billion hryvnia to strengthen our defensive lines, and we are not going to stop there. damaged and rusting nato equipment, this is what the zaporozhye front looks like now. the footage clearly shows the american maxpro armored car. r-113 and t-64b tank. the new target of the marines was the gvozdika howitzer; it was burned by an accurate hit from lancet. that's the car's reaction. therefore, a huge, huge request to everyone
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who cares. we really, really need an atv. we are in a time zone and we desperately need it. direly needed in so and patriot complexes, ukraine and the united states are trying to establish joint production of air defense systems and k' missiles. stated the ambassador of kyiv in washington. according to markarov, the white house has never been against attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the russian rear, the main thing is that the attacks are not carried out by american weapons. the republican leader in the us senate, mccon, calls for no restrictions on the use of atacoms long-range systems. senator mccon, if the united states provides atacoms strike systems, will there be restrictions on their use only in the territory ukraine? i hope that?
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this morning the moscow basmanny court granted the investigation's request and detained ivanov for two months. everything that is known at this moment. look. set
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his detention period to 2 months until june 23, 2024. the first shots from the courtroom basmanny court arrests the minister of defense for 2 months until june 23. ivanov was charged with committing a crime under article 290, part six - receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. maximum penalty under under this article, up to 15 years - imprisonment. the investigation believes that ivanov entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties, teamed up with them in advance to commit a crime by an organized group, receiving on an especially large scale in the form of providing services of a property nature during contracting. subcontracting work for the needs of the ministry of defense. together with ivanov , his close friend sergei borodin was taken into custody. elect the accused sergei vladimirovich borodin to peace in the form of detention. set the period of its maintenance in custody for 2 months 0.0 per day, that is
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, until june 23, twenty-four. borodin, being on friendly terms with the deputy defense of the russian federation ivanov, who oversaw the construction of major repairs of facilities of the ministry of defense. entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties, teamed up with them in advance to commit a crime by an organized group. the first information about the arrest of defense minister timur ivanov appears late the evening before at 21:22 moscow time. the man detained at work did not admit guilt. on suspicion of committing a crime under part six of article 290 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is taking a bribe, the deputy minister of defense of the russian federation was detained. was responsible for managing the department's property, housing and
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medical support for the armed forces and military mortgages. today it became known that for five of the almost 8 years in office, ivanov was in the development of military counterintelligence of the fsb. according to the news, together with ivanov operatives detained several more people. ivanov got into operational development not yesterday, not the day before, or even a month ago. including testimony on the results of operational activities, said the agency’s interlocutor in law enforcement agencies, without giving other details. he clarified that operational support of the criminal case is being carried out by the military counterintelligence of the fsb. now ivanov himself is conducting investigative actions. in ninety-seven , ivanov graduated from the faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics of moscow state university, from 99 to 2012 worked for years at enterprises of the russian fuel and energy complex. after he became deputy chairman of the government of the moscow region, in 2013 ivanov headed
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the oboronstroy company, which was engaged in the construction of all ministry of defense facilities. russian president vladimir putin was informed about the detention of deputy defense minister timur ivanov. defense minister sergei shaigui was also informed in advance. beijing is not involved in the ukrainian conflict, and it is washington that is adding fuel to the fire of this war. with this statement the speaker. answered the accusation by the american secretary of state that it was china that made a key contribution to supporting the russian military-industrial complex is nonsense. young americans should look at themselves, he said, and not blame others, and in general there is no point in interfering with normal trade and economic relations between russia and the prc, while simultaneously approving an aid package for ukraine. this is hypocritically irresponsible. - said the chinese diplomat, harshly, you will agree,
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military assistance to taiwan is also included in the same package. in this regard, the office of the state council of the people's republic of china called on washington to stop arming the separatists and support the forces that advocate the independence of the chinese island. in general, by the day of the visit of us secretary of state blinken, relations between china and america became even more tense. he contributed to this himself. head of american diplomacy blinken, before traveling to china, accused the chinese authorities of genocide and other crimes against humanity to which muslims and representatives of other ethnic religious minorities are allegedly being subjected. after this, xi is unlikely to date blinken. but the president of the people's republic of china may travel to belgrade on may 7 in connection with the twenty. us at the chinese
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embassy in the serbian capital. bloomberg writes about this. in 1999, nato bombing killed three chinese journalists in belgrade. the white house then said that they simply mixed up the cards and made a mistake by accident. experts note that xi’s visit to a country that demonstratively did not support western sanctions against moscow makes it clear that china will continue to do so. it is extremely hypocritically irresponsible on the part of the united states when, against the background adoption of the aid package for ukraine, they resort to baseless accusations against normal economic and trade relations. china strongly opposes this. china's right to conduct normal economic trade exchanges with all countries in the world, including russia, on the basis of equality of mutual benefit cannot be questioned or violated. china will not tolerate it. interference with one's legitimate rights. we call on the united states to realize that the policy
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of adding fuel to the fire of abdicating responsibility is wrong for solutions to the ukrainian crisis. the only way is to take into account the legitimate demands of all parties regarding their security and establish a balanced and effective sustainable european security system through dialogue and negotiations. china doesn't often hold such briefings ahead of a visit by senior u.s. officials. can i have something?
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we are transported to poklonnaya gora, in direct communication with our political commentator, dmitry petrov, a great specialist in military equipment, especially in aviation, but aviation, as far as i am concerned i understand that there is still no nato aviation on poklonnaya hill, nevertheless, dima. hello, incredible footage, what is bradley there, marders, tell me, we’ve already managed to inspect something, greetings to the studio, olya, well, you already know everything, yes, but i’ll still predict about nato aviation, we’ll probably see f16 someday here, they
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seem to be going to fight, so, let’s friends, let’s quickly examine and understand what it’s like here in a hurry, because they were brought here only at night, i would say 5 and a half copies armored vehicles, because five are standing here, we can see them well, and another armored vehicle, over there under the crane, the sixth is an azovitz tank support combat vehicle based on the t-64, we don’t see it yet, it’s just being installed, here it is there will be a sixth, they were delivered at night, i want to repeat again, the closest one to us is an american-made bradley infantry fighting vehicle, well, here it is in all its glory, beaten, broken. came out of the battle, here in the back we see the technical installation, a broken, battered turret - these are the results of a shooting battle, you see, on the left one track was torn out, well, they fought, of course, and we know that the bradleys fight in ukraine quite regularly. armament, a twenty-five-millimeter cannon, allows
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for tactical tasks to support infantry; in the far parking lot there is an armored personnel carrier, also american. the m-113 to the right of it, in my opinion, is another modification of bradley, to be honest, i didn’t distinguish it very well from the military department of the institute, now for the first time i see both combat vehicles side by side, so i might be confused, we haven’t been able to get closer yet, on the right costs turkish combat vehicle, brick hedgehog, and its characteristics, it has increased mine-resistant armor, which is considered due to... its design and the bottom of the hull is v-shaped in order to specifically separate the blast wave and thus protect the crew uh, well, judging by the fact that she looks pretty intact, she probably fought well after all, but we see on the glazing on the armored glass the results
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of small arms hits, maybe it ’s armor-piercing ammunition, well, they captured it anyway, about the story i want to tell you - this is bп'. exhibition, how close can you get, in principle, for ordinary people like us,
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you can also drive up and take a photo, just dim, when does this exhibition open , explain the instructions for use, when, what and at what time? well, based on the experience of previous years, this is how it was in patriot park, everything was very convenient, you could come up, read the annotation, detailed tactical and technical characteristics about each sample. it will be possible to approach, i hope, also, well, since there will be information stands, then probably it will be possible to approach everything carefully study read for sure
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a history will be written about each of them, where they fought, how they were captured, but we, well, patriots, technology lovers, will have until then enough opportunities to study in detail the history of each of them, where they were produced, where not weak service in nato, as she was delivered to ukraine, where she fought in ukraine and where she was captured. thank you very much, dima, thank you very much, our political commentator dmitry petrov is on direct line poklonnaya gora, truly a unique opportunity, the first five units nato equipment has already been delivered to the capital of our homeland, there will be 30 copies in total, and of course we are waiting for that same unfortunate unfortunate leopard, leo 2a5, which was evacuated from the battlefield the day before, but while there are nuances, it is being studied. our specialists to understand: everything that is delivered to ukraine will ultimately be destroyed, or will become
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our prey, a trophy, as they say, well, the presidential press secretary peskov said today that 61 billion, all the equipment that will be purchased for this newly agreed upon 61 billion, the situation is not a war... the united states sent orders to its military-industrial complex in order to then send weapons to the ukrainians, everyone counted the days until the complete defeat of russia, then everyone began to lament about the imminent, inevitable collapse of ukraine, the ukrainian regime, then after...
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this is vesti nedeli and i am dmitry kiselev, dmitry kiselev is 70. we were joking in the studio once, the director of photography said, my grandmother thinks that you live in the semlyovskaya star. he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsky, from the pushkin tradition he has this precision, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion. go. bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the mustache, they will dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the shelves to poison people, we will waste it,
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then we will regret it, life will become more interesting, i don’t think dima will say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let's say it again, on the maidan they gave a hero's star for my body, simply because i'm russian, that's enough, i loved europe very much, now we've swapped places, now we're in russia with...
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. maybe for the first time, happy, happy, happy, sunday, for example, i told my daughter that she was adopted as soon as i took her here at home, mom, dad, i adore you, hello, hello. i'm
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your real mother, maybe we can meet? a test that not everyone can pass. who is she anyway? is this some kind of money scam? can i hug you? katya is not a stranger to me, she is my mother. katya needs money! a test that not everyone will dare to take. you won't refuse to do a dna test, will you? have you received the result? honey, we will explain everything to you. fly feather. on sunday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly.
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he will always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure. and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes in lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor who can trust 100%, and you will...
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how can you not understand this? passion? any problem can be cured by the sea. you need to unwind, go on a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d. you are a very beautiful girl. are you dreaming of having a holiday romance? forget it, i'm not like that. what hotel is she in? i want to save our family. he came with her, with his mistress. make all the lazy people jealous. what 's the deal with my wife? your marriage is at the seams. sea overseas premiere. well, our lives can’t just fall apart like that? no need to think. on saturday on rtr. there are two wonderful teams in the studio, representing fantastic film based on kiluchev's story 100 years ago. they travel through
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a century. this is of course a russian folk kayak. to find the correct answers, i would really like to answer on saturday, but we will answer, perhaps, okroshka, we need to be simpler, hut. who is guaranteed space success? i take responsibility for this answer. our intrigue is powerful, 100 to one, 100 years. ahead on sunday on rtr, look how gorgeous the fat tail is, let’s heat it in a jar, the premiere is on rtr, he came, showed up, ruined everything, don’t you dare do that say, i’ll take out a loan, we’ll buy a room from ivan, and not for 400, but for 800, and no way, but don’t worry, everything is arranged, listen,
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get me one person, angels of the area, what? where are we going? yes, now, now, you will find out. today on rtr. if we do not urgently supply weapons to the kiev regime, putin will seize ukraine and fergen will drive millions of refugees. the chairman of the bundestag defense committee , marie agne strack zimmermann, formulated a new horror story for german taxpayers. she demanded immediately. okiev air defense system, artillery ammunition and long-range taurus missiles. supplies in which german chancellor scholl must block. strack zimerman said, but even if the americans supply, then what are we waiting for? in europe, and in the united
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states, but above all in europe, we allow ourselves endless discussions about arms supplies, and this is already frightening. this means that ukraine still has a chance to survive, it is very important that the west quickly sends military assistance, that is, everything that can intercept objects in the air, as well.
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air defense systems are even more difficult with this, ukrainians they continue to demand, let's quickly, quickly, batteries, but so far the americans, in my opinion, have had information, are ready to supply a petriot battery and a battery for sams. the europeans are not in a big hurry; by the way, the poles immediately said that everything they have is what they need themselves; they will not give anything to ukraine. the greeks, today, i read that they also refused. uh, even if they are given a guarantee that turkey will not attack them, of course, turkey is unlikely to attack them in the near future, but nevertheless, the greeks will remain completely unprotected
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they don’t want to, that’s why the germans found one battery, but it’s unlikely that they will also disarm the radio of ukraine, therefore, but nevertheless, i say, belligerent rhetoric is growing, uh, you showed the story, here’s
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the energy infrastructure, well, that means they should be, so to speak, if they want to protect and defend something, they must be equipped with air defense systems, they must provide air cover, i’m not saying that... about superiority or domination, at least air cover, that’s all this is, so to speak, this is - escalation, while there is verbal escalation, it cannot but worry, but we’ll see, we’ll see,
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in any case, it seems to me that we still have a window of opportunity until the summer, before we go, why until the summer if it’s on friday supply of weapons for this agreed upon? 61 billion, or there for the amount that is for weapons out of this 61 billion, so the package is being prepared, deliveries will begin, deliveries will begin, well, they will put a bradley batch there, reserve a batch, it’s interesting that they usually first set it up, then they announce, well no, i won’t argue, but i say, let’s see, because with air defense systems i don’t yet see, so to speak, that they will actually be given something specifically, well, we’ll have to wait until friday, if a miracle happens, they’ll start on friday on saturday they’ll finish the whole billion, so to speak, or else... and if we
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’re talking about air defense systems, then just in case , a patriot battery is a billion, that’s just like how we say pre-war prices, but how much it costs now, i can’t presume to say , batteries for sams are 300 million, these are also pre-war prices, how much is it, therefore, even if the americans supply these two batteries, it is already far over 2 billion, this is no longer a billion, a billion is armored vehicles, shells, these are... not not not the most expensive products. now, in connection with this , i still want to say a few words about yesterday’s board meeting of the ministry of defense. you know, several issues were discussed there, the situation in the zone, very impressive figures were given: half a million losses, 22,000 drones intercepted, there’s order there. 6,000
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- missiles of various classes and types, including there are 3,500 hymers, there are 360, 500 vampires, about 600 airplanes, 270 helicopters, these are very, very large numbers, what interested me most of all, of course, was that when the state and prospects of our military space forces were discussed, then...
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yeltsin , when he declared the north-west of russia a zone of peace, there were generally two incomplete brigades left there, so in the moscow district, unlike the leningrad district, the taman and kantemirovsk divisions did not touch them, and that is, the grouping is increasing, moreover, it increases multiple times, this is, so to speak, our response to the entry of both sweden and finland, and the grouping that is concentrated along. people of personnel, there are 500 tanks, well, a decent group, well, in conclusion, of course, i can’t help but note how our glorious pilots brought down the tv tower in kharkov, after all, this is really a targeted strike, hitting a spire at an altitude of 190 m.
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reconnaissance means of detecting identification of radio frequency and electromagnetic signals, ensuring communication between departments the armed forces of ukraine, that is, from the point of view of reconnaissance and target designation of various means when shelling our border areas, it still provided, now they are left without it, thank god, we will return it in minutes.
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love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. making dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec. where life turns into a fairy tale. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first all-inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony. memories that will remain forever in your heart. swissotel sharmel shaikh, your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum.
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exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures. incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of eternal elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum, we wish you to meet your friend this year, especially since you already have a horse, on saturday, well, you have a phone number there , well, please, he is chasing me, and you saved me, every girl... dreams of a prince on a white horse, i met you, my princess, you will be my wife, yes, but not everyone who is on a horse, prince , your idiot owes us 150 to our casino
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thousand dollars, you and mikael, my only heirs, i want my grandson to grow up before my eyes, yes, i will never see him, you are a mother, you, you must fight for your son, you simply must, punishment without crime, on saturday on rtr, please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting...
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it’s fulfilling, i’m giving up everything with joy, let's i foresaw my fate, now only everything let's all wave our hands when everyone is home. with timur kizyakov on sunday on rtr, my name is leonid viktorovich, what’s your name? elsa genrikhovna, but you have an unusual name, come to visit me, but it’s inconvenient, i’m a widow, i’m not calling you on a date, irina pechernikova, i want something like that. on heeled shoes, have you completely lost your mind? veniam smekhov, who are we hiding from? mom! what have you done? the whole village is discussing how you kiss each other and go on visits? lyubov konstantinova. so what? well,
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have you fallen in love? anna ukolova. mom, what are you doing are you doing something? and, dad did everything for you, i think so, before he had time to save his husband , he ran to the camp. at a party, let's get married as we get married, elsa's land, on friday on rtr. incredible gifts happen on birthdays. kiselyov celebrates his anniversary. i thought that this is what artificial intelligence has already come to us, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr.
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big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where we’ll bring you out, from the directors of the liquidation, save this, what this, remember, we have never lost this, even in the worst times, what they do, they pray, they greet saturday, stop greeting, saturday will come anyway. they have been praying about this for 2 thousand years, but you don’t know how to say the groom in hebrew, huson, stop, witch eyes, stop , i want to talk, i need two who know how to shoot, i can do everything, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his older brother, for all the kofmans, a film by sergei orshulyak, their tasks are to survive and get there, and there is no choice, righteous man, but... on may 9, on rtr, fbi director christopher wray said
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in an interview with nbc that he would not investigate anything against trump’s political opponents, despite the seemingly persistent demands of the ex-president america. it’s ironic that ray himself was appointed to the position by donald trump. trump, american... the plan is in case trump is sent to prison, and he will conduct his election campaign from there. the us secret service and ex-presidents of america have already compiled held a meeting and began planning what to do if former president trump was detained for contempt. to trial, judge juan murchin will decide to send him to prison, officials familiar with the situation said.
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prosecutors said they are now seeking a fine. we're not seeking a custodial sentence yet, said assistant district attorney chris conroy, but the defendant appears to be pursuing that. officials don't think the judge will put trump in a cell, according to the court's permic edition, but they are already drawing up contingency plans. circumstances, officials said. federal law requires the u.s. secret service to provide protection to active government leaders. former presidents and first ladies, visiting heads of state and other u.s. presidential appointees, the secret service said in a statement: we are studying all locations around the world and developing comprehensive and multi-layered protection models that include the latest technologies: protective intelligence and advanced security techniques to keep our wards. additionally, we do not comment on specific security operations. a little more about the window of opportunity and the supply of weapons, missiles to attacks from... range, we are talking about a strike range of not only 160, but now another 300 km will be sent to
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ukraine before the end of this next week, the head of the senate intelligence committee clarifies , the citizen's name is mark warner, we are transferred to washington via direct communication from riya novosti's own correspondent, igor naimushin, igor, hello, so, until the end of next week, this concerns something atakoms, regarding the sixty generally agreed upon now with the senate. 1 billion information that the first package will be worth a billion, what will be included in this first package, and tacoms is the second package, what will be in the third, what is known about supplies? olga, hello, indeed, there is now a lot of talk about what will be included in the first package of new arms supplies to ukraine from washington, the amount is said to be 1 billion. yesterday at the pentagon at the state department for questions from a journalist. agreed to bring it directly a detailed description of what will be included, however, it is highly expected that it will be
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ammunition, air defense systems, artillery, armored vehicles, and those same atacoms missiles; whether they will go into the first package or the second is still unknown, in any case for now we are talking about forming it and publishing it in the near future, and here again the amount that is expected is that same billion dollars, in theory, the weapons should arrive in ukraine already in...
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between the approval of the package in the senate that dragged on for a whole day assistance to ukraine and other allies, went out to talk to journalists, and at the same time announced that it turns out that it was tucker carlson who was to blame for everything, but in fact, it is now clearly visible from here from the inside how much the united states fears the final collapse of kiev and its defeat. the american media, without mincing words, write that the ukrainian troops are exhausted, that they have no strength even after the failed advertised offensive. after the winter, withstand another onslaught of the expected russian offensive, about which there is, in general, quite a lot now actively and speak, and this in particular explains, explains the rush in which the senate and before that the house of representatives literally passed everything in a week, as for resistance, it mainly came from the republicans within congress, on saturday most of it however,
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republican congressmen in the house of representatives voted against the bill, then there were four laws. project, well, now in the senate it turns out that 15 republicans voted against, which is less than half, but nevertheless, according to compared to only two democrats who abstained, or rather voted against the bill, this is also significantly more. thank you very much, igor naimushin, correspondent of the news agency live from washington. ask! thank you! these people forbid us to pick our noses, yes, that is, they persecute the leader of the opposition. they accuse the main opposition journalist of almost serving an enemy state, here is one of the senators from the state of utah, who voted against michael, he actually posted a tweet, he says: i was censored, i gave interview, to a channel there, which means it’s a local one, they just took, cut out that part of the interview where he criticized aid to ukraine, just without explanation, they took it and
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threw it out, that’s not the right thing to do, yes, and now blinken, you know, has landed, now in china, will teach. china, as it should, means dealing with the opposition correctly, he was there when he was flying away, he said that among the discussion package there would be persecution of the opposition in china, violation of freedom of speech and so on, so blinken will teach china political culture, he is now, by the way, he has just landed in shanghai, i see the guardian writes among the plan he was not found in the official agenda, but visiting students and basketball... they even secretly brought in an american table tennis team, remember, forest gumb also played there, which means, in order to turn china against the soviet union, then it was successful, and blinken is now trying to do the same thing, of course, we see number one on
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all his agendas, this is the belief about china in that he stopped cooperation. with russia, yes, but, really, combine it with the signing of a law that allocates assistance to taiwan, yes, military assistance to taiwan, which is absolutely anti-chinese, combine this goal with what was stated, well, here tonight, yes, in the united states senate the states of america, regarding china, asia is evil, china, iran, russia, north korea, this was heard in almost every speech by the congressman.
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don’t worry, everything is arranged for you, listen, call me one person, angels of the area , what, where are we, well, now, now you’ll find out, today on rtr, you are bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright. life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo. they will be renewed in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade bright life is suitable for anyone
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type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears , just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price, from only 9.95. just select the appropriate one. design create a unique look for your suburban area, they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite, we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that ideally combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palerma sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and... maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for
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any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which provides a soft heel strike reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals in just... 2495 palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. i found myself a millionaire. on saturday. mikhail, those same friends i ’m telling you about. i hope they have already accepted my invitation for a boat trip. maxim radugin, excavations are underway up there, and you leave your things here. ekaterina vulichenko. we need to unite now to catch him ourselves and get yours back. i'm ready. sea overseas. premiere on saturday on rtr, i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh you’re good, he
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likes to grab and chatter, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after you’re in a hurry for the performance, everyone’s talking, guys, i have to feed the hamster, you’re in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, i’m your new neighbor, well, a new part-time district police officer, after graduation we immediately agreed on an application submit, well, what a wedding, come with us, guys, this is my girl, it was yours, there will be my pain, sasha, survived, it’s already good, you can, i ’ll hug you, fear, i advise you to complain if you blurt out a word somewhere , we
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will bury you in the forest, despair, no, not evidence, not from testimony, yes there will be, please, do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, when you disappeared without explanation because it was honest, do not be afraid of anything, you are an amazing woman, love will overcome everything from april 29 on rtr. well on the sun, it turns out there was a mega-explosion, the fourth in human history. attention to the screen. this is what footage of four of those same simultaneous flashes looks like. experts have not yet established the total power of explosions on the only star of the solar system, but there is a possibility that part of the plasma of dangerous radiation will reach the earth
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tomorrow. for weather-dependent people, as they say , get ready again, a g1 class magnetic storm can cause problems with pressure, pressure surges, tachycardia and migraine, as well as provoke insomnia, so that you can... the speech recommends drinking more water, walking in the fresh air and taking a day off, the weather forecasters were probably joking about the day off, meaning that today is wednesday, and tomorrow is thursday, on the weekend in another 2 days, by saturday , and the consequences of the mega-explosions will already have dissipated , the weekend promises to be sunny and warm, thanks for watching, bye, thanks, friends. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis pamanchukov studio and most importantly by this hour.


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