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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 22, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

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that american assistance will help the country survive until the end of the war, in the worst case, according to democrats, this means surviving until trump, in order to prevent his return to the white house, against the republicans and unleashed a leapfrog of criminal cases. i want to say that these are all lawsuits organized by biden, this is election interference. with these words, trump began the second week of the trial in the case of secret payments to porn actress stormy daniels. today in...
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started a year earlier, at a meeting with trump in 2015 he agreed to become his eyes and ears. the publisher's job was to keep track of all potential negativity. pecker made an agreement with michael coinan to buy any negative stories and never publish them. according to the indictment, in december 1616, cohen asked pecker to pressure trump to return money to him for buying the storm story. trump didn't want to do this. now, bloomberg writes, trump himself is running out of money. in march alone, he spent about 5 million on the courts. dollars. there are less than 7 million left in the accounts that the former us president uses to finance lawyers. the party coffers that collected trump’s legal expenses, a committee called save america, have also been empty, and since january of this year, they have spent about 60 million
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in canada, the united states and japan. 2/3 of this amount is frozen in the eu. the day before , the us house of representatives approved the confiscation of part of the blocked assets to pay compensation, as well as the restoration of ukraine's infrastructure. in practice, the mechanism has not yet worked. it must be approved senate and then president of the united states. not everyone is in the biden administration and not everyone is. the seven
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agree that these assets should be transferred to ukraine, and there is ongoing debate on this issue. we are talking about an amount of 4-5 billion dollars. of course, this is only a small part of all frozen assets, but nevertheless it is a very dangerous precedent. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called this a breakdown of all economic foundations. this is an encroachment on state property, on state voirs, on private property. no way perceived as some kind of legal actions, they are illegal, and accordingly they will be one way or another, a the subject of some retaliatory actions, and b - the subject of legal proceedings, both of which will be a very complex process, but it will cause severe damage to the economic interests of the united states states. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin believes that the united states made an openly illegal decision and committed theft. russian
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assets, he believes that this decision will undermine confidence in the united states on the part of other states, businesses and investors. this discussions about the further use of russian assets are also underway in europe. yes, dmitry peskov pointed to a call to consider such issues more soberly from the head of the european central bank, christine lagarthe, who believes that potentially making such a decision could lead to the collapse of the existing economic system. i have seen at least now. i have seen four different schemes or proposals to circumvent what many lawyers consider to be a very serious legal obstacle, and this may be considered a violation international legislation. however, the europeans not only hold most of our frozen assets, but make money from them. the belgian financial group euroclear earned 4.400 million euros from their investments last year, but there is a question of asset confiscation.
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there is no agreement among the member states of the european union regarding the appropriateness of this method. legal mechanisms, the so-called confiscation of russian assets. charter of fundamental rights of the european union, article 17, respect for law property. it says, please, you can confiscate any asset from any person, subject to the payment of commensurate compensation to that person, that is, please confiscate what you want and only pay compensation, so i think that. with sovereign assets everything will be fine, well, in russia, the accounts of investors from unfriendly countries are also frozen, yes, in the so-called type c accounts. this is a special account that can be opened for an investor, non-resident, in a bank or with a broker, they
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can be credited only rubles, for example, dividends on stocks or payments on bonds, as russia will respond if the united states confiscates the assets of our central bank. the minister of finance spoke about this today on our program. the frozen financial assets of western countries in russia are approximately comparable to those held by our opponents; if unfriendly countries move from words to actions, russia’s response will be symmetrical. in addition to the assets of the central bank, western countries have also frozen the funds of russian companies and private investors, and what will happen to them for now? also unknown. thank you, it was my colleague nailila skerzade. in a few minutes, our channel will premiere a comedy melodrama. angels of the district, the plot is built around the shatalov family, whose wife is the head of a management company, the husband is a doctor, and the son is a district police officer. ekaterina fralova will continue. nobody works there at all, i’ve been calling for an hour now. yes, i'm listening to you. turn on the water. alena shatalova has a very stressful job, which does not leave
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the whole block indifferent. she is the head of the management company. skorikov? maybe you will you work? maybe. alena is not the only one in the family who works for the good of society. husband and son too. alena’s endless to-do list will include conflicts with her boss and her own son, a midlife crisis and even a love
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triangle, oh, at least i’ll hold on to my needs, let me go, hold on, i can barely stand anyway, but what does it feel like to hold the woman of my dreams? by the feet, and of course, it will not do without the acute housing problem. a heartwarming story of a communal scale tonight on the russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and olga sukhorukova. news. our broadcast will continue with local news. colleagues, as we see, have already taken places in their studios, but before we all go to our regions, we’ll briefly introduce the country
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to what our two branches will tell you about. first, let's give the floor to state television and radio broadcasting company st. petersburg and igor strakhov, the cartographic jaconda was shown to journalists of the northern capital for the first time. hello igor, this is the name of the large drawing in siberia of the 16th century by the encyclopedist semyon remizov. his work was personally appreciated by peter i, although he preferred the european style in drawing maps. this the largest russian map is the size of the wall of a khrushchev panel building. drawn upside down to the south. there is no usual scale and degree grid. the river network and land roads served for orientation. the author left text notes: remizov attributed the moscow kingdom to the right edge of the map, and drew the northern lands in detail. locality, but as a detailed chronicle of the history
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of russia. yes, thank you, igor, we’ll let you go, getting ready for the broadcast, we’ll use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on the state television and radio broadcasting company kaliningrad, polina globlina, already in the studio in kaliningrad today they are celebrating. hello, igor, the main venue for celebrating the anniversary was the baltic federal university, which bears the name of the german philosopher. started there today. western europe, usa, latin america, china. today at exactly 17:24 flowers were laid at the philosopher’s grave. a new exhibition has opened in the cathedral, next to which he rests. there you can see kant’s works, as well as sit at the dinner table with the thinker and listen to the conversations he has. at these moments in the cathedral there is performance dedicated to kant was born and lived almost his entire life in the city, which after the great patriotic war became russian
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kaliningrad. the significance of the works of the german philosopher will be discussed at the congress for 4 days. kant was one of the greatest thinkers and always called for living with your own mind. this is especially true for us now. the country really must live by its own mind, guided by its national interests. we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region, see you in a few seconds. stolichnaya the prosecutor's office took control of the investigation of an accident on pokrovskaya street, as a result of which a nine-year-old girl was hospitalized; she was hit by a minibus at a pedestrian crossing when she was crossing the road on... a scooter, this is a common mistake of scooter riders, which traffic police inspectors reminded about during
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a large-scale raid . report by oksana maximova. now the only reminder of the accident is the emergency sign. today , at about 8:00 am, at a pedestrian crossing on pokrovskaya street, a nine-year-old girl fell under the wheels of a minibus. accident occurred at the moment when the driver, wanting to jump through the yellow light, increased the gas. the girl with the scooter ran out, the bus driver didn’t notice. fell into a blind spot, the company, for its part, is ready to provide the necessary assistance to the affected family. the child was taken to the hospital with injuries of varying severity. law enforcement agencies are investigating the circumstances of the incident. on pokrovskaya street, the driver of a minibus commercial carrier hit a girl who was crossing the roadway on a scooter. the prosecutor's office controls the establishment of all the circumstances and causes of the road accident. the section of the road where everything happened was busy. right next to the pedestrian crossing there is a kindergarten and a school, but for pedestrians the green light is on for only 27 seconds,
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people complain about crossing at a calm pace, it’s not always possible to have a wide roadway, you’re already running here , who’s coming, who’s different, be sure to take the children so that they take this moment into account , that this is very dangerous, that it is necessary to control traffic, the injured schoolgirl was alone without adults, she left the pedestrian crossing riding a scooter without dismounting is one of the most common violations and as a rule... children suffer. a week ago, on mil aircraft designer street, at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a taxi driver hit a twelve-year-old boy. on nizhegorodskaya, the driver of a car did not have time to brake when a ten-year-old child rode a scooter onto the roadway. the boy miraculously survived. with the start of the cycling season , traffic police officers patrol dangerous intersections and remind adults and children how not to behave on the road. riding in twos sometimes there are three. when crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing, they do not dismount from these
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vehicles, which is also a violation. where there are no traffic police inspectors, the law is not written for violators. according to statistics, most of the victims in road accidents involving sim are children and young people under 24 years of age. oksana maksimova, yaroslav aulov and ada adamova, lead. doctors performed 45 million appointments in the capital’s updated clinics. sergei sobyanin announced this in his telegram channel. the first stage has been completed. more than 200 outpatient clinics have been modernized to the new standard, in they have new opportunities for diagnosing and preventing diseases, appointments with specialists have become more accessible, the second stage of modernization, it covers more than 140 clinics, will last until the end of the twenty- fifth year. more than a thousand signatures were collected in the capital in defense of the famous hut on upper maslovka. a wooden mansion, which is more than 100 years old, was put up for sale for 50 million rubles. despite all the efforts of activists. the house never received protective status. local residents fear that it may simply be demolished. anna
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balan with details. those who find themselves at the upper oil pan for the first time do not believe their eyes at first: is it a decoration or a real one? they ask each other again. almost the central district of moscow, yes, sovelovsky, there is a wooden hut here. who do you think lives in the hut? i think it's grandma. in fact, this is a typical country house at the beginning of the 20th century. this place from the tver outpost to petrovsky park was built up by summer residents. footage from 1908. muscovites come for the winter holidays. you can see the whole of petrovsky. built up, there were more than 500 houses, there were even their own shops and restaurants; of all the dachas , this is the only one that miraculously survived. the owner's name was anna gilbikh, and her husband was the rider chernov, who took part in horse racing at the moscow hippodrome, not far from here, so many people, regulars of the hippodrome, came to visit them, however, the house looked
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a little different then, the dome was demolished in the soviet years, before 2017 the building was rented privately.


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