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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, the father of four children, went to the front as a volunteer, and for his heroism and courage on the front line he was nominated for a medal for courage. a year ago, while performing a combat mission, ilya was seriously wounded. when the drone hit, i started to fall over, fell off the atv, rolled over on the ground several times, my bulletproof vest came off, there was a walkie-talkie, everything i was wearing, i looked to the right at my hand and realized that i had no hand, some ilya spent months on a hospital bed, he had to learn a lot again, including writing with his left hand, now he has returned home and dreams of finding the soldier who kept him alive, as well as... his own
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people. they essentially taught everything where the enemy, like comrades with whom he has lost contact. walking, how to move, how to hide, just some everyday things that you couldn’t even guess until you got there. i am very grateful to them, and i really want to meet them. we found these guys meeting for the hero, today in our program. ilya novoseltsev is in our studio, good afternoon. hello, how are you feeling? yes, everything is in order, everything is fine, alive, healthy, several operations behind us, yes, but how about you, the father of four children, because people with many children are not conscripted, turned out to be on his own, i went myself, as a volunteer, you went in january last year, yes, it turns out that in january '23, i arrived at the base, completed training, and on the seventh... february, it turns out, i came
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to the ribbon, and my wife knew that you were going? of course, well, i didn’t tell her right away he said, later, the day before departure, well , no, not a day, a little earlier, about three weeks, probably, and what she said, well, she didn’t try to dissuade me much, well , of course she was upset, she said, she says, in general, i had no doubts, but as i understand, you have four children together, well, it turns out already. but they registered before you were sent to svo, yes, i think that, probably, at that second she realized that you had been stalling here for 14 years, no, a little later, about a week, probably after the wedding, i told her i’ve already said definitively that i’m leaving, tell me, that’s the day when you were wounded, something foreshadowed it, something you did when you arrived.
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and for a moment before you lost consciousness you saw and understood that your hand had been torn off? yes, that’s true, i basically didn’t lose consciousness, i already lost it when they took me directly to the field hospital for surgery, they injected me with sleeping pills and then i passed out, but i didn’t lose consciousness anyway, it’s just ringing in my ears , i didn’t hear him flying, we were riding an atv, and it was very noisy. aka
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the drone was rattling and i couldn’t hear it, just a sharp ringing in my ears, well, a loss of coordination, such a small spatial one, i started to fall over with my quad. well, because there was too much, well, there was nothing to hook the tourniquet to, you could only hook it to the shoulder, i wouldn’t have pulled it myself, so i got up, went up to him, and i said, kiryukha, my hands were torn off and i fell , he
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blew himself up, right quickly, ran up to me, pulled out a tourniquet, pulled me over, there he dragged me into the bushes, there were bushes growing along the road, he dragged me into the bushes a little, and said: lie down here, now i say, this is for help. i run, he says, well, i’ll get a car somewhere and take you to the hospital, so he ran away, and well, he made sure that i felt fine, that i was conscious, the blood loss had stopped, but i couldn’t lie down, i can’t sit, i can’t lie down, it’s a feeling, it’s not like pain, there’s still a state of shock, adrenaline in the blood, there was no such pain as we feel in ordinary life, well, i got up and... and i knew where is it, where should i go to the hospital, because i go there all the time i took the wounded myself, so i got up and went, got to the hospital on my own, in addition to my arm, my leg was also very badly damaged, my right
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hearing, well, i couldn’t hear in my right ear, i thought it would go away, that it was just a concussion, but no, i have no hearing no, in the right ear, well, that’s it, i got to the hospital on my own, fell into the hospital there, guys with eyes like that, what are you, how are you? and they all know me well, the doctors, because, well, we saw them almost every day, i either brought them medicine, or brought the wounded, that’s all, they were right there with me in turn, they quickly bandaged me all over there, rewound me, cut off all my clothes, well , packed me up, put painkillers in this one , took me further to the hospital in the don in lugansk, and what is a person thinking about who is one and a half... that himself in the first place line, that i didn’t see, didn’t finish watching, i thought about the children, that i was telling myself that you, well, sort of, i ’m telling myself that you don’t have the right to die
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here, to stay there, the children are waiting for you at home, here’s your wife , i walked on this, swore at this. on the drone operator who shot me down, here shouted into the sky there, that let's go, where else do you have drones, but yulia is here with you today in our hall, yulia novoseltseva, come out to us, yulia, let's get acquainted, you... have become the official wife of comrade novoseltsev so long ago, that is, for all 14 years you had a different last name? well, yes, it turns out, on the other hand, with your girlfriend, well, it’s clear that you also saw the film about novoseltsev, probably your family joke, but it constantly reminds us of this, we’ve
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definitely come to the end, vasilits, what has it come to, a fight you're up to no good in the director's office, not only did you lie, you coward... you're also a brawler? yes, i’m a tough nut to crack, tell me, when did he tell you that he was wounded? and he called me in april, at the end of april, when he was already in the hospital, that is, i received a call from someone else’s number, i heard ilya’s voice, he asked: are the children nearby, well, i immediately realized that something had happened, but no, i say, not nearby, what happened - where are you? he says: i’m in the hospital, i was wounded, i say what, how, where, he says, i was left without an arm, well,
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the reaction didn’t take long to come, this tears, fortunately the children were in another room, uh, i got ready, went outside, well... that’s how i found out about the injury, then i just started getting ready for the hospital, bought plane tickets, it arrived, but the most difficult thing was probably still tell your parents? well, yes, i told ilya’s mother about the next day, because there was no point in hiding, there was no strength to say right away either, so i called the next day and asked if she could even tell where she was, well, she also cried, she was naturally upset when arrived - in the hospital saw my husband, recognized him, well, when i went into the hospital, i asked the medical staff where he was lying, they showed me the room, they said that it was near the window, at the entrance to the room,
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well, i didn’t immediately recognize him, in fact, because that he was very thin, gray skin on his face, wounds from shrapnel, an arm, a leg, bandaged, i recognized it by his eyes, all that was left of my former husband, at that time, these were the eyes, but now the worst is over, he's home, i can imagine how happy the children were when dad, oh children, yes, the children were very happy, he returned home three months later, it was such a surprise, he came home with a bouquet of red roses, the children, of course, when they saw him, they just didn’t leave him for several hours, hugged him, climbed on him, but we weren’t really bored, the only thing was that our youngest daughter didn’t know about daddy’s injury, because she, well, she was just very worried and crying. she found out later when she also cried, but we tried to distract her, then
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normal life went on, well, let's see what ilya is doing now, attention, here this is where our laboratory is located, here we produce samples of various cosmetics, household chemicals, here is my workplace, i work here, our chemists are also constantly there, the main work area. various instruments, scales, microscopes, we are currently developing a recipe for hair conditioner, the injury does not interfere in any way, i can cope perfectly with one hand, it turned out that i can work calmly without a mouse on the touchpad, although before i could not stand it on the touchpad, now nothing ok i'm used to it, here i am in general, now we are making the base of the hair conditioner, which is only the first phase, we dissolved one of the components in hot water, then we will add all the rest, the list is quite large. this is the process
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that is happening now, this is emulsification, mixing water and oil, now we will look at how our components have separated, sasha, this is where your help is probably needed, i won’t put it in myself, please put it in, you take it away that’s all, he’s aside, but... well, it seems not bad, all the tools that we are developing, well, essentially, i test it at home, in shampoo, for example, regularly, i have my wife’s head as a testing ground, here are shampoos, various household detergents, dishes, liquid soap, etc., etc., we use it all ourselves, i really like it as it were what we are doing, we recently went to lugansk, a local resident contacted us there, we developed them... we went to the recipes, did installation supervision, commissioning, launched the plant,
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now it turns out that residents of the city of lugansk will be using their own household chemicals , namely local lugansk. now it’s clear where yulia got such luxurious hair, but i tried, creams, tell me, my wife also says about the scars on her face, you just have the face of a baby. well, on this side i have black dots , right here, right here, where my beard is, the beard hides a lot of me, when they brought me to the hospital, i was still swearing strongly at the fact that i had this part of my beard, right here, right here, exactly here there - it’s so long, in general it was the longest in the platoon , it turns out it was half burned, that is, mine she wasn’t here, as if she was there, but she wasn’t here, and i was straight shaved, in general, i was upset. so, well, as you already heard, we found
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your comrades in arms, let's look at one of them, uh, what do you say, attention, meet me, this is my mother, tatyana viktorovna, hello, my dad konstantin petrovich, hello, my wife karina, we have known each other for a year, we got married not so long ago, on january 25, this is our owner of the house, coconut. today he dressed up for filming, took a bath with us in the morning, brushed him, a star, this is a gift from my list desires that kirill discovered and... fulfilled it like a genie, i am very glad that kirill and karina found each other, i love her very much, she loves kirill very much, this makes me very happy, i hope that they will have - in in the future, a strong family, children will appear , so i have grandchildren, i will be happy, you know, when you meet your person and you say, let’s say some phrases, you
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get the same thing at the same time, but with us, yes, in general we are a sports family, kirill and i go. wound through a muscle, also on my leg, here are shrapnel wounds, here i was cut, there was a through-and-through fragmentation wound, there was a cut, these are all shrapnel wounds, that is, it was, it was a cumulative projectile, it flew hot metal into it, that is, there is no way to get them, they slowly
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come out on their own , i go to the surgeon, cut it out, my wife gets something, kirill told me about... the expanse with ilya, that is, he was worried for a very long time, did not know where he was, tried to find him, i was very tormented by the question of whether he was alive and what is his future fate? i would really like i wanted to meet ilya and hug him, we would also like a large family, like ilya’s , and i think that we will succeed, we will be friends in the future with families, well, that same kirill, that same one, yes. changed, well, yes, he was thinner there, well, listen, family life, everyone is fattening him up, feeling sorry for him, kirill shepilov came to meet you today, meet him, great, brother, great, thank
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you, hello, we’re slowly getting better, we’re getting treatment, that is, the house is warm, yes, i’m glad, but we heard that you were bandaging, and who bandaged? after i bandaged ilya, i saw that there were houses nearby, i went there, our guys were also there. from our office, that is, they have already bandaged it directly, now you have met and the main news is that you also got married during this time, and uh, i came from the northern military district, that is, the guys organized a meeting at the recreation center, and my future wife was there , that is, we met,
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we just talked for a while, we each other, well, we found each other immediately and somehow became friends, that i realized that this is my little man, in january of this year i proposed to her, and we got married, god damn it, well, as i know, you didn’t have a wedding, there wasn’t a wedding, we signed, we’ll go to the south this year on vacation, that is, this will be our honeymoon , but karina is also here today, so of course she also wants to meet ilya and yulia, come out, hello! and how did he propose to you, please tell me, we were just walking with him and walked past
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the clerk, and he told me, will you marry me, i’m like that, yes, of course, and we immediately for... we heard about your wish list, you say that your husband fulfills them, what is on your list, tell me more, in general, i made such a list for myself for the year, what i want, my desires, my dream, and there was to jump with parachute, skiing, on a ski board, i really dreamed of a dog. and kirill somehow found this list and began to carry it out, it just somehow happened that he called me and said: come out, just put on sports clothes, i’m at the entrance, i’m going out. and he’s just waiting for me on a motorcycle with two helmets, we let's go for a ride, that was also my dream, that's all, he fulfills my wishes, well,
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it seems to me that you should also write a trip to the sea, and of course, a wish list, it's just not written, it's voiced like that sometimes. ilya, kirill, let’s do a short advertisement now, right after that ilya’s mother came to meet kirill and who else? front-line comrades backstage today, a few minutes after the commercial, see you, yes egorova, i’m painting my nails, i have every right, the premiere, i’m getting old, yes, but you are like a cucumber with us, you know, i would marry you, but you are with us, hello. angels from april 22 on rtr. mancacher whiskey,
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a product of the steller group. mega sale, system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with special handles. place it on movable platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet. have time to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. cognac monte shoca, product of steller group. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or... replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond
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parent. i was named after my grandmother. in 2003, he officially changed his name. hi andrew! evening show by andrei malakhov on saturday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, front-line meetings of comrade novosteltsev. earlier today, thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, a father of four children, volunteered for the front. a year ago, while performing a combat mission, ilya was seriously wounded and lost his arm. now he has returned home , looking for the soldier who kept him alive, as well as his own. comrades with whom i lost contact. with his savior kirill ilya met shepilov today before leaving for advertising. if you've just turned on your tvs, here's how their meeting went.
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kirill, not only ilya wanted to meet you, but also his mother, evgenia avramovna, let’s listen, ilya is my only son, i always tried to raise him like that. a real man, he’s talking about ilya’s injury, i didn’t find out from him, it was his wife, yulia, who called me, well, she says: ilya is in the hospital, well, i say something else, i say, he’s seriously wounded, she says , well,
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everything seems fine. but he doesn't have a hand, that's it then i screamed out loud, in these photographs he has a hand everywhere, here they are when they actually got married in december, here is the hand with the ring everywhere, it’s his right hand, well, of course it hurts, but my only son is alive, kirill, thank you so much for that. that you saved my son, you acted like a real hero and to the parents, huge gratitude for raising a worthy son, i want to see you, finally meet you and hug you, and i believe that i now have two sons, i am very grateful to you for that you saved mine ilya. well, evgenia pelidi, ilya’s mother, came to meet you today, kirill,
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come on! let's invite her in any other way, there couldn't be any other way, thank you very much, everything is fine, it's a miracle that you stayed, it's a miracle, only a miracle, yes , they told me that the night before your son was wounded, you had some kind of terrible dream? yes, well, it was on the night of april 25, that is, at approximately 4:00 in the morning, and he was wounded on the twenty-sixth, but this is the state from which i woke up anxious, all these days, well, even there was not enough air constantly, what there was anxiety that something happened or something will happen
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or... well, in the end, yulia called me on april 30th and said that ilya was in the hospital, and the dream was, well, so depressing, i would say, there was fire all around, everything was burning , ashes underfoot, dark low sky, and waking up with this anxious feeling that something happened, or will happen, and yulia already called me on may 1, that is, on... something happened, because she had a voice i was shaking too, they came to moscow, yes, but i was only there for one day, well, i stayed for several hours, but i was there for six hours i was probably inside the hospital, well, how would i prepare myself, but still. to see
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it was already hard, well, yes, emotionally , the only son, in childhood, who did ilya want to become, tell us, well, in his youngest childhood, i won’t say that he especially wanted to be with someone, it’s just that when it happened to him, this he was 12 years old, he fell, he had a through wound on his cheek on his lip, and he said that he would be a surgeon. in principle, this is how it was, he entered, he studied, but did not finish, unfortunately, to my probably regret, that’s why the doctors there all knew him, when the special operation began, you also felt that he might end up there, well, the first time he mentioned it was when
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the mobilization began, well, i... thought that he still wouldn’t get ready, wouldn’t go , but knowing my son, it was in vain to hope that he wouldn’t go there, and it was... i found out very late, that is, already on january 1st i came to the eldest, well, it was my grandson’s birthday, only on this evening he told me that he was leaving on the eleventh, january 11, that is, 10 days in advance, i of course, i didn’t cry, but it was still such a shock, one might even say a stupor, i just remained silent for several minutes, but asked a question, have you made up your mind, you know? you are leaving four children, but he also told me: “mom, you also know why i am going there, the family and homeland are one, that’s all, well, what do you say to kirillo, today you did it
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, you also brought him a little to tears, well in general, i think that they both survived, it’s a miracle to do what he did, it’s true that he saved him, that he helped him, ilya himself would not have survived, it’s true, they’re both strong-willed, and your son is testing out conditioner and shampoo on you, not yet, but he promised, no, i haven’t gotten to my mom yet, but i promised, yes, but he’ll keep his promise, of course. kirill, another person also wanted to meet you, let's look at the screen, do you recognize him, attention, hello, come in, my wife galina, our daughter zlata, we have a small house,
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we bought it 2 years ago with a mortgage, respectively , there is still a lot of work, but we are doing it little by little, we are trying, before i was involved in coaching. hand-to-hand combat, there was a proposal to organize elements of self-defense for women directly in the gym, well, garida came, as they say, took a risk, well, that’s how it all started, like one time she won’t come to training, i’ll call, i start to worry, and then i just realized , that this is not just an experience, but accordingly something more, we are now... this is how the family, the family did not pass without a trace, was seriously wounded in the head, the facial bones of the skull were crushed, and accordingly underwent three
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operations, that’s 120 mortar, this is a fragment of it from this mine, was already removed from the head directly from the front part, so i... brought it home, my wife made me this souvenir, for a very long time he did not get in touch, he called us from the hospital, of course i cried, because that i didn’t understand at all how that was, it was a shock, well , there are not so few awards, but in any case the most valuable is the order of courage, being the commander of an assault group, mind you...
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and a lot has accumulated, and curbs need to be done, put up, there is still work to be done around the house, putting the whole area in order with renewed vigor, well of course, you remember your front-line friends, you want to see them, hug, meet, at least smile at each other, and talk accordingly, this is sangria, we went through training together in the camp, how he became a father to me there. the man has already fought directly, went through chechnya, well , really igor with a poseable sangria, igor tikhonov is here today, let's invite him to our studio, of course, thank you,
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thank you, great! well, how do you feel, what emotions do you have looking at these guys? emotions, the most indescribable, and honestly, even a male connection, but it is sincere and true, i’m very glad to see it, that is, i can’t even convey these emotions, you can’t convey them and tell them. they told me that after you were wounded.
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already as the commander of a reconnaissance group he continued to work, accordingly, but you still have an age difference with kirill, you probably treated him like a son, kirill, do you remember what instructions, igor, yes, instructions yourself there was a lot going on, we lived in the camp in one tent, and the most important thing he said was... don’t fall never in spirit, we’ll break through, yes, don’t stick
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your head out of the trench ahead of time, he said, well, that happened too, and you knew that igor was wounded, you found out this when he himself was already wounded and was on his way home, and you were about to get married found out that he got married, i found out only after i saw this story, i understood perfectly well that yes, but we are still young, thank god, we are all alive, so life goes on, in general , here you already have a party ready, it’s going to yours, now we’ll finish here, especially since for or, we have there is also another pleasant surprise, your front-line comrade ander ertuçlu. today we meet him in our studio, great, great!
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well, how about you guys, i’m really glad to see everyone, yeah, especially ilya, almost a year, yes, it will be in april, you already told our editors that with him you can go on reconnaissance boldly, with ilya, yes, this is really so, we met lya, it turns out, almost at the very beginning. as soon as i got to the front line of contact,
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there was such a situation, and in his eyes i saw very, you know, such calmness and courage, in very extreme situations, exactly the situation was like this, we had a task, to go with reconnaissance to one object, but it was necessary to determine the location of the enemy, or his absence, and... it so happened that we were noticed, well, as we called it, copied , the shelling began, and we began to roll back as a group, that is, at the moment of the rollback , we noticed that we were missing one fighter, so it turned out that it was just ilya, in general, as soon as the shelling began to subside, we rushed. .. to the object again, and in order to find it, but
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suddenly he needs help, a bandage or something like that, and then it turned out very interesting that he comes out of the forest with such a smile, and with such calmness, with a smile he comes out of the forest and says: guys, everything is fine, everything, everything is fine with me, he says, don’t worry, at that moment i realized that yes, really with him... in any in any action in any reconnaissance, but i know that a couple of weeks after. yes, it really was so, and i was carrying out a combat mission, my guys were also overtaken by artillery, they were there wounded me, and i needed to get them out, well, from a position to get them out, that is, what i did, at
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the last moment, when i had already gotten everyone out, a drone dropped from behind me a... a lok shell and , accordingly, three fragments hit me, one of them hit the arm, damaged the vascular nerve bundle, the arm immediately dropped, that is , it completely stopped working, and the artery was also damaged, literally 10 meters from me was the position of our guys from another unit, so i... ran before them, they lit me on fire, called an evacuation group and artillery shelling began, that is, the evacuation group was unable to reach due to the correspondingly hot drops of shells, yeah, and as soon as
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everything calmed down a little, i also independently reached the evacuation point, but for me. it seems to me that your example is very important, because the doctors gave you little chance that your hand would begin to function as it should, but you yourself developed your own rehabilitation system, what did you do, so that now i know that it works perfectly, yes, it really does so, the doctor, the neurosurgeon made the diagnosis nerve damage, and well, nerves are such a thing that they don’t always exist. grow together correctly, and that is, probably 90% of them told me that i would not be able to restore the full functionality of my arm, which i categorically disagreed with, so what did i do, i took up physical exercise, physical work, and that is, through pain you loaded yourself, through pain, and
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loaded your arm, that is, i thought like this, if the nervous system does not work, then i will restore the muscular system so that it replaces the nerves. you were also awarded a medal for courage, but tell me, do you know kirill? we saw kirill and on the front end, but there was no way to communicate closely, but because i was transferred to one platoon, then transferred to another platoon, that is, often there was this movement, as it were, and your name is ander as unusual as history? you can say that it’s really from a turkish tv series, because my dad is turkish and my mom is russian, let’s do another small advertisement now, in a few minutes there will be new surprises, new meetings, one more a fighting friend of the guys and a girl whose letter
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ilya received when he was being treated in the hospital and carefully keeps it to this day. don't switch. black eyes, passionate eyes! it’s hard to believe, but at the grave of the main gypsy of the ussr, people’s artist nikolai slichenko, 3 years after his death , a monument has not been erected, a million-dollar inheritance, divided between children, on an unkempt grave, only the rejected first wife, sitara slichenko, cries. i didn’t know where to go, out of shame. our investigation into the secrets of abandoned graves continues. malakhov. on the russia channel. vasya is arrested. premiere on rtr. vasily would not damage the car so that a person would get into an accident. there are facts, there is evidence. if he had an ironclad alibi, he would not have
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been arrested. we were together. just all day? you also think it's me. i know that you are not capable of this. i believe you, alla taxi today on rtr, gin сnop, a product of steller group, you sleeplessly toss and turn all night with your old pillows, and wake up completely broken, tense, now with with that out of the way, we present the dremalina svon pillow, a comfortable pillow for relaxation. that wraps around your entire body to optimally align it so you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the dremalinost pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your. back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike
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product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today on rtf. once again, good afternoon, front-line meetings of comrade novoseltsev. today in our studio the hero of the program, thirty-eight-year-old ilya novoseltsev, father of four children, volunteered for the front. a year ago, while performing a combat mission, he was seriously wounded and lost his arm. now ilya is at home looking for his comrades in arms, if you just came from work today. ilya met with kirill shepilov, who saved his life after the wounding of inder martuchlu, who became his
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brother at the front. ilya’s savior kirill shepilov also met with his front-line friend, mentor igor tikhonov , call sangria, as well as ilya’s mother, evgenia avramovna, who came to thank him for saving her son. but i want to say that behind the scenes there is another hero we have, whom you have not seen for a year, this is your colleague andrei. andrey, i know that you were very worried about kirill, because he was in your department and you sent him on a mission, yes, i spent the whole year
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on andrey all year, as it were, in general, well, i knew that he was, well, alive, healthy, everything, but he knows, to know one thing, yes, to see, as if all i blamed myself for a year for the fact that i sent him on this mission, so he left, and after 3 days we received a message that they came under fire, that while he was still wounded, he still managed to save ilya, that ilya’s arm was torn off, so we started look, let's go with... as if i saw that in general, that he was here, finally, yes, that he was alive, wait, healthy, that i could, yes, no matter how it was, i wanted it anyway
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i had such a feeling of guilt, you know, well , what i sent, firstly, yes, i would have known what... happened, of course, well, again , there was no choice, in principle, well, he responded himself here, he’s like that everywhere, as they say, he’s the first everywhere, i can do anything, i can do anything, so they hit a mudslide, there was just serious shelling, it’s actually a miracle that they survived, it’s also a miracle that he managed to, well, pulled out more ilya, this is generally, as they say, beyond the realm of fantasy, so i want to tell you, but i want to say that we here insist on the wedding, so you know, to pass by the zaksa - that's one thing, but what about playing?
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when ilya was in the north military district, svyatoslav was most worried because he is our father’s son zlata, well, since due to her age she was still quite small at that time, she did not react like that, and she did not know at that time that i had an injury such that i don’t have a hand, she grabs my sleeve, but it’s
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empty, well, she was upset, she worried for a long time. still sometimes, well, rarely now, well, it happens that dad, how bad, says that you don’t have a hand, you can’t hug me, like with both hands there and so on, well everything, everything, everything, listen my dear, the main thing is that he’s alive, i loved him just as much as 15 years ago, he’s 14, i love him now, it doesn’t matter to me, he has a hand, he doesn’t have a hand, life goes on, he was in the hospital and well, there are always some documents needed. sign, it was like i was putting some strange squiggles there, and i was lying there and thinking, maybe i’ll come, and if something like this happened, then you need to immediately make yourself a good handwriting, not the same as it once was on the right, immediately good, i squeezed the prose from my son, here are the chopsticks little by little, hooks, when i went to first grade when i
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was in the hospital, julia started. from the girl, dear soldier, thank you for your courage, for your courage in battles, we are proud of you, every conquered city, liberated village, village is a joy for all people, when it’s difficult for you, always remember your family and friends, remember, that your family is waiting for you, thank you, victory will be ours, we are waiting for you winners, take care of yourself,
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ilkaeva kamil, fourth grade a, i would like to find her, to thank her, to say thank you very much to her, when i read the letter, i just realized that everything was not in vain, but according to the film, after 9 months the housewarming party had only three boys, so you overtook your movie namesake, and as for kamila, then...
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yes, this is for you, this is a little fox, the symbol of our city of saransk, and i want to give it to you so that it will protect you and your family too, thank you very much. where did you write the letter, hello, how did it happen, do you see what an important role your message played in the rehabilitation of ilya? well, last year at our school there was a lesson in courage, the class teacher suggested that we write a letter to the soldiers, and i immediately agreed, because i know how important our support is, that every letter reminds them of home, i didn’t even think that i would ever meet a soldier, to whom my letter has arrived, i want to say thank you very much for keeping my letter, look, ilya’s mother, it seems to me, she also wants to hug you, my dear,
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thank you, dear, thank you very much, thank you for such a son and a miracle , what we i met you, and you are in the cadet class, as i understand it, right? yes, i’m studying in the first class, and tell me, maybe you’ll invite ilya to speak to the students in front of you, yes, i invite you to visit our school, speak to the students, thank you very much, i’ll definitely come, albino, and you could to imagine that a letter to my daughter would create such a cycle, it would turn out to be, oh, for us, i couldn’t even imagine that the letter would reach my daughter ilya. it’s a great honor for us today to meet ilya, his family, and also with his colleagues, i want to say
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a big thank you, guys, for protecting us, you are our pride, i know that you also have someone now, yes, we also have uncle camilla serving in our family now, interesting story, because you see, ilya always wanted to be a doctor, but tell ilya who kamil’s great-grandmother and great-grandfather were? great-grandmother and great-grandfather served in the great patriotic war, grandmother was a nurse, grandfather fought on the front line, was wounded several times, but also returned to the front, reached berlin, in general, everyone is a little connected. somewhere in a past life with medicine you are here, well, yes, yes, yes, camilla also has a dream of becoming a doctor. here is another volunteer to test your
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shampoos, okay, the group is growing, yes, thank you, andrey, i want to say, andrey, thank you very much for the invitation, for such warm meetings, we are very glad. but it seems to me that sometimes we misunderstand the importance of some small, at first glance, modest actions that can result in something more, you see how the letter, yes, it was written, maybe during the day in class, and supported ilya, yes, ilya returned, raises his children, comes up with new words in cosmetology, yes, that is, it’s always some kind of invisible, invisible... unite the residents of our big country and i...


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