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tv   Alla-taksi  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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a wedding garden with a pavilion for special ceremonies will also appear on the shore, and a restaurant with a summer terrace will be opened next to the pier. one of the masterpieces of viktor vosnetsov, the famous heroes today left their usual place in the tretyakov gallery. the painting was removed from the wall for the first time in 30 years in order to carry out a restoration inspection. the safety of the canvas needs to be checked in advance of the grandiose exhibition, which will open in may. report by polina iermalaeva. velichava, ilya murmets peers into the future, as if not noticing how many heroes of the twenty-first century are around today, with hands and ropes, holding the 3x4 m canvas, vosnetsov’s masterpiece is removed from the wall. more, more, more, then carefully placed on soft pads, freed from protective material, this is patiently concentrated, and only the female part of the restoration department is engaged in this.
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on small carts the canvas goes on a big journey, this is an epic spectacle worthy of the heroes of the picture. through the halls of vereshchagin and surikovo, where recently the same the operation was performed on boyanya morozova before being sent to the exhibition in st. petersburg. we just had a great workout at boyana morozovo, and we have good experience, but these works never left their places.
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and so the picture is carefully placed on the sheet of paper. the task of restorers is to work with the subframe. you need to attach a foam board backing. to put it simply, for rich people it’s like an orthopedic mattress. in the absence of such a substrate, the canvas falls into the cells of the stretcher, you need efforts. the edges of the old burnt canvas cannot withstand it, they tear. meanwhile, specialists are inspecting the frame. it is well preserved. vosnetsov was concerned about the quality of not only the painting, but...
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the painter considered the canvas his creative duty, an obligation to his native people, and soon the masterpiece will go to krymsky val, where it will become one of the central exhibits of vasnetsov’s grandiose exhibition, the connection of generations from the nineteenth to the 21st century. polina ermalaeva, artur nurmakhametov, anastasia roev and konstantin rodin, news! drivers who on sunday afternoon from 14:40 to 15:30 they were on the section of the road between chernogolovka and the village. botov, the ministry of internal affairs asks for dvr recordings. this may help in finding the criminal who shot two police officers in the moscow region. they waited for the drug dealer, who was supposed to take 2 kg of miphidron from the stash, but during the arrest the suspect opened fire. one policeman died on the spot, his partner was in the hospital, the shooter fled on a motorcycle and has not yet been found. the issue of incitement is being decided in the commune criminal case of illegal migration in relation to. and the owner of an illegal hostel in
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an apartment building, its residents are bothered by the noise, drunken fights and unsanitary conditions that are caused by the guests of this and dozens of other similar shelters, so far only one landlord has been found, with details from dmitry blinnikov. they are unceremonious and noisy, they are not afraid of anyone, the guests of the illegal hostel in the communal apartments feel like masters here, why are you coming into my apartment? in this residential complex they have been fighting for the closure of the illegal hostel for 5 years, but so far unsuccessful, and the number of guests of this mini-hotel is not only not decreasing, but is only increasing every year. at one time, businessmen bought up a residential complex.
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new star, several apartments are rented daily, there are 659 apartments in total, probably 300 apartments are definitely rented, drunkenness, screaming, scandals, everything is in order here. their condition is simply inadequate; they have to let the spouse leave the house only with a spray can. these shots show a massive fight in the yard or near the elevator, the tenant attacked her neighbor with a knife. each apartment is inhabited by 5-10 people at a time, sellers, taxi drivers, workers from the neighboring construction site, you can see it from the windows. the residents of the house conducted their investigation and identified the owner of one of the mini-hotels as a woman, tatyana kim, she had already acted as a star before and on this topic, yes, she does not react at all from the word at all in this video from
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social networks tatyana kim boasts of her earnings income from this studio, we are filling everything out well from the last week about 100%. i am pleased. at the request of the residents, the owner of the shelter was called. management company for a conversation, but when she saw the journalists, she hurried to leave, i don’t want to just yet, exhausted residents called the police, reinforced squads entered the apartments and checked documents, at the moment we found you here, but didn’t go, many assured that they were living in another place, you ended up in the apartment by accident, now you don’t live here, you came to make a wedding, well, you came here for things, that means you lived here, your things were here. based on the fact of each violation, protocols were drawn up against the owner of one of the hostels, and pre-investigation check. the issue of bringing the owner of one of the apartments to criminal liability under article 322.1 of the criminal code of russia for organizing illegal migration is being resolved. this group was detained
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directly during the raid, but according to residents, immediately after the police left , new guests began to move into the apartments. dmitry blinnikov, evgeny mokunev, georgy mayorov, anastasia roif, news. this concludes our release, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website, right now the allataxi series, immediately after the author’s release of nikita mikhalkova’s program besagon at 23:30 on the russian channel. speak, speak, i have not listened enough, i have become
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so obedient for you, a white mare. say with a stern expression that i have become beautiful, beckoned, beckoned, given wings, showed with your eyes where to fly, speak, speak, but goodbye, you just couldn’t restrain yourself. promised, begged, gave wings, showed with his eyes where to fly, gave him something to drink, water from behind the palm of his hand, said that you won’t touch him,
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i forgot myself. there will be someone at the checkout, no, i’m going, i’m going, i’m going, seryoga, what do you have, well, i found something to snack on, especially one that’s expired, carefully, look, i could buy some potatoes to go with the sausages, take care of your stomach, and then max arrived and brought the goods , we need to unload, he has the invoices, go, i’ll change the menu, of course. hello, what do you want, some white bread, come on, put it in already, come on, come on, come on quickly, that’s all with the baking, yes, give me water, with gas,
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with gas, like two, like, oh, oh, come here, on. .. now we have to go to the city to get the goods, val, so we haven’t unloaded it yet, so move, guys, come on quickly, max, stop chilling there, what are you doing, felony? rest, work! valya, it’s five minutes here, i can’t possibly make it in time today, well , you’ll spend the night in the city, there’s a guest house there at the retail outlet, wait, maybe until tomorrow somehow, well , i need to get vasya ready for the flight, get everything ready, no, i have to tear it up, while the consumer union paid the debts, she told me the consumer union paid the debts, i need to tear it up, oh, you have a flight, i need to collect it. oh, are you going with max or something? well, yes, with whom else? look at me,
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what? vasya, come on, tell me, what, yes, mom, oh, why do i need to go to grandma, dad only has a flight in the morning, and then why is he toiling around here alone? soul, what kind of reading, it’s the holidays , i won’t go without the console, well, you can’t get away from her, vasily, tell him what kind of parents you are, mom, hello, hello, this, listen to grandma, okay, son, let’s do it let’s agree, no more than an hour a day, yes, that ’s great, he’s making ropes out of you. vasya , you don’t remember where the new jeans are, but look, two t-shirts
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, a t-shirt, jeans, panties, socks, as usual , in piles, vasya, where did you throw the new jeans in the washing machine or leave them in the car, but i don’t remember that? our what? you carry it, well, that’s how we got married, you wear it, well, well, yes, well, max, hmm,
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what do you think your wife wears? i don’t remember, she has something like that, like a flower, but she has courage, what does she have, well, what is that? courage, and you in this sense, no, with this matter with us, well, everything is more or less, regularly, oh, yes, well, why are you asking, vasya has turned into a draft dodger or something, why, everything is fine here, listen, stop, yeah. yeah, thank you
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very much, please go away, what do you have here, hello, i don’t see, can i white robe, try it, it smells delicious, of course, it’s yours, seven, or maybe a pink one, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, weigh it by a kilogram. or maybe he’ll get an a, that’s absolutely perfect, well , let’s try, take a very high-quality thing, you’ll wear it for 100 years, i’ll take it, well, now i’d like to wear it with courage in front of vasiya,
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mash, hi, yes, everything’s fine, tell me, are you okay? of my power of attorney, can you give max five boxes? great, but what about by proxy? mash, thank you, that means, now you’re stopping me at a small wholesale store, now i’m with him i'll agree. we'll take care of the household goods for today, listen, you're great, you've come up with a great idea, that's what love does to people,
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where the devil brought it from, we need to ask you, you said for the whole night, for the whole night, get dressed, well done, hey , what, you wanted to talk, you forgot your purse! wait, there’s a conversation, fuck off, i want to report on the databases, it’s not urgent, well, no, i’m reading, but wait, wait, wait, what am i talking about,
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fuck off, talk to your husband, i’m coming now . yourself, where are they going, huh? she sent me to the city, and she went crazy in someone else’s bed, now for you, now, the champagne is flowing with my
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husband, in front of one, in front of one, in front of one, to you, but you’ll drown it, don’t worry, it won’t drown, are you fired? vasya, what do you have there?
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come out, i can’t see you, listen, why did you organize this whole circus, and set the whole village on edge, i organized it, you don’t confuse anything, now there will be conversations for years to come, well, the country should know its heroes, reliable stallion vasily. and his preoccupied valentina, listen, you watch your language, but you don’t watch your language, that’s what vasya, you can’t stand it just like that. it was, yes, right there to dump her on our bed, al, well, well, well, well, it happened, happened, well, well, yes, well, everything happens in life, well, well, well, well, what now , everything, quietly,
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quietly, yes, quietly, yes, and what am i, i’m not making money, or something, everyone is yelling, your pennies, but they only have toilet paper, he ’s been dumping them for a long time, and yes, the mixture, well, stop it already, well, i’ve woken up the whole village, and that’s all you’re worried about, but that’s it, wait, wait, well, let’s talk normally, or come on, hold on! really, let's talk it’s okay, i’m even interested, well, i’m listening, well, there’s nothing special about it, well, it’s like, well, i
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don’t know, well, it’s like quitting stress, you know, well, well, i’m a man, it’s not structured like that here you have these feelings back and forth, why are you out of the blue, but in general, what are you following me about? but you’re right, vasya, really, it’s all my fault, that’s what i’m saying, i showed up at the wrong time while you were shopping for her senselessly, yes, don’t tremble, mother’s tervis , what’s wrong, i cut it, yours, kolya, kolya, fire, alka and vaska are burning, but don’t touch, i ’m telling you,
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just think, i love you, and you, please, take your seat, stewardess on friday,
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gin сnop product of steller group, rest - leave yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely
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switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection boater. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, the titanic deluxe golf hotel, where every moment is
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exclusive, wrap it up! yourself in the comfort of our swimming pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants, here each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your holiday is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday, mom, where will you go, everything yurka is already there alone, so vasya should go to his mother now where else? well, if you want, let’s come to us, but no, yurk
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will wake up in the morning. i’m not here, i understand, can i bring things to my place, yes, of course, of course, you can, damn, good morning, why did you rearrange the vase so that yura didn’t drop it playfully, but there’s no need to run around in the kitchen, she burned down her house, now she came here to give orders, i didn’t burn anything, who threw lit candles yesterday? i
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didn’t light any candles, you ask your son who and what should i ask, i ’ll decide that myself, by the way, i gave you the down payment on the house, i also worked for this house, your whole family is like that, everyone, my father drank his house away, well, now i’ve burned it down, why... why are you doing this, you know very well that dad wasn’t himself after mom’s death, that he deceived when selling a house, when your dad was in himself, that’s what you, that your dad, why have you climbed onto someone else’s neck and won’t get off it, enida alexandrovna, why do you pretend that your son is an angel with wings, you’re great you know what happened, the whole village knows about it, i kicked my man out of my
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house, your sixth? sit and be silent in a rag, and not run around the whole village disgracing your own, good morning, oh, yura, hello, yura, hello, good morning, come on, sit down, everything is ready, mom, and all my toys are burnt, well no why are we doing something managed to get it out. dad, when we take my toys, not now yuritz is tired, you’re always tired, like you’re talking to your father, but i’m talking normally,
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fuck off. you're going to have breakfast, what do you think? “now i’ll bring you a clean t-shirt, do you even understand what you’ve done, i wonder what i’ve done, but that’s all, it’s the whole circus, you can’t walk through the village, you burned the house at work , you disgraced me, that is, it’s my fault, i’m
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a valk planted it on you, but what does that have to do with it?” "well , it was, it was, listen, where did you even see men so that i could do this, well, well, no you're a fucking idiot, what are you doing, well, mom, let's go. let's take my things, otherwise dad doesn't want to, yura, i told you, now is not the time, get out of here, of course, of course, we'll take it, go, i'll come now, don't you dare take it out on the child, yes i'm because of him, yes i i can’t stand you, i would have left a long time ago. you’re putting up with it, and you thought that you washed the dishes, brought 3 kopecks from the store, and that i have to justify myself to you forever, that means you’ll run to valki, and i’ll put up with it, and even if it’s like this, i’m going to bed,
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i’ve got a flight in the evening, and collect everything i need. and the fool, yura, we’re leaving, where to go to grandpa’s place. we’ll go to the river with our little soul, dad, dad is sleeping, wake me up, yes,
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of course, tomorrow i’ll be like a bayonet. mom, let's go, let's go, let's go. here we are, hello, go, natusya, hello,
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sisters, well done, hello, my dear, welcome, dad, hello, hello, dacha, what are you passing through? here he is right with her, and you saw it, right? what, he said, i had to put up with, a bastard, just a bastard, a reptile, natasha, when
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to the river, soon, anatole, you really, drive him to the river, and i’m here with nina, she’ll give us, friend. well, it will, yes, or maybe it won’t, that’s the thing here, women’s solidarity should be included, i think, and it won’t include anything else, so, let him swim in this, it smells like coral, and what did you think, the house burned down ? ? what's there, natasha? my whole life has burned up, al, alochka, my poor thing, well, that’s it,
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that’s it, that’s it, little sister, yes, everything’s fine. natasha, there’s still a long wait, go, go with him to the river, just make sure he wipes himself thoroughly there, go, go. where are you going to live now? but what’s so incomprehensible here? this is where they are going to live, that’s why they came, aunt nina, i wanted to ask you, this is for the first time, nin, listen, but i can sleep on the terrace, for example, but will you send me to the neighbors in the greenhouse to sleep?
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“i’ll think that you can rent part of the house from the cows, the main thing is that there is money, that’s what i’ll tell you, dear comrades, for 13 years you ’ve been sitting on my neck, living in my house, on my pension, of course, i understand everything, i paid off my mortgage, built my own nest, but
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no one wants to understand me, no? what, are you going to give up your drunkard? are you going to get a normal pension? or are you going to get a job? what? a month to you i give. get into trouble, then, excuse me, my house is not made of rubber, nin, and if you take it with you, i’ll say thank you, i’m not angry, she, i’ll cook dinner now. feed yura when he comes from the river, and i’ll get the work book
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so that tomorrow i’ll go straight to work, or i’ll get it, and i’ll tie it to god, you have potatoes in piles, now i’ll bring it myself, healthy, petrovna, be careful, fir-trees, yes, i understand, oh, hi, hi, hi, quiet, quiet, be careful,
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hello, hello, vasya, hi, what have you got there? i'm sleeping, i'm off into the night, oh, i'm sorry, i'm not i knew, it’s just that someone came to me here, so you’re confusing me so that i’m nearby.
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i will live the way i want, damn it, i’m gone, i left home, they don’t answer calls, and you ’re sure that it’s good, you know your daughter, well now, what to do, everything will be fine, if suddenly you need my help , call at any time, pop, it’s not scary, lyuba, you, no, oh, another girl, friend polina, they study in college together, it’s so difficult to restrain ourselves from making noise from this uncertainty, we will endure it. and that's not the case brings us together, like a common misfortune, let's try to live together, maybe it will work out, weeping little one, premiere on saturday on rtr.
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rom castro is a product of the stellor group, allow yourself a first-class holiday with. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for
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you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cognac monte shococa, product of stellar group. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god,
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went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression of the production, but russia comes and the city lives. program by boris kovchevnikov. life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. i'm completely crazy. yes, where are you anyway? what kind of bullshit is this? there are fragments all over the house, you took your work, now every penny counts, where will your mother find another job for you? i don’t need to look for any job, i’ve already found it in the oatmeal, why? how
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are you going to get there? i won't get anywhere, i will live next to nina, together with yum. what? vasya, i left you. i took yurka, so you can sleep with your valka legally . advice to you and love. so, so, i collected my and yurka’s things, for the rest, if vasya comes, let him do whatever he wants with them, wait, well, you’ve definitely decided, you won’t regret it later, no.
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okay, hello, mom, who is it? where did you lose your horn? well, come on! we buy us a beer, beer makes our bellies grow, well, you can shape up your belly without beer,
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i’m daydreaming, vadim, hi, listen to what’s going on there’s something happening near the store, there are kids running around here, i’ll disperse everyone, well, let’s get registered as agreed, i brought my work permit, and aunt katya changed her mind about retirement, like she changed her mind, she was getting ready yesterday, well, she doubted something and changed her mind, here. “listen, well, i understand, but now everyone is just holding on to their place with their teeth, you know it yourself,
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thank you, but tell you what, i ’ll give you my phone number now, now, lenka, well, remember, lenka kolmanovskaya, she gave in to the city, works in the market." and there salespeople are always needed, but how can i go up the mountain with a child, where will i live, what kind of apartment to rent, thank you.
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yurka, oh, dad has arrived, yur, come here, dad, we 're playing. come on, i told someone, come here, listen, you’re more alive, you can somehow, well, come on, come on, come on, what, let’s go, where, let’s take your things, i’ll take you to grandma, i don’t want to go to grandma , quickly get into the car, are you taking him, i didn’t ask.
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yes, natasha, i'll be there soon, what, when, i, hey! wait, wait, wait, talk, let’s go, they didn’t try to call a taxi by phone, my child was kidnapped. well, my father took it, not a stranger, why?
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stole it right away? we're breaking up, yeah, well then, and you, just, i'm sorry, you're not the same right away, yes, you didn't think that he and his father would be better off, well, it's just that everything is now mother, mother, and, you know, there are mothers too such that... “this, i’m not talking about you, this is me, well , in general, i’m a good mother, a very good one, and he ’s taken to the park once every six months, and everything depends on me, well, maybe you’ll make up again , no, i can’t live with a man who stepped
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over me and seems to be proud of it, he’s a man, and you tolerate it, i can’t, i even, i i don’t even want to try, well, if everything is so broken, then of course yes, napkins, bags. son, yes, i’m behind yura,
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i disgraced my husband, now you want to ruin the child’s life? what does it mean to spoil? i’m a mother, how can i ruin his life? well, let 's think, let's think about how you want to put him in a house that is barely heated in winter, next to his alcoholic grandfather, and what will you feed on nina's pension? well, i’m not a colleague, i’ll get a job, i ’ll find housing, so yura, yura, yura! what are you shouting? no court will give the child to the mother, where there is no work and living area, and you won’t find any work here anywhere, not in the oatmeal, anywhere in the area. so it was you who arranged all this, brilliant, it was you who intimidated vadim,
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the head of administration is threatening the store director, huh? what were they threatening, huh? we will not give yurka back to you and any judgment will be on our country. how did you come to our house, beggar, go like that. zinaida alexander, the conversation is over. how much do i owe? i’ll bring it now, i just have 500 cards with me, i ’ll bring it now, give me 250 for the one way trip, fine.
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70 rubles is not enough, i was going to raise the baby alone, no, why is it so expensive, that’s all i found, thank you. yes, what is it,
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carry it. “i’m nobody and there’s no way to call me, they won’t give me my son, no education, no job, no husband, it’s good that my mother didn’t live to see my shame, that you say that, it’s a pity, if it weren’t for you, they sent me to my grandfather’s house, like mom didn’t, you’re kind and smart.” you did everything for my father and me, what i do is cook, wash, cook, everyone can do this, not everyone, ninka can’t even eat potatoes maybe it’s not tasty, natasha, i haven’t achieved anything except that i fry the potatoes well. i’ll go to the city,
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vadim said that the market always needs sellers. i’ll get settled in, i’ll pick up yurka, don’t worry, mom, i’ll do everything right,
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come over, take some pies, homemade pies, yes, i’m waiting for you, i told you that this is dvara, hello, lena, i’m alla from oatmeal, remember, yes, of course, i remember, vadim called me, samvel knows, but he hasn’t come yet, samvel, well, the owner of the tent, well, i’ll wait, wait, of course, listen, but i don’t know when he’ll come, the authorities are like doesn’t report, come on, girls,
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let’s take the tomatoes, my tomatoes are good tomatoes, maybe i can help, let’s stretch the tires, go around there, great, come here, come. what to do, hold on now, let's fill it with a tomato, how many 80 tomatoes, how many 80, the smell is amazing, let's get a couple, let's get a kilogram right away, you won't regret it. well done, please, thank you, we’re not passing, but we’re coming, dill,
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garlic, onion, carrot, sugar, sweet, what do you want, beets, maybe a tomato, a kilo, two or three, who are you, hello, samalanovich, hello, who this, this, this is alla, remember, vadim recommended from the oatmeal, vadim is not a decree here, these are my recommendations, that’s what’s needed, my niece has arrived, she will work, hey, who am i, come, come, bring it here, come on, come on, come on, come on, take it, hello, what do you have pies with potatoes and cabbage with, right? than pies 30 rub. why is it so expensive? so they still take a man?


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