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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 8, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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the first delivery to flooded orsk is drinking water. this was the main request from the region. our water producers and transport companies responded very quickly. and today 30 tons of bottled water will go to neighbors. these are two odds. well, tomorrow another car with water will head to orsk. our regions are constantly in touch, we will help. irina, thank you. we still have time, we will move to kizyl. this is republic tv and aldenka sabuyan works there today. alden to hello, the horse racing season is open in the region, how are they popular and what are the prizes? hello, denis, to avoid unnecessary disputes, prizes for champions are distributed by lot. this time it was an atv car, horse competitions for the republic, almost like a religion, the most prestigious event - a race on tuvan breed horses. the competitions take place in an open field, in tuva - it’s like a show. spectators come from all over the republic, and the horse breeders themselves prepare for it. long before the day
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of the competition, the horses are put on a special diet and trained for a month; we always have good horses and smart horse breeders are popular. aldynka, thank you, colleagues, have a good broadcast, then our broadcast will continue with regional news with residents of moscow and the moscow region, we’ll see you in just a few seconds, don’t switch. the area of ​​flooded areas in the moscow region has increased, 15 urban districts are affected, 13 roads are blocked, will the weather allow the flood to subside quickly? operations under a microscope or joint replacement in advanced cases , a new technique has appeared at the trauma center of the zhukovsk hospital, what is it does it mean for patients? engineering digital
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systems, acquaintance with in-demand professions, a college festival started in moscow, and how this education system is changing. the kolumenskaya reserve museum is undergoing a large-scale reconstruction, what is included in the project and where work will begin first. employees of the ministry of internal affairs appealed to drivers who were on the section of the road between. chernogolovka and the village of botovo between 14:39 and 15 hours 30 minutes. they are asked to provide dashcam footage. this is necessary for investigation into an attack on police officers who were trying to detain a drug dealer. the suspect opened fire. as a result, one of the law enforcement officers died on the spot, the second is in hospital in serious condition. the shooter fled the scene. motorcycle crime. the main
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version of the attack by employees is that it was committed in order to impede their legitimate activities. during the initial investigative actions , forensic investigators have already inspected the site and seized six shell casings and other items. appointed to conduct a number of examinations. during the seizure, official documentation was confiscated and searches were conducted. in the moscow region , villages and holiday villages in 15 plots and bridges are now in the flood zone. to get to work, residents have almost a dozen roads and several have to travel on boats and amphibians. in the same way, rescuers deliver food to village residents. when the water starts to recede, alexey knur found out. first, from home by taxi, in order to catch the boat, it runs for a certain time, we waited for the boat, on the boat we were brought here, then on a minibus, we left on friday. i arrived at 2 o'clock at 6, it took 4
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hours to get there. beloomut catchers dedinovo slyomsk borki the route from home to work for residents of these villages in lukhovitsy is a real test; they have to storm the water barrier even on all-terrain vehicles. regional rescuers are helping local residents with the crossing. amphibians run on a schedule like a regular bus. per day, the total number of people transported is about. 350 people, that year we were planting, this is where the trees are, where we are now leaving water, this year, i say why more, because we ourselves could see that we were traveling much further. this year's ak showed the nature of such a spring spill , neither the rescuers nor the silk residents themselves can remember. here, on the bus, we passed there closer to the mountain. the amphibious all-terrain vehicle has to travel an extra half kilometer from the crossing. the reason is that the water level is incredibly high this year. roads. flooded even
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where in normal times they remain dry, here is one of such places, and a passenger car or a passenger bus will definitely not pass here, however, these places are drowned from year to year, the villagers are accustomed to the spring revelry of the elements, nature does not have bad weather, the area is such, what to do? we are locals, we have lived our whole lives, now we have a lot of time in retirement, we decided to take a ride and see the spill. the flood affected 15 districts of the moscow region, almost 2,000 households were flooded, 13 sections of roads and six bridges were under water. in snt, it’s a lye morning, the water has flooded not only areas, but also houses, food and medicine are being delivered to residents by rescuers by water. majority of course he’s leaving, but we have 11 people here now, and now we’re bringing them food. everything, of course, has to be kept on the second floor, it’s hard for the animals because they can’t walk or even literally go outside, for the residents of the village of peshkogo near noginsk, the flooded areas turned out to be an unpleasant surprise, they had never encountered this before, my plot located here from the nasoka, where there are birch trees, here completely, where
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it is flooded with water, this is my plot, which i purchased for the construction of a residential houses, but unfortunately, i can’t carry out construction due to the fact that we have flooded areas with formed on the site of former collective farm fields, when the land was sold, no one warned that it could end up in a flood zone, this is not the first year, the first year this year we were flooded with mud, before that we also had a problem on the street, we don’t have any rainfall, well, there are no conditions even so as not to pass, not to drive, however, the rate of water rise has already decreased, the flood reached its peak in in the near future the rivers, along with them, life in the flooded villages will begin to return to its usual.
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but still above the norm, so the whole week is really warm already tomorrow in the south of the moscow region we are waiting for 20:21, even short local rains will not interfere, in the north of the region it is still cooler 17:17, but even this level in may, in the first ten days of april, and the nights are also very warm, in moscow, the coming night is about +10, in the daytime about 20, cloudy with clearing in some places, light rain, on wednesday afternoon there is no precipitation and the wind is southerly, so... the result is june 21:23, but on thursday weather will begin to change, the pressure will drop, it will become a little fresher, since friday it’s already restrained 10:15, but for now we are welcoming the second april summer, the temperature is good, but we can correct the precipitation to remove the rain, next time, thank you, lightly - said victoria
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chernikova. sergei sobyanin spoke today on his blog about the start of large-scale improvement of the kolomenskaya reserve museum. first of all , the embankment will be put in order, the pedestrian part will be expanded. a place will be allocated for a treadmill, cafes and stations will be located along the entire route rentals and playgrounds, shopping pavilions and a restaurant with a summer terrace will appear next to the pier, a wedding garden will be created on the moscow river, especially for special events, we are creating a pier that goes into the bed of the moscow river, this is where everyone can be accommodated at the amphitheater guests, and you can perform this incredible ritual... a combination right on the moscow river with a beautiful view, a picturesque, calm environment, to remember this event forever. the traumatology center of the zhukovsky hospital held an open day doors to show off their latest equipment. with its help, doctors
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were able to put into practice high-tech treatment of the most complex joint injuries. guests were able to consult with specialists, and those who needed it received referrals for operations. report by anastasia makhina. we can hospitalize you on may 15 and operate on you on may 16. at the first consultation, based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes surgical treatment of the joint. all that remains is to pass all the tests. we try still undergo organ-conserving surgery. that is, prosthetics are only a last resort. therefore, we have a unique opportunity, technology, that allows us to preserve the joint without changing it. at an open day at the regional traumatology center. all operations are carried out according to compulsory medical insurance, the patient just needs to come on the appointed day,
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if there is no chance of saving the joint, doctors will install a prosthesis, the size will be selected individually for each patient, and the cartilaginous structures will be sawed off in order to then be placed in this place. component, that is, our new prosthesis, this is a knee replacement operation, it takes about 40 minutes for the surgeons of the center, immediately after, without leaving the operating room, the doctor can take an x-ray using an electronic... here are the components of the endoprosthesis, they are all installed as needed, and after the operation we check them, look at them and take the patient to the tent. this is another new product of the center, an arthroscopic stand for minimally invasive operations. the doctor places this camera in the joint cavity and it transmits the image to the monitor, while magnifying it by 30 times. thus, the surgeon sees all changes in the joint down to the smallest detail, and this increases accuracy. such manipulations are less traumatic. very often patients can be discharged on the day of surgery and recovery is easier. this year we have already done 120
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hip joints, 78 knee joints have been performed, this is from the large one, not counting the lighter operations. and over the past year , more than 3,000 operations were performed, not only residents of moscow and the region are helped here, for example, andrey came to treat knee in zhikovsky from surgut. this is not my first surgery, precisely on this joint, after the first operation i had a complication. the most in-demand professions in this field. another event dedicated to
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the engineering industry took place on the eve. high school students could take part in master classes, work on machines, see a robot battle, and also communicate with employers to understand what specialties are now in demand. our participants, children from moscow schools and not only moscow schools, can get acquainted with a large number. equipment, because this is where students
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spend most of their time, which educational institutions included in the modernization program and their workshops, new laboratories , and how classes are now conducted, maxim aparin saw. melting the root as deeply as possible means that the connection is as strong as possible. classes for a group of welders at the city college of the capital begin with theory, but this part does not last long. all these guys already know how to operate a welding machine.
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practice, which is why now in workshops it is impossible to master a working profession without and students spend 70% of their study time in laboratories. many colleges have been equipped with outdated equipment for a long time. since the beginning of the year, more than thirty vocational education institutions have updated their material and technical base. the capital educational complex purchased welding machines and stone cutting machines.
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laying wires so that they can connect the internet, various connections in offices, that is, this is a fairly popular specialty, having such opportunities moscow college students come to practice at companies as almost ready-made specialists, so the demand for workers among industrial enterprises in the capital is growing. many students start working already in their first year. in colleges they are transferred to an individual training schedule. employers come to us so that children come forward and go to work for them. we draw up an individual schedule for them, that is, there is
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an order from the director, according to which the child comes on certain days, takes the exam, yes rents there. some subjects, the rest of the time he is directly working in his profession. by the end of this year , another 230 workshops and laboratories of capital colleges will receive new equipment. maxim aparen, yaroslav faulov, danila klishchevsky and maria rudakova. news. today the moscow cable car was closed for 10 days. this break is necessary for scheduled maintenance, which must take place every six months. during this time , they will check and lubricate all the mechanisms and tighten the bolts at the joints. all this affects safety travel for passengers, the cable car will reopen on april 18. we have a few minutes of advertising ahead, we will definitely continue, stay with us. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest. and it’s not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. anex.
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titanic luxury collection bodroom hotel titanic dellux golf beleg, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax. at the spa, enjoy exquisite dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you know, i don’t like noisy companies and parties, and i want to warn you right away that i
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won’t allow this. you are seeing me for the first time in my life, and reproaching me for something i have never done. ay! any woman needs a woman’s happiness, take this as a fact, i’m a loner, i ’m happy with everything in my life, i’m essentially a loner, the only thing that matters to me now is my son, a great topic for dissertation, single father, you need a nanny, yes you do, but not you, if you... you don’t need anything, this doesn’t mean that you have everything, every woman dreams of getting married, imagine, there are exceptions if you don’t have anyone needed, this does not mean that no one needs you, but maybe something will work out, it seemed to me that we clarified everything, i still didn’t tell you everything about myself, i’m a loner, on
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sunday on rtr, we... gathered in the first group of about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this cereal nature, he says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed. without your help you would not survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is
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simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, you watch the news, we continue the release, this year they plan to complete the restoration of the interiors of the famous pokrovskoye streshnevo estate in the capital. decorative elements were badly damaged, and many were completely lost, so they are being recreated from scratch. experts rely on old photographs and archival materials. oksana maksimova saw how the restoration was going. it took three strong men to pull the plaster ceiling rose out of the silicone mold, a heavy linden decor, one of those massive decorations that are now being restored at the pokrovskoye streshnevo estate. we remove the silicone one.
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the patterns on them are not repeated, this is an inheritance of one for each room of the estate, and from princess evgenia shakhovskaya glebova streshneva, who turned the country estate into a small copy of the kremlin. thus, evgenia fedorovna shakhovskaya glebova streshneva emphasized her status, her relationship with the romanov family. everyone who got inside. the estates, and these were only selected persons, were struck by the deliberate absurd eclecticism, the appearance of the mansion combined the styles of different eras and architectural traditions. this is
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the main detail that, unfortunately, has not been preserved, the so-called john john tower. it seemed to evgenia feodorovna that this was not enough, she decided to add two more round towers. everyone else was walking along the massive brick wall. now, while restoration work is underway in the estate, local residents are waiting to be able to enter again. to the territory of the historical ensemble, together with the pokrovskaya church, together with the pokrovskaya park streshnevo, all local residents spend weekends here, come with children, walk, relax. restoration in pokrovsky streshnev began 2 years ago, during which time the facade and terrace were restored, now a new stage is returning the lost interiors. most of the elements of the lime capitals were lost due to rotting and water leaks. an example of what has happened here in the white hall is this. the central part of the mansion, on the ceiling we have the most decorative part, all the ceiling stucco has now been completely restored
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and is ready to be painted for gilding, the blue hall caused the least problems for the restorers, here the linden decor was miraculously preserved by 90%, so in order to paint the walls they had to delve deeper into the archives. the painting on the walls of this hall was completely lost, there was also little information in the archives, so... soon parquet will be laid in the hall, the decor of the marble fireplace will be restored, the stage of restoring the interiors of the estate is planned to be fully completed by the end of this year. oksana maksimova, yaroslav aulov, denis brazhnikov, iad adamov, news. registration for the new season of the open mosprom project has begun today. the organizers plan to conduct more than 130 courses and 65 master classes. muscovites can visit 25 enterprises. for example, the il plant will tell you how airplanes undergo strength tests. you can
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get acquainted with the history of the legendary khrunichev center and watch a film about space satellite launches. and at the former red october factory, guests will learn the secrets of making the famous chocolate. all events will take place from april 15 to 26. in new release and our program. two families and two love stories of russian fighters, their spouses have gone through a lot and have proven from their own experience that nothing can interfere with real happiness, what do real men think about in moments of tragedy, what do their beloved women feel at this moment and how their support gives them wings, inspires helps men? look today at 15 o'clock, and by this time we have everything, denis polunchukov was with you, see you.


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