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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 6, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, go today, but the child, i don’t care what happens to him today, well, you can’t be with a sick child on the street, let’s go to me, live as you want, but we won’t be long, she’ll take the kiruga away. “this is not our child, but he could be ours, life does not give information, the premiere is today on rtr, this is news, we continue to publish: 12 houses, three cars were damaged, in a children's clinic, windows were broken, all this is the result of the morning terrorist attack by the armed forces of ukraine on belgorod, according to according to preliminary data, no one..." one of
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the ukrainian missiles stuck into the roof of a high-rise building on the outskirts of belgorod, concrete floors were broken, the heating system was damaged, the upper floors were flooded with boiling water, but none of the inhabitants of these apartments were injured. a fire in the private sector fell on this house fragments of another shell. the owner was inside, but survived. the rescuers did not allow the fire to spread to the neighboring ones. as soon as the first roof caught fire, he jumped out, managed to drive the car out, opened the gate so that the firefighters, everything that was extinguished, everything, this good morning, belgorod, the attack on belgorod in the ssu was carried out around 6 am, 10 missiles were fired from the vampire multiple launch rocket system, most of them were intercepted on approach to the city, but there were consequences on the ground, seven mkds according to preliminary data got. damage
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primarily to windows, one house fire in the village, one administrative publication , we will now conduct a hike. a shell crater at a children's clinic seriously damaged the façade, glass was broken, fragments scattered around the playground, slides and swings are broken through. emergency services are also working next to the grocery store, the cars parked in front of them are no longer on the move. claps. then one sharp bang with all the way to the house, the windshield, radiator, side glass, fender, hood, the engine is there, a fragment entered. the police and the russian national guard stand in a cordon around the perimeter of the danger zone, broken bricks, glass fragments, and fragments of ammunition are scattered around the area, another shot down shell detonated on the roof of the pool. one of the ukrainian ammunition detonated on roadway on the outskirts of belgorod, fragments of it still stick out from the asphalt surface, now traffic is moving along this... the streets are blocked, soon
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explosive technicians will arrive here and begin their work. the exact damage caused to the city infrastructure and the property of belgorod residents has not yet been calculated; the municipal services of the regional center have already begun to eliminate the consequences of the rocket attack. alexandrov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum, conduct the belgorod region. mexico breaks off diplomatic relations with ecuador and recalls its members from the country diplomats. that night, police special forces burst into the mexican embassy in quiit and detained the former vice-president of ecuador, who had received political asylum in mexico. several mexican diplomats were wounded during the operation. the arrested politician is accused of corruption. ecuadorian authorities called the assault on the embassy a defense of sovereignty. in turn , mexico announced a gross violation of the vienna convention with the intention to appeal to an international court. a new earthquake
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was recorded near new york, the earthquake, according to preliminary data, did not cause serious damage, and president biden went to inspect the consequences of a non-natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, a collapsed bridge in baltimore. the owners of the white house waited there for 10 days. report by valentin bogdanov. there were zero casualties, no destruction, but the level of panic was maximum. residents received an emergency notification that everyone in new york had to stay indoors after the earthquake hit just 40 minutes after the statue of liberty and the entire the largest metropolis in the united states was shaken with a force of 4.7. scared dogs.
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a gyrist, a reporter rushing around in the frame, one more, we have one more, then there are those who did not succumb to fear, like this hairdresser. the television studios were shaking, it looks like we're alive, we're alive, we're in new york, where a 4.8 magnitude earthquake just hit, did you all feel it? even in the security council, won was more restless than usual. meanwhile, the hysteria was gaining momentum.
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conservatives want biden to cancel paused export projects lng, the largest terminal in the state of louisiana, the home state of speaker mike johnson, who is not averse to exchanging it for military aid to ukraine, still put the package to a vote.
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resignation, and what’s on her tongue is on donald trump’s mind, the final word in the fate of speaker johnson may be his, and he talks about biden all the time anyway. the whole world is exploding because of this idiot president, he's an idiot, he's the stupidest president we've ever had, he's the most corrupt, the most incompetent, he's the worst president you can have. introduce. as for the best president, republicans have no problem with that. trump , in the eyes of many of them, has already grown up, or even outgrown, reagan. the response from the democrats
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came with lightning speed. they are now also seeking to perpetuate the name of trump. true, in the name of the federal penitentiary in miami, whose supporters are behind bars. bosnia and herzegovina. after a meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orban, milorad dozik accused washington of putting pressure on him to destabilize the situation in the balkans. in his opinion, the situation is moving to the point where only the peaceful disintegration of bosnia and herzegovina could bring it. foreigners, as soon as the opportunity arises to reach an agreement between the bosnians,
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serbs and croats, international centers, we cannot accept such an attitude , such as the us administration, they disrupt it literally in 24 hours, all participants in the negotiations face new problems. delegation. on the second anniversary of the death of vladimir zhirinovsky, the ldr honored the memory of the party founder. his comrades came to the politician’s grave at the novodivichi cemetery. he emphasized that the ldpr continues. today the party is more united than ever, and
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no attempts to introduce artificial dividing lines into the party space end in success. the west has declared a war of complete destruction on the russian world, gennady zyuganov announced this today as part of his speech at the all-russian party meeting. it took place via video conference. the head of the communist party of the russian federation added that nazism. on the instructions of the presidium of the state of patriotic forces, 2 days ago
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, speaking at the government report, he officially stated: i call on everyone to ensure victory, because without victory over these forces we cannot have a future. this weekend in havana, cuba , the russian film festival ends and an exhibition about the new russia, organized by the public chamber, opened. about why cuba should be considered the birthplace of cheburashka, sergey. cheburashka, he was hiding between the oranges, right? the story was written in 66. that year, oranges came to the soviet union from only three countries: israel, morocco and cuba. so maybe cheburashka really is cuban. this is where to...
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there is no morocco, which means that the cheburashka is definitely cuban, and here in cuba they know the cheburashka, they remember it, then in havana we will have such a serious institution as the national directorate of the committee for the defense of the cuban revolution, which was agreed upon here with the delegation of the public chamber of russia, headed by our colleague nikita maniseev a little later. with spanish subtitles there is a soviet cartoon, and now this is the largest cinema in govan, yara, where on the facade they put the inscription festival of russian cinema, new, organized by roskino.
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it was brought by director herman the younger himself. plus , here in govan, the state film fund entered into an agreement with the cuban film institute, as mentioned at the beginning of this report.
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once a year, by the way, in the new film cheburashka speaks spanish, he knows spanish, yes, the translation is over with you, but this is definitely not about the magic of relations between cuba and russia. sergey brilev, alexey kalach and evgeny makarov, with the assistance of cheburashka.
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news from havana. six-year-old danis fotkhulin from surgut needs help. danis has already undergone a complex operation, now parents need to immediately pay for a year of rehabilitation, costing more than a million rubles. svetlana krukovskaya found out how you can help. at first i cried a lot, was capricious, tried to take it off, well, you could see that it was itching, it didn’t matter. stickers on plaster casts to distract danis' attention from unpleasant sensations and cheer him up. and it seems that this parental trick worked. it became more fun for him and for us to look at him somehow. six-year-old danis fatkhulin from surgut underwent a complex operation at the elizarov clinic, tendon-muscular plastic surgery with both sides. without surgery , the chances of learning to walk were minimal. he is a special child with a rare
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genetic disease fuxc g1, fox syndrome. officially, there are only five such children in russia. gene mutations danis has breathing problems, developmental delay and motor disorders, problems began with his right leg, it did not allow him to walk fully, he was spastic, very tense, this problem was corrected at elizarov’s clinic, after discharge danis returned home with his mother, i now need to stay in casts for another three weeks, and then the doctors recommend starting rehabilitation, the sooner the better it will be...
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forced to turn to those to whom i am sure that, like us, these eyes will sink into our souls, you and i can help danis, for this we need to send sms with the word danis to number 3443, indicate the donation amount separated by a space, it is important to confirm the transfer. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latypov, news, surgut, chelyabinsk, voronezh. about the main events of the last seven days. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch sunday in 20:00 this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov , see on sunday new arrests , details of the preparation of a barbaric terrorist attack in crocus: the first confessions of interviewed terrorists about the customers, the curators
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of the escape plans, so who in ukraine is behind the organization of mass terror? a crushing retaliatory strike across the entire territory of ukraine from the air. we are methodically destroying the enemy's military infrastructure. what on earth? the child is nearby. military correspondent sladkov visited the stormtroopers of the alexander nevsky brigade. and there have always been many residents here. they hid from shelling in the basement of the theater. and elena erofeeva saw how they came to their senses.
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kochebnikov's brazier, on which the teapots now stand, is made from the hatch of a soviet armored personnel carrier, and also why one should look for real alabais here. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay with us. food prices are getting more expensive all the time, but we still allow food go to waste, how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you
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save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? introducing bret smart from taperware. a simple, convenient way to store your baked goods. fresh, soft and ready to be served. innovative membrane cap condens control by bret smart with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer. so, instead of spoiling and molding, your bread stays soft, fresh, and delicious until you're ready to eat it. bread smart is enough. large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular package, and this one was in the bread smart system.
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the difference is obvious, just think for a moment how much money you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and pastries, 100 euros, 200 or much more. today, the sensational vred smart system can be yours from as little as thirty. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is like throwing money in the trash. brad smart will keep your baked goods deliciously fresh, save you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us directly now. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only nine. we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century. with it, you will not only update and decorate your usual interior in a matter of minutes, but you will forget about complex care and expensive cleaning.
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the classic design brings a warm touch of nostalgia to any space, while the lint-free material reduces maintenance time. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from - blue and red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale, magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer. call now.
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hello, hello, hello, humor, humor, humor declares a categorical stop to bad mood. the english writer william thackeray often discussed humor: humor comments on the seemingly most mundane and ordinary actions and even feelings of people. he takes on the responsibilities of somewhat of a weekday preacher. well, i will allow myself to add the following to this thought: a great humorist is one who, with his bright humor, witty irony and sarcastic satire,
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and at the same time, it rarely happens that the artist awakens in the viewer a huge feeling of tender , long-term gratitude. few people succeed in this, but every artist strives for such... attention with his audience. even before recent times, almost a quarter of a century, the entire western west believed that russia was on its knees, but it turned out that it simply laced up its bertsy boots, like this. when these sanctions started, i...


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